How pcoplc ftnd thlngs out ls thc subJect of thts
lssuc's Focus,
true sense ts thrMngl among our readers. As the storles demonstrate, gotng to the tnouble of ffndtng somethlng out
INSIDE TIIIS ISSIIE: News & Reportr p.2-5 GWS trx Spaln, Numbers
Malne, Shanker Opposes Standardlzed Tests, Chlldhood Depresslon,
Dropouts and Drlver's Llcenses
Ilomeschoolers ln Flctlon p. 5 A Chlld Teaches Eerself p. 5 Challenges & Concerns p. 6-7 Not Unstmctured After All, targe Farntly, Vlsual${mpalred Child, A New $ray to Answer Questlons
Watchtng Chlldren Iearn p.8-lo Museum Volunteer. Immerslon tn Baseball, Reslsted Readlng InstrucUon, Sailtng Dcpedltlon, Overcomlng Fear of Math
Book Revlews p. FOCUS:
Gettlng Inforrnatlon
and ftgUrlng Thfngs Out p. r5-r8
Eelplng Chlldren Feel Effcctlve: Intervlew wlth Nlson Stalllbrass p. l9-2o
Apprentlcehlps end Othcr Opportunttles: Talk Wlth Cornellus Bull p.2o-21 Resources & p.2l-22 Older Eomeschoolets p. 22 1990 Dlrectory p. 25-38
Llfelong leamtng sounds good. It sounds llke somethlng anyone would want. The trouble ts, these days lt ls used, more oft.en than not, as a slogan to advance the cause of llfelong 55:hmltg. 'Contlnutng EclucaUon- and'Adult Educatlon' are about urays to spend more tlme tn school, not necessart\r (althouEh for some they may be also) about remalnlng curlous and tnterested tn learnlrag new thlngs throughout adult llfe. When we say grou'tngs'tthout schooling, on the other hand, u/e mean learntng, thlnldng: nndfng thfngs out, masterlng new sldlls, without necessarf$ gofng to school, and we don't thlnk of ttrts as somethln$ that has to stop-at a parucqlar age. curloslty, resourcefulness, and tnterest don't and shouldn't belong only to chlldren. For thls lssue of GWS, we asked several GWS readers to tell us how they went about flndlng out somethlng! that the.y vranted to know. we were partlcularly lnterested ln storles of flndtng out or learntng somethlng that was not rlght at hand. somethtng that the wrtter had to work a blt to uncover or under-stand. Judgtng from the storles we recelved, Melong leamtng ln the has advantages beyond the tmmedtate one of gettlng the answer. It makes us feel tJ:at we can nnh or flgure thtngs out, that we are capable and resourceful. We learn that questlons are not shamefrrl, and that they uork, they help us get somethlng that we want. Sharl Bromfleld, who ls, as lt happens, the only young person who contributed to thls lssue's Focus, wrttes about her e.:cperlLnce with seeklng out tnformatlon: 'I learned that there are plenty of resouroes beyond Uoot<s and my parents.' It seems to me ttrat thls is precisely whatwe wantyoung people to knon' about the world - that there are mzrny tools for flndtng ttrlngs out, and that they are capable of ustn$ them. Too many of us are shy about askfng questlons, about uslng the resouroes that are avallable. I(athertne McAlptne wrltes, 'There \ilas a time, not tm long ago, when I was so shy about asklng strangers for asslstance that I d send [my sonl Nathanlel... Thanks to hts orample, and the demands of homeschooltng, IVe become conslderably more assertlve.' I suspect ttrat many adults have found that chtldren help them ask questlons they mtght not otherwlse have asked. I know that I'm more llke$ to ask questlons about somethtng I see gotng on lf I have a chtld wlth me who wants to know. I think more about helplng the chtld than about my own embarrassment, and then I IInd that the embarassment has vantshed. Ftnding ansqrers to our questlons also shapes our vlew of the world as a place where tnformatlon and help are avallable and accesslble. Our societlr makes lts lnner worktngs and lts knowledge less accesslble and less visible than they ought to be. Often the hardest task ls not asklng a question but flndlng out whom to ask lt of. And yet desplte thls, the storles tn this lssue remtnd us that flndtng ErnswetB to our questlons ls not always as diftcult as we mtght have ercpected. over and over agatn the wrlters remark on the helpfulness of others, on thelr wllltngness to search out the answers to someone else's questions. Tttls ls encouragflng. We need a soclety that ls helpful and open tn this respect. Stephanle Judy, wrtttng about her father who took up ss'lmmlng ns an adult, remlnds us how much children beneflt from seelng adults who dldn't stop learntng (or seetng themselves as able to learn) when they left school. Of course, modeling lnterest and resourcefulness for chlldren shouldn't be the on\r râ&#x201A;Źason that we confinue to learn new ttrlngs throughout our adult llves - as we often say here, one should do thlngs because they are fun or lnterestlng or valuable, not because they mfght be good for chlldren. But tnterested and curlous ctrildren, who are enjoylng learntng about the world, need to know that thls wtll not, or need not, stop abruptly when they become adults. Susannah Sheffer
OFFICE NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS ISS:I We are sorry to say goodbye to Barr, who has been our very capa.ble
Ann shlpper/recetver and then ofllce manager durlng the past year. Ann has left our ofllce staJf but wlll remaln on our board, We welcome Phoebe Wells, who has been
an acflrrc nolunteer and has now taken on theJob of opentng and processtng the mall. Day Farenga ts wtth us agatn (after a two-month matemlgr leave) handltng GWS subscrtpdons and general olfice management. Merloyd Lawrence tells us that after the flrst pdntfng of lO,@O copies of John Holt's book lzan*rg AA The ?Inre, the publtshers have gone back for another 25OO, wtrlch ts good news. We expect to have flyers about the book soon, so lfyou thlnk you are able to leave them ln a good locatlon, ask us to send you a few.
ts publtshlng
three books, ln conjunctlon wlth John Mutr Pub[shers, on the toplcs of homeschogltng, fatherhood, and teenagers, Pat Farenga has wrttten two chapters for the homeschoollng book, and I wlll write one for the teenagers book, drawlng tn part on the materlal that was publtshed fn GWS #68. The books should be out next May, July, and September, respecHvely. The sprlng season (whtch ts not too far away, desptte how cold some of you ln temperate cllmates may be feeling rtght now) ls the season of homeschooltng conferences. We get many tnvltatlons to dtsplay and someflmes s€ll our matedals at these events. It would be nlce if we could have a list of people ln varlous states who are wllling to do thts for us when we cannot get to the errent ourselves (whtch ts most of the time). So, lf you're tnterested ln helptng out ln thls way, let us know. Our postal forurardtng order wlll explre at t}te end of 1989, and as of November we are sttll getttng mall addressed to 729 Boylston Streel We very much appreclate anythingyou can do to help us wtth tlrts: tell any homeschooltng groups who are sttll ltsdng or ustng our old address, check ltbrarles to see if our address ls correct tn John Holt's books and referenc.e books (and lfnot, please do correct lt or gfve us the lnformation so that we can correct lt), check any other sources of lnformation ln your area that may have our old address, Thanks very much; thls will make a btg dlfference to us. In thls lssue we have an lnteMew wlth Comellus Bull, who arranges
apprendceshlps, lntemshlps, and other ldnds ofrvork and travel experlences for young people. I'm exclted, as I expect many of you will be, to learn that he ts willtng to conslder helptng young te€nagers as well as the older ones he ls used to working wlth. I know that homeschoolers are becomlng tncreastngly Interested ln apprendceshlps, so I hope that some of
you wtll look lnto Comellus Bull's Center for Interlm Programs. Of course, we contlnue to be interested in heartng about apprenttc-eshtps that you arrange yourselves. Here's one good example that Llsa Hopliitns descrlbed in the November lssue of the Alaska Home-
school Assoclaflon's newsletter: 'Mv I I year old daughter, Sthaya, had orpissed a deslre to pursue drawtng, danclng, and crafts. All ofthese you can learn from a book, as we have, to sorne extent, but urc are both htrfgued wtth the apprenttcesl'rlp tdea. I had learned much ln apprenficeshlp sttuaflons and S, has longed for an artlst to work wlth.,. Recently another homeschoollng mom found an arUst prepartng an art supply store and shrdlo tn downtown Palmer. She spoke wtth hfm and found he was looldng for students to apprendce under hlm, givlng them eome
studlo space tn trte stor€. She thought ofS. and got hls name and number. We have since met htm and for S. to be
part of thls apprenflcestdp.'
And, as long as nrc're tallidng about apprendcestrlps, let me say for those of you who may have begun subscrtblng since I last mentloned tlrts (GWS #67) that my apprentlceshlp-by-rnall arrangement for
young wrlters te sdll open, I cpnflnue to be happy to read and comment on the work of young wrlters (so far, the age range has been8-15).
NEWS & REPORTS GWS IN SPAIN Elsa Haas, who worked ln our olflce a couple of years ogo and ls now [vlng ln Spaln, has publtshed a Spantsh edlUon of GWS, She has translated storles from rrarlous lssues of GWS and complled them tn an lssue that wtll lntroduce Spantsh speakers to homeschooltng and John Holt's work. We are exclted about havlng thls available for Spanish speakers ln this countr5r, and are ln the process of ftgurlng out how best to do this, In the meantlme, lt would be helpful to us lf r€aders would let us know tf they would be ltkely to order coples, so we can get a s€nse of how much interest is out there. We can lmaglne readers leavtng copies of thls lssue ln approprlate locaflons in Spantshspealdng communltles, or glvlng them to friends, or, for that matter, using them ag an lnteresdng way to become acqualnted wtth Spantsh. Elsa writes about the lnterest ln the magazlne in Madrtd thus far: I've sold I I coples to frlends and, and l8l at Blocultura, a ftve-day falr here tn Madrid wtth the
theme of 'altemadves and quality of Me.' A frtend advtsed me to set up my own unolllclal little stand, so I made a cardboarrd slgn and took along a bench, half of whlch was for me to slt on and half of whlch was for the box of magazlnes, I was surprlsed at how many sold, gfven the slze of my stand. I got most of the buyers to glve me thelr addresses, too, and a lot ofthem stopped to talk. Some werc parents, and many were fed-up teachers. TWo women told me about thelr several-year stmggle to legallze what I
would call an alternative school for their own liids and others near Barcelona (a total often kids, the oldest I l. from seven families). Their tnability to legalize the school has to do with regulations that spectry a mlnimum square-meterage for each classroom, certain speclal rooms like a sclence lab, anl thaf each grade have lts own classroom (thts, of course,
would be overkill ln a school made up of ten klds of dillerent ages). One wornan says that the reguladons are recent and part ofa crackdown on certaln prlvate schools that were cramrdng eighty Hds into each small room. The families went before aJudge, who conllrmed that the klds would be sent to a "youth center' lf they weren't enrolled ln a legal school. The parents cumplied, but after hearing my descrtption of the legal situation ln other countries, one of the
wornen sald she's gotng to get a meetlng together to talk about the posstbtltty of puttlng up some kfnd of a llght I thtnk some of these regulafions could be fought on the grounds that they unduly r€strtct the rtght of parents to choose a'rellgtous and moral lnstructlon whtch ts tn acrordance wtth thetr own cunvlcflons' and the 'freedom of persons and legal entlfies to create educaHonal centerc, wtthin the bounds of respect for Consdtudonal prlnclples.' These two quotes are from the 1978 Constltutlon, whlch also says, 'Baslc lnstmcflon ls compulsory and free of charge.'The word ls ensernnzn (instnrctlon), not escolcn-
zacton (schoolin$, The tmportant thfng, of course, ls how the law ls tnterpreted. Ayear ago, when I went to the library of the Mtntstry of Justlce and asked for records ofcourt cases havlng to do wtth supposd truancy, the ltbrartans couldn't llnd any (they
dldn't seem to be especlally capable of uslng the llling system, though). Thls may mean that the famllles glve up before
go|r€ to c.ourt, or that the supposed laws aren't belng enforced, or both. After my article mentlonlng homeschooling came out ln 4 Pa[s. the datly newspaper here, a famlly from the north of Spain contacted me saying they have two unschooled ldds (then 6 and Z and thatbecause 'lt's obrdous the glrls are learnlng,' they haven't had any legal problems, wen though the teacher ln thelr small rrral tovrn doesn't approve. I am gotng to send them the magazlrre and ask them to write somethlng for the next lssue. Everyone knows that there are a lot of kids ln Spaln who don't go to school, but most up untll now have seemed to think that they c.ome only from grysy famlltes or other low-lncome groups and have parents who e"rploit their labor or who are Just platn lrresponslble. Blocultura was the flrst place IVe found laqge numbers of people who understand almost lmmedlately that unschoollng can be a responslble cholce,
FRENCH SCHOOL USES COMMUNITY JUIIe St{ler wdtes Jrom F}ance: Both ofourboys (Matthieu, 3
Pascal, 6) have chosen to tqr school here in France. They seem to be enjoylng tt and
I've nodced some lnteresdng things about the school. It does not (like most French schools) have the resourc€s the average
3 American school takes for granted. It lacks athletic factlifles and equipment, has no school library, has no art teacher, and music education ts limited. I lent the preschool puzzles and rtdtng toys. I have come to see thls lack of thtngs as an advantage, because ln order to function as they would like to, the school requlres the help of parents and the communlt5l. For lnstance, lt ls volunteer
Progress exEuns, congressionally mandated tests taken pertodlcally by thou-
a two-sesslon art class soon. Outdoor physical educadon is given on the girounds
be tested at ffve-year lntervals lnstead of
mothers who glve art classes. I'll be givtng
of the local castle, weather permittlng. The local library is the school ltbrary. Artisans and others in the communltv who have special skills are encourage; to donate theA skills to the school - foi krstance, someone ls givtng saxophone lessons, someone else will teach pingpong. So actually, this school that on the surface appear to lack so nrany things is
really very rich, not only tn physical
resources but ln human resouroes.
The Mabre Honeschol Assocfaticn
sent us the fdloutng press relaase..
The Maine Homeschool Association released the latest ffggres showtng the
phenomenal growth of homeschool programs in the State of Maine. The number of homeschool programs olllclally recognlzed by the Dept, of Educatlon lnOctober last year was 48O, but thds year that number stands at 894, as of October4, 1989. As you can see from the chart below this represents a strlktng growth rate over the past several years: l98l-1982: 3 homeschool programs
'83-'84:23 '84-'85: 133
'85:86:217 '86:87:241 '87-'88:415
'89-'9O: 894 (as of
The press release also rrentrbns tlrat tlvre are 35 srpport grcups arcund. tle state. b ang oJ gou tt otler states hann
srrchfrguresJor us to pu*icize?
SHANKER OPPOSES STAN. DARDIZED TESTS FlomThe Boston GLobe, 1O/29/89: Teachers' unlon leader Albert Shanker called yesterday for an immediate end to multiple-choice standardlzed achlevement tests, sa5ring the results are misleading and may even be htnderlng school reform. Shanker, president of the American Federadon ofTeachers, made the radical suggesflon after a speech at the Educa-
donal Testing Service's SOth Invitattonal Conference. He said many schml districts are apparently shirng away from reform ideas for fear they might drag down standardlzed test scores. ...He suggested that schools demand, and publishers produce, new tests that measure ability to perform high-level intellectual rasks such as wridng sensible
essays or computing multi-step math
Such tests, he said, might resemble
the National Assessment of Educational sands of9-, l3-, and l7-year-olds that measune ability to read, wrlte, and compute at dllferent lerrels of sophlsticaflon. He sald chtldren are betng tested far too frequently, and he suggested that they
Shanker stressed that he is not "anfltest." He cautioned agatnst siding wlth antitest groups because the public would conclude that school officials were trying to escape accountability. He cited a recent study by Dr. JohnJ. Cannell showing that 48 states and 8O percent of local districts report misleadingly'above average' standardized test scores. Tests clted by Cannell as being misleadtng include the Caltfornia Achlerrement Test, the Stanford Achievement Test, the Metropolitan Achlevement Test, the Sclence ResearchAssociates Test. the Comprehenslve Test of Basic Skills, and the Iowa Test of Basic Skills...
Jolloubg letter to Science News response to an depressiort:
artbb abut childhd.
tion. That so nurny chlldren are "growing up sad- ls too tragic for us to leave any leaf unturned.
Elizabth adds br aletter to us: I've gotten nine phone calls so far (and there was no phone number listed with my letter, so they are going to the trouble of tracking me down). They've been from all over the countqr. Every time avolce on the phone says, 'l read your letter in *ierre Neurs" I expect an irate educator or researcher, but everv time it has been a concemed parent who has never even heard of homeschooling before, but wants to learn more about it. IVe been sending them samples of GWS and the Book and Music Store catalog. It's 9:OO pm here in California, and a woman from New York just called. She'd been up late worrying about her lirst grade daughter,
LET DROPOUTS HAVE DRIVERIS LICENSES Vita Wallace (NV wrcte tle Jdlotoing letter to thâ&#x201A;Ź NEA Today neursletter aJter readtV a defute btueen htto wrxers regardtg tle legistation that has fuen passed ln Florido" West Vi,rginia. Texas, arrd Wisconsin prohibitittg high schm| dropouts Jrom getting drbnr's licenses. We lvpe others oJ you who oppose these lcurs l.loin
Letters as uselL
average of seven to nine months.' This sugâ&#x201A;Źlests there might be a correlation
I was tnfuriated to hear about the new law ln Florida which punlshes high school dropouts by not allowing them driver's liccnses. I now know that West Virginta, Texas, and Wisconsin have enacted similar laws, and that a national
between childhood depression and compulsory school attendance. As director of a statewide organization assisilng homeschoolers, I am contacted by dozens ofparents every year who tell the same story. Sometlme after their children started gpade school, these parents noticed that the children began to
Representadves. Thds is one ofthe most unfair laws I have seen, and I don't think that either Bill Russell or Brrce Fessenden who wrote about this in vour last issue were to the point. I believe that the iaw is unconstifutional because, unlike Bill Russell, I belleve that drivlng is a right,
It is interesting that 'clinical depres-
slon is pret$r rare before about age 7- and that "a bout ofmajor depression lasts an
'lose their spark.' Many tell of children who were Just not dwelopmentally ready for the academics and who seemed to be
living under a constant threat of failure and fear of public humiliadon. Others tell of children who were bored and miserable having to sit passively in wooden desks all day, memorizing information with little relevance to their daily lives. They all tell of children who felt helpless and unhappy but were unable to change things. The children were too small and too vulnerable to stand up to the teachers, the class
bullies, their parents and the laws that forced them to go to school day after day. The result was depression, anxiet5r, social wlthdrawal, low self-esteem and school phobia. The parents always tell me that improvement was dramatic when they took their children out of school to educate them at home. Thev describe how thea children became cheerful. enthusiastic learners. But most of them say it takes a long time to heal completely, and that some scars remain, This is biased and anecdotal evidence. But it would be very interesting to see some controlled lnvestigatlons in this direc-
bill will be consldered in the House of
not a prtvilege.
Amendment 14, section I of our Constitudon says: 'No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privlleges or immunides of cidzens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law..." This "due process clause" has been interpreted as
meaning that the government cannot withhold someone's rights without good reason to believe that he or she cannot, or
will not, exercise them safely. While bad
eyesight and lnsuflicient knowledge of tralllc reguladons are good reasons to belierre that someone cannot safelv exercise the right to drive, his or her d-ecision not to ffnish high school is not. I don't GROWING WITIIOIIT SCHOOLING #72. YoL 12 No. 6. ISSN #O745-5305. Published bi-monthly by Holt Associates, 2269 Mmsachusetts Avenue, Cambridge MAO2t40.$20/yr. Date of Issue: December I, 1989. Second-class postage paid at Boston, MA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GWS, 2269 Magsachusetts Avenue, Cambridge MA O2l4O.
ADVERISERS: Deadlines are the l5th of oddnumbered months. Contact Patrick Farenqa for rates.
4 know of anyone who clalms that turo rrore years of tdgh school wlll make a safe drlver out ofan unsafe one. The Law penallzes people for rnaldng cholces whlch are dtsapprorrcd of by legtJlators, but whlch are not unhwful.if E:*makers urant to prevent students from dropptng out of school thry should rnake tt tllegal. I would not advlse them to take that step, hourever. Glven what many of our schols are llke, two nrore years of forced attendanc.e ls not golng to educate students enouglr to change the sltuatlon that so many ofthem IInd themselves in when they graduate. Bill Russell says that young people should demonstrate the maturtty to exerclse what privileEe to drtrrc respons he calls the privilege responslblv responslb\r before belng allovrcd to drftrc. Does he thtnk that rranagtng to ltve through thlrteen years of school shorrs rnatuntp School ts certatnly not qmonymous wtth mahrrt$r, responstblllty, or eyen educatlon. Was Abe Llncote not mature enoug;h
drtve? I have been legally taught at home, by
my parents, wtth the approbaflon of the school dtstrlct, for all of my ltG, and yet when I lfntsh htgh school I wtll hanre no way to get a dtploma- My par,ents can't glve me a dlploma, the school can't glve me a dtploma, and I can't erren take the trfgh school equlvalency test (GED) until I am 19, because there ls a law in New York State (meant to be an lncendve to stay tn school) that you can't take tt unttl you\re been out ofschool for three years, and you can't drop out untll you're 16. If I lived ln Flortda, West Vlrglnta, Texas, or Wscons|rr, I would hanre no uray to get a drlver's llcensel
I would recommend that legislators and teachers put thelr energ/ furlo maktng schools tnto places where people can learn skllls whtch they need, rathef than placcs where chlldren are lmprlsoned ln the hope that th€y wtll become iretter cltlzens.
STATE NEWS Addresses oJ state andlor;al organizatlons oppear fn this tssue, ??E Ust is uflated peddlcollg and. sdd. tluouglaut tv gear os patt oJ our Haneschahtrg Resource Lf-st, atoila.AeJor $2.5O.
Ilewrlft Homeschmler .Janet Kruse Black wrttes, 'Parents have been meetlng wtth tlre Superlntendent of Schools and other olllclals in the Department of
Educatlon to revlse, update, and ttnallze the admtntstnaHve rrles on compulsory attendance eroepflons. In September the Latest of these meetlngs was held and tlrere
uras a good splrlt of mutual cooperatlon. The DOE bastcally agreed to make all the changes that the homeschoollng parents asked for, whtch tncluded: retnstatement of a narratfue assessment as one opdon for the annual report of progress (the others ane standardtzed tests or 6raluatton fu a cerflIled teached: the posstbtltty of parents requesUng alternatlve means of evaluatlng prcgness tre the years when standardlzed tests are currently rcqulred (3, 6, 8, and lO); ellmlnaflon of a paragraph that requtred homeschmlers to spend at least four hours a day ln lnstnrctlon. The DOE agreed that thts ulas unenforeable and that learntng can be a
Mestyle, not Just formal tnstrucflon. 'The next step ln thls process ls for there to be publtc hearlngs on these proposd r€vlslons and then they wtll be stgned tnto law. Ttrls ls ogected to take place dthfn the next fe{r rnonths.'
Iowa: The Iowa Department of &lucation drew up a Ust of lssues relatlng to home schools, to wldch the,y then attached thelr own poslilon, according to tlre Septernber nerpsletter of the IOWA
HOME EDUCATOR,S ASSOCIATION. Homeschoolers met ln late August to declde on thelr posltlons on the same lssues. Issues lnclude mandatory cerfiflcatlon of homeschoollng parents, testtng, dellni$on of 'fallure to make adequate progr€ss,' whether speclal educatlon students can be homeschooled, avatLabtlt$l ofsupport servlceg to homeschoolers. The sltuatlon ln Iovra ls stlll up tn the atr; as we sald ln GWS #7O, the moratorlum on pnos€cudons of homeschoolers ended last Ju$ f , so the requlrement that parents be certtlled teachers ts back ln effecL The
CI,ONIARA HOME BA,SED EDUCATION PROGRAM sent us a copy of a letter that she wrote to Dr. John Goffof the Ohlo State Department of Eclucaflon concernlng the lmplementatlon of the new Rules for compulsory schoollng exemptlons passed last summer (see GWS #71). Pat's letter protests the fact that ln marry dlstrlcts superlntendents are refuslng to accept the notlflcaflon ttrat parents are rcqulred to provlde unless lt ls on the dlstrlcfs own forms, though the Rules do not requlre thts, Pat tells us that ln an attempt to resolve thts, the State Board of &lucatlon created lts own form whlch,
unforhrnate[, aslts for more lnformation than the new Rules requlrc. Pat says that sorne dlstrlcts harrc asked homeschoolers to use thls forrn, and she and other
homeschoolers are worldng to convtnce offlclals not to mandate anv one form.
CALENDAR January 5-7. l99O: KidsCon (conGrence for familfes wtth gtfted ctrildren), sponsored by the Nadonal Foundatlon for Glfted and Talented Ctrlldren, in Orlando,
Flortda. For lnformaUon: l-8oo4lfted-1. February 19: Dr. Ra5rmond and Dorotlry Moore, "Famlly and School Semtnar," 9-5 at the Grace Covenant Church, 95OO Research Blvd, Austtnfi 7 87 59; 5I2-345-Z A&. For tnformation: 5 l2-834-0062 or 5 l2-44O- lO6O. April 28: Northern Califomfa Homeschool Assoclaflon conferencc at Sacramento Ctty College. lnformadon: SASE to NCFIA, 2214 Grant St, Berkeley
We are happy to prlnt notices of maJor homeschoollng and related eventa, but we need plenty of notlcc. Deadline for GWS
#73 (events fn IVIarch or later) ls January loth. Deadltne for GWS #74 (events ln May or later) ls March lOth.
newly-formed state organtzatlon, the
CIATION, tells us that homeschooler Jeffery Sanford attended a State Board of Educatlon meetlng ln September at whlch mlnlmum standards and testlng requlrements for non-public educaflon were dlscussed. At that meettng the Board voted unantmous! to rcquest that tlre legislatule grant them the authorlt5r to turstitute
Home Based Education Prograrn Create yortr ()rvn trorrre sr:lro<lt (-ur ricrrlurrr witlr tlre lrelp o[ Clorrlara Sclrool t lonrt, lJascd .ril llducation l)ro1;rarrr. tlre well-traliurr.c<l tJ lrorrre school l)rogratn o[[erirrg flexible or stalrdard al)l)r()aclt.
Prl Monlgomcry. Ph.D. (313) 769-{515
Kathleen Dillon of the radlo staflon KMUD tn Callfornta wrltes that she ls looktng for muslc performed by homeschoolers to play on her program, 'Teachtng Our Own." She says, "It would be
delightful and enllghtenfng to share thls wlth the audlenc€. Any style of muslc ls Ilne. I can only use pleces about ffve mlnutes or shorter. I ryould play ths music to introduce the program, at the mtd-rvay break, and at the end. And, of course, I would announce the music and the performer on the alr. Anyone lnterested ln thts should contact me at KMUD, PO Box 978, Reduray CA 9556O."
Our graduates receive our private sclrool cliplorna arrd full transcripts. 1289 Jewett
ln non-publlc schools.
Ohlo: Pat Montgomery of the
CIATION sult on behalf of ffirc famtlies ts sttll pendtng. Kcntuc\r: e mailtng from the
Ann fubor. Mlchlgan 48l0rl
We apologlze for an error that inadvertently sllpped tnto Leila Berg's letter ln cWS #7O, "Conffrming Chlldren's Experiences." Letla wrttes, "In case readers were bewildered, the child in the English school who had been to see the show Ann&g asked me solicltously tf I lived in 'a 'ome' because he knew I qras an'orpher' (author) and he knew orphers lived in'omes and were cruelly treated."
VIta Wdllace (NY) wtibs: I was lnterested to read 'Hndfng Homeschoolers tn F'lcdon' (GWS #7f). I agr€e with Wendy Martyna and Susannah that those of us who want to read llctlon about homeschoolere wtll harc to make do wlth books tn whtch school ls not lmportant unfll there begln to be books about homeschoolers. I thlnk, though, that a great deal ofthe pleasure we get from readtng flcflon comes from readfng about people who are not llke us, from getttng to know people who are very dllferent from ourselves. I enJoy readtng about adults, about people who llved tn England tn the Middle Ages, people who grenr up ln Afrtca, or Georgia durtng the Clrrll War, and even about chlldren who go to school, to IInd out what thelr lfues llrel€, or mtght have been, llke. I can't thlnk of marry rea[y good books tn which the liids actually do go to school. Most books about ctrlldren seem to take place durtng surnmer vacailon, p€rhaps because so nrany chlldren who go to school would prefer to escape from lttn thet readlng. I used to ltke readlng books such as BIsJorktsg, though, prectsely because Betsy went to schml, I have n&er been ln a schml durtng school hours, and I've always been a llttle curlous about what tt ts ltke. Readtng about school has helped me to be sure that I don't want to go to school, and has also provtded rne wlth a certaln amount of amusement. There are a feur books about homeschooled ctrlldren. One book I vrould like to recommend, although I'm not sure lt's sflll fn print ts Aunt{e Robbo by Ann Scott-Moncrlelf. lt's about a boy named Hectorand trts great-grand aunt. They llve tn Scotland and Hector, who ls ll, hai nerrer been to school, Hls long-forgotten stepmother comes to vlslt one daylntendlng to send hlrn to school and putAunfle Robbo tn an lnsdtudon. Therels a wonderful passage when Hector explains hts 'lessons' to trls stepmother, Miss Benck: 'Somedmes rpe do sums. We keep acrcount books, and hlstory - lots of htstory; and then we rlde over the battleftelds and Ao look at the castles where the murders-were done.... Scotflsh htstory has a great many murder..s, you know.'They have all ldnds of adventures and wentually end up on a remote lsland where Mlss Ebnck can't get at either of them. If I remember correct\r, there ls a book by E. Nesbtt ln wtrtch the children's parents are too poor to send them to what ln En$and ts called public school, so they aren't golng to school at all. Also, tn the wonderful Green Knourc serles by L.M. Boston, which I'm sur,e Wendy Martyna's famtly would llke slnce they lfked the Narnta books, school does not really come lnto the story, All of ttrts seenrs a little lrrelevant to me, though, because tf tlrese nrcren't wonderful books for other reasons, the fact that the Hds ln them don't go to school wouldn't make them woithwhile to read. I thfnk we shouldn't unrry about
flnding books about homeschoolers. Instead, w€ should try to nnd well-wrltten books about chlldren and adults dotng
Interestlng thtngs.
TWO RECOMMENDATIONS Flum Vonessa Kelth oJ Venont One book that comes to mtnd that I loned as a ctdld ls The Adtentures oJDator Doolttfle, ln which the doctor metets a
boy whose farntly is too poor to send htm to school. The doctor agrees to teach trtm readtng, wrlflng, and artthrneflc, tn exchange for the boy's umrldng wtth hfm.
bllfrE books have sorne maJor shortcomtngs, I adrntt, but I thlnk
The Docbr
tfs all rtght to read and recommend books you don't totally agree wtth lf aftenrards you e:rplaln that thts ls a good boolq buL...
A good non-futbrt book that a frlend
sent me rec€ntly ls The Dag I Beccune cur Autdtdact (self-taught person), by Kendall Hailey [SS: Several readers have sent us press cltpplngs about thls book Kendall Hatley got a lot of publrctty after tt came out.l Ttre authordecldes at l5 to start teachtng herself. After a couple ofyears of trylng to do lt whlle gotng to school she dectdes to graduate ear\r so that she can teach herself frrll-dme. She ls extremely enthuslasdc slnce lt ts completely her own ldea- I have lent the book to my cousin who ls strugglhg wtth high school and wtth college appllcadons. I love to read the letters about or by older homeschoolers tn GWS because there aren't lrrany of us out there. I am 20 and rvas totally taught at home and by frlends and netghbors. Of my frlends, the ones rrSl age who were rnostly homeschooled are the most responslble, mature, nlc€ young people I know
A CHILD TEACHES HERSELF Ftotn Stephatne Judg (BC):
I'm an extremely gmd t1ryist. For
nnny years, as an adult, I balled myself out of one llnanclal crlsls after another with my typing sH[. When all else fatled, I could always get typtrg urork because I
was so fast. I ftnally became a freelance dtcta-t5ptst, worHng for serreral dllferent authors who were dtctatlng bmks, I got the Jobs by word of mouth, partly because of my speed and accuracy and part$ because I had strong edtdng sldlls, collected when I worked on htgh school and unlnerslt5r newspapers. Thafs tlre end of the story. The begtr:urtng ls back when I was lO years old, the summer I taught myself how to tyPe.
My mother took a tlptng crourse tr nlght schml one year, and she persuaded my brother to take typlng in trigh school the next year. I was fasclnated - I yearned to be able to Vpe. 0 was free to use the
famtly typewrlter, but I wanted to rcally
grpe.) When I nras lO, my br,other enrolled
ln summer school. I asked tf I could go wfth htm and take typtng, but my mother satd tt was rldiculous, What dtd I need to type for? The school set a mlnlmum of age 15 for tlpfng classes, anyway. So I taught myself, tn secr€t. I used my mother's typlng text, and bought a ream of paper out of my savlngs. My mother drove my brother to school every momlng and ptcked him up at noon, Ilve days a week, that summer. The flrst day, I timed thetr trlp and found that tt took 25 mlnutes Starflng the very next day, I sat down at the t5pewrtter as lpon as the car left ln the rnomlng, and agaln at noon, rvorkfurg for exactly 20 mlnutes by the kttchen ttmer each tlme. (For sorre reasnn, I dtdn't want to get caught at thls. It nras rrcry much my project now, and I determtned to see lt through wlth no tnterference.) During the rrprntng sesslon I worked on a new lesson, and at noon I would practlcre and do some
tlmed tests.
It worked. By the end of the summer I was t1ptng at a rrpdest but respectable speed. I contlnued to practlcr whenever I was alone ln the house, and remember
feeltng really Jubtlant when I reached 40 words per mlnute. I worked through the advanced lessons the following sumner, on the same schedule, and was tJrying over 70 words a mlnute when I was I I vears old (four years before I would have bein allowed to take ttpfng h school.) I finally
- gradually - started tlrphg in front of
famtly members. No one ever made any oornment, heryone else could $4pe, and tt seemed no one garrc a s€cond thought to tt. The only obJectlon came at the begtnntng, when I had asked to leam how. I suppose the sense ofthls experlencr ls that 6[ven the materials, t]re motlvatlon, and the opportunlty, young people can capably teach themselves even very disctpllned sldlls, and can corn€ up to extremely htgh standards. From a talk that Ashley Montagu, author of Growing Yowtg, gave in Pennsyl-
vania in 1983:'The word educatbn is misetymologized. If you look in a book wrinen by a professor of education you will
invariably find it etymologizel as educerc, which means 'to draw out.'But the word is edacue, which derives from the word love, caritas, charity. It means to care for, to nourish and to cause to grow."
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HJefularce by Linda and Rlchard Eyre I
have leamed to dectde whatvrould be the
Warda Rezac (MA) utltes: I Just finished readlng Susannah's cornrnents on the'structured-unstmctured'dichotomy tn G\[rS #71, and they really helped me to understand our homeschool e4perience tn a new light. I am one of those people who has often descrtbed our homeschooltng approach as 'unstrrctured,' and IVe satd that we do bastcallv'nottring" as far as academics .r. concrmed. All of a sudden, the ltghts have come on for me - of course ure ane not unstmctured, and of course we do not do nothlngl We do have a very deflnlte stmcture, but tt ts dllllcult to descrtbe to someone els€ who operates dtlferently. What I would call our struchrre ls our response to
lntemal motlvaflon, and our r€spect for an lnhrltlve knowing of what ts rtght for
our famtly at any glven tlme. When we somehow move beyond the parameters of our structure I can sense an uneasiness and dlscomfort wtrtch lntenslffes until our response to ttrls sllent, lnternal knowing is re-establlshed. I know many familtes who homeschool wlth a structure llke ours. Our davs are structured by watching our own reacdons: can I sense that ure need a qulet day at home wlth no compan5? Is there an undercurrent oftenslon buildL4 up that I can feel? Then tt is ilme to put errcrythtng down and slt on the couch. Do I somehow know that my 4 year old has had enough of me readlng aloud, even though there ls
nothing overt to see? TIme to put the book down. I see now that our best days are completely structured tn this wiy. We willin$y give ourselves up to this structure because it comes from the part of us that haows what we need next - the part that knows how to learn - the part that a baby or toddler responds to moment by moment as he or she ercplores the world. We have llip-flopped many times over the years, ln and out ofour natural structure. Doubt has made me tr5r on other structures, but whenever IVe rvatched closely and pald attentlon to my children, I've known when lt wasn't worlidng for us. I llked Kfm Kopel's comments about what happened when she started concentradng on earnlng the requlrrements for a Clonlara diplorrra, and then found that those requirements put her at odds wtth her natural tastincts ['Whether to Work for a Dlploma," cWS #711. It's a good descrtptlon, and a famlliar experlenc€ to me. Thanks for helpfng me see thls lssue more clearly. It helps me to have erren more falth in the valtdtty of what we are dotng.
LARGE FAMILY Vellndo Mitctell oJ cer:rrgtrr urites; In GWS #67 Kathy Purdy responded to a letter that Luann Cliussen had urritten h GWS #63 about home schools with large families. I am new to homeschooling ancl
have six children, ages 12 to topic of great interest to me.
ts a
Re dme schedules: From the book
slngle most tmportant thtng for me to accompllsh .ach day tn the areas of self, farttly, and work (wtrtch for me ls horneschoolingl. I then ltet the myrtad thfngs fd Uce to ac.compltsh that day |rr ttrn€ blocks that work for me (before the baby's l4pr after lunch, etc.) ThIs llst takes up the left half of my page. I draw a ltne down the mtddle, and ln the eventrg I ltst the serendlpltous ttrlngs that I dtd that were unplanned - e.g. watched a sunset, took a walk wfth my husband, stopped shopptng wtth the ldds to nratch a surar-m of bees belng remorrcd from a trce ln the McDonald's parhng lot (rve talked to the beekeeper for a while afterwards). Maklng this ltst tn the evening often helps me remember why I dtdn't get as many thtngs crossed offthe left slde of the page and helps rne feel successful because I am accompllshlng thlngs that really matter. I have some tentaflve tlmes planned durlng each day for gatherlng together wlth everyone, but tf the lilds are worlidng well on their own proJects I almost never lnternrpt them. The klds set personal goals that they would lke to accompllsh ln diflerent subJect areas for each ureek. They are as speclllc as "Do a sclence experlment each day' (from a son who wants to live and breathe sclenc.e and do nothtng else) or'Do llrre lessons in Sa;ron Math per week.' Baslcally I leave lt up to them to manage thelr owrr work load after theyVe set tlre goals. 2. Chaulfeurtng: Wlth sk children I could easily spend my Me cardng chlldren to and from lessons and acflvldes. We have llnanclal lirnltatlons, but beyond
that I have come to feel that endless sports, lessons, and acdvlffes do not necessarily add meanfngfully to a chlld's experlence. We allow the ldds to chmse one team sport to partlclpate ln each year. They are also lfmlted ln the number of extra acdviiles (skatlng, etc.) they can go to. When they want to go to more thlngs than I am willtng to ddve to I will say, 'I wlll take you out two days thls week. You choose what you urant to do.' Taking a chlld to an actlvlty alone can be used as tirne to talk wtth that child (but you have to be careful not to qulz or lecture and call ft Qualtty Ttme). If I'm
taldng a car-pool group lt can be a good tlrne to observe my ktds'personal lnteractlons. They seem to forget I'm there. 3. Housekeeptng: I wtsh I had some answers here. But what I am doing now has really helped. I have made the three older children stewards - Le, responsible for the three younger ctrlldren. They help bathe, clothe, and lbed them, they buckle them ln and out of car seats and hold their hands for safet5r when we go ouL They get drlnks, read storles, and help entertain them. (We have to remind our 4 year old that steward does not mean slavel) Thls has slggrificantly helped free my time, and
It also fosters responslblllty and carlng relatlonshlps among the chlldren.We
trade assigpments each week, and I'm thtnldng about worklng ln a week oII for
tlrem too.
Then we have assigned the four oldest
ktds specillc household chores. They clean thelr mms, fold and put away laundry (tnnsl,ate: stuff tn drawers, but those are cholces I am leamlng to live with). Each weekwe rotate tlre cleaning of the maln rooms, and also outslde Jobs like lawn mowtng, pfcHng up the yard, etc. The tasks need to be specillc and doable or they feel overwhelmed. But they soon reallzed that when they don't do theA part I have to spend more dme cleantng, wtrich makes me crabby and takes tlme arvay frrom more fun things that we can do together. 4. Tkne for oneself: I origlnallSr said I urould have to have one nlght olfper week tf I was gohg to make tt wtth homeschooltng. Tlrts hasn't happened, but somehow rrSr capactty to cope has lncreased and I really can get by wlthout as much of a break as I thought I'd need. I do think that you nd to keep something going for yourself that has meanlng for you. I went to a rvelght-reducing program when we could allord tt, and I took cloggtng lessons, whtch I could turn around and teach my klds. Sometimes gofurg to the g;roc.ery store alone ls all the break I get, but erren that helps. A trip to the library wtth the older chlldren ls marvelously therapeudc.
Although I was a confirmed non-mornlng person, I have reformed and now walk ear$ ln the morntng. Sometlmes the older ktds get up and rtde a bike along with me and I sffll have a feelfng of solltude. I have also found that after getttng up with a baby at 2 or 3 AM I can enJoy a little peac.eful qulet and er/en get some work done that ls easler to do alone. I would very much like to learn more about how other farnllles deal with muldlwel learning, lettkrg klds progress at thelr own rate (especlally when a younger chtld ts capable of dolng work at a higfrer level tlran an older chtld), helptng 'hands-on'boys learn to read and wrtte,
helplng a'motherlng' older sibling leam not to keep count of exactly how much school work younger stbllngs have (or haven't) accompllshed in a day,
VISUALLY. IMPAIRED CHILD Laurte Keesaw oJ Cal{orrna writes:
In response to the mother with the visually-tmpaired homeschooler l'Physt-
cal Handicaps,'GWS #7Ol: We also have a daughter, Nicona (3), wfth very poor vlslon. She ls extnemely near-slghted; her dlstanc.e vislon ls Umlted to about twentyfeet. She has been ln an tnfant stimulatlon program stnce she was flve months old, havtng a teacher make home visits once a month. The prognosls when Nicona utas an inlant was that she would probably see shadows and very [ttle else. Althougfi she's always needed lots of extra love, encouragement, lotg of holdlng and closeness, we've basically treated her as a normal baby. Today she ts very bright and
happy, very playful and 'normal.' I attribute most of her success to her 5-vearold brother. She has alvrays trled to klep up with him so that she could play with
When I think of her going to school,
7 though, I become petrtfied. Experts seem so eager for handtcapped ctrildren to go to school so that they can be malnstreamed into society. Well, to me, segregatlng them off into speclal educadon classes and lowtracking circles is not malnstreamfuU. Nicona's teachers have always ryanted her to go to their c.enter, wtrtch for us means an hour drlve. Instead we have become part of our local communlt5r. Ntcona has tagged along to our oldest's playgroup for two and a half years and ls now ln her own playgFoup, where she gets along ffne wtth all the ldds. She's a ltttle clumsy, but that doesn't stop her from cltrnbtng to the top of theJun$e Srm or gotng down the sltde. As for vtsual alds, Nlcona wlll need them to - I hope - be able to r,ead large prtnt, In our area the local school distrlct has recently created an lndependent study program for homeschoolers, whlch lncludes a resource center wlth lots of useful materlals. We have enrolled our son tn the prog;ram so that we could get to know lt and the people involved, so that when the time comes, maybewe can use it as a bridge between keeplng Nlcona at home and uslng the vtsual ald materlals from the schools. I thtnk tt ls awful that people who need phystcal aids are deprlved access to them lfthey choose not to be part of the publtc school system. I have found a few other opdons available. The Libraqr of Congress (Washington DC 20.542; 202-282 -lotCF) provides free 'talkfng books' on €very
imagtnable subJect, recorded by exccllent readers. A Gw other state librartes also pryvide-thfq on a smaller scale. Hadley School for the Blind (PO Box 299, Win: netka IL 6O093: 3L2-446'-81 I l) provides all sorts of correspondence courseg for both bltnd and visually tmpafred cl-rtldren and their parents. Don't forget organlzadons such as the Llons Club and Shriners. I have been told that thev can sometimes be talked into purchasing-these aids for
indivlduals ln need.
Katherbe McAlpbe ME) wrltes:
Nathanlel enJoyed Anneke Chodan's 'Open ktter to Inqulrlng Adults' ln GWS f69, and we thought o1i1 agatn one day last week when we were tn Bangor. Nathantel had a doctor's appotntment ln the mornlng, and I had some 'big city' shopping to do tn the aftemoon. buring the course of the day, I'll bet a dozen dllferent people came up to Nathaniel (with me, obvlously hls parent, standlng right beside him) and asked tn an aggressive tone of voice, 'Whv aren't vou in school today?" We have, of couise, run furto that sltuadon many tlmes before, but never so repeatedly durtng a slngle stxhour period. It happened, tncredtbly, even at the hospital as we sat wafthg ruithanlel's turn for blood tests, where vou'd think our presenc€ would be fatrly selfexplanatory. @o parents nerrer take their kids out of school for medtcal appolntmgnts?) Each time, 'Why aren't you in school' was followed by a sertes of other quesdons, all of them so predtctable that we began to feel like recorded messages. I suppose we could have vlewed this as
a golden opportunlty to spread enltgfrtenment and good wtU. It u,"as lrritattng, though, whenwe were trylng to go about our buslness, to be lntermpted and lnterrogated, over and over again, by total strangers. Also, as Nathantel remarked, the wondtng of the lnttial question was both tmplicttly hostlle and openly rude, so that tt was hard not to have a defenslve
reacdon.'Imag[ne,' he satd angdly, "somebody uralktng rfght up to a grownup
tn some publlc placc and asklng them how come they're not at work.' By mtd-afternoon he was feeling pretty surly. Then, on the rtde home, he proposed a soludon that I thought was an absolute stroke ofgenius - lt succeeded, at least, ln restorlng my good humor. So at the next opportuntty I bought hlm a platn whtte svrcatshlrt and, at trts request prlnted across both front and back ln lndelible
'1. Because I learn at home, that's 3. No, I don't have to take tests. 4. Yes, I have lots offrlends. 5. No, I wouldn't rather be tn school. 6. For more lnformatlon, please ask
my mom."
We haven't trted tt out tn public yet,
but we're looldng forward to tt.
odg child tttat ttpre It70:
published, tn cWS
It was so encouraglng to read those
letters. I found each one helpful tn a dilferent way, but all of them were supporUve and understandtng. Even in the few months since I llrst wrote you, Cattlin has grown enormously ln self-sulllciency. She truly does seem to be learning the value of time spent alone, and is inidathg solitary play liaAly often. rJan Hunt's letter helped me realize that Cattlin would change, and to see how much she is growing ln tndependence. I must not have made lt clear ln my Ilrst letter that our concern was pla5rmates and compa.nionship for Cattlin, not general "soclallzarlon.' I agree that soclalizatlon does not usually happen fn a healthy yay in school. But we are crntlnulng to Ilnd urays to lrrvolve Cattlin wtth other
I am also llnding tlme for
Though I am not wridng durlng Caltltn's waking hours, I am findtng time of my 9wn some evenlngs. In another month my husband Mark will be shartng the home-schooling ttme with me. Then I will also have daSrtime hours to write. We had deffnttelv declded to homeschool before receivtirg all the letters from GWS readers, but lt was very good to have some ofour uncertatndes addressed. My new question ls whether or not to use a standardized curriculum. Although I had a preJudice agatnst adopttng a classic school currlculum, a friend who had homeschooled her son durtng his lidndergarten year suggested I avatl myself of the state's correspondence curriculum. She said there were some lnteresting suggestlons,
learnfng, I wanted to establish a fatly
regtrrlar schedule of focused time with Cattlin. For two hours each weekday we spend tfune explorlng and leaming together in a dtnected way. We've done
errerythtng from collecting and identtffing leaves to baldng a cake. I use books to cata\ze and supplement my own ldeas, Mark and I looked lnto lt and found that if we took the state's correspondence
currlculum through the local school dlstrlct, Caitltn could do some things with the ktndergarGn class while being
prtmarily homeschooled. This seemed a good comprornlse to us, and we lfked the
tdea of a frlendly relationship with the
schools. We decided to try it. I have some doubts about the curricu-
Ium. It has a lot of stuff unrelated to real
2. Yes, tt's legal.
THANKS FOR ONLY CHILD LETTERS Cailg Stern (Al0 tudtes tt respnse all tlle letters abut lannescding an
great materlals, and very few required worksheets and standardized exercises. Although I feel that everythturg we do together contrlbutes to our growth and
Me tn tt. It does pres€nt me with some good tdeas, though, and a lot of wonderful materlals. It does not require that much be Illled out and turned tn. So far I think I
can lncorporate the correspondence currlculum lnto our own homeschooling style and not let it structure our leamlng or define our directions too much, Cattltn now has access to the elementary school library, takes an art class from a good teacher at school once a week, and swims at the pool with her kindergarten filends. She enJoys the freedom of betng homeschooled while retaining involvement ln those parts of school she flnds fun. In fact, she ls a busy and happy gtrl who has enough ttme with her frlends, her parents, and on her own.
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Send me a tape of songs & coloring books for $20. Send me more information on this fun way to teach math.
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Adam, our 12 year old, spends a lot of fime at the Sclence Museum and has gotten to do and see a lot ofthtngs he unuldn't have otherwlse been able to. He contacted the museum afterure discussed what <John Holt has often sald - that lf you want to leam about somethtng, volunieer t9-h.lp where people are dotrng that thtng. Adam's btg tnterest is martne biologr, especially sharks. The dlrector of the museum ls an expert on thls, has worked with the top people tn the lleld. The main exhfbtt thls summer was about sharks, so Adarn, alrready qulte an expert, led many tours and answered many questions. When a group of.Iapanese adults, who spoke very ltttle Engltsh, toured, the dirrector asked Adam to lead the tour and work wtth thetr translator. The group seemed to be pleased, and laterwrote a nlcre letter.
exerpt fiom her unrk-tn-prqrcss, Home
As a chtld who has been educated solely at home and ln the world, how does
my son Ben approach a problem? TWo thfngs sprtng to mtnd. The llrst ls the
work of Howard Gardner, whlch Thomas Armstrong wrltes about in his book In
Ttalr Orrrrr. Way [avall. here, #l138, $8.95 + posLl Gardner crontends that there are rrlany more ways of learnlng than the two ways (ltnguisdc and logtcal-mathernaucal lntelllgences) that schools most often base thetr progpams on. Armstrong lists the followtng addttional lntelligences: spa.ttal, muslcal, bodtly-ktnesthettc,
lnterpersonal, and lntrapersonal. In leamfng at home, Ben has been free to develop a learntn! style that encompasses all the above-menffoned tntelltgences, and probably more that harre not
yet been tdentified and named by people like Armstrong and Gardner. Ben uses leamtng strategfes associated wtth all the intelligences mendoned above, but he tends to use some more often than others. Yet I could never say, "Ben's leaming style ts ltngutsUc and muslcal.' He uses all hls lntelllgences, and I compa.rtmentallze them ln my mtnd when I read about leamlng theory only to help myself better understand how he learns and how I can olfer hlm the resources he needs. I enJoy dlscoverlng how what we do at horne flts into the world of current educatlonal research. The second thtng that comes to mlnd, when I wonder about how Ben approaches a problem, ls what happened when he pursud a sudden lnterest tn baseball durlng the pastyear, He had neverbeen more than mtldly interested tn competltive sports. He played on a soooer team one year, but dtdn't care about lt and was glad not to take tt up agatn the next season, Thls lnterest tn baseball surpdsed us. It was not the competitlrrc part of the sport that Ben was lnterested tn, but the history, the physlcs, the soclologr. He flrst wanted to butld a baseball field tn our front yard. He and hts father got out a bag of ltme, and measured for and put down the lines (mathematical and spatial tntelltgences). Ben and hls slster then played baseball there with thetr father and friends (bodily-kinesthedc), but Ben wanted more, He wanted to organlze a game (lnterpersonal). To do that, he wrote an ardcle for our local homeschool-
lng newsletter (ltngutstlc), announclng
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that people should brtng bats and balls to the next meedng ofour group because there would be a ball game. Meanwhtle, he was getfing books from the library on baseball and famous players, readtng from the encyclopedta (lingulsttc) and studytng the phystcs of pttchtng a ball by readlng the science magazlne Discouer (logtcal-mathematlcal). He attended a rnlnor league game ln a nearby clty (interpersonal). After that we
found hlm at the piano learntng'The Star
Span$ed Banner'by ear (muslcal) because wery baseball game opens with that song. Also, during this tlme, Ben would spend a lot of tlme alone thlnking about baseball, daydreamtng, and drawlng dlagrams of ball flelds (lntrapersonal and spaUal). He acted out enflre baseball games wlth dolls and toy anlmals. When the day of the btg homeschoolers' game came, people responded to hls ar[cle and brought thelr equlpment, and there was a
btg game wtth people of all ages. Hls dream came true. All of thes€ actlvlties and ldeas, except dectdlng to go to the minor league game, were those that Ben developed and workd on himself. We took trim to the Itbrary when he needed to go, and we
played ball wfth hfm and dlscussed his research wlth hlm, but he pursued the tntensely for serreral weeks, on his
Whether Ben ts furvolved ln learning about the U.S. prestdents, or the history of archltecture, or the tntricacies of maktng French pastrles, he goes at it ln a singlemtnded way and wlth a persistence ttrat I enry. And when he ls done, he remembers what he has learned because lt has become such a part of trim,
ld ltke to cornment on Donna Gibson's letter about phonlcs and trust in GWS #71. I read her story to my klds, and we all laughed wlth recognidon at Donna's son Carter's very familiar and reallsdc reactlons to Donna's attempts to "gutde' hlm to readtng. Cathy, our thlrd chtld, ls our llrst to leam to read on her own, wlthout any lmposed teactrtng schedule or format. For several years she has had the consonant sounds down pretty well, and becn flne wtth begtnntng and endtng sounds. For about a year she's had tt all kind of together except forvourel sounds. I notlced that the short vourels seemed to be the only bugaboo standtng ln her way. Of cnurse, once I saw that, the ambitlous teacher ln me came to the fore, and I trled many of the klnds of thnrgs that Donna described to help Cathy over that last hump. Fortunately, she consistently reJected all my help, even when I explained that there were only a few sounds that she needed to master, and that tt would be slmple. SheJust sald no, she'd rather not learn the vowel sounds that way. About a year ago u/e urcre vistfing rrlf parents, My mom teaches r€adtng to adults who are funcdonally illiterate, and uses a phonic approach. Cathywas readtng to her, and she taught Cathy the long and short vowel sounds. I watched wtth lnterest the entlre week we were there. because I ruas surprtsed (and somewhat
resenful) that Cathy would accept from her the same help she had reJected from me. During the week we were there, her readtng dld seem to lmprove a €Feat deal, and I thought she was olf and runntng. I was really surprised when we got home and lt looked like Cathy Just completely forgot what she had learned from my mother. She seemed to be backwhere she was before the vtstt, and agatn she had no lnterest ln my help. We Just dropped tt - it really was Cathy's bustness, and not mine. Once agaln thts sprtng Catlry was dolng some readtng and I made a sirnple chart wtth the long and short vowel sounds. I Just read thls letter to Cathy, and
I she urants to make lt clear that she nerrer
used thls chart. In any event, thls tlme somethlng seemed to cllck a llttle more, and Cathy has 'got' lt - her reading has really lmproned by leaps and bounds. I really enJoyed seetng the ttmlng, and Cathy's qulet lnslstence on walflng unttl she wanted to leam thls slidl and the flmtng uras rtght for her. I have no ldea what made her forget what my mom had taught her, or what made her reJect all my olfers of help, Just as I have no ldea what the elements were that rnade lt posslble for erreqrthtng to cltck together thts sprlng.
SOUNDING OUT WORDS Botfun "Iohnson oJ C,eorgia. wrltes: I Just llnlshed readtng the Rtchmans' book, ?he Three R's at Home larrall. here,
I 194, $7.95 + post.l. It's a beautlful and heartwarmtng book and lt now occuples a place of honor alongstde my chertshed copies of TbachYour Ounand futterThan Sch@L Howard Rtchrrran relates a humorous anecdote about trts son Jesse leamtng to read sllently and readlng 'Robh Hood and the Butcher' as "Robln Hood and the Butterchurn,' maktng the potnt that Jesse was enJoyhg readlng and getting the glst ofthe story even thou6fi he was sktpptng or mlsreading some words. I tmmedtately recalled my son Nathan telllng me two or three yezrrs ago about a ptcture book he had Just llntshed readtng, The Baker drtne Baskel I asked him what a'baskel'was and he told me that lt was mythological and turned people to stone. My usually keen memory for mythologr drew a blanlq so I was relleved when he shoured me the book and lt was achrallv Tte Baker and nE Bastl{stc Llke serreral of the chtldren mendoned tn the Rtchmans'book, Nathan taugfit hlms€lf to read from memory from farrdly books and begfnner books from the publtc llbrary, sometlme between ages 3 l/ 2 and 4. By age 6, he was reading longer books, but was stlll havtng trouble sounding out longer words, words that weren't part ofhts spoken rrocabula4r (the others he elther knew from memory or decpded through context clues and some mettrod of #
@nsonant pattern recognldon known
only to hfd. At thls potnt we got a phonlcs workbook, thfnldng tt would gtve htm some tools ln thls area- But, ltke one of the boys descrlbed tn the Rtchmans'book, he bacame borcd and frustrated wtth phonlcs, so we quit. He c.ertatnly reads widely and lluently wtthout belng able to sound out words accurately. I have the same problem with sounding words out. Untll I was ln college, and actually heard lt, I thought the Greek god Poseldon was pronounced'Poisidine' wtth the accent on the ffrst syllable. I always assumed that thts u/as because I wasn't taught phonlcs as a child. However, after my son's experlence, I tend to thtnk that tt's due more to a dilferent learnlng style than to a lack of phonlcs lnstructlon. lSSl:
seems to me that
lfs quite
cornmon for fluent and avtd readers to read words that theyVe never heard spoken, and thus to make guesses about pronunclation that are sometimes wrong. There are many dtlferent ways that a word llke'Poseldon' could be pronounced; how
could Barbara have been sure wtrlch was corr€ct unHl she heard tt? John Holt urrote somewhere that for years he thought the word plcfuresque was pronounced pictureskew. Not a bad guess tfyou haven't heard the vrord spoken. Barbara tmplies that once she heard Poseldon pronounced correctly she had no trouble hearlng tt that way ln her mlnd when she read stlen0y; John satd the same was trre of hts readtng of plcturesque. Soundlng out worrds lncorrect$, pa0cularly when the reader has nerrcr heard them pronounced aloud, seems qulte natural, and to be expected, to me.
LEARNING TO TRUST; FOREIGN LANGUAGE Katlieen MarTIn oJ Massachusetts u;rites: Martanna ls 9 and has nqrer attended school except for some momlngs tn a small prlvate nursery school when she vras 4. She ts a epegarlous and outgoing ctrild who seems to have no trouble maldng frlends in the neighborhood or tn getting along well wtth the teachers and fellow students tn Suzukt vtolin and ballet. These classes are very valuable to her, I believe, ln a number of ways - they glve her access to dlflerent litds, different adults, and dilferent situations from the ones she encounters at home; they gtve her access to skills she wants that nelther of
her parents can teach her; and llnally they gfve us a break from each other.
The mdn lesson I have learned so far, and am sdll learntng, ls to trrst her and to trust myself to do thtngs our own way wlthout worrytng about how much our ways might dllfer from school ways. I have my own heretlcal approach to spelltng which seems to help her to spell well (or at least not prevent her from tt). She hates the endless rcpeiltion whlch all school texts, even the relaflvely laid-back workbooks we use, seem to require, so I have learned to trust her to remember something she has done correctly several times without malidng her do it llfty times more. I have also learned to contnol my impulses to qulz her on ever5rthlng she reads. We provlde lots of trtps to the Itbrary, lots of books and magazlnes, and then stand back and let her read. She reads a lot, and olten volunteers plot summarles or pleces of lnformatlon that amply demonstrate her comprehenslon and retention. We started The Learnab/.es series last year ln third gr:ade and are doing the second set, Russlan Book 2, this year. Marianna seemed very motlvated to learn It, so we dectded to give lt a tqr. I am very happy with Tlre l-eanables and plan to use it agatn nextyear, but I do have two reservations. I'm not sure how well the approach would work ln a family in which no one has any prevlous experlence ln the language; not all the plctures ln the book that comes wtth the tape arc f 0O96 selfexplanatory, and I dont thlnk we would have done as well tf I dldn't already have a background ln Russlan. Also, I am never c-omfortable sticking excluslvely to one method of dotng thlngs, so I am a bit eclectlc. I highly recommend the Ftrst Thortsatrd. Words series, for example; we
found The Flrst Thousand Words oJ Russian both useful and entertalnlng. There are lots of good supplemental materlals you can flnd lf you scout around.
Volurteer Pqgg Webb (NV wrcte after
frtns@ ttc Job oJ ufintug our llsts r€sources tlwt
publlsled {n
Lena wanted to help with the matling Job, and I let her fold th6 letters and stuff the envelopes wtrtle I urrote the addresses. But she lost her enthuslas6 3s she saw me
turn lnto a human olllce maclrlne and bang out the whole Job before the baseball playolf game started on Sunday. I flgure she sensed rny lmpaflenc€ and need to get the Job done qutckl5r, and felt she couldn't compete. Then today we were at the post ofrlce wtth 225 letters to stamp and I had three other stops to make before lunch. I
felt myself getung that brrstly lefs-getgoturg
attltude agaln. At the same fime
lena asked tf she could help agatn.
pe1 6
llttle while she was occupted by runnlng a batch of letters I'd stamped over to the outof-town mail slot and then comtng back for more. Then she must harre notlcred me maldng faces over that 'stampy' taste you get tf you have to llck more than a few stamps. She clmbed up on the workbench ln the post olBce, stuck out her tongue and satd, "I1l beyour sponge.' 0 had used a sponge to seal the envelopes at home.)
The HOW TO Series By Rafnond E Laurite
18 Booklcts fllled with ng-
nonsanse teaching of spelling, glammarand language: - sach wl3€ sasy-to{rasP
-qulasdanswers - holptulhinE - by$par larpuage bacher
HC,\ffTO EXPLAIN ABOUT: Bookl2 - Preposltions, CorF luncilors & ntef eclions BoolG4 - lrregular Verbs |
Bookt6 - AdJectives Book*l4 - Spelllng Dsmons Book*l5 - The Alphabet Book*l7 - Pronouns Boolc*l8 - Contractons Each Booklot - $3.0O (Please add 15o/o for postage) Namc Address
l€onardo Pr€ss
P.O.Box €3 Yorfilown Heights, NY 10598
l0 \Vell, needless to say, we had a ball from that tlme on, swttchfng ofr as human sponges, pretendlng to swallow the stamps, Just gooffng around undl the lob was done. We wen found away to trele6t a Itt0e schooling tnto the endedvor, b-ecause after she'd found the magic uray to relax me, we were able to have a Lttle talk about state abbrevlaflons and mucllage tolerancel So thanks for the chance 1o relearn an old lesson yet agatn and help out at the same tlme.
(CN u:rltes:
Three years ago our family started putttng out a rnagarlne, The fogmy Paprs Mqazhe. It was a natural extenslon of our homeschooltng, as urell as qulte approprlate for our family, slnc€ we ha\re a strong ardsflc emphasis to our currlculum. Our three children love to draw, and the magaztne became the perfect vehlcle
for lnspirtng arflcles on sclence, htstory, geography, etc. Belng reporters made our b?"ic assignments seem llke an tnportant advenhrre rather than tedious schoblwork. We began as a nlneteen-page bl-
monthly, wlth about fifteen subscrlbers (mostly relaUves) and are now a fort5r-page quarterly wlth over a hundred subscdberl natlonwide. We also encourage all young subscrlbers to contrlbute artlcles, flcUon,
drawlngs, garnes, and whatever they come
Ouroldest son, Zacha4r, expressed a
destr,e to publtsh a comlc book Last year, when he was 8. He s been raislng ducks, chlckens, and geese stnce he wai 4 or 5,
and for almost the same amount of tlme drawlng comics and tllustrations wlth ducks as his matn characters. Hls comlc, 'The Duck Sq.."d,' has been appeartng ln our nragazine. Each strlp has an advenhrre ln which the Duck Squad elther saves some endangered specles from becoming extinct or helps educate some unwittlng abuser about an envlronmental hazardth.y'r. creatlng and shows them how to perform the particular task tn a mor€ envlronmentally sound way. There's a lot of humor ln trls drawlngs and I enJoy ttrts tmmensely. I encouraged
hrrn though, when he approached me wlth the cumlc book tdea, to begin wfth a slmpler tdea (as hls comlcs are sflll not as clear as a comlc ought to be). He thought of a colorlng book of Fort Bragg, the town outslde of whlch we llve. After Zach completed the drawlngs and we shorved the Ib:st drafts to varlous stor€s to see lfthts was avlable endeanror, we came up with the tdea of making tt lnto a colorlng calendar. I did the letterlng and Zachary rporked on the drawlngs so thcy would lend themselrres to a calendar format and be approprtate for colortng. Ttre result ls a flfteen-month calendar for 199O. The maln characters ln the drawlngs are, of @urse, ducks. He's done a set of dnawlngs whlch could really be a ctrlld's vletr of any small town ln Amerlca, wtth blrds tn errery plcture h"rrtng thelr own personal drama occurring tn the sky. WeVe placed the calendar ln serreral local stores and are selling tt through our rnagazlne. The calendar costs $5, plus $l for postage. Srrbscrlptlons to Tte fogmA Pqpers are $12 a year, Both are avatl,able frrom THE PYGMY PAPER PRESS, 15217 Mtchell Creek Drlve, Fort Bragg CA 95437.
TEENAGER ON SAILING EXPEDITION Shaurn Hangreoves wrcte In tle {ssue oJEducatlon Otherwise, the Brtflsh homesclrcrillrtg neusl-etter:
I am l3 years old, and am educated at home, wlth my sister and two brotlrers. In the Febmary tssue of the EO magazlne I read a notlce for Ecole en Bateau (An$eterre), a group being set up to mn expedlflons ln a 47-fat schooner, "Mary Bryant." She was butlt tn Fowey by Mike and Llz Johnson, who have room on board for slx I l-14 year olds. Tlre giroup, now called Azimuth, ls run by the youngsters, who share all responslbilities. I replied to the notlce, and went to a 'Stage,' a weekend to get to know werybody. I got on well wlth everyone, and liked theway the group was run, wlth us all sharing the work and organization, lncludlng cooHng, cleaning, and shopptng. Over the half-termrue got together agatn to satl to the Sclllles and back, and leam how to manage the boat. Wewere then ready for a twomonth expeditlon over the summer. ...There are slx of us on board, between 12 and 15, also Mke, Liz,
and thetr two children. IThree of usl are educated at home. We share
all the decislons, and wrlte for the newsletter,
*afume. We have all leamt a lot about the
countrles we have been to, ...The experlence of saflfng l3OO mlles and
taklng responstbtltty
for the shlp and lts crerv has changed me a lot. I am much more confldent and self-rellant, and can work better wtth other people. I
found the envlronment challengfng and
sttmulattng, a wonderful complement to belng educated at home.
COLLEGE ISN'T THE ONLY GOAL ?tre Talk About Learntng neusletter (25 tubtcade Rd turdand. ME (MIOI) prbtgd a tanscrlpt oJ tte talk thf.t D(',uid
ard. MIaH df"x annlors oJHomeschmltng for Excellence, gate o;ttlv 1989 Mate Home scltoolbtg Assocf,atbn @4ference, An ercerpt:
David: We ffnd ourselves getthg into a posiuon of talldng about Harrrard as if ttrts should be the goal [of homeschooltngl. John Holt mendoned to us at the ttme that parents should not be tntirntdated by tlds... In Groutng Wtl]lrottt Schoolfng he mendoned that parents should not measure thelr sucoess or fallure in terms of whether thelr ldds wind up in an Irry l,eague college. And I thfnk lt's a very, very important point that we want to make in the whole frame of reference of homeschooling. There are kids out there, and I can't be more emphatic about this, who have graduated and gone on to do all kinds of things, h marry cases far more interesting, far more demandlng, and far more adventurous, than gotng olfto a school on
Harvard Square.
We had parents come by last sufilmer. One of them satd, 'My daughter has gone off to Peru. She's been up tn the rnountains lnoculattng Indian chlldren...' Ttds was a remarkable thfng for her lidd of l8 to take on and go offand dol Butyou see the dlfference uras that lt wasn't something the media could grab hold of. And I can tmagtne some of you gotng to your rela-
tives and sayhg, "Well, when Jenny is l8 she's going off to Peru to inoculate Indian kids.' I'm sure lt will not tespire your parents to support your homeschooling
efforts... We should not be put ire the position of
thinhng that achievement has to be in the
terms that others can [readilyl understand. In some regards we llnd lt much easler to defend what weVe done - having this parflcular, real accompllshment on the part of the boys. On the other hand I would be, and I knorv Micld would be, very unhappy tf [attendtng Iry l,eague c-ollegesl would become some sort of goal that homeschoolers set for their ktds...
OVERCOMING FEAR OF MATH Kim Kopel MO) urttes: I've been reading through the back lssues of GWS and after reading one article, I got Into a discussion with my mother about educatlon and how people leam. In parttcular, we talked about the effects of feeling forced to learn something - how you usually end up failtng to learn it, and form a dtsltke for it instead. As we talked, I began to realize that thls was exactly the reason for my ourn dlfrlcultles wlth math. A couple of years ago when I took the Caltfornia Achievement Test (the law requtred that I take it), I realized that I was below grade level tn math, and so I felt (conltnted on page 22)
JOHN HOLT'S BOOK AT{D MUSIC STORE NEW SCIENCE BOOKS DIGGING DINOSAURS by John Homer ard James Gorman #1238 $17.95 (hardcover)
This beautifully-written collaboration between a scientist and a science writer begins with a passage about Jack Htrner's self-education and finding work that sounds just like what we say in GWS:
..J'd been collecting dinosaw bones since I was seven years old, and I'd taken every undergraduate and graduate coruse in biology and geolory that tlre University of Montana had to offer, but academically I'd had a liule touble holding to ttre straight srd narrow. I'd igrored a few of the humanities and had never fulfilled the degree requirements. For a while, after leaving the University of Montana, I stayed in
nuning the family sand-and-gravel plant with my brother. But crushing rocks held no interest for Shelby, my hometown,
rne. It paid better thm paleontology, but I coul&r't manage to corral the enthusiasm I had for dinosaurs and apply it to this way of making a living. I wrote letters to all the naftral hisory museums in the English+peaking world, twice, inquiring about wck. I also harmted the meetings of the Society of Verteb'rate Paleontolory, which serve as a job market (such as there is) in the fiel4 and through this p'rocess
I found the job [as a lab technician] at Princeton... I'd done quite a bit ofprospecting for dinosaur fossils in Montana and Alberta, Canada, <rrr my own and with my friend Bob Makela. Duckbills were what I found, so duckbills were what I looked for. In some ways, scientific research is like uking a tangled ball of nyine and rying to unravel iL You look for loose ends. When you find one, you ug on it to see if it leads to the heart of the tangle...
Duckbills led o an intâ&#x201A;Źrest in baby dinosaurs, which were rare to science; the list of baby fossils found before Homer stailed looking could have fit on an index card. Digging Dircsaurs tells of his expeditions and discoveries, from a 1978 vacation where he was given a juvenile bone found by a rockcollector, to a series of ever more exciting discoveries of dinosaur eggs, breeding grounds, and new species. Horner and others began developing new theories about dinosaurs - that they had family life, migrated in srucnred herds, and were warm-blooded - that seriously challenged the old ideas. The book gives an excellent picture of science at work - the uncer0ainty, the hypothesizing, the pinstaking effort, the lucky breaks, the theorizing and raising of new questions. Many books about dinosaurs simply present facts - there was this kind of creiature, that kind of creature - but this book, because it shows someone daing paleon0ology, gives a clear picture of how and why scientists can make those assertions when after all, they are only working from some old rocks. And it makes the broad sweep of evolution vividly clear.
Although it is not wrinen for children, I am sure that any good reader could enjoy it (including parents who might want to share it with their dirnsaur-crazed licle ones). It is only available in hardcover; apparently it is selling so well this way that Workman Publishing is in no hurry o swirch to a cheaper edition. An important book that is a pleasure to read. Donna Richoux
WHAT DO YOU CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK? by Richard Feynman #1304 $9.95 (change from fall catalog price) Richard Feynman is another scientist who les us see what it's like to do science - to wonder, to hypottresize, to test things ouL Readers who know him from his first book, Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynrnan, know how many adventues he was able !o fit into a single life. Here, he tells us about some of the people in his life who inspired him o become a scientist and to remain a'turious character," someone who doesn't worry about what other people think. In his story about his father, Feynmar'. tells us something about what older people can do for younger people:
My father taught me to notice things. One day, I was playing with an "express wagorq" a little wagon with a railing arotmd il It had a ball in it, and whEn I pulled the wago4 I noticed something about the way the ball moved. I went to my father and said, "Say, Pop, I noticed something. When I pull the wagon, the ball rolls to the back of the wagon. And when I'm pulling it along and I suddenly stop, the ball rolls to the front of the wagon. Why is that?" '"Thal nobody knows," he said.'The general principle is that things which are moving tend to keep on moving and things which are standing still tend to stand still, unless you push them hard. This tendency is called inerti4 but nobody knows why it's true," Now, that's a deep understanding' He just di&r't give me the name. He went on to say, "If you look from the side, you'll see that it's the back of the wagon thar you're pulling against the ball. and the ball stands still. As a matter of fact, from fie friction it starts to move forward a linle bit in relation to the ground. It doesn't move back." I ran to the linle wagon and set the ball up again and pulled the wagon. Iooking, sideways, I saw that indeed he was right. Relative to the sidewalk, it moved forward a little
bit. That's the way I was educated by my father, with those kinds of examplqs and discussions: no pressure - just lovely, interesting discussions. It has motivated me for all of my life' and makes me interested in aII the sciences. (It just happens I
2269 Massachusetts Ave.
rloha Holtrr
BooL rnd
do physics becer.) I've been caught, so to speak - like someone who was given something wonderful when he was a child and he,s always looking for it again. I'm always looking like a chil4 for the wonders I know I'm going to find - maybe not every
time, but every once in a while.
What a lovely view of science ttrat is! After a few short pieces, some letters, and some drawings, the rernaining chunk of the book is an account -just as funny as Feynman's other accounts, without losing the seriousness of the subrtrt - of Feynman's experiences sâ&#x201A;Źrving on the presiden :^t commission that investigated the space shu$le Clallenger dtsaster. This hagedy was reoent enough that I suspect many children will remember it, and will be interested o hear how Feynman ngured out what caused it. I won't give it away here; famities may enjoy reading ttris portion of the book aloud together. I will say that the story tells us not only how space shuttles work (and don't work) but also how people, and presidenriat commissions, operate, and something about how scientific discoveries are made.
Feynman died of cancer in 1988; his fans, and those new !o his work, will be grateful that his friends and relatives were able !o put together this final collection of his adventures and observations. Susannah Sheffer
by David Bodanis #12&4 $12.95 (change from fall caalog price) The subtitle of this book is "Z Hours in the Strange and Unexpected World in Which We Spend Our Nights and Days." It is a fascinating collection of facts and photos of what is going on around us all the time of which we are unaware - the microscopic creatures and particles in the air and on every surface (including our bodies), the invisible forces and radiation, the history and ingredients of common products we take for granted, and more. There is a loose plot of a couple getting up in the moming, going out, coming back, entertaining company, and going to bed - but this is just a pretext fu the author to move the discussion from one aspect to -ogrel slnaily life. Some examples:
furlc gtorc
Cambrldge, MAO2l40
in yoru eyelash bases, grasphg on to the hair ttrere with their eight gnarled and strong legs. Living in srrch an odd place they were only properly divided into species in 1972" but surdies since have shown thenr to be present on virnrally all of us.... Cautious hunters, they hardly ever crawl all the way out of the eyelash base - excâ&#x201A;Źpt to migrate across our peacefully closed eyelids later at night, lhe better fuid another follicle home to move into, urd perhrys rnate... Ordinary vacuum cleaner bags re rnade of a waxy paper which has its fiben arrmged in a grill-like network. The space between the grills is five microns across,,. It's an inviting exit for many of the dust particles so abruptly sucked into the bag... The human prshing the vrcuum cleaner gets peppered with millions of high speed dust and mite pellets every minute. It's not a gentle pitter-patter either, but a wall of blasting slrots, as if a fleet of miniature wooden sailing ships were blasting shells of hardened mite faeces and dust prticles from their b'rass carmons in one broadside after another through giant nets (the bag) against him...
Clearly, this book is not for the squeamish. Occasionally Bodanis overdoes his use of mildly repellent wuds - gobble, dribble, slobber, sweaty, squishy, slither, slather, slosh - to underscore his points, but the mere facts are horrifying enough, such as the scads of bacteria, some potentially poisonous, drifting around our kitchens, or the ingredients in margarine, lipstick, ice cream, and toothpaste (formaldehyde?!). less coNltroversial tqics include: the physics of speech, lightning, raindrops, and coffee swirling in a cup; and the history of tables, beds, and bluejeans. Two slight drawbacks: (1) Bodanis leans heavily on irony, sarcasm, and, well, schoolboy humor. Some may frnd this to their aste; others may basically ignore it, as I did. At least the writing is not dull. (2) The many photos, mostly from microscopes and heat sensing devices, are marvellous and well captioned, but they don't always tie ino the texl Nevertheless, I found the book engrossing and spent days telling people the amazing things I learned. DR
THE WAY THINGS WORK by David lvlacaulay #I3U2 $29.95 (hardcover)
[On shampoo:] ...All that luxuriant white foam has no cqmection with cleaning, urd is put in as a separate ingedient entirely because some consumers wor'tbuy shampoos rurless they get their forn too, Rather it's because in shampooing there's detergent dissolved in the mix (shanpoo is l57o indusnial detergent), and thatdetergentsinks down to the dirt enrbedded in the hair grease and plucks it cler. you can think of the detergent as a diver pulling handfirls of matted bamacles from a hull; in that case the foam is like the useless splashing on the water surface that might be produced by a pleasure boat overhead: if it calr be seen on top it clearly can't be influencing the cleaning operation down below...
How petrified weryone would be if they were ro get a magnified glimpse of yet one more of the creanres that live on yonr face... massive armored mites, creahrxes 30,40, or even 50 microns across. They are hulks that permurently live
How do gears work? What makes a raft float? How do airplanes stay up in the air? What does hydraulic mean? How is a camera like a fluorescent lamp? What do parachutes and car tires have in common? Lldrle The S ecre t H ause, The Way T hings Wort takes us behin{ under, and inside the scenes oflife, in this case the world of machines and technology. By machines Macaulay means all sorts of things, from the everyday (can openers, lelephones, parking meters) to the less common (lasers, x-rays, holograms, robots). This amazingly comphrensive guide is likely to be ttre most-thumbed through reference book in the house, as all members of the family search for answers to their questions, get sidefacked as they notice something equally fascinating on another page, and read not only about how machines work but about how human invention works, how un&rlying ooncepts connect to and build upon each other.
Joha Holt'r
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Macauley is funny, readable, and thorough without being overwhelming. If you have one quick quastion about how something works, y(xt can open the book to the appropriate page, look at the illuminating drawing, and perhaps consider ttrat all you want !o lnow for the time being. You can then return - with a new question, or wanting to know mce about your original question - and this time read lvlacauley's fascinating explanations that accompany the drawings. The book can be dipped into, lingered over, explorcd in any order, read with someone else or alone, used to answer your own questions or perhapa the questions of a child loo young to read the book. The text on the jacket says tlrat the book "has been conceived especially for those who find technology intimidating and who wish it were less so."'We adddThc Woy ThingsWork !o our catalog not only because it's interesting and fun but because it makes a part of our world more rccessible, more visible and understandable, and we consider books that do that to be very valuable. If you know ldacauley's other books Castle, Undcrgrowd, City - you know that making the invisible parts of things undersandable is his specialty. We're lucky that he's so gmd at it. SS
THE SCIENTIFIC KID by Naary Carson #1282$9.95 When I was a young child, nothing held my interest more than playing with things my family had around the house. Toys and television didn't capnre my attention as much as making bricks out of mud and leaves and making rock candy from sugar, water and sring. When The Scientific Kid arrived at the Holt Associates office I knew history would be repeating itself. I've participated in half the experiments in the book with the help of some young friends who often remind me that it's all right to be a kid again. As we were experimenting, I noticed that each of them saw something different in each experiment we attempted. One young child was interested in how the grated
Cambrldge, MA02t4O
crayon shavings curled for the Crayon Melt experiment, while another was interested in the blending of colors when heat was
aplied to the shavings
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encased in wax paper. (I was interested
in how my creation was going to look hanging in my kirchen window.) For the Scavenger Hunt we collected things ftom nature which had different shapes, textures, colors and sounds; we observed tlnt each of our findings were significant and imporant 0o us in very individual ways. One young child found a round smooth stone that reminded her of part of the sained glass window in her home. Another had collected all the red items she muld find because red is her favorite color, and so on. Each of us appreciated that our perception of the world around us is very personal and wonderful. What makes Tlv Scientific Kid different from many other user-friendly science experiment books is that it does not assume the role of teacher. Author ldary Carson stales clearly in the inroduction, "Rather than imposing your own conclusions on an experience, stand back and allow the child Eo express his feelings about what has happened," and she practices what she preaches. tf your family is one that appreciates oppornrnities to do its own thing and stays away from "creative discovery" books that explain what results o look for when experimenting, then this is the book for you. The lmseJeaf format allows the book to remain flat s stand, freeing both hands. Each experiment's steps are lettered and drawn by hand, giving a touch of warmth and invitation not noticable in other science experiment books I've read. The hand lecering and illustrations make it possible for even the very young child to decipher directions and conduct experiments independently. Projects in the book that should not be attâ&#x201A;Źmpted without the help of an adult are labeled as such. Phoographer Sing-Si Schwartz captured Carson's children in the midst of discovery. His photographs are a delighq he has managed to capture the participants in wonderfully candid situations, and his talents, combined with Carson's, make this a wonderful book. Ann Barr
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CHAOS: Making a New Science by James Gleick
In any field there are always a few people who are not cowed by orthodoxy and are willing to challenge the status quo. Chaos is about people from various fields who fiied !o find meaning in what had previously been dismissed as error or aberration. We meet meteorologists, mathematicians, computer programmers, artists, physicists, cartologists, ecologists and biologists who have ried to undersrand the principles behind chaotic behavior. What impresses me most about this bmk is the author's ability o weave a coherent narrative about several decades of research, and to explain obscure areas of math and science in simple language and with apt analogies. While reading the book I often found myself explaining a particular concept, such as the iterative properties of fractal geometry, to my wife, who would stare at me open-mouthed, as if I'd just spoken fluent Chinese. "Do I make sense?" I said after such an outburst. "I undersand what you're saying," she said, "I just can't believe you're interested enough in this stuff to grasp it." I was. This book got my undivided attention as I reread passages, examined diagrams and drawings, and figured out the meaning of equations. The technical details are told as part of a very human drama, so you can skim the details if you want to, and think about their implications as you read the stories and examples. The people in this book are truly revolutionizing the way we will view the wodd in years to come, making "strong claims about the universal behavior of complexity... They feel that they are turning back a trend in science toward reductionism, the analysis of systems in terms of their constituent parts: quarks, chromosomes, or neurons. They believe that they are looking for the whole." These men (there isn't a woman mentioned in these pages, which reminds us how maledominated science is) are almost without exception iconoclasts in &eir fields. For ins[ance, James Yorke, who gave the science of chaos its name, is introduced this way: Yorke was a mathematician who liked to think of himself as a philosopher, though this was professionally dangerous to admir.. He was 0re kind of mathematician who felt compelled to put his ideas of reality to some use. He produced a report on how gonorrhea spreads that persuaded the federal government to alter its national strategies for controlling the disease. He gave official testimony to the state of Maryland drning the 197G gasoline crisis, arguing correctly (but unpersuasively) that the even-odd sysrem of lirniting gasoline sales would only make lines longer. In the era of antiwar demonstrations, when the government released a spy-plane photograph purporting to show sparse crowds oround the Washington Monument at the height of the rally, he analyzed the monument's shadow to prove that the photograph had actually been taken a half-hour later, when the rally was breaking up.
I like the way the book presents so much of chaos research as men
pondering everyday @currences. Discoveries about
chaos are made by observing water currents in a stream,
Cambridge, MA02l4O
thinking about why cigarette smoke breaks up from one column into many, examining cotton prices over tlp course of a century, trying to forecast the weather. We learn abut meteorologist Edward l-orenz and his discovery of chaotic behavior in computer models. In the early 1960s he was trying to create a computer program that could accuratâ&#x201A;Źly predict the weather. He thought that with all the daa about the weather that he had in his computer, if he sarted at a particular point he would get a weather pattern that would be the same each time: Given a slightly different starthg poittq the weather should unfold in a slightly different way. A small numerical eror was like a small puff of wind - suely the small puffs faded or canceled each other out before they could change the important, large-scale featues of the weather. Yet in l.orenz's particular system of equatioru, small errors proved catastrophic... Although his equations were gross parodies of the earth's weather, he had a faith that they captured the essence of the real atrnosphere. That frst day, he decided 0rat longrange weather forecasting was doomed.
Inrenz showed how very small changes affect the overall way large systems behave. It would be years before people in other fields would ake Lorenz's findings and translate them into the language of their own field, or make similar discoveries on their own. The book traces these developments. I think GWS readers will have a particular use for this book here, in addition to using it as a wonderful science book. Perhaps, like scientists studying chaos, if we take a longer, deâ&#x201A;Źper lmk at our learning processes, we will see patterns we'd missed before. Like chaos in science, these parerns are always present, always working, but are covered up by our preconceived notions of how our systâ&#x201A;Źms
should work.
In GWS #71 Susannah discussed the problems of refening to a home school as either structured or unstructured, and how the term "unstructured education" is really a misnomer. Cruos tells us many more reasons why this is so. (You may also sense, after reading the book, that the medieval notion of an orderly universe may be instinctively right.) "Noise," "experimental error," "aberration," can be seen as integral parts ofour learning processes as well as of our science; any education system (ust like any scientist) that ignores them is only dealing with half the facs. Perhaps chaos theory will eventually influence education as it has influenced dozens ofother disciplines. Patrick Farenga
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FOCUS: GETTING INFORMATION AND FIGURING THINGS OUT tlre status quo. The argument threatened to spltt the new and
black For this iSSUe'S FOCUS,ge ASI@d Sever1l freedomwasffnally@mpro- reaacrs ___r_.-_._ n wrue urout.,M)w vuy wenr aDout mtsed ln the lntereits of wtrrte soltdartty. Jinding out something they wanted to know, or figAl* ln the pa.cket y.*"t urtng oil luw to do something they wanted to do, -n*llttw itforrnation or hctp was nofieadity seiLrat pamphlets descrtbtng the available to tlrcm. Wlwt did they do? Wlw did they unlverslty's ypggntlns s4npo.ask? Wlat did they read? How did tlrcy monsge to slum on black hfstory and culE_ r ^r- ^-tlese resources? Was it easy, or difficult? Did ft1d ture, open to the publtc.'ii"a11t rca&ea when I unote to thts man tluy learn anything aboutfinding t6ngs out tlwt tlrat he was asslstant dean of the ilwy can now tell others?
vutnerable naflon, and
Ftom Kathedne Mdlpbra (ME): A couple ofyears ago, Nathantel and I were studylng the U,S. Consfltuflon, hle lnterest tn ft havlng been aroused by a hcslmlle copy lds grandrnother sent him. I was te the mtdst of readfng htm a book about the Consdtuflonal Convenflon when he satd suddenly, 'You know, lfs strange. All these books we\rc been readlng keep saldng what a landmark docu-
ment the Consfltutlon was for llbertv under the law. They keep saytr4 wha:t great phllosophers those founding fathers were. Well, lf that's tnre, why dtdn't they abolish slavery rtght from the start? How come lt took almost another hundred years for that to happen?' What a percepflve questlon, I thoughL Unfortunate$, I had no handy answer. My guess, I told Nathantel, uras that the aboliflon of slavery mtght have been proposed durtng the ConsdtuHonal Convendon but voted down by the Soutlrem delegates. However, I dtdn't know for sur€. 'I'll look It up somewhere,' I promlsed trlm - easler said than done, as lt turned out. We own several dozen books on Amerlcan history, trcludtng a vartety of high school and college textbooks, but there was no arswer to Nathaniel's questlon ln any of them. My library research was equally uff€wardlng. The rnore books I po..d orrer, the odder lt stmck me that none of them so much as alluded to the subject, Some of those foundlng fathers u.Ere pretty profcund and radtcal thlnkers, and as Nathaniel had potnted out, tt didn't seem logfcal that the ethtcal questlon of slavery had nerrer occurred to any of them, had nqrer even been ratsed. The problem contlnued to plague me. I remember mentlonlng lt to some acqualntances, a htgh school htstory teacher among thern but nobody knew any more about it than I did. Then one mornlng, I happened to swltch on the radio during a dlscussion prograrrL The toplc was Black Htstoryt the guest was a professor of Afro-Amerlcan studies at a local unlverstty, a fasclnailng speaker who had clearly done a great deal of scholarly research ti rus fieHi t made a note of hls name and, as soon as the program was orrcr, wrote hlm a letter saldng
horrr much Id enJoyed hts talk and ashng tf he could provide any leads fn llndtng an €rnswer to Nathaniel's quesilon. I mentloned, too, that we were homeschoolers and how frustrated I d often felt ln mv search for hlstory books that made riore than token references to mlnorldes,
A few days later we recelved a thtck packet ln the matl. In addtdon to a cprdlal reply to my letter, lt contalned the complete transcrtpt ofa speech ttrls professor had given, on the very toplc I d asked about. Readtng the transcrtpt, I leamed that my hunch was essenfla$r correct: the slavery lssue had been debated furloush durlng the Consdhrtional Conventlon, wlth Pennsylvania Quakers among lts most vocal opponents and wealthy Vtrglnla landowners the ffercest defenders of
unlversity - no doubt an extreme-
ly busy person, and yet he d gone to so much effort to respond to my
lnquiry. - Ttiere was tlme, a not tm long ago,
when I vras so shy about asldng strangers for assistance that fd send Nathanlel (who nwer had any such qualms) to get road dlrectlons from a gas staUon attendant. Thanks to his o<ample, and the demands of homeschooling, IVe bec-ome constderably more asserdve. Over the ygars wgve wrltten or phoned all sorts of places for help tn getUng lnformadon we uranted - mus€tlnxi, nature centers, the research departrnents of publtc librarles, chambers of commerce, foretgn embassies, local udlit5r companles, natlonal
corporaflons, reltglous lnstltutions, hlstorlcal socledes, and hobby clubs. Almost eyeryone nras frtendly and helpful; sonre were so eager to help that we got a lot more tnformatlon than rve'd asked for. So I have to wonder: ls lnformatron really all that difficdt to obtain? Or are we lnhibited _by ogr own assumpdons (tnsttlled and retnforced by school, perhaps) that people are baslcally unhelpful and unwllllng to answer our
I started a letter to them and was rather embarrassed about lt, so I sent lt the same day, before I had time to change my mlnd. I didn't even tell my fanuly that I wrote the letter because I felt sheepish and silly about it. I Just hoped that tf they wrote back, my slster wouldn't be the one to get the matl the day lt arrtved. Well, they dtd wrtte back and fortunately, I got the mall that day. The letter satd that unfortunately they crouldn't help me because "the Soctety doesn't have an
expert on staffwho could comment authorltatlvely' on my theories. But they dld give me the address of the Smtth-
sonian Instltute's Museum of Natural Htstory. It was a very nlce letter (I had been a ltttle afraid that I wouldn't be taken seriouslv or I would be told what a ridiculous tdei I had. So I was thrtlled to get such a nice letter). Then, I llnally had the guts to tell Mom about lt, though rather sheeplshly. Mom satd I should urrtte to the Smtthsontan. Thls dme I dtdn't feel so sheepish about tt. Ttre result nras another very nlcc
letter. It sald, '...even theoreti6ly, our
sclentists belierre the ltkelihood of a mam-
elephant is nil." It went on to explaln the reaions for ttrls. One r€ason b tfrat even when freezlng oocuftl very quickly, as in the case of rrlmmoths, ice irystils would form on the egg, wtrich-destoys c.ells. It is only by llashiteezlng ustng chemicals
a artlcle was about mammoths th"! _h"q been ll,ash frozen. One mammoth still had buttercups in tts rnouth. The lce around the mammoths had melted, revealtr-rS th9 bg$erttJ tf<|uia nitrogen t|t Frr111"r, o.rrrm cups. One mammoth was found half-eaten can bd rnatntatned. Ttrere" were manv by, wolves who sdll foun{ the meat tasty other reasons, too, but I won't go in6 them after thousands ofyearsl here. story mentioned that the mamI'm very glad I wrote those letters -The moths were about the slze of Aslan because I la;ed about more thanJust were probably-related to frozen mammoth eggs. I learned ttrlt the.. -e.lennagts_3nd them-- So I be-gan to wonder lf tt was theor- are plengr of resouiles beyond books and :UTXy possible-to produce mammoths by my p"r.tits. I also learned that I shouldn't fmphnting elephants wtth frozen, fertilfei so silly about asktng questions, tzed. mammoth eggs. I llgured that there because tlie two ladtes wfro answered my might b€ p..\"E ol Fq:gns wly ttrls_would questions wene very ldnd and helptul and be lmpossible, but I sttll wondered tf lt was ient to a lot of troible to answer them. I theoredcally posslble anp- tf w-!rV got. will never feel strange about llnding new Flrst I asked Morn, llke -not I usually do, resources agaln. One day, lastyear, I was reading
fuader's D{7est sclencr book. One
but she didn't have the answer this tlme, and I couldn't think of anv books that could answer
"'y Reader's Digestcnuldn't answer my
tlon because it doesn't hanrc anv sclentists worktng for tt. That made me tirittk of nraga?ine that does, Natbnal
SIGN LANGUAGE; COST{JMES hom Theo Gtesy (VN: My daughter Anlta (17) was interested language and wanted to learn more
" Geqraphic. in sign
l6 by stgning wtth hearlng-fmpalr€d people. She also llkes ctrtldren -o she thou-gtrt that she mtght be able to do volunteer mork
wlth heartng ctrlldren. She looked ln the telephone book and found the Tldewater Assocladon for Hearlng
Im-patred Ctrtldren. She called and goi
lnformadon about thelr actMUes ;nd meetlngs and found out that she urculd be welcome, She hasn't been able to pursue thls further slnce she has a lot of other lnterests and ts rrcqr busy. But she got the lnfonraflon to use lf she flnds tlme to. My other daughters, Danlle and Susan, are members of a dance ensemble
which performs in the schools. I nralrc all the costumes for the group. Eachyearnrc put together a ne{r, program. Thts yeads program lncludes a Polish dance, and I wanted Ore coshrrnes to look as authenttc 1s qosgfble. I constder€d the posslbtltdes for llndlng out what the coshrmes should look ltke. One posstblltgr uns asldns the local Folfsh dance group lf I could look at thelr costumes. But thatrpould be lnconvenlent because they are about llfteen mlles away, and also I urculd not hanrc a conttnulng reference whtle I vrorked. Instead I went to a couple of librartes and looked at books on polind and on costumes until I found one wlth very good plctures and descrtpdons of cosir.ines. I used tt to refresh my rnemory and anssrcr any quesflons I cante up wtth as I urorked. Sornetlmes, whlle worldng on costumes, I wtsh I already knenr sonrc plece ofneeded lnformadon, but lt ocrurs to rrrc then that even tf I had taken oours€s ln costumtng, tdstgr-tc costume, etc., they probably urouldn't hanrc ansnrcred the spectfti quesdon I have at the momenL Another example of ftndfng out lnforrnadon: When our famtty flrst needed to knolrJust what the schooltng law was, ure called an elected representatfue and asked
hlm to send us a copy. We are used to golng to the ltbrary for all klnds of fnformaUon and to flndrlg people who can provlde arulwers. Informadon ls arrailable to those who look for lt. If you belterrc that you can't g€t lnformaflon on your own, you wont look. Beltevlng ln your own abtllty ls the rnaln rcqulr,ement for ffndtng
wanted lnformatlon.
LEARNING ABOUT TOWN'S HISTORY FYom Marg-Gange Stnonltch (CN: As a self-taught wrlter, I often must leam to do thlngs that seem outslde the re-alm of my lnborn ablllfles, Many tlmes I have gone ln search ofobscure faits that t never before unntgdto know - unfll I began to vlew the world through the eyee of my lnvented characters. When I began unrk on my flrst htstorlcal novel, I had to solve a number of problenls before beghnfng the achral wrldng. I
nad cnosen to us€ rry own town as a maJor s€tttng thus knowledge of the nreather, geologl, lndlgenous plant ltfe, etc. was ry"dlty anallable. But my story was to take
place over l3Oyears ago. What dtd the town look llke ln l85O? How dtd people Itve? I had to know these thtngs to rnake my story belterrable. So I urcnt explortng. Our town ls one of the oldest ln
California and proud of tts htstory. The
towrr center ls a square plaza that was planned durln! Cialtforirta's Modcan Perld, parts of wtrtch ane nolrl a hlstorlc park Throughout torvn are htstorlcal rnonuments, and at some of these I found docents-wtlllng to talk, to ansnrcr questlons - lf the queetlons urcre the rtght ones. '1850? I thlnk there was a railnoad on Spaln Street,' someone told me. After
all manner of books on the county's trls-
tory, and I dlscover€d there nras, lndeed, a
whlte settlernent establtshed tn the early l85og, and the town that grew from tt sttll e:dgts, We vlstted that torrm and bought thefr self-publtshed book, WI@e Tie 'Elt Is Shlrrglebron? What a flnd that urast The chlldren lorred our camptng trtp leto the past, and I thfnk htstory came allve for
r€c€Mng a fenr rnore vague anss/€rs and aorne blank looks, I decfded to take my quesflons elsewhere, for lt nras obvtous the docents hadn't been tnfned to provtde the sort of lnformatlon I sought, My next stop rrras the Chamber of Co-mmerce. They shourcd me a recentlypubltshed book about the town's old aitobe buildfngs. Inslde was a street map that
them as a result And I dtscorrcred many lMng scenes for my novel. laoklng back on these experlences, I realtze that some of my most valuable lnforrnadon came from the least expected sources. We found fh€: lesf-rngnflgnsd book tn a gtft shop (after asldng at the general store for anyone who knew about
rne that he learned about our netghborhood's trlstory durlng a conversa-don wtth the man next door - who helped butld the entlr,e houslr4; tract where ure llve, I also
shourcd ercry butldlng and lts locailon -
1850. I eventually found enough matertal there and ln other books to form tn nry mlnd a vMd ptcture of my tonm, mld--lgth But rny problems urcre notyet
lmportant part of rrSl envlsloned - An plot concerned the fatled treafles made wtth the Californta Indtans tn l85l-52. I knenr somethlng about the pollflcs of that dtsaster, but I needed the human facts. Who were the government olllclals lnvotrred? What sort of people were they? One of my former profeisors had prepired a manuscrlpt on the subJect, unpubltshed as of L972, but he had slnce passed away, and I had no ldeawhere hts manuscrlpt had ended up. I vrote, not tnrly expccttng a reply, to a research assoclaflon at the Unlvenlty of CaltfomLa, askfng lf th.y knqywhat had happened to the manuscrlpt. The results surprlsed me. A ldnd pennn there urent out of her nray to be helpful, searchlrrg the arehftrcs for the work ln quesflon, unforhrnate! wlthout suocess. She dtd, howerrer, send me
another loose-bound rnanuscrlpt, one that turned out to be tnvaluable. And all ttrls was free for the asking, NexL I had to follon' my characters lnto the wtlds of northeastern CalffornlaMy famtly loves to camp, so we went trarrclfung, looHng licr recreatlon and lnformadon. Of course, the area ls less wlld now than lt uas fn 1854, the year my characters arfved there, In the late l85os, the arm5r bullt a fort to'protect the settlers from the Indl,ans,'and today a museum occuples the old fort stte. What whlte settlements odsted before the army came? Where dtd homesteaders go to purchase flour and anfmal feed? On the uray to the museum ln search of answers to thelP questlons, urc got caught tn a huge trafflc backup and made lt to the museum
door two mlnutes after clostng tlme. The woman tn charge ryouldn't let us tn, although I told her why we were Late and thatwe couldn't rehrrn the next day. We had-other plac'es to lrwesflgate and on$ a week ln wtrtch to do lL I asked her tf shl knenr what settlements erdsted pre-fort. She sald (rather rudely) that there were none. I went auray feeltng dellated and
We drove to a tlny town a couple of mlles away, desperati to llnd even one person wo knew scirnethlng about the area's hlstory. A good samarttan dkected us to the lfbrary, a tlny two-room stor€front whlch was, merclfu$, open. The Ubrarlan was wonderful. She shoured us
the town's htstory). My husband remturds
leamed to take my dd, lndepth quesdons flxst to people ln the bustnese of reeearch, Museums and htstortcal parks are rraluable preseryen of human arufacts, but often the knowledge they guard ts llmtted and speclflc, destgned fofthe tourlst market or as a stmple lntroductlon to a perlod or subJecl Arctrlvists and Itbrartans, on the other hand, are trained tn the art of tracktng down the more obscure lnformatlon. In my enperlence, they have been frlendly and enthusl,asflc, seemtng to enJoy thelrurcrk as much as I enJoy the adventure ofresearch.
When I was l8 I took a quarter offof c€llege to go ltve ln a ltttle cabin tn the Wasatch mountalns of Utah. I lived a seven-mlle slit from ttre nearest towrr or nelgfibor. Betng a very people-ortented person, I found thls a newogerlence. So t decfded to try somethlng new that I thoughtvrculd take me a long time to complete and wouldn't take any machinery or electrlclt5l to make. About a week before I moved I qrent to the library to look through the craft sectlon for ldes. I qutckly settled on the ldea of a qutlt. Now, at thts potnt tn my Me, I had nener erren seen what a real qutlt looked like, but they looked good tn the plctures, and you didn't have to embrolder anythfng (I didn't thtr:k I'd ltke to do that). You could make qutlts fur small squarles so I wouldn't have to make a huge mess out of the small cabin, and I lmew tlnt I loved to sew - so I thought a qutlt unuld be a perGct choice for my
proJect. Once I dectded to make a quilt I looked through a plcture book of qutlts and chose a block destgn that I ltked, and drew a small ptchrre of lt on a scr:rp of paper, cnpled down the overall slze of the com-
pleted block, and went home. At home I ngured out roughly how much fabrlc I would need, made my pa.tterns and went to the store to get the stuff. The next day I had eveqrthtng cut out and packaged up neatly tn my trunk. I nras convlncEd I could figure out how to make the quilt wtthout readfng any dlrrectlons or havlng any help - thls ls very typtcal of me, and lsn't necessarlly the best tacdc, Anyuray, I spent the winter
t7 dtltgently sewlng up the squanes, Ilntshed them up, and put tlrem tn a box to sew together when I got home. Well, when I got home and back to college I was alrrnys too busy to ttrlnk about the qutlt, and tt sat tn a box for about llrre vears untll Beccawas born and I was home
*tth ltttL blt of ume on my hands. I had " who had taken loads of classes a frlend from a really fabuloue qullter. S€etng her
Itttle squares wtth thelr tlny precise stttches made me reallze that I had a lot to leam. I started gotng to qutlt shows and museums to look at qutlts. Becca and I used to walk down to the local qullt store
and Just hang out looldng at what people vrere rnaHng. Flnally I pulled out my qutlt agaln and was aghast at my workrnanshlp. I now knew what a qutlt should look ltke. But I dectded tt was better to keep worldng on what I had done than to start orrcr. So I spent hours playlng wtth the placement of rrry squares to take my pretty tradtdonal blocks and turn them lnto somethlng a llttle morc excldng. For days (or maybe weeks) my Uvlng nx)m \pas ltttered wtth quilt squares as I played. Thts playtng was actually rrcry tmportant ln my dcvelopment as a qullter. I became completef lmmersed ln tlre medlum and started leamtng about color and destgn. Thts uras
extremely exclflng. Rtght after this we rno\rcd to Idaho, and soon afterwards I met a wonderfrrl group of women called the Bolse Peace Qullters. Thls was perfect - a group of mothers who loved babtes, made qutlts, and dtd peace urork I dove rtght in. I dtdn't let lack of knowledge keep me from trytnt. They soon were teachlng rne e'erythlng they knew - whtch at that potrt wasn't all that much slnc.e they were peace workers Ib:st and qullters second. But we all leamed as wewent and the quilts got made. At ttrts potnt, I flnally had enough experienc€ under my belt that I felt ready to read about qullttng. I slowly started to make my own prcJects wtth a little help from books. I had had enough hands-on experlencr, enough apprendcc-$rpe lessons, and had read enough to tacklewhat I wanted to make and have lt tum out baslcally as I had hoped.
PLUNGING RIGHT IN; SELF. TRAINING Flom Lols Lake Clurch (CD: Ifuowtng that I uranted a lorv-tech btrth for whtch I would 'wrlte the scrlpt,' I r€ad a great deal, most notably Nobles Chfldbttt]r Wtth Inslght and Panuthos's TtansJolrnrrltlon Thrcugh Blrtlu The ldeas ln these books conffrmed my feellng that I could trust my body and my lnstlncts, as dfd the mldrvtves and other women who chose consclous btrthlng. I'ne learned many ttrtngs thts way: flrst I read every book and arHcle I can ffnd on a toplc, then I extract what sounds and feels rtght to me, and then I talk lt over wlth, and get support for my vlews from, a small number of
'frtends of my heart.' I also learn by the Plunge Rtght In method. On-the-Job self-tratnlng was how I became edltor of a Connectlc'ut-Rhode
Island newsletter for La Leche League. I had had no experlence ln the art aspects of
edfthg (layout, paste-up), so IJust had to cxamtne prevtously-used Paste-uPs and flgure out how to do lL The edltor before
me had morrcd to Vernront leavlngl me wtth a folder of lssues and not much more. l.ater I extended and refned my shlls, ndth lots of one-on-one help from
edttor Roberta Johnson, when I uras asked to be assoctate edltor ofthe cookbook
Jor ttc Whde FanflA.
later I was asked to be the llbrartan- for a srnall prhrate grade school my boys then attended, although I had fery quallflcadons other than an lnter€st ln and lorrc for ctrtldren and for books. Thts was a wonderful ogerlence, for I had free rete to do theJob however I qranted to. I learned wtrtle dotng tt, and lrt Serreral vears
a sense re-created theJob by destgntng
readfng trcendve contests, r€arrdnging the books, buyfng n€ff ones, and trahfng student asslstants, tn order to spa.rk the clrildren's tnterest ln readlng. It was really excfflng to see a reluctant reader become exclted about books, and to hear the students eagerty clamorlng for somethtng new to read. So, lf I want to tackle somethlng new,
and lfs too hard to begtra on my own, I ffnd sorreone to sho/help/advtse me, and I read, read, read. Then I practlce, reflne, and someflmes re-create.
WRITING HANDBOOK ABOUT HOMESCHOOL LAW From Dlano Baseman (PN: The best example I can thtnk of about when I had to llnd out somethlng I uranted to know that was not readlly avallable at the library or from someone I know has to do wtth the wdtfng of Ttv Permsghnnla
I had gradually been comlng to thfnk that I needed legal advtce, slnce I was rvrfdng about compl5dng wtth a Law but I could not alford to hlle a lawyer. I was realb excited at the prospect of betng able to talk to aomeone who really knerv the law. I was parflcularly concemed about tlre tntent of some of the wordtng that ts ldenttcal tn both laws and about the ellect of the dlfferences between the laws. I had an er<cellent dlscusslon about these two lssues wlth thls larqyer who also graclouslv Eave nre some free legal advlce. I then the Home School kgal Defense .iit "tea tn Vtrghfa because I wanted Assoclaflon them to knour that thelr cllents rtlght use some of my advtce, and I wanted thelr oplnlon of my ldeas. Agah I was urgd to
I was amazed at the tlme and trouble that total strangers took fn helptng me do my research. I ahrnk people tn general are
Gtterea when they are consulted. Before I
contacted people for thts research I made a separate llst of quesdons for each Perslon. pactr was on a large sheet of paper wtth space fcr answers to each quesdon. I preGr telephontng to wrlilng letters Lecause I can get lnstant feedbackwhtch sorD€dmes generates new and better questlons, Don't be afrafd to ask your source to recommend other gources, elther people or materlals. Most people are happy to do thls as long as you dont orpect a long list.
Another thlng I leamed from ttrls researchexperlencewas to try to ffnd an unusual an$e when I reached a dead end. Contacttng people tn another state wlth a slmilar sltuadon helped me when lt was
tmposslble to flnd .rnyone wlth experience here ln Pennsylvanla-
out. -lust put i n"a some ldeas about how to comply
DESIGNING HER OWN HOUSE f}om Arute kuilaqua (NC):
wasn't sune wene legal, Stnce the law had not been tested yet lt was hard to know what u/ould be acceptable. The llrst thfng I dtd was telephone the olllctal tn the state department of educatlon who ls tn charge
Serreral yeals ago my husband Paul and I bought a ptece of land and, wtrlle DavlnE for lt, we thought about the house i.,ea Uie butldlng there. I had tdeas, of ooursle, but I nener consldered destgnln$ it myself. That was fcr archltects, who drew
Hone Educatbn
whtch IVe
wtth the Pennsylvania's new homeschooltng law ln a rrartety of urays that I
of homeschooltng, Ttrts uras scary, but he turned out to be very supportlve. He urged rne to go forurard wfth rny tdeas. I was not saflsffed wtth Just one oplnlon, however, so I dectded to contact my local school
dlstricl The asslstant superlntendent
there was also suppordve. I kept wtshing that I could get an oplnlon from someone wlth experlence wtth the law, but how could I do that when the law was brand neW'? Then I remembered that the recondkeeplng part of the Law had been copted rrcrbattm from the Flortda law passed three years earller. Many of my tdeas had to do wtth recordkeeptng, so maybe I could get advice from sorneone tn Flortda who had exPerlence wtth that Law. I found a homeschooler ln Flortda who gave me the name and number of the leader of a large local support group ln Flortda, and I had two long phone crnversatlons wtth thts leader. She descrtbed what has happened ln Florida stnce the passage of the law, advised me that my ldeas should be acceptable, and gave me the phone number of alawyerwho had been one of the authors of the law.
blueprtnts - words that tmplied myste!ous, untouchable talents, or at least a four-
year degree program. I supposed thatl -would tind a suttable plan and mod$ tt. I searched out house-butldlng magazlnes, looked at houses I Passed, the houses of my ffends' I thought about the house we were ltdng fn at the time, and others we had rented' Why was one oardcular space comfortable? lVe never lnJoyed measurlng, but I had to be speclffc, oI Legan to carqr a tape measure around. I lfked, and measured, mY tn-laws' kttchen, the llreplace ln our current home'
the ltving room of my mother's apart-
ment, and I wrote these and other measurements tnto a small notebook. I read through €rsi many do-it-yourself buildfng books as I could and most helpful at the beglnnlng were those that demysflIIed the pnocess for me. 'Knitdng instnrc-
ttons and archttectural details diller irt subJect only,' one book told me. I began to fool around with pencil and PaPer,
working out floor plans.
I felt an uqge to understand the construcUon ofa house. What is under the
l8 floor? behind a wall? I remember looklng at a drawlng of a typtcal house skeleton, tqdng to forcc the anatomy lnto my bratn. I was lmpatlent wlth myself for not rememberlng. I found an author who sutted rne perGctly: Alex Wade, an energeflc, generous, and cons€rrndon-mlnded archttect, wtth plenty of scorn for pomposlty in hls professlon, He helps famtlles 8et the hous€ they urant and wrttes about how he does tL Each chapter tn the book told of a famlly and the house they built. I read ttds book over and over, errcry nfght, for months, ltke a ctrtld readlng tales, as tndeed these urcre. And, stnce natltng Jotnts and butldfng headers urere part of tlre storles, I began to understandJolnts and headers,
Sdll, tt seerned a btg leap to destgn my own house, and at thts potnt I happened to ask the rtg;ht quesHon 6f te rtgtrl'person. I asked an acqualntance who had been through most of archltecture school, iJust how far can I go wtth the process of design?' "Ifyou can see lt,'he answered, )ou can do lt all.'I could see tt; I'd been butldtng the house mentally. The mystery of archltecture dtsappeared, There may be architects whose vlsual talents exceed mlne, who could destgn a'better" house than I could, but I knew now that I could do as much as I uranted. We found a bullder, a gregarlous mountaln man who was worktng at what he loved. I showed hlm my floor plans, rry rectan$es penctlled onto graph paper. "Naw, I don't need no blueprtnts,' he satd, and procreded to tell me of the house he'd bullt from a sketch on a paper towel, Once butlding began, the questlons came faster. How should the roof slope? Who makes a wlndow tlrts slze? I no longer had ttme to rummage for answers; I was forced to ask questions that I was afratd youfd seem stupld. I became frtendly wtth hardware clerks and bulldozer operators, I was alurays able to ffnd people who llked what they rvere dolng and who treated my inqulrtes as pleasant lnterruptlons. Many people went out of thelru,ay. I spent an afternoon wtth a sau/rntll lnstmctor at the local communlty collegp, learntng how a tree becomes floorboards, ln my search for inexpensfue harrdwood floortng. I spent half a day at a st5rrofoam plant, another
afternoon ln the yard of a oncrete block
dtstrtbutor, hours looHng through
sah,age yards wlth salvage collectors as gufdes. When I rvas a ctrlld school was, oddly, a haven for me, because although I was
ared by adults,
uras afrald of appearlng
stuptd, and talked ln class only |f called upon, I found that I could do what I most vranted - make As and sec my frlends easlly enouglr wlthout asHng anythfng of teachers. How artlflclal tt was, how lll-
prepared I uras ln rnost respects for nrcrldng ln the urorld. Indeed, It nras only through worHng tn the rporld that t lost my fear, or most of lt, of adults.'IVe grown fond of a saytng I read ln Pat Joudry's book, And Ttv Childten Plagd"'When the student ts wtlltng the teacher wlll arrfirc.'We now hanrc a pleasant house to Iftrc tn, but as I reflect oh tt I reallze that the real gatn for rne has been a llttle less fear, a much better understandtng ofhow thts adult world works.
RESEARCH FOR TEXTBOOK; PREGNANCY AND RH FACTOR F}om Mary Von Doren MN: Soon after I flntshed graduate school, I urorked as a research asslstant for a
professor who was wrtttng a textbook called E4glish Jor Students o;f *brw ad. TahrcIogg, whlch was supposed to have been used ln lran. Tlrls was shortly after the Shah vras deposed, so even though the get prlntd there, I dfd don't thlnk lt uras errer used.
Among the tlrtngs I dtd were to wrtte exerclses, put ln titles, get lllustratlons done, proofnead, wrlte an indeX and
clarlfy sub.;ect nratter for the professor, who uns not technologflcally or sclentlflcally lncltned. Netther ryas I, but I managed qufte urcll. I remember that the math sectlon uras about topologl, a really \rery inter€sttng area whlch I had nerrer heard of Uohn Holt mendons lt in a couple of places ln hts books). The chemtstry secflon had to do wlth benztne rlngs. Ttrls was all gotng on at the Untver-
slt5r of llllnots, so there were people there who could tell me about thlngs lf I could flnd out who to ask. I made no attempt at
FATHER LEARNS TO SWIM We are ltrlr'lndirrg tlrd's storyJtomstephank Judy @C) ba,ause tt sags so nurch lano chlldrenbleftIronblng atourtd adults wto seem themselrns as capable
abut oJ
learrnry rew thLtgs:
I was an enthusLasdc swlmrrrcr as a ctrild, but my father was a complete nonswlurmer, and also rrcry much afratd of the urater. Nenertheless, he dtd qulte a blt of chaulfeurln-g of my bmther and me to the publtc pool. One day, to my ariazement, he came ln wlth us. He had to meefa frlend there who had ofri:rea to help htm ovetrcome hls fear of water and leam to swlrn- I remember feellng for a moment astonIshed at the-tdea of 3-grown-up reamtng somethlng. lvfy astontsf,rnent qutckly changed to deep and lastlng prtde and admtraflon. He met wlth hfs teacher on\r a far flmes, and from then on'took lessons. from me. He nerrer became a very good swlmmer, but he dtd become comfortable enough to go wtth us to the pool and have fun. I was probably around g at the time. I thtnk-the inlenqtp of trls-example dld more to make rne a 'llfelong learner' than any of my own schmltng ev,er dld. I have stnce, as an adult, learned thrngs like Juggltng, 6e skaltng, carpentry, drMng, bookkeeplng, and uslng computers. HC modeled lor me a ldnd of fearlessness of new sltuadons, a wiltngneis to accept .whaterrer works' wtth a slrnultaneous respect for'elegant solutlons,' I wtll always be grateful to my father for
hls courage.
all to look at books about the subJects, whlch ls a good tlrtng because I probably uiould not have found arry at my level of understandtng. I called the math department and asked who mtglrt know about topolory. They told me the name of a professor, and I made an appotntmenl The man I spoke to was nrcll knourn ln the fteld; the nrost orpedenced penrcn at that school, ln any case. He was wonderfully helpful and frtendly. The same was tme of the chemtstry professor I saw later. I had been hesttant about golng ffrst to the top to llnd out sorrethlng that urould most ltkely turn out to be fatrly sirnple. Honrever, I got tlre feeltng then that that was exactl5r the rtght approach. I\fiany people worktng ln sorrcwhat obscurc areas ofreseachunuld react, I thtnk, as thege turo men dld to my requests for tnformadon - they were ve.y flattered th"t anyone outslde a small clrcle of people shoured lnterest tn thelr area ofe:<pertise. They both went out of thelr way, not only to e:<platn things to me so that (and undl) I understood, but errcn helped me struggle wtth the wordteg. We were uslng a list of the 5OOO most common words ln Engltsh and at that potnt tn the book were limiGd to the flrst 3OOO or so. Thry looked over my llsts and helped me choose the best words from what was avatlable.
These rather tdgh-rantAng professors truly glad to help. Itrpould have taken me much more ttme and probably a lot of frustratlon to have trted to get the tnforrnatron I needed from books or from people who rnay not have known enough about the subJect to have oglalned lt to me so I could understand. Certatnly not all professors or teachers are able to explaln thlngs clearly, but these two were. Perhaps betng so glad that anyone from the "outstde world" showed tnterest ln thelr work for any reason helped them help me. I sdll seerrrcd
thlnk tt's best to go to the most expert,
most egerlenced person you can posstbly flnd to get tnforrrraflon on a partlcular subject.
Another orample: Mark and I have
chosen not to go to a doctor tn connecflon wlth our new baby. We have found a lay rnfddG wlth whom ure ane very cemfortable, and felt that lf we dtd need medical asslstance we could get lt. Slnce lVlark and I have dlfferent Rh factors ln our blood Mark s ls posltlrre and mine ls negauve we need to have the baby's blood checked as soon after blrth as posslble. If a negatlve mother has a posttlve ctrild and some of the baby's blood should mtx with the mother's, there could be serlous problems for a subsequent chlld, As a precaution, negiatfue rnothers who have a posltlve child can get an lnJectlon of an funmunoglobulin called Rlrogam rrtthln 72 hours after the birth and be pretty well assured that there wtll be no problems later. Our mtdwtfe had never run lnto a sltuatlon ltke thls, and she dtd what she could by readtng ardcles and books about the subJect to become farn{hr with the sltuation and try to flnd out how best to
We had already contacted the local
doctor (the onl5r one tn the county) to llnd out tf he would be wtlling and able to help wtth any of this. Homebtrth ls not at all @mmon tn thls count5r, and tlrere ls no hospttal here. The hospttal the local
l9 doctor l,s affiliated wtth ts about an hour away. So, slncc no one ls born here, the doctor does not harrc Rhogam and found he couldn t llet tt at all easlly. The best soluflon seemed to be to go to the emergency noom at the hospttal and get the tnJecflon, lf necessa5r. I upuldn't mfnd gofng that far to get the medlctne, even a couple of days after givlng blrth (tt would take a whlle to have i blood sample sent to the hospltal lab for analysts, and for the results to come back). Lucklly, we have worlred out away to ffnd out tf tt wtll be necessary to make that
I remembered hearlng about testln$ blood types ln hlCh school bloiogr classes' I also remernbered the name of a very wellknowrr company that Mark ts farntltar wtth - Caroltna Blologtcal Supply. lvlark went to the btologr depa.rtrnent at Vlrglnta Tech, a very }arge untvcrsttSt fatrly near here, to look at thelr catalogs, There are many btologtcal supply companles, but he found out that what nrc urant ls avallable at a reasonable prtce through Carollna. He got thelr address, phone number, orderlng informadon, etc, and I called them the next day, Caroltna wlll not send chemlcals to tndlvtduals, so we needed to know lf the blood testtng ldt that nre wanted was a restrlcted ltem, Ttre person I spoke to tn the orderlng departrnent uras able to tell me that there would be no problem wlth our orderlng the ktt, but she dtdn't knov anythlng about the accuracy of the test. She garrc rn€ tlre name and number of the head of the medlcal department at Carollna- The wonran I spoke wtth there had worked tn a blood lab prevtously and told me that these ktts are sultable for our purpose. In fact. these test lilts are ldenflcal to the ones often used by the Red Cross ln Europe to test blood. So we ordered slx test ldts - one for each of us and one extra for the baby. We wtll be able to try tt out beforehand to make sure we know what we are doing. Since Mark and I both know our blood type and Rh factors aL'eady, we wlll know |f weVe done the test properly. If the baby's Rh factor ls poslflve, we wlll know rtght away, and I can rrocover a couple of days before gotng to the ctty to get the lnJectlon. But, how to get the blood from the baby to do the test? Our mtdwlfe read enougfr dlfferent artlcles and books to becpme c.onfused about how best to get a blood sample from the umbtllcal cord. It seemed as though tt should be extr,emely simple, but the books gave conlltcttng lnformaffon and were not clear about procedures. To ffnd out, I called a mtdwtfe ln Rtchmond whom we had contacted before wlth another questlon. She told me Just how the blood could be collected - lt ls lndeed as slmple as we thought lt should be.
Agaln, gotng to people wlth the most knowledge we can posstbly flnd has worked out to be the most dtrect method for finding out what we need to know about dotng thlngs the uray we feel ls best. Ifs really not so hard to IInd out who to talk to. We Just kept aslidng quesdons undl we found the people who had the necessary expertise and willinginess to help us.
HELPING CHILDREN FEEL EFFECTIVE: INTERVIEW WITH ALISON STALLIBRASS We've ohtays funttercstcd Intle unde oJ Brldsh unller Atlsqt Stalltbnass' atd. whenu:e Leardthather brol< abplut chlldrcn's plag, ^I'he Self-Respecilng Chtld, uras fuck InPrlul4. un Imndlate
added It to our JolI catalq (* | 2tt6, $ 1O.95 + posL). We trlnleorrr.ed. that Allson hod
Justjhfshed a s@nd. bcilc calld Belr4tr{e ana Also Us,
obut tlre futteer lle(Ilth
calld tle M)<hatn Eryd' nent). a Josclnatlng Janfu health enter tlu.t was In operatbn h Dglad bhoeen the wars. ,John Hdt wrote abttt tle enter C-;enhe
of Educadon, calllry It a urrderJul emnple oJ the lernd oJ plae thar .tlrnr/rd malce l{e r*her Jor tanril|c,s ard. anrnunltles. We sent Alison setrral frr Instead
ouestfons a}rrut ltrlr
unrb ard
6nsu:etd. tlem tn o lctnd oJ hteru|r:u-bgmall, Jor GlliiS recders: What drrvs lt meanr to call a clild.'se!frespecthtg'? To me lt mears a chtld who feels himself (or herselll of rralue because he knows that he has to some extent power orrcr himself and hls surroundlngls; he can make thfngs happen; he can affect people's behavtor towards hfmself. He larows from experlence that he ls capable of learntng how to do what he wants to learn how to do, and that every day he ts acqulrlng rnone powersl and sktlls. Bruno Bettelhelm puts tt very well tn hts the Emptg For
bess: Iryfantil,e Autlsm arld tle Btth oJ SetJ(1967): 'What humanDes the lnfant ls not betng fed, changed, or ptcked up when he feels the need for tt,,., It ls rather tlle experlencc that hts crylng for fmd brtngs about hls satlatlon by others ac.ctrdlng to his tfmhg that makes tt a soctaliztng and humanlztng e:gerlence.' Bettelhelm says that a chlld's vlew of the world, of hlmself, and the healthy dwelopment of hls personaltt5r, depend on the amount he ls able to feel that he can be elfectlve and produc.e results. Bettelhelm's successes rvlth autlstlc ctrlldren depended on, among other things, caustng each one to feel that he or she was to some extent the master of his or her own fate.
referrtng to chlldren's freely chosen and and also to play tn a spontaneous play, -the chtldren are lndtvtdusituatlon whe-re
allv responslble for themselves, where tfr6y nai'e to re$ on thetr own Judgment
tlrat they have to do so. One more thlng I wlll mentlon, though I am sur€ lots ofPeoPle have nodc-ed lt, ts the way chlldren try to learn how lt feels to be sonreone else by imitattng them, or by taklng the role, tn a cooperailve make-belteve game, of the p€rsron or crtatur€ that they arc Parflcuiarlv curtous about at the ttme, so that th.t!'*"y feel how lt feels to be treated as that person or cr€ature.
It was many thtngs: It was the laboratory of the two
medtcally-tratned btologtsts, George Scott
Wfiamson and Innes Pearse, and was set up by them ln order to ffnd out how people would behave tn condldons or clrcumstances wtrlch prnmote health, and to test thetr hypothesls of what these condldons are, They trted to learn what human betr4;s are ltke 'tn the wild'' The 'Peckham Btologtsts,' after tlrelr three year pllot scheme and much thought on the sublect, had an ldea of what the basic socLl and funcdonal health needs of humans were, and they trled to create condlflons tn whlch people would be able
to satlsfu these baslc needs. tt uras also a club for famllies - any member of the fam$, howerrer young or old, could use lt - llvlng wtthin a one-mile radtus of the club premises. There werre no c.orrldors or closed doors, so lt was easy to see and to move from one Part of the butldtng to another. It was ln a predominantly upper worklng class/lower mtddle class tnnei cl$r suburb. The idea was that chlldren and adults should create their own annusements or, If they wlshed, sit and watch what uras golng on or chat over a cup ofcolGe or a beer or a snack purchased tn the self-seMce cafeteria- To the long-term members, lt became a Placg where, they said, 'all the famtly liked to
Can gou sag somedtdrtg,
fiom gour partlcular perqtectfise, abut tance oJ plag tn
a chlld's
I agree with Karl Gross
(professor of ptrtlosophy at
the Universlt5r of Basle at the end of the l9th century) who wrote The Hog oJ An&nals and ?he PlaC oJ Man He knew that chlldren grow all-round through thelr play; they develop thelr phystcal, mental, and soclal faculdes through thetr play, and also their abilfty to be reallsdc, to be aware of tldngs as they really are and how to respond to them appropriately. But I thhk he was
:." ;'t$
20 be,' and where young and old developed cpnftdence and unsuspected talents.-
Can atrythlng tltrrt usas
tlo2t Ug
Sryrtnent b
In and,
toJonflg l{e? In otlvi umds, do V;; thtr* angtlirlg uns leand. abut utlut
b Aeat useSl to parents, eventhose u:to dor{thotn acess-b such a center? chllfuen rced., arld. I:rrut
Wht b
The answer ls YES, a great deal. The Peckham Btologtsts had a btologcal
outlook on llfe, and tlrts way of looHng at thlngs ts rare, at least among tntelectids and leade-rs 9f ttroqght. Unconsclous$ or
people thlnk of hurnans as gods - able to do what they ltke wlth tmpuntty - or else as machines entlr,ely actfuated and forrred by outslde cauees. Often adults behave, or wrlte, as tf they thems€hrcs were gods and chlldren were machlnes. On the other hand, someone wtth what I call a
bblogfcal outlmk bases trts acdvltv on the common sense fact that people ire Itvlng organtsms and that lf they are to be ltdthy and happy thry must olLy the }aws that govern the health and nrcl-befns of ltving organlsms and communlHes of organlsms. It uras the btologtsts' humble attttude tounrd ltG and lMng thlngs and thelr unsentlmental rerrcrence for the power of organlsms to grow accordtng to thelr potenflaltty, gtven the opportuitdes that they need, that made them-treat ctrtldren wtth the same respect as th€y accgrded thelr parents, I wrote tnBetitg fub rrrdAlso Us;'If, they reasoned, the netcessaf,y condldons for the errrcrgence of health fn adults $rere what thcy suspected them to be, chlldren must need them too; lf adults needed the opportunlty to be the dlrectors of thelr own llves, so dld chlldren - tn all the areas tn whlch a chtld ls capa.ble of good JudgmenL"
Do you tftlnk tt's posslble to eruich @nurua@ ltte wttlaut re-aeattng tle
Ploner Health @nbe?
I am sure that human tngenutt5r exerclsed on the pa.rflcular sltuaHoh tn whtch people are placed can create the
clrcumstances ln whlch rtch communl$r 4f. *l grow, but I thlnk that study of and thought about what carne out of thi: Peckham E:rpertment would help. One can wlth advantage also study and iearn from the rural and small tonnr communtttes of recent htstory and the stone age type of communtt5r llfe sdll pracflced tn most of the way oornersi of the earth. TWo of the thtngs
that should be done,
tn my vleq are to encpurage craftsrnen and uromen to work for thelr ltvlng tn workshops tnto wtrlch the publfu (dspe-
@ An unusual
magazine dedicated to the growth of children and parents Edited and published by Earl Stevens Send for free copy 25 Belmeade Road
Portland, Maine
ctally ctrtldren and young people) can conrc and uratch, and to make pedestrtan wallrways - not too shut tn andiecluded wlthtn communlgr-slzed nelghborhoods so that chlldren can make ttrelr own urav.' elther to and from a hmlly center alon6i Peckham llnes or to and from the lfbran'. swtmmtng pool, playgrounds, or youth
In Betng Me and Also Us gou tdk a}olud lrow u<rhirrlrle the mtx o.f ages uras fn tle Pbner Health h&e. I unrder wtether yow blbJ tJut thts uros so
e;ffellrc Inthat sftr.rctton }us mde gou twuoluate wlntgou satl lnThe Self-
ResFctfng Chlld about tte Inprtarre oJ ploUgro.ttrts mde up oJ chlldrcn c&ese tn age, or uletler gou don'l InJrcl se tlese htsotsbtos os crrflbtug (prlrops ya{el sone oJDrithlebd.s oJ
@rnelhts BulL u:ho runs the Certer tor htedn furans htertn lelps anange work or apprenlbeship eqerlences Jor gourg pple. As toe sal.l tirrlry tJe pra gruun seerrs ldeal Jor dder lomesclwlers, ard. tphen up learrcd, ttlu;t hte,tm hod norled to Can$rdge we orrangd. to InteruIew Comellus:
Sunnarh thcficr:
Hory dtd vou aet
from teachlng ln schools to runntn! theCenter for Interlm Programs?
You are rfght I feel that chlldren need both kfnds of sltuatlone. Undl some tlme
Corncllur Eult I was a teacher for tenyears, and then I was a headrrraster for ten years - ln Ttrrkey, tn Vtenna, In Atlzona" all very dtlferent ktnds of schools. I had been a reasonably tortured shrdent; I wasn't very tnterested ln school. Intertm grew out of my dtstress wlth the school system, essenflally. As a headmaster I kep! s€elng people marchlng olT to college, not knowlng why they were golng there, and then there were the people who didn't Ilt fur, who were the maverlcks - I alvavs Itked them anyuray, they always intrtgued me. But tt seemed that lf you dldn't do well on tlds ldtoflc and very destrucUve exam, the SAT, you d had ft really. If you get lzloO you thlnk you're a genlus, and lf you get 9OO you'r€ convlnced youve got Alzhetrner's Dlsease. You bmrne your SAT scores, and some people never get over that. I Just felt that there ought to be other opdons, and Interlm gr€w out ofthat f..ltng.When I started, I thought the prograrrr urould be for Hds who were havlng trouble academlcally, and I focused on that potnt betrveen trtgh schml and college. People would call and say, "IVe got a son who has dropped out of school. What can he do?' So that'What can he do"
the present century when the stneets
and the country roads became lethal for younger chlldren, most chlldren had a crrtaln amount of cholce - at least durtng part of the day - ofplaytng tn a group of thetr peers or of qutetly watchlng or Itstenlng to the acdvldes ofadults, and, Juddng from what happened ln the Ploneer Health Centre. most chlldren would have chosen to do a btt ofboth. Wottld. gott ttlce to onrurrlrtt on Jean
Udlo.ffs unrk? You use lrlr W"'Illre Contlnuum Concept, to sttpprt some oJ Vort polrts.
The Yequana Indtan chtldren, whom
.Jean Lledloffwrltes about, seemed to feel beautfful$ secune, but thts Geltng dtd not mme from dependence on others, from knoudng that someone was alurays looklng after them and would save them from all dangers and from the effects of
thelr own actlons. Instead, lt came from somethtng more reltable, fmm a con-
sclousness of thelr onm knowledge of the nature of thelr surroundfurgs and of thelr own capabllltles - all gafned from expertenoe.
It's bXercsdtg that tle cl.tlldrcn In tlv center spert olot oJ tfne plag@ and 'ness{ng amurd' on tl'etr ousn &Jore amlry to ask Jor spfic blstuctlon tr uqrbus areas (swlmm@, chess). C.antld Vou sag sonvtldtg abolut tltds pteranenon?
At the Centre the chlldren dtd a great deal ofwatchtng. Then they trted out on thelr own what they had observed older
chlldren or adults dolng. I thtnk'messlng around' ls not an acrurate term for what most of them did. Take swlmmtng for example. F'lrst the chlldren (aged about 6 to I I or so) played ln the water at the shallow end of the pool and ln the process -ThIs learned about the nature of water. rnf€ht go on for selrcral days or weeks. When they had dlscovered that the water would hold you up tfyou relaxed and trusted lt, they were easlly able to do what they had watched others do in the water,
and swlrrl.
quesffon became my focus, SS: Nowyou don't see yourself as geared towad }Ids who are havlng
trouble, though.
CB: Oh, no. Now I work malnly wlth
people who are ta}ing ttme between htgh school and c.ollege, and, lncreastngly, students ln college and students Just out of college. Slx years ago I was approached by
Merrtll Lynch to destgn some sabbaflcals for thelr senlor executlves. ther€ was an
artlcle ln a publlcadon for reflred people, so now I'm getttng calls from thern too. SS: I was lnterested to see ln your llterature the dlstlnction between calling It'ttme oll' and 'tlnre on.'I remember when I was ln college, taktng dme off, I
refused to call tt that. The phrase says so much about our bellef that the only worthwhtle thtngs happen ln school. I would thlnk you would have to overcome some of tlnt atdtude tn the klds you work wlth. CB: I don't llnd that, because by the ttme they get to me, th.y'r. already
thtnldng about somethlng bestd$ school. I don't see the ones who aren't thlnhng tlnt way. Sometlmes I harrc to help the parents orrercome that atdtude, but thafs
SIS: Do the students you work wlth errentually go to college?
CB: Almost all of them do. I pmbably urork wtth ll-fteen students a year who wtll nerrer go to college, and that to me ls
parttcularly lnteresflng. SS: For some, lt's much more dlrect to begin dotng the work you want to do rtght away, rather than to go to college
to come and talk to thelr students. And, h.pptly, colleges arâ&#x201A;Ź gettlng npre supportfire. Deferrlng college entrancc for a year after belng adrnltted ts becomtng qutte oommon. But lt's harder tn the publtc schools, because often they're trytng so hard to get ldds to goto college that they don't want me comlng tn and sa5rlng you don't hane to go. SS: Yet rnaybe lf you can erode some
of the 'college ls essentlal' rnentaltty
CB: Qutte the contraryl
GB: I had a ldd a couple of year:s ago
who was terrlble at taldng tests, and knew he wasn't gotng to get tnto any school that he wanted to go to, but he nranted to be a veterlnarlan, It took about four years of helplng hnm get lnto apprenflcestrlps, and after that, when he applted to veterlnar5r school, they all uranted hlm, he was a uronderful candldate. SS: That remlnds me of wliat John
Holt always satd - 'If you want to butld boats, go where people are butldlng boats.' Don't go to boat bullding school, ln other words, go where people are dolng the actual work. Schml can be a rrcry clrcultous route to one's goal.
CB: I tncreaslngf send ldds on apprendceshlps and lnternshlps. One ldd Just came back from Noruray, where I had sent h,lm to apprentlce wtth a ceramlclsL It's becomlng very oomnnn. SS: When Anna-Ilsa Cox wrote ln GWS #68 about wantlng an apprendcestrlp tn a museum, she sald that the only thing
standtng ln her way was tlre difftculty of malOng cunnectlons, of llndlng people who would take her serious$ at so young an age.
CB: That's what I do, help people make those connecflons. I'm rvorking with a kid rtght now who ls really tntereeted tn the envlronment, who wants to get out and experlence tt before he goes any further ln school. So I go lnto my llles everyone I've met ls a potenflal resource. I see what I can find for hlm. Another boy came to me, lnterested ln mediclne but not
sure he wanted to go to medical school. I sent hlm to Philadelphta to an lnstitute that ls on the cuttlng edge of cancer research. He stayed there for four months, worktng wtth a sclendst who was worldng on an oral vaccine for rabies. That pretty much convinced him, so he's now llnishtng up medtcal school. Another ldd ts passlonate! lnterested ln porpoises and whales. I found htm an tnternstrtp wtth a u/onr:rn ln Connectlcut who ls worldng
with dolphlns and auflsdc children. So whenever I meet someone I'm alnrays Jot-
ting down what they do, what can be set up. SSI:
What ls the reacflon of people tn
schools to your program?
CB: I'm encouragd because lncreaspeople ln htgh schools are asHng me
those hot-shot, college-bound schools, the attlhrde may trlckle dovm a llttle, espectally tf your ldds are demonstratlng that Me doesn't fall apart lf you don't go.
Afur an eryWatory
btterubw, htettrn chatges an $&O Jee whlr,h eilltles a student to use tle enta's fles atd ISS:I
consultattrons Jor dn yeors (alt sen)tces nlo.y b a ndtrctd bg phore otdlettcr, {
nlrireg, butJar less than a geor's trld'tlon at rnang dleges, and In mang cases tle shtdent ccur ean nuteg wltle dobtg the
unrk htertn
atrange. Tle
artrlress oJ tle @nter Jb Intedm Prv grarns ls rc fux2347, Catnbrdge MA
O223a: teleptwe 6 1 7- 547 -@aO. I aslcd, Corntelhs {lv unuldantsder
olferttq hls senrlces to gowger trenagers wta mghtb lnterestd h spendltg o nonlh or htn auay fiom lome but don't JetrcadgJor auhde gear, andernn Aoutger chlldren wlo uto,tld la:e to ffrd an apptenfrreslrdp close to tlornr., ore that unidn't bunlrc ltDlng auog at all He
sald tjrrrt whlle these werc rult oreas lv hnd hd. mrrcheryrlene wtllu le was Uterestd brthe challenge. I suspect lane'
wlllftd. a real allg In C.omelius a reol resowte ln the Center Jor
schoolers BuII dr1d.
Intertn furotns. Do let us loana { you Jdlow thls up and marrye to setup some Icltrd. oJ apprcrtfueshlp or bternsldp ttstth
lrr;lp o;f thls certer.
the studentLIrcsJar auag). As Donna plntd. out {n GWS *52, tlrds Is alot oJ
MAGAZINE ABOUT KIDSI BUSINESSES We'veJust seen a copy of the new
publicaHon, KIds MeanBusfness, a newsletter for young people lnterested tn ways of earntng thelr own monâ&#x201A;Źy. So far, the newsletter looks useful: tt has serrcral brtef descrtptlons of klds' buslnesses, llsts of helpful books, and advlce from the edttors. Some of the buslnesses are
tmpresstue$ sophlsflcated (a l2-year-old glrl who lrrvented a game that has earned her orrcr $IOO,OOO, for example) but there are plenty of stmple tdeas too (dolng callfgraphy on party tnvltatlons, selltng homemade cookles). Several young GWS readers already have thelr own buslnesses, so they will be able to contrlbute thelr storles to this newsletter, and ldds who are looktng for ldeas wtll be ltkely to llnd them here as well. Subscrlpdons are $8 a year from KIDS MEAN BUSINESS, Homeland hrbllcaflons, News Dept, l8O8 Caprt, Seabrook TX 77586. Send a SASE for a free sample lssue,
STORYBOOK HISTORY Karen Rask{n-Yowg (CA) urltes: Here's a book that mfght be of value to homeschoollng famtltes: Heldt's Alp: Ow Farn{lg's &arch Jor Storybol< Ettrop, by Engllshwoman Chrtsttna Hardyment, publtshed by Atlandc Monthly Press. It descrlbes the adventures ofthe author, her husband, and four daughters aged 5- I 2, on a two-month Jaunt to Europe, followlng several well-known chlldren's stories to thelr actual sltes. They are not homeschoolers, but they wlthdrew thelr ctrildren from school for the trtp. lhe book ls actuall5r three storles ln one: on the surface a slmple tale of famtly travels (tncludtreg a ntght on Heldl's mountaln ln the hut of a Grandfatherlookalike), on another level a htstory of how the famed stories came to be wrltten, and on yet a thtrd level the detatls of the famtly's growth withtn the conffnes of a
very small trailer. The children become closer away from the dividing tnfluence of friends, and the mother forms a new apprec'tation for thern- She abandons her ortglnal tdeas of dallSr, structured educatlon and comes to tnrst her children's lnstlncts: 'We had unbuttoned a lot as parents... I had found myself knpostng less and less on them ln the course ofthe Journey; maldng myself slt back and follow them instead of trylng to lead all the time. I-ooldng at the world thmugh the ctrlldren's eyes made It look a lot less Jaded and ttred, and a lot more fun.'
The Jdlowittg pple hante qtrcstlotts tIEg u;oru/rdlike otlers tD orr.swer. We will Joru:ad aII repltes to tle udter and priu:.t tlase tlwt are oJ tle nost gereral btteresL
Ftom Canen Tller: My husband and I are mlsslonarles ln Talvran wtth Chrtsttans In Actlon Mlsslons Intemaflonal... Those of us who are homeschoollng or wtll be homeschooltng here ln Tatwan have felt the need for startlng a homeschoolers' assocl,adon. If you could glve us any advtcc or ldeas ln thls area we would appreciate it. F}om Barbara Hanaoka:
In Japan, children wlth one or both nonJapanese patents always learn to speakJapanese perfectly, but failure to learn the other parent's language ts @mmon. I would llke to hear from parents ln Amerlca whose natlve l"ttgrr"g. ls not Eng;llsh. I would lilre to know how they pass on their naflve languages to thelr children. [SS:l If you send us a letter to forward to Carmen or Barbara" make sure to lnclude atr mail postage. Thanks. We at GWS have another quesUon about languages: We're lnterested to hear fiom anyone who ls learning another
22 language prtmarlly from someone who speaks that language, rather than from a class, tape, or textbook Have any ofyou sought out natlve speakers ofthe language you want to leam and made arrangernents to llsten to them talk or talk wlth tlrem? How has thls worked? Perhaps some of you who hanen't done thls yet vrould conslder trJdng ft and telltng us about lt. We're pardcularly lnterested ln those of you who arc learntng another language tlls way whtle lMng at horne, rather than those who may be ltvlng abroad {lecause then the other language ts errerywhere). Fforrt HdIy Ratosoru' We are exploring creatlng a Cohouslng
communlty ln |}re central Vermont ar€a, We are a homeschoolng family wtth tuzo chlldren ages I I and 4. Holt Assoclates ts featurtng the fntrtgulng book Cohousfrg: A Catemprary Apprcach to Houslttg O.rselues ln the fall catalog [#1230, $19.95]. Ifyou are interested ln this lnnovaflve tdea, please call or wrlte to us: Holly Rawson and Brian Ahem, 667 Challeevllle Fld, Stors CT O6268: 203-4295233 or 203-429-7946.
F\om Mtckey Shultis: I am startlng a club for anyone lnterested tn alrcraft, heltcopters, bang gltders, lidtes, rrpdel atrplanes, or arry subJect dealfng wfth getdng off the ground. We wtll publfsh our own newsletter, every January, Itfiay, and September, wlt]r one of the members actlng as edttor, and all other members sendlng ln some artlcle of lnterest wery four monttrs. Your submltted matertal can be newspaper or ma€iazlne artlcles, ortglnal storles, poerns, or cartoons from your experlencte wtth ldtes, drcraft, or flytng. If you want to Jotn, send $5 annual membershlp fee to NHS Flylng Club, Mckey Shultts, PO Box 167, Rodeo NM 88056.
by .Iohn Holt
of wrltings about how young chtldren begfn to read, wrlte, count, and tnvestigate the world, wtthout behg taught.
a collectlon
'A provocatlve and refreshlng change from the all-too-available 'teach your baby to read' books." Bates Ames. Gesell Instttute - loutse of Human Dwelopment 'Avery human, very lnstghtful dlscusslon about atdtng, not thwarttng, chlldren's natural ability for learnlng." Gerald Coles, authorof - Tte Leamtg Mgsttqrrc
$I 5.95 + pstage
rtvn Jolvt Hdts (w p. 13)
Musb Stqe
OLDER HOMBSCHOOLERS Harulrrh Lelter o;f Perul-sglr:rlnlo sent ns an atdclc a}olut lter son Du, uro hnd
fun tanesclrrllcd dntlrg hfs lrdgh scttrxlil geors and hos Just gruAntd" fion tlle Wltston Sclnl ojBustess, saghg, -Tle atdcle Is slaftd, to enptuslze tlc fuIrV denled. selrrl qpaAnfieq and Dou
ItJu tlds reason Itdes, llrwewr, telloJbv's suoess ct Whorbn qfier lronrrsch@lfu otld utl/x rorrs rrery unhappg utlth
pdl.aps b oJ /rrtetest to tlase @rslderlng hone schrcllttg te enager s.' l\om The Scrantonlan THbune, 5/ 14/8e: Although Samuel Dorr Lclter ls happy
wlth how well homeschoolfng prepared
hlm for what he faced at the Wharton School of F'lnance and Commercc ln Philadelphfa, he says the o<perlence ls "not for errcryone.' 'Each person ts dtfferent,' accordteg to l:lter. 'Some people couldn't be alone ln a classroom. They need the lnteractlon wlth other klds.' But after gohg to elementaqr school at the Hebrew Day School te Scranton, letter spent his trigh school at home wtth trls mother and teachers hls parents hlred to teach htm. ...'You don't have the dlstracdons of the classrmm slfuatlon,' he satd. 'When I nras tn elernentaqr school, I alrzays
thought a lot of lt uras a waste, I felt tt could have been done ln a much shorter
Wtrlle kiter ls crtflcal of connenflonal educatlon for hlmself, he says he des not ruant to offend anyone wtth hts vtews. 'My polnt is that I Just completed
the hardest undergtaduate buslness program ln the qrcrld,' he sald. 'And my htgh school e:gerlence helped sfgnfffcantly to gve me the foundafion to complete such a progranl lrfy hfgh school was more llke a college experlence.' Accordlng to Lclter, one of the reasons that some college freshmen rr.n lnto dlfflculttes ts that they Bnd tt hard to adJust from the hfgh school envlronment where ever5rthlng uras regulated to the unlverslt5l envlronment where lt's up to the student to take responstbtll$r for
regulating trlm- or herself. 'All of a sudden, there's no one telling them what to do,' he explalned. ...Lelter says that he got plenty of soshllzatlon outslde of hls homeschmllng experlence - on swlm teams at the local YMCA" on swim and basketball teams at the Jewish Communtty Center, and in hts Me as a muslc student. "The btggest problem tn the classroom ls that It's forced socl2ll?aflon," he sald. 'We dont hane the opportuntty to choose who urc hang around wtth.'...
OVERCOMING FEAR OF MATH, continued from page I had to hurry and catch up. Unfortunately, the harder I worked, the less I was able to learn and understand. Everythfng seemed compltcated and confuslng; I'd leamed so many new thlngs, I couldn't keep them stralght, let alone use them for anything. After that experlence, I spent the next couple ofyears staylng away from math as much as I could. After my mother and I talked, I dectded that tt was stuptd to go on hatlng math and not betng able to use lt easlly, and that Iwas gotng to go backand stralghten lt all out - releam the bastc math skills, So Mom and I went through our home ltbrary and got out all the math workbooks and textbooks we could ffnd, and I ptcked out the ones I llked best. Mom and I spent some ilme worklng on them together - she explatned some stullthat I hadn't understood befor€. Now I'm worklng tn them myself, starttng from ground zerc (additton and subtractlon) and worktng myway up. So far, IVe only used the workbooks to work problems from; Mom's done all the explalntng. It seems much more logtcal to me that way - a textbook can't Isten to me and answ€r mv speclllc quesdons. I reallze now that even though I d leamed a lot of stuff, I'd had no practlcal reason to use most of lt, so IU folget It, and couldn't use lt comfortably. So what I'm dofurg rtght now ls what you could call the borlng, repeiltlous work - Just dotng problems. I haven't found lt borlng at all, though. As a matter of facl I'm flnding that I actually llke math. I thturk that before I was trytng to learn too many thlngs at once, and gotng ahead wlthout
really understandlng the stulf, so I felt that lt uras very mysterlous and mystlcal. Now I'm feelfng more comfortable wtth tt; I feel ltke lfs mlne, and that I can use lt. I reallze now that it's a tool, not somethhg that can owrr youl I think that when there's something that you really hate or think you can't do, it's somethtng you ought to make yourself do, because lt's somethlng that youVe butlt up an emoHonal block about, and so It's not really true that you can't do lt or that you hate it. I don't mean that you have to love eve5rthing - that's lmpos-
stble. It's natural that there are thtngs that you love, and thlngs that you could care less about" But when you have a really
strong dlslike for somethlng, and won't touch lt wtth a ten-foot pole, tfs probably somethlng youVe bullt up a block towards. I thrnk that I had to work thmugh my math block before I could move onto anghfng else. I'm really $ad that my mother dtdn't malce me do lt, though. She dtdn t say to me, 'I(lrn, lt's obvlous that you've built up a nrental block toward math, so I wantyou to do some math wery nreelg because that's the only way you can overjoome your block.' She let me come to terms wlth lt when I felt that I was ready to. I thtnk that when nonreone makes you do somethlng that you need to do, they rob you of the tmportant lessons you learn from maldng yourself do tL They don't let you take responslbllit5r for yourself, and so you nerrer learn how to do that. I dtdn't want to face my math block, but I llnally came to the point where I didn't want to suffer with it an5rmore, and that no rnatter what it took I was gotng to work on lt.
23 Then I reallzed that lt wasn't so scary. But tf I hadn't been allowed to corne to that polnt myself, lf someone had made me facc the block before I vras ready to face lt myself, lt would have Just taken longer for rne to come to terms wtth tt, and to flnally be able to use math conlldently. ISS:I
I replld:
What comes throug! very clearl5l here ts the dlfference betc/een betng responstble for your own educatlon, and conslderlng someone else responslble. You could have been angry at your mother for fatllng to give you a proper educadon ln the area of math. You could harrc sald, or felt, "Mom, you tmk on the responstbtltty of educatlng me, and look, here I am below g5ade level tn math, and blocked about lt to booL You must have done sornethlng wrong." In fact, I tblnk some par€nta, wanttng \rery understandably to do rtght by thelr chlldren, may fear tlnt tf thelr chtldren don't learn about eveqrthtng (or at least everything that we think of as 'the basics"), or keep up to grade level in every area, the chlldren wtll end up feeltng Just thls way - as tf thetr parents have fatled them. tsut you don't sound as lf lt ever crossed your mlnd to hold your mother responslble for your troubles wtth math, to conslder her negltgent fn any way, (I wonder honr she herself feels about tt.) So It was then posstble for gou to correct the problem when you wer€ ready to. Thts makes me curlous about something else. You say that your motlrer
shouldn't have told you that to overcome your block you should work on math every week. I agrce. But I'm curlous, then, about what advtce you would gfrrc to a parent who says, "I see that my chtld has a block about thds or that. Is thene an5rthtng I can do to help?" Imagfne that tfs a genulne destre to help on the parenfs part - tt tsn't a velled lnsecurtty about homeschooltng or thelr own teachtng. Would you say that such a parent should do nothlng at all but wait, or ls there anythfirg that would be truly helpful? Once you made the declslon to work on math, your mother certalnly was helpful to you ln all the ways you descrlbe. But do you thlnk there's anythtng that a mother - not necessarlly your mother ln thls sltuatton - could do erren before the ctrlld makes the declslon to work on the dllllcult area, anythtng to make lt clear that they are wllltng to help lf asked? Or erren perhaps to suggest posslble ways of overcomlng the block, knowtng that the child may reJect them all? I thtnk that somedmes, ln some sltuatlons, people want thls ldnd of help from each other. It may be that younger people want lt more often than someoneyour age, I don't know I also agree that the most lmportant polnt ls that no one can make the declslon to work on somethtng..lbr sonr@ne else: we have to make those declslons ourselves. Still, maybe you have something morle you can say about the subtletles ofall thts, and about what parents can do.
Khn resportd&
It mlght seem a.s tf rry mother didn't do much to help me wtth my fear of math, but ln fact she helped me by the way she
responded to my fmstratlon. She ctuld tell that I'd built up a block tourards tt. It was pretty obvlous because errcry ttme I asked her to help me wlth tt Id get confused and upset and say tlrtngs ltke, 'You're not explatntng tt rtght, math ls stuptd, lt doesn't make arry sense.' I blamed her and satd math was stuptd because I dldn't want to thtnk that lwas stupld for not betng able to understand lt. When I started gettlng upset wlth her, Mom would say sonrcthtng llke, 'I don't thlnk It's a good ldea to keep worHng on rnath rlght now, slnce you're all upsel You're not gotrg to be able to leam anythfng lrt the state you're tn.'She unuld encourage me by remlndlr4l me that lt dtdn't matter how urell I dld on the test and that learntng somethtngJust to do nrcll on a test and to catch up wlth my peers weren't good reasons for learnlng tt. But I d gotten tt lnto my head that I should learn math, so I contlnued to try to learn lt, and Mom condnued to try to help rne when I asked her to. Oncewhen I was dtscouraged, and I talked to Mom about tt, she satd something to the effect tlnt I'd butlt up a block towards lt because I was worrted about catchtng up and dolng well on the test, and thaturas why I cnuldn't s€em to ltgure ft out. That made me Gel better because I d unconsciously begun feeling that I must be stupid for not being able to learn math. After that I dectded to qutt worktng on lt for a while, Somettmes when I d start worrylnS that I ought to get working on math agaln, Mom would say that maybe tf I urent back to tt now lt umuld be easler slnce I dtdn't have the pressure ofthe test any nrcre and I d spent sorrre tlme away from tt. She satd that she thought that my experlence wtth math
hadn't been good, and that lf I gave tt another try I rrtght llnd that I actually liked it I belieyed that she was rtght, and I knew that someday I rpouid learn math, but I didn't feel ready to learn lt, so I decided to walt unfll I was ready. T?rls was about two or three years ago, when I was 12
Mom never safd anything more about It. She respected my decision, and never htnted that I wouldnt be able to functlon ln our soclety wlthout math, or that she thought I should be dotng tt. She knew that I uzould come to tJre place where I wanted to
leam more math, and that when I did, I would learn tt. She knew I was smart enougfi to llgure what I needed and uranted to leam. Strce she wasn't worrled, she dldn't pass any arudety about lt on to me, so IVe flnally been able to overcome my
block myself.
You asked why I saw overcomkrg rny fear of math as my own responsibility, and didn't blame my mother for the fact that I hadn't learned tt. It takes a lot of crurage and self-c-onlldence to face and deal wfth your problems, and tf someone else tries to step tn and take care of thtngs for you, th.y're lfterally sayhg that they don't thtnk you're capable of solvlng your own problems. So they end up undermlnlng your strength and make tt very hard
foryou to succeed. Solvtng my problems and overcomlng the challenges in my llfe are my responslbiltty. lt's not anyone else's place or responstbiltt5r to do that for me. When someone tries to take that responsibility
away from you and make you doubt yourself so you begln dependlng on them, you nerrer learn to do thtngs for yourself' l\lso, the other person, who has tried to take on tlre responslbtlity for solvlng your problems, wtll tnevttably end up fatllng because lt's not somethlng they can do for you. If you place the responslbtltty for your learntng on som@ne else, you can blame tftem when vou don't learn tnstead of dealtng wlth th; problem yourself. tSS:l What do o,h.." thtnk of thts dlscusslon? I know that parents sometlmes worry that f thelr ctrlld doesn't leam sometblng, or doesn't leam lt by a c€rtaln age, he or she wlll end up blamtr1g them for betng negltgent - or, at leas! the parents may blame themselves. Does what Klm says reassure you? Have you been tn stnllar sltuadons? What dtd you do? When we talk about homeschoollng, we talk about patents taHng responslbtllty for thelr cbtldren's education, T?rts may be useful when we are talking about a contrast betu,een thts and schools taHng the responslbtligr, but what happens lf we tletntr tn terms of chlldren themselves being responstble? Do readers find tlrts
frlghtentnd Irresponslble on the
parf? Important to work tow'ard? How do the young people Gel?
THANKS TO YOUNG GWS WRITERS Carol Delaney urote after readtng GWS#7I: As usual I benefltted greatly by readlng GWS cover to cover. Thls tlme, however, my boys also benefftted. They
llstened tntently to errery letter from ctrlldren about frustraUng or difffcult leamfng. Nelther commented but nelther mtssed a word elther. Chelsea Chapman who wrote about traintngl a horse ls an exccllent writer to read aloud. The boys laughed Ull they cuuldn't breathe. So did I,
CATALOG INFORMATION Our fall catalog was bound lnto GWS #71 . Scparatc coples of thc catalog are s€nt out wlth yourbook ordcrs, and arc artallable uPon r€quest' Plcasc ask about obtatnir4g quanddcs ofour catalogs for dlstrtbufion at local evcnts, llbrarlcs, or other p}accs whcre lntercst ls ltkely' On request, we wlll photocopyand mall the GWS rcvtew of any ltem ln our catalog. Scnd 5O ccnts plus a SASE for onc: add 25 c.ents for cadr addtdonal. Wc will pay thc followtng fn bookstorc crtdit for uscd coplcs ofthesc out-of-prlnt books: Wtrat b I b MddaA?bY John Holt, $4 TFe Unileraclxetuv sclrool,
John Holt'
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1990 DIRECTORY OF FAMILIES AND ORGANIZATIONS Horo ls our conplete 19$ Olr€ctory. ll pur ontry arlv€d afler our cut-oll dalo (lalo Octdof), I wll appear ln GWS t73. Our Direlory b nota list of all sr.b.ctb6r8, bul only of thos€ rtD asr( toOe rbted so thal other GWS rea(bn, or othgr intorsotod p€oplo, rnay gel In iouch h'lth lhem, lf you would llko to be induded, deaso send lhe eniry brm or a S5 cad (ono tamily por cad). Ploaso take care lo Indu(b all th€ inforrnation la6t narlE,lulladdr6c, and so on. Plsase rerEntor thal wo can'l control lFw lhe Dlredory is us€d; if you €crir/€ unwani€d nrailas a r6ult ol boing llstod, lust toss ll oul. W€ prlnl bt trt€ars of drildr€n, nol a06. ll we rnde e mbtako lr'tron convdting yqjr drlld's eoo to blrthy€r, ploaso l€t u6 know. Ploaso toll us lf ydj would rdher hev€ yDur phono nurb€r ard lown lbled Insload ol your malllng addrsss. We donl have spaca lo llst both. il a Dhedory llsting is tollorurod by a (H), tho family b wllllng to ho6t GWS trarr€lo|3 who male advarca anango.rFnb
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AL ALABAMA HOiIE EOUCATORS, Rt 3 Box 3800, MontgotrFty $110 Davltl & Barbara ERASFIELO, AHE-Tuscaloose Aree. Rl 3 Box 6i13, Cottondals 35453 Phll & Lee GoNET, (J68Ueo, ParrlclcS3) THE VOICE, Rr 3 Box 37-8, Tallassoe 3m78 Perry e Nancy @ODSON, (Wendy/8o, De|eVSil, Oyh|V86, DarorvSg), Rt I Box 44O, Roddod 35136 --- JanEs & Lavonne HART. (Sdhr/g, Micah/ 84) AHE - MmtgonFry Ar€. 819 Joryne Dr. MontgorrDry 361 09 --- Donie HINKLE-UHLG & F ank UHLG (Daniey8o, Kary82), 706 Cafy Dr, Auburn 3dxn Roy & Mafy HOOO (Sanlr7& Ginny/8o, Dan/93, Laura/86) 3?17 Rldgov Cl, Bkdngham 35243 Tlm & Fmnl6 REED (Holly/8l, Belh/ 8:,, Mogad8/t) 4OS Grsen Av, @dwa 35{550 (}0 D|aUd e
Bolinda RICHARDSON, (Oaniofr4, Benlafl{nrts, Befianytg. Andred81, J6hua/84) 3e08 Codon St, MfilgonDry l0 Tom e Cindl RIDER, 40O Hilblet Dr, Opellka 36801
AK --- ABBOTI L@P CHRISTIAN CTR, 26A6 AbbOtI Rd, Anchofa€€ 9(m7 Ar ASKA HOMESCHOOL ASSOC, PO Box 8ru75, Wasifia 99687 --- Mogan & Rog6r BENEDICT, (DarDn/8/t. CiarrdugA, 2829 Knlk Ave Dr, Anchorag€ 99517 Kad & Nancie ELLIS (Anika/84) PO Box 22, Kasilof 9610 David & Ann€no JANI(A (Holly/8s) PO Box 1022, Vdde 996S --- Paul& Pet LUGIN (Maty8l, Katd 84) PO Box 8224, Faitbanks 99708 Suzanne & Don MARKLE (KalhleorvgA DavktS6) $/r E S€cond Ct, Anciora0e 99501 --- Tom t Sally MCGUIRE (Belvr,s, Ro6brr7, Gabd 79, Rafd8l) Bor 918, Hdnc 998C|/ (H) Mary & Dar/€ NEBERT (Cattldn, A.nandd8l) 862 Rodpofi Ln, Fallbanks 99712 --- Ja|F & Tlm PEARIA (Anthony/8i, Vdnonn4, Cadlry 84 2055 Cafipb€ll Pl, Anciora0e 99507 (O Carol RYANAUBE Bill AUBE (Annld8l, Maggld84, Soan/8s) PO Box 87196A, Wasila 99687 (]0 Mark SOGGE & Ceity STERN (Caft||rv84) PO Bor 696, Hain6 99827 (]0 Paulhe STRONG (Danlel Gacroder) 4544 Trafalgar, JuEau 99801 (H) VALLEY HOMESCH@LERS NETWORK, SR Box 5370A, Weilla99687 Egor & Cad ZDANOVEC (Kintody/8z, Mamy8s) 6855 Countfy Rd, Salcfia 90714
AZ C€ny ABELA & Sandy STOCK (Dwa/8o, Maya/ 84) 8149 E /fih Pl, Tucson 85710 (H) ALPHA OMEGA PUBLICATIONS, PO Bor 31 53 TonD. 8Ii28 l THE ARCHES, 8987 Tanqu Vede Rd, PO Bd @t4Z Tucsdl 85751-6147 ARTZONA FAMtLtES FOR HOME EDUCATION. 6Gl E Klno Or M€6a 85aO3 ARIZONA HOME SCHooL NEWS, 18s Don Garl6 Terw 85281 C*ne Mary Kay ARNOLD (Julisb6th/69, Mika/7l, Robonfrs) 12423 N 65 St, Scottsdalo 85254 (10 Arst€n Julie BAIER (J€6se/79, Chelsea/8a 2914 N 8Oh Ln, Phoonix 85G]3
Tsd e Dirn6 BEILBY (E royg2, Allda/83),Star Rt 8ox 10, slulllo 72t8 charllo & Emit BELL (Jonathaiv84, Tlmhy/86) 8761 W |ronwood Dr, Porla 85315 Tom & Minda BUHR (Nalhant6, BenlaminrrS, E||zabeth/8l, Joooph/ 83, Js6ica/86) PO Bor 53i1, Sl Davld (Hl Pat & Rita
BURNS (Ch€n€y/8o, Dar{€id8a) 32r|o S GlllenwEtor Or, Flagstdl86001 CHRISTIAN FAMILY EDTrcATPNAL CHRISTIAN SERVICES, PO Box 47159. Phoenlx 85068 HoME EOUCATION FELLOWSHIP (CHEF) 20 Mornlngsldo, Conway 72032 Ron & Teny DELONEY (Johrv8o, Jesod Anno & Jim 83) 1@7 E Palo Verde 51, Yurna SgFf DORRE (MatlhewtS, Andr€w/8l) g!0 Bud( Hill Rd, P?6cotl Tom & T{nmy DRA(E (Stst enlTl,B?adleyngl 86300 (Hl
-- Bill & Nancy (Bllvn?, Jonny/8o, David/8a Kdir'84 56a31,1,
6447A E Lighlning Dr, Tucson 857@
FESSENDEN Vogsl Av, Glendale
853@.-- GAIE SCHOOL, 1725 N Dat€ 85e01 Radel GAI Jdrn PALMER (Utv82) 362.1 N Forgeus,Tucson 85718 Sandra @MEZ (Julhnnd ZD 35:n S Pophr. Tdrp3 85482 Torn & Kdrly GOONAiI (Rachoy6o. Ellzab€tMtl, Rdhr|a 65:b C.E. Calle La Paz, Tu6on 85715(Xr l(arlen Suzarn€ HAKE (Kathl€rv8l, Tami/83, Mellsst&!, Da,ld84) 1017 W Oxlord, Tonpo 85283 HOME SCHOOL SUPPLIES, I 12s E Ouick Draw Pl, Tuclofl 85219 Trud & B.n HOPKINS (PhllpfrS, Cdhodnd8o, Nid|olas/82, Johnny/&4) 614 S El Dorado Rd, Mea 85202 Stew & Jackb JOHNSON OobyAS, Levy8.l) gi2:Xl N 224 Av. Winmann 85S1-6S S'teve & Joan LAMOURE (Ollldf/g, Ou8tlnaA Bq 4578, New Rlwr Stage ll, Rbk e Bsky IAJRITZEN (Jodtg, PhGnlx 85029 (H) BoniamlrvSl, Reina/86) 8719 W Charl6ton Av, Potia8tr345 Shenle & Nom LEE (Hd|ry/6:1, Russ€U6q PO Bd 1355, Sodona 86336 John & Kando€ MCKELLAR (Ann/81, Mogarr'83, Jcoph/84, Pauy86) 6{t12 E t(oreleo, Tucson 85710 Linda NESS (Foro6ta8, EchdSo, Arioy&t) 8o9 W Nad Pl, Chandh 85224 Paul & Rob€cca OLSON (Radron7, Jchua/&, Arnanda/81, Z3ahatyl8P, Mh,ahl84) TUCSON HOME EDUCATION NETWORK,7021A Thundetbir{t Dr, Tucson 85708 (H) D&rah & Ridrard OWENS (Davidr/s, Russelrft, RbM/g, Pete/8i, LprV84) 1241 W l0 51, Tsfipe 85281 PARENTS ASSOC OF CHRISTIAN HOME SCHOOLS, 6166 W Highhnd, Phoonix 8503t PHOENIX SPECIAL PROGRAMS, 3132 W Clarondon, Pho€nL 85017 Gery & Bea RECTOR (Aureilat8, Elliowso) PO Box 362, Cave Cre6k 953:11 Lon & Mary ROTHFIELO (Belvzl) 5O4o N Via Condca- TuGon 85718 Charbd A Ju[€ N 261h St, Phosnix STANLFY (Broolrd80, RayrdSl) 85fi12 Col6te & Willbm SIEEN (Johnts, Luker/g, Feli/ 84) HCR Box 324, Elgin 85611 (H)--- D€fald & Jody THOMPSON (Mikdt4, Johnt6, JennytS) 7521 E Lurl*e Dr, Tumn Karsr WALASEK & Ron HEACOCK (Jusllnft7, Crad(et Mo|gan/8q PO Bq 3517, Tucao 85722 (H) WILLIAMS (Spencor/8o) Box 4@a New Rirs 85027 Gbda WILLIAMS, ARIVACA COMMUNITY SGHOOL, PO Box
f43, U6a
24, Arfvace 85601 --- Janbo & Randy WOOTEN (JG,€p,htTl, BdadSo, Shirley/s:!, OanioUSS) 6401 E Calle Bealrh, Tucaon 85710 --- Debbie YOUNG & Oavid TAFT (Taiowa/8l, Drbana/ A4) 2sl3 E Malhd Cl, Gilbod 8581 (Hl
ARKANSAS CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATION ASSOC, 12411 Sardb Rd, Mabolvale 72103 John & Sally AYERS (Phosbe/81) Rl 1 Box 154, Hindsyill€ t2738
MELBOURNE SUPPORT GRP, 368.4147 NORTH PULASKI CHRISTIAN PARENT EDUCATORS.758-3786 Tom & Jullo o'oAY (Meghannr/g, Kdhodnd8l, BridgsuS4) Rt I Bq 417, Clinbn 72031 Agns & Rdort ROSS (Robby/ 79, Katei82, B€lh/85) Ri 1 1, 16 Lucl$,ood Dr, PirF Bldl 7 l60it SOUIH PULASKI CHRISTIAN PARENT EOUCATORS,
Gonnie ADAMS (ofi4,Ma0/giam, Ryarv8o, ShaurVSO) 7,17 Broadway St, FairfiCd 9'1531(H) AMERICAN HERITAGE CHRISTIAN Ray & ACADEMY, s27 Calvine Rd. Sacramnlo 95829 Ellie ANDREW (Kafenfrs, SaraMS) 2Og Horlong AvonlF, San Jo€€ 95123 Matgatd & Mlchael ARIGHI (Loul629, WilliamA2) 6015 Mauritanla Av, Oakhnd 94606 Tlm BAILEY & Kiny GARRETT (Sarav82, Sorh/83, Zandor8s)
St, B€rkeley 947Cli! -- C. BAYARD t Laura POTTER (Wnlsr/8l, C@por,83, StoryAf 5a7l Beny Cirde, Llv€rrmre 94550 -- Ann BODINE & Pet6r BONYHARD (Johrv 7t, Karinar/s, Davidrrc) 12&40 Stevons Ct, San Martin 95046 {Hr --- Jlll & Gteg BOONE (Ctblier/8, Paul/80, Cuttb/83) PENINSULA HOMESCHOOLERS, 2427 Grandby, Sa Je 95130 (H) --- Don & Kelly BRANDEAI, (JacquslyntE) 10Os Lakedale Way, Sunnyvalo 94089 --- John & Boty BRINGHURST (Sarail8o, Bsriamir/82, Samu€y&4, Hannah/ 84 760 Park Glen, Marlinoz 9155:l (10 -- Sleve & Pat BRISTOW (Mogd|/8o, Ahnd82, Annd8n 429g Loigh Av, San Jcs 95124 --- Marlha BRYSON-SOLOMON (Sarah|/8, Adafil/8s) 278-llth Av, San Francbco 94118 --- William & Susan BURKE (Jo6sdz, CaltllrvSl) 465 Diarmrd Sl, San Ftancbco 94114 (H) -- lMlllatn e Suaan BURKE (Jcserz, 161 1 Grant
N San Juan 95960 CHRISTIAN GUIOANCE. PO Bq '145, FAMILY SCHOOLS. PO Box ?368. Satr Jo6o 95153-3068 COIIMUNITY EDIJCAT|oN GAZETTE, PO Box 445, N San @NTRA COSTA HOME EDITCATORS, 334s Juan Gilbort & Mary cooNLEY Santa Pauh Dr, Concod 91518 (Jkrflo, Kathyt3) 1 523 32nd Aw, San Ftandsco 94122 John & Jennifor CRECHROU (Jo6hua/81, Kaillln/83) 18635 Thomas & Tracy Crazolle-Calhhan Rd, Gazello 96004 (H)
CROCKER (MldrderrS, Sarnanlhda4, ManhovS4 $6 Hadonda Ch Rohnen Parfi 949ag (H) -- James a Lynne
DAHL CZach{y/8O, CounnoyiSz, Leil/85} 707-964+400 (Fon Bragg) Glon oAlS DebtaGALDWELt-oAlS (Jared&4) gavln 94p41yll 3a0 N Chsokee t1A Lodl 52l() (H) (CrbphrtS, Coryal, Bevarv83, BrianndSs), MILLIGAN couNTRy scHool, po Box 7a, Jackson 95640 -_- Axol Manha RUTHERDALE (Rapha€U8a D€ LA SOUJEOLE
Oo{r*niqud&1, Paul-Andr6v84 305 BthnNood Or,Walsoruillo 95076(H, -- John t LauraDE|TCHMAN (Mldra€n6, BenlaminftS),763 $inddn Pl, San Jce 9513 -- Marlae & Clyde DIAS (Ronnbn6, Brendon|/g, AlyBhdSil) PO Box (Michaou 1128. Ben Lonstd 950O5 -- Sam & Jaddo DICKER U, J*,sic€la424215 Mountain Charlie Rd, Lc Galo6 95030 -- DISCOVERY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL,7 Alabama Dr, ,1342 73d 51. SactanDnto Concord 94521 -- Ruth DUART, 9s82O (H) -- Cella DURMAI,,I (Br6€n/79) OTIIER WISE,295
Gl6nn & Wsdy EARLEY (Andr€rv/82, lgfia(,8{,.l 4731 Nofidk Dr, Apt EE 102 Oahilood Bill & N Gall EASTVVOOO (Michaou Aets, San Jo6a 95129 Carol & Rick 80, Falth/86) Box 86, R€dway 95560 (H) EDSON (ShauntS:t, Ro6aliy86) 5195 Oianect, Lh€rrmto 94550 (H) EVANG, 92, Ko€lot Av, Bett€by 917os (corporal trJnishryFnt) Kalhi & Kun EvANs Oanhew/8o, Jg|nile/g1, Ksvir|/84, Mbhsus4 548 Spruce, Aplos 95003 Toffy & Faye EVITT (Rachoye2, Tay€LIlehlg5) 47475 Al & Mary Jane FACCHINO Fernald 51, Frenont 94530 (Janoil€8l, Darprv8q 6.|$ Via Amigos, San JGs 95120 Tom & Susan FALBO (qabdelrr7, MorgartSl) 2290 Fuhon Rd, Santa Roaa SltXl Scott & Jan FLEETHAM (Craids4, Kathy & Chdstina/84 1315 Galpat O, Rohnon Patk 9,1928 Jim FRANDEEN (Blak/84) 2001 Pau Hana, SoquC 95073 Erik FREELANO, PO Box 297, 17154 Bodega Ln, Bodega Sharon & Oavld FREEMAN (Tylor/8i|, Brotv85l Box 94942 Caron & Howard FURER (Christind 157, Truckee 9573/t Pam & Ctaig 8:l) 29, Mitchell Dr, Boulds Crcsk 95006 (H) GINGOLD (Joromiahr/6, SorenazS) HoMESCHOOLERS FOR GFANT-D€ROoS PEACE, PO Bor 74, Midpin6 95345 Mary & David Fanily, 8467 De€Nde Rd, Dublin 94558 GRIFFITH (Kalietr4, Chrlstid8S) 6850 Ewing Way, Saqamento Ma|k & Margarei GRISMER (JGspM8z, Bema95828 Ann & dettd&!, Kar€da4 Rr 2 Box 2396, Davis 95616 Pds HAIMAN (Aaron/82, J6hud8/t) 1090 Miller Av. Borloloy Wendie Bill HAINESW|IALLEY (Annb/81, 94708 (r0 Christophor/S3) 2474 Oro Bangor Hwy, Oroville 95966 Ellzabeth & Midlael HAlllLL (Hanborv8O, FinnegatvSz) NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HOMESCHOOLEBS ASSOC, 2214 Joe & Gatol HAMILTON (Jo€y82) Grant St, Beftoley 9/t7O3
KarelAw, Red Bldr 96080 (H)
-- --
ffib@ 90114 (H) Davld SUTLER & Erther SARUCH (Michaoy8l, DanioySs) PO Mldlaol & Llnda BUTLER (lan/ Box 650, Boonvillo 9541 5 n,Paung,OlMaJS1, Jo€y&}, Jamo6'/87) PO Box 439, Ml Rlchard & Tora CANANT (Beniamin/82, Aukkum 9565,6 Peggy & Ross CarlylSq 4846! Cotous Ct, Fremont 94539 CARKEET (Brcnwg, TdsradS3) PO Box 634, Twain Hane CaltlldSl) 465 DienDfld Sl, San F
Catol & Stanl€y 2079 Valpatabo Ave, Menlo Patk 91@5 HASEGAWA (Oayidgt, Ster€d84) LITTLE FISH SCH@I, yuba chds HIBBERT, t64A s-t, Rlchnpnd 948O5 868 Pany HOLIIES & Evandate Rd, Mountaln visw 94o4dl Kevin MCGOVERN (Shanlir/6, Ju6tint8, KarlrVSl) 3293 HOME CENIERED Folsom St. San Francbco 941 10 LEARN|NG, pO Box 2025, San Ansotnp 949160..- HOME LEARNING EXCHANGE, do C€lh Ounnan, 295 l(atel Av, Red 8luff 96080 Jim & Mary Ann HUBBELL (Gordonz4, Katie & Sp€nc€rr/6, Erildrg) 1544 Big Oak Rd, Phc€Mlle 95667 (H)
Laura INGRAM E Did( WILOMAN (Taylor/86) 12101 Patrich & David Hot8oshoe Ln, Nflada City 95059 JACOBSON (Ter6a/42) 2368 Donnd Pl, SantaclaragsoSo Cheryl JUST (Ttwot/8o, Br€4U82) 20810 Alrnaden Rd, San Jce 95120 Frsd & Lautie KEESAW (J6sd&4, Ni:ona/86) Dhno KILLOU 26800 Hwy 9, Bouldor Crk 95@6 (H) (Jarnau67, SanAS) 520 Ayatado Av€ t2O4, Davis 95616 Randy & Lynno KNOIVLES (AnthonynT, Jsnnyf7g, Jofra/84, Julio & Lary KROGER Ady/86), Sta| Rl, Bangor 95914 (H) (Travir/83, Marra Ro6d84 555 John Muir Or f615, San Fracbo 94132 Margatst & Edward KUCZVNSKI (Juslin/
26 -- Rden & Ceppy L RSON G|star'3, Emnerts, MarynS, l(artd86llme De Haro S, Sm 82) 25Or R€glr Dr. Devir e5at 16
Francbco 94107 -- Lanls LoBARON t Hank ALRTCH (My'id 77, Shaldil8o, Mar6sa/82, T6sany/84) Box 969, Gf€nvllte 95047 (H, -- Robd e Julle LERIOS (LeJred83, JadandSa '18/t Pine St, San Anaelrm g4$0 -- Jtll LTTTLEWOOD & Jatned KAHN (Laufa/83, JordadS6) Box 7S Cotufibia $:ltO (10 -- Maty LOIBL & F ank LOMELT (Cadolbd8z, Yara/83) 2621 B€lrsrt Dr, Daris 95816 (H) -- Jacob e Erre LUBOWE (Abigaivaa) Po Box t 3 t, Arcata 95521 Apdt & Loo
LUSSIER (Brandon/85] 895 Locorpto Pt, San Jco 95122 MAGIC MEAmW SCHOOL, PO Bor 29, N San Juan 9SSO Ron & Llnda MAHER (Daniolbrrg, Cabuet, SarailB6)
3761 R@dlng Rd, C€r6 95S7
Wondy MARTYNA & Bitl LELAND (Brmr/g, Mi|os/82) A5O HorrF6tod Trail. SanreCruz 95060 (H) l(evln & Mo1ssa M.9ONNELL (SeawE , Colltr' 85) 5O1 Mt Vler Avo, Petalwru 9.1952 Bi[ & Gddlen MCPHERSON (Arnanda/?4, J68eft5, Hanrxnyng, pfiit8/., Molly/84 PO Box 381, Kenw@d 95{54 Jun€ Mtke MILICH (Kdd82) 1084 Rh'gr BlrJf Dr, Oatdato 9s061 (H) Joanne MILLER & Charl6 SIEGEL (8€nedbuSt) 1gO7 Bonla Aw, Bet*eley 94709 ParFle MINK & John BREHM (Jooyi 8/t, JodarVSS) 23571 Hilddbrand Or. Mitdhiln S5461 Susan & Ron MORRISH (Jasba/g:t, Dilt€|, S6) 3607 Mulnrood, Rdovllo $678 Ob & Pam NEf$rAN (Abfahanv8l, SlnEoil84, JonadS6) 1327 Grand Av, Santa R6a 95401 (H) Bob & Lynda NEI/VpORT (Chadirrrs) IOO Folkor sr sulo G, sanla cruz 95060 Mlchst & Moka NOBLES (SarnanthatS, Chrbrophor/go) YOLO COUNTy HOMESCH@LERS, PO Box 305, Esparro s5627.- NORTH SANTA CLARA VALLEY HOMESCI{@LERS, 795 sh6'alon Ot, Sunnyvalo 94@7 Kalhle€n O'BRIEN e Pall LAUGHTON (Sarah/82) 7062 Chiab Ln, San Jm 9S1 29 Pam OLSON (Adard8o, Alexh,/82) 27O Dunbar O, Arcata 95521 (Hl Dhne PAGET & BIIISEEKINS (Jadea8, Lauro! 80, CharlidS4) PO Box ZZ3, Phllo 95466 Gtna pAlSLEy (Eliru83, Emily/86) 18813 Park Troe Ln, Sonorna 95476 Joan & Nbk PASCH (Lawen€O) 410 l"ancdstor Way, Rodmd Gity94062(10 Margard & Juerg6n PASTOR0,|O (c|rravi 80, DeroldS3) 222 Hamnon Av, Mqrntaln Vlew 94013 Ka!€ Lynn & Oavtd PETERSON (Ceclyrrs, Cott4nrrg 4943
Wste]borg Way, Camidlael95608 (10 -PFEIL (Grstchonn, Shawyv&), n€w baby/8g)
Ruag gO45
Connle Santa
tr lddbon POLLOCK (Morgann 1, Hannah/8l) ?341 Harpor Sl, Sanre Cruz 9SS2 (H) lGy PRELL Gsne HAWKRIDGE (Anyl8l, Brandon/g/r) 16 Gamolbad( Ct, Pleasant Hu 945123 Kurl & Lonl ROSSBACH (Cheyndga Ketly/8{i) to?go Sumt Way, SacrarFnlo 95827 Randy & Bocky RUPF (Joshua/8l, Ethan/82, Calet/84) PO Bor 727, La Honda 9/(,20 Lynne SARTY & Jm HAFSTROM (Tyta/82) 45O RedrDnd Rd, EuTeka 95501 Fred e Sonnie SELLSTROil (Ke$nrr6, caryng) KEVTN LAWRENCE UNTON SCH@L pO gox 28?, Witron 956ql (H) SIERRA HOMESCH@LERS, PO Box 74, MidDtne 95345 Ann & Hynan SILVER (ls$etta/g:1, ChadondS6) 562 Bright St, San Franci8.xr94132 Mary-Goqe & John SIMONITCH (Edi/81, JohrVS:l) 36a Aroyo Way, Somrna Paula Df, Concord 91518
Bruce & Karcn SMTTH (Eli2ab€th/&, JoAnna/8S) 549 C€nler St, Wdsonvlllo 95078 Grog & palge SMITH (Edi81, Marv8s) 688 S Wosrhavon Dr, Tdntdad 95570 (t0 95/176
SONOMA COUNTY HOMESCHOOLERS, O6m Te.?ptornan Rd, FordMle 954(b SOUTH STREET CENTRE, gox A61. Boulder Creok 95@6 (10 SOUIH VAtl.Ey HOMESCH@LERS ASSN, Bd 961, San Mankr 95(X6 Brada STAR E Cllnr CALLAHAN (AnFrhr€u84, Au?ofa/S4 321 Cadtb St, San|a Roca 9tlo1-51 1 I (H) Pam & Phil STEARNS (Jo6€phn9, Annar/o) 7162 Vi8 Coltna, San J6e $.llp Jim & Susan STEPHENSON (Nardt65, Ursuta/69, Mictlaol Olat/8z) 4284 Gllbed Sl, Oakland 94611 cafy & Ctpryl
SIEVENS (Colloonfts, Ruddr|g),2.136 Pebble Bsadr Loop. Lalayeno 94549 (10 -- Dick & Royco SUMNER (RidErda4, LbaZD PO Bor 7l3, W€sr Polil 9SA55 Aki& Kaiherine
TANAIq Gucia/84) 1244 Capuchino
-Aw, Budingarne
Roy & Sue TANIGUCHI (Sallyi83) 9391 Flqin Rd, sacranFnto 958?9 (Hl -- Stephen & carnifls TAYLoR (Manhewn6, KathodnezS, AnndS t, ClairdS4) 7AA Hudson St, DaMs 95616 -- lGrm TIEIJEN (Eric/rg, Aurqa/8e Danisy S5) PO Box l@7, llt. Shasla $067 Ka'sn Tupitgp (Bammnrra Drbanr7g) PO Box 91?,--cuahla S44S (H) ..Bob & Donna UYENO (Sto\rd8o, Davkt/88) ei! Ordlld Way, Can8bad m09--- Ron & Bil \OTH (J6h172. Sara/ts) 1$B Serge Ave, San Jao 9719) -- T6d t l(Ardl WADE, GAZELLE PUBLICATIONS, 55&t Srantoy Or, ALburn 95603 --- Neil WESTREICH & Ronnie STMON-WESTRETCH (Ari€U 81, Leah/8s, ShanntS4 1324 S Wlnchglsr Bhd t1og. San Jco 9512&4324 --- Jofi & Julh WHllf QorcfiVn7, Jenneil 88) ldl Crescent Ave 15, San Francbco 94110 Chrbtlno WILLARD (Sara/82) 14857 Sunon Dr, San Jo€o -95.t24 -Jane & Brhn WILLIAMS (Karid8o, Anntd83) BLUESTOCKTNG PRESS/EDUCATIONAL SPECTRUMS, pO Box 1014, D€pr.
PF, PLorui|o e6867-10r4 -- Jutb WTLLAMS (Mrndyl77, Bmnnd8o, Rldy/8s, Tlmflt/88) PO Box 3/+8:t, Smoie gS:tZO
Cerl Andrca WILSON (Lrura//9, D6/h/81, Lhneea/gq PO Box 626, Boonvlle 9t115 Shawn WISHART (Sloffat8, R$occde, Bonlarnin & Ang€la/86) 1'16&4 Cypr6s St, C6tre ville 95012 ctatro woFFoRD (6, 3, beby) sm Dance Randr, l75O Starhlll Rd, Wbodsldo S4062 Dale e Carol WU (Crlstorv82, Tracy/8/t, B$jamin/87) 285 Mountairs Pkury, Clryton 94517 John & Vilginh YORK (Bonlrmirv&4) PO Box 123, Markloovill€ $120 (X) Lhda ZIEDRICH & Roben WATERFIOUSE (BenJarnin/84, R€becca/88) 9145 cten Albor Rd, Bd| Lorbnd $m5 (O
CA SO{rIH (dF ro ga(nl
RESEARCH ASSOCIATES,55723 Tan€o€r Rd, YlDca Valey 92&1--- $u2alno & Rlcherd AEJANDRE (Nlkorz, Lorrg) 8O2t ilango Ay - 48, Fonrane ggXF Bryen Ltse APPER (Mary/8l, Megharv84) 4@ N chort Av, F|6m S705 (tt Robon e Chst BAKER (Toyt4, Ebterrg, @rlnndSq tSlO Appalo6a Rd, Aple Vdloy BALDVYTN PARK CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, 13940 E Merced, Balduvh Park9i7O6 Marrbo e Marllyn BEIDLE (J6huerr8) PO Box Bt, La ouinta @53 stophen & Diana BENNET-SAKAMOTO (AEry/8O, EvarVS/t, WistadgS) 5611 W 70rh Sr, L6 Angobs 90045 John & Sean BOSTON Stelh O'CARROLL, 9g4Z Cyn Country Ln, Eacondijo 92026 (lt) Parph A Michael BOSWELL (Sharear/6, Jordilfr8, Marlnda/Bo, CanaeryS3, Kaydroa/86, Arianna/88) 14551 Elcr|rs St, Hanfcd 90?S Kevtn & Judy BRITTON (DaniofrS, Mlcha€y8o, Etizabdh/8:t, Sarah/s4 PARENTS FOB HOME OEVELOPMENT. 184sj Robons Rd, Riwslde 92501 (O Gorge Sandra BUCK (Adanv&, HeidVSz) PO Box 5852, Garnpl qlg21 (Hl Tom & Mary BURNETT (Lucast6, Jacott8o, JoremytS, Charts"/gs) 8276 Dglver St, Vontura 9@l Darmllt Deborah BURTLEY (Cl6o/8O, YvendS:}, Orfin/84, Hoatho/86) t3O9
gS --
LalrarEha Way, Ontdo 91764 -- L6 & Sandy BYNUM (Aliciaa6, Nalhanr/g, Elinu8:t, Ale)d86) BELMONT PARK
scHooL, T$ circle or, sefinas 93$5
COALITION - PALS, PO Box Escondtdo 9O2S (i0 cHRlsTtAN CHAPEL SCHOOLS,ISO S Bree Cyn Cul-ott Rd, Walnut 917&9 CHRISTIAN HOME EEIJCATORS OF CALIF, PO Bor 28e|/t, Santa Ana 92799 CHR|STIAN HOIIE EDUCATORS OF LOS ANGELES CO. PO Box 1s8a tlomalk 90651 (Kovlry67, ShaFn CHUNG Tanya,€g, Ali€ia/t1) 2512 Gfoonwlcfi Aw, Santa Ana e7O4-667 John & ViaorhGLAUSE (Aarod84, Anna/88) 414 N Fulion Sr, Olal gn3l| Russ & Connb COLTEN (Chdsrrl, Shflna4, OovlnfrS, Dmika/&l Trflor/88) 119 Inyo Ln, Catrp pendloton 920ft5 Adrian & Shidey CRAMER (Kennylmo,,o4Lynoak Dr, Clat€rpnl 91711 Jlm !. Jodie CREAGER (LaurenfZ, Oavid/81) 410 Moilgonnry. Salinae 93S7 Ha^€y & Marilyn DIAMONO (8€a'rrt8) 24520 Ory Canyon Cdd Creek Rd, Calabasa 913O2 (10 Joff & Jano DUNHAM (Michay 73, Ahnr/4, J6huaz8, UatuSt, Ttrt83, AulumrvSs) 20162 Glhon Dr, Cant!{r Country 91351 (}0 Jam6 & Elizabeth DYCK (Andrry/83, LlllhrtS6) 14291 Rio6 Canyon Rd f7, El Capn 92021 (H) Calhy EARLE & Jim MUSCATO (Mindy/ 82, Lindsoy/84) 1602 Pl, Haci6nda Hts 91745 (H) Maft & gabara ENGLE (Erictg, Jasorirfg) 66 Lynno Ln, salina 91907 (H) steve E Linda EvAt{s (Lorientg,
Sarah/8a Androv&4) 2467 Loy Lane, Lc An9ol6 $O41 (10 -- Sl€v€ & Abnna FARRAR (Tilar/g, Zovorugi) 678 A6col Dr, Vbta 926:t .-- Connie e Mak FERRER (Wlllbr/6, Mkarda/82) 6590 Camino Cansla" CalDlntodo 93013 -Roborl & Mona FIERRO (B€ckir76, Nbky/83) 21366G9122 (Lo8 Angelss).-- Morey FUGATE (Christopharn6) 35 Fir6t Sl, Spreckols 93€62 -- Gate & Jim GEER Oanhow/go, Jmalhan/84) 2ogt0 Circub Bajo, Yo|ba Lhda 9A696 --Sandy & Rudy @STELUM (Ryan/8o, AarDtV&z, Je'G,ftryte/) 7S Mar \nda Dr, Vlsra 920{tO --- Raout & Mauroon
GRADVOHL (GbslldSo, Marcoti8s, ArieySs) 12634 Arboy
Av, Sy'mar 91342 Ridtard GREENBLATT & Susan SELVIG (Rara/8o, Chadottdel) 1905 31 St, San Diego g2lm H.O.M.E. SCHOOLERS, 16607 Osbomo Sr, Ssutv€da
Dave Mario HARTIIvELL (St+hed8o, Shen'rFd/ 84) 61927$7072 (San Dlego) Gdbriello & John
HARI1,oOD (Ruport/r/, ScarhtdS4) 306 Canyon Acre6, --- Evolyn t Denny HOFFA (Karid 77, uary/8o, Annd84) 213 Woltingron Dr, Dubtin 31021 --HOME STUOY ALTERNATIVE SCHOOI, PO Box tO3S6, ildpon Beeh 9a658 -- Oan e Carri€ Lynn HUEBNER (Anthony/84, Afibedyn/87) 51201 Pln€ Cyn Rd Lot 106, Klm Chy 93930 --- Christino JENSEN & Sr€von RTCHMAN (Erik/ 65, Mark/68, Oavidtg, Jamo€/81) 5635 Callo Vi6ra Atogre, La0una Eoadr 92651 (H)
Yoba Linda e686
Lvdia JONES (Kevin/8o, Oavid/8s) 6941 Walbey Dr, San Ob0o 92,| 19 Kenn€th & Nancy JOSEFOSIff (Ken/6:1, Dad65, John/66, Chds/69, Ffodt3) SAN DIECo HOMESCHooIERS,35{tt Ml Adare, San Otogo
1 1 Susie KAUFMAN (Janon LonnorvSz) A9917 N Prairio Ln r2O3, Santa Chrita 913S1-A176 Markt Mlchelo
KEVITT (De''|hI|rrO) 0et5 Renchto Av, Van Nuys 91405 (H) Ray & Udorh KIELER (Jondhanl77, Joanna/83) 't325 N College Ave, Ghremil 91711 --- Pauta t Jack KING (Llndy/ 80, Joshua/8|t, Robyil8:l) 22575 Cotiqrr.ood Cirde, El Toro 92630 --- John e G KIRKLAND (Tracy/8', Nsxate476.287 Swl Pea, Palm D6en gbo -- DavU & Carol KRAJCAR (I||'pthy/82) 5{74 Apricot Lano, Riw6ide 925OG (H) -- Teri e Dav€ LAIN (Androe/8o, Angsla/Ss) 486 W Lofoy Avo, &cadia
--- Babara LAWSON, WINOSONG LTFESCHOOL. s. Main sr, Pomona 91766 -.. Dato & Agno6 LE|ST|CO (JanE 3, Lauronofz, Susanzg) 31 3 SorF sst Pl, Lonpoc S(S (H) -- Ste\re & Darlon€ LESTER (NathaMtl, Elyn3, DamkurtS, CiabdoySo, BenlamidSo) 61+36&9684 (Jo6hua Tts) -- D|avit & Joy LIUEN (ManhswnT, Olivh/8o, Nldolas/84, Hans/86) 1t23 Bdanvood Pl, Sallna gx)ot (H) 9lm6
EnFry Pal LOCKWooO (Mollbsa/8o, Molanb/83) 151As C Marquotle St, MoorDad( Cml lGren & Nlck LOCKWOOD (Srehanit' 2, Cryslar/s) PO Box 95, Lc Oti\ro6 9€441--- Tqn & BclE LOWE (Abbyi82, Msghar/8.+) 301 Bald St, Old 9Oa3 Roben & Chdstirp LYNDS (Tarynr/8, Shav 8{r) w 1ah sl, Paso Robtes 93446 Kolha MacRURy & Parbk AMPE (Me9an/82, Shsd8s) 1462 Paul Sr, Siml Valtoy qnA5 G8dge & Jil MALED (Jennir/4, Sara|/8s, Laura/8a 5675 N eh St, F esno Ct7l0 (10 Shada MATTHEWSJENSEN firy8lanrrg, Det ln/85, Chel8oa/8g) PO Box 669, (]0 Cr6t[ne Rarpna & Pr6lon MELTZER (SinDnilaiSl, SaraUS:l) 38450 5 St W 0272, Palrdalo 93550 Robdl & Janet MENSCHEL (Carbof/€O) t075 Carlsbad 'ti6 6 PaiDla lGyos MINERD couri, san Dbgo e114 (H) (Micfi€lle/8o, Tera/8l) 525 Nutu,ood Sr, Anahoim gASa (H) MONTEREY COUNTY HOIIE LEARNERS, PO Box 4667, Sailns g)912 Ron & Susa MORRISH (Je68ica/gil, Oanlol/86) 3060 Koidr Pl, Oxnard 9f35 Sharon e Marttn NELSON (Saraftt8, Vhginla/8o) gll Angoles, Carp Pondl€ton 92055 Tlna lt Bryan NEWTON (Ala Madd&{} 23445 Rhea Dr, Morono Valloy 9387 NORTH LONG BEACH CALVARY CHAPEL, 132 E Arlesia Bhd, Long Beach SgOs Kp & Cagey NULL (Jasonfrc, Michans, Chrbtophd/8o, Klera/83) 16562 Patrich Lano, Huntington Beadt m647 OAKVIEW SCHOOL, 5t10 Oak E8ra€d Dr, Satinas 93m7 Jim A Yolanda O'gRlEN (JlrnrZS, Jaron/84) 650 Chagnan Ln, Pslalurna 94952 l(at & Atlon OGLETREE (Borhanyzg, K6lley/8it, Taylo/88) 398 N Mad€ira, Salinas glS5 Dan E Bonnie O'KEEFE (Radtolzg, Kathednd8o, Carotind&1) 1359 Las s1, San Dk go 9210e OUR L/AOY OF VICTORY SCHOOL, PO Box 5181, Mbslon Hllb 91345 PARENTS FOR HOME OEVELOPMENT,1&481 Rob€ru Rd. Riv€r8ide 92504 Bob & Mary Ann PAUL (Oavidtg, Kristlna/82) 4516 Cathor Av, San Di€{p 92122 (H) Bi[ e Saly PECK (OaviJ/ 77, SaraMS, JonathadSo, AmyA3, Laura/8s) 619-485{682 (Poway) Rick & Vidl PETERS (Jonathorlr/6, Ellbtr/g, Aabrv83, Claird8s) 98a6 Hamdon St, Pico Rivora 90660 PILGRIM CHRlSTlAl,,l SCHOOL3759 E snh Sr, Matrood w70 PILGRIM SCH@I, 531 N Batna, pqroMile 93257 l(athy & Tmr PLISKA (Paufrg, Nina/8s) 1501 Hite Ave, Long B€ach 9804 (l{) Howard & Cafole PRICE (Chrbtian/ 761?a751 El Mb Ln, Missiql Viqo 9269 Karen RASKTNYOUNG e B|IIYOUNG (Jorerny/84) 8106 Teeedale, N Hotty-
riood 91605 -- Paula & Jofl REMMEL (tenir'8z, Chrisrophe./ 87) 4872 Royal Greons Pl, San Di€go 92117 -- Dia|ra !, Elis€o RUIZ (Js8lah/82) 8890 Whoolor, Fonrana 9135 -SADDLEBrcK VALEY CTR, Box 91a El To{o 926:p -.Jae & Lany SAMUELS (Willhny8s, Midraoygg) 26765 Pseo Roblos, Cilm|93923 ..- SAN DIEGO HOMESCII@LERS, 3581 lll Adare Aw, San Olego 9411 1 -- SAN GA8RIEL VALEY HOME.SCHOOLERS, 4S W Loroy Aw, Arcadia gtm6 --- Loube & Ed SCHAEFER (Kri8tina/83! 2274 Watdo Av€, SimiValloy *n65.- SCHOOL OF HOME LEARNING, PO Box 92, Escondido 92025 (H) --- 8i|| & Ellon SHIPLEY (Billy/8:t) 23007 W Tupolo Rldge Dr, Valonda 91a56 --- No€ils SIGKELS & Vbtor PARRA (Jude'9) 3827 Fornrrcod Av, Lo6 Angpl6 9@27 SERVICES, 8ox -- SMM EDUCATpNAL 1079, Sunland 91040 Candy & Cecil SNYDER (Julian/82, -Jotrnny/86) 20&56 Entraderc Av, Torrance 9056 -- K€n & Alslha SOLTER (NidrolalTt, Safah/8l) 104 Sr lvB Pt, cotola 931 1 7 --- Ken t R1a STEEK (Pau17t6, Carnon & CodyAS, Skyd$) ?an Panplico D, Valsnda 91355 -.- Jay t Rone€ STONEHOGKER (TFmr/8, JustirvS2, Ahna/8s) 11976 Rodbank St, Sun Valloy 91352 --- Kay STONER & Rlcttard BOLIN (Eenladnr/8, Mary Both/S2) 3960 Fabon Av, Lmg Boeh s8O7 -- Tod & LkdaSUTTON (Al€)d81) PO 8ox 95:t, SMotGt 92385 SYCAIIORE TREE,2179 Meyer Pl, Costa --Jonathan Mo6a 94627 TABOR (Latat7gl?2T6Lec.t€Fta -Rd, El Caiq| PO2l -- Scon & Kathy THILE (Christophe/8l, JottniEll) PO Bor 1S75, ldyllwiE 92a49 --- Mer€dith t Chads THOMAS (Kolly/8o, Dant84, Emitylg6) 33175 Acaputco Dr, Dana Point 92629 -- Sleve & Lynn THOMPSON (Midtaoyg4} 10710 Esther Aye, Lc Angele8 S064 --- Edk THOST &
Thonns REAPER flrbtan/86, ClaroncdS4 3866 C€ntor Av, Santa
8a&aa qll
Dennis & Marty TOUCHSTONE
27 Gbazl, ten€rrs, Bekyr'g, Sarah/8l, Usry/86) Gt5l & EdCTOIYNSEND Aw, Ved€ 9@l
-FO Box 1085, ldylit|ld e349 --
Susan & Rlck Vh t{arerlo, La
TRUDEAU (Roboruel, Mmhu€/S) 6€4 Edward & nayd UNTERMAT{ (hna8. Veme 91750 (lt Megad8o, Oomln€y/83) 9@ E Ahrnar, Santa Earbara gll05 Tony & Margle VIOLA (Ju8llnt3, JoGhuets, Jcophr/S, Jlm & JalmdSo, Jenny/82) PO Bor I 9/t1 , H6peda 9e3/$ Jml WARE (Alronfrg, Me0.rv82, Srldg€U8o) 6016 Rhreilon Mar & Kasr YYEISS (El|ena5' Av. N HolDrud 91$6 Peler & ilary Oan/7g) 1891 Rlngdsd Dr, Solvang 98483 WOLK, 706 E Oak S, Old CXPS2855 Daro & Hannl WOOLSEY (Nanctn3) BIJCKINGI{AII SCI'|@1,17800 Hatlon Delo & Carol WU (Crbton/8z, Tracyl8.l. St, R*eda 91315 Gett & B€riamhiEa 138ixl Haync St. Van Nutt 91.101 Sharon ZTHARfAS (Jardna, Jddanl''c) l$g N Nutmog St,
OO ilAhanid & Jan€ ADAII (Marlan/8o, UlIarVSz) Peter & Vabrle BERG 10168 E Late Pl, 8Ol t 1 (Leil/85, NoatVSS) 14gS Rlvenlde Av, Boul6d 90004 Kata BERTIIOLF (Melbsa/83, l,lelrln/8s) 3780 CR 129, fl€sporu8 81326 (H) Wb8 & Lc BOI-ltlGER (W.dat6, Deerlne/'f8, Robeda9. Befhre/8l, Juta/o4, Ev€lynl86, C.t19 Rd 35, Lamar 8162 @LORAF HOME ETXJCATORS'ASSOC. 1616 lnh $ Bor 37e DeiverSO2@ @LORAm sodala HOMESCHOLING NETWORK, 7.|{n w ^p*h€, SC|{OOLERS, 880135 @LORADo SPRhICTS HOME 2$6 Marflyn Rd, Cobrado Spdngs 80(p9 mUG[A{l @ HOMESCHOOLERS, 841-5267 FOOTHILLS FAMILY FORT SGHOOLS, 5591 Mt Aud$on Pl, LongrFnl &Eol COLLINS HOIIESCI{@IERS. 49+1209.-. Mark & Dof€n
GLOR|qSO (Ctubtior/g, Thornas83, JulL/8s) Box 3291 Catol GYGER & Btuco Pln€uood $gt. Lyons 8ostlo BROVITN (Terrdgz, ShandEat) /125 N Whlconb Sl, Fl Collnr
80521 Don & Ann HEIMAN (SaraM8, Krltonftg. Za.fiaty/ 83) 18{xl nh Ave Grool€y 80631 (}l) Rhhad & Suzatne HILL (Andy/'t€, ChlraAO) gxl Tahil Dr, G.ud Juncllon 815(F Carollno & Dsvld HILLIGOSS (Uoltr'8. HanaUBl, Elu HOME. 81, Erhad&4) 828 N Lovllsnd 80537 1015 S. Gayhrd Sl Sule 228, Den|9f 8@0e Joe & Dee HUBBERT (Andrflrts) PO Bor q Rarnah 80&P Cynlhla HULL€REW & S:tanley CREW (Ndhan/84 Clsylon/og) 14160 l,lova Ln, Cobrado Spga 80$8 Jeff & Barbara KEELER (Ja!ont6, JdA8, Kyb/8ll EAGLE STAR FOUNDATON, 196s5 Cambet Rd, Black For6t 8€08 (H, Jo€ & Llnda KONSTANZER (Jonnifern4, J€os€rt6, ilelbla/8o, Jflnld8l) Paul e Pal LtiGlN {Malu8l, 8'!t 6th St, Lar Anknas 810tf KddS{) PO Box 5291, Wodland Patk 808S Efizabeth & William MERRITT-HICKLING, PO Box 5406, c/o Stono & W$sler Eng, Denvef 8@17--- IiIORTHERN METRG P|NEWmO SCH@L Rt 2 DENVER GROUP,45(>006 409, Pin€ &479 Kdhleen & Jee R^MOS (Gabde1r76,
--- ---
An&ss/82) 28580 Pins Dr, Evetgren 8O4S Ctalg & Madlio RIOGLEY (Soad81 , tansy/8o 1 1O Mt Pine6 Rd, Boulder 80ra 00 SOUTI{ JEFFERSON CO HOMEScHooLERS, 97eO707 STONEMOOR H|LLS SCftOCrL, 3 Stomnr| Dr, Pu€bb SlmS TELLER @ [{OMESCHooLING ASSN, 687€722 Dave t l'l€lem VAN MANEN (Slenafrg, S€quold8z) 8Cg Apa.fie &, Beulah 8102i1 --- Kurt & Tlgho YOVAI,IOFF (Br.nnarrg, Maddy/8i) NORTHERN CO|_ORAm HOilE SCT.iOOL ASSOC,4721
Harbof Vi€rY
Ft Colflns 80526
Ct66ni rcK
Mhute Man Hil, wdtport (O (Rlchard78, Brl8ry81) 4 Hud6on St Enfrold 0eo8a (o Dawn Mario LOREI{O (Alexerd.ral, Johnte/8o) lq| Lcd Joann€ MALCARNE, CT Mhe Br@k Rd, llarwhon 0€791
HOME EOUCATORS oRGAI{UATlOtl,90 B.he Rd, DoS Paul& taude MASTROPOITO (Lla/8il, Annd Rh/€r 0G417 Tmy & Mary MAZZA (Davld/ 88) 224 Bresster Rd, Bri*ol 79, Ra.ioy8o, Mstie€4) 147 tletln€ S, Thomaston 06787 Tle€set Owbhr NEEDELS (Th.a/82, ConldSs) 1314 Frank & Chotyl POMERANTZ Cheshlr. St, Choshke 04110
lsanhi8r, Jacd86) 75 Mo|98n p6, ganbn 06019 -- Holly RAWtsON & Bdan AHERN (Kelrrg, Lelas) 867 Chdfsrvflb Rd, 6a08 (]0 -- A.rend.. & Llrde SCHRAYTER
9, N€h/82, Lo€b/8a) 48 Motlurpnt Hil Rd, Coyemry Ud( & LIndaSCHROTH (Albo{v8l, Jm/82, Btletv 0e238 Millard & Batbate SCOTT 84) Fern Ln, Cdel0641/S (n (, SdalVS4l lgt fhmden AytlGC, Weleouty (ETaN
sephon & Clnlhla SE RS (Chrhl8o, t)rfl/qD
6ml --
Jo6+h SHAPIrc & lbn€ TRAil3ER Rd, A\on (Ann€/79, Clardga, SNllyiS2) 125 9ond66r Rd, Rldg€fl€E t{€d VARE (C.s8uyr/g} 628 Luz SIOSIE 00817 (10
Mancfider (F(xo
Glngd lt lLSOi.l & Psrl KRASHEFSKI
(Justln/8z, Sabdna/86) 1.17 (10
SEdfod Sp95
Glnget & Roben IVELCH (Rlant6, Gotn€rt8, te4 R6.dale $ NE, Washhglon 2002
Mard8l, Travo.V83) (H)
FL Ed & Maty ANGEL (Chaurt, Clln|rtg, Ghtbtopher/8l, CorlnndSs) 1100 Pbvef Avd|ue, Mlami 31108 Pad & Jere BARKALOW fzeal8o, Kail83) 3696 Talluhh Rd, Lantana 3462 Bdan & Sandy EJORGEN (Jenna. Katon) Shory & Rabh 5640 Lassen St, Keystone l-fts 3a656 BOAS (A||borr/g. J$ny/81, TkrFlhy/83) Cyptoss Cow t579, Ctnthia & 4425 S Pl6asail Hlll Rd, Kbdr|'E 347115 (10 Bud( BUCKLEY (C88ldy/8/4, Shannon) 1512 Havana A\€, Fl Plerco 34so (H) Da\ro & LE BUELL (Glbtanzo, ShannsNaomn3, ObadlaM/s) 131 SE Lakariey Df, Sobring 33870 (10 Randy & Mary BURNETT (Kath€rlrd8z, Mil€s/8s) 6lh s't al 8($ e Adrbnno Av E, PO Box 381, Mclnlah Sa6at BUSHEY(DanioU8l, &nyl84) 2806 Lenl Rd, Apopka 32712 Ed\f,ard e Fbr Maria CHAVES (Ebd83, G$rield8o) 723 N Molody t C6rey COOPER Jdforuon Ave, Sarerota 34?37
(Aarcn/8o, Cryaaygl) 5407 Serlnole Av, Tanpa 33604 @ry & Lslio COTTON (tudFsa/76, CrabtlonS, Jenna/8i, Jean KW82) 1 150 Old Dlxio fhry, Tllusvile ?796 CUNNINGHAI, & Jose Garaballo (Danion8, Lldiar/g, Dadad 85) 178s2 NE County Rd NE3lA Gain6vllle 34609 (H) Don Kalhy CURRY (Ben/81, Nahan/84) 5574 LaIe Gone\ra
Lo.,b & Shaton o€PPE (Arte,/82, Dr, LatoWorlh 3461 Mandy/85) 2120 Plainliold Av, O?ang€ Pafi 34073 (H) Jekio & Stanby mUGLAS (Satahr/s, lan/80, Kodya6) 9704 Tom & Maurs€n ELIISON Hldden Oal(s Cr, Taflpaf,F12 (Adadeg, J6rica/S) Rl 5 Box 316A, Dunmlbn 32630 (O Bob & Tlna FAREWELL (ElEahh/er, Eri./86) 3S00 Fay FARLEY & Chah Suzanno Of, Lake Wahs gBsil (Hl John KUHN (Heathertg) CAL\IERT SUPPORT GROUP, 1707 FLORIDA PARENT-EDUCAKlng 51, Jadconylllo 32201 TORS ASSOC, m45 Woodrun Rd, Pens@h 32514-5519 Kar€n e Ridrerd FRAIIKLIN (Adanr'z, Je88ica/80, chtistopher/8il) 3gl0 Winffold Rd, Bomlon B€ach 334iF (H) Barbaa & Bob FREEMAN (Sarn?8) sal N Msridhn St, GLENN DISTRIB-UTORS,7251 Bas8 Tallahacsee 3201 GRASSROOTS FREE SCHOOL l+f,y, Sl Clotd 32769 Jane Mldrael 2458 Grassroots Wat, Ta$aharss 32irc1 GRAVOIS, (Cry8taU8O, Urhh/83, Jc6ph,84 R /t Box 1095, ($ (Mikszz, Jake/ag) Clt|a 32647 Miko & AnV GRIGGS Frcd & Joan 355 S Highhnd Av, Groon Co\re Spgs 3?0ll3 HAMBURG (Ethadgl) Rl 2 Box 621, Bushnell *b13 (10 Jim & Lynn HARTLEY (Cara& Eliouel. Oad85) R4 Box 170, Peny Choryl & Sleve HATFIELD (John/85, Drsw/ J26s1 86, Chy/88) 920 SE l nh St, Doettield Beach 314 1
W7 ---
(R&hel/8o, Arid88) 3816 Cdtal Matsh Cl, Ad 254, PalT K.rcn e l(orn JACKSON, FLORIDA 11i6s73188+ ASSOC FOR SCIiOOLS AT HOME, 10o De\rll's Dlp, Talla' Rlch t Clndy JACOBSON, HOfIIESCHOOLhasses 9i[8 ERS OF LEE @UNTY, 8f11 Cheng| Cbb crf 1206, Ft Meyert 3For --- Gtr JOHNSON e Elbon KELLY (Maiartg) .+173 Green Adrs Lane, Jacl(ronvlllo 3222! --- Wllllam & Gall JORGENSEN (Btenu8l, Lancde4) 2815 S 27 St, Ft Plofco 34981 --- Ahn t Gr€ JUSTISS (Stzannetsl, Ellzabeth/861 lGlhedne PO Box 1700, l(oystono Holghlt 32656 (l{r KIGER, PO Box 5(108, Orlando 3a853 --- DaYvn & David KIMBLE (Cer€y/8a, Salfii/84) 050 Nocaleo, Tallahassee 32:p4 (10 Dat € & Juli6 KNEPPER (DavUA6, Coudnoy/7g, Na|cy MAMNYA J6U84) 5426 dh sr s, sr. Pele 3705 (Damonzs, Dlenff4 1ll':Xt NE 11 Plo, Mlaml3161 Jff t Charfone McCAtlN (Micha6!?5, Suahne,l(d'Yng,Polvl 80, M{gHgr, Robbl€t8z, Davtti84, JossdSA 90,1-751-5419 (Jadconvlllo) (10 W[hm & S)Ma MCKAY (Ooybrro, Annan1,7sam, Jr?s/81, Reyfir{rd/8/t} 4ru Town Mbhad e Yohnda McKEE Crunlry Bhd, Tarpa 30615 (Mldrslrr6, Jfnflryrr8) 1()61 SW 20 St Boca Ralon 33486 Jotrn & Dany MESSINA (Michelle/ts4) 1.144 Beedleood Tr, Fon Ut€rs gl9t9 --- Ken & Ghny MILLETT (Kbllnd74 2260
Dan & Wendy N f&tD, JadcofMlle 32211 New Pon Rk$oy MILLER (Justln8l, Stevir/84! 112 Vioh Ann IIOROES {Oat{ofrc, G&fb|rt8} PO Bor 41, 346,5,2 MORNING GLORY PRIVATE Gtand Rldge 32442-0041
Unhe6ty B|ld
DE Edward & Jull6 ALLEYNE (Therba/83, T8€rino/ Gr€o SalV 85) 5o2 Taylor Sl, Wilmingbn 19801 ANOERSOI{ (Ko?hrrg, Tornika/8l, Malla/8s) 214 Hazsl Rldge DELAWARE HOME EDUCATION Dr, Wlmhgton 19s10 Ken & MarY ASSOCIATION, PO Bq 55, Dow l99Otl EICHI{oIZ (Holy & l-loathernT, Jennbrrg} 228 Wavetly Rd, Ellgl & Mbh*l Mc€LfllEE (Patdck/8l, Wfimhgton l90dl Mary$ne/83, Ellzab€lh/8s, Dflld/88) 118 $roodshdo Dr, Peggy & Bil SANTOW (Nldtolartg) N€wafi 19702 (H) 109 Llnden Tr€€ Ln. N€rYark 19711 DG
Lbs SPECTOR Whthrop Ay, t{€w Hav€n c51 I (}0 (Oanica/8/t) 121-g Perry St. Unbnvtb 0@85 (lt Hdnd( & Suran STGKN€Y (Johnrrg) 63 Sphddn Ln, Gufifotd o64it7 Splrc & Oaie VOSTITSAI{OS (Sashefrg) 107 Hehino Rd,
txna HUSSEIN {Ssteh/8o, MehttpudS/t} 2020 Tutpontno l(dhlsr e Chb IACoi'IA (Gwed8o' Rd, Mk|B 3275/t (10 Anne/Sl, Johd84 3895 Hl6ld Rd NW Palm Bay 3297 (tl) Antolne & Lury lcl,llzto (Grahatrvo, I)|€iva3, Clalrds/t) PO Bst Rob€kah ISMEL Box 294, Od6sa 356G@{
(Meghary8z, Tyler/851 35 Rlchad Lcpills Janlce
CT Crane & Laude ALLEN (Eilzd€thi82, Cerolyn/ 85) 18 W Boecon St, W6t Hartford 06119 Ed & Clndy BAI(LIK ($€pnenl8i|, Mkiaeu8s, David/88) 3l Wholer Sl, Sh€lron 06484 Elon & Tom SERNSTEIN (Malaz4) r38 Malshall Rd, Guiilod 064i17 Alison & Lerry BRION (Laura/ 81, Juli./84) Bor 86, RR 3, Shonnan 06784 Allan & Lols CHURCH (Alan/66, Narta JahhnT, Juiland8s, VlcroddS4 14 Trurhrl Sl, Meften 06450 Dlr. StoplFn & R$ecce CORWlf,l (Btmlv8l, H€ad85) 86 Grooilooc Rd, t{odok 06058 (l{) Chds DURNING, EMANUEL HOMESTEAD, PO Box 345, S Woodsrod( 0€267 Robena & Jay FOSTER (AlFsaftS, Jayr,g) 2Ol7 Nodolk Rd, Torrlngton 06790 wayne PdTyGATES (Brandon8a PO Bq srt, Ashlord OcAT&ms4 (lt Cadbn & Su3€n |IOLCOMS (Albetr,S, 7la;ha',tt81l RR 1, Winsred 06098 HOME EOUCATION LEAGUE OF PARENTS, PO Bor 2011, Ablngrdi 06un Joan & Mark IONNO (Lukd84) 2S Kebey St, !,lew &ltaln (b051 (H) Jean JAKOSOSKI& Alan DUBINA (Judhzg, Aarcd83) 113 Tuckio Rd, N Wndham ()6a58 (lt Wfiam & Morgan JENKINS (SalaM/g. Robln/83) 4 Ped( Av, W Haven (H) (CottFlldg2) 06516 Ma'k & Loubu KAI{E 23 Flemlng Sl, Waorbury 06710 Marshall& Rob KINNAIRD (Emlly/84, LancdS4 @ PeacoaHo Hil Rd, Ridgelleld 068Z7 John & Kattv LemNNE (Kyld8o, Jankrdeal44 l-lenry Sl, Mandrcter (H) (Jililatv8z, 06040 Lba & Nornan LemUX Megail86, Belhany/88) 37 Potvin Av, Moosup 06331 Davld & Gbeh
Nart & Chade SCHoo1, PO gox 20 Ft Whtle 3a028 MUNIER (Vi:tcla/8o) 119 Midway bl{id, Cloatfldsr 33515
tGthe o'coNNoR {Perddd8o} 26@ NE 20th Cl, Fl PENSACOLA CHRISTIAN Laudqdal€ sxxt8 (l{l GORRESPoNDENCE SCflooL, Bor 18000, Ponsacola 32543 Suaan & Davld PRICE (Manrt2, FaithrB) 1315141h Pl, Rusc & Mufi RUSSELL (lanlt9, Kyla/ Voro Been e96o Sw€S.tals Ln, Otlando 32821 --- Tlm & Ju[e eD SIMMONS (Land8z, NalhanlS4) PO Bor 7085, Lake City 34056 --- Ghad6 & Lucy SMITH (Z6phidTt, Eztal8o, Yana/ 82) OPEN DooR PRIVATE SCHOOL710 Scotland Sl, Dun€dh 34698 --- Stoire & Sandy SMITH (Pstlsr/8s) THE READING STAR PUBLlSHll,lG, PO Bq 1 193, Vonlcs 34284(Tiara/el, Thna/84) 14TB 1 190 --- C & M STOUDENMIRE Paul t Dsbola Old Hoepltal Arca Pensacola3aso&lml SYPIAN (Nalharv8s, Manhov8z Jat€d/8g) 8125 Alve'on Aw, Orlando 32817 --- Rogor t Clndl TRUNK (Mbha€n3, Daritd 81, OdotvSS) Rl I Box I 10 Sdsutna 3a089 --- Mr & Mls Larry WALKER (Jinv67, Johnlv,w[m49245 Woodtun Rd, Ken & Marlee WESTMAN (Scow PorBacola 34514-551 9 Stov€ & Pameb €13) 27.12 Fh,ral Rd, LantaB 33462 WHEELER (Sootl/831 3684 Fr€d G€orge Cl, Tallaharsee 3Ano
GA Lqr BECKER & Jennle wEsT (Jacda2) PO Crary & Darleno BETSILL Bor 647, Robrta 31078 (Manhev84, Mldre3u84 1001 Rsdbud Rd, McRae 31055 (Curi6rr9, Bsthany/8l) HALL COUNTY Bob & Chris BISHOP HOME EDUCATORS,4.{B Laks Forec| Df, Oal$rood 30566 (Katl€/8l) Way, Matl€tla 300et t6l Kln|borly Sadie BRITT Mary Ann & Stanley CAJTHEN (B€clVr,Sl 200 Dmald Susan & Kun @NOVER Larb Rd, Moreland at25o (H) (MacAdarnrtE, Kale.y8o, Cady/83) 3469 Cheslnul Dr, Doto/ille 30&O --- John & Vickie FOIVLER (Melis8a/7g, MldrasuSo)
GEORGIANS MinGa Terrace. Woo*lod( 30188 FOR FREEmM lN Ec|{JCATON,4818 Joy Lane Lbutn @.17 Khg6 Suaan HENDERSON (Ellerv84, Lrry8g) Jlll & Je'ff HERBST Troa Rd, Stone Mtn gxtgit (10 (JohnnytS, Jsfiroy/8r1, JacquollndSS) 813 Wyiluck Dt, Rlch Vbld HIGGINS (RTr/3, Jooy/ Kenn6il 301,!t (H) Ewlyn & 751 3244 SaddlSack Mtn Rd, Matlotta 30062 Danny HOFFA (Kerlefft, Mary/8o, AnndS/t) 213 Wellington Or, Mrs. Ctalg HOFFER (Slevon/8a Mr. Dublin 31@1 Babata David/&|) 1280 Pitts Rd Durftuody 30350 JOI{NSON Bontfa€ McOANIEL (Ndhanal, Da'a/84 1953 S Maft& Diane JOHNSON Lunptin St, Athans 30606 (Llndsey/8z, Marld&1, Alex/86) l'[10 Boxrood Ttaco, Ac*ortl 30101 (H) Wade & Doena JOHNSTON (Clarb8at6, Jayl 83, Sterllng/8s} CHATTAHOOCHEE VALLEY HOMESCHOOLJdle & gsphon ERS, Rt 2 Box 920. Caaula 318O4 Calhy & JONES (Todd/el) 5154 Jo€l O, Arlanra 3G]60 Bob MORRIS (M69anlTl, R&m, And,eils1l211 Erland Dr, Bo&y & Manha PENNEBAKER (LoigMt8, Oublin 31@l Setly8z, Etinal PO 8ox 25o, Bam6ville 30204 (10
& Geella RIFE (Ssarv81) 190 Hhdrir|0 Po61O, St6,e & Linda RIGELL (4na/81, JGh/84) Ma?i€na An67 MOUNTAIN HOMESCHOOLERS, Rl 1 Box 1426. Chylon 30525..- Gr6g & Vld{ SCOTT (MichaerZ, Davidis0) HOME
%) EDUCATORS OF N. AITANTA 12to Lory€ Ln, R6wdt 30076 Marra TURNER (crysrau8o, Amy/s1) 9s9 Hanmny Rd, AEoon Riched & pdrtda WARD (H€ethe/g/[, CaltlldS8) 1731 Beaurogsrd Dr, Llbum 3@17 Glenn & Rondor YOUNG 0utilar/Bl, Atec/831 t4ao Shenra Oak Dr, Norcfoss 300€ft
Ol$ --
ll --
la3qr g Jeann€ AMAS (Jahua/A4, Je8lcr/95) PO Bor 275, l(+ea 96748 (t0 Jan€t e B|snt BLACK (LauFU83l 1164 Blshop S, Su iZ+tOO, l,lonolutr $013 Csrg6 & Mala BONE-YOKOYAMA (SructsFrnS. Jens W[y 80, lGlapana/84) lorh Ay, tbmtutr 96816 Maoy e
LE CAIIPBELL-MAROER (ArVSO, Kto/02, Kaealrba Rd, Haftu, Marl $z)B (10 --
5S4 Serah e John CASKEN (Phlllt84, PauU87, Dfiilon/g8) 650 Kanaha St, Kaflua$734 Sharcn CHUNG (Kevln/€z, T&ye/69, Alicid 71) Gd| Del, Hilo 9672G9999 Sru SlF mUGLAS
(Molu/el) 7&6S7F Mar€latDa lfwy, Hofrab $725 (H) An & L6lle HICKS (Noaltgt, Joa€plr'8z, Jsemy/84, Carty/06)
3674 lt oodhm Torr Pl, Honotutu 96822 Ltnda INOUYE & Bred LAU (lcty/8l, Emlly/s7) 9/t 416 Kfitant Sr, Milthnt$709 (H) Nanct & Carl JOHNS0.I (KarhryntS, Bryn/Ot, Ab)d 85) PO Box 23, Hawafl Nail Pk96718 (H) John e KIRKLAND (Trecyl8s, Atexa/84 3aB Lditpo Or, Kdtua 5734 B6tsy & Parl KOEHLER (Erndg?, Msgadg/t, Evfll/A7} 9$ 706 Holanl Sl, Mllllani 96780 LEARNI{Gi AT f|oilE. FO Box 27GG ftonaunau 96726 crary e Lmne MACK (Sktd & Bofii) PO Bor 368, Kdaa 9674A MAU| rcMESCHOOLERS ASSN, .r'o cat Nagaato 242{US Ghaile &
AngehOTT (Christina/8a Ca.q|l8s) 3Sl.c Reasons Rd, Honolulu $819 Jano & Tim pEARtA (Anthoy/8l, Vemod 84, CenfVS4 94-220 Polapoh Pt, Mttthntg6TBg Rohnd a Ebl!€ ZEITLER (Sunnptl8t, Mslody/8s, Rosd88) 553A
Miklol Pl, Klhel96753
lO 9s6y4t ltnda BRAMWELL (Edka/f6, Chrbtian/7S, Bdad8o, Jorden/82, lseac & Alq/86) 3u N 32oo E. Robeds 813444 Clifl & Dhna cAsE (Ang€ta/8l, Atq/8it,
Oougla3/S4 SUNRIDER WHOLE FOODS, Sn OE Saybrcoh Boba 8:f06 Jean & John CIFALA {Chiyd80, Venny/82, Diend 75) Box 1074, Challb €K1226 (l{) HOME EOT CATORS OF lDAt{o, 3618 Pine Hill Dr, C@uf d'Abne ggSi4 --- Mt€ HUBBELL & Llz CANMIN-HUBBELL (Chri8ropherag, Lory8t, Kerryl84 Rl.t Box 6'17, Bonnss Ferry ggg,S (lO lOAt{O HOME EDT CATORS|/SOUTHERN tOAl.{O,3tAS Btad( Hrb, Eobe 8il700 Toby & Chds RHUE (Jo6hua/85, CanltnruA E 200 N, soda spdnF 83276 --- TEXTBOOKS FOR PARENTS, Bor 209, lGndrid( 83537 Rld( & Ltsa THOMPSON (Johnrrg, Jarne€/8l. pauu83, EtEabsrh/86) 1575
East 3100 Sbuth, Wond€il B:L3S5
lL --- p61g sur*ne ACKERSON (AaforvSt) 2O3 N walnut, Trenton 82293 (H) --- Steve & Mant ADELSMAN
arcnn1,ElhanlTl, Pauu8o) 5$4 W Raoe Av, Chicaoo 00644
ATTERICAN SCHOOL 8so E Ssrh, Chicaoo 606i|7 D€borah ASKA (AndrflAo, ArV/&1, Atorander/85),t4oz Hulcs Dr, DeKah 601 tS Donbe John BERRy
(ShaunazS, Devon/8l) 2101-34 51, Rod( btad 6tAO1 Tom & Wenda BERRY (OrInd82, Cdtttn/8s) 2949 Wtlfl Rd, Hotl|euood 604S Chsi& Parl BJORK (Iravis/7g, Forr6|// 82. SchuylerlS3) 235 Haniion Aw, Etgtn 6Ot?3 Chud( & Nancy BLOSER (Seanns, Mandyr'g, Tfa€y/gl, Joy/8it, l\aronl&5:,212,N 19th St, Baning[on 60010 (H) !7u6 S, Sharon BOYD (BrandulntS, Aurofa/8l, Marlailg4, Jaoilg8) '1321 4 St, Molino 61265 (Hl Jirn a Letio BRETT (Emitytg, Davld/8o, Jonathan/81, Kayla/8z, Midraey84, Nalhanleus) BRIGHT WAY CHR|ST|AN ACADEMY,4tS SherHan Sr. Roddod 61 103.-- G?eg e Llnda BRUNET (Ktmb.ry/83, Ali88t84 1351 Llhc Ln, Carol Sr?eam 601 gg --. St6re & Kate CAMP (R8hey87) 1@ N towa Av, Addtson 60101 (10 Mafi & Kathy CHAMBERS (Maulgenr/S, Emity/8l, E[ervg4, gdan/84 110 Bhct$awk, Aurora6o5o8 (H) cHRtsTtAt{ LIBERTY ACADEMY, @ W E|[[d AvB, Arfington H! 60004 Jofin & Nanct CHIPCHASE (B€rhany/8it, Dana/OS, J6hua/84 4O0r4 S Joller Ayt5, Lyom 60534 (l{ catl CLYDEN e Ckdi WILCOX-CLYDEN (St8r;btT2. sElrang, Jchua/&, Whiheyr84, Naomyg7} pO gor 23, Cebery 00919 Cathalne COX & At FRYDRYK (Jandell ZO9 Lee Sr, park For6l 60460 Miko & Mary-E[en DAH|_KE (Tradz6, Js8id84) 6(P9 W 9:l St, Oak Larm 6045:l Tom & Lynne DAVIS (Ertnt73, Eddiotrt, L6tb/8t) 42835 N Crawford Rd, Antiodr 6OOOZ Doan & Mary OCAFLO (Coryt75, AdarySA) 1864 C€dar Rd, Hornswood 6Ol|{X) --- Mike & Ann DICICCO (Phlllg82, Andr€t86) 1768 Ordlard Ridge, HazotCfsr 60129 (Hl John & Loie mLL (Saratlr/g, Ama|da/oo) 1515 Matn
st crele 60417
Lary & Tery Box 516, Bl@mington 61704
mwDEN (Michan8)
Ehk|e FINN & Mlchaet JOHNSON (&ynnd8l, Ksvh/gs, Soth/85) 399 Curbedand Pkry, Dc Ptatns 6mt6(H) Jdl & Jun6 FLEMING (Jurtlnrt8, Jalo{VSO) 6 Larch t)|, Onsy @1150 John & Su€ FOSS (JarEdAg, DandSq 4S4S Rr A, Souh O]€gpn 81001 RSe€a & Wsley FOX (JennferU4, |le'*n', We,l€ryl8€,, Jonathan/8s) 34{2 Wlnhavm Dr, Warkeoan 60087-1405 Ch|Ek& Mery FRTEDL (t{srtenz6, Adrnrrg) I 3t 3 Chvelend, Everuton dla@ Eza llana
GOLOMAII (Yarqrrts, Gldode4, Abt0atUSA I72O Shagbatk C1 Napervllle 80585 --- Jkn e Mary GORECK| (Arnyng, LynU 86) 23 Irhr Lano, cenetra 60134 fardl GREENBERG &
George WlLLnfrS (Gdror/8?) I 105 Wat(p Carbordab 6a*tt Phlllp & Patdda HAHN (Andres/U, Jerwnbhfrr, Kdh€r
Ina ntl
W 16dh Sr, Markhan @{28 (t0 Lhd!€y & Bob HALPERN-G|VENS (J6h/84, Ethrv84, Johannah/86, EtrmelkvSS) S4 Nodh St, E8t Dund6 601tB --- Or6t & Susan HOLOVAW (Nldlolar/80, Maryctald&}) 28Wt gs Gonova Rd, W Chbago 0185 HOilE SWEET SCHOOL, 1919 W Melroco, Chicaoo 60657 HOI,SE, pO Box 578A91, Chbago 6657{a91 ILLINOIS CHRtSTtAIi HOME EDt CATORS, PO Bor 261, Zqr 60099 INTERNATpNAL lNSTlruTE, PO Box 90, Park Rldge 6(D0g Kathy & Bob KRTJCK (Heuy8o, Kdtd83, JutidSsl 34713 S CHca0o Rd, wfimlngron 60481-9731 (ll) Chds & unda Krav T (Mild 7r, TodySO, KaridSsl 531 Md(ee Sl, Bdevta OSIO Rot{n & Jim MILLNER (R€baa/8a Htlary/8s, Keegan/84 il7OO W 3/+26
l95th St, Moksna eq4A
Joen NETZBANDT e Robort DARNER o'Vhitn€y/8?, ReaOsrtSS) 1SOS E JadGon Sr, Bbomingnon 61701 Bob Ju[e PEMOLLER (Kyhr/6, BroU 80, Ryan/82, Jere.ryl84) 9 N S79lipt Ln Etgin @123 Le & Mary PICKRELL (Androa/80, Val€ritg3, Mbha€ySe) 65 Glenda Ln, Phno 60545 Potor e TherBo POL (J6sica/Sl, Sleborv83) 170 g Northw€8t Htly, Des Ptains 6OOt6 Davld & D€b SAALFELD, RR 2 Bq 490, Cr€noa @135 Ed & Linds€y SCHOTT (EtiA4, l8e*/89) zz(x| Monlague Rd, Roddotd 61 1O2 (H) RoGalle SCHULTZ 3755 N t(edzie, chbago e(bl8 (H) Ste\r6n & Laurte sNAER (Jenna/8i!,
Nord87) t0i|08 Wshington, oak Lnn 60453 -- R*" n Candace STAOLER (&nandaag, AdadSt) 21 W AOO Coroner
! --
Rd, Lonbard 601.18 Janee Robh IENNANT (Noah/S4) 59, Laurel Wilrndte O0001 (O Ltnda e Eric TURNROTH (Jonahar/8o, Moily/86) 6(x) E 6rh St, Rod( Fails 61071 Nidrolas VASILOPOT LOS & Jan GERENSTETN (E[rrg) 916 Grov€ 51, Ddalb 60115 Elavfi e Trbh WAGLER (Rocheilsrr6, VanyatS, BdhanytEl, Maria/€B, peto/Sa OS 1167 Erhsl s1, winfield 601$ --- Da'ra E Shewna VYHITMAN (Corbyr,3, JGlxJe//G, Marqrs/8:t) 202 W Garfbld Av, Banonvilo 61607 Greg tlnda (Klmberv/S3, Albsa/84 15{6 Rovere Ckde, Sdtaunbjrg 60190
ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION SOURCES. PO Box 172, Unionvllle 47468 -.- Ch|olme ANDERSOHN & Kevtn HORTON (ArFlla/83, B€nladd88) O.l4t2 Lthc Rd, Sourh
Be?d 4.628 John & Emfly ANDREWS-CARRTCO (Moltyi 78, Jo6si6/8o, LukdSil) 5355 Sycks O, Blooringilon.tT&t ASSOCIATED CHRISTIAN SCHooLS, PO Box 27.trg, Indianapolis 46e27 G|sg & Jan€ BAILEY (Jocelynrfs,
--329 Jchua/l6, Adlaar/S)
S Cullen St, RenBsolao 47978 Maryin & Darlsn€ BERGMAT{ (J€s8ica/84, Ruth/Ss, Leah/SA 1714 Wibon, loua City 5U45 (H) Ihomas & Marian BEVER (Marfr8, David/8l) RR I Box 3S4, Wtkinson 46186 (H) Mictra€l& JUdiBROWN (Dustlnn6, &rber/7g,
Hedhe./8!l) 107 E znd, N MarFhestor 4696a Valedo & AbBROWII (BoM/s, Angohta, Nkfioladgz, Cassandra/S) 23703 Rivq Manor Blvd, Elkhan 46516 Rlchard & Sharcn CARGIN (Lukd82, Levy86) RR 5 Box i2B, LoMar8sio3l (H) crysral CARTMELL (Stvterr/S, Jercd/82, Lako/81. Ro6y 86) 30O S Fairuiew, Blomlngton /t7.lo1 (ll) CENTRAL
INOIANA HOME EDUCATORS, T262 Lakoside Dr, Indkrnapotis Mary & Tom COWAN fiJ44, Narhartr/7, J6h-pauy 80, Jakd8z) 1626 Frarcls Rd, Ffanklln 46131 Charlctro (Robs/8a DUDLEY Ann/84) 507 S Indhna St, Gr*nca6tlo 46135(10 Paul & Claudy DWY€R (Paufrc, Mke/82, Ma0gid85) RR 2 Bd 634, Monricetb 479€0 ELKHART CO PARENT EOUCATORS, (21$eS$97 FCLA tN SptC€ GROUP, 7262 Lakaaido Dr, Indlanapolb 46al8 FORT WAYNE AREA HOME SCHOOLS, {}2l Mhada Dr Forr Wame .16816 John & Karon cOOOtN (Ady8rrg, Condgt, Bahafiraq 1513 Mapto ct, New Abany 47150 GREATER LAFAYETTE HOME EDUCATORS, m6 N 19th Sr Ldaysno 47$" Miks & Tony GRIMES (RoOUa/8O, KaridSa) 3480 Ml Ollve Lan6, Martin8ville.l5t5l Cam & Savllh HUFFMAN (Katrinatsr Benlamld7g, patdsha/8o, Trowa/82) JACKSON CO HOME EDUCATORS, 710 W Spdng Sr, Brownsrown 47220 (H) HUNTTNGTON CO HOME ED(rcATORS, 1 t38 Byron Sl, Hunington {6750 Ann Alan HUSIER (AngetaiSs) 123 Rektand Dr, w Latayotro 4rc06 (10
(Sl€phery8l, Mbha€y8:t, Joshudg6) 1004 E Jeffo|ron, WtEaton 60187 --- Nancy & Martin FAKO (Llsa/67, Laura/69,
Nancfiz,Maryat6//I7, Robert/8z) !Xf7 Ridge, EtmhuBt @126
(Angollqud83, JGhudS4 PCI Bd 40571, Indiana-Ftb 46240
Fayo JENKINS (Ahn/71, Sruantg) 4069 Wodtowr Dr, l.dlanapolls 46268 Rlck & Carol KOEPL|N (Maryt7g, Saily/ 81, Larra/&), NaomySS) Rt 3, Eliz$erh 47117 (H) --- a76y g GaIILARSEN (Rottn/84, Sld/S, Mika/88) 8W South Shoro Dr, Unlonvllte 47460 Dhna & Jo6eh LEHR (parrht(8o, Nlciohs/8t) RR I Box 1 1 1, t\bflh Salqn 46165 --- psnny MARSH t John KLYCE (Ted/82, John & Jofi/ga) Sg2O Shetby St, lndlanapolb 46Ul --- Paul& Marrha MccRAW (Otive/ 85) Turtb Crsek Harbof, PO Box 70, Floronco .l7O2O (l{) Duke & Srdra MERRION (Robortt4, RS€ccaZt, Tflany/gA) 223 S Rd 300 E, Danvllb 46122 MICINCTRTH INDIANA HOME SCHOOLERS, S8N 19rh St, l^dayste 479O4 Oavld & Luelh PORTER (Meredthr'so, C[nr/92, Vbkta/Ba RR l 8or 227, Wlklnson 46186 (10 John R€gina RETTER (Davir/82, AdaryS6) l618 Southeast Blvd, Evansvillo.tTTtlt (10 Sheryl& Stephen SCHUFF (Emllisr/g, RoubertSl) c/o Th3 Hubbard Sdrml, 8156 Li6b€r Rd, Indtanapotis 46e60 Kal6 & Jf m SM ITH (Ullv7z, Mollyn4, Maggtd83) Rr 2 Box 22 j , Shelbwlllo.16lT6 (H) SOUTHERN INDIANA SUPPORT paula t John GROUP, RR 1 Box 183, Patoka 47666 IHATCHER (Avdyr,g, Mtka/83) 7351 Windtree, Bbomington
Kermlt !' Jamle THOMPSON (Soan/e4, RyarVAS, Kyla/88) 3435 N Russell Rd, Bloomingron 474S WABASH V LLEY HOMESCHOOLERS ASSOC|ATIOI{, RR 53 Box 260, Tene Haub47805 WE CAtt, tNC,601 Brandt*no Dr, G4h6n 46546 l{eil & Susan WEINTROB {E{zaborh/81, Tsddy/&) a6O4 North lillotson Av, Munclo 47tsO4 Tom & 47.101
-- --
Lmn WEISS {Kuirrc, Cdy/S3, Kolly/8s) 1.t3OO Brilning Rd, Evansville4T/l1 Michast & L6tie wESTRUM (Madefind 80,JadE6/81, Rebokah/8s, RadoyS4 Zion Ffeeschool, Inc, 1601 Fox Farm Rd, Warsaw46EOO
lA Claudla BARBER & cany BUETTNER (Dantey 74, Davldr,S, Adam/go, ElisabortvS2) 910 RHBr St, lowa City 54246 (H) Jqhn & Kay EGBERS (Johanno6/82, Alsxandor/ 85) 1463 7th Aw So, Clinlon 52732 Waltor & Jan FRANCHER (SaraMg, Judith/8tl VERNON STREET SCH@L PO Box 1309, Dubuque 520O4 |OWA FAM|L|ES FOR CHRlSTlAl,l EDUCATON, RR 3 Bor trtil, Mb8ourtVailey 51 555 IOWA HOME EDUCATORS, 2406 Woodtand f4, De Moine 5O!112 An & Mitdred MOELLERS (Carhytnl Rr 2 Bd 191, Fayeno 5a142 Sy,lvia & 8on oLsoN (sky/82, GranUSS) RR I Box I 14, Pocahonras 50574 (l{) David ROUTH, IIOTIESCH@LING MARKETPLACE NEWSLETTER, R 2 Bd 11, Fontanelb 5Oa46 Howard & Patrlda FOWE (ManhsM3, Jasonf7s, Jeenndto/7g, Amy/go, Calvirv8/t) 319 W Ah St, Muscatine 5Cl-l61 Rich & Donna SCOTT (Emily/ 78. EriySO, Vl0lnla/8a Kary/BS) RR Woodburn SO2T$9901 (changel Ha /ey & Mary TERPSTRA (Annarrs, Davil/7g) U3 E Sixth St. AnFs 50010
ALPHA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, Rr 1, P€ny Clndy & Davld BRUBAKER (Ryanz6, Jo6M/8, Der6USO) 6501 Od6sa, Wichita67226 CAIR PARAVEL SATELITE SCHooLq 913232-9721 Danlel & Mary Lou 66073
GLYNN (Roboccat3, Annarts, ouilarvzn Box 9a, Hbhhnd 66005 HESSTOIII'CANTON HOME EDUCATORS ASSN 31697-W.--Tery & Alico INMAN (Ractreffs, Ch*-
lophe/78) 105@ Saganue Rd, Leawood 6526 KAFKA,
Cddwoll, coodland 61135 KANSANS FOR ALIERNATIVE EOUCATION, 19985 Renner Rd, Sprtng Hitl 6608:l --- Ken & Jeanne KASTEN (Kenneth''g, Ro6enrary/8 1 , Micha.y84, Andfgw/86) 1/t40 Pafi Pl, Widrira 67A00 (t0 Davld & Leslb LoROY (Katd82. BonnidS8) Rt 4 Box 59, croat Bsnd 67$0 (r0 MAT.IHATTAN PARENT EDUCATORS. 913537-2585 --- Chrb MAY (DavH/7s, RobekahtS, Elizab€tv84) 2136 SW Brooldield St, Taoka 66614 Babara MICHENER & Thornas PETERS (Anhur/84, CralennT, JcephlndS4 RR I Bq 496, Pory 66073 (H) --- MUNCTE phil CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, 230 S 651h, KaGas Ciry 66i 11
& Jullo NORRIS (Davld/83, Abigaiy&4, Hannah/O4 73it N 61h, Sletllng 67579 (10 Paula & Ksih WHITE (Zophytus/7g, AnsmneaS, )Gnthus/8z) Rt 4 Box 7(r, Pran 671A4 (Hl WICHITA TEACHING PARENTS, 3ie264-sbtt Etatno & Mlk WILLIAMSON (Katd8l. Bstdy/8<t, Witblr/96) Rt I Box
KY Bill Dhne CAMPBELL (Chrbtophorts) 127 Gooddch Av, Lexlngton 40503 (H) David & Marta CLARK (Elgrar/g, BaedlcuE2, For6U86) Rr 1 Box 19S, AtrD 42020 (H) 1-1n66 3 irat CLIFTON (Jchuar/8, Rachstrtg, Jo€U
82) 1/106 La Fontenay O, Loulsvlll€ 40223 --- Stophen ERWIN & Patrhh MtTcHELL-ERW|N (Sr€phenr/z, BenJarnin/ 73, BrondaMf6, Ryan/8z, Kieran/8s) Route t, Box 110, Hazel 42049 --- Mldraol Rosalyn FARLEY (Angekzg, Manhov 80, Adan/86) /rc17 Greonli€ld Ln, O,v€nsboro 42301 --- Crary & Dhnn FOSTER (Pa'.ticr/71, Palriciat3, phitiprrT, ponnygl, PsarnanthdS2) | 167 Lons Valloy Rd, Carpbeltsviflo 427tg (H)
David e Babara FRENCH (Lukd8t, Rachou83, SarahAT) Janor e Dick FUTRELL
313 Maple St, Vlnegrove 4Ot75
(Andro#78, BroolcSo) 239 Reev€8 Rd, Ridrirpnd 40475 Micksy & Clndy GREENE (Mlndy/8o, Aprty8(}) 3a2 N Shelby & Hobn GRIGGS (Ryan/79, A\re, Morohoad 4O351 Sarah/8q 225 Corn€lison Rd, RlchfiDnd 40475 MANDEL & Joe ANTHONY (Sarahrrg, DavldS2) 615 A\re, Loxingtq| 4o5og L€slle MGCLOGIN e KENNEOY (Candrd8.l, Cdod8n RR I Bq 1.16, Cmnlngharn 4a0o5 (H) Ruth MCCUTCHEN (Doborah/60, Abigain4) KENTUCKY HOME SCI{OOLERS, &ll0 llllnob Mark & Gdhy MORGAN (Ardr€rva8, Loubville 4@13 (Hl
21676 (H)
Ratmna ANGUS Glenn 350 Wolsh Hlll, Ftostbutg 2'1532 (Sarahr/g) 994 Wdeliew Dr, Oowno/ille 21GP BALTIMORE HOITE-SCHOOLING @NTACI 2l I I Eed€n Ave, Robdl & Audrgy BANKS (Bt€ndan/7g, BaltlnDre 21231 Alyssa/81) 579 Sllvs Run Valby Rd, W6tmlnslor 21157 (10
--- Elbo l-loadloy C€rgs -- Arno & Kovln BEARESE (Andrgtvr,g, Bdat/8o, Irdhy/ 83, Kdhryn/8s, Mary/84 PO Box '188, Ch€ssv$L 2t721 (10 Robohhat, -- Dana& Phllb BIELAT (Ph[fr/84. J.rerUl87, Sonny/8g] Ave, Bor 3/+7 MacAnhur Blvd, C$ln John 2oglS (t0 -- l{eds t
Randy BURDIN (AarorVSO, Chrbton/8z) 73'120 B|Dh'nwell Rd,
Ohrer4l0O4--Blllt FtMeade20755--Bront&KdfTBUSEY(Enily/SO,Radreu 81, Dani6|/83, BonlamlrvSs, 3448 Abantowno Way, Edge{ood Lbbio MORLEY (Botsyl71, RddSO) 3S2G]eentree Rd, Jonnifef & Grsg NUNN (Aloxandor/8l, 21040 --- CALVERT SCrcOL, 105 Tuscany Rd, BdlFnore Lexlngtd| 4O5O2 -ELedS/t, RactreyS4 RR 2 Box 9 l, Hawdvile 42348 21210 --- Kdhloen CAPCARA e John MCINTYRE (John PauU 8.t, AllcdS/+) 5516 Plytmurh Rd, Balkrcte 21214 --- geisy & Conny & Eruce OTTWAY (Jesslcd84, ChaseAS) Rt 5 Box gl,Munay 1?071-- L6 & Mafy PICKRELL (Andred&,, Pdrbk CAREY (ErhA6, Allcla/8z) 121 S Ralph St, W6lrdmter 21 127 (H) -- CHRISTIAN I'OME SCHOOLS OF WESTERN Valerid8:t, MidraoU$) RR 3 Box 59, Clear Crook Rd, VeEailles lt()3&} (H) -- ROD & STAFF PUBLISHERS, MD, PO Bd sel, Cwbodand 21502 -- May & Oen CLARK (Aarcnr'8, Arr€nao, Alina/83, Annd86) g!2 WirBlil Rd, Oxon Crockstt 41413 --- Chuck lt Anne SENSION (Jakefn, Lari66arz, PauuSt, Jch/8Q se1, Tuacalda Ln, Ldi,tglton Hil 20745 -- Sbve & Donatella CLARK (tl€iy83. Keith/86) 40502 --- Marry & J6an STOVALL (Jotls/8i, Mldraonq 11 Cawq Rd, C$in John m818 --- Nell & Lhda CRANDALL (Joyr'l, JustldS6) 3Og PQlat D. Lusby 20657 (f0 -- Gaty & 1lo0 La Filtenay Cl, Loui8vlllo.tOU! Mergaret TRIBE & -Dan GOLDBERG (Noah//g, WHilary83) Rt 1 Box 46, Colurbla Suzanne CZECHAI-KI (Annd8s, Beniamin/86, lGlby/88) a2728 --- Qa|y t' CaDle UNDERWOOD (BHy/82) tgl6 Millol8 1e{o9 Rlvd AlDon Rd, Brand}rlno 2613 -- Ann t Oon Ln, L.ulsvillo 40216 (H) -- Gr€g & Pai WlLLlAtlS (Ganlr/g. D9ARMON (Beld8l, Mcca'nidel) 241 D{lAv, F|rdedd( Evad82) Rl 1 Bor g)2, Gravol Srilich 4O@8 2r70r (t0 -- G6rgB & Jeanne OE|GNAN-KqSMIDES (Arlana/S,l Justlnlan/84 6$9 Deet Patk Rd, Robto]stown LA --- Sponcq & Marilyn BOHREN (D,{eotT|, Andtet 21t36 (l{, -- Nancy & Bil DRAZGA (Falttvslr) Box le, 79, Corlnna/8z) PO Box 158, Polile a h Hactre ru84 Ch6totuwn 216a0 -- Te'6a EOWARDS, 2211 E Ba[itrse -Suzan COLEMAN (Bi[y42, Tlmothy/S6) 417 WlloubrFk D1, St, Balikmte 21231 --- FAM.CENTEREO LEARNING ASSOC Al'lNE ARUNDEL, 850-1496 --- Ha|oE e Linda FELKER Gfootna 7m56 -- Jsny & Susan DAHLEM (Zacharyt8, OF (Daid83) 1050 Nicodomus Rd, New Windsd 2126 -- Catol J68ica/80, NdharvSl) Rt 2 Box 688A, Md|y 71449 -claylon&AngelaDEGoTEAU (Dearv8l,t6la/85) 45158 FITZGERALD&WadoWR|GHT(J$E€A9,Dillod8l)2111 Fontenot Rd, St Arnant 7oZ4 Eastem Av, Baltlrmrc 21231 --- Kqry FLETCHER-- Lenad & Elld| FONES GARBISCH (Elbdoth/81, Emllyi8s) 512 Eveletle Sl, New ltrrla --- Dale & & Loif GARBISCH (AmerarVST) PO Box 66, Trapp€ Dorcthy HUGHES (Dabrr2, DawnnS, B€6sr,5, Jo6huaz7, 21673 --- FREORICK CO SUPPORT GROUP, 6521 MomingJg|nilerr/8, Hedher/8at) Rt I Box 57-A, Lake Adhur 70549 slde Cl, Mirdlotown 21769 --- Craig & Marh CIARRIOTT -(8od(y/81, M6lis6aiSi}, Carolind84, Mlcfiasy84 3549 GroqrLOUISIANA CITIZENS FOR HOME EDUCATION. 34{X Van Burcn, Baker 70714 -- Airs & Dslny PERRIN (Jamld8o, |munl Avq Baltirmre 21218 (H, -- Esther GEGER & Joel Camilla/8s) POBorlg16,HamrmndTO1(N--Sandra& SNYDER(E|rbdd83) 84OlBarcnSl,TakomaPk20912--Russoff RfSSMAN (Tan,fan3,V?enhn5, Russollt6, Vena/tg, Mitcholl & Eltsdoth GLASSMAN (Adama6, Chels€a/8:}, Wandfa/8l, StefervS.t) 2461 l{u,y 08, Tribodarx 7clip1 -J6hua/85) 8531 Br6t Rd, Randalbtfln 2113i| (10 --- Ellqt Rhonda& Murphy SERIGNET (MJr/8, Oqddr/g, Rachey81, & DanlelGLUCK (Amriu82, TalidS/+, LuukidS6) @14 Ctc6 Jusrir/8s) PO Box 158, Polnre Ala Ha('l6 ru82 00 -- Phyilb Counrry Bh/d, Balirmre 21215 -- Daniel t Sanda Adan/SO,Ciaga/8s)Rt2Bd211,Mt
& Tom.rry TASTET (MdllFsr'8, Ractreuga) THE LEARNING GROVEMAN (Aycian6,lstac,vn, JohannaMg, Judah/rg, EXCHANGE, 829 Mtrtic Av, G€lna 70056 Danloy8l, AbrahanyS:1, Cha/W86) aDSo Cory Ton, Wheaton Ray & Tom & Margo GUINARD (Dereldsz) 3o1-721-1 106 WEBB (Aflrenda/8l, T.,i85) 555 Texas Rd, Many 209oa (Ctotbn) Tdtt & SLEan HILFERTY (Joshuafr6, Elisab€lh/ HOME IE 78, lsaiat/84) 98 Monbd| La Conowingo 21918 Jlm BERGIN e Judy GARVEY DanioUSO) RR t Box 105, Blue Hlll(X614 Janb e EDUCATOR'S COMPUTER USER'S GROUP, 26824 Howard HOME SCHOOL BRfNTON (Mdhh/8l, Gfd85) RR 1 gor {t50, Mt Chap€l Dr, OarnascrrsruT2-lz17 Ken & Jande CHRISTIAN (Granw8, Llly/8o) HOME 04352 GAZETTE, PO Box 3f€, Burlonsvills 20866 98/t, Blue Hillo461/t Pd & Blll CREIGHTON STUDY INSTITUTE, 694t, Car'oll Aw, Takorna Patk 20912 Errma/84) RR I Box 35, Deer lsle gl67t Tenl& Ray HURT (Sarlr//l, Ray/82) 6516 Panorama Or, (Ashloy/8:) 78 Weslom Av, Apt 2, Sodh Parb 04281 Vercnique LALIBERTE (Larazg, Lainoy/ Syk6villo 21744 Thsrea & Ronald & Margaret EDMONDSON (JmephrrS, Annazg, 8l) 2906 Perogoy Dr, Kdrsington 20895 (10
Tina -- 71.149 ---(Matth€wlz. --. -William --Vemon --Box ----(J6slcd8l, --brah CRUMP --..' -Emily/ -82) 4t Oak st, Mecfianic Falb 01256 (H) -- Leah & Jim Tony LUI (Jo6inrr/. Mid|aeu&, Viroria/8s) 1080{l Booctr An & Satuara LUTHOLD OICKSON (Ell6n/84, A8hon/86) PO Box 127, Detroit 0494 (H) Cro€k Dr, Colutrbia 21044 Fairmunl Rd, Harp6tead 21074 -- Jason FIELD & D€bbie CHRISTO (Z,rJrarynq RR tl Bd (Sonkr/81, Jos€pU82) 1553 -. 2820, Exotr 0443$9758 (H) -- Daniel& Madon FOSS (tuny/ -- Tory & Jlm MAYOR (Jennyt8, Ksvir/84) MONT@M80, Eben/8l) RFD 1 Bor 67, De€r l6le 096e7 --- Eileen & ERY COUNTY SUPPORT GROUP, 26824 Howard Chapel D?, Wally GARROIryAY 6abz8l 789 Whit6 Bridge Rd, Wirdham Daruscus 20872-1247 (H) --- 661vy s Dorothy MCmNALD (Michasn6, Lbarrr, Evanng) 04062 --- Mark & Trbh KYCIA (Auturm/83) PO Box f'5, 1 Murdock Rd, Rodgds Chorryliefd 04642 -- MAINE HOMESCHOOL ASSOC, PO Foqe 21212 (H) .- Jim & Poggy MEYER (Petert6, Rachoy Box 329:1, Aubum 04210 Tl,Robynang,MerflSl, Jinv83, AlicdS6) PO Box 68, Lothhn -- Janle MATRISCIANO & Joe EDWARDS (Janld8s, Maddy/84 Rt 1 Box 48t1, Readli€ld 2071 1 --- E&dna MOLmVER (Oavk rr2, RacheD4, Jona04355---KathedneMCALP|NE (Nathaniofr8)POBor65, thanri6,Uanhow/So)l5l8BaylorAy,Rockvlllo2O850--Don Robbinslon 0'1671 e Cralg NELSON e Jean NORTHAM (Chrbr76, Ericrrr, Jdtreyl4l) 11505 -- E.M. MdAUCHLAN (Nicold&!, J6hua/86) RFD 1 Box Anson 04911 (10 -Comwdl Rd, Friendship 20758 (H) -'- Cydi & Bed OTTS '169, Scotl t Mafy Belh MORRISON (lsa&t4, Cabbrrr, Loah/8o) (Ann-Manort5, JGhuarrD Rt 2, 129 SklMow Or, Hollynood RFD 2 t240.1, Farmington o4s8 --- LouAnna & Roycs 20636 '-- PARENTS FOR HOME EOUCATION, 13o2o PERKINS (Rouben/S, JonahadSz) Pierco Pq|d, Rt 1 Box 22Bhimre Sl, BetBville 20705... PRINCE GEORGES c, Pendscor 04476 --- Ba|ba|a & Rick PROSE (Sophia/88) SUPPORT GROUP, 345€487 -- Sandi ROBERTS (Erint6, 14 Gage Sl ,4, BrigHon 04000 (Hl -- Lsler ROZINSW & Shawnr/8, Bdarv81, TardS:}, Kovin/8s) 925 Hoflmasler Rd, Blnnoy BRACKETT (Chandra/841, NsvirvSo) RFD t Box IGn, Knqvillo 21758 (H) -- Carol & Michaol SMITH (Aarcn/8o, LirFrick O4O48 (H) -- Ken & B*ky SAYWARO (Narharv8o, RadaoUSS) 10ms OE Annapolb Rd, Ellicotl Clly 21043 -Calsb/82) RR I Box 37G8, RaFrDnd 04071 -- Draln & Mantrsd & Jeannie SMITH (Jamielr/, Jcsd81, Darcy/s7) Carc|m SIMPSON (MichaySo, Jalr|dSO, JerdvSs) RR I Box MARYLAND HOME EDUCATION A$S@IATION,9085 063, Bfitgton 01009 -- Eal& Llnda STE\iENS (Jamidc)) Flamqod Way, Cdun$ia 21045 ..- Ann€ & John SPRING (Danioy8z, Dominicr'84, PalriclcS6) 8400 Ft Foole Rd, Fr TALK ABOUT LEARNING, 25 Belmeads Rd, Podland 04101 --- Ed & Carcl TOFANI (Ja8od8o, AarodSl) RFD tl Box 3|{}, Washingion 20744 (lll -- Madeleine TODO (Kalkt8l, L€bamn 04027 VAUGHAN & Mldrasl HOUSMAN Clqrtor/83, MidrelldS6) 2924 Southwater Point, Annapolb -' Valsle (GabrbftS, Sean/8s) Box 35. Lbeny 0{9.19 -- Ron & Many 21401 --- R€Oecca& Robert TRUSSELL (Coudnoy/82, WAGNER (Healhorl73, AaroM7g, Nbhohs82) 3 Plasant St, W6ton/84, Lindsoy/87) 2106 Forest Glen Rd. Silvof Spring Top6ham 04086 Bod(y t Paul WILLIAMS (Jennifer/8l, 201910 --- Mary Jan€ & CharleG UTTECH (Elhany/8o) 1Z713 -Kolly/84, Laura/88) RFD t3 Bq 44O, Pinsfleld 04967 --Mllhrst Dr, Deiliood 20856 -.. Paul& Paula WALmWSKI Donald & Leah WISMER (Sarahtg, Asho/8z, Aklva/86) PO (Johntz, Andrev8s, Adar/87) 763139 Pedon St, Ft Moade Bor 207, Kents Hill 04349 20755 --- Par \/VEBB|NK (Andres/84) CENTERING 11
Lori Bothssda 20816 (Hl HOPKINS (Zald8il, Sky'er/8s) Box 159, Wittnan
IA --
ABINGTON ACADEMY, 176 Main St, Rodnoy ADAMS (Elizabow Carolyn John & Linda 89) 168 Applaid| Sl, CanbtHge 04138 (]0 ALICO (Lanoyf78, ChdstindSl, Molly/*}, Travi6/84 22 Old (10 Jegso a Pany ALLEN (Js68d Colro Rd, Duxbury 0axl2 susa 82. Ldy85) 731 Country Wey, l{onh sdtuaio o2oe6 & Manny AI,IDRAD€ (Ndhanleun) 945 Polnl Rd, Mation @738 Joe & Marct Al.lTFlOl,IY, MASS. HOMESCHOOLERS Edc & Crail @AL|T|ON, 21 For€d St. So Hamiton 01982 BAER (MybsrB) l@ carpenter st, Rohoboth 02769 Susan & Peter BARNES-BROI,VN (,enTl 195 Hayvard Mill
Yarmuhpoil @675
Ann & Rtlsc€llBARR (Midlellerts, Rd, Concod 0lZt2 Chatlos & |lut6lm z.Mad,bon Av, Walollold 0188O Cheryl BELLOWS (Jatodl78, Joshua/8o, Safail8?, Lizd&{) E Gaty & Judy BETUZO Orborv Rd, Shelburne Falls 01370 (Nidrohs/7g, Ashloy/81) 20 Adams Sl, Wostlield 01085 Ridrard & Eltsabeth SENIZ (Cas6y/82, Nellid8s) 24 Salsn Bd, Frank & Jane BERNARm (Lilren/ N Bill6rie01862 (H)
Jarnes & Dodnda 78) PO Box 22l,W6Fod 027$ BILLINGS (Bonlarnln/74, Daniens, Ther6satr7, R€b€d€h/78, limnaftg, Kellattfit, Pal€stina/8/t) ZlO4 B€dfotd Sl, Abington Andrea & Dan BLrcHLY (Saraht8, AbigaluS0, 02361 Llsa BervSit, Emlly/8s) 35 Rhrer Rd, Maltapds€n 02730 BOKEN (Zadraryr'6) R2-5 Longvi€e Or, Otuans @653 Anm & Paul BOTIAPARTE-KROGH (Mafy/8:t, l(alidSs) Gt€gory & Nbki Groercugh Hlfl, Doqtiold 01342 SRAMHALL (Allbod82, Gtegoty/gl) 19 Sltawbony Hill St, B€lh & Craty BRASOR (Julle/&4, \i/ymarv Do\rsr 0e000 (H) Matgatot & Jim 86) 69 Oilord St t2. Sonprville 02143 BRENNAN (Micahrrg, Mailh6w/€B) 125 Maomlla Av, Edct Judy BREWER (Daniey8l), clouct€r 01sD Mafy Manhr/83) 388 Wllbraham Rd, Harpdon 01036 (H)
Judy BRIGHTUAIiI (J€s6icarr4, ArnandalTS. Abigaiv&zl 524 Bs.nadotto & Row Northfiold Rd, Lunenbury 01462 BROWN (Danh|r l, Sara/82, Corlnnd&4) 356 Soulh St, Chades & Bony BURGER (Susar/83, Belchdtown 01@7 Charl€d/8s, Gr€lchen/s7, Ll6U88) PO Bor 725, 31 Kitk St, Housdonic 01 236 (l{) D€borah CALDWELL & Chs6lsr PENDLETON (Johrv65, Rot/68. Katd8il) 14 Metcalf Sl, Rodlindab q2131 (H) Linda CANEPARI & Ridrad PASCALE (Kyld81) Ed Chtk Rd, Coltain 01340 (H)
Weyne & Barban CHUDYK (Gadr/s, lGton/8o, Keittv83, Kevirv Lyn & lvill 84 PO Box 1 1 1 , Tufts Branch, Medfotd 021 53 CLARKE (Chelsoa/84, RehaoyS4 28 Longvl€w Rd, Norlh Falrurth @556.-- Bdan & Suzanne CLAUSER (Noahnz, Adot6, Emrnd8l, JerondS4) 137 Old Anherll Rd, Boldtets R6ln @LE & Brian GLOD (Bryanna/83) RD 01CD7
1 Bd 119C, Apple Vallsy Rd, Ashfiekl 0133o -- Patrida CUNNINGHAM (Chrbtinszl, Healhe?ts) 160 Washing[on
St, Abington 02351
Bufty & G€orge CURTIS (J€nnb?8,
ArTanda/8l, B€nlanid84, Cytus/8n PO Bor 1094, Poc6s€l 02559
Parricia DAMARIS (J6s€r81, GabrieyS6) 141
(MarisEa/S1) C€ntsr St, Car!€r 02330 -. Shanna DIPAOLA lm Federal St, Bsldrortcivn 01007 -- Nofah mOLEY & Roborl FAIRCHILD (Ska/83, Julia/84) 358 washlngtm St, Judy EARLE (Eddd/g) 8 TOey Ln, Canbridge q213s
EDUCATORS PUBLISHING SERVICE, 75 Andover 01810 Ella EPSTEIN (lzzyl82) 22 Moulton St, Canbddg€ @238 Nanct& Michal FIERO WSb St, Lexingion 02173 (Mil€hr/6, NalhanrtS, Madk/€2, Nadd8s) SOUTH SHORE CeCe HOMESCHOOLERS, 87 Snell Ave, BrccKon @,O2 & Mark FINS (Ju[6r/8, Zadtaty/81] /to Matcsllus Dt, Nswlon 02159 Gingot FITZSIMMONS & Dan GAUGER (Jenny/7g,
Alox/8|) 14 Concotd Rd, Wdenown C12172 --- W. FLEMING (Nigon6) 3Sg Stdlo Sl, Walpols 02OS l --- Sandy & Oal€ FOURNTER (Bothanyng, Wlly83, Joalhan/84 S4 Old Bay Fd, Petsr & Beth FURTH (Salir/82, Belchstown 01007 Wayns & Dorothy KeziaUSS) 31 gat6 Rd, Mitton 02186 GALLER (Cabria,€g, Jodhua/r3, Mohe/86) RFD f2 Box 407, Adele & DavU GARLICK (Shaynd Sholbumo Falb 01370 Jdf & Elizabeth 85) RFD Souttbrktge 0 1 550 GIDDINGS (SaraM/g, Annid82, PalricuSs) 61 Crcs Rd, lGle GILDAY Don BABINEAU Rodrestor 02770 (H) (Anandr'8o, Sean-Pione/84) Box 125, Wendell 01379 (t0 Kathlo€n & Ridrard GORE (ZandrlB1) THE KITCHEN SCHOOL GROUP,4o4 Main Sl PO Box $, W Eoxford 0188$ 0O96 Slephen & Chris GRANNIS (Je68k:a/74, Roo€rnary/ Granvill€ 0103/t (H) 82, Sarah/84, Joyl87) South Ln
Don & Sue GRANT (Apriu8l) 24 Trufitull Rd, Norlhanpton 01060 Gail & Bob GRAY (Sotiln, Leah/8o) 71 Gu[ Rd, Maty & Jotf GRAY (Chri6tophst/ Bebh{town 01007 (H) Math 78, Jo6hua/8o) 15 Reynolds Aw, Natid( 01760 GRESOCK & Judo BATTLES (AtherE 9, Austid8l, Lorelu85) Carol & John RH 2 Bd I 11 tlG, Shid€y 01/l&t-973i1 HAHNFELD (Radsu8o) s l Bluo Hill Tettace Sl, Milton o2196 HOMESCH@LERS OF MASS EDUCATION CLUB,72 Cfitgs & Anno Mario INGLIS Oah Sl, Roglindale @131 (lanfZ, Brigin6/80, Lukd82) 58 Bennsn Sl, Brighton MA 02135 Carl Liane JABLONSKI (Edd83, Loaru8s, CarltodSTJ
31 Highla.d St, Concod 01742 --- Stevon Joan JOHNSON (Alded8o, Ryarv82, Evan/8s, Ernb€r/87) 72 Pro8poct St, Gtoonfleld 0l3Ol Da,id & Sharvn KENDRICK (Celia/69, Anna/r3, Evat6) 40 Brookst, Remoth 02769 --- Karen KIMBALL (Rebel€h/68) 163 Hingham S, Rockland 02370 Creof & Palf'B KONTJE (Eliirhtg, Roadertg, Nlsa/83, Marterv 86) Star Rt 138, Chappaquirich Manha's Vlneyard @539 (10 --- Ca|ol& Davkt KRENTZMAN (Jonnyr/8, tl€llldgt, Sadgg, Sophie/88) 97 Wbodhnd St, S Nalld( 01700 Parla LaPALME (GisolMr4 35 Wder St, Ma&otough 01754 Nanct LEVAY t Chrls SINACOLA (Alend83, Jonar/87, Mary/ 89) 1 3 SumrF. St, Ffamingham 01zr'l --- Tom Paigo LUSSIER (Bolhany/8l, cabri€y83, CaloUS6) Popple Bonom Rd, Rte lrKt, W Barnstablo 02668 Augustine Boatri€ MADEIROS (Botty-Annr/g) 1116 |wlng Sr, Fall Rlver 02723 Tom & Mary MAHER (Scoflto, Mandyns) 30 Park St, Wakoliold 01880 --- Howard & Mlml MANDEL (Allza/83, Jefsmy/8s) 189 Cordaville Rd, Southbob 01Zr2 --- Rick & Su6 MASON (Grogory/8? Nicold83, Natails/85, F antd8Tl PO Box 351, Charlion 0r507(10 MASS HOME LEARNTNG ASSOC, PO Box 1976, Lenox 012,O Malinda MAYER & Oon MCBRIDE (Nichohs/8S) 18 lvest Dr, E Falnpurh @536 (H) Meryann & Pst€r MCINTYRE (Lind6€y/Ot, PhiliCB3, Kebey/86) 28 Waldo $, Randobh 02iFg Doug & Dawn
-Ro€s/s) 71 Park 51, Tunors FaIs
Md,IAMARA Otor/82, --- Caro|e Mltl-ER (Adanrrrc) 17 Conago Sr *t, olSG Thoms & Joanno MILIER BUNTICH (Hennah/8a 88 Boardley Rd, Sandvich @563 Phil MITCHELL & A[da ROHR (Oakora/8{t) 34 Go5smirh St fa
01376 Saugus
Jatnaica Plaln @13O Mctor & Susan UOJICA (Anianend 70, Jonalhant2, Andtwm, AathonynS, Vin6U81, C€lla/8s) 5t Phelp6 Rd, F arningharn 01701 Cy666 yg111gy4 (ChrbtQho/84) 121 N Main Sl l-2, Babhortorvn 0lm7 Slacey & Potd MOTT (Emily/8s, Alb9a/8n 174 E6tern A\€nue, Wbrcsstor 0l@5 (H) $rrsg6 Davkl MUNRO (KhantySl, Noah/83)1Ot1 Fodsral St, Beldterrown 01007 Don Jean MURRAY (Togant2, Tara & Jannaht4) 87 Fayer*€alhs St, Canbridg€ m138 ---Judy Tom MUSCO (Lydbft8, Tay80) N Fltzwilliam Rd, Royabton 01368.-NATIONAL CENIER FOR FAIR & OPEN TESTING (FAhT6O, 342 Brodway, Carbritgo O21g Connlo E Dale NESBARY (Nikld/8l, Mav82l 29 Goratd Rd, Brtghton 02135 Susen & Ron OSTBERG (Emitrr5, E||z&6rhr/8, Chd& lophe/8l, Mary/83) PO Bor 246 Haruard 01451 F?ed & Chdstlne PARKER (Parnr/l, Saraht3. Vania/84) PO Box 324, Coha$el q2025 Nanct & Jonarhan PERRY (Racheygt) 47 Rlce St, Mdbo@ 0175e John & Mary&n PREVITI (Merc,d6171, JllW7, ZanatS3l 388 W6tmlnster Hill Rd, Fildtb0ry 01420 Glna PROVOST (JoEhua/T|,Jetqn!182, Catltg, 5A Forsst Av Exl, Ndld( 01 760 Roy E Wanda REZAC (Ronaldt4, Joanfr6, Cathy/8o, Peter/82, Davld/8s) 379 Concord Rd Madboro 01752 Peggy E David ROBERTS (EmnW76) J€lwll Hill Rd, Ashby 01431 Susana RODLEY (AdriennozS, AerFas/8O) 368 Progpecl, Canbddgs 02139 Jarnes Laura RODLEY (Lit/82, EmilsndSs, Jos€ph/8D Central Shatt Rd, RR 2. Florida 01247 Joarn & Parn
ROSSETTI (MatU8O, Oan & Jorv8z, Dave/83, WORCESTER AREA HOMESCH@LING ORGANFZATION, 246 May Sr, Wor6ter 01@ J-k & tlaggie SAmWAY (Sobnr/g) Clearwalor Natural F@ds, Lfiox @1.10 (10 Suri& Candy SASTRI (Raky/8z) t0 Bicsnlsnnlal Dr, Lsington (}2173 Jak & Lhda SAVELO (And€dn) 6 Ehlne Mario Cir, HavethtlolSin Jacquelino & Roberl SEVERINI (Midraeu 75, Chdgtlnrr', Aaron/8l) Box 184 Hill Rd, Ashtisld 013S (H) Ch,Ftopher SINACoLA & Nanc, LEVAY (Alona/83, Jonas/ 84 PO Box 287, M4chaug 0154G Daphne SLOCOMBE & NymCOOKE (ftalia/84 2 Rd, Lsxington 02t73 Nanct & Bradley SMlTl.{ (Llla/83) Ps4B Pnndb Hltt Rd, Southbridge 01550 Shblsy & Maynad SMITH (Darotng, Elizaboth/82) 85 Fern Av, Am6bury 01913 (H) 9136;sy g Cario SMITH (Michaet/64, Jenils/66, Manhsw/68. Ammanda/
R*nn4, -..
J6F,alc,,t77, JorcnE'yt8r) 30 Ffanklin St, Revere @151 Wendy SPRATTLER, 460 S. Main Sr, Andover 01810 Ruth Aarm STERLING (Bonlaml,t82, Modah/86) 187 Long Plain Rd RFD t3, Amhersr 0t0O2 Gail lt Frank SWEETSER (Frankfi'r, Vbtoria/8l, ShavryS3) 151 High Sl, N Andov€r 01845 Sharoo & Andrear TORNARITIS (Anlhony & Nidrohs/84) 2lA Hazel Rd, cforon 0 1450 Oavo Nancy TOWLER (Mao Stat/8l, Nathan/82) Bor I 70, Mohawk T?ail, Shobumo 01 370 Arie|le VERWEY l(ennslh SEARBY (Madkd82) 348 Washingilon Av, Norlharpton 01060 Susan WALOSTEIN, 2 Peabdy Ten, Apl 709, Cartddge 02138 Nancy WALSH & Jake STEWART (Jsremynt, Manho{/n) 5 Fayono Pilk Cartddge 02139 NancI WATSON (Emily/82) 6 Marsron Lane. Soulh Natick 0'1760 March WELD & DonaH WHEELER (Otl6/S0, thny84) RR1A Box 308A Sheburne Falls (H) 01370 lan & Matilyn WELLS (CarU!(!, NaomyS4) 24 Myslb Av, Molro6o 02176 Judy WRIGHT Pranash LAUFER (Olba/8o, Mah4oy/e2, Liind86) 1m5 cun6 Pir Rd,
ll --
John & Mary Arn ANDERSON (Mar!^t7g,Etlct$1, Eslher/84) 1918 Roosevell Blvd, Ypsilanti 48197 (O Jill & Jim BALL (Brennan/8o, Andr8a/8l. Nalhani6y85, StenarvS4
t08il Jese{, Mylan /l8160 Barbara & Evan BASSETT (Elhail7t, E.iMlg, Elliott/gt) Rt 1 Box 252, East Jordan 49727 (10 (H€dh6rr/s) Doug e lttt BASTIAN 913 Hoights Rd. LalG Olbn 48035 (10 Ernet a F an6 BAUER (Andrea/ 7',WadlolT?, Ru8selu8/l, Abby/84 150 ChFpewa, Podiac
Mike BENNETT, 105
St, Onronogan
-- kd|e t Jon BLANCHARDyPUMPLIN (Nathad8z, Ber{amir/8s} sag Elzab€lh st, E La||siry 4ge31H) -- yiL 13F
chsyl BocclA (Radleng, Psrs/8o, Andr6w84
Lexinglon, Royal Oak .l€073 -.- Frank & Theresa BOLIN (Jo€U 70, Pelofi3, D^ttdns, Jacinter/T, Jos€pM/g, Michau8z, Joarn/84, LoulVB6) 29701 27 Mile Rd, New Havsn 48048 F an & Tim BURKE (Aivm,Cjity8{l.,KathryilS2) HOMEFOLK Conlor of CLONLARA HBEP, Rl Box 254 Counry Llno Rd, Thorpeonville 4968i1 (10 l(alhleql I C€rard CARMODY (J6hua/82, Narhani6yS4) 13542 Dobhln, Detr(jlf lm CLASSIC CURRICULUM, OeC G, PO 8ox 6sG Miford (Rosalid84, 48042 --- DSfa Manh COHN Olivkt86,
Mlle Rd, South Lyon 4417S Prcdon e TerGaCOLE (Tristona8. Tylerr/S, Troyon/8o, lianndS:l) R Box 255, Mencelona49659 Ponny & Jlm CONCANNON (Rach€,rn, Psdi.Wl8P., Joahua/8a Box 107 Rt (H) 1, Laks Lo€hnau 496S1 Dan Sharon DENK (Ramona/69, Carmq|r'l, Allbodgl, Ran6ory84) 1 377
FonssUSS) 6(86
Nodharplon 01060 Susan & Mark YEAGER (Halind8l, MorgadE4) 7 Tucker Sl, Apt 73, Pepporoll 01,f63 -,- Llnda ZUERN, Box 619, o€pot Rd, Cataurnst 02534
Mailood Dr SE. K€nn|ood 49508 --- Kathy & John mNAHUE (Robiflr/4, Edd82, Karie/83) LEARNINc TREE RESOURCE CTR, Box 286 Boundary Rd Rt 1, Houghton 4$t31 Kafl & Rita EBELING,29595 H€tben, Madbon Hsights 48071 (H) Gary & Thanna ELFNER lcatynS,Thannalg2') 7221 E Highhnd, H0re1148843 Scott & Susan EVANS (Luk€f77, Jsssftg, Marga|glJSz, Kathryn/86) 10755 Hibnef Rd, Hanland 48029 David & Reb€cca FLAGEL (BsrlamhrtS, Satah/8o) 236 Churcfi Sl, Coop€'lvillo 49404 Don & Sara GIESMANN, 1855 Baldwin O. Tr"n,- 49193 Carl& Pam (Stefaniy83, HAUSNER Zfrhar\1871 W12A N.Vernont St, WwlsmiIh AFB HCIME BASED EDUCATON PRG GRAM, Clonlara 1289 Jew€n st, Ann Arbor 48r0t HOME SCHooL SUPPLY HOUSE, 3454 E Mitche{, P€tosksy 4920 (Jcsica/8l, lGith & Tracey HONEYCOMBE NdharVS4) 276 Btod-acrs, Clason 48017 Cai e Narcy JOHNSON (J$sbafr6, JsremiaMT6) 5901 County Llno, Budby 496?0 (H) Lba& Ken KANDEF (Betw8l, Jacot/8i1, Adam/86) Main, Brighton 49116 (Hl JulH a Lylo KAUFFMAN (Caitlir/ Sil) 1940 Sylvan SE, Grard Rapids 49506 Ken e Nanotts (Tsryn/e4, KERN ArleyS6) 2989 Phillips, Be.kloy 48072 (S6th/80, Ellen & Paul KOEHLER Bfed8a SamueVS4 218 S Gainsborough, Foyal Oak 18067 Ray KRUMM, COPPER COUNTRY EDUCATION COOPERATIVE, PO Box 713, Houghton 49931 LEARNING EDGE, 1289 Jslt,gtt sl, Ann Atbot48104 LindaLYNCH (Nidrolag8l, Angela/8s) 2195 E Grand River tso, Horrell 4884i! (10 L€ & Dav6 MARKS, NATIONAL WRtTtNG |NST|TUTE, 7946 Wighr Rd, Nires 49tiD Jonathan & Kathy MAYS (larv82, Sarah/84, Krbtin/8s) 2265 Hsrlod( Cl, Ann Arbor l|810S (H) Rod & Lyrda McCOMBER (Sarahr/s) PO Box 9:!5, E Lanslng 48846 Jarl & Ray MEYER Ofavl6/83) 45{, Sturgdr Bay Tr, LeEdng 49755 (H) D$bie MORBIS, Rt 2 Box 463A, Uniol City 4en04 Dinah MORRISON, 76 Lalta, Batlle Crook 4g)17 Thonas & Cscilia NEHL (Matther/8s, Made|mndSS) 5001 Eastbrook Ct Utica 48087 (H) Gibtjo & Cdl€n O'GIEBLYN (Msghan/82, Midraey&1, lad87) 18764 Dobres, Lalhrup Villags 48076 Jlm & Anne OLVITT (Angela/8l, Racfiov83) 9188 Canby Rd, LeverirE 49755 (H) Muriel & John PALKO (Sirnonn6,Zc€,l84l321 N William, Ludingbn 49431 (H) Edward & Janot ROELLE (Mant6, Jasonl77, Ethar/SO) 9300 Warwick Meadorvs, Gfand Blanc 4&4398:'38 Chsler & Diane ROLKA (Luka/8z, Enily/84, SitrDn/87) 1414 N Scon Rd. St Johns 48879 Mlke & Calol SCHUSTER (Tonf/8, Torosa/81, Andy/8i|. ManhoVS4 429 Army Rd. Leonard 4S038 Jack & Mary SHABRY (J6sica/ 75, GabrievSo) 45310 Byme Dr, Norhvllle 48 167 (]0 Jay a Jan SKOUSEN (Lavtsd,lTT, Jarlno|E Liana/82. Jooy86, Madboth/88) 54165 Bollo Vomon, Rodt€sts4864 (H)
11lh Ave NW New Brighon 55112 Low€ll& Audrey DITTBERNER (Forestrr'g, Solena/82) Rt 1, gox 43, Pafkor6 (H) Ptalrle 56361 Chud(& Elois€ DOBBS (Marda/82. Nikolay&D 1108 JGI€ St, St Paul 55101 lGthy & Bob DOLEZAL (Kattlnafrs, Marycorr/, Thor6r'&t) Rt 1 gox 381, Cefltutdgo 55008 (10 Danbl e Kethfm DUERST (Bothany/ 79, Sarah/8l, Annt84. R6bscct84 RIVERSIDE SCHOOLHOUSE RESOURCE CENTER, HCR Box 181A, Bomuji 56601
Loren SWENSON & Jo HINSOALE (Robinag, Jonnilsr/82) 17520 Rorne Rd, A(Hison 49220 Don & lGren THOMS lD€|dnnT, Erba/8o) 1210 Griggo SE, Grand RaFids a9507 (Hl Carcl & Stan TIEMAN (Manhev&}, Ayssa/86) 4346 N 3nh $, Galesburg 49053 (H) Natalio & Jce VALLE (Elona/86) 317 Nonh Muberry, Marshall 49068 Ed & Sharon VanOVEREN (Jo3huang, Krl6tl/8a1231 Covell NW Grand Rapids 49504 Stew & Marcoy WALSH (Justirv8l, L6ah/8:]) 10400 Ellb Rd. Claikstcn 48016
oay6 g gliz&eth ANDERSON (Loah/82,
Chdg Vlvfenne EOWARDS (LeonisnqS72C,oRd92, MaDle Phln Sd|se FARGO-MOORHEAD HOMESCHOOL ASSOC, 1909-Ah $ S, Moorh€ad 56560 Krblina FELBECK & DavH HEITKE (Daniol/S4, Micfiaol^lT) 1082 lah Av SE, Minneapolb 55414 Arlons & Brad FORREST (Keboy/8o, Whilney/83, Dylan/8s) 726 dh St Sw' Rocheslsr 55c)2 Chris & Susio FRENCH (SanVgO, BrlarVSS) RR 1
Box 65, T|acy 56175 Nancy GRUVER J€ KELLY (Mavb/ 80, AntonitSo) 1801 E gth St, ttuluth 5fr812 Casey & Roberl HAAKE (Alexandra/84, Sinpn/84 221l+ Eonianin 51 NE,
Mhneelis s$f 18
Krbtin & Biil HENA( (Brandod83, Zachary/8s, EllzabothtST) 1 1 7/0 Runnd Cir, Eden Prairio 55347(10 Michal& Hardot IRWIN {Ale/6{t, Michelb/72,
Danl6y82, Chrblophe/8o 71$ Ch6tc Av ibrthtiold 5567LEARNING CONNECTIONS, 2<]30 Patls Aw, Scandia 55073 LITTLE RED HOME SCI{OOL. $69 E 123rd, Ha8tlngs 5gXI3 MINN. ASSOC OF CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS, Box 14:126, Minneapolb 55414 MINNESOTA HOME SCHOOL NETWORK,9669 E 123rd. Hastings 55033 Paul & Ruth OSMUNDSON (Calob/8z, Anna/8s) 6748 Kingston Dr, Edsn Prairie 55346 Jerorne & (Ja||etr/6, Ren€ PETSCHE JJ/7g) Rt 1 Box 149, Farwell 5fia7 Rogd E Melody RAMPONI (Jo6splf7, Anna/7g, Willian/ 81, JarnoG/8al) AGATE ACADEMY, Rl 1 Box 115, Mountain lron 5576S Mary E Ed RYAN (Jenniferfl7, Edt8, AnndSO,
Johrv8z, Nlchoh8/84, GvrarVES) 6730 Gabin Bhd. Excebbt e53{t1 --- Rhonda & Cerl SHULZE (Jonarhad8l, Talia/84, Tarir/86) 16400 Lats Ritgo Dr, N Mapls G'ote 55$9 Bob & Joan SMITH (SaraM3, Kalier/s, Daniofz, JG€phno) Rt 1 8ox 36, Chils Gtove 56016 TEACH,4350 Lakeland Av€, N Robblnsdal€ 55422 --- Wendy litlENDT (Danlelr/g) 8335 E Superbr Sl, Duluth 558(N (H) Vince Pd ZIMBA (Chri6ty/ 75, Emnrynq 18626 Cedar Dr, Cedar 5501 1 (H)
Hannah/Bs, JossdBA 4l I W Fillr|cre, Preslon 56965 John & Julls ANDERSON (E*r?g, Elav/82, Brina/83) Rt 2 Box 62, R€d Wng 55066 Susan BREWER, FAMILIES NURTUR. ING LIFELONG LEARNERS, 2452 Southcr6t Av, Maleuood 551 19.-. CATHOLIC HOME SCHOOL NEWSLETTER. 688
HS Laura ELKINS & John ROBBINS (AllbrilortS4, Ad6ld88) 612 S 8th St, Oxlord 38655:- Steve & Sandra
LIVERMAN (Leat/8o, Dov/86) PO Bor 157, Wosson 39191 MS HOME SCHOOLERS ASSOCIATION, Rt 4 Box 436, Pass Chtistlan 3571 Don & B€d(y POTTS (Mad€/81, Llnden/ 8il, C€dat/87) 19(' Blu€bitd Ln, Btandon 39042 (H) Dave &
Sue TRASUE (Ablgalng, Ja6on/81, Justir/84) RR 8, 308 D€deaux Rd. Gulhdl 3{1503.3143
llO 667y g J"n€l ACKER (Marit7, M€li6Ea/80, Jmdhan/84, Lukd86) Rl I Box 13'l, Crano 65633 Bill & Lo€ila CARY (Mafanda/8l) Rt 6 8ox 1 i5, J€fisson City 65101 Jo6€ph CIANO {Mbhanz, Chrbtiranrt4} Rt 5 Bd 630, Ava 65608 --- Gaty e Sod(y COLVIN (Jennlrt4, Jssa/76, JullofrS, Janna/8l) Rt 3 Bd 32, Eminfics 69166 (H) --- Dr & Mrs CUNNINGHAM (Cahb t Coby/76) Rt 2 Bor 127,
Hannbal 63401-9519
Ron & Terry DELONEY (Johd8o,
J6on/83) 1206 Bhirshho Dr, Balirin 6301 1 --- Michael & Sue DUGGAN (Jesdcd84 944 Fonraine Pl, St Loub 63137..Lynn & Jery ENGLE (Lyld8l , Sardga) PO Box 1 1 71, Ava 65608,-- Tom E\OLA t Annetro GERWIIZ (Maia/&4) 6751 Eicheberger, Sl. Louie 63109 FAMILIES FOR HOME EDUCATION, t 525 W Lexinglon, Indsp€ndence 64052 Allen & Beth GARNER (Racnercl, KrdSa) 1214 ElnFrine Ave, Jdterson Chy 65101 Augu6l & Donna GRIFFITH (Sarats, MatiaftS) 245 Chatflbe's Rd Apt O, St Louis 63137 Phll & Coff€en HENRY (Molvm, G|3rc}:stvTg, Fono6u84) SPRING FIELD AREA HOMESCHOOLERS. Rl 1 Bor ls. Fair Gror€ 6!ru 0{) Chtgtca & Dana HILBURN (Malondarts, Ron & Judy Jdrelld&4) Rl 2 Bor 410, Oak Gro\re 64075 HIRSCH (JGh/6o, Shawn/69, Jaia4) HCR *5 Box 15(), Thsd6ia 65761 (H) Abort & Cynlhia HOBABT (Rob€.V 6rr) Rl 3, Box 163, Rolh 69401 --- HOME LIFE, Box 16202, Clayron 63105 Mele Lila JENKINS (Lydiatg, Wyav8l, Rana/84) HC 76 Box 420, Pitrsburg 65724 -.- David & Candy KEMPF (JustlMtg, Llndsay/8l,PhilipE7) 10O2 Laursl Df, JslfoGon Clty 65109 Nancy KIEVIT Oansy/81, Hilary/83)
Rt 1 Box 19M, Jarn6toivn 65016
Jocolyn & Steva KOPEL
(Klrnr/4, Bunr/s, Sart81, Katie/84, Pau[88) 5450 Bradbury Or, St. Loufs 63129 --- Su8an LASWELL (Sann4,Sa'ahrz, Atllef)lPogox?24, Mounlain Vi€w 65548 (H) --- John & Lob MG(INNEY (Johrv8e Davkl/84, Vdr/861 RR 1 Box 19, Notrrrood 65717 --- Elbn a Slsvs MICHEL (Mandyr/6, Patrid(
3l --
I Mlzolas Dr. Nashua 0SA --- Lauroncs & tl€lda SEVIGiIY (Nlcobr/rl, DanHt6, Em€strrr, Marshaflr^l, Rocfi€lld8?) PO Box &19, Intewale 00845 Dale t VicH SMITH fzacharyn 1, MdtheflA7, NarhadSl) PO Bor 478, W6t Osdpc @(|0{X78 Fran$n A C}nlhie TRUMAN (Jonalhan/8i1, Laura/84 5e ForEt St, Oorr€r 03820 Clydo WATSON & Donls DEVLIN (Jullarwg, R6€rflinue/84) 7 Lory Rd, fl€not/or d|755 (l{, Ra.rrel WILLLAII S (Jdsica/82) 170 fuslh St, Portsrmuth (8801 J€nnlor WRGHT & Sran McCUMBER (Vanssai69, Davld/8s, Wl[kr/8q rc 60 Bd 50, Ouakd Ciy, Cha'lostown Cfbc(l (10 Mark I Susan YEAGER (Hallrw8l, MorgarvS4, Bo€ry/84 '12 Ste\rm Way,
78) 31/tG Pods, St Loub $1rG (Hl Davld Sandra MOUNTJOY (Tabfihens, Ntr,tynS,KdbtdSo) Dd6, Rr 3 Bor 387, Ploasanr Hll64080 Rooe OLIV|A (Kahednd8l, Ety 86) Easl Whd Commrntty, RR f6, Tcurilsh 65760 (H) Dab & Avyn PRESTON (Hannah?g, Nahud8t, Elbs/83, J&ougq 716 Goyer Av, Sl. Loub 6310A ($ Rabh & Ros€firary RISLEY (Bdd86, LsdS/i, Lora/ZZ) 168@ Hadc, Bellon 61O12 J€ & Mertha SALRIN (Cunartgt, Heatheri 82) Rt 2 Bo( 109, Willow Sp'ings 6579! Tory & Jan€y SMITH (Sehr/o. LlndseytTl, Sarahft) 6Cd|rof Rd, KhlrBvlle 63501 Paul Sara SPINDEN (Darld/8o, Albon/82) 1209 Elrnedne Ave, Jetfer3fi City 65101 ST LOUIS SOUTH COUNry SUPPORT GROUP, 601 Madlson, Amold 6S10 G€ns & Sandy STARK (Jennile/76, Julld8z, Iirrlprhy/8s) 717 JayOr, J€fferson Clty 65101 Roy ga, STROUP (Mmlca/ 76) 701a Doo.palh Rldgo, Twh Rhre6 Ed, Hlgh Rldg€ 6:b49 Rlchard Shirley TAILFY (Slotst78, Chri|niaiS6) 912 Camaryo Or, Balh,ln 6:n1 1 Oonnle e Shawna TERRY (Bdanfft, Whltn€y/&,z*harilg,) 6? S LaRand, Holts Sumnll 65043 Ahn e $ephanle WARD, 25O6 E Mccafty, Jdfo|son City 65101 Jlm & MaBha WILSON (Gh&tophs/ 78, Corey/8l) 4OA Meier Df, Jetl66on Clty 65109
R€€anne BLOOM (Erlld8o, J6huez8, Madt 80) PO Box 3369, Kalbp.fl SgXXl D|8vld & Both BROWN (JersrnyaS, Eloanor/8o, Esther/84, Emlt/88) PO gox l8{1,
Kallspell 5o9q3 (H) FLAIHEAD VAIJ-EY I{OMESCHOOLERS ASSN, 892.1052, 75526s8 THE GRAPEV|NE (Montana Ho.n6drool Nsws) 1702 llwy &! Nonh, Seeley Lak6 59868 Kathy & Don HARLAND (Karvn, Cadertg, Brootd8o, Clan/83) PO Box 1440, Thonpacn Fa{a 5€873 HOMESCH@LERS OF MONTANA, Bor 40, Billings s9101 John & Frankio KELLY (Mt6r/9, Bor/81, Clayt8/,tmilo*,|g4l54 Do€p Crk Rd, Sup€dor 59872 (t0 MONTANA HOMESCHooLERS ASSOC NEWSLETTER, PO Box 23352, Bllltngg 59102 Su8an Bob RATNER (Jo6huafr6, Shanar/g, Mi:ah/8l, Dona/83, R$ecah/86) 45?0 Toyq| Or, giiing8 59106--- Chuck& Emily R|NG€R (Wlbf,tna,Z*n9, TahminalS2) Box 75, Joliet 5&11
&,Oarc.fB3rTk1 lW
Awn Ln Lhcoln 6g5os
(John64, Storid65, Markzo, Kafiyr/4, Pau!75) 107 Suroy Road, Voorhoc eo4:l Sue & Steve LEVITT (Robqu83) 29 Clarldge Pl, Cobnia 07067 Ruth & Torry MATILSKY (Sarazg, Jacotr/82, Laura/86) I Rloder Cl Sonp'3d 08873 Cada MoDERMOTT (Eddi6a1, Chadirrrc, Jamiezs) 3 Surbur8t Lano, Piscataway 08854 --- Karen MENDE-FRIDKIS & Larry FRIDKIS (Kdd86) l|(} Lindon Ln, Plainsboro 08536 Jek & Babara MILLER (Manhev82, Kelly/86) 8ox 3, Woodbine 08270 Howard & IrorF MOTT (Misty Roanrz, W'Eklilezg) 10 Larb€n Rd, Bhllstown 07825 --- Jonny & Did( NEPON (Emivr/8, ArY81) NEwJERSEY FAMILY SCHooLS ASSN, RD t2 Bor 236, Calitd| 07930 Nancy & Mabolm PLENT, UNSCHOOLERS NETWORK,2 Smilh St. FumingddeOTTZT --- Rob & Lori RECHTEN, JERSEY SHORE CHRISTIAN HOMESCHOOLERS ASSOC. 65 Mitdfossx Rd, Matawan O7117-g& Robsi t Margard REfTH (Ewlyrv8l, Andr€nlSzl23Wagtrfl Btvd, Prc@ Pk 07508 Mabolm & Oirne ROBERTSON (Bryc€ng, Morgar/ 83) 1 1 Bals Rd, Jackson 0S527 --- Trasy & Franz SCHIFFMANN (Ryary84 6 Holen Av, Fro€hoH 07728 Doug & Maty SCHNORR (B€cky8t, WiltiS/t) 320 Bon86 Pl, Wctliold 07GO Jano SlSKlN, 20 KnolM Dr, Livingston 07009 JarE & Jacquelyn STEVENS (Tim.rhy/81, Lisa/85) 281 Hatrllbn Blvd, Piscataway 08854 --- Bill SUDIA & Cindy JONES-SUDIA (B.iannd87) tA Edgerpre Av, Plainsbqo 08536 --- SUSSEX COUNTY HOME EDUCATION ORGANIZATION, 87$6178 Chdsline THOMPSON & Charles BARRANCO (Christopho/Sil, Emit/86)160 HorEcrost Av, Ewing Townshi, 08638 --- Howard & Dkrna UMANSKY (Chad/8l) 167 WinockaTr, Modldd Lak6 08055 UNSCH@LING FAMILIES SUPPORTGRP OF CTRL NJ,40 Lind€n Ln, Plaln8borc 08536 --- Krbtiana & Roben VERVOORDT (Joshua/8/t) 632 Bloomfield S1, Hobokon 07030 --- Palrick & B€ty Ann YATES (Midtaey83, Elizabeth/ss, Timohy/87) 4-O Terrffi Dr, Chalham Tu,p 07928 (10
lGron GALLEGOS (AaronL7s, RandynS, Scow 79) PO Box 60153, Las Vegas S9160 Ciary & Jeann€ HAHN (Taraa3, Arntrf4 1333 Awi$o St, La3 Vsgas 891C2 Russ & Lynne HOFFMAN (Allcia/83, Sdan/86' PO Box I 13, Baler 89t1 1 (10 HoME SCHOOLS UN|TEoyVEGAS VALEY, PO Box 2681 1, Las Vegas 89126 --- Roben & Tory (Cody/8l, JENSEN Cal€t/S3) 208 Floronce O, Winnemucca 89445
ilH Mona ANDERSON & Joo KOHLER (AdaFY81, Ryad84) HCR 32 Box 176, K@no 03431 J. Jude BATTLES & Mah GRESOCK (Athon8rrg, Ausrily8l, Low€lUSs) (H) RFO|I Box SB, Jofforsfi 0358:l John & Susan BROMM (Johnt6, Ka$erinsr/8, ElizabetilS4 3 Bsacon Dr, Menitnack Cfn54 (H) Laira t Mark COLLINS (Ter6a/8a Chdstophe/84, Bd{amirt88} 12 Boulder Way, Ms,irnack 03054 Sally & Chdstopher EMBER (ModyrVSO) 284 Wa0et St, Keene (I3/|ill Karen t Martin FURUHJELM (Elinor/8:!, Elizabeth/84 38 Musl€t Dr, N6hua C(b6a (10 Cada (Tabitha/8/t) GREENI/ITOOD PO gox 1665, Lmnh Cr(i247
Ciatland 6eSO FREMOI{T AREA SUPPORT GROUP, 727-1675 Jadr e Cando HANSEN (JosM/6. Kil6ynS) 120G| Washingilon Plaze, Omaha 68137 HOME SCH@L HEAmUARTERS, PO Box 366, F dmnr 68025 Medln & Pat LAMMERS (Jennilor/8l, C€lsst€/8s, Angola/S4 RR 1 Box 153A' Hartingron 68739 (r0 Duan6 & Kdhy LANGE, ORDBURWELL CHRISTIAN HOME SCHOOLS, Rl 3 Bq 73, Ord 68862 LEARN, Z4t E AvDn Ln, Lhcoln 68505 NEBRASKA INDEP. HOME SCHOOLERS NETWORK. sOlO Lillbddge 51, Llncoln 68506 OPEN,79in Raven Oaks Dr, Omaha68152--- Jar€s & Tda SENNETT (Gind8z) 1941 L sr Llncoln 69510 u oF NEBRASKA INOEPENDENT STUDY HIGH SCHOOL Continulng Ed Ctr Rm 26e Llncoln 68583 Did( & Rose YONEKURA (J6W71, t&lyTt,Te68et
ilE Hary & Sandy DAVIS (Dnddl73, Dobbyt7s, Oannytg, Do3Ann/8s) Rt I Box 90, Bro*nvllle 68@1 Ridr & D6U EDELMAIER (Sard|/7g, lan/gz) Rr 't Box tg,
Jeanne & DerFtrl AROUETTE (Gieg/8a Chdslindgs) PO Bor 251,2 Shaw Or, Khgrion 085?S John e Jean BANGER (Airon EIE&h/8i, Radleu83, lan/ 85) 34 Churdr 51, Hlgh Brldgs 08829 Mefy & Ted CAMPSELL (Alison/gl, Nathan8s, Trevor/88) 35 Elm Si, Allendalo 07lol F ank & Janie CARLE (FrankldSo, Kdstina/8z, DldE/84) 146 Mountain Vi€w Rd, Iryarrsn 07060 Stovo & Gloda CLARK (GlorldSo, Sila,/82, lsraouSal, GabrlelldSS) 113 Main 51, Ketpoi 07t35 Rtu|l & Barbara CRANKSHAW (B€ylrv8z, &adloy/&t) 6 South Sun8ol Rd, Wlfingboro 08016 l(en & Mar[F DAHL (San€O, Jodi 8it) 187 Nursery Rd, Tnusvlb @560 Peny & Gr€tchon DENNISTON (Laurslr/6, Sky/00, AutrmrvS4) t22 G|otro Pa& Fl Or 08640 Ron€6 & Ron DETOFSKY (EddZ, Jonah/81, Bsrtarnin/8s) Cedarhll Dr, Slcldcvllle 08081 Arthuf & Manane EDELMAN (J68ica/8/1, Hoalhe/88) Barn€ Rd, W6t Orango 07052 Phillt Gren ENGLAND (Sarah e Jcspil&) 166 Hillctesl A\,€, Sunmit 07S1 FAMILIES LEARNING TOGETHER, 11 Bates Rd, J&kson 08527 Edward Babara FLYNN (Edward/86) 10 |wlng Pl, Sufimit 0791 (H) tryllhm & Barbara HMSE (Erika/84, DanleUS4 Aj8 Maple Av, Teaned< 07666 Rlchard & Vlcioda HANBICKI (Blnkdso) PO Bs 4iP. Thr€o Britg6 @887 HOMESCHOOLERS OF S JERSEY, Rt 2 Bumr House Rd, Vinceilown 08088 Penny HUNTER (Brirnr7g, Jarnec/86) D7 Law|ence ADts, Wct Drivo Princdon 089l(} Jean JOHNSON & Jack KA]-ZFEY (Lars/O) l.B Hibben Apts, Faculty Rd, Princalon 08510 Davit JUSTICE (Manhsvgl ) 6m W6tfiold Rd. Moor6l*n 08057 Barbara LAFFERTY
Judy HORNE & RaFh BLACKINGTON (Cylas/8l) 1018Indigo Hlll Rd, Sorn€cworih 03878 Stehanle HURLEY & Rob€n BOLT (Elb6ai83, Julle & Krbrin/86) Upp6r Sdroot Sr, New lp6widr qn71 (H) M€9 JOHNSOiI (Codnnortl, Moli6sa/ 72,Wadn6, Brendad8l) HOME ED(JCATION RESOURCE CENTER, PO Bor 12,t, Mont Vqnon 03057 (H) Michotb e Tim KINSELLA (Ryad81, Aidan/83) 57 Long Hill Rd, FaynFnd dn77 Tom & Paigo LUSSIER (gothany/8l, cabriouS3, Calst'/86) PO Box 317, Holdernes oge45 NEW HAMPSHIRE HOME SCHOOLS NEWSLETTER, PO Box 97, GentEr Tuftonborc 03816 NEW HAIIPSHIRE HOME EDUCA-
Nl| Bill & Botsy BARTELS (J68e/85, LiarnAA 2/$3 g15n gg6KEq Camino Capltan, sanra Fe 87505 (H) (JsssofrS, Lukd81 ) PO Box 585 1, Santa F6 975O2 Vincsnt Janna BOOKS (tasha/8o, Choboa/84) Rt 2 Box 3@-8, sanra Fo 87505 Philip & Mafy CAMPBELL (Kald8l, 8€n/ 84, Ro6alit86) 7715 Euclid Ayo NE, Alh,,qus|quo 871 t0 Tenell & Cafi COHEN (Jstlrefn',latwan4 4709 Wesrugo NE, Albuqrcrque 87111 Charlss DREWES & Donnelyn CURTIS (Ellonr/8, Bo*€n/&l, Willh.rVSO) PO Box 3358, Las Cruc€s 88003 Delrnar & Donna GASSNER (Lsah/8l, SsarVSs) 25734 Dading Av SE, Kinhnd AFB 871 16 Laurel
LaB Cru6 88ml (Hl --Srephen a Carol INGRAHAM (Satah/ Ed NAGEL, 86, Emily/88) Bor 164, Rehoborh 87322 (l{) NAlt ASSOC FOR THE LECTAL SUPPORT OF ALT SCHLS, SAl.lTA FE @MMUNIW SCHOOL, PO Box 2241, Santa Fe 87504 NEW MEXI@ FAMILY EDUCATORS. 678 Lbbon Av SE, Rlo Rand|o 87124 NEW MEXICO HOME EDUCATORS, PO Bor l3lgl, Abuquarquo S7 1A. NM CHRIg TIAN HOME EDUCATION, Zr17 Santa Fe Trail NW Abuquerque 87120 John Lal ODHNER (Lu|€s/81, Chard83, Mbah/8g .leg Monlgorr3ry NE L(X, Albuquorqu€ 87109 PanFla & John RAI,IDALL (Safd8l, RehoySil, lan/84 419 County Rd 5569, Farmin$on 87!01 ROCIfl MOUNTAIN HIGH ACADEMY. PO Box 418. Fbra vl6ta 874 15 Lran & Hanlet SHULTIS (Mlcadafrc, Slr Lancebn4, R&il7q. PELONCILLO PRIMARY, PO Box 91, Rd€o 88056(H) O8n e Ad€€n STAIIDIFORD (AnniJ8l, Jefmry/&4, Julid86, Nslhar/&)) PO 8ox 4763, La8 Crucos 880q1 Loubs & Al WILLIAMS (Evad83) I 17 Siera Vbta. Lc Alars 87s44 (H) Gary & Karen WILLIS (John/8o) 3!p6 Sohrldge, Las Cruce6 88001
e Ch|EkGLYMPH (Slsna/Sal, Aarcn/86) 3304 Solarldgo St,
NY Cahi Dana BELCHER (Chrblophor/86) PENINGTON FRIENOS HOUS€,215 E 1sth Sl, N€|vYork 10000 Hdm & Wllliam BOYLE (J6sid85, Cas8it88) 10 Lodfian Lano, Highland 12526 (f0 Scon & Kkn BROCKLEBANK (TyWm,Tt8ltlf/Tg, JcdV&) 2291 Brace Rd, Canandaigua 14425 Chudia & Latry BROSNAN (Annefl'?, Jody Gaoe/7g) 137 Tho Cf6cant Babybn 1 17m ($
BROWN & Jim SUTLIFF (Coryr/8, Cas6y/80, Jonnid8s, Colin/ 86) 7589 lrb Ln, Livdpod 13088 Lynda BROWN & Honry BERSANI (Lbr81, Al€xand€/8s) 4508 Walewalo Rd, Manliug 1310/t (H) Linda & Davld BURQHARDT (ArV & lGth€rind 82) 11 Slonsr Ave, Gr€at Nsd( '11@1 Kalhleen BURROWS-SMEE John F. SMEE (Ryarv8l) PO Box 52, New W@dstod('13122{osa Don BUSTIN & Malin PR|i{GLE (Colld8l, Elan/84) BD 2 Bd 1558, Shebumo 13460 (Hl CALUMET SCHOOL, RD I 8ox 95, Smyrna 1361 Richard & Tera CANATiIT (BerV82, Cerly/8s) 9 Jadcon St, Sbarsburg 10971--- Carey & Wi[rcdo CHALUISANT (l(alid86) FAMILY WAY, 1221 Rcodab At€, Bronx 10472 (H) Edward & Ann CHAMBERS (Evd75, Maer/6, Jo€/8O, Lily/82, Wily88) 379 Polsr & Diano Kllbum Rd, So Gardon City 1 1530 (H) gox,$a Rome 13440 65 CHODAN (Annekerz) RO
Jdr/g, --
Shqle CLAWSON (K.flyt76,
Mid|elldS2, shannod
85) 3 Ke1t Dr, Victot 115E4 Prbdlla & Hank COLLETTO, COMMON PLACE LANO @OPERATIVE, ,1211 Cuyh,r Rd, Ttuxlon 1 31 58 (H) Lalhan & Gomelia CROOM (JasoruBl ) NEW ORDER CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS, 105 Sl Marks Pl Apl 2, Brooklyn 1 1217 Craty a Fbtetf,s DAVENPORT (Lauri€ftz, T6dt3, Jod|o/7S) 1@ Van Dom Rd, RD t6, hh&a 14850 Jeftey OAVIS & Linda JOHNSON-DAVIS (Allickt/ 82, Robln/86) 20 Fawn Av, Salamanca 1429 (H) Richard & SalV DAY (Sara/8i}, S|zanneas, Tirplhy/84 RD 1 Box
320A' 73tr| Collins St, Whitmy Pr 13862(Hl --- Oobdah & Srow ESENBERG (Nalstg, Jssit81, DanioyS:}, lrrcd84 RD 2 Bor 1329 Ndlh Sanfod Rd. Atton 13730 -- EMPIRE STATE HOMESCHOOLERS. cr'o lGrm Schadal. Side Hill Springs, Bocker Rd. Skaneatelos 13152 --- Kdry & Al FARAONE (Charlirzg, CodyiS:}, Kanlir'/86) U/ESTCHESTER HOMESCHOOLERS ORGANIZATION, 2o7 Orake Av, Nsw (Erir8l, Rodtelle 10805 -- Joan FAZZINO & Slan KENNEY lan t Sonia/83) Jssup Rd f,l, Floiida 10s21 Diane -FLUCKfGER (Rachevn, G/'€8ng, Laurd8l, Jarcd&4) 2665 Rabb[ Run, Hoborb 14469 -- M{y & Ch]islian FOKINE (Oanloy81) 59 Mirway Rd, PO Bor 1563, Sholter lsland 11964 (10 .-- Dab & J€ris FRENCH (Rsb€ccafr8, Shana/82) Rt 1 Bor 202b, Crorvn Point lPO (H) --- gu8at pggERSlElN & CergB ECHEVARRIA (Mlchaoy82, Enily/86) 33 RonBr Av, (Jo6Ah/ Pleasanlvills 10570 -- Richafd & Lucrsth GABRIEL 78, AdoldS2) 12 Faitway Cl, Abany 12208 Pauh & Robed -GAUS (Tirnrn, Mi6cha/e, EvdSB) 1|9 C6kAy, Jmtown 14701 --- Matty & Sl6,e GOLDFLAM (Laun/8z, And€iv/8s) 34 Cheny St, Lake Plaid 12946 -.- Tlna & Jlm CiOLDSTEIN (Sarah/8o, Racfioy83) RD 2 Box 101 A, Earlvllls 13332 --Linda GOODMAN, 3l ltV Sumnit Av, Lakerood 1rt750 -Skip & Barbara GUERIN (Jo6huat2, Elizaboth/81) 2105 W6tside Av, Schonodady 12Ab -- Tetsa & Clavid HALPERT (Samuoy&1, Claird8s, Ab.ahardSS) 317 Riwr St, Elmira 149014 rrr Pam HEADLEE (Kirb€dyt8, Christiar/8o) 2 W Main St, Holconb 14469 --- Lou HEAVENRICH & Sue SMITH-HEAVENRICH (Coule/86) 115 H6bad Hill Rd, Candor 1374:!(H) --- Raeann & Md HEINRICH (Craig/68, Molisatl, Kis6tsd84) 154 Argyle Rd, Brooldm 11218 (H) --HIGH MEADOW.60GalohoG€ Rd, New Paltr 12561 --Janet HOFFMAN (J@VrlS?, A4Baiby Av, Palchoguo 11ir72 --- Linda HOLZBAUR t lcnny RITTER (Gracd8l, Nathaniol/ 84, Anna/86) 5066 Mon-Evans Rd, Trurnansburg 14886 --HOME EDUCATION WORKSHOPS, Honeslsading Sch@l, RD 2 GW. Oxford 13€(F --- Kalhadns HOUK & S€th
32 ROCIfl ULLER fiehra/8o, Bsla'rhng, En{y/82) HOI,E SCHOOLERS EXGHAI,IGE, RD t. Bor 172E E Charham t206o (]0
lGlhlem HULTZ (Rydy7g,
RO 1 Bor 670 A,
l$34 P.A.T. & Bddg HUNT (Sellnal8l, Mertlnas) PO Box 28, Shelter lrland HgO I tS+(xP8 Alan Jackt€ IGLEHART (Cdaz4 EdrVZl, Jonarhantg, Jenny/8s) 2g Sheryl crsscent, srfithtown 11787 cfrdon a Km llovuT (Mlc8h/ 81, lsalah/8s, AddtndSS) RD at Bor 56, orlsrile 13820 (10 Poter & Barbera lRvlNE (Erbazg, Phitb/81, Ntcfiolas/as) 522 Noldngham Rd, Syra.use 13410 SLn & Od.a JONES (DarlondS:l) 54 Sundlal Ln, Belbon 11713 Dhmar & Margo KFYES (Llnd8aya8, Shanndll8l, Nlgeu&1, RaAeyS6) 145 Nowlm St, Salarnanca l4ztg (10 Jett & Ahona KlLLtlElER (KcrryS?, KcrnnySs) Rm. Bor 18. Undth 13849 Lbe & Rldlard KNOUSE (Jq|nlfer/8s, Arth|,/BA 686 End Ave 20R, New York l0@5 John & Donna KURTZ gor et, (KlEren/8o, J.rEd/82. Gunth€r/8/+, Ab.eflr,8D RD Andwof 14800 (]0 John Jane LAIIPKIN (Jolle/8(), Jdilna/84) 50 Rl Suffem Beny e Marthe LAIXJ (Rachey8o, Hannd/8l) RD t, ilred Sarb t4sxt (O Ted & Martha LAUX lJftinS,Yadytm 1853 E Shor6 t)?, lrhaca 1/|a5O (l{) Frank & Befry LEFORE (M[<er&, Annie/ 82, Pa!U84, Uary/06) @ Cenre D?, Menhssst 1lcn C.rdy & Ueu?on LEWIS (Seanl8l. ErL/84, tloeUSA 4179 Sluga Or, t{€w Whdsd 12560 Skmn & Edna LITTEN (Annano, D€lnn?, Reubq|ft6, Erily/8i ) PO Box /|8, Aianbnt 12000(r0 LonG ISLAND Hot ESCH@LERS NElvS. 884 Wbon Bhrd, Central lslb l1Z2 LOVING ETXJCATON AT ItOME-1.E.A.H., PCt Bq qn, Syraruse 13205 Pd e Ffank LYONS (Chrlstoph€rt9, Jelt'gilEzl Runyon $, Bay Shde I1706 (10 VMan MARTIN, LOi\|G tSLAt{D FAM ILY EDUCATORS, PO BOX 2sat, Sayvilte I I 7BA€B!! Dee & Paldda Mo@NNELL (Racha.fr3, Arny/78) RD 2 Box 136, lvlannsvllle lSOt Velgh MEHAN & Bryan LEE (Hennar/7, UGe/81) Rt I Box 14Am Canton 13617(10 Aly8on & Emlllo MELIONE (Andtee/8il) 2 Sh€ffietd Dr, Endlcott 13760 ThorE! MORE, CAT].|oLrc HOrrE SCH@L SUPPORT, 2rE € zot St, Efonr 10458 ttafy E[on & Gng NEAL (Melblal8l, J6dcd84, Jondhen/86) PO Box 156, N€w Ha\ren 13121 NEwYORK ctTy t{oilE EDT CATORS ALLIANCE, c/o Therea tibrtu, 341 E srh St, t{€w Yoft NEW YORK STAIE HOME SC}IOOLERS, Rt 1 Bor 8, Gh€nt 12075 Astrld NTLSSEN e Mbhst STOLZER (Erbre, Allx/a4) tir€sr Maln $ Gt r0), HSan 13788 John & Marlab PAGE (J€nnfis/84) 10+[S Erte Rd, Famhatn 14061 Wame & t)|ana PERRY f)anleu84, WtU 88) 6007 W Scon Rd, FlorFr ilelcotn & sytyh PHILLIPS (J|'nrr6, &hnrtg, Mlcah/85, Jaleh/8T) RD 3 Box 2334 New Berlh 13411 (lt hnn Karhy PURDY cawga
l0&l --
lffi! -.
tsz --
(TsnarvSo. Erend8l, Adarvgl, Tdltha/8s, LedrladSz Fo Bor 2e4, Whil|py Pdm 1352 Tom& CMy RASELY (Reb€ccarrg) 31 N /ilh St, Afieggly 147O6 Karhl & Gary RICHARISON (Samenha/84) RD r Bor 251, Bdh 148t0 Frank & Mlllb ROS (ChrlstopherfT3) 22O Pilnee A\/5, Masric
ROCHESTER AREA HOMESCHOOLING ASSN, Parc€ils Av, Rodrecter 14809 Rodney & Jeandt€ SAGE (Julld8l, Jenny/8/t) HCI 121A, Olvsbrldge 12461 Leni SANTORO (EflzeborM7s, Ulyag, Anronidgt. Merile./B/t) PO Bor 921, Llvlngston Manor'12758 (O Ed & Kaen SCHADEL (J6huaz6, Sorhr'8, Sadrah/gt, Cabt'/87) CENTRAL NY HOMESCHOOLERS, Slde Ht[ Spfings, Bockst Rd, skanearols 1315a (D Darrd & coileen SHETLAND
(JererynS, Cabhrrg, AUgalUSl) 1304 iledoirbmok Syrac|8e 13224 Bdan SNARR & Elb$oth WHITTENSNARR (Berlrand/85, geaL'/88) 914-941-71e, (&hrc5t Mam4 (H) Ritr & Trlcle sToNlTscH (J6stca/80, Kany/8l, Kevld82, K?krlofor/84) BRooK|YOOO PARK, HSR t2Sl Ha0ue Rd gox 9'1, Tlcondercga 1288i1 (10 Lhda TAGLIAFERRO e Fr€d THORNER (Eridgt) Zrl844 Th€b6 Ave, Llrle t{€d( t 1@-1252 Mdetehe ToDo & Midraol BARRON (Kalle/8l, Chyto'vgl, Mldrella/86) 212-?27-11f6 (N€w Yofi Cly, (]0 Cr@ry€ Lba TREEHLER (Oqorhy/
E|E&hrait, WllllarySs, ChefleCSSt Acfxf Hamnrdspon 14810 -- Maarten & Faland 8o,
VAN DUK (Clona/O, Coll€182, TirDdSS) 5 Rh,brltde Or, Lake ptadd 12946 --- Susan Randy WALKER (Jasrind83) gget Ace Rd, Hembck 14466 --- Nancy WALLiICE (t8hmaefn, 75) 119 lMng Pl, lthaca t48io --- Wayn€ & Peggy WESB (Lona/83) Rd 2 Box 183, Klngston 12401 --- Mr. & Mrs. II/EINER (Mone/8i, lcaad8tl) 3'r1 E 5 St, New york iOO(xl Synds WELIERT & Rogs SMOKE fzod83, Jut€€/85) Box SO4, NowYolk 10@5 (H) WESTERN NY HOME-SCHOOLTNG NETWORK, 85 Albany St, Buflalo 14213 --- Wendy & Jdterson WESTW@D (Adrlennd8o, Phoddgq 53 Mapte Av, F €donle 1l|()63 Charldre Mlchsl WNGER-BEARSK|N (Annbert6, Amegaag, Martha/84) Cl3O Beltey Rd, Hobod (n 14469 Darlon€ ZAKAI-A (Nathanln) 211 K68uth Sl Ad 2, Rome 1344(}40ql
Ed]/ea) 9115 Huntdab O, Charbn i'8?12 (10 B.tlon & Marltn BAIEMAN (JennlertS, Jadda/$, ChlrdSs) 09 Wdnrrl Creek Dr, Goloboro 27531--- Shery e Lany SOEHME (Erlct8l, Ely!d84, Emlly/86) .ll|8 Hughs Ptanta-
tbn, PollodGvlb 28573
(Bdanz8, Dald8o) 1344
(Keifi4oaFl!rc, ---
llD Phll& Janet GERLA (nrdhy/8l, Andy/8/l, Pauy 711 25|h Arienue S, Gfand Fod(s 58Al (H) I{ORIH DAKOTA l|otlE SCHOOL ASSOC,lOe3d Sl SW, Mandan
Luke & Dab KEEFER Rd sel, AEhhnd /t4805 (H)
John & Shella KIPPLFr (Ch|bloph€rrrg) 291I Wofi Rd, Clrclnndl45el l Mary & Petr KNIAZ (Benlarin/81,
Bedrbe/8q 3670 Tflnley Rd, Shaler Height8 44122
Clark & Parn LEffN (Taylo/8z. Kaylan/83, Oayld/86) 213 N Blomllold Rd, K€nedng 45429 Sreve & Sydney MATHIS (BdrfbyT/o, Laul€n/81, ,d,utl8/., Evadgq l(m Spdngtietd Patk Wfodng .|5415 (]0 tiroodtow & Vltglnla MGOUITTY, Pggox??3., RFby.r5t67 Dan & trrendy MILLER (Derov
72. F€r,1G/W1,
---KW7q HelssafrS,
Juslln/8l, Stsveil8l) 559
FoF|l4$65 -- Jlm & Kalo NALLY Plsdtg.tnS,)larym, ParyAl) 9lT0Skhner Rd PonBroy
HirhnFador Vltaoe
Bowrnan, Wo6ter44691 (Hr
28513 Ken e Jad& KOCH (Adaril8z, AshlG/S4, Ull€d 85) 814 Nonh Rd, Elts$.lh Cny 27$9 (10 Frank & Kahl LINIISEY, PROFILE, Rt 2 Bd Z,8, ElzS€th Clty 27p9 Suzanno & Don IIARKLE (K.lhleed82, DavkUS6) 8@ Burctt Av, Durtram 22701 Jeg|le Orlendo MORALES (Elonaftt Mid80, Erily/84) 1809 Eubanks Rd, Chap.l Hfll 27514 (H) Bob & Llnda MORGAN (D.nblrr3, Jmdhantts) 1908!/lrood Dalo Ten, Chadotro 28203 (H) NORTH CAROLIN|AI{S FOR HOttE EOUCATON, PO Bq 3044i1, Raleigh 27642--Ke{l& Stelanl OSHIMA (Mlhofz, JolUSO) PO Bd 35. Ednoyville 28727-0G5 (O Nancy e Slephon POCKLING TON (Alothoa/8:1, HannahlSo, PO Box 172, Oriq|ral ^Iwon/s8) 28571 (ff) Sam & Cyd REYNOLDS Wily82) 5e01 Hazel Ln, Wak For6t 27587 Susan tt Malcolm SCHAEFFER (Jo6ehr/8, F anc.d8l, Edly/841 6521 Hfghx,ood Pl, Chadofie?f,Plo Fof & Ca,ol SEEI.-BACH (Jennler/8o, Robh/851 Rl I Bor 1318, Balo'r Cr6C( Rd, gumsvtlo 28714 (H) G|€o & Lynette SHAULL (R6d81) g)1 Llly Or. Kemorsvllle 2i28lt Mone & John SHELTON (Sarah/8o, Ely84l 508 Charbno 51, Washlngton 2788S (10 samt Jan€ sPlcER (Petd82, Maru84, Ahna7, Khtd8g) 580r Oak Blulf Ln, Wllmlngton z8.|el (D B€th & Randy STEVENSON (MacKenzle/82, Emrja/84) 1410 clbeillod cir, Gary 27511 (lt Wi[ & Lofl WAGOilER (Braolyrv84, Logad 86) PO Box .r43, c'bnral 28571 (ll) Lu Scon UIELLS (Madolelnd85, PatricldSS) 118 l,lodh Buchanan Blvd, Dwham 27t01 (10 Torn YARBOROT GH & Peggy DAVIS (MdrlEw/ 80, Mdyl88) 2217 Ken.rF?e Av, Chaione 28a04
Joloph GRAHAM (Chatllorzg, AnnldSl , LautJ8z. Andt€w/SS) I 1m W$ster Rd, Jeffe6on 44047 (H) -E HOME SCHOOL RESOURCE CTR, 1444 Gurley Ave, A(Ifi 44:11 0 Pet & Ga'y HUSS (Meganz4, Abbyr/S, Wh[neyl83) 5852 Roth6ay Ct, Dublin 43017 Katln JERNBERG (Jodannortg, Joolrtg, Mdhh/83) 227 E Budon 44OAl
^mgur tB||d87, MknsUF) 116 Erc S@nd St. Ayddl (Ja€pw83,
Jln & l(de NALLY (Nancrn5,llarym,Pdtyt81l 70 Skhnef Rd, PorDroy 45769 OHIO COAL. OF ETX,CATONAL ALTERNATIVES NOW, PO Box o9/I, Thorp
cd| 44086
G. REGIIETTI, 527 Cents
Blll RUFFIN, 8or
E War€n,t4481 Robort &
Ghdalne SCARLETT (Pdgd85, NatalldST) .137 Orchard visw D, Maunpe435:17 (H) Jlm & Ro6aloo SCHNECK (Peler/ 76, AnnlkdSl, AbldSSl231 Mohlcan Av, o|wllb44667 Arry Efin SCHRAI, (Sharayaly86, FlondS4 67 McMiltsn Av, Columbus 4{P01 Karl & Robdr SEGER (Rdod8l, Danl€l/ 82, Daud/el, Amy/85) 4gt S Rlvor Rd, Watotvllle 43566 Jlm SHAW & Louann REBBIN-SHAW (Jend8l, Mafyla/84 e008 hdlan Blutt, Deyton 4542/t (H) Gll & Barb SHERMAN (Jennlfer/83, @lleervSsl 2l6e Mar! Av, Ld€wood 44107 Hery& R6anns THOMAS (Amanda/8l, Johd83, Devld/86) 8291 A8buty Hlil8 Ot. Clnclnnall4Sa55 Oonna & Scve VAtl ALLEN (8€nlgit, Nathsn84 i22 Parhdow Ave, Wbsrorvllle.xxrSr (10 oaMd e susan vAN METRE (Matu8l, Chdstopho/8:1, Mlcha.U86) 6751! Gahsn{ll Sy'wnla €560 l(dhy t Johnny VAN STYN (Henry/8l, ,|09 Muhery. Clrcinnatl45alG lI24 91a5g 9"5510 WESTHEIMER (Gabrleu8o, Nathan/el, HannalvS6) 1395 LaIs Alun, Baravia 451C1(l{ hn & Catole WILSON (Ross/Ut, StophanidS2, Natalio/8s) 2716 Shady RiQo Dr, Colunbus 4!Ug Davo & Nanct W|i\,TERS (Megarv83, Manhew/84) 1271 sth Sl,
Wheel€rsbrrrg 45694 (10
Of( Mark & Lhda ASHTON (Kethryrnl, Hinarfna, Counn6y/81) 907 Cheryl Cirsb, Lawton 73505 Lynn & Nancy CHOWNII,IG (Scona7, Derev8l, David/8s, Mary/87) 7t 1 Caniury Dr. Moor€ 73160 (10 Melany Per6 CUEVA
(Chrblehe/82, Kalle/$) 2310 NE
St, Lavton 73507 sus DELCAMP (MarJ83, Cociila/84, Rad€U86) Rt 6 Box 584H, Chrormfe 7t()17 Klm! Suzeno HATFIELO (ColleenzS, l(dhlod|r/g) 2921 N.llr.206th, Edmnd 73@4 (H) Dennlg & Susan LAFFIN (Gregft8, Brianr/g, Valedd83) 830 Behrurt Rd, Banl6vlll6 74@6 --- OKCENTRAL HOME SCH@L SUPPORT GROUP, PO Box 270601, OKC 73137 OKLAI{OMA CHRSTIAN HOME ED(rcATORS ASSN. PO Box 1C2, Jenk8 7.1037 --- Stact & Cheryl RICHARDSON (Jefl/ 76, BfhnaZS, Noah/8111376 N 76 E Ave Tulsa 741 15 Mark & Mary ROBERTS (D$raft4, DavbtS, Stevbn/8l, Karon/83, Al{V85, Tirdhy/84 Rt 1 Bor 112, TarrEoh 79873 --- JanB & Eslher ROSEN (JGhtJgI7', |diantTl, NlcholadSA) 612.t Slry Park A\re, Lawlon 73505 Joyce & Ead SPURGIN (Caheilnd8r) ftE FAMILY LEARNIIG COiINECTION, PO Box lS8, Dwant 747@
John & Judith ALLEE (Mldra€|r/2, Nancy/8o) 15O55 Bruahy Fak Rd SE, Newark4o56 (10 caylo & Hary AM CK (J6hua/81, J€ss6/85) 5514 Colunbia Dr, Bodfo{d Hl8 44146 Martha& Rlc AUGUSTIN (Karid8o, E[i6/ 82, OanA6) 47568 Rt 10W Obqlin /t4o7.t Richad &
Ponny BARKER (BrlV68, Ma0giez3, Darws,8srVZ, Jonah/ 78) Rr 3, Millorsburg 44654 --- Kdhy BERRY Mark HELLER (Edn/81, ShannoD8q &7 Hoidebe€, Toledo4ibts (Hr JatrB BOOE & Cands MILLER (Erln/8l, Morgail8s) /t3g S Colo Sl, 1kfla45805 --- Cardm BROERII{G, IJOLY FArilLy LEARNING CENTER, ?3Ag Bai|tlqo, Clndnnatl4sz0e Blair & Barbara CHlRDOlrl (l+ath€r173, Jeannoz6, Timorhy/Bo, Reb€cca/el, Peter/86) 1557 tiryandoito Av, LalG$ood 44107 CHRISTIAII l{OilE EDUCATORS OF OHO, FO Box $83, Cfl|lon 44711 --- CHR|ST|AN PARENTS EDt CATION
ASSN, 310 Blu€bonnet Of, FhdLy.t58.lo Jan Dan OAWSON (lan86) 3142 Waldon Ravin6, Hillhrd 43(86 Micha€l & l(arg| DICK (Raymrd/8B, Wlillany86)r/$0 Walotbuty, Lakoffiod 44'107 Fred & Jennilor DOOLEY (Jeo8lca/84) 10127 Russellvlllo Wlnchdter Rd, Windlostot 45697 (H) Ronald & Na.Ey DORTON (R€b€ccet4, Horahr/6, Davklr76, Sarah/84, JonaltDrvgD 6685 Giblor Rd, Hillsborc 45lgl Lod & Cherleo OURHAM (Kar/82, Erit€/ 84, AndrdSS) 39/+6 Eknvood Rd, Clevehnd Ht844t21 (Hl Androa ELLIS & Glsn BOAnIAN (Lend8/t, Ste\€lv88) 334it lsland Ave, Toledo 411614 Terd e Oan ENOSLEY (Andrev 73,K?el71l 13947 Fhre Pt Rd, P€nysburg ,13551 (10 Oavid & Nan ERBTIUGH (Zeharrm, Noah/82) 47 S. Main St, Wosr Abxandrla 45381 Kdhy John EWlt0G (Ooug/8?, UargarcU86) Elrilood Rd, Cl€v€hnd Heights44t2t (H) l(ale & Da\rld FEmR (Nldolar/8o, Naharr'86) 1 126 Castleton Rd, Gls€land HA 44121 Mark e Cblly FTSHER (Coryr,s, Ardrsy/8i, $dany/84) ,|170 Tumer Place, Xilia 45385 Kdhleen A Pete' FOTIS (J6.thanz8, Einit/et) 636 Ovsbrook Or. Cotufitus 43214 Morgan e Rick
Chades e Joyce AI,ID€RTON (JtVr/S, Lorrbt78,
Jocolyn BUTLER Feryl MASTERS (Dunnrtg, Luce/8a M|dah/B) 7t7 W znd St, Wahlngron 27889 (10 John a Rdh CHALK (Jennb?9, Milb/81, Mo.gan/8s, L-lld87) 3'100 Ponnlr{ton Ln, Wnstonsalem 27106 Jene & Bilt FLEMER (Emme/8/t, NetU84 5d) Old F.,y 64, Wam. 2AO0 Randy & Alan G@OSTADT (DJ/84, Juld86) PO Bor 888, Ldgter 287/18 (10 Paule & Brant HATLFY (Alce Spdng8l) FO Bor 173, Bamardsvlllo 28219--- gob Kdhryn HERRMANT{ (Satbata/8a. G,aysory 8a) SS Indan Hlll Rd, Hen&rlo.wli€ 28739 (H) J€fi & Clndy IIOLT (&brqlal) 718 Edlrtugh Cl, Burlhgto 27215 Tom & Barben I'|oWE (B|rvet7e, Khr8l, D6ron/96) Rt 6 Box 1@, Oxldd ?565 (10 O$orlh JOilES & Fnnds EDGERTON (Carlkrre, Z8,tarl|E,'r3gr3PLe Rd, Clayton 27540 Drs. Alnr & Phylb JOYCE-HASHAM (AdE|J3/8i) Dun Rt 1. B€mon 275(x Kafhben & G€|!6 Kttilc
GARVER (Shand8ll, O6,od86) 13055 Mdn Mark6t ad
ALOHA KIDS ACAO€MY,.161{t Sl,\, 182, Aoha Mary AIIDERSOI{ (Vlfglnai$, Manhswisa BdOy88) 5A5Ol E Sylvan Dr, Sandy 97055 Amy ARNOLD & Jo€y MONDELLO (Haw6U82, Jeremy/84) 85/10 Doaw Rd, EugBn€ 974@ Susan AVALOS, PO Box 70Z/8, Eugene 97101--- David & Klm BALDWIN (Jonalhodga Midrolld&4) 17575 RockCreek Rd, Shorldan 97378 Doug & Shoila BARTLETT (Marvt8, Jetl8l) 8tt7 Bronco Or, Salom 97301 M€ky& Oav€ BLIzZARD (Nid(/rg) Rt 1 Bor 916, Beavenon 97(E7 (]0 CHRlSTlAfil LIFE WORKSHOPS,IS0 SE Kano Ave, Gtgham 97030 R6s e Sue CHURCH (Jeremhh/8/t, Emlly/86) 15016 S ArFs St, Oregon City 97005 Bill & Francc CHURCHILL (Robr/sl H.C.60,8ox 194o, Laftovietf, 97630 Bob & Shed CLEMEN (Taybrtg, Bethany/8l, Layn€y84) $765 Dalosrood Dr, Jundion City 974/$ (r0 Abon CLEMENT & Chud( WILLER (Chadotrd 83, SaBha/S) PO Box 518, Ya.ials 97498 Sharron CLEVELAND, EDt CAflON IECHNOLOGY, 161s5 Oak Rktge Rd, Yailil 971118 Paul Nailcy COOKE (Enily/8o, Timo0ry/8a, Wbugfiby/86) 19587 Absa Flwy, Aboa 9732/r (H) John & Dsbbio DOUGHTY (Rachdts, Melea/8l) DOI.IGLAS @UNTY HOME SCHOOLERS CONNECTION. OR
97007--- Mad(t
33 Oenbe RAUCH (Han!rt5, Radr€f7' EtlcUSo' Ablgall/8i!, &m CAMPBELI (lleryln, ,bbfr,a, h.lety8l) 424 fbveriord Av, R6rrrg 97.t0 (10 -- thom. & Rdln Etzabelh/S/t) 346 Atla'tlc Ave Red Llon 17358 -' Ethan Doo C RLAN (Stvar?o, GLnnl73, 3356 E (J6serrt, TonyiSO. Nlchdasrso) 1O7O Wabr3 Cfsk Nabenh 19072 -7.10 calh{Rd, wldewlle 9754:t -- Janb r Andy FAIRCH|LD (Robyrv Bhd f5, Bsthlehom 180t7 -- Rd.n & suz&n€ cHl^ssoN REINHARD & Molly HALL (E8iha/81' Cod€lla/83)
.t{tsg Hana. ELLTOT
(Alsandrtd83, NldtoldSl, Edward/84 1S Ronsld Rd, Arton lrr St, Phl|edelphla 19147 --- Susan & Howatd RICHMAI'I -975aO rsl4 --- Joe & Lofralne CLARK (Carolyrv62, Ralndra 3,05 (J6!r7r, Jarot 80, Molly/83, HannatVSA PENNSYLVAI'IIA llot ESCII@LERS, RO 2 Box 117 Knannlng 16?01 '.. FO S Od Mlddletown Rd, tledh lG! (10 --Lhda CLARK & -FRAl,lZ Mfch cR HAM (Jeslcdc), Oleil!2, M.|anms) 555 Sd/th Randet & Clate ROSENBAUM (Janaal ' Hannah/8i!, John/ss) -51, l'ls''hburg 171@ Av, Medh lffit -- Cad e LuAnn RUMBALSKI -- Marbn e Jrfi|€ COHEN (Merble/8g, 2dt fbn 9721s(H).-R|chard&suzann9GREEN(Monber'qPoAdtw3,B€i2o,Dov|]y85)zcK|sp.Ucast,Ph||d€|Pt{at9lcxt(ca'r8,Kalha/8o'Yury82)Box18DUckRunRd'Maci||o (Shaun/8o' lGvld Bor 562, Chrbrnras Vailsy 9ZS4r (H) -- D8\,|d f Marltn -- Fullls & Bob @NROY (tlendlh/8o, Fbnd83, Slad8s) iZ'SO (H] -- le6glns & Etic SCHEIMREIF 88) 519 Md|onlng St, Mlton 17847 -- R. vernm & s@anne HALL (Mbhsu8o, ToGa/8a, perras) wHoLE EARTH FARM RD s Bor 286, Srnoky como|!, Wlllilrpoil rzTor ($ .Nenct e 8d coNROY (Parf*fn, SsrlsrfllySf) 8m1 Green SCHUL1Z (M8nh€*r/8, S€phanler7g, J6slca/8|, NalhadSii) SCH@1. $6r Sentnole Rd NE, gtt €'ton erul -r- Ka€n t Pond Rd, Eastm 1S042-.- Erbe OetStto@UGHEItC,UR RD 1. Bd 1615, Felon 17u -- Mak& Kdlprim Afred HARDMAN (VUIyAt, Kyle/g6) sZOHrrIim Rd, J*ksonvflegZS(D(10--Mstye6sbbbHEALY(Andy/oo) (gdanrz,T€oarfo,Dy,lan€{ROr,F to{'rlOCg(O-- SEMSCH(Chtlrioph€tm,HaraHlV,Ltrl/8/t}56Watden Ann e Chds DAVIS (C€Ida/S3, Jo{ded86} RD I Box 241, New Rd, Doy|€ErorY'r lSSl --- DSI SHUMAN (Dawnrft' M[6ft8' Rt 4 Box 3(B, Sheil,ood 97140 --- Jofir & Anne H|LL (chrbtlnd8z,tarrd84,chart€c8421505sctoudvlfDr, P8rtrr52(H)--J€feHanldtDIER (Adarye,ikfa€v z8h$l&lmEC.Oa!Ln,Phiadephlal9ll9--Dorglas & Lmn SIMMS (Benl8mktrfg, Rsb@d8l' Ellzabothi8a' Harvey & Etle blogon Ct{ry 9704s -- Tom HNKLE e Sue SCoTT (Jeae?6, sr) 5qt E Klng St, Chanbenburg 17201 -Alerardorag)535Bett!clurdrRd'Hanowr17311-Luk rtg,Jtust,A|ndg6) zl5oLStsp.hSfietdgTltt--- DTNHAM(ZechstlgS,Celvws6,Hannslvso)SoocerlonLn,
91, NedA3, Em[y/8.1) Rt I Box 25i!, Emerybe 9ru8 FCLA OR SptCE GROUP, 8Ot8 yank culctr Rd, Tstenr Diane ROyD & Oa\re TOLER (Ananda/&t, C€dr/84) [3. a Kdht en Box 966, Caw Junctbn 925a3 (D (JoGstcan?, cabdgo, Mo[y/€A) 5SO4 NE Stdd]m€ Sr, Po.rhnd
W6rChder'tS82--Harcld&Jan€rtX,lNt*O VENPORT Eugene&MayJoSI{YD€R(Kenryi82'Tk|myAS)lt1Honoyrtr{de Of, Boabbr?g 16827 (10 -- Ls & Oonna STE|WART (il8rge;g1ng, Kdo62l RD 2 Bor 19, llontruo 18801 -80'Md9ad86)245w27hAw,EtJgone97{t5(H)..J8neCi|€nn&UnuhEBL|tG(srephen|eo1,Davida3,^h'Erv85,(B|ty/80'sa'a}y8l,J6hua/8/t,Jd|na4173/tMiIRd'H[ UarcrrHUHT (Jaro]|/81!CENTRALOREGoilI{OME- MegadS42S2ADogioodLn,RDfl,Ch€cersprlngB19425 l8o'14---Lols&Cl[fSUNFLOWER(BsrnftS'Pho€betg, SCHo|oLERS, pO Sox g(pe. Bend gZtOO -- Ahn & Ann -- Erh & Suran ETPPER (Jahuet8l, Elb&lv8il, Oanbu8s, Bu&igh/8l, NoailA4) 2371 W Bct Rd' Balh 1801/t (l{) -HUSTER (Angpta/8s,Abtgaly8S)FOBorl58l,Abanygrual- c$dou84421 ElYoodsDr,LltElT5'13(llt--chud( sanyesheronTRAVER(JohnCalvhzt)835Gt€nVafleyDt, Phladophh 19128 (t0 -- Jaete t Matk WARFEL (Jacob?8' ESSER r pilFh HATNES fimhy/S2) 910 S Fen{ln Sr, 0167 (Hl -- Chrhty |NGR HAil t parvtz MOGHADO S La!ra/83} RD r B(Ix 385, Hdtrwlle l8iXP -- Altrn & Chire Fmd t Lsle FEHLIi{G (Sateno, (Ca.d/es) et6 N Lgonard $, Portland g?2Gt PhladelphL lgl4:l Slarsr --Manh#/SitlRDfSgor2.16,Weyncbuolst|?O--Llnda& WHITMIRE ($ophen,8l,Tsddy/84.catdd87'Moly/88) 411 JO||NSTONeVHodaHEMpHttL(tceila/8l,Megh8rv8/t) |IoMESCIiOOLERS! OFLANECOUM*.SeO.onengnRd, Falt Craek 974!D JIt HUBBARD e B$ 6RIFF1.JHa
N Ot ffy Rd, Burlot le00t Ed FtNLFf (Jobn6rt9, ColefldSl, TorreledS/t) 78(l N -- Krbrh KOEaTER, PO -- Mordly WlLLlAlrS & Rlchafd SUMMERS (Abrdlafl/82) CENTER CITY PHILA HOMESCH. -- Rbk e Ann LAHRSON l-lotandauqua Dr, Bih 18014-9187 Er Don€r e Rob€tt SUPPORT GRP. 23o S 2l Sl' Phlhdobhla lglclil (A1cfrS, Edr/Br) O360 SW tpnd. Atoha 9D7 -- Davld & FINNEGAN (Danley82) 470 Turtey Ridgs Rd, Apolo 1se13 Kadyne LANDRUM (ilolyslefrg. terys.a/8i) 0?541 Wagion r -- rirondy FLAIIDERS (Etnty/8s) PO Box 7854, Re..thg E -- Jullo & John AI{DREWS (Peru8:t, Eltsabow86) Hti Ln. suflrE'vite 97rr€ -- LANE GOUNTY LEARNTNG 1960(! --- Chadons FREED (Bair/8, Natalrrg) RD 2 Bq t99A Erilnar,r t8O49 -- Rldr GIORDAiO & Cet GLACKIN 542 Phinfi€H Pl( GrEn€ @827 (l{ -- tldmnd & Katon CoNNECTON, 2557 Klncald, Eugone 97406 -- Ched & Jtm LABREOUE (NottrEnd8o] 21 o|od AvB, lrroonsodcl02895 (Jasicat?1, lsrvgl) 26aO Bonndton S, PhiladCphh l91tl2 LANGSATHER (N€[rrg, Altrtg, Arla/84) FO Bor 1017, --- Jlm & Elleen NAttlCE (Jontan/8l' Rdt/8/t) 82 Trot l Or' Jay & Sue GRANT (Stacyrrg, Je8slcd8z, RadreyS6) 2S3 AufiBvllle 973A5 (10 -- LEARNIi\|G CDNNECT|ON, dls Mlddletdn (P8'10 (H) '- PARENT EDUCATORS OF Rl. PO Barbare Dr, Gants Pare 975Q6 -- Marl|m LOtryE (Abra/8z) Habedeln Rd, Glb.onh 15041-- Nanc, & Lonny HAAS Box 516, Cotrenlry @818 -- RFIOOE ISLAIDERS FOR (Nld|olad87, Cathorh€/Ss) 21 SorEn Sprhgs Rd, Radnor 465 Llncoln, Bendon gzfit --- Susan MAAS f Oary @NSTITUTIOI{AL EDUCATION'.16 E Cfirgo St Ptovit€nce 19087 --- lroty HALL e Erhen REINHARD (Esther8t, 1}|OGERSoI{ (Bryan/g3, Eril/S6) 27Se6 SE Cerl St, Gr6hrn Cordoila/gt) 740 cathrile sr, Phlladehhh 19147 (l{) -- Ann 92965 --- Barbara & Mlko slMPsoN (lsa&24' Abigai!?s' 97080 ..- iloty UoRELANO (Nlc,|ohr'8(tl 1911 NE
t3S7 E Sr, Sprtngfield 97.t2 (H) Box gg6, Forsr Grwe 92116 (H)
Thorpeon'Porrhnd97212...conEd&rfr'auueu-en&ByonHAwT}oRN(oanl€ys2'E||c/8/t,chrbtopher/89)z3lt.Devid/s1,MikH8:|)22cob[biao'M|dd|otown(P($(Arnandafft. c@fgo, Hans/82, KFstln/84, ManfFd/84 112S LoeCk, Brn Maw t9010 --- Lbelotl6 HEIL, 2OO5 ColwYbia Jdfiey & Evelyn WELLER (Ktbtat4, SooUn, &rb€tA1) 149
SW g7lcxl (toryS4, PARENTS 97075 S TRISo
NATOIIAL BOOK @, Cts tsth St NE. Sd€m Srfnr Brmda & tlslin Part Ave Ponland 9720$37&{ (Madd8o, S€vrlyt82, Odrny/84),t691 Codar, Astorh Condane NEWMAN & Tod SCHNEID€R Iimo0ty/s6) 819|4 W 4rh Av, Eugpn€ 974@ --EDUCATTON ASSOCIATON, pO Bor 1.t8i!, Beavrron Slan & Mdsha PONGRAIZ (Annd8t, J6€ph/a/+) 242ct) Meulor Pk Rd. Estacada 97023 --- PORTLA IO AREA COUNTY HOTIESCFOOLERS, c/o Susan Jorg, 28grl
Paula (Manhfl/
Thomas & A\r€nue, Apt 1, Swbsvale 15218 HEIMBACH (Jefireyn8, EtzdS:}, JerF€/86) 467 lV lvilk6" Dave & Jan HINKLEY Bam St, Easlon 18042 |.IOME 81) RO 5 Box 36, Mmtr6e 18801 JarFs OF PA, RD 2 Box 331A" Munlon 168€0 carol HUHTA, t7Z7 CtorFns MH Rd, Harteylvltb 19138 Doug ISON (Kara/sb) fi t? Fawcott Aye, whtto Oak 15131 Jddanrrs, Adetnrf7, Klm JEFFERY (Ndhan David Ron Betbata 80, Annd8s) 229 Oh Avs, Gherd 164t7
t Nancy
& -Blylhd
Vicloty FltYy, Exelet 02822
Bi[ & EabataALLEN (Wily80' Erma/83) Rl2 SC CAROLINA FAMILY SCH@L Box 19ti, Hodgd 2965:l Paul E ASSOCIATON, Rt 2 Box 17, St SEphen 29479 Def GERMEROTH (Lba/?B, Johnr/9) 2948 Btmk'ldgo Dr' Wayne & Bod(y HENRITZE (RacheySo) Rod( Hlll 29730
Davbru,EsracadatltZ3--L-lbREOP TH(AugBrrt6, JOCKERS(AaDMf8,Davld/8|,Jo{rdhatv84,SaralvSolPO
Indigo Hall, G€otg€town 294/rO
HC 73 Bor 1033' Deedrood 5frc2 -- Jean BOGCTS & Jay Box 376, Red6rs 1835a (]0 -- lra & Robyn JOSEPHS -SCHT GEL (Jacd86) 1.|0 lah Av NE' Ab€rdon 57O1 -(Ross/83, Ray/85. Falth/8a 21$56S.1068, (R6o Valley) (H) Bruce I Yliendy REININGER (Erlca/So, Lara/86, LuldgS) Fdls 19S0a Atsea t-irry. Atsea 9Z3a[ (]0 -- Anne SHARP & Chud( -- John & LolE KArcHER (Johrv68, JanFAO, Mldraaugq Sue A Van RAmSTI (AdrlandS6] 1706 S.' Slo0x 2436 N Uno 51, Colrnar 18915 -- Lts & Mldraol KALINER 57105 --- SOUTH DAI(OTA HOME SCHOOL ASSN' Rl 2 Box 6pUNC|L (Pauu8it, Etten/8s) 5816 NE Golng, Portlarrd 9218 45, Ganelson 57@0 (H) --Sally SHUMAKA & Jak PRUITT (Edorr8. Jasper/8r, (Kare/8l, RachsyE:!, BsV86! 115 W Samatd Sl, Wet Ch6tsf 1S82 --- Edward & Joan KANE (J$alhanrtS, Dill€y8o, Rbnard & MarryS3) 225 Malher It, Port Orto(d 97465 -fil -- Tom & MauGon AOAIIS (Hoathe./86) 724 Reb€dS) 167 Maplo St, Goronvile 17529 -- PdtI e Jefl Gayh SLATTo||',| (Cod/82, Oeru85) 46O.t SE Cronror St, ponbnd 9720e3252 --- Lehana C Bill SMYTH (Rchanfr,, KAPLAN (SaraM/g , Andrcallll?2.| Foxcrott Rd, Bromall GreynFnt Dt, Nashvlllo 3217 -- Robotl & Maty ALEN tmg (H) --- Robqr l(AY, CHESTER @UNTY HOMES- (sumflsng, Lod82, Shelby/85) 604 Glonpatk ot, Nahville Romar/€t!, Hannah/al, Kaytan/Bs) s$ Placer Rd, Sunny valf€y 97497 --- Lyte & EtE$€ih STANLEY {tGrTindSA 2575 C}rc|OLERS, PO Box C, Paoti 1901 (H) -- Gina KELLOGG 97217 --- Jud t carolyn BARRY (Safl/8.t, Emily/85) 22l+5 SW325thAv,Hllbboro97123(lt--Rod€.lr(&S6an &ChFHOLLISTER(Dani€Ugl,LLEa!/83, 1[yA4 RD3Box BruceSt,Kingspott376614--William&JudithBEAL(Luciug 78, For6t/8l) Rr 1, Dowellton'n 37052 .'- Linda BERRYMAN 80, Cotr fibia C?6srd8 16914 (H) -- Judith & Vemon STEVENS (t onbar/6, Ryan,Bl) rzt NW Lyfiwood Dr, (J6€ph/81, Su8etr'e4,lrafilgn 2848 Petrbrke' Menphis KLINESTIVER (Ardra,66, Tracil67, Ang€la/dl, Bailey/8o) 3X' Marlh & Crd STITT (JaloniSs) 76 Ro6€burg 97470 -gROWll (Anna G|acazg, Chetnut St, Eugono 97404 -- Micheel f Candace SYMAN- Main Sr, Tldlouto 16351 -- Hannah & N. Ad LEITER (Ruth/ 3S128 (H, -- Bruce & Earbara Jchua/8l, Z&haty/8s) 4444 Paula Ln, Chananooga 37[15 Sharyfi & Lbyd 8l) Ap Mdison Av, Scranbn 18503 DEGLER (lsaaca3, Van6mfto, Lucionfrg, Indla/8z) lOgO --- Jim & Sue @FFER (Garew84, Sadlo Jd86, Aby84 740 LEREW (JonnilerrrS, Dory/8o, AnnldS2) Rd f2, Oilbbur! B|ookstde Dr, Eugene 974OS -- THE TETH|NG HOtrE, PO Abar Dr, Nashvitle 37221 (10 -- David & Donna CURRE P{ror & Jen€t WETDMAN lrclg (H) -- Lsrenco t Janle LEVINE (Gabdelbfro, Bor 2oei9, Portland O72Or@.19 -(Katld82, Malu8s, RobblerS4 183 Wd G.and, Asbria 971(B Marhflrr2, samFuS2) BNAI oHR, 716 Grsnlod Dr, Gfir'8:r, Kad85, Chtlsta/8a 120 StqE Rd' Knqvilb 37920 Mon.o6vit. 15146 -- Kim & Ed LUIZ (DandS2, Brnany/8s, -- Joye DICKERMAN t Art STEWART (Joolba9, Aatott/83, -- pail & pddd( wtNTERs (GanduSa 3585 SVI' r23rd, Jl!tin/86] Rt 5 Box 219 SPoG Rd, Cllnbn 37,16 -- Oave & Ahrert8q 24O Muni4)d RO f 1, Plp€rsviflo 1e47 (H) -: Bodenon 9ZOOS Danlel & Mary J6an Mq$NOUGH (Jc+h/81, crotchot/86) Suzy mDD (Mlken2,Etlrlr'75, Anyng,|-evy8:l) HOMESpA -- Janre & Laufie ADAMS CHOOLING FAMILIES, 116 Rlchards or, oliver sp.ings 37840 Oo|rfi, Tinartg, Btatr/ 1888 Bfsn Lane, Satrsburg 151i81 -- Dbna MOSKAL (Mldlaey8o, Stacay/82) 12420 Frankstown Rd, Pnsburgh -- Manuel & Susan FELICIAiIO (An[azg' DoLonaEA) 5e2 so) 12 Lmwood Drf3, Edlnboro 1e412 -- Karen & Jofiy 15Car5 --- Tom & Mdalone MURPIIY (Emilyt72, Chrlstiarlr/6, oowlas Ln, cllnton 37,16 ADAMS (Sarah/83, Er{tyl86) 6t I Fdd Rd, Wayno 1987 --- Peler & Donna GIBSON (Cant/8z, Blaftd&4, G|fiW86, ConradSS) 2517 Ovbtbok Or' Clarer'g) 82rt Churdr Rd, Hdbld 19140 (10 -- Marty Randy & pany AV|S (J6!d8O, Lutd8z. EniV/Ss) 52? S 3rd Sr, Min€lsvilo 17934 -- Rbk BARKER f Pail SCHAED€R NABHOLZ & Jodl PENDER (Jafl{€r/g, Chdsbpho/8o, Apdv84, GarnBntown 38138 --- Katen t Jory HARRIS (Tybtm, Jakdm 2oO3 Gtaybst Ln, Nashvllle 37215 -- HOME (Danley86) 8:l9 Oa|by-Pell Rd, Bryn Maw' 1go10 -- Chrtr I Jc€pU8E) RD 3 Box $O, Fetton 17@.-- Oanbl A Llnda EDUCATTON ASSOCIATION OF IENN (HEAT)' 3677 Richbtht NEYER (DanleUB4, Matyl86, PauU88) 708 Delaware Av, Ja1 BARLOW (MattravnS, OuatUeOl RD 2 Box 391, Muncl 1779--- Ronag & Dlana BASEIIAI{ (Otviar/8, Dolia/82, Nomlood 1S7,1 --- John & Kathy O'mNNELL (Davkil8s) 429 Ct, Nashvillo 37211 -- Satah & Gtog HOYLE (AFhd83' S Pin Sr Carllsle 170'13 -: Anne & Wllhm OBRIEN (Johfrg, BeniamidSs) 3q19 E sth Aw, Knqville 37914 (10 --- Nalalie Gabrteu$) tGt A|bonood Or, Gboonla t5o.t4 -- Pors L9VASSEUR & John BARTMESS (Elizab€lM/g' JulidSq BERGSON & Susan SHTLCOCK (Arnandent.Eflilyna, Junat CatherirE €[r, Stlvia/S4 1312 Monk Rd Ghdrvym 1SXl5 -TENNESSEE VALLF/ ACADEMY, 6m4 Gbnmaty Rd' PARENT EDUCATORS OF PENN, 333/t DBslon St, Phih81, Nlchola3/84) OPEN @NNECTIONS, 312 Brm Maw Av, dobhia 19149 -- Flank ! Mersdhh PARENTE (OenieUS, Knoflill€ 37919 (10 --. Richad & Mary MACHANOFF (Kalid Bryn Mawr 1$10 John ! Linda B|NO€ (Metissafr6, -Kdsfenag) 1347 Tum€r St, Albdowyr lolm -- Vlcko J66ph/82, Esth6r/85) 725 S Braddock Av, Phtsbu?gh 15221- 79,Zadr,!1e.,&nlv/84) 4O8 Valley Dr, Oliver Sprlngs 3784O BRATTINI&AloxFEmRAK(MlciaoySz,Chrlsropheri8s)t3e 3417 ---MadvnPERE|RA(J8hri:|,Jod(r/s,Molt-Annr,"4 --.JaytSandyMAOSEN(JosM7o,Jo66€29,&rnld81, Bedry/8s, EmmyAA 916 Bail€y St, Nashvill€ 37206 (10 --Stocl(bn Rd, Bryn Matr lgto -- Thorna e Pamoh THE BETTER BABY lNSTlruTE, SSO1 Slonton Av, PhilaCarol & Scott MILLER (Brad83, Madona/8s, J€nniter/88) 4856 BROilSON (SamueyS6l 218 S 43rd 9, Phtadetphh 1910,1 dobhia 19118 -- PTTTSBURGH URBAN CHRISTIAN @AL. -- Steven & Carol BUSH (Hdh€rt73, Randailns, Mdrhew SCtl@L412-3U-&!24 -- Charlsre & G6rgo RADMAI{ Shasla Dr, Old Hickory 37138 (H) -- Kats & Paul MORAN (Safahng, Gmfgia & Llsa/82, Emma/8s) 918 Ande6on St, (Eric?g, KwituS1) RD 3 Wawlv Rd, Ddton 1&114 -76) 15At Ponnsylvania Av, PaoS lg(nl -- Su6an & Rcbort
BrookszSl Z5g1g Chony C€d( Rd. MonFe 97456 (10
u --
Brlsrol376@ (O Gary & pam SAG SER (Shnet78, Lba/ 79, CarerS6) 212 O?+of Av, G.6o.brlar 3roru Coutney S@TT & Patda STREET (C€aa/8t, Cqrnor/83, Aeron/86) RR .t Bd 278K-a ArHand City 37015 cerdd & Llnda STIGALL (Autlrey/79, MlndytSz) 718 N Klngsron Ave, Rakwoo<l 37154 Shannon STONEY (W[y€Ot Rt tO Bor 668, Cookevllle 38501 (]0 Bob WALLACE & Ltn KEMPERWALLACE (JeIgfiV/8O) 2t.t Park Ln, Othror Spdqa 37SaO (H) Jane & TomWILSON (ErharyT?, Hannah/8o) lel8Jo. Hlrnon Rd, Knoxvllle 37gll
TX 4Mgp;91^t cHRtsTtAN ACADEMY. pO Bd 1r/6, Coll€yvllle 76004 Bob e Sh€{oy ASHCROFT (A&rr' 76,@!anS, Raheild8o, RJ/83, CiaUnA6) S.tiSOak po.l, San
Anlqrb 78251-423 Chad6 & tana BARTON (Tatlrafr2, Abnr/!|) 5@4 lhundor Rd, Odb 75?.4 --- BASG EDT CATON, tO Box 61689 UFU,, Atrpod?5asl Msryg Bob BELL (Oavldrfs, Melissatg) 2 t(ry Dr, Corpus Chrbtt784t9 (]0 Catotyn t Charl6 BLACKNALL (Ke[yn6, Chart6cs3, EwfstUSS)16215 LaAvsdde, l-buston Z76A 0O Chados & Mafgd€l BLOUNI (ttaton'2,Kdihtynn4, Srephenn6) Rt I
Box 212-R, Dale 78616 (10 lGnnan & Judlth BOWDEN (Kennan Jrng, Nokonl/8o, CarnitktS2, Jchua/A1) Ftt 3 Bor
CHRISTIAN HOilE ED OF SAN Al{TOt{(c, 121^) New SuFhur Spgs Rd. Adkkls 78101 cbda & Jkn 781118
@TNEY (JohnT's, Jsrm. Kdile/€Frt tOO Uayberry G,
LesAvlllo 95067 (H) CREATIVE LEARNTNG MAGAZ|NE. PO Bor 37568, San Antonb 7823ru568 A & Chrbtlno cRlsPlN (A|beil84, A6:d86) 3816 26r[ Lr$ock 79/r1O
Neil & Taunta DANOUE (Hunier-lV6trz, E ika-tirsst/85) HOMESCH@LING DATA BASES, FO Box g:}2. B€ilvflte 77418..- Rohen & Manha DEGNER (Sarahry7, Luk6Z9,
g6"rfy EARLY (R&hey8s,
Christoph€/87) 15707 Rltl Lan6, t-tousron Z?O6e --- EL PASO HOME SCHOOLERS ASSN, Ster Rr Bo,( 8Z Anthony 79921 FAMI-Y HOME EDI,.,CATORS OF DA[.A{|. PO 8Or 28058/t, Oella8 75e28 Bd e Joan FLECK (J6dcatTr, Todd/8o) PO Bor 11, Coilewlllo 76@r{x)t 1 (Hl Tom e Hearhor GOOOMAN (Ootrtreas, Ktoterveel 4/t29 cerur6 ghrd, Oa$ar 75225 Henry& @hycqSSAGE (Saral|/ts, ChdrtophertT8, R€nod8 t , Anthmy/&t) SOt O Slag€coach, Garhnd 75043 --- St€€n GUTSTETN & Ra('|€le SHEELY (Hannah/8l, Esthd/8it) 12103 Poubon Dr, Houston 77@t Karen & Davld HENDLEY (Hil8/81, Lenora/g/t) Rt 4 Box 131, Ru8k75785 (O Rlck & Bunnle HERMANN (NatashertS, Katherhetg) 610 Wbhhe Pl, Corpus Chrbti7g411 (10 Anika HODSON (RusselySs) Rr I Bor 1 3S70, Weathsdord 76086 (O Jack & cail HOGAN (Jo6huaf/5, Luk€i7Sl Rt 4 Box 7O/1, Fl€flphlfi 75918 (H) Gary t Sarah JORDAN (Cladd83, Oavkt/87) t5() For6l Ln, Oouuo OavLowisvlile 75067 --- Davld e Ca;pl KENT (Robenfr6, Su8annahtTT. (5qdy g Z,alh8!yl80'Cl8!v8el eg E 50ih, Ausrln 71751 Mauroen LEWIS (Sead8l. E ic/St)i7Z-B Arrilbry LoA Ft. sa4 Hou.r6 78?34 LtVtt{G HERTTAGE ACADEI|Y. po Box 1438, b$svilL 75067 Nancy LOTZER (Jondtan/7T, Beniamirv@) 2973 Lavlta Ln, FarrrDr8 Brandt 7S2O.+ Barbare LUNDGREN t St6ve EAKER (ClutndSg, Brenna/gs) g)13 Hickory Hlll, Colleyvillo 76CXI (10 Mary Berh & Uichael MACKSEY (Arhnar.7, Alexandia/8l) 65A4 Butredield Cl, Phno 75ql --- Janer & CrantMGCULLY (SharoilSi) Rl2 Box 7P, Tenell 75160 --- Jlm t, Lba McctNNESS (JohilOt, Jame0/85, Wlllhrn/84 5318 R€&tarl $, Houston 27096 MCGUFFEY ACADEMY, 221 3 Spur Tralt, GraparlrF 7605l Margafet McLAIN (Johnnldggl Rt 1 Eox 906, Daslon Z66St Judy & Lany MctllLLAN (R€ooccatz, Ftoathsrns) i3St3 Parksne Woods, San Antonb 78A4+tgAZ --- Wil[arn f, Judlth MEEKER (Glaro]m & Magnolarrt, Angsta/82, Thefsa/861 Rt zBd,zS7,Fahy/gd 37064 Mite & Lba Ii|ETCALF (Judlrty
--. --
JBdcdSO) 1801 Oogw@d Tr, Corstcana 7SfiO UETEB SCI{OOLS,rc bx 1n, R6haroo 7/SB3 Chds MORCiAN (Jch/80, NDrnUSa Zad|e.y/Bq 41S 7S,
---- Jtm &
Thlstlosrood &, A.|rtln 78745 Ghuck & SuzanrF MORTENSEN (Stcwanzo, Roeganrts, Ganen tt Asht€y/go,
Andisw/Sl) 200 E Colpu8 Skldnb.o 78389 (l{t Rlck KorE MURRAY (Blandcr|'n2, 7ja]hs[yn6, Chebee/7g,
Courlney/88) 38m Fountain Terr, ArErilb 79106 Shafon & Manln NELSON (Saraha8, Virginia/8o) 4159 Wedgrmnt Chcto S, Fonh Wbnh 7613:l Jeanio & Tim OLIVER (Cdlna/B?) PO Bor 16a9, Wnterloy 78676 Bob & Beky pETERSMA (o€€lhnm6, ftetotm, Tanisha/Oo, Dabhd84) 2216 Shdaton D( Carroilron 75@7 Meio RtSTRopH (Robdrr4 A[cd 75, frygvem, g,nafiq Ing?ld/8l, Let/8e, Gunnar/O/t, pe,l,€6) 33819 Ctbpl€ Ct€ek Rd, Plnohurst Z36a Jean & Ed RODRIGUEZ (Iknothyz8, Benlmid8t. Lydid8s) 3ooir
75423 (10
HOME SC||ooLERS, pO Box 7,
-- NaTTyALDREH & Mel BUSS (Jaff,//trz, Elbhds4) CHILDHOOD - THE WALDORF pER-
SPECTIVE, Rr 2 Box 2675, W6tford 09191 --- Mark & JarFt GHABOT (Edc/86) RFO r 8or 83, E Thotford o5of3 (l{) Merltt CLIFTON, Box 129, Richtod 0!176 Jane DWTNELL t Sky YARDLEY (Dana/8a RD 1 Bd 37. trasburg OS&4S John & Suzanne GqSS (M.lal8o, GrahanyS4) 17 Ewing St, Montpeli€| 05602 Stephgl Robona HBLOP (IinDrhy/Tg FO Box 308, Randolph 6(F0 Shoih Kll{G & Munay MICHAELS (Soy83, lan/84 HCR 73 8or iO, p6r Mils OSOS8 Dettie & Randy AIFF|N (S€nenaf/6, Em[y/OO, Rtdrtd el, Mlchella/88) Spruce Knob Rd, MlddLtow'r Sp$ 05257 (H, Julie & Larry L MB (Aoxande/o0) Beawr pond Rd, Wefiotbury Clf 05627 Mak & Coll€on I-ARIVIEFE (Chrblopho/S2, J6sba/85) PO Box 55, Lyndon Or ofxgso
Jeqie a Lary LAIJNB (Alqand€/8o) RD 1 Box n5, Waror bury Ctt 5067 -- LEARNING AT HOME, RO 1 Box 3013. Waiervillo 0549e -- MT CARMEL ACADEMy. RD I Box 1737, Watewillo 05/tg -- Perer & Dhno NAZARENKO (Darmnrr4 Po Box 95, N Fenbburg 05473 (H) Erik &
Babara NIELSEN (Corarrg, Chdcrtnd&4, Ingdd/r4 RR 2 Box 4, E Randolph 05041 (H) k;tq7g g Kenndh NYE (Jersrry/ 75, CanE arWS) RFD 4 Bor 1418, En6bur! Falb O6rt5O
Bill OLESON (JeUn, Lila/Bt, Ab€UBs, Maydss) pO Box.t2, Fairfield (F455 (o Adam & Sheny PARKE (Gab.V8l, Brianna/&1) May Pond Rd, Barton OSg22 (lt Dano & lilin POST (NAharufz. Brlan/84) Rl2 Box 447A, Bdhel 05OP (H) Nanct & Maft POTVIN (Danierrs, J6s€r/8, Rsnd8o, MarceyS2) Box 878 Roblllard Rd, Starfltod g 05{152 Qi6ly DavH SCHWINGEL (laurefn, Kdt€/go, Roge/83) RFD f2 Box 2898, St Abans 05478 (10 c€orgo Micha
& AmandaSElFFERT(Loahigz, Elena/84) RR 1 Bq 1620, Wtrcestor 05ti8e --- Pattllt crog SMIIH (J€nnitbz7, Etirrg, Ashloigh/8l, AvedS/l, Tlrmihy & ShasalolvSo) pO Bd 7, charlotto 05445 Sylvh r Ed SMITH (LlndssylS/1, Nalhaniou$) RFD I, Mdrhfleld 05658 --- Dob r, Fr€d STIEGLIrZ-SHELL (MaaZ7, Samrrg, Erdty/SA, Eva/e4) RO 3 Box 2f'5A Sr Abans 05478 (H) Goratd & Lhda sTt3ALL (Audroy?g, Mindy/82) 47 N Main St, Windsor 05O|a --- Zbth VAN DEN BERG A Gary RODES (Dorianndgo, Atexande/8/t) RR 2 Bq m6, Chartotte 05{45 VERMONT |{OMESCHOOLERS ASSOC, PO 8ox toCP, Middetown Spgs 6757 Can(blin WAHL t Gorge THABAULT (Drew/S) t2 Nash Pl, Budlngton 05/t01 --- lcrrha YURENKA, RRt Bor 95, PhinfLld 05667
Adel€ & Dale ABRAHAITSE (cussiezo 714 LooJst Av, Charbtt6ville 22901 Bruco & Alice (Gus/73, BARKSTROM AnncySo) 2 Tyrdat Ct, Williansburg 23185 Midraol & Collene BARRY-REC (WiltidSg, Cfysray 86) Box 1224, Lexinllon 2rK50 Tom & Ann BROWN fioddr/s, M€d8|/8) Box 4SA, Lonsbu0 22551 (10 Russ a Roglna CALLAHAN (Gonea/7g, FyadSO) 25Ol S Hay€s Sr, Atfii$on Charl6 & Jane CARDINE (Ihdas) Rre I Bor 576, Chantilly 22{t21 CHRISTIAIV LIGHT PUBLICATIONS, PO Box 1126, Hanbq|bun 22801-1126:- CLEAR-
NGrcUSE OF EO CllO|cE, 1611 N Kenr I 1805, A.flngton ZQ --- KC & Rbk DlcKrrAttl (Artun|fl,tn, Jadr|rn, |E,n|tg, Arte./82, Calett82, Sbrra/g4) Rt I Bor 66D, MaBhatt 221 15 (f0 .- Ra.iof E Nevh DIENER (Jonacl7l,SerahtTS"ElEal8P., AlexiS4) Rt I Box 213, Keezletown 22&p Kathryn DOyLE t Jofi'3y LEFKOWITZ {J€8sd82, DanlouSo}--Rt 2 Box 3A{t, Slralburg 22057 (H, -- Sonla FOX & Sreven STRUMLAUF (Danbyel, RaphsUS4 258 E Rto Rd, Charbnosvflte A29Ol -- Dsvld & Mafy FREED (Mlchaons, AerorV6S) t82S W€sr Gtace St, Rbh'IDnd 23220 (ll) -- gg2anno & John
FRIEDRIGHS (Anazg, JessdSo, hal82) Rt 3 Box 201, Lerlnglm 24450 Th€o & Dan GIESY (Danitd65, Darrin/67, sularu8g, Annart2) 4411 Cotmial Dr, Nor{otk ?3508 Gfeoo.y Nancy GILLES (Jonarhanfr6, Nathanrlg, Brandod 85) 11230 Cra'ttook L. Oakton 2212l+ Dan e D€borah HARVEY (EleyndS:t) 1323 Boroughbtdge Rd, Rbhmnd Lary & Loe HETI{@X (Rsb€ccs/€O, l:l.nal8P., Hannah,8s, An8ly84 Rt 2 Box /+19, Warrenton 22.t86 (H) l{OtlE EDIJCATORS ASSOC OF VlRGlNlA, PO Box tsiO,
M ---
Ftqrt Royal22dxlt810 HOME EDUCATORS NETWORK, g}ao Wavdly Dr, Fredorhksburg 22401 fiQgg 56ttOO1_
ASSOCIATION, Paeonlan SFtngs 22129 TIna & Parbk HUGHEY-COI MERS (Edrl/Oo, Noah/ss) Rr Bq 50, Lo/lngston 229149 (H) --- Barbara & F ank JOLLY
AMERICAN HOME ACADEMY MATERIAS, 22rc S l@o W Pery 84@ --- BRIGHAM YOUI\G U-O€PT OF IND€PENO€NT STUDY,206 Harnsn Conrtnuing Ed Btdg, Prorvo 84602 St€w & Llnde BUTLER (J6sica/gt, Ra.rt6u 831 105 Souih 300 Eart, Plesant c?c re 84(F4 Jdry O'ASTO & Dorb NESSE (le/84, Celr/SO)l5S N t{wy @, Bdgham Cny 8a:m (10 Tom f Ywnne freVRlES (Justtd 80, J€8sicJ82, Mary/8/t) 448 Wlbf, Av€, S.t Lahe Ctty s4107 FCLA UTAH SPGE GROUP, 1510 W Sq) N. Plovo ga6or MOUNT VERNON ACAO€MY,i84 Vln6Sr. Munay &4107
AblgalyS6) 2520 Buming Troe, I'.tng 7506a Vtckl D€NNIS (Manhewr/g, Andfevg4) i$(x) Cl€ek Vi€w Dr. Ausrtn 7874&2206..- Sam & Torry DIERSCHKE (Iaylo/881 2132
wlntoch Housbn 2057
RCFSEN (Sbverz. KevlnAS, Lt!e/ 81, Bd'|/Bit) UO Vh Del lffie, Carottqr 75mO $eve & Berorly RUSSO {Gunna/ Z/. Paxron/8l, Brody/8s) Rt4 Bor 212, Fon6ton 7O(x1 Pad & SharlSA|.zilAN (Peogyns. ScofitT4 t3aS Bamard, Brcwnsvlle 78520 (l{) Ed & Shldey SCHRIBER (C.ndlce/ @, Rfcherdto, Jenntretn2, KhltF'1ln5, It6a0an/git, Enity/gs) 7Gt S 15th Sl CQporas Cow 7€522 --- CaF[e & Torna! SIMMONS (Arbn8, Laurrey8a, Hunror,8s) Rr I Box 62-A, Atodo 76008 --- SCTUTHEAST 1EXAS l.OnESCl{@L ASSOCTATON, PO 8ox rt36, Tonball 7?375 SUMMTT CHR|STIAN ACADEMY, 13789 Noel Rd, Sule lm. Oalas Z5e€ TEXAS IPME EDUCATORS NEWSLETTER, pO Bor O$tO5 Rldrardsorr 75OS3 lEXAS HOME SC1{OOL @ALlTpN, PO Bor 1237. Oultmen 75783 --- Crd0 & Odble \TERWERS (PauUS2, StophervSs) $44 Tcr Blvd, Fr Worrh 76t t6 8It & Suzann€ WILLISFORD 0tart(/t8, AmtAO, R€bokah/gs) S71O Detuy Ln, Bsauru{ Tncfln Raymond & GaX WINTER (Sarna,ail8o, Adehl84, Ta0g.rtl8s, l5S Cdtee Sr, panpa 79065 --- Tom & Mich€lle IIOOORUFF (,.tordan/Bl, Mi:ahye!, Graod86) Box 1(b0, Shdbut8ter 7&F:l
Mtko & Tlna BRODER|C|( (Cofy/ pd & 79, Mafthev84) Rl .l Box 476, Marbte Fatb 7S54 Rna BURNS (Choney/8o, Danbtta/8/t) 6 SW Rd Randobh AFB,
m2 --
(Cfak€/83, SlrprVBA PO Box
3, Washhgtna747 ---Lirna
& Fl€d JONES (Albon/8q casey/8s, Molty/86, Tes/88) 27Ol Meadqibrod( &, glacksburg 24060 Nld f Gwon JONES
( darw8z, Kovln/8s, Chrbthd8o) Otrs 2Z0C MCOEC, Ouantlco 2213/r Andree e Kad KELLER (P€tm/&i, Thand 85, Rhyr/84 Ri 1 Box 58, Markhan22543 l(evln & Marcia KOLB (Jonnilorn1, R*helr|9, AarodS3) RD I Box 420 Sp|hghifi, Callaway 2.t067-$18 Both L8GMND Midrael SCHERER (Elia!/84, Z&harytg1, cen Dol, Cride|8 Mafk & Tammy MALTBY (Jo8+h/8it, JulierySs) 128 N Madbon st, staunton 24401 Annone MILLS & David ECKERT
t 2820.-
(Marla/82) log W Westrprelend Rd, Fatls Church 22046 (H) NAT'L INSTITUTE FOR CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATION. Rt 3 Bor t43, Rustburg 24588 John a Jennller NEWCOMB (Elb$€|hr/8, Robed81, WlllhryS4) S5 Elllon Dr, Ehck8bufg 2/|()60 (H) Lodnda & Le NIGHOLS (Colln/8z, ElllouS/t) Rt 3 Bd 126F, Warrenton 22186 (l{t NORTHERN VA HOMESCI.{OOLERS|/LEARN, 3015 Fakrrn St, Fatb Chu.dr 22042 --- OAI( UEADOW SCHOOL, PO 8or Zle B|eksbu€ 24060 --- Butfy & Frod OSTLUND (lanng, S€ttvg), Mauree,V 82. lsaactS/t) PO Box 324, Shg€il clon 22800 Llnda OZIER (Orenag, Drov83) LEARN nesshner OA, MO & DC arcal, 2519 Buckslow Dr, Falb Churdt 220{6 (H) Kim e Leelle PAYl,lE (Helenrr6, Leer/g, Joan AnndSt, Sanr'g4) 8446 Baldo Patk Df, Spotsylvanla 22553 (10 Llnda & Dale
PEEBLES (Kati6tn, ByrodSO, Ellzabeth/83) 2218 OanrrDurh Dt, Aloxandrla 22307 Richa'd & Llsa POWERS (Patty/SO, KrlstlrySxf, ManhovS4 Rr 1 Box 121-A-8, |t8d,bo 2727 Elleen RAIZEN (Phlllvt3) 2"30 Chcrortown Dr, Vl€nna 22190 (H) Rbhad & Nancy REAVES (Ja8ory83, JasmlrdSo) Rt 1 g Harrisne ROSENBox 649, Purcoffviffo BLATT (J6hua/8o, Spdng/83) PO Box 3e zTX Dave Jeanne ROSS (B€ocd8o, Sara/84) t lZ3 l,lorth Shore Dr, R6lon 220& Susan SCANLON (Pauy8s, Peninig4 544 N Paxton St, Aloxardrh 12304 Blll & Lee SCHARF
Uanlnr/2, Lukatg, LtndgA 2$A Young
Ltr, Oalcon 22124 SETON SCll@L HOME STUDY, Ono Kidd Ln, Fronr Royaf Matke Nadino SHULL (AllerUTl,Sa!aN 79, Sammy/8s) Rt I Box 795, Partloir 229t34 Betsy & MikB SKELTON (Klrnberly/84) 5020 Hopkins Rd, Rbhrmnd Z3ag4 David SLEZAK & Donbs ZITO (Mart/78, SuzanndSt, Jooy 84) Rt I gox 185, Fio€ Unlon 22940 (Hl D€borah A Harold SMITH (J6sa/82, Laura/84 Fll 1 Box 278, Llnvllle 22834 Kb & LfiISORENSEN (KledC6O, Nldrolas/@, Wntdr/S, Bjom/8o) Rl 2 Box 488A, Grozet Madan e Roy SPITZER (Vhgln|ar,'7, Laur€lr7o, B€nna/8i, clenrvgl, &otoy 85) HOMESCHOOLING FAMILIES,9526 R@leon Rd, Vienna 22180 Chrlsbphor & Frs|c6 STAHNKE (Trisran/83, tvarv 851 1g)5 Cx|'ttead Dr, Falb Clurdr 22018(O Lts & MilG STE\,ENS (Jacob & Narrlfi4., Ra$e!ts2) 256 Bay Srr€r, Spftgtleld 0r 10S3531 Mary Jaro e Russell STONEKTNG (K6y8l) PO Bor 322, Spgs 2283K1 Sharon & John STRAUCHS (Karlsfro,Tflarynq 10620 Runaway Lane, Great Falb AnE6 Maty Elbn & Mark TEOROW HOME INSTRUCTION SUPPORT GROUP, 217 Willow Ten, Srerting ?2170 Ab.n & Deborah TREFZGER (Krbtir/8o, Katrlna/8l, EtlV&!, Radr€y8s, Anna MaridSS) 10 Bladolrd C! Steding 2.170l']+t Robsl & Poggy Sue TRUETT (Joshua/81, l8aac/83, HannatyS6, 7820 Br@k Rd, Richmnd 23227 Davld & Mafy Ann TURNER (Jamid8(t, Narhan/86, MidraouS4 Rl I Box 201A' Henry 24102 Lary & Joanne TURNER (Jenlnd8l)3aoo Eurbank Ln, Wodbddge 221S1-- Mary & Ma*VAN DOREN (fblon/8q Grela/86, AbdSq RR 2 Box 312-D, Now Cestlo 24127 (Hl Rogd & Sharon VINES (Mauryfrg, MasoryS3) $a0 Wawdy Dr, F €deddcburg 22.|01 Annene e TFn WEAVER (Kfttsn,€2, Leisld8s. InFtodga
226gfP --
re ---
- I99O
35 228
(ll) Hrm & Evelyn F ost Way, Annand€le WEIDIG {Har€/83, Andre'dgq 55r-B PS. Rd, Fl B.lvolt Mbh8l a Oootdr WHITE Gelhrtg, Leura/8l) 220€0 (]0 Jslue & F Ed 50Gl Ea8lcfrder Ck, Algandtla22310 wttl-lAMsoN (Nathenrrt, Ryanrru, R8hem4) Rl 2 Box 3aoB, 84!n
Dale & Lat?y YEAC€R (R€beccdz, Davfy Paul StJe 80)1028 Balb Hfi Rd, McLsn 22101 ZICCARDY (Benlar|k/8o, DanbUOq 4O0 Btod Sl,
Cozet 22sxp
Hafiborburg 22801
Naori & Hawy ALDORF (Jonalhan/80) 357 S WA ALTA VISTA COTLEGE For6r, B€llingham 98e25 (10 PRESS HOME SCHOOL CURRIC, PO gor 222, Medlnagsoap --- Gisela & K6n BECKER (Dan67, Anlke/80, Wemertz, Catherine'/86) 7912 Spattan O, Otyrph 98500 --- Joe e Pani BLYSTONE (Soth/8o, Sean83, Otlan/84 CLARK @UNTY
HOME EDUCATORS,2e823 NW Mah Sr, Rldg€lleld $642 Gafy & Chetl BoNG (Ely81, Ambertlo 2621 NE 1501h st, Elahe & S.L. CHAN (Jhafts, Varcouwr 98686 Mlln & 79, R6ynd82, Jullan/8{t) 03+Cr, S€eitle 98100 chds @NRoY (Jusrln/84, G$.lol/g8) 260 N D|.bols Rd. Arlol 986fit (Hl Lse & MargE El DAVIS (Judln/'i? Ethanrrq Rl Batb.ta e DRAKE 1 Bd 13, Wardon 98857 (And€w177, John/8z, MargdSs) 6812 Lk Wethlttgildt Bhrd SE, Mary ERVIN (Jetn rt6, Chtb-lopho/ Ronlon SO5&1012 FAMILIES 78) t@19 Sharon St S:W, Teorna 9849&384/t
LEARNING TOGETHER, Box l0 Thpt Ster Rl, Colvlb FAMLY CENTERED LEARNIiTi ALTERNATIVES, I.€R FAMILY LEARNING 63 Box 713, Na8e[e 9s638 FCLA EXCHANGE, PO Box 7256, Spokane9@rc256 EAST WA SPICE GROUP. 5oo Butterfield Rd, Yakirna 98901 Box 713, FCLA WEST WA SPCE GROUP, HCR
Naselle 98638 Keny FLETCHER€ARBISGH & Lrll GARBISCH (Anwad87, Jldna/8€l FO Bor 190, Souihworlh gE3Er6 Ridrad & Errelyn FOX (Ster/d|ln) 19rc'2 Peacod( Rbhad & Made Hlll Av NW Gig Haftor gXlgFBSlo (H) FOXION (Elii€as, ElilduSo) Ep2 Matbelle Ln SW. Tacqna 9449&3626--- Don a MaryCrAROf{ER (8dann7, NlcoldSo) TRESTLE HOME.SCHOOLERS' ASSOC, 8rc5 {h PI SE, Davld e Mary GRAHAH (Jotonrf/'7. Evoren 98AF DouglastS, Fransce/8o) I 1 17 N 31 Sl, Renlon 98056 (H)
Ddid GRANT& BarberesruEHllMi (Areta/8s)
lnh Ave E, Seafile 981 12 --- Jaby e Cendyc. CilSTAFSOiI (A6hia/T|. CladodS3) 1905 Rt d. Rd NW Poubbo 98370 Robh & Oavld GUTERSON (Tay4o/81, Travh'/8:t, H'lry/8s) Bob 1302/t V€nice Loop NE, Bahbddgs lshnd 981 l0 Denbo HA ISEN (Joh.V81, Davld/82, E6dd8q PauvSlt) RR f2 Paule HARPERBox /t91. Des. Park gqn6 (D CHRISTENSEN & Sl+hen CHRISTENSEN (PAUT,8, At'|rftIA/ 80, Sarv8s) 23416 SE lah Pl, lssquah 98047 --- Rldrad & CarhediF HAYWARD, 914 Mason 51, Boilhgham 9825 Mafk & Holsn HEGENER (Johnrr4, Jknt6, Jodyt8(]' Chdstophoral, Mlche€U8s) HOIIE EDUCATON MAGAZINE, Nanct HILDAHL & Matk PO Box 1083, Tonasket 98855 DUSSELL (Scolu8z, Ra.fioUAD 3a450 NE 1ffih, Dwatr 9&19 David t Nene HOGUE (Mrlngflo, valerw?Z,Elalnat7g, Rodota/8l) 19235 1tl6lh Av SE, Renlon 98058 --- Robon & Nanct HOLM (Pet6/80, Trer/83, Ama/85) 9515 Ctystal Leke Or, Woodinvill€ 98072 --- I{OMESCH@LERS' SINGLE PARENT NETWORK, PO 8ox 58746, Sedlle 98138 HOMESCH@LERS' SUPPORT ASSN, 2335 2641h Aw SE, Maplo Vafl€y 98cxl8 --- M.ny t Sandl HORNE (Erlc/8z, Kyld Mlke & candy 85) 2@4 NW 62nd S, Sedrle 98107 JENNINGS (L€rvbrB. Gr€td8l) Rt 5 Bor 3tt l , Vashon lS
--l t
98070 Juo & Bns JOHNSON (ZGrt l, Wtnnot8) Carol & Stev. KLEIN (Adan/8z) 15th St, Belhgham 98225 Rbh KNOX & 67@ Sh Av NW S€nle 981 17 CAUTHERS (Md0an,€6) 10555 Madbon Av NE, Bahbddge lsland 981 10 Go?ry & Dale LINK (Josbnz. Peldda4) S (10 Julle & Davld 4715 Glglrc€ Rd, Spokam St€ ro LLOYD (Chadld84) 414 Upland Rd, Boilaru.980o/t 1 '|31
& l(alhy LOGAN (Corn8, Joshua/81) 14m Jo?dan Rd, Adington $223 Julie & Oavid LOYD (Chat1ld81, Psler/86) l(dhleen Bob MCCURDY C€n Dol. Waldron 98297-9999 (Jo6€pM5, J6sor/8) 5O9467-255a ($okane) Mark & Gloria McGlNNlS, HOME EDUCATOR'S STANCHION, 1q|1 Paul iIOLNAR & Kalhy SW 3o7 Fodetal Way, 980G! STEVENSON (Sadru78, NlkdadS6) PO Box 5&1, Tonaskst 98855 Dr. Rsymnd MOORE, THE MOORE FOUNDATION, Bor 'l, Camas s607 Elner & Ndalls MORTENSEN (Ariews, Seraphlnefto, l(ellervE4 560 E l"bu3ton Rd, Coupeville 984X1 Parpla NASH (Btyann7, Matid8zl 1632 Jme DrSE, Renlon 9865 NATIONAL HOMESCHOOL NAruRAL ASSOC, PO Box 587116, Seanle 98138 LEARNING NETWORK,5725 N Elgln, Spokan6 99205 Kathloon & Kslh NEA\OR (Amarda/8o, fiary8z, KeroyS5) l4t Peier M€oan NORDLUND Beihsl Sr, Walla Walh 9*162 (Phibrn, The|ca/86) 916 Blu6 Heron Rd, Bow 98ZI2 Patt PITCHER & Ste€ HALL (BeccdSl, LaurdS4) 5526 26th
NE, Soattle 98105
Larra PRITCHARD (Daniolrf4 Po
Bdan & B€tsy RAY (Hdlld8o' Ra.5.U82,ll!nruh/86, OJtLlES) 25 W C|!|mn8, S€eilb Ktih t ONn R YllOtlO (Schns, Vdhag' 98119 (ll) Davld & Lydle/86) 81t U Sl, Po.l Toun .od gF8 (10 B€ny RI{ODES (KatLrto, Benlernh/e) llgtsE 18dh Pl, Ny4on SCI'IOELLHORN & G@q€ ruHA Renton $O58
Bor 58746, Seattlo 98138
(Fs6tt82) ?32-B Cst,aneueh tld,
Lts &
JiTmySEDORE (Rahd82) 8Ex, Fo3B $ry, OlynpiagSs@ (10 Zbn & CetaSEIDEL (Jo'rrrlyn4, Molbsa/86) 838 W Axtofl Rd f55, Bellngham 98220 --. Sulan SMITH t Jelf WEDGUPOD (J6leh/86) 1837 127 A\rr SE, Bexsvt € 90005 SNOHOMISH COUNW CHRFTIAN SCHOOL,I215 OllnpicAv, Ednro{da 98@0.- TEACHING PARENTS Peggy ASSN, 16109 NE l@th Pl, ft,oodlffl|.98072 TOFTE (J6seao, Edrr'&l) Rl 2 Box 7e4 Ototllle 98814 (]0 Ouely t Lele WlLLlAttS (Jdse/8o, Rach€U8/t) 18&l H S't SheryWlLllTON (Kd8t|/r6, Shaunrz, Rd, Blairp 982itr Aaron/st) SoUIHSOUND ASSOC OF fIOMESCI{ooLlt{G Cht ck & Jsld FAMILIES, 4rxts S 28lcl, Kent 98CfP \irooo (chdym. Johnrts, Bedvln, Tofirr9) E cl2 3dh
A\o, Spokane@il
Charledlon 2fr35tt
BRYCE BI-ACK & Kalhleen PLUNKETT-BLACK (Lorin/7g, Chrbtophgl8'ZG&'lts!i8n Rl 2 Box 205, Atkansaw Attgelynn BROWN e Edc PAULSON (Laru&' 5a721 (H) Bruce & Baoara Kd8?) Rt 1 CTH. G, Hillpoint 539!7 BROWN (Anna Gracel/9, J6hudgl, Zadlatyl8q Llndislarne, Annlo CHOATE & N13o7 Dalman Rd, Waletloo €'35194 (10
Joe WAMBACH (TrunEn/8s) RR 1 8ox 3fi!, Mels gSal (H) Nanct e Nbk CISAR (Katlusa/81) 2510 Kendall, Madison
ntdhy SELL (Wllltrr/s, Eeniamid Par COU/AI{ 53705 Wllhm & Cheryl 78) Rt 1 Bo( 37A Mason l,'t856 (O DANZ (LorobftS, ValoddE4 13al Concord Way, Oneira T. Sc.n DAVF e Ohnn SIMMONS (Leahz8, Ry/81, 54155 Cersandra DIXON Julkrn/87) Rl I Box 137, Man 54858 (Ca'y84, H€len/8s) 3550 Co Hry 6, Wbconsln Dells 53965 (H) Jim & Jan EROMAN (Marrlna6, W[rr8, Ryhnd/8l) R a FAMILIES lN SCHOOLS AT Bor 298. Tomah 54800 HOfrlE (FISH),4639 Conostoge T?all, Cotlage Grot/s S35Z/
JanE & Ka$lsen FLAHERTY (PattidfrS, Seanr/T, Katolyn/gl) 4101 N PtGpecr, Shot€lrcod 5321 1--- Tom & cdhy FRIEDLANDER (Beky/8o, Calstt82, Peter/83) Rt 2, Box Davtd & Rachea GRAPENTINE 3oga, Plynputh 5S73 (H) (Dayirv82, Erlc/8/t, Wllian S4 Rl t Bd 45OA Maple 54S5/+ (H) (Aprlu82, Paula/84) 411 E Fifth Sl, Brhn & Jullo GRDLEY H.O.M.E., W8229 Tor|br St, Onah8ka Meirlll 5/t452 (H) 54650 --- Jatp & Jim HERMANS (Anlhonyt3, Kalhetin€?s, Elizab€th/82) 1644 Halsoy St, Greon Bay 5rt$1-2418 Linda HUGDAHL (De\rolva4) 6@7 Sun vallty Phfly, Orogon 53575 (H) --- Koilh & Ehln€ JACKS (Shalir|a|r/6, Lalasaa/g, Bob & Adtr8/8z, C€Hn€y87) Rt 2 Box 274C, Ashland 548O6 Par KADUBECK (LukdSA 1008 Latefl€H Rd *6, Gafton 53@4 ---Tqn & Dlml KA6ER (Ed€n/8o, MaggidSS) 1319 1nh Av, Gratton 53024 --- Latry e Susan KASEMAN (Botil 72, Pererr/s, Grctdron/t8, MegatvSl) 2515 Koohkonong Rd,
Stoughton 535s9 (H)
Chtts & Paul
Don Dominiczg, Nidolas,/&1) Rl2 Box 1$, Endd< 54627 & lGrhy KLEMP (Krbrr3, SuzannetS. DanA6, Davidtg, IitrDthy & Kathy KURTH Ri{t|ad/8o} Rt l, lxonia 53036 (ArVr/8, Jennllet & JGsbdSz) 1927 Volknan St. Sdloliold (Vinceri/t7, AngewSl) 2133 54476 --- Maty e Jim LICARI Ch]b MAYOU & Lany Llncotn Av, Stev€ns Point 5.1481 BLACK (Erinrn, Jonnyt7g, Gtog/84) HOME NETWORK NEWS' Aieon & David W6142 Sdrilling Rd, Onalaska 5.Ui5O
ATERNATIVES IN EDIJCATION, RT 3 BOT g)5, Chkr 25435 Ann BOLAT{O & thnny VAN LEEUWEN {SidDnrt6, R$onrtg} Rll Bor 2mA, lrrs.tql 28454 H) S16lan CZAPSIfi & Csahy ilCNULTY (AHgEIfl7, Clyrisng) U{gl ELLIOTT & Wbon 2 l o Ctde St, Beddey 25801 BASLER (Ena/81, John/84) l,lew tlomlno Fstm, R 1 Bot lo6c, C.ns t Nirc, ERVINE (Satd|/8o, Irdhn Milt8 24949 (H) Oav€ & RoborUSS) Rt 3 Bd lm, Hatp€.s Fetty 25125 Sus GlULlAl'lO (J6sart9, JenndS2) PO Box 261, Red Jackol 25692 --- Amy & Hal HllZlG (Jaand8z, Al6randor/&1) Rt 3 Blll & Mathnno HUGHES Box a?, Renlck 24sO (O (Gtqorfi,Clarcrigl Rt 7 8or 67A' N€w Maninsvillo 26155 (H) Bill & Dhne LEED (Elatnr/8, Enrna/8o, Wdy/81, Elilah/86) Box 114A, Fdats Hlll 24qxl --- Phil e Kdhle€n NEETZ (Joohuarrg, Cal€U8o, Neornl/84) Rl 9 Box 216, Buddannon 26a01 --- Barbare & John PLUNKET (Orionz6, Jlll & J.W. Jekrro) Rl 3 Box 816, Hatpors Fery 25425 (H) RONE (H4pyEO) Rl 3 gor 191, Be||(dey SPdngs 25{1't Mary Ellon SULLIVAN t Doald FISHEL (Jacott/81, Douglad Llnda Sg MarreU8s) Rt 2 Bor 1 | 3, Mannhglon 26582 (H, r Bob THOMPSdTI (Alrs/84, RobbidS4 Hc Bor 828,
Md(EE (Ghfirehcr,8, GoQha/8a H.O.M.E. (Madison Jaree & Chader). 5745 gtne|r]ser Pl, Madlson 5376 Ulch€le MOLD€NHAUER (Jochuai8z, JdiSq 46€2 Mad6on Tctty & Llnda PARRISH (LautaftS' Rd, tlanitowoc 54220 Ridatd & TorvSO, l(da/8s) Rt 2 8d Z[, Kendall 54639 Nancy PEIDELSTEIN {AllcdSA Apdv84 614 Ridge st' Meoan & Matk PERRINE (Mikart8, Toay Bar&o 53913 Ed & MaO 8't, curv84l Rt 1 Bor 73A, Uaron 5a856 (H) PETERSON (Julial8l, ElFd83) 1428 Wbodhnd Av, Eau Chire 45701 --- Kelh & M€alssa RlcE (slor€"7g. 1r6161e4) 1958 Jlm & Suean ROZANSKI Waler St. Sl6ren8 Polnl 54481 Cindy (Emry/81) 38:n S Sl f,P, Mitwauko 53220 SoHEEL (Venettdr,, Lobng, Holly/8l, Megan/82, Ih€a/84, l8aad86) W142€A Cl{.F, Lublin 54447 --- Llnde & fliks SHEEHY (Bdanrts, grendont€, BtookdSl) 629 Plrer Dr' Devld & Stophanle SORENSEN (Abtahanr' Madbon 53711 gr, 18er.r'82, RutilA2, R&heU84) Rt 2 Box 261, Cofiax t1730 (H) Ch€de & MaftSTOIBER (Glngerr/s, Kand/8) PO Box Valetl€ & DatylVAN ooRT 1S{, EaOl€ Rhrer 51tiAr (J6Ebar/O, Mattln/rg, NlcholadSs) W 12@1 Hwy AS, Bandon 53019 --- Toollb WEIER, do Qubtqf, 5lS Rivorvi€w Dr, Art6| WESIERMAN & Bl[y Manlowoc 54220 (]0 KUEHNE (Kand8q Sdfipdga l8/tl &nlor 51' Madbon WtS@ilSlN PARENTS ASSOCIATION' PO 53214(10 Bor 25@, Madison 53701
(MlaU8o) Po Box WYOITING HOME EDUCATORS NETIYORK (WHEN), 158 W Hamoy, Latami€ 8eo70 WYOMI.IG HOME SGHOOIIRS,8ox 13s, Lvman 82937
vltllnle & Rlchnd BARR
187, Dubob 84513
Kaltv & Cmtad ZEITI-ER (Tddarr1, Holv/8o, Saah/8z) 8r7 E. 4 SL Gilene 82716 (]0 CANADA: ALTA
John & Lawreqt AHLF (B€njamirv8a 6, Edson T0€ 0p0 _-- ALBERTA HOME SCIIOOLING INFO SERVICE, 16 FondaClode SE' Calgaty T2A 6G3 L*Ib AYRE.JASCHKE & EIIC JASCHKE (PAUU HOME' ?9,M8[V8PJBo,I?215, Poace Rlvof ToH 2X0(H) SCFI@LERS ASS@ OF IiIORTHERN ALBE RTA, t 1'tl 5'|:|rd Shelh MadEAN & Ken SMITH At€ Edrpilon ToJ 0Y2 (Jenny & Dflnt8?, l-lealh€r/86) gor 715, smky Lake T0A 3@ (]0 Ken t Grs MARCINKOSKI (Dany'y76, Gordon/8z' Palgd8tt) C€mr€o Hoflschooba S|4pon Gtp' 12 Mt
l+lb NYOUIST Kelly Pleasant Dr, Catnr6e T4V 2L8 (Broclcso, Greg/8z, AtleySs) 26}7 Avr A S' Lethbtidgo TIJ 1N3:- Ssndy e Hal PAULSON (Sirfru, KWet) 1096S 35 Matlono PEACOCK, RR John Avo, EdrDnlon T6J 2V3 Bill & Elalne PROUD (Khrbtqhe/8l' 4, Rirb€y TOC 2JO A6hley/8{r) SEA HOME EDUCATORS, PO Bd 8' M€didn€ Hat Kalhy e Bob ROLLHEISER (Kri6rtS, Lba/80, TrA 7ES Pat God Bret/&1) Bd 2609, Peaoe Ri|gr ToH 2X0 (H) VAl,t BUTSELAAR (Pattlck & Mldrasftg) Box 2656, Psace
Rh/sr Totl 2X0 (H)
Craty e Cindy BARKER (Shawna/8a Manhev BC 85) V|CTORIA HOME LEARNING NETIiVORK, 10S290 Batty & Tery BEER (Jodyn ' Roglna, Vbtoria V8Z 656 Bruco & Unda RobW86) Gen Dsl. Lund VoN 2GO (H) BURROWS (Kyleft6, CatttFn/66) Sox 166, Soimuh VoN 3E0
Rbhatd & Kdhotln€ CAMPBELL (Jc/V71,Heidn5. Oatc',ym,frc/fn9, VlqlnldSo, Hayr/8z, RyatvS4) RR 1' Sils Chdstiano 42, Unlt 2, Black Crek \lOR ICO (Hl CHOUINARO & Tony DUCGLEBY (ArtiMd8z' ElizdS4) Box EDUCATION ADVIS' 2017, Pdnco Rupotl V8J 3Wg (H) Janel & ORY, 2267 Kings Av€, W VancdJver Vry 2Cl Jsry ETZKORN (Jald82, JurtlndS4) Cafinanah Ll8ln' 21 Huron St, Vidotla V8V.tV9 --- Catolyn & SlQhon FAWCETT (MaurtcdS:t, DohadE4 Box 1181, @lden voA 1H0(H) GREATER VAN@UVER HOME EDUC. SUPPORT GRP' 604. Herb & Susan HAMMOND (Jodyt2, Shannod 22&tgo9
HOME LEARNING Wlnln VOG 2J0 RESOURCE CENTRE, 1805&50 Av, Clwedde V3S 1P7 Bill E Madey ILLERBRUN (KutU82) Rinen Rd RR 3, Ladvsmilh Mh JONGKIND (Yonas/7s, DamadT6' Dob€g VOR zEO 80, Erltla & Vany/&l) RR 2 Soulhviow Rd, Pomll Riwr VgA 423 (H) $tspf61ie JUOY Jerty WALKER (Tdsa/82) Box
76) RR 1,
Denb KNOPP & Le 40, Slocan Pafk VoG 2E0 (O LARKIN (Angid8l, Wyatugl, DeanndS6) 47gP Exltom Rd, cethotlne LEBREDT Miko wooos sardb \t2R lBl (10 (ApriyS{r) Bor 48:1, Tofino VoR 2S0 --- Elizaboth
MACOONALO A Matk JUKES (Aatqtr/8, lsia/8:|, Shaina/8s) Ena & Man @neral Delivery, Gray Ctdk VOB lSO gox MARTINELLI (Slovg|to, Bru€rr1) Charham R Ltstn, PO Bartrara McLEAI'| & 667, Catrpboll Riwr VgW 6J3 (H) Oavid SHEBIB (LautaZA JamosfrS, Elizabot|So' AndrodS4' Alisor/84 566 Mqrnlaln Dr, Ocean Fall6 VOT lPo (10 --Lynn & David MIOOLETON (AndteM1, Jonalhant4' BoniamintS, KatldSl) 2095 Flynn Pl, N Vanccuvet WP 3HB $eve e A.ny MIHALJ (Ana/83, Malid84, Mar'86, Luca/88)
6061 blaxt l+uy, tdttrer,ll3 \roR 2Fl0 Warnn M@FE & E[en AI{OERSON (An$/82, Dflant86) Pddey Rd RR rt, Pendet l6ltld Vol,l2M0(10 Nick& Lhda MORRIS (KeIa/ 78, Emlvt7g, Anna/8l, Bode{) RR rt, tryhbw VOG 2JO Vblore Edith NEWMA^I (Merbnff2. Car€yr/s, E[edSO] lg7l Kallagln Rd, RR 1, Sooke VOS 1N0 --- t16'Xy g |'1srb NYO|J|ST (BrocV8O, Grog/8z, ArloySs) 8eO Brod( Av, Vlcto?la V9B S6 --]]m ROBERTS & Jener CURRTE (Me?enrft. EtbdBl, Stehrt8s) 3e1t20 Sunmft Av, Vkrorle VoT 2P-, Sefi Llllhn SLY (Andrwzf, Manhewrrg,lloarhs/8z) Ksrp Lk Rd RR 11, Soole VoS r N0 fi) Edc e CarDl STEPHAT{SOII cam€t Rd, Vtcrdh lHeHmS, ,ds.,''il7l, Pster/O, Jooy83) VOP 3Gl Lynne & Navs 1HUND€RSTORM (Lednl. Rav€n/lo, RoxlBn Gen Del, Tdeg|Qh Crsk VoJ atJV0 (10 PhllF TOLEIKIS & Claudla BF-AVER (Annlre/88, La,lred84)
2q?8 Tenn6 Cr6., Vancowsr VOT 2El (10 Le WEHRWEIN & John GILBERT (Ssward/8t, Sid,|a/83, Sarr' 86, IhearSg) Mobrae W C.€, RR 11 ceng6 VG IEO CalhedrF WEIR e hn CROCKER oranh3s/g?, p€tor/8/t. AltryrrSS) Pehons Pl Llghthot,se, cb 2t Humn 51, \rhorh
v8v 4vs
Seriy,83, Shama Joy/86) lGtl Dorcherer Av, Whntp€0 R3[l 0R1 (H) --- Btien & Inne TODO (Cahy? /, Kethfrc, Crlenda/ 82) Box 158, l(emon RoM 020 (O
llB -Abonlrg)
Mary Ann COLEMAI{ & Ed EUSTACE (J6sica/ RR t l, Suls.r EoE 1P0 (10 Sharon a Ssn
GREENLAW (Carat8, Jana/8o, KtU82, MegsdSS) ] Head, Grand Manan EoG anO Enre & Julte Keen MARKS
(Rals8artg, J6ld8a{) Box 62, Elgln EOA tPO Staan PITilAN & Psrl JA@|ES (c&iHrrS. Sarah/8t, RR
t3, Nqton Eoe 2ib
Garole SKINNER (Marl(,€o,
8{, Sardr Cloud/f4
NLiohs,8t, ildhanleys2, J6hua/
OlrE -- Klm & Vlrce IXjFORT (Clatd8l, AbrehdS4l too D3 t\bmardb, Bouchm,llc.BB 5S7 -- CUEBEC llOtlESCtl@Lli|G ADVISOS/, 4650 Acadh, Ledrtne HOT 1N5 Botslr TI{OMAS t Jlrmy BAKOLTAS 1pp.1-*,
-- 4655 Boyer, MontrBd Ha, 3Ei -- t)rnny f Ul}!se/8a Tdae TITTLEY Nathenm, Neorfl!.r8, Cel€U$, nrErhyt8S) a) vbrorla, Polnre clal6 l-lgs 4st (]0 -- Per wALsH & ttlo SASI(
--- &.
DPKSON (l{eled86, BrlanAS} Box 1914, MNrsthon ttT2EO Card Lynn & Llno DIFEL|CE (ctna/S, AteVSS) 2og
Wsldr6ler Crc,
Cdhedn6 tzP
(O Karon DIXo|{ (Carofn6m) 143 BernerT?aI, ScaftoEugh MtB tBs (H) BatbenGAJTH|ER (Br.nt6, Sfnonne, Leyte/Bt) Bos 6a7, Venldo€I Hlll K08 lRO D*o|ah 0 l{ornnn GIOTIEOGE (Jarnld&t, RR 12. t neflon Fog ilro (t0 LW GREENSPImN & Mlk llBILLO( (Benlarnwz, tfoaU 79, Abranr€2, Reuben,8s) RR tt, Go|r Bay PoP iF|(,00 S1
Shannon & John GRESHAL (Sara/gA, Eimel, Hafl€y/S6) O5 Ellen S, W Kndefier N2H 4K1 H/ARR|S (And83, --Tlnoihy Adraryl8q a65 Od Goulab Bay Rd, Seut Sre ttarle p6A sKg
Clnlhht Drnnb HENDERIIO{ (C€rotynag, J.rn6/85) 29 D Lhe, Rlchar& LeriltlrB FoR tJo Cdhedrt e Rodoto HENNG!' (Alden/8t, P|ulo€q 78 Blngo.nan St, Khdton€. l{2t{
--- g;4
g Leno€ KLMARnN Oon ttm/S3, Carhedrd 88! 242 tlbshsags St, Oah,lto L8L 3A9 Cho & Gtenda KIIOWLES (AndFafrS, Ademt8, Mtduou8f) OC plrE bhnd C|6, lvdedoo Mery e Abx MOLNAR (Nldrobrfr4, ffity/ Tl . Rs{'€,I8(]. Manhe/83, Molly/84 23 txl St, Klchene. N2c 112 Kay & Son NrcOLL (Arny/8g, ilta/s1 sg4 pot sL llew Hantutg tl08 2GO --- ONTARTO t |OMESC|{@LERS, qr, Box 260^delr5e g E To.qrlo M5 lib Ter6a PITMAN (U!nh€wz7, tbet78, D.nloUBt, JerEflt/B4) 1235 R€6ank Cr-. OalorlL L6l{ 1Y4 Robert & Monlca
-- tK&
REIO (Elz#h/8e, PstdcldS/+, hn/84 PO Box 13?2, Wtndror N9A 6R3 Jat r' Len ROAGH (Narhanbl"9, Bronren/'., KendralSs) 75 $uan Av, ltlloirdab M2t{ 182 JkI| ROSS Anne QUICK (Poltl8l. J€nny/83, Chtblha/go) t lA W Lym Av, Tor6ro il4c Phl & ttary LF|n SaJNDERS (Joey/ 80, Ang€la,8it, Brhn/8s, Tlrmy/88) RR I, t.|S.letle litG tHO (H, Fnderlc* SCHUELER e AHaK RST D (Jennter/86)
Bbhor Urb
Saldoon S7K 3E5 -- Bd t Loub3 C RLSOT{ ll'.t1dll0,Erwl4 S W|!on Cr6, Sckebon S7J 2Mt
Fred & Arcn FUNK SASKATCHEWAN I{OUE-BASED EDUCATORS, Bd 113, Ndtlesd{ tTo 9e6,1y6p111j R€b€cca HAI{KINS-VOPNI (Allde/8o, Davtt/8a, Aaron/8q Bor
r2, Odofd Satbr K(xi 1T0.- SEEDT-|i|G, cr€cstt, RlchrDrd Hllt L4C 5Ls
Joy Rdtd. @ Send€Gm
Dr, Oofl
ll€W ZEALAIIO l(oMn t Noolln€ BARKLA (EltsSslh/ao, Jand83, ThornclST) 17 MdenDfe Rd, RD 12, Heweta, Now Zealand Ca|ol & Mac BrcWN (G|egory/8l, Steverv8t!, Slmn/84 167 Totaia Dr, Hanilton (H) PRUNES, 120 Eekdale Rd, Aucldand 10 --- Pdor e Jill WHITIIORE (lhomarr/s, BonZ7, Anna/88) 58 Joflicos Rd, PanmJre, Auddand 6 (tl)
EI-SEW}IERE: Raynpnd & Jean BURLE (R.Jtt, Edwadrrc, Patrbkrts) LAGFE (AVSCOM) San Francbco CA (Xn1{066 (S€oul, 3 Korrr) Blll& Eva CHAPKO (Jasonrt9, J$ntfer/82, DanieU 85) do STATIC, Plazza Calrcll 45 98,|00 M6sha ]hly Davb & J€an GROVES OlnFrWs, Austtn/8o) PO Bor 317, AFO NY 0940e5$1 (lhr Azmr) Chr€ HARNEY & Stanhlaw KI-ACZANY (PaFy84, SbphenidS6l Vanedbv 4416 113 31 Slodootn Sil!&n Danny & Glo.h HARRISON (ElE&effifr.l, AnlonhzE, Anna & Sophla/84) Box R, APO New Yod( 09078 (10 An a L6|le HlcKs (4 drlldren aged 2€) Flt OF. Box 8Zl8 Tamunhg, (I.m S911 --- Gary Rose HOLT (Dororhea/81) USAE IBERLANT Box 36, APO NY 0s7& 0001 (Poit|ed) (10 Nigd e Lynda NoRToN (lsaiah/8s} PO Box 607, Colonia Yep FSll, llcl 9694:l PANAITA SUPPORTGrcUP, PSC Box 1578 APO Mhn{. Fbrida 3'l@1 .-- Tom e Belh PEACE (Lloydn, Phihrr4) Lsdch
EOUCATION, PO Box l0 St?ethph€, Qld ALTERNATIVE ETXJCATION RESOURCE GROUP,3e W[[am $, Hewrhome, Vlc. 3122, Moboume Anne & John AUSTIN (Pauu8o,
Devld/8|) 2 Bullen Av, Mitdrem, Vlctorla3t3?(H):r John & Hedher BARTON (llcafl9, CarpbellrS3) 3t Sharp S! N€srown, Geebng, Vi:torla3C20 (10 BRISBAITIE I|oUE SCI{ooLIi{G GROUP, t/|8 Hen86 Rd, Sahbury 4107 Veronba CROWTHER, 20 Sunhll Rd, Lorer Tsrelocore. Vlclofi3107 Andr€a FULLER (Ry/Ot, J6stcdg3l pO Bd
1187, Pod Llf@ln SA 56G Jq @DKt{, 37 WenMh Av, Centorbury, Vlctorla 3126 Alllon LATTIMOREHORRIDGE & RaFh LATTIMORE (Flnnhn/8s, Tor/84 3 Moncrl€tl Sl, Didson, ACT 2802 (t0 Jdrn & Eve LUEK (Jadd8/t) rl0 Letr St Kdoonbe Z/g), tlSW Sue SlMPSOil, 1 0 Hitsld€ Pde Glen |rb 3 t.t6 Ehvan VECELLIO & Sltah PARSOT{S (Lotunrt8, Ella/€n, hrrhs/B/t, Ar|aya/86) Darana l+p€r Bult Crk Rd Byabdra2446, Via
Atlm/78, Kevln/7g) PO gor 378i1. Oamrnan 3t.t8t (S||d Willam & Marl€ STGLIAI{I (Mrba/S?, Clafe/€3, ^r.U.) Erllld8s, ceterha/84 ottqutehstrasse 123, sudstadt A 2344 AUEHr (]0 John t KathysuMAilsKl(John/78, MartcSl, Merr/83) CARITAS, Casa tb Cuntloc, Apdo 31 AvdagarqulshEio, Lbeddor, Y.nad. Chaln & Fayga TAVENS (Chaltre/86, EfratntSSl 16 Tlfer€t Ybrel Sr, 975@ Jeurd€m Slddhanha & Shashl I/OHRA (lbhish€td 81 1 Obn€y SclFol,l l 6Aclyt Lhe Baroily (U.P.) 2.*m1 lnde Ron & Maily WAGNER (Heatherrrc, Aaonzg, Nldro|a3/82)Bd 24, APO NY 0e406 (lhoAzoi..)
hr-l --
Roben & Lltltanna KL|M (Ntchotat/81 KatUS:l) Hdd€borg HS, AFO NY 09102{@5 Renair LEUFFEN (Danny/8a) Fbrzog Str. 14,4OO Arssetdor{ (tO
@rrespondenoe Schools or Materlals
(Jen'g Amyts, Midrdbl7S,
Jdlr8z, Arbon/8q 56qh PSC APO lrh yofi oe178 Didmar & Margy WALTER (Canle/8l, Ing@f, SrwentS6) Flnlcneo 14, 731 1 l'loctdort Nanc, & Burge ZAPF
Caatlebwn, lslo ol Man, Brttbh Candb LITSEY & Edward Youtlc, t0 FaHd Rd, Chbwldq W4 1EW (l{) Rd & Babara SHEPPARD (Ellie/ 80, Marthd€lil, Alfie/84 2 Maydose, New Hultm,, Kendal, Cunbda, England U{8 04G --- Chrlstine WILLARD (Saratu82) 5 CornwallAw, Flndrley, Londfi N3 Enghnd UTCTRLDL WIOE EDUCATOI{AL SERVICE, Strode Housq 44150 Orn$urgh Sl Londoi NWi 3NN England
-- J*kt
PE 18 gAN England
F|€'|nan EOERI A (Etlnag, L.UFU
8l) SASKATCHEWAN l{Ot ESCH@LERSI, t7t0 Prlnc. of
Butler 51, Wbodst@k l,!lS 382 ilarg8 ANTORAUOSEPP Andr6 RAUDSEPP (Hannorr3, RaFfte, LeheAS, JakoDO, Jdvy8s) 20 Pepeblrch Dr, Don Ulls MS AE7 And|€w BLAI(E, 17 Mohawk Av, Pon credlt LSG 3R5 CAI{AO|AN ALLIAIiICE OF HOI,E SCI{OOLERS, 195 ltarkvile Unbnvlb UIR 4V8 Gharbc e Carol-Ann @NSOY (Datrldl 70, E lcefr8, Joeng) RR t2, Shartor Lake 1611 2p9 Frcda DAVIES (Kovlnal) Sodh ctl|33 POT aro cten & Chds
Pam & RoI MARTIN (Seamusr|s, Sao.frg, Mbelvso) Box 242, Corildl COA I lO (10
Stephen MORRISSEY (Jaf.rtg) 4300 Rr t38, Hunttnodon
-Balaglonney Fanl Ronague lslc
Hubbarda BOI 1T0
ilS Harul GEROLD (EdoyS:t, Kaltna,8s) RR S, Truro BaN 58"4 Slan & HWh UdEAt{ (Wllovg/l, Rilar/ 87l BhckA\on, RR f2, l{eerhqron BO{ tRO (}0 &u€ &
Ln. Hefi*|gilod Abors
Jll & Rde.tGlLLll.lGSl (Jmrr€, Liam/el, Zod85l
Wde3 Av,
IAI{ MAt{tTOgA ASSOC FOR SCHOCN-D{G AT HOME, 89 Edtor Cre., Wlnnheg R2c 3H8 Darld & tteg MoCONKFY (Alentn, Marld84, chra/86) RRr, Bnndon R7A 5Y1 Krldln P€TERSON (Daron/&D 2e wshur sr, Whnbog RS 1P5 (10 Chabs e Lry SMALL (Jdfy/st,
2C3 Carole SMITH t Stephd| BYRNE (KarLrtB, Dan/8l, Hg|ryl8s) PO Box 82, ilcDmalds Corn€t! KoGi 1M0 (10 He|IIl & Joarn WIEBE (Aarm/8l, SanrreuSs) 73 Pol Apr 1, tlow Harburg i,log 2cO
-Am Weelddten 8, D{a|o Ko€nlgstetn
Omge Ai.lcrtor, PO gox 3153, ToEpo AZ 85281 ; w213&.t117 Altr Yhlr Colhlr Pr... l{om. S.$ool Orrlc PO Box 222, Medlna WA 98C130: 206.45+7448
& Batbe.a HANAO+(A (lfit/86) 7665 Tskerazuk -Eh[ Neteyam. Soen, 2 ban 16 go Mrk
Shlrby LUTTO (Jacd/l&,. Marda/A4l 4-+3 Oehohera. --- Gib.rr I Debordr ilact(AlL (Lyn&ay/s6) Tonll Stdlon 787, APO San Fnncbo $:Xtl-lo$ (O clnrhh& Motohko ilAl( (lrcfikr/84, Naod86) t3 Natamadll, Nbhb-shl, Alchl-l6n 445 0{ Lemre I Shunll MORIMOTO (Yuya,a4, Mlya/87l Sunny H0ht8 rklrE, 188 Aouracho, SalVGku, Kyoto J+an 8oO (O Hl6hl& J{let o|{UCHI (Mhetn, Kamg, Ketv8o) 138$tG Yernanel€, Yerrrnakdo-nxj?a, Mhanl Tsuru-gun, Yarnanahl-ken Trtoi05 (H) l(athl€r REAG N t Cttb ROCHESIER (Kdh.dn O4, ChrhQh€/8o) Forolgn SwI€ Ins! Ftetd
Seidel Shl 980
sdrool FPo se8nb,98781 (H' PUERTO EOO
& Co.rny Cl.low(Jtng-rpl,€0.
loll@il --
Flone & Rtctard CH FF Storrrl, Lochend, Sh€tland Oanld & Ecther CULPIN (R€$e?f€, S[neon/8l, Bonlan{d88) 36 Queensru@d Dr, Hanpton Oene, Hefttod HRI fAT England (10 Jgrc Frank DONEGAN (Seant8o, BEndan 83, Cd|o/B/[, Aldan/801 Drufihroy, Nestoun Cunnhghan, Co. Doneg4 l|€larxl Clndy John DRll{c (lreg6nrt6, s|rmryrg, Erhad 83, Owen/86) Tho Farm ilotculen, Couily Cralway lreland (10 Pele' & Canrpl TXJFFY (SbbheMrg, Dbn €0, Oxren Bt, Mary/8z, Pderr8s, Jrrd€/S7, O€lrdre60) .N€w l{opd, Ratlmaly, Trlm, Co. Medh lrsland EDUCATPN OTHERWISE,25
harlrL, 27n S 10m
lry. Pery
Anrrlcr| Sdrool,
e50 E 5qh, Chlcaoo lL 6odl7 (high ldroot} Chd.dn Sdpolr, PO Bor 271 15, Indlenepotb lN
1@7i317.€a1-7132, Bfta|n| Yosng lr{,?| of
8rdy, AO Fbrtan
Conthulng Ed Bldg, Provo UT 846@ Cdv.rl Sdrool, 105 Turcany Rd, Baltkflore MD 21210 Acd.|ny, 5@ W Eudld Ave, Arthgton t-ftg
lLqm'l Cffi.tJ|
A1-1126;76-{3/rc768 Clr.dc Gcrlcuhnn, Dspr 31
Ensbtr P|alLlint DL$h|tor.'
}|ultt{oor. WA 98671;
1126, Hadsonbury VA
PO Bor 656,
Ml 48012;
$, Canfildg€
7251 Be3s l-|ury, St Cloud MN 327@ PO Bor 9, Washougal
Ch[d D.udoFtnrf g.l,
Hct. Srdt
Jhg-ta/84) Calle Berianqul.r 5q Apl 1-B Santurce OS7 M.ralyn & Ted ORTIZ (Eu3tadorn8, Jarie/q)) PO Bor 3115, (tur& 0005&3115 PUERTO Rl@ l.lOUE SC||OOLNG ASSICIATIC,N, 5(x| Barb. Sr, S.nturc. m12
Anrrlcrn lloor Acr&my uT84im
Sdtoot, Po Box 10058, No@d
tlq|I Sldt Htf,,
Crroll A|r, Tal(ona
Parfi MD
h!-rroond lrdtul,
PO Bor9g, Park Rldgs
HoD, PO Box 27GG, Flonaunau Hl 5726 Ice|fby Acdmy,2213 Sptrr Trefl, crapwhe TX 76051; At
fdtTr fceCmy, PO gor 1438, Lsuisvfle TX 75067 ft|orl Eool Co, 3XB SW Park A\re, Poihnd OR Cf20s' 37gl;5@22&0315 qr Ldt of Ylcb.t S.fiool, PO Bor 5181, Mlssbn HlIs CA Uvne
P.|rrcoh CHrthn Coropondoncr
37 Pensacola FL 34523
llom stdy,
S.ton S.fiool
One Kldd Ln,
Slfl Edrcdoill Swlo.. Bq Trrtboolc U of
P.|qrL, Bq
RoyC VA 2203cgxl2i
10rc. Sunhnd CA 9i
(ro 81&352-zJ10
Kenddd lD 8i5it7; ?0e276{721
l{.!n t lndA.| $dt llgh sd|ool, Conthulm
Ed Cl? Rm 2@, Uncoln NE 6858!l We3h DC 20O9. s€e PETERSON'S INDEPENDENT SIUDY 22@ Maslshulotlr Aw, Cantddge MA @ 1,10 fot
Stdy lltrcro?y: lStl llorn Slrdy Co|r|d,
For high sch@|, @lleg€ and $ad couae, CATALOG, avalable from Holt Assodd6, U1.95 + posta0s.
l&h Sl NW
enrolllng or heblng
S.rroob, 91}42-9721 (KSl
CA 91789; 714-S&973 PO Bor47t39, Ph6nh AZ 850€8 Dlrcovrry Cfuiflhn S(,iool, 5547 Al&tne Dr. Conco{d CA 94521 ; .ll ffi72-5670 G.AT.E S.fiool, 1725 N Dare t/+3, ll6e AZ 85401; 960{821 S.fiool, 2458 Grasrootr Way, Taiahass* FL 3an1; S+85&3629
er..roob Frt
Hgh h.dow' q) Gatohoure FD, l{ew P& t'lY 12561;914-25Se{2 l{ooE B$.d Eac.ton Prog,rrnf donln, 1289 Jew€t 51, Ann Atbor Ml 4104; 3l}7@4515 hd.p.ndmo. Prlvrt S.fiool, cro Pdndpd: M. Bladq 45 Abst St Nonh, Orllla, ONT L3V 5K3, Canada
Ho.tFc.rtrtd lr.rdry,
PO Box 92, E.condldo CA 92025;31971*15?2. MD 21045;301-7Gm73 Urdil Sd|ooa, 57? Ulltary, Benb CrEk Ml 4S15; 6l&9632821 Pfi|.t S.||ool, Rt I Bor 20, l{€u'bu?g MO 65650 l{o|r Sdrool, 90@ E l23rd, l'lastlngs MN 55GB; /137-S/tg
fh Lrifng Cormuity,9085 Fhr'rp@l Wey, Cotunble POBos29, NSan Jug|
C 95m
40. Plm
CO &'[79;
S.fFolht |blwotlq 74S W Ap&he, S.dalL 80135; 4868H136 Cao'ab $dngr ]lmrcfiootro, A6 Matllyr| Rd, Cobrdo Spdngr 809@ DoutL. Co Hdr..fioo|.|t, 841-5467 Fooafl. my s.rroob, at91 Mt Adubon FonCo|||r Ho||n lrooldt, /rs1209 J.fh?.oo Co Ho|t|.choob|r, 79510188 T.f.. co tfom..ioolng A|,p'c, &?$74. CT:
Coqons drslde ol
AL.L Hilr.c||ool A..oc,
Sl 10i?'F.rc121
ALD.|tr Ho|n A|crbr. - Moni0pnDry Arte, 6-019 Joryne t', UodgffDry $100 A|.D.'tr Ho.||. Arcdor. - Tu.c.loo.. Art . Rl 3 Box 68. Coltoodab 3!153 fh. Yolc., (l{ew!bne0 Rl 3 Bor 37-8, Telblle O76;20$28}5018
FO Bor 874075, Waslia 90687;37}74(x SR Bor 53?OA, WallhS687;3781e15 lo? ]bnr Escdm, dlg E Kho t)f, M6e 85aB; 98'1-7135
Ar|lom lbrr SdEol ltr, f 0AOfi Cedoa:l,Tdrp.Ssegl Ho|t|. S.fiool E|nd|.., t 125 E Orid( Drsw P[ TrElon 85749 Prtnt. A..oc ol CH.II| Sdroob, 01eo W Hlghland, Phoenh 85qB G.o?F &|Fon (}o|f,
]lo||r Eircdon t5ro.L"
8087 Tanqre Vede Rd, PO Box 80147, Tucson 85751€1/t7 12411 Sardis Rd, Mabolvale 721q1 Prurt PU.*l CH.lIt h
Xor|i P|rf.&
EArc.lor.: 56$999
fr hn Edrdon. 13m
Hctrd|oobr lodrn 36ool
PO Bor 9€, W Boxlotd 01885;
tro.r Ho||r..rtoo|;..
- IW
BHftFF st, Bensdb 2076i
5.. Xil! lr..rf.rg A..oc, PO Box 1976. Lenox 012&,.t13-637-216s ilorlr $d| 8.lDorr C*P, 503-16&48qt or 5G85$8970 Soud!
IAtAfSCo|'rtt llom..dtoolng Arroc, FO Bd 246, 01451i56.{5&3688 ot h.G Etu€ton cta (sdon), 72 oale st, Roclndal€ @131i 617-34&1119
lf,: Ailm.. GHrlo Hcr. EArcdon A..oc,
h'5o|'r S|TFil G|orp, llebolne;
Abo( l,.nJng, 25 Be|trEd€ Rd, Porllettd 0ar01 Ui Bdlmo|t lb|t...lroo|||i ColtL.l. 2l I I Easbtn Ave, B.llkrotg 21231i27&51g) Clrldn llorn Sdroolr ol rc, PO Box 5A{, Cutrt dand 215@; gr1'75+9e58 F.||L Crr||td lrrt*|e A..oc qArn Annd,850.{496 F|t Hct co Emorr (lo.p, 05Al Momlngslde Cl, tllddlelown 217e lhrtd ]bn Et|c.loo A..oc. s85 Flatneol Way, Colurola 21q5; 7s0073 fongo||rry Co Stpott eoup, 2084t HoF d ChSl O?, Oemetctl 20872'la7i 01-25+
A\,€, Loubvlle
!h frubff.| CltDn to? lto|n Edrc.lm, 34Of Van &rf€tr' Bald $,: htr llomrrfrol A..oddo|r, PO Bor 3ABi!, Al$um Ol2tO
Yrby Hom.droolf,r l5sdq Al: AdDn
N 19th Sl, LCeyetle,4T$4
Edrcrlo|t, SB
sodn lxgmo.rc.o|?, RR t gor 183, Pero*.47666i912-7fi>916 W--lt V{.t Ho||n fiooLr. A-oc RR 53 Box 260, Tt'r Harne 4uo5 f&lb..b.rrcrt t Hoflr Edabt A..oc,31egl-W. l(rlfrlor^|rfidu. EilHtoo 1$05 Renner Rd, Spd|E Hll G6003913€8e8r0 bdrlr| Prur Bcrb'., 0135(17-2585 Wldtlr L.d59 hil-. 31&284-ffi1
sT lEsA4
Ctr ln lto.r
lrn|ogrq| co Hcn Eirc.b'r, 1138 Byron Si, Huillngion 46750 fndrr A-oc ot lbtm Eilrcaort. PO Box 50524, Indlanrylb 1€pfp;3i7-51717?2. Idrodr ldrm llorn S.rroohq mB N 19lh Sr, Ldaydle4Ts4
3 gox
bho, S18
Plne Hlll Or, Coeut d'Al€ne 8tB1'a; 20&667-228 3125 Bld( Hlb, Bobe €X1709;20&@-O149 PO Box 578291, Chlcaoo 60657{P31i312'Q!r47n EAslorr, PO Bor 201, Zon 0@9 Horn Edrc.lor., 7264 Lal6lde Dr, Indlanapoils 46278
e!.t| lrhpo.l{o.r
Slgtg or Locel Groupr: (atph$erhatly by srdo)
Valloy 51555
Alsoc, FO Bor 213, Oc Mofra sCfpl
XY: lbnb|cty Hoon.,|oob?., g!10 lllnob
group., pLase land a SASE. use Internatlonal
Vlneyatd Way, Tallalrarsee 3AD1; ${€5&71"51 /1818 Joy Lane, Lbum AP47
G.ocl.|.lo? F..dom h Enrcdon,
lDi Hom. Edrc.lo?. of
Hdtr Ed|c|lon A..oc FO Bor 55, Dotef f99dt FdLh A..oc la S.lrooL li Hdr, lm Dovl'r Dlp. TaIal'E!!8 3ap8; 87&?gl
llli C.nd hdL. E|fhn co P.|ilr Ei|C.lo..,21982$9007 FGLA lX SCc. G.oe. 726a Lakside (}, Itdan+of,s 464781317'&G171 Fori WryD Ar.. lloo. SdrooL, €21 lrlrada tt, Forl Wayne 45816
lor. Hoi. Eircrbt
Homeschool Ing Organlzatlons to
93 Baho Rd, De€p Rlvor 01101; aF5a&9762
sT rES ll.t(
137F t{oel Rd, s|rlte 1@, thlh3 Tx75P.4o CA l,a0gh714€50-1460 Stondr T'r, 2t79 Mot6r Pl. Gda IEACH,4iF0 L.l3lard Allr, N Rdhsdsb t N 55'122 whoL Erfr Ffin School, Serf|ole Rd NE Shr.rron OR 97381
Cdraclcut Ho||| Eilrcfb?. A..oc,
Ennrl llomor4 Po Box 3515, s woodslod( 0626-r; 2(&9zl-2416 ltonr Ed|cdon l..g|r of Plrr|L (llELP), PO gor 2o:1, AblngDn 062it0
laho l|cn Eiatodsoultrrn l-ho,
S.dnnf, do Jot Relbr,0g Sanderlon Cr6ce.|t, Rldrrpod Htl Ontarb L4C 5L5. Canada Sldry L.ion Sc$ool, Cl Orerland t)?, Ooo Mllr, Orr, Canada M3G 2COi416{47-5355 $ Court Gil.flft s.tool, 1215 OlynTb Ave, Edrnon& WA 900@; 20en 1-t7g! Sbilnoa }||L Sdrool, 3 sonecoor I,r. Pucblo @ 8l@5; re561-3510
ll you
PL Lonotrpnt 80501
H*, 1015S. Grybrd $ Sule226, Denr€|gp@, G74l-HOilE IqDfh|os At llom., 2.1551 Has,*r C1rcL, E\tetgresl 804!!9; S+67G1491 l{ortrtr Cdado ]tom. Sdtool A..oc, .l{!gl Skylhe Dt, Ft ColXnr 809,26 ilafiln k!{r.nY.? edlp, 45o{D5
S. Mah Sl, PonDna CA
Colo'r fo
hrnlrh HoondtooLr., Rt I Bor l/|a8, Cbtron S525
s.dd.t ct vdby cu, Bq 9 t2, El To|o G gfiD; 714-855.80CXl furr Fr Connrro School, PO Bor 2241, Sarits Fe Nil 87501; 505.171€P8
t] lb;l lb|| .dEoL?. A..oc, 94.a16 KlanlS.t, uillad 9e78s lAi lorr h.r*.lot| Edsloo, RR 3 Bd 14i1, Mlsscud
lrrtr Cil.tlt Co.L S.||ool,.ll2-3A2gP4 lornrfi Hgh Admy, PO Box 4l I, Fbra Vlna NM 8741 5
lvh-ong ljtr.,|ool,
18181 RoDettt Rd, Rlvetllde 2427 Grandby, S8n Jas 95la)
SL.r. Ho|r.dtoo|.|r, PO Box 74, Mldplnc 95015 SonorH Cou*y llomrcfiooLr., 860 Tetrpl€man Rd, Forostvlle 95i136 3ordr i C.n!!, Bs 261, Bouldor Grsk 95qr6 (t6ouro cit lof lamill€8) 3o.$ Y*y Ho|n-.lrcohr. A-n, Bd 961, San Merth 95(x6 Yolo Cq||ly Ho|n .d|ooL?., PO Bor 3xr5, Espatto 9!627;91&787-3613 Qoicolonlo lbm Edrcrbr|'A..oc, l6t6 lnh $, Box 372' Denvs
FL 3acE8
Srmft Ctubdrr! Ac.-mt, Drv.logmdrt
8I| U.go Hon .drooLr.,3581 Ml Adet€ Av!, Sttr Dbgpalll Vdby llom...fiooL?.,.186 W. Le||'y Av, Acadh 91@6 3I| ffi
Pltbt.||!h nocfy
FodA PJat|{ircdo.. A..oc, t7g,
h|r|t Y-non Ac.Omy, lAt Vhe Sl, Munay UT 84107 It Crnrl Acdmy, RD I Bor 1732 Waerv|lb vT 0549 nnd. CH.d.n sdool, 20 S ogth, Kensa. CIU MO 661.| t; 91978&a)18 f|orlr l-o||g 3.dr CJn ry CbFl, 1? E Ansle Bhd, Lmo Boeh CASSo5i (hl hrdoe srfiool, PO Bor 712, Blad(lburg vA A060; ffi4&f510 H[ufn C|r|rln 3.l|ool, 3750 E 5nh St tlayd CA gr0; 21]58$3167 Pilgdm Sd|ool, 5gl N Balne, PoilervlL C S1257;20T782-01@ Rt 2
Yrlby lb|rr..rrooL?., 796 Shordon [t, Sunnryde 94087 A..oc,2214Grant St. Bed(eloy 94703;.ll+91&1969
srd. Clfr
hb? S.fiooL, PO gox427, Raharo|r D( 71583 Iorrfig Oory Piffi S.fiool, FO Box 20, Fl wtiL
Cqnly Hotn lreme||, FO Box 4667. Salhes spl2;4o&66s5324 llor|r Courty ]fmrchoollng Cr, 1225 S Boylo Avo, Es@ndldo 9e7i61g7@587
FdaruL tlom-altooL?.,
CH.t.n Frntt EAratond Srwla,
Plmrood Seipol,
San Jo6o,40&26e1494 ot 40&378-6480
Iorirty Prilraa
Cdrm| Sc||ool, RO 1 Bd 95, Smyms lfY 1346/t Crrcr& Cenym S.||ool.45€r-3484 (San Anre||rp, CA) CH.tJ| Chrp.l s.t|ooL, 19ao S Br.e Cln Cddf Rd, lvahur
ut!. hd hdc hdmSdEol,
llall|n Glllonlr Hom..fiod.|t
Send SASE. Aboou Loop CHd.n Ct,26a6Abbon Rd. AnchqegeAK 99507 Aunglon Acd.nry, 176 Maln $, YarrFuitrpon MA 0a875 (Cap€ Cod only) Alohr !Od., 4640 SW 182, Abhe OR 97@7; 5@€42-4txx bcC Atphe Chirdm School, Rt I , Petty KS AO73; 91 $507-5822 Amdcrn ]brlt gr C|r|.t.n Ac.-my. m7 CaMne Rd, S*ratFnb CA 958aq 916€82-2382 Ih. Arch.., 7t?tA Thunddblrd Dr, Tuclon AZ 857G Arlvc. Corrnnlty S.trool, PO Box 24, ArlyB AZ 85601 Pr.t GH.lm s.hool, 139{0 E Melc€d, Beldwln Pstk CA 91rc8; 91&sl7€828
B.lffn qh Prr.v.l S.t{lr
CdtlodJ.codltn - PALS, PO Bor 92, Escondldo @@5;€t+74$15?2 Crrrr for Edrcdorrl, FO 8ox /t45. N San Jug| 95soi916?9e'36?3 CHrlm Fnlly Stttoc., PO Box 2$68, san Joco 515gso Ctrld.n fbnr EdrHlor. of CA, PO Box 28614, Santa Ane e799; 711'537-5121 C|r|.tn HorD Ed.nlor. o( La Ang.b. Co, PO Bor 1888, Nqwalk s65l; 21+P4'3AXI Coiltfirrily Eircdd| GDli., PO Bor 445, N Sen Juan 95960 Cdrt llo|||, gX5 Santa Paula Of, Concod 9{5 8; .[1 $67+ 294 1.or$
Helplul Prlvate Schools Prlvato
B.y At
Plro.|ir SFdd Proerrm., 3t32 W Clamndo, Phoenk AZ 85017 (hlgh sdrol) Rod I $Jf R$lLh.r., Crocken fi 4l4l3i 8G522-1tt48
87 s|dlAv, Bmcho{r m4(P;50&58&1529 Horr..rroollnf Otg.tltrton, 248 May St 12, Wdoeslst 0l@; 50&75$9553
38 flicoppP.? Cotrily
hrtily lr.nftg (}gr&don,
Coop, PO Box 713, Houghton 499t1
Fmfil.. t*rtuing Ulrtong LJ|.?r, Z45zsoulhcrrt
Ay, Mapleu,ood
Frrgo-floof.lnd tlomeroNrool Assoc, 190+8th 51S, Moorhead 56360 Hrrr A..oc Ot Ho|n EdtFrb?., Bd t4ipq Mlnneepolb 9,Afi4 llrn otr Ho|tr S.fiool l|.trori, S60 E 123rd, HaClrg! 550*t (612497-S49) Si Xrrlrlppl lbmrdroddt A..oc, Rt 4 Box 436, pasr Chdstlen 3OS71
rc: Frdlh.lor
Y.lby llonrdrootril A-n, Kdtlpelt, O@{Osq
(Montana Hdne8dtool Newsl. t7@ Hwy 83 North,
Lake 59969;
llomrdrooLr. of Imtrr|, Bq .tO, Blllhgs 59101 Hontl'I Hom..fiooLr. A..oc, PO Bor 95, UIM MT g948SSg5 STATES
blho fil{y
6:F8481 1, gor
HomcSctroolril Erclrngr, RO f 72E, E Chatham tAOq) toq lrtud Fmlly Edrcdo?., PCI BOX 2sq Sawll€ t 1TAA@€B
tor|g LL.|d lb|r!.d|ooLr. fh,884 Wtbon Bhd, Contral lslp ti?22;51&348-O4tO Lo$ng Edrcdon At llom., PO Box 3I2, ryrerse tg2oo llarOrirClnlr0n llorn Edrcrton, f 05 St Marts PIAS 2, q.@klyn 112i7 fbr Yoft Clty l{on| AtilrE, cro Thofda Monb, 341 E eh $, l{€w york 1mO3; 212.173-7173
Yo|t S Hoor.drooLr.' Rt I 8ox 8. chent 12075 Rocharr Am llomrrfioollng A..oc,401 Parsels Av, Rcider 14609: 7t&A8&ACXt4 XV Hom..droo*|! ttrot, 8ti Atbany St, Bufleb t42t3; 7tgA8l-3SSo l : llor|t Crmlnrn |or }|q|r E frcion, PO Box S443, Rdebh?Tffz Ml: llorlr llrloh lloor Scftool A..oc, imegrd St SW, ilandan 5955(: 701€639958
Escsr. ol Oilo, QliGHrIf| Cfiton 447t t; At&491-g:b6 Blu€Oonnet D?, Findhy4SS4O (bcC only) Hom. School Ot, 1444 Gud€y Avr, Ataon 44310; 2i663+31@ Ohlo Cod. of EArcrtord Albrrdu llor, PO Bor Oe4, ThorFon 44@6 fh. F.t|l|y lrlnlng Conn c{on, pO Bor tgtg, Dwant Z4ZC2 Qf,i OK Cdrtd Hoer Ed|crtor. Con od.ton, PO Box 270601. OKC 73137 Odrhorn CHt0rn lbm frrceto?. AIoc, PO Bor 't@, J€nkB Z.IO3Z PO Box g)g<t,
CMrtrn Perut AIoc,310
Qft Crntrd Oogon Ho|tt.droolqq PO Box gn6, Bend gfto8; 5@382-1517 Ilooglm Gourty llomrcfioolrf| Cofxr.ctm,4O5:l Hanna St, Rc€burg 9Z4ZO FGLA Of, SCce Ooq, 8016 Yank cubh Rd, Tatenr 97540; 5O353+4009
Home.$oof.o ot lr. Cotfiy, 38010 Pengra Rd, Fall C1eokCz4;3,,.tff}.g3T-?271 Prnr|t. Euc.ton A..og FO Bor il8:1, Eevorton 9Z(t5:500€4$3700 Port.rd Ar.r T.l4osily fb|n.droot ?., oro Susan Jqg, 2gq)l S. Davls Rd, Estacada 970Er1;5@63(F4$5
P&Ch.b?Counfy Hom.d|ooLr., pO BoxC, padl lgnl Honr. Edrc|tor. of PA, RD 2 gor 33.tA Munlon t6gOO Prilil Educrlor. of PA, 3134 tleslon $, Phllad€Fhla 191.t9;33$067rl
P.rf.ylydr Hom..fiod .r, RD 2 8ox t lz
Klt'tanntr€ 16201;412-7836512
EL Prnnt Educetan ot !!, PO Box S16, Covontrt O2O1 6; 40 142*9124 ffiodo L. td Co|I0nrdoill Educ.{ofi,46 E George St, Prwld€nce 02906;lo1.?//t-gg97 SC: Cr'ollnr Frnily S.hoot A..oc, Rr 2 Box 17, St Stephon 29479 SOr Sosdr D.kotr llom. S.fiool Aa.oc, Rt 2 Box 45. Ganetson 5TOX) Tl{: }bmo Educrtlon Ar.oc ol T.rn (HEAT), 3{iZ, Rlchbrhr Gt, Na8hvllle 37Zl l HorEchollng Famlll68, 116 Richards Dr, Otlver Sp.lngs 3ZB4O; 43$1667 TX: Cffrtm HotF Ed of 9m Antodo, 1217! N6w SuFhur Spgs Rd,, Adkjns 78101;
u*17A. E Pr.o ttonr..fioof.r. A..oc,
Star Routo Box A7, Anthory 7*/21|ig19-f'7-2417
FrlJly ]fom. EArc.tor. ot IlrI.., PO Box 280W,o€lt]Fatrqgi?14€81-1728 Tcrr. ]lom Earcdor.lLw.lrtb?, PO Bor B3S10O, Rldtardson 75(B3;2tl+-23t-9839 !lI: FCLA lrtrh Sdc. crcrT, 1510 W 5OO N, Provo8/{l0ligJ1-gn47^a lllrh Hom EdrcrUon A..odrton, 1099 S 2OO E, Farmlngton B4OS4 ytr Y.rnoni Hor:.dFoa.r. A..oc, PO Box 10C2, Middleto*n Spgs OS7S7 Hd|r. Eftcdor. Ar.oc of VA
PO Box 18i0, Front Royat 2269&tgto; 703-59G9O49 Xl Homc Educdd. il.lwo|t, SKf20Wevrerly &, F derlcksburg Z/tO1 Hom. In.tuc{on S|Ipo.t cilotp, 217 Wf,ow Ten, Storllng 22t ZO ilorlh YA Ho.D..froolrr. 2519 Buck low Dr, FaltE Churdt 22046 ilo?t|o|n VA Hom..ctpotcr./LEARl{, 315 Fdnmil St, Falls Church ZAO4A; Z0}69&8383 WA: FJtllL. lrlrring ToFtf.?, Box 10 liger Star Rt, CoMlle 9gl t4
Pl, Wbodlnvllle 98O72; 2(F4836642
Grov€ 53527
l4z8woodlend. Ear Clahe Sr401
3O4€5S723C YA l{orr Aroc PO Box 266, clqlvtle 28351: 304-4tp-8296 YA ]5nr Edrabr. Ar.oc, PO Box 7501. Charleslm 25356 WY: fvyol*rg Hort .droo||., Bq 1386, Ly,flan 829t7;97-78747?8
Natlonal or Gcn€ru! Homerchool Groupe
EAreton So.rc..,
PO Box 172, Unlonvlfie lN 47468
E .lc Eucdm, FO Bor 6105&, O/FW Ainort TX 75281;2tlt{62- t9O9 GrSollc llon Sdtool Iil.5-r, 688 1 1th A|B NW, New &lghton MN 551 1 2
Lli Wo*rhop., 18O SE Kane Aw, Gr6ham OR gzm errlY. trrnlng hgrdn. PO Box 37t68, San Antonb TX 782374568 F..|{y Cilr.|d L.J*tg Alffiy.., HCR 63 Bor 713, Nasefio WA 9S638;206484-3252 Clrlrten
9 MEda3 [t. Nalhue Gn6A pO Bor 9Z, Conbr Tuftonboro (Bgt6 Togiltr, I t Bd6 Rd, Jadcon 0OSa7;2Ol-367-SOt2 Eli Fniller Hom.$ooLf. ot Sou0t J.|t.y, Rt 2 Bu?il lbu8e Rd, VlrEeniown @OOg J.r-y slFr. CHdhn Hom..fioot r. A..oc, 6s Mlddl6sor Rd, Matawwan ofr47-Str fU tut{y S.fiooh A..oc, RD t2 Bor 236, Catton 078in 9I...r Cotfry Hom Ed|c. on Olodr.ton, 875StZo llrntoolorr lf.moil, 2 Smlth $, Farrlngdeb0z7.:ifh?ol-sI|-z173 lLr EdEdorq 678 Ljsbon Av SE, Rto Randro 87124 l{ru hdco lbrn Edrcrto?., PO Box 1gf&3, Alhjquotqt e 87tc Cil.l.n Ho||r EA|GrUon, Z.|l7 Santa Fo Trall NW, Abrquerque 87120 l{Y: Enplrr $rb }lotrrdnot.|r, Sld€ Hfl Sprtngs, Bedcr Rd, Skensablc 13152; 31$
lH: fat Hrmpldil f|olr Ednt?. Areoc.
l|ow Hxtrp.firt Ho|n Schootr
Wrt Wrl
LEARI{,7t41 E Arbn Ln, LfEoln 6456;.1@.{5.1€551 lttrrrlc Ind.p. llom..drooL.. lnwoil, 80i0 Lliltrugp St, Llnoln 0gO06 OPEX, 7XXtr Raven Oal3 tt, Oreha 681 5?; 402-SZ2-gOt5 NV: lbrm Sd|ooL t,. Vdt t, PO Bor 26911, L.3 Voga, 89126; 7@{7G 9566
10109 NE
Wlsoril.r Prt|r. A.oc, PO Box 25(|a, Madison 5tt701 Sli l||'rlF. h Eirc.Oo|r Rt 3 Box Arq Chlo€ 25235;
IE: F.mont Ar.r $rpport Groq
A..oc, L.oc, 8705 tlth Pl SE, Ever€n 98a(8 W-lt&rdon Hom-.fiod O$n|!rfon, PO Bor 424(8, Tacome WA 98442 !0i F.n*L. In s.t|oob rt l{oor (FISH}, 46(P Condtoga Trail, Cotta€p HOfa€ (hd.on C|.prr), 5745 Btttdlweet Pl, Madbon 53705;808-?3€-33r}2
1545 W Lorlr,|olct, Ind€pondence e4oga;8tS€3F'
Sp.lryfr.ld A|r. Hom-chooLr., Rt I Bo! 190, Falr GFt/€ OSga Sr LouL SouS Corrrty S|pF?t Gto|p, @t Medllon, Arnold qpto
tf: Fr|hld
Hont. Edrcrtor'r
lh. GrT.rrh.
PO Sox 7258, Spokane 992070256
splc. Croop, rcR €xt gox 713, Naele 9.8at81?o648/,-32,52 SrcHon, lcll SW S7, Fodsfd Way 98000 Hctt-.hooLe.' Efporl A..oc, 2&XF 264th A\r€ SE, Mapb Vall€y 98038; 206432-3$5 htd lrrnlng lL{wort, 5725 N Elgh, Spokans @051@q?f7
eorhg wl$ou S.fioolht,
22@ llassachG€ns Av€, Cantrbge MA @1lo FO Bor 108:1, Tonaskd lryA $855; 5o$/$et35t llonr Eircdon hrourr Gl, PO Box 124, Mont Vemon NH C[67 ]lo||| Rfrcdon Wclclrgr, FbrFteadlng Sdol, RD 2 cW Oxford tlY 13€tiD l|otm Edrcro?. gngb PJrnt l|.uort, cto Laura Prllchard, NHA, PO Box 587t6, Soattlo WA 9gl 3& I 748; 2oG.t{P-l 514 Horn Eilcao|t Coil?uar lr..r. (}oup, 26824 Horard Chapol Or, OanE,rrrB ng72-1247i
]lano Eiltcdon
S1-?5+5467 Hom. Sd|ool Hoox Sdfoof
llo|m Sctrool
Ho.n s.fiool 981
PO Box 35O, gunonsvlllo MD 20866; S141-1479 PO Box 366, FrenpilNE6/,(l2';&2-7n-92
H..d{r'b.., L.grl Drl||c
Arroc, Psnlan
Spdngs VA 22129; 709€82-38:18
do B Ray, Sdrool d Educdion, Seanb Padltc Unive6ity, Ssatrte WA
llotnrdrcoler. ior prc., PO Box 7.1, MltpilB lfomrcfioof*r Tnv.f lStwori, Po Box 58746,
CA 53/15
Soanlo WA 9813{a)-174airc43c-15/4 S.fiool, 1919 W M€t6o, Chlcago lL 60657 Hom-(,toollrf D.t 8r-., PO 8or 8il2, Eollvllle TX 2418 Hofi|r.fiooilng ]Lmblt!?, R 2 Bor 'l 1, Fonlsl€lls tA 50846 lrrrr*rt Edg., 1289Joffil| 51, Ann ltor Mlrt8104
lh. Ioo|r Foud.lon, gq I, Cemas WA 98607 l5'f lfomedpd A..odrlo|l PO gox 58746, Sedtle tYA98t3&1716.ire{;3e-15a4 l|t'l lrllil lor Cildrn lb||r EArcrUo.r, Rt 3 Box 549 Rustbuq VA 24588 Iho Tcrcfikrg llomr,
PO Bor 20219, Portland OR 9722GO219
Homochool Groupt Outclde of U.S. A Hom.
Alt r|l
268 Brrtl€r Wodstodq Ont. Canada t.J4S 382 PO Box 10, $rarlptno, Cld., Australia (07 205 TSCB) Hoo|...ltoollr|g hlo S.?r,b., 16 Fonda Cbss SE, CalgBry T2A 6c3 Edrcrton Rcao|rc. Croup. 3p Wllhm St, Hawthorn€, Vicioria. 3122, Meboume,
Acc.LrLd CH.trn EArc.ton.
Abnrtvr Australh
8d.tJr Hom.doofln! crroq,l4 Crn dm
Ed|c|lon EAlc.lon
Ho|r8on Rd, salbbury /*1o7, Ats|.f;alia,(?2'7-794.51 195 Marlville Rd, Unbnvillo L3R 4Vg (41ilz-g8t1) Advlrory, 2267 Kings Aw, W Van@wer BC Canada y7V 2c1 Oolrf,L., 25 Corrrpn Ln, Herlngfod Abds, Canbs PE 18 9N{ England
Yr|cowtr Hom Edrc. s|tporf
C{p, 6O1-22e1gB Ccngr, Bq 81 , Oudhlaskl 8C Canada VoP I N0 Hoon fioolc?r A-oc of llorthorn Alborta I1415 4!trd A\€, Edrmnton TdJ 0Y2 (45S6741) lhdtob A..oc tor S.tooilne rt ]lotF, 89 Edkar Cr6, Wnnir€g R2c 3H8 Crtrrlo Hom.d|ooL'r, Bq q), 260 Adohldo Sf E, To(onto MsA lNo
llono l..rdng
Olll. Hom..fiooLr.' gpport G|P, a5 Aben Sr Ndh, Orilta ONT L3V 5K3 Pemrn gfpon eo|?, PSC Bor 1578, APO Mlami, Ftodda 34m1 (Fr Amador, Pru]I.,
Audhnd 10 Now Zoahnd P|rilo;ico Ho|n .droollng A..oc, SCtt! Barue $, Santurce 00912 Pueno Rico qr.b.c Honr..fioollr|g AdvLory, 4650 Acadla, LadtllF HgT 1 N5 (514-637-5790) 120 Eskdalo Rd. lbm€...d|., Bq 113, Novillo SoN 1T0 Vlctor{l llomrrfiooLr., 10GA Roglna, Victorh, BC V8Z 65o
WodGWld. Ed|lc.Uonrl S.rvlc., Strode Housa,,|,{/SO Osnaburgh St, London NW1 3NN England
Other Organlzatlone These sducdonal, chlld-ralslng, or sglf-relhnco organlzallons are good sources of hob and atlirs. of Ed Cholc., 1611 N Kenl St r8O5, AdlnglonVA???'.BjTO$524-tSS6 (vouchorB)
EY l$G,977 ]Gold
b lrctr hg|r
Avo, B€rkel€y CA 9i1708 (coporal punishrnon0 9616 Minnseolb Av, F anklln Park lL 8ot3t frgd s|pport of Att S.*root , PO Bor 282i1, Santa Fo NM 97501 ; SoS471-
1|l'l A..oc ior 0. 6928
hdo.rd Cmbr ior Frlr rrd Op.n T..tng (F.lrTc.t),
342 Broadway, CanbrUge MA 02139;
hl'l Co.ll[m Of Albrn tvc Cofintrjty Sctool., 58 Schoolhouss Rd, Sunrnertown TN 384&l; 6199e1-3670 Theso list8 rnay be rep.oduc€d in fullof ln part only il the sourc€ b croditsd as GROWING WITHOUT SCIIoOLING, 2269 Massachusen6 Avonu€, Carnbridge MA O214O.' GROWINC WITIIOUT SCHOOLING #72
39 U.S. Postal Service STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, iitANAGEMEtIT AND CIRCULATION (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685). (1A) Tide of publication: Growing Without Schooling. (1B) Publication lto: 07455i105. (2) Date of filing: 5127189. (31 Frequency of issue: BL monthly. (3A) Number of issues published annually: 6. (3B) Subscription price: $20. (4) Complete mailing address of known office of publication: Holt Associates, 2269 irassachusetts Awnrr, Cambridge MA 02140. (5) Complote mailing address of he headquarters of general business offices of the publisher: Sarne. (6) Full names and complete mailing address of publisher, oditor, and mana€ing edibr: Publisher: flolt Assodates,2269 llass. Ave., Cambridge ir/A 02140. Edior: Susannah Shetfer, 2269 Mass. Ave., Cambridge ltl/A 02140. lhnaging Editor: Pafick Farenga,2269 Mass. Ave., Cambridge ltlA 0214. (7) Orner (if owned by a corporation, its name and addre$ musl bo stat€d and also imm€dialely thereunder the names and addresses ot stockholders owning or holding 1 porcent or more of total amount of stock): l-ftdt Associates, Inc., 2269 Mass. Ave., Cambridge flA 02140. Patrick Farenga, 2269 Mass. Ave., Cambridge ilA 021ro. Donna Riciroux,2269 Mess. Ave., Cambridg€ MA 021lo. Susannah Sheffer, 2269 Mass. At/o., Cambridge lvlA 02'l-40. Tom and llary fvlaher, 30 Pa|k St, Wakefield MA 01880. Nancy Wallaco, 119 lrving Pl, lhaca NY 14850. lvhrk and lilary Van Doren, RR 2Box3/.2-D, New Casde VA 24127. (8, Known bondholders, mortgageos, and olhor s€curity holders owning or holding 1 porosnt or mor€ of btal amount of bonds, mortgages, of oher socuriti€s: None. EXTENT AND NATURE OF CIBCULATION: (A) TotTI No. Copies (nst press run): Averago no. copies each issue during preceding 12 monfis:5840. Actud no. copies of eingle issue puuiahed noarost to filing dats: 5750. (B) Paid and/or requestd circulatbn: 1. Sales hrough d€al€rs and carriers, str€ot v€nders and counter gales:0. 2. i/hil subscription: Average:4657. Acilali 4724. (C) Total paid and/or r€quest€d circuhtion (sum of 81 and B2): Average:4657. Actual: 4724. (D) Fr€o disribution by mail, carri€r or other means, samples, complimentary, and other hee copies: A\€rage: 107. Actual: 103. (E) Total distribution (sum of C and D): Averaoo:4764. Actual: 4827. lFl Copi€s not disribut€d: 1 . Otfice use, l€ft over, una@ounted, spoil€d aftor printing: Average: '1076. Actual:923. 2. Rehrrn firom news aoents:0. (G) Total: Average:5840. Acnral:5750. (11) | cenify hat ths above statements mads by me are correct and compl€te - Patrid< L. Farenga.
PEN.PALS Chlldrcn wentlnj DGt-Fl, should write
to thosc llsted. To bc llstcd. scnd Dame, agle. addrcss, and 1-3 words on lnterests === Barbala BANNON (8) 145 Crow Lrr. Newturyport MA Ol95O: animals, skatlng, sports =: Elli BONG (Al 2627 NE ls0th St, VancouverVr'A 98686;
rcadlrry;, drawlng =: Chclsca CooK (lol I Mcl\{tllcrr, Lucas TX 75O02: anlmals. readlqg, gamcs =: HOHENSEE, 9 Bhrcberry kt, Nashua
NHO3062: Kfta (6) dolls, ponlcs. drcss-up; Erln (81 horscs. draw|rrg. srrlmmlngl := Vdcrtc PTCKRELL (6) 65 Glcnda Ln, Plano IL 60545: honcs. hcnds, hclptqg Mom =: MORLEY, 227O $mrfsc f,)r, Bfshop CA935l4: Kevln (l l) coohng. art, Mntcndo: Jamlc (9) bascball, Ntntcrrdo, skatcboerdsl Dantel (Z footbdl. bascball. Mntendo := Kate ROiSS. Rt I l. 16 Lr:ckr*ood flr, Ptnc BluffOR 7l6oil: vloltn, rcadlqg, SrmnasEcs =: IkUc WILLIAMS (9) 333tt Gold Country Dr, Placcrvllle CA 95667; rraturc, antmals, art =: Llorah CROCXETT {lO) PO Box 67, WalscrrburgCO 81O89: horscs, u2. darrcc === MITCHELL,3OO4 Erlk Ct, Augusta GA 3(Fo6: Emlly (f 2) readtrfg, art, S/rnnastlcs; Merrttt (fO) sports, drawtng. cxplorlng: Cory (9) tnvcntlng. comput€rs, csnstnui Mlrtarn (Z c-oktng, crafts, tumblhg Etrcnc (4) colorlng;, dressup, stories === Marl5ct I\ORMILE (13) Rd 5 Box 8$6, Cor:aopolls PA l5l lO8; mustc, readlqg, swtmmlng:= Brock HEASLBI (13) €f2 E Bucbnglram. Fbcsno CA 9t1726; comlc books. computcrs === COLBRESE, 2607 207th Strect N, East Moltnc lL 61244: Mlchacl (15) blkes, Hds, electronlcs: Mlchacla (f O) rcadlrq;, games, srvlmmtng;; Collccn ( 13) sdtchcry, baskctball, cooldng;; Danicl (8) ftcnds, dlnosaurs, bikcs; John (6) anlmals, dlnosaurs, hcrrds
EXCffE YOUR CHILD'S MINDI F trn. Creaflve, Dlscovcry ActMHcs and hroJects. Free brochurel S€nd SA.SE to KIDS'CORNER, bx 16777-07, Cl,weland OH44l16.
FREE SclcEGG Xrlrtlnc loadcd wtth experimcnts: TOPS ldcas, lO€f7O SMulino Rd, Canby
oR97013. IfEED A OOXPIIIER? Wc offcr a vartety of IBM compa.dble systems and softirare at HOME SCHOOLER PRICES. HntcI:ls, cducadonal tools. mone5r managemcrrt, buslncss hclpe, MOREI \ilrlte forcomplete brochurc: SCS, FO Bo:( 1369, D€pt. G, Concord MAOl742. CHILDRENS RECORDINGS, Mail ordcr Records, Tapcs & Vidcos tnvttcs you to scnd for our frcc 32 pagc catalog ofovcr 2OO flU€s. Fcaturlng the best recordlng artfsb of chlldrcns music, storytelllqg. and cducaflonal acdvltie-sl PO Box 1343, Eugene, OR974tto. ALGEBRA FOR
IVANTED: SUMMERHILL, by A.S. Nclll. Wlll pay. Amy Garber, H.C. G3 Box 381, Brooklln ME
WHEN YOU WRITE US Pleasc - (l) Put scparatc tterns ofbusincss on scparatc shcets ofpa.per. (2) Prrt your namc ard addr,css at thc top of each lcttcr. (3) If pu ck qu€dorrs. cnclosc a sclfaddresscd stamped ern'clopc. (4) Tcll us lf lt's OK to publish your lcttcr, and whcthcr to usc your namc wtth thc story. Wc cdlt lctters for spac and
Uotrtc.rorl llomc Educrtloa, Largc-format handbook pror'ldcs dctafled Lrformadon on cstabltshlng a Montcssorl crMrcnmcnt at home. Infancy to 6 years. Extensivc resource list. $lO postpatd, US fi.rnds. Glorla llarrlson, Box R. AFO NewYork (X)678. IONTESSORI supplies, sclected by farnily with and teachlng erq)erlcnc€ in USA and abroad. AIvII Montessorl tralned (Ages 0-12+). Catalogue $l: MICFIAEL 2O+ years homcschoollng
OIAF MoNTESSORI SHOP, 5817 College. Oakland. California 946 I 8.
DECLASSIFIED ADS Ratcs: 7Oa /word. $ I /word boldfrcc. $5 mlnlmr.m. Plcasc tcll thcsc folks vou saw the ad
fnGWS. A ls for Audubon. An ardst acdvlt5r workbook. Reproducible, Agcs 8 to 80. Lcarn about maJor ar0sts that €vcryone should know. $9.95 postpaid. ARTISTS, 34Ol Tller Ln, Bloomington
tN 4740r.
WHAT'S Nty? Great moments ln Amerlcan history, Tcenage Entrcprencun, Art Klts: technical drawtng;, marbctztng, FIMO clay and many mor€. Conttnued great catalog sclcctton of math, sclence, rcadlng, wrttlng and soclal studles workbooks, unit studics, and Teachtng Guldes for l,carnlng at Home, Box 27O-G72, Honaunau, Ht 96726.
lerlr-nv Jo-nvr FoR DIRECToRY If you would like to be tn the Dlrectory and have not yet told us, send this form, or use a postcard or 3x5 card (only one family per card). Adults: (flrst and last names):
946O5: Louls (lO) readtng, btlOng, baseball:
Organlzatton (only lf address ls same as family):
lol lllx Rt, lltnton WV 25951; rcading. horscs. cooldng; === Emily AIAND (f o) 27O PctEts Ln, Atherrs GA 30605; crlntals, rcadlng. horscs =: MCELWEE, I l8 Woodshade Dr. Ncl|nrk DE l97Otl: Patrtck (8) skaUr€, readlr4, pi,ano: Maryannc (6) rcadlng, writing, Srmnasdca =: Joshua OTIIi (f2) Rt 2, I l9 S\Mcw Dr. Hollywood MD 2OG36; snakes, ffshtrg, sctcncc =: Pcter WIIfION (f 2) Box 64, Damertn. Ponlt MD 20628; ffshtrrg, horses, boats =- 6ds1a NEIilEL (l ll 1Ol6 NE I lTth St, PlscaJme Park Fl- *ll6l; anlmals, drawlng, outdoors === |sng EDELMAN-BARBER (5) RD #2 Box 349, CatawlssaPA 17326' 6n1nelg, XEYES (l r) Box
wlth thts
patented, vlsual/hncsthcdc system, Us€d tn I,OOO homcs nadorrwldc. dcr IIANDS-ON F€UATIONS for $34.95 plus !N4.5o S&H from: BORtrgOlf AND ASAOCIATES. Box 45O, fhrblln. PA 18917.
swlmmlng. 'My Llttle Ponles,'gArdenturg === Jerntfcr SEELBACH (91 Rt f Box 1318, Bumsvlllc NC 28714; actrng, swlmmtng, ballet === ARJGHI, 6O15 MaurltarrlaAv, Oakland CA
Wllliam (4 bascball, antmds, coloring:= Rcglrra
3rd oRADERS t
4t<+2=2x+lo ls no\f, chlld's play
Children (Names/Birthyears)
FullAddress (Street, Ctty, State, Zip): Are you tn the l99O Dlrectory (in thts lssue)? Yes _ If thls is an address change, what was prevlous state?
No_ -
Are you wlll to host GWS readers who make advance arrangements ln writing?
N HOW TO GET STARTED Hcrc arc somc waysyou can ffnd out thc lagel sttuadon tn yorr stetc. l) Look up thc law yoursclf. ln a publtc llbmry or law llbrra5r (courthousc, bw echool,
lndccd; try'echool attcndancc' or 'cducaEou, cmpulsory.' l9 statca havc rerrlscd thclr home cducaton laws gttct 1982 so chcck ctc.) Laws arc
thc rrccrtt statutc drdrgcs. Wc havc prlrttcd 6 summartzed thcsc ncw lanB tr our back lssucs. 2) Ask thc statc dc?artmcrtt of cducaEorr for any laws or rcgulatlonc pcf,talnlqg to homcsdrooltng and/or sterdqg a prlvetc school. tn sonrc statca lparflorlarly CA lL, tN. I(Y) thcrc are fw regulatlons cortc'ermLtg prlvatc schools and so you can call your homc a gchool. Ifyou arc conctrrrd about rcvcaltngyour namc and addrcss to thc statc, do thfs thmuglr a
frlcrd. 3) Contact state or local homcschooltrrg
grouF. Thts lbt fs prfntcd tn thfs lEsuc, and ts updatcd and sold scparately for $2.50 as part of our'Homcschoollrrg Rcgoutrc Ltst.' Somc groupo
o gutdcltncs on lcgal matters. Oftcrr, thcsc groupo can tell you morc about thc lcgal clrnatc kt e stetc than anyonc clsc cen - whcthcr ncr lcglsladon fs pctrdlrg, for cxample, and hov the p,rescrrt law ls bctrg cnforccd. 4) Corrtact other famtllcs llstcd tn our f,)lrcctory. Thls ts pardcularly uscful lfyou ltuc fn a statc that lcaves homcschollng dcclslorrs up to lndlvldual school dlstrlcts. lllhcn you oontact thcsc famtltcs. hclp thcrn by havtrg dorrc somc lcscardt onyorrr onrr ffrst. 5) In gcocral, tt ls not wlsc to start b)r ashng your local sctrool dlstrlcg thcy usually don't krrorr thc law ctthcr. Bcttcr to !Fth6 thc facts ffrst on JDur drrn. have preparcd handbooks
Rqrcwal ratcs arc thc samc as for ncw subscrlpEons: tN2O for 6 lssuca, $36 for 12 lssucs. lN48 for l8 lssucs,
er<phes? Look at thts samplc labcl:
Thc nurnbcr that ts undcrllncd ln thc examplc tells thc numbcr of tlrc ffnal lssuc for thc sub€crtpdon, Thc Smtths' sub explres wt0r tssuc
Group aubrcrlptlonr: all coplcs arc mallcd paywtth otrc chccl, Herc are thc currcnt group ratcs (lX mcans you get onc copy ofeach lssuc, 2X mcarls )'ou gct 2 copks of cadr lssue, SXmeans 3 coplcs, ctc.) to onc address. Plcasc
lx 2X $( ,D(
Subecrtpdcr stert vlth thc
rrcr<t lssuc Publlshcd. Our crrncrrt ratcs arc $2O for 6 lssucs, li36 fc 12 tssucs. $48 fc l8 tssucs. GWS ts publlshcd cvcr5r othcr month. A str4li tssuc c.osts
Fqdgn paymcots must bc clthcr moncy lnUSfunds orchccks drawt on US banks.
$lO pcrpar fc afrmatl (othcrwtsc, allop 2-3 mont}|s for sudecr mefl). BecL lrcuo: Wc strongty urgc you to gct thc back lssucs ofG\trlS. cspcctallSr tfyou plan to takc your chlldrcn out of gchool. Mar5l of thc artlcbs arc as uscful and tmportant as whcrr thcy wcrc prlntcd, and wc do not plan to rcpcat thc lnfonnatron tr thcm. All back lssuca arG kcpt ln
prlnt. Ratcs: Subs.rlbcrs pay $lOO for a complctc sct ofback lssucs unul f / f /9O. ThcEaftcr, thc cost will bc tl25 plus poetagc. For arr]r other comblnadon of back lssucs. mallcd at onc drnc to onc address, thc chargc ts $2 cach plus $2 pcr
Indcrcr to
*31-40, $2i *384 lndcx to *41-5O. $2: #385 lrrdcx 5 I -60, $2; #3a I Sct of all lrrdqcs. $5. Bladcrr arc avallablc wtth rods that hold GWS wlthout obscurbrg any tcxt. Gold lcttcrs on to f
#3!X) Btndcrwlth 24 rods (holds GWS
yrs. l2lss,
$20 $so $48 $60
|N.36 $64 $90 $r 12
$48 $90
Plcasc s€nd ln thc names and addresscs of mcmbcrs ofyourgroup sub, so that wc can keep ln touch wtth thcrn. Ttranks.
wrr foundcd l^ l'977 by John llolt.
Edltor - Susannah Strcffer Managlng Edltor - Patrlck Farenga Contrlbudng Edltor - Donna Rlchoux Edltorlal Asststant - Mary Mahcr Edltorlal CfiBultant - Nancy Wallacc O{ffcc & SubocrtpHon Managcr - Day Farer4a
Book Shlppcr/Rccctvcr - Kathy Munro Omc! Assfstants - I.Gnad Dlgglns, Mary Maher, Phocbc Wclls
Shlpplng Asslst8nt - Glngcr Fltzslmmons Holt Assoclatcs Board of E),lrectors:
GWS (spcclfr ttcrn numbcr):
#38O lndcx to GWS #l-3O. $2.50: #382Indcx to
$156 $180 $216 7& aK ctc: $12 pcf,pcrsonpcryear.
Wc can't affo,rd to acrcpt pcrsorrel checks on Canadlan accounts, errcrr tf they havc 'US futrds' wrlttcn on thcnr. Outsldc of Ncth Anrcrtca. add
I ycar 6lss.
$( s70 sr30 o( 87a $r44
At thc bottom oft}rls pagc li a form you can usc to rcnc\ryour subscrtpdon. Plcasc hclp us by rcnovtng early. How can you tcll whcn yorn subscrlpflon
*73, the ncxt lssuc. But lfwc urcrc to rBcclvc thclr rcrrwal bcforc we scnt otrr ftral account changca to thc malllng housc (Fcbnrary f), theywould qualfr for thc fr,cc bonus t]ssuc.
$rQ *328 Blndcr wlth la rods (holds 18
Ann Barr, Patrlck Farenge (Corporate kcsldent), Tom Mahcr, flonna Rldroux, Susaruuh Sheffer Advlsors to tJrc Board: Stcvc Rupprcdrt, Mary Van Dorcn, Nancy Wallacc
Cog/rlght O 1989 Holt Assocl,atcs. lnc. All rlglts rescrved.
latcrtssucs), rl9.5O. #3116 Sct of4 Btndcrs and 7a rods (lrolds GWS #l-78), 0.35.
Itcms cxcrpt sub€crlpdons (scc c.entcr pagcs). Ad&cr ChrnIG.: If you'tc movlng, lct us Lnow your ncw addrcss as soon as posslble. Plcasc €rrclosc a reccnt labcl (or ctopy ofonc). lsauca mlsscd bccausc ofa change ln address rnaybc rcpl*cd for $2 cadr. Ilrc post omcc dcstro5rs )bur mlsscd tssucs and chargcs us a nodffcanon fec. so wc can't alford to rcplact them
Add prcHn8 rad dcllvcry chrlgc to all
wtthout drargc,
3 5t+ N
EK ot+ ?15
ol= Clq
Usc this form to subscribc or rcnew to GROWING WTIHOUT SCHOOLING. For renryals, placc thc labcl from a rcccnt issuc below. lf possiblc. If not, prtnt thc tnfo. Cltp and send with your chcck or money order in USfunds.Or,youmaynowsubscrlbcorrenerlbyphonewithMastcrcardorVisa:call 617-864-3100,.
Thanks. Ncw _
Gift subscrlption to bc scnt to namc shom.
Account Numbcr (for rcnewals): Namc;
Expiration Code (for renewals): Address (Chmgee yes/no) City. State. Zip: 6 issucs,
l2 lssues, $36
issucs. $
l8 issucs, $48 (scc chart)
It is OK to scll my namc and address to other organiattons
<;g h3h