Futures in Aerospace 2020 Year in Review

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Mission Pathways to Aviation provides solutions to the aviation industry’s growing workforce needs by informing, inspiring, and engaging its future labor force.

Vision Pathways to Aviation addresses workforce shortages and enhances economic development, which significantly impacts the aviation industry. We are: •

Empowering a new generation of aviation experts and leaders.

Awarding scholarships to students attending four-year, two-year, and specialty instruction.

Spearheading a vibrant aviation community, fostering informative outreach, mutually-benefit collaborations, and workforce connections and pursuits.

Fostering preferential hiring consideration of local and nearby talent.

Forging new territory in aviation, aerospace, and unmanned aerial systems.

The Future The Futures in Aerospace initiative connects students to industry, aviation executives, and college and career opportunities. Students obtain an understanding of their hard and soft skills, articulate those skills on their resumes, describe themselves and their passions through why statements and elevator pitches, demonstrate through face-to-face interactions, and develop strong relationships with aviation leaders.

The 2020 Futures in Aerospace program provided Pathways to Aviation with both unexpected challenges and incredible opportunities. It tested our resilience and made both our organization and those whom we serve far stronger and more prepared for future possibilities. As chair of our board of trustees, it’s my pleasure to share with you a look back at our successful career mentoring program. Launched in early 2017, the Futures in Aerospace program has opened numerous doors of opportunity for the students and job seekers we serve, as well as employers in the aviation and other industries. This year’s program experienced monumental growth. While we anticipated expansion and greater reach, we had no idea we’d not only expand our footprint in the northern Nevada and northeast Sierra regions, but we’d find ourselves working with candidates in multiple states and countries. I invite you to learn about our Futures in Aerospace program through this Year in Review. I then encourage you to become an active part of this extraordinary program. Its success is rooted in providing vital career readiness instruction and caring mentorship. Eric Henry Chair, Board of Trustees

Program Growth Launched in early 2017, the Futures in Aerospace program has experienced extraordinary growth. Here’s a simple look at its annual expansion.

1 Location, 20 Students

2 Locations, 86 Students

3 Locations, 104 Students

3 Locations, virtual, 159 Students

2020 Path of Activities January


Weather conditions varied through the month forcing us to only host workshops at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport and the Truckee Tahoe Airport.

Following the Aviation Career Week, we began a new set of weekly workshops, now known as Career Conversations.

Workshops: 2

Students: 32

Speakers: 12

Workshops: 4

Candidates: 41

Mentors: 20



We continued to host online weekly workshops.

Workshops were held at all three locations, which included the Carson Airport.

Workshops: 5

Workshops: 3

Career Readiness Certification

Students: 29

Speakers: 11

March The only workshop was held in Truckee, due to the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown. Workshops: 1

Students: 9

Speakers: 3

April We transitioned the on-site workshops to an online format. This time, we added professionals, who served as mentors. Workshops: 4

Candidates: 41

Mentors: 23

Speakers: 0

May We launched our Career Ready Portal, which is our specially designed career readiness certification pathway. The online portal guides students and job seekers through a series of steps toward becoming ready to succeed in interviews. And, as we do every May, we conduct a week long celebration, called the Aviation Career Week. We transitioned our third annual event to an online format and witnessed a game-changing shift in our career mentoring program. Workshops: 7

Speakers: 3

Candidates: 98

Mentors: 38

Speakers: 9

Candidates: 33

Mentors: 39

Speakers: 2

As part of our Vision 2020, one of our primary goals was creating a program for all students and job seekers, no matter their location, economic situation, career interests, cultural backgrounds, or education level. We designed a career readiness certification pathway, worked closely with a software developer, and created a new website in preparation for an October 2020 launch. We anticipated a “pilot� phase to take place in June as a way to test the system and slowly incorporate it with our existing students and job seekers. Then COVID-19 happened and the rest is history. On May 9, we quietly launched the certification pathway and is featured on our website through what we call the Career Ready Portal. The pathway helps us guide students and job seekers through a series of instructions and activities to learn and practice soft skills, resume writing, why statements, elevator pitches, interviewing, and more. When completed, the candidates become Pathways Certified, making them eligible for references for jobs, scholarships, and more.

2020 At-A-Glance Schools Represented

Specialty Interests Pilot (Fixed Wing) Engineering Mechanics Technology Unmanned Aerial Systems Avionics Pilot (Helicopter) Flight Attendant Management Sales & Marketing Inventory Administration Executive Finance Accounting Interior Specialist Technical Writing Dispatch

58.7% 50.6% 35.5% 30.2% 29.1% 28.5% 23.3% 13.4% 11.6% 9.9% 8.7% 8.1% 8.1% 5.8% 5.2% 5.2% 4.1% 2.9%

Career Planning Aspirations Meeting Experts Attending Workshops Learning Networking Skills Adding References Learning Interviewing Skills Receiving Mentorship Learning Resume Skills

81.4% 72.1% 61.6% 61.0% 59.3% 58.1% 48.8%

Academy of Arts Careers and Technology Academy of Law and Public Safety ACE High School Arizona State University Aviation High School Buena Regional High School Carson High School Central Bucks West High School Coral Academy Damonte Ranch High School Davidson Academy Dayton High School Douglas High School Eagle Ridge High School East Cobb Middle School Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Forest Charter School Galena High School Grand Blanc Middle School Hillgrove High School Honors Academy of Literature Hug High School John F. Kennedy High School John P. Stevens High School Lacey Township High School Lenape Middle School Metro Academic Studies

48 Schools 159 Students and Job Seekers 17 States 5 Countries North Tahoe High School Northern Nevada Literacy Center Northwest College Quinsigamond Community College Rancocas Valley Regional High School Reed High School RISE Academy San Jose State University Schoolcraft College Sierra College Silver State High School Spanish Springs High School Sparks High School Swope Middle School Truckee High School Truckee Meadows Community College Truckee Meadows CC High School University of Nevada, Reno University of Southern California West Shore Christian Academy Western Governors University

Activities and Resources Flight Plans

Career Planning Workbook

The monthly workshops, held on-site at the Reno-Tahoe, Carson, and Truckee Tahoe airports fostered strong interactivity among students, job seekers, parents, and speakers.

The workbook is always well accepted by workshop attendees, who use it to take notes and track progress. They also use it as a resource, particularly for its scholarship, salary, and college information.

Career Conversation Workshops The weekly online workshops were launched months in advance of the original start date, but proved to be immediately effective in sharing valuable instruction as well as sincere and outstanding mentorship.

Job Board Students and job seekers regularly take advantage of the job board on the Pathways to Aviation website. Powered by JSfirm.com, the board contains roughly 10,000 jobs in 20 different specialty areas.

Additional Resources Pathways to Aviation has navigated through 2020 quite efficiently. Planning ahead, thanks to strategic planning, has allowed the organization to pivot through the year’s many obstacles. Consistency is found through reviewing dozens of resumes, reviewing elevator pitch scripts, providing scholarship and job reference letters, monitoring the career readiness certification process, and helping employers find great talent.

Testimonials & Reach “It is because of you and Pathways to Aviation that I ended up landing a CFI job. Again I owe a lot to both you and Pathways to Aviation for preparing me to get my first aviation job.” Robert “Thank you so much for your feedback! No one has ever taken the time to do this for me in the past, I am beyond grateful.” Chioma “Everyone within Pathways To Aviation has made me feel welcomed and inspired me to keep pursuing my dreams in aviation. If you are looking for help with your future career or looking for support, then look no further. They will help you build knowledge, confidence and a community that is in continuous support. This is a great platform to network and ask any questions you may have. Becoming a new pilot and wanting to pursue a career in aviation might be overwhelming or confusing, but don’t worry Pathways will From January 1 to July 31, Pathways to Aviation increased its footprint in the northern help you navigate. A huge thanks to everyone within Nevada and Sierra Nevada regions by working closely with more students and engaging Pathways to Aviation and everything they have done to more industry leaders than in the 2019 calendar year. Shifting to an online format opened help me!” Jenna new doors of opportunity. As of July 31, Pathways staff, board, and mentors are working closely with candidates residing in 17 states and four other countries (Canada, India, “I’m very excited to be named a Stamps Scholar. I could not have gained this honor without all the individuals in Nigeria, and Ukraine). aviation I’ve worked with along the way including you. Thank you and thanks to Pathways to Aviation.” Jackson “I work with another like minded pilot that is in the same career stage as myself. I was telling him about the program and he's very interested. By the sounds of the call last Wednesday it looks like you are always looking for new candidates. Would love to pass along some information on the program and have him sign up.” Corey “I have been working with this organization on and off over the past month or so and have found them to be an excellent resource for our cadet/ senior members considering a career in some aviation/aerospace related field. The weekly Wednesday evening programs are invaluable no matter what the age group as it fosters solid interpersonal skills when writing a resume, job applications, or that all important Interview.” Michael

We’re on a mission! Central to the success of the Futures in Aerospace program is understanding the needs of everyone involved. Recruiting ideal speakers requires understanding each student’s career interests, career planning gaps, year in school, and campus resources. At the same time, it’s vital to recognize the region’s aerospace climate, availability of industry resources, hiring needs and interests of nearby aerospace companies, and the region’s economic and workforce outlooks. Pathways to Aviation is on a mission to provide the aviation, aerospace, and other industries with well prepared, passionate, and career ready talent.

PROGRAM INVESTORS Anonymous Benefactor ISTAT Foundation The E. L. Cord Foundation

Truckee Tahoe Airport District Royal Order of Aviation Aficinados Click Bond, Inc. Sierra Aero Martis Camp Community Foundation Cornerstone Consulting XVector, Ltd. Designing Destinies RenoType

SPEAKERS & MENTORS Nikki Antone Chris Barbera Michael Castania Gus Chavez Elizabeth Collins Jessica Fay Michael Golden Jake Henry Abbey Hutter Logan Krantz Ben Miller Ken Moen Sandy Munns Pete Parker Joe Rajacic Kevin Smith Eddo Weijer

Jill Atkinson Amanda Barnes Doug Charlton Larry Cheek Mark Covey Josh Flatley Eric Henry Janet Hutchins Eva Komandyan Rob Lober Greg Meisinger Neita Montague Lee Oscar Maryls Pryor Philip Rhodes Torry Thompson Brian Willson

The Futures in Aerospace program connects students to the aerospace industry and its executive leaders, its employment opportunities, and collegiate aeronautical programs. Students obtain an understanding of their hard and soft skills, articulate those skills on their resumes, share the skills and passions through face-to-face interactions, and develop strong relationships with aviation leaders.

Take Flight with Pathways The Futures in Aerospace program believes in collaboration to fulfill its mission and make the most of its programs. Special thanks to:       

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Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Truckee Tahoe Airport District Carson Airport Authority National Business Aviation Association Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development Nevada Governor’s Workforce Investment Board (Aerospace & Defense Sector Council) Nevada Governor’s Office of Workforce Innovation Reno+Sparks Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada Nevada Institute of Autonomous Systems State of Nevada Department of Education Nevada Association for Career and Technical Education Washoe County School District Truckee Tahoe Unified School District Nevada Association for Career and Technical Education International Society of Transport Aircraft Trading Aviation Technician Education Council

Visit www.PathwaysToAviation.org to take flight on an incredible mission.

The success of the program relies entirely on three very important elements.

Candidates The core of our mission and program are students and job seekers. Whether there’s a strong interest in aviation or none at all, there’s no barrier to working through the career readiness certification pathway, attending workshops, and connecting with industry leaders.

Mentors The impact mentors place on candidates cannot be accurately measured, as even the slightest of moments or smallest of comments can spark the launch of an incredible career. We seek aerospace executives, experts, and entry-level personnel. Each person has a story, a passion for success, and advice to share. We do not financially compensate our mentors, but we can guarantee that each mentor makes a big difference.

Investors We do our best to operate on a tight budget, allocating nearly every penny to informing, inspiring, and engaging students and job seekers. To meet the needs of our candidates, it’s vital that we generate sufficient funding. We seek foundation grants, corporate sponsorships, and individual contributions.

Pathways to Aviation PO Box 21433 - Reno, NV 89515 info@PathwaysToAviation.org - www.PathwaysToAviation.org

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