Enjoy Whole Health

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San Antonio Area Edition

July/August 2008


Animal Talk: Eight Signs of Illness in Animals - Part 2 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hyperbaric Oxygen Flying High Debunking Medical “Urban Legends” Joint Pain...Fueling the Fire


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July/August 2008

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Dear Sasha: Messages from Your Angels Sasha GABRIEL White, Columnist

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THIS BY URIEL Whenever we, as “humans” arrive, we are told everything by our Teacher(s). Whenever we get in a bind, our frequency may change, so watch out, please don’t let your frequency get the best of you. Whenever you go beside the “still water, your cup truly Dear Mary, Your purpose in life is to be precious and trust each runs over,” and all you feel is a quiet and peaceful reflection. Comone. Have you ever thought of becoming a perfected giant/leader? ing home, meaning “Heaven’s Gate”, is a reflection of my life thus far. If you have ever led or been the president of something, that is For, I am. what we are talking about. Please trust, trust, trust and your age will be reversed, for you will never see this life again, called earth. I, Archangel Uriel, am the tone or brainwave or reflections This is your last lifetime. Good job. within alternative methods of rebuilding the holy temple/your body. What we are referring to is the throne of God’s Holy Temple within the capsulation of each of us as we begin to grow older. The meaning of making this temple holy while we, ENJOY WHOLE HEALTH, is a unique happiness which pertains the male/female “CHILD WITHIN”. “Every moment, I am in the Light,” is a great affirmation. Say this every day until people begin to comment on how wonderful you are. This makes MAGIC in your life. Dear Sasha, I recently got married and we’ve been having a hard time. We had financial stress and then I had a miscarriage. There’s been more and more distance between us. He’s very nice, but when I try talking to him about this he doesn’t understand. What is going on? Is he still in love with me? Shadia, 31, Spring Branch, TX Dear Shadia, When newlyweds marry, each of them need to consider the other one first. He doesn’t consider you first, most of the time. Generally, you consider him above yourself. Go your merry way and rejoice, for this too shall pass. I see that you will remain in your marriage and have a child that is a deep thinker and supposed to be a chiropractor or orthodontist even if she is a girl. Go in peace every day, and by the way, get married to that same guy again, he’s worth it! Dear Sasha, I am incredibly in love with this man Steve. We have wonderful energy together, yet he has the ability to totally devastate me. We broke up and I can’t breathe. I feel as though I’ve lost my best friend and can’t function. What do you see? Sheryl Parsley, 46, San Antonio, TX Dear Sheryl, Your world is going to improve without Steve. However, I don’t see that he is going to be a friend, so don’t even try to be one. Please don’t fear. He was become your opponent. In other words, strife is at hand if you try to contact him. I see that you will find another suitable person in your life to have romance with. Breathe and when you do, all of the riches of the universe will come to you. Thank you, my precious one.

Dear Sasha, I am new to Austin and uncertain about my marriage and my future direction. Any suggestions for how I may let go of the past and find my joy & purpose? Jacki, 40, Austin, TX Dear Jacki, Letting go of the past and allowing Spirit to take over is bliss. When you are able to find peace and happiness, it generally is within. And when you find a precious person to share your life, you will know what we mean. When you and your husband decide to say nice things to each other each day instead of clamming and not sharing very much, you will begin to drift within the flow of God. Share things together as friends. By the way, your top angels are Gabriel and Michael and Archangel Michael is also your guardian. IN PERSON/PHONE PSYCHIC/MEDICAL READINGS (TAPED)–512-278-0559. For in-depth answers to your questions. Sasha GABRIEL is an internationally known reader, channel, psychic, medical intuitive and healer who offers her School of Ascension in Austin. For more info: www.sashawhite.com. ASCENSION GROUP - taught by THE MASTERS - 1st & 3rd Tues at 7:30PM : • Tues, July 1 – Ascension - Archangel Uriel • Tues, July 15 – Through the Voice of the Masters • Tues, August 5 – Archangel Michael at his Best • Tues, August 19 – Metaphysicians are Abounding on Earth, Why Not Join the New Group of World Servers?

To submit questions for “Dear Sasha”, E-mail sasha@sashawhite.com or call 512-278-0559. Include your Question (approx. 20 words) , your name, age, city and state.

Dear Sasha, What is my purpose in life? Mary Wright, 52, Austin, TX

San Antonio Area Edition


San Antonio, Texas July/August 2008

Enjoy Whole Health, the San Antonio Edition is distributed in San

Antonio, Blanco, Boerne, Bulverde, Canyon Lake, Fredricksburg, Kerrville, New Braunfels and Utopia.

Statement of purpose

The mission of Enjoy Whole Health is to provide a vehicle for the promotion of whole health and with it the creation of health, wellness and joy. We intend to accomplish this by providing a rich mix of the best ideas, discoveries, modalities, products, experience, techniques and solutions available. The information provided is not intended for self-diagnosis or treatment. Opinions expressed in this magazine are solely those of the authors and not those of the publisher or advertisers. ©2008 Enjoy Whole Health™ All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission from the publisher.

Owner/Publisher/Editor: Patrick Jackson

Associate Editor: Kelly Jackson

Enjoy Whole Health

13492 Research Blvd, Suite. 120, PMB 404 Austin, TX 78750-2254 512-788-9127 or 210-272-0731 Toll-Free 866-490-3662 Toll-Free Fax 866-765-8347


Dear Sasha: Messages From your Angels by Sasha GABRIEL White




FLYING HIGH by Carol Gloar, D.C.


joint pain...fueling the fire by John Coppola, D.C.

10 chronic fatigue syndrome & hyperbaric oxygen therapy by Helen Prater 12

animal talk: Eight signs of illness in animals, part 2 by Val Heart, M.B.A., Pa.C.B.P

13 dowsing uses & excuses by Raymon Grace 14

ask kathy: about vitamin d by Kathy Jackson, R.Ph., T.N.

15 the movie mystic 16 finding our spiritual nature by Aaron Hoopes 17

journaling to find forgiveness by Laura Wright

18 calendar of events 20

book reviews

21 directory of resources On the cover Yoga Class by Iofoto.

We intend prosperity, hope, faith, love, wellness, courage, joy, peace, understanding, harmony, kindness, forgiveness, trust, faith, gratitude, vitality and health.

Editor’s Notes by Patrick Jackson, Editor


he heat is on. Again. Summertime is great, isn’t it? It seems like there is so much more freedom. Freedom to go, to play, to enjoy the outdoors, to just be. What is it that brings that feeling? Summer vacation? The longer days? Maybe. I think the freedom is there all the time, but being outdoors more helps us see it. Communing with nature helps restore the spirit and the mind. So, get out there and make the most of it. You know, you actually do deserve it. Thank you for reading and participating in this magazine and for all that you do. Let me hear from you, we are continually working to improve this magazine, and your input is always needed and appreciated. Blessings to you and yours, have a great summer, and Enjoy Whole Health! Send your letters to the Editor to Patrick@enjoywholehealth.com, or write to: Enjoy Whole Health, 13492 Research Blvd., Suite 120. PMB 404, Austin, Texas 78750.


July/August 2008





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The Nutritional Gap: Debunking Medical “Urban Legends” Peter McCarthy, Certified Traditional Naturopath, Columnist


ne of the most frequently heard statements from the medical and dietetics communities is the phrase “eat a balanced diet and you don’t have to take vitamins.” This medical “urban legend” is supported by another: “the medical doctor is the unquestioned expert in all areas of health.” Unfortunately, neither of these statements is true, and both contribute to the phenomenon called the nutritional gap, the difference between what we eat and what our bodies really need. This gap is a major contributing factor in the rise of many serious health challenges in our society, none more important than the incidence of untreated chronic stress. As such, the nutritional gap is the next block in our Stress Stack™. Some people may take exception to the above statements about the medical community; unfortunately, the facts bear out the truth of both statements. In the latter case, a 2007 survey of the mandatory curricula of the nation’s top medical schools, and the medical schools in Texas, found that only 8% offered any training in complementary care, and less than a third offered any meaningful training in nutrition. The typical nutritional training for new physicians was three to five clock hours out of a four year medical curriculum. While there are many fine physicians who have taken the time on their own to educate themselves in these areas, they are the rare exception rather than the rule. As a result, the average medical doctor is not well qualified to offer knowledgeable advice on nutrition. But this merely begs the question: is there truly a nutritional gap in our society? The answers are sobering. First, well structured surveys have consistently shown that less than 6% of Americans truly eat a balanced diet. One of the reasons is our personal food preferences. How many people do you know who say they “don’t like fish,” or “don’t like vegetables?” To the extent that they then avoid consuming those foods, can anyone truly say they are eating a balanced diet? Second, data from the US Department of Agriculture clearly shows that the food that we do eat is becoming less and less nutritious. A study published in the December 2005 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared the nutrient value of the American produce supply in 1950 to that in 1999. The results were stunning. Depending on the type of produce and nutrient examined, our produce supply has declined in nutritional value between six and 38 percent over that 50 year period. The study’s authors attributed the decline to the mineral depletion of the growers’ lands caused by continually growing the same crops year after year without comprehensive replacement of soil nutrients. In fact, the fertilizers used by most farmers replace only three of the twelve major minerals needed to grow their crops most healthily. Obviously, with a national obesity rate in excess of 60%, the answer definitely is not to eat between six and 38 percent more of these foods! The true answer to this dilemma lies in intelligent nutritional supplementation. In the case of managing chronic


July/August 2008

stress, I advocate the big three: B, C and EFA. A comprehensive B complex supplement provides nutritional support for the portion of the stress response related to the central nervous system. A therapeutic dose (4000 mg a day) of vitamin C directly feeds the adrenal glands, the organs which manage the body’s stress response. The adrenal tissues contain 25 times the vitamin C concentration of any other tissue of the body, and need constant replacement of vitamin C to remain healthy. Essential fatty acids, primarily the Omega 3s, provide the raw material to synthesize the steroid-based stress hormones cortisol and DHEA. Together, along with a proper diet, they can offer your body a good combination of protection and prevention against the ravages of chronic stress. We can help you construct a personal dietary supplement protocol which will help your body better manage its stress response. Contact us to begin your journey to good health today! Certified Traditional Naturopath Peter McCarthy is nationally certified as a traditional naturopath by the American Naturopathic Certification Board. He and his wife, Nancy, are co-owners of Life Energy Holistic Partners in Helotes, TX. They specialize in stress management, detoxification, weight management, and energy balancing. They may be reached at (210) 372-0002 or by e-mail at lehp@ earthlink.net for appointments. Office hours are Tuesday through Friday from 9AM til 6PM, and Saturday from 9AM til 2PM. For further information please visit www.lifeenergyholisticcenter.com.

Spiritual Discovery

Explore the concepts of practical spirituality that the ascended masters have given to us. Learn about the divine spark within you – the gift of life, consciousness, and free will. Join us for Sunday services: 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. The Summit Lighthouse of San Antonio 143 Lanark (Austin Hwy @ Perrin-Beitel) (210) 654-0041 TSLSanAntonio@aol.com www.tsl.org

Flying High

Dr. Carol Gloar, D.C.


have been under chiropractic care all of my life. It certainly hasn’t been an “alternative lifestyle” for me. By age two, it was the ONLY intervention for my health. No vaccinations, no shots, no medications of any kind. Now that’s flying high! My father immersed us in daily healthy regimens, and was the first in our neighborhood to purchase a juicer to distribute naturally sweetened carrot, apple and celery juice to our family. No white bread was allowed in the house. Our medicine cabinet held his shaving cream and razor and Vicks Vapor Rub, and for the nasty falls and spills of childhood, a bottle of mercurochrome and a box of bandaids. And what did our family do for entertainment? Why, group Yoga, what else? By the time I was in high school I rarely spoke of my “alternative healthcare lifestyle” to avoid the jokes, taunting and disdain of my peers. Yet I was grateful to be under such a magical form of healthcare and there were many reasons for this attitude. I watched many of my friends suffer with headaches, poor focus (brain fog), scoliosis, knee braces, strep throat, orthopedic shoes and inevitable tonsillectomies and appendectomies, not to mention the allergies, flus and constant sniffling. Or the horrible “time of the month” that many of my girlfriends suffered with each month. I certainly was the outsider for not being in with the “sick” crowd! I’m excited and grateful to tell you that my views on healthcare change everyday, as the world gains more knowledge of quantum physics, quantum neurology and incredible noninvasive care for the human body. My views on healthcare are simple: Do No Harm. We are all made of energy, nano particles that are constantly swirling, leaping, flying and (yes) even emitting sound! By changing a low, poisoned, sick frequency to a high, healthy strong frequency we will change the progression of unwanted situations (disease) in our body. Chiropractic works with your body and nervous system, it penetrates all the way to the cellular level and works on sending the right messages to every part of your body. By “right messages” I’m really talking about frequencies! Take a tuning fork and get it vibrating by hitting it on something solid. The tuning fork will emit a sound, depending on the size of the instrument. Feel like experimenting? Take a vibrating tuning fork and place the stem of it on a bone that has been fractured. The person will immediately sense and feel pain. It is one of the ways that a doctor can verify (without x-rays) that a bone is fractured or broken. The frequency of the broken bone and the frequency of the tuning fork is so different that the body reacts with a pain signal. Chiropractic delivers certain “frequencies” to the body. How is this done? Usually by a scientifically calculated gentle movement to one of the vertebra that surrounds the spinal cord.

The frequency that is garnered from that movement is translated to the spinal cord and immediately interesting changes happen in the body. Temperature elevates at the area that is adjusted, blood flow quickens. Research has indicated that cell structure changes. This has happened because the receptors (at the site of the treatment) instantly tell the brain that something has changed . The brain answers by sending a return message via the spinal cord to increase blood flow, elevate temperature and initiate healing. Isn’t that exciting? By introducing a frequency to correct body structure, the frequency will help the brain to send signals to encourage frequency change in the body to match the new vibration. Naturally, the new frequency will encourage a better state of health! That’s why when patients come to see me, I view each one as a golden opportunity to introduce a vibrational frequency that will initiate beautiful corrective changes in the state of their health. I’d love to take you flying with me! Dr Carol Gloar is now accepting patients at Lifestyle Chiropractic at 12000 Starcrest in San Antonio, (210-496-1066) She additionally works with children and adults with moderate to severe allergies (NAET), children with ADD/ADHD and allergy related autism. Her office also offers the advanced nervous system treatments Neurolink, NeuroModulation Technique and NeuroCranial Restructuring. Please visit her at www.lifestylechirosa.com or contact her personally at carolgloar@yahoo.com

San Antonio Area Edition


Joint Pain...Fueling the Fire Dr. John Coppola, D.C., Columnist


ver notice season after season you’re experiencing reoccurring back pain? Even the simple things, such as bending over to tie your shoes, can cause you to flare up. Each episode now occurs more frequently with less provocation. You followed your Medical doctor’s instructions but the problem came back. Then you followed your Physical Therapist’s instructions and though it helped, your condition returned. You even followed your Chiropractor’s protocol and although you experienced relief, your condition never fully resolved; so with all of your diligence, why are you still plagued with this condition? If this sounds all too familiar, you’re definitely ‘spiraling out of control’. Join me on an exploration into this phenomenon and learn how to break this crippling cycle. The Missing Link Ever wonder, with all the advancements in medical treatments, why so many of us continue to suffer with chronic pain. When we think of an injury we think of either a direct trauma to a tissue, a tear or sprain, or a slow and gradual weakening of tissue. We fail to take into account the role that inflammation plays in the repair and regeneration process. This is the missing link to your re-occurring condition! “Physiology for Dummies” Inflammation is the body’s initial healing response against damaged tissue or infection. When tissues become injured they are a haven for viruses, bacteria and parasites to set up camp. Inflammation spearheads the attack in order to annihilate these foes; then quickly subsides allowing healing to begin. During the inflammatory process, irritation of the joint will occur. When chronic, this will lead to erosion (wearing away) of the cartilage (the cushions at the ends of the bones), and also swelling of the joint lining. At times flu-like symptoms can accompany the inflammatory process. There are two types of inflammatory reactions that occur in the body. An acute inflammatory reaction, brought on by a specific injury (i.e.; stubbing your toe, spraining your back or ankle, etc.) and a chronic inflammatory reaction. Chronic inflammation is an inflammatory response of prolonged duration - weeks, months, or even indefinitely - whose extended time course is provoked by persistence of the causative stimulus to inflammation in the tissue. There are times when this process goes awry (your body does not shut down this production on cue) leading to a chronic inflammatory response. Chronic inflammation may develop in the following ways: 1) as a progression from acute inflammation if the original stimulus persists; or 2)after repeated episodes of acute inflammation. The inflammatory process inevitably causes tissue damage and is accompanied by simultaneous attempts at healing and repair. With each ensuing episode the body repairs with scar tis-


July/August 2008

sue. Scar tissue is weaker and less flexible than normal tissue, thus setting up the vicious cycle for reoccurrence and re-injury. Where There’s Smoke...There’s Fire The signs of chronic inflammation can be so subtle that we tend to overlook them. We’ll find many excuses to justify why we’re not functioning at 100%, “It’s just stress” or” I’ve just been working too hard”. Do these sound familiar? The following symptoms are just a few signals that can alert you to “The Fire Within”: general aches and pains that migrate from one place to another; chronic injuries that never resolve; frequent colds, viruses, congestion; and low energy or loss of vitality. It has been hypothesized that if inflammation persists and is left untreated, loss of spinal mobility and structural damage to the spine may result. Stress & Inflammation None of us suffer from excessive stress, right? Wrong! We live in an era of dual income families, high pressure careers with too many deadlines, not enough time, quick pace, need it yesterday -society. Stress accounts for 75-90% of all primary care visits in the US. Stress causes people to over eat and take in excessive fast food, drink too much alcohol, abuse drugs and leads to chronic illness, as well. Adrenal Stress - Burn Out Chronic stress causes a sustained output of hormones from the adrenal glands. One hormone in particular, Cortisol, when overproduced (due to stress) has long term damaging health implications. It can set the stage for chronic inflammatory illnesses such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Overproduction of Cortisol also suppresses our immune system, making it very difficult for the body to adequately heal its injuries. Fanning the Fires of Inflammation Studies show that how you eat and live can either ‘fan the fires of inflammation or squelch them’. A Western diet, loaded with highly processed (junk) foods are toxic triggers to the body causing a release of inflammatory chemicals. Pro-inflammatory Foods 1. Saturated Fats/Omega 6 oil, Trans Fats Foods that are high in saturated fat, trans-fats, and omega 6 fatty acids are pro-inflammatory. Saturated fats are found in animal meat and byproducts such as red meat, chicken, cheese, and egg yolks. Trans-fats are found in many baked goods such as bread, cookies, crackers, and margarines. A trans fat is basically an oil that’s been hydrogenated (changes molecular structure) so the oil becomes solid at room temperature. Omega 6’s are found in many vegetable oils.

2. High Glycemic Index Foods High glycemic index foods cause a sudden rapid elevation of sugar in our blood stream signaling a subsequent rapid elevation in the hormone insulin. Insulin is secreted to normalize the blood sugar. Insulin spikes, associated with high glycemic index foods, cause the release of other regulatory hormones that not only increase fat deposition but, also cause an inflammatory response. Typically any food high in sugar, low in fiber or highly processed, such as most breads, sweets, and candy, are high glycemic index foods. The Cure is in the Kitchen We have all heard many times before that we should eat healthy, but it had no direct meaning to us. I truly believe the reason people do not give careful consideration to what meets their mouth is because they do not realize how deadly foods can be ‘one spoonful at a time’. Relax, you carnivores. I’m not saying you must give up your most beloved foods. We must, however, minimize and neutralize the arachidonic acid producing foods by consuming more anti-inflammatory foods, foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as cold water fish (haddock, cod, salmon, sardines), flax oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds, vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices and green tea. In addition, low glycemic index foods indirectly prevent inflammation by not altering fat metabolism. It’s estimated that approximately 75% of all Americans suffer from “silent inflammation”. A Better Solution for Your Back Pain Many of you have already been diagnosed with disc herniations, bulges, protrusions, or facet joint problems. The most recent scientific break through for the treatment of spinal injuries is Spinal Decompression. I have been using Spinal Decompression in my clinic for years with great success. Clinical research studies have proven Spinal Decompression treatment to be 86% effective. This is remarkable, considering long term results for surgery are only 25% effective at best. Spinal Decompression Spinal Decompression is a sophisticated FDA cleared equipment that gently distracts the spine, lifting the compressive forces off the disc and nerve roots. The distractive forces gently increase and decrease over a period of time imbibing the disc. The disc is virtually avascular, (little-no blood supply), making it difficult for nutrients to reach the disc for healing. The alternating distractive forces of Spinal Decompression actually drive nutrients into the disc and facilitate the healing process. Though spinal decompression is an effective tool, one must take into account the inflammation equation in order to achieve permanent results. Goal Specific Nutrients Along with a specific spinal decompression protocol, I start all my patients on a high grade concentrated source of EPA/ DHA (mercury-free fish oil), in order to reduce inflammation

(beware…not all fish oils are created equally. Most on the shelf are rancid or mercury contaminated). In addition, patients are given minerals and nutrients which increase insulin sensitivity and prevent the inflammatory cycle. These components are critical to achieving long lasting, permanent results. Melting the Stress Away Since we find that our patients rarely take time to destress, we love to pamper our patients. We provide a therapeutic healing environment. You literally start to feel the stress melt away when you begin your Spinal Decompression treatment. Imagine yourself in a setting with soft lighting, the sound of gentle rain, soothing music, and the smell of essential oils. We call it the “Zen Zone”. It’s no wonder many of our patients fall asleep while in treatment. It’s all part of the plan. Reduced stress means better therapeutic effect. Success Formula Clinical studies have proven Spinal Decompression to have an 86% success rate. Within our clinic, we are able to boast a 92% success rate. The 6% is the difference between a “B” grade and an “A” grade. That’s an enormous improvement when you’re talking about performance and regaining your youthful health. Our success rate is due to our multifaceted approach. We pride ourselves on our success rate. This is one of the reasons why we pre-qualify patients before accepting them into our program. The patient’s success is dependent upon their willingness to be proactive in their health care. Our Multifaceted Approach: − Spinal Decompression − Nutritional Support − Chiropractic Care − Proper Biomechanics − Core Strength Training Once and For All Don’t be robbed of quality time with your family. Wouldn’t you love to get rid of your aches and pains for good. Our goal for patients is to educate them on how to manage their own health so they don’t need us. They are given all the tools they need to maintain their health long after their care is completed. If you would like to determine if you’re a good candidate for Spinal Decompression, call our office and one of our friendly staff members will be ready to help you begin your journey back to great health. Dr. Coppola has been in clinical practice for over 12 years as a chiropractor. As a former Canadian Wrestling Champion and a NPC bodybuilding Champion, his passion has been helping people restore their health. He also inspires them to make the lifestyle change through nutrition and exercise. For more information, please call Precision Sport Spine at (210) 492-0111 or visit us at www.BodiesRebuilt.com

San Antonio Area Edition


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helen Prater


lthough its name trivializes the illness as Health Science Center and again got relief. Without HBOT she little more than mere tiredness, Chronic eventually became totally disabled and bedridden. (This seems fatigue syndrome (CFS), an immune system to indicate that regular use of HBO would provide continued disorder, is a complicated disease characterized by extreme fatigue improvement!) that doesn’t improve with bed rest and usually worsen with physi- In 2007, Terry’s specialist in Houston discovered she had cal or mental activity. Walking Pneumonia bacteria in her system. Much like cancer, it Primary CFS damages the immune system. It is intracel- requires 5 types of antibiotics at one time to kill the bacteria. She lular, not outside the cell. Patients describe their fatigue from says it steals the cell’s adenosine triphosphate (ATP ). (ATP supCFS and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) as oppressive plies energy to the body via mitochondria.) - a prolonged, pervasive weariness that seems to penetrate every When cells die from the antibiotics, the bacteria becomes cell. They usually suffer from an entire constellation of symptoms, toxic. If your system can’t flush the toxins you become sick from including severe incapacitating fatigue, profound exhaustion, “the cure”! Up till then, HBOT was the only thing Terry did that extremely poor stamina, memory loss, inability to comprehend/ helped. Unless it’s associated with a study, she couldn’t be treated retain what is read, difficulty concentrating, recurrent flu-like illfor CFS at a hospital. Then she found out that San Antonio had ness, severe joint and muscle aches, a free standing HBO clinic that non-refreshing sleep, neurological could treat her. (It’s the one I What is HBOT? problems, and many more too use.) She wasted no time in setHyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatnumerous to mention. No wonder ment approved by the FDA and AMA which enhances ting up a series of sessions. it’s so hard to diagnose with this HBO not only helps kill tissue levels of life giving oxygen. Normally, oxygen is myriad of symptoms that are bacteria itself, it removes the almost exclusively carried by red blood cells. During classic of so many other illnesses! toxins from the tissues. It has HBO therapy, all body fluids, including the lymph and Consequently, most symptoms boosted her energy, improved her are not visible, making it difficult sleep, and increased her stamina. cerebrospinal fluids are infused with the healing benefits for others to comprehend the vast After several HBO sessions she of this molecular oxygen. Pressurization forces it to array and intensity of debilitating can finally walk for 30 minutes reach bone and tissue that is inaccessible to the blood symptoms with which afflicted and do much more than that for cells even when compromised by injury or disease. persons must contend. the first time in 8 years! There There is no known cause, is no doubt in her mind that in cure or universal treatment for CFS/ addition to the antibiotics her doctor CFIDS. Treatment focuses on a combination of approaches to prescribed for her, HBOT has been the single most helpful tool. relieve signs and symptoms. It requires adapting to an entirely Oxygen is a crucial factor in immune function. White new way of life. blood cells require molecular oxygen as a base organism for micro CSF may occur after an infection, such as a cold or viral bial killing. Scientists have long known that oxygen is literally the illness. The onset can be during, or shortly after a time of great ”breath of life”, but only recently have studies begun to reveal how stress, or it can come on gradually with no clear starting point or profoundly oxygen metabolism influences health and illness. Oxyobvious cause. Women are diagnosed with CSF more often than gen, indeed, may be a key to helping overcome chronic fatigue. men. However, sex isn’t a proven risk factor for this condition. It HBO provides molecular oxygen and removes the toxins in the may be that women are more likely to report their symptoms than system and is noninvasive. What better single adjunctive therapy men. The condition is most common in those in their 40s and to incorporate in treatment of CFS and all immune system ill50s, but can affect people of all ages. nesses? Terry, a sufferer of CSF, spoke to me about her ex Our immune systems are key to good health. periences with CSF and the role Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has played in her fight against it. Terry was a full of life, After retiring from 35 years in the computer field, Helen Prater devellove to exercise, walk, work, and just stay busy, person. Then it oped an interest in alternative health medicine. She became interested struck!! CSF!! She describes CSF as life altering, debilitating. and began researching HBOT in an effort to find help and hope for Even her sleep was not replenishing. her husband with congestive heart failure and diabetes, her nephew Introduced to HBOT when she took part in a 3 year with ALS, and her niece with Lupus. She scoured the Internet, read study at Texas A&M on the effects of HBO on CFS. Participants articles, visited HBOT clinics, and even took dives herself. Her misreceived HBO for 2 weeks each year. Although her symptoms sion was to find out everything that she could about this simple, but were not completely gone, at the end of the year’s session the good powerful, treatment and how it can help. Call 210-654-6464 or visit effects lasted longer each year. They lasted for 2 years beyond the the website:. www.sanantoniohyperbarics.com end of the study and she was able to go back to work and resume exercise. Later she was able to get 15-20 treatments at the UT


July/August 2008

Vital Therapy for Beautiful Skin

The finest anti-aging, non-toxic, skin care products for men and women. Now you can have great looking skin at any age! Vital Therapy products contain only “chirally correct�, cutting edge nutrients which are synergistically combined to achieve the most rapid and effective anti-aging skin care available today. Vital Therapy can take away fine lines and even deep lines. It works all the time, every time - guaranteed! Results can be seen in as little as seven days! Vital Therapy products contain only the finest ingredients, containing topically applied nutrients that act as anti-aging protection, oxygenating, regenerating, rejuvenating, repairing, nourishing and balancing skin metabolism. VT is always free of parabens and other harmful preservatives and chemicals. The nutrients encourage skin cell reproduction, circulation, and most impor tantly, produce real, cumulative, beneficial, long lasting, visible results - all at a reasonable price. The Starter package containing Cleanser, Vitamin C Serum, Vitamin A Serum, Peptide Lotion, and the revolutionary Plastic Surgery in a Bottle, normally sells for $307, but is available through this introductory offer for $242 (or two equal payments of $121), a huge savings of more than 20%! Vital Therapy’s 30-day guarantee: If you are not satisfied, return the unused product within 30 days for a 110% refund! Visit our website: www.vitaltherapytexas. com., or send e-mail to: vitaltherapytexas@ gmail.com for a free electronic catalog. Vital Therapy products are also available to Texas practitioners at wholesale prices. Not available in any stores. Vital Therapy skin care products are never tested on animals.

All statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

San Antonio Area Edition


Animal Talk: Eight Signs of Illness in Animals - Part 2 Val Heart, M.B.A., Pa.C.B.P., Columnist


n my last article, I shared with you the first 4 of the 8 common signs of illness for your animal friends. Hopefully you didn’t see any of those signs in your animals, so be sure they aren’t showing these signs either… Things can go wrong in big or subtle ways, so be sure you are paying attention. My most distressing consultations are when I am called in as the Hail Mary, the desperate plea of last resort, to help people or their animals who are suffering a health “emergency.” Our animals show signs in every way they can, but are often ignored, mistreated, misdiagnosed or misunderstood – they just got “missed”. In my work I’ve discovered problems brewing long before things got really bad, giving us time to address them. Among other things, I have pinpointed spinal misalignments, diet problems, allergies, brain dysfunction, broken bones, vaccination reactions, vision loss and hearing problems. Recently I worked with a wonderful therapy dog named Dougie. His owner wanted to know why he was behaving aggressively and growling a lot even though she’d been punishing him for it. It turned out Dougie has a serious back and hip problem, and that he is eaten up with cancer. Matt, an Arabian horse, was terrified of everything and nothing the trainer had done had made much of a difference. This beautiful gleaming black stallion spooked dangerously at everything he saw, even though he saw the same view, things and people every day of the year. He was never able to calm down, find his confidence or balance. We discovered his neck and head had been injured and he was in chronic pain. Now, he’s calming down, is much easier to work with, and a lot safer to be around. Our animals do what makes sense to them from their viewpoint. Listening to them allows us to take appropriate action by discovering where the real problems are coming from, what the triggers are, and other things we don’t know yet which are critical. Knowing this helps save us a lot of time, energy and money by choosing the right way to resolve the real problem. Being an animal behaviorist and communicator, I am also highly trained in alternative health modalities so once we know what is really needed, I will be able to help them heal too. Many signs of illness are nonspecific and can be associated with many different diseases. Each one is significant and should prompt your attention. Here are the last four signs (if you missed the first 4, visit my website under Articles, or the Enjoy Whole Health Magazine archives): 5. Losing weight can be an indication of disease or illness. Be careful as this is sometimes difficult to notice, especially in longhaired animals that you see every day. It’s easy to miss subtle changes. If they feel bonier, lighter, or you can easily feel the ribs, pay attention. 6. Drinking more water is often associated with certain diseases including kidney disease and diabetes mellitus. And not


July/August 2008

drinking enough water is also a problem clue, and can lead to dehydration or renal failure. 7. Animals that don’t feel well don’t groom themselves, or you may just notice a dull lusterless coat. If your animal’s coat quality changes, have them evaluated. This can also be a sign of nutritional deficiencies. 8. Bad breath (halitosis) can result from dental disease as well as other metabolic disorders, such as tummy trouble, toxic buildup or kidney problems. Your biggest job as your animal friend’s caretaker is to educate yourself. Prevention is the best cure for any problem, so choose to feed a high quality diet, give them plenty of exercise, and pay attention if you see any of these signs. My colleague, Jan Rasmussen, is the multiple award winning author of the #1 Health Book of the Year in ALL categories. Her book is delightful! It’s called Scared Poopless: the straight scoop on modern dog care, and I think it’s a must have for every dog and cat caretaker. If you don’t have your copy yet, then go here to get it www.dogs4dogs.com. Jan recently partnered up with nationally renowned holistic veterinarian and pet food expert Dr. Jean Hofve to offer you a rare opportunity to learn everything you need to know to protect your dog and cat’s health in a series of 3 hour long audio classes. This priceless information is available at www.askthepetfoodexperts.com. Just tell them Val sent you! A vet visit is always a good idea if you notice any of these signs of illness. But if you’re having trouble resolving things, then it’s time to communicate with your animals directly. After all, who knows better how they are feeling? Or why they are doing what they are doing? If you are ill, please ask for the support you need. If your animals are, please give them the gift of an animal communicator so they can have a voice in what happens to them. Don’t let things get to the Hail Mary stage before you notice. Chances are that by then, it might be too late. Val Heart, Expert Animal Communicator & Master Healer for You & Your Animals! Dedicated to assisting seekers ready to take a proactive approach to improving their relationships with themselves & their animals through improved communication, energy medicine, health & balance for body, mind & spirit. Val works with chronic pain, illness, trauma, training, behavior, performance, euthanasia. She specializes in meeting the needs of performance horses: dressage, show jumping/hunter jumper, reining, cutting... but works with all animals. Speaker, Teacher, Columnist, seen on TV and heard on radio. Empathic Animal Behaviorist and Communicator since 1993. Workshops, TeleClasses, Free Happy Pet eTips & Free eNewsletter. Call (210) 863-7928, or visit http://www.valheart.com © Copyright, Val Heart & Friends.

Dowsing: Uses & Excuses Raymon Grace, Guest Columnist

I appreciate the fact that there has been enough interest in the work that I am doing to create a Non-Profit Foundation to make this information available to more people. I am happy to announce that the Raymon Grace Foundation has been created as a 501[c] 3 Non-Profit Organization and received Tax Exempt status in April of 2008. The Foundation primarily focuses on projects that concern clean water, and clearing energy for people and places that promote health and spiritual well being. The Foundation will also consider other projects that are beneficial to our environment and humanity. For more information, visit our website at www.raymongracefoundation.org To date, my friends and I have produced three books, two CDs and seven DVDs which promote dowsing in one way or another. My informal studies have included shamanism, mind development and healing. Dowsing is the method which combines all of them very effectively. Here are some of my experiences, thoughts and comments.

One interesting comment came from a person in the audience where this story was being told. She said that her son attended several schools in the course of his education. He had attended this same school during the time April was there, and it was the most pleasant of all those he had attended. Did dowsing interfere with the lives of other people? CERTAINLY! Did I ask for permission of the authorities to do this? CERTAINLY NOT! I did ask my dowsing system if this was permissible and if there was any reason not to do it. A letter of thanks was received from a Canadian Mountie, expressing gratitude for the lowering of violence in a Native village where crime and violence had been severe. After working on the people in the village, the violent crime dropped to ZERO. Again, dowsing was used to interfere with the lives of people unknown to me and without their permission. his is a statement used to open many of my talks with When telling people in class how to de-power killers dowsers. and rapists, the common comment is, ‘’We can’t interfere with a ‘’Have some good news and some bad news. There is a person’s free will.” group of people who are among the most powerful on earth. The Why not? They are sure interfering with the free will good news is it is YOU the dowsers. The bad news is that many of of their victims. If we interfere first, maybe there won’t be any you don’t realize it.’’ victims. The reason may be based upon a saying I’ve used for Some have asked if I get permission before doing the many years that goes like this. work. Yes, but not necessarily from the person. I then put this “People have given their souls to the Priest and preachers. question to the person asking, “Do you really think that I hunt Their health to the doctors. down the killers or rapists and ask if it is ok with them to do some Their money to their bankers. dowsing work to change their lifestyle?’’ Their children to the school system. Then there is the argument that we are interfering with In so doing, have lost power over their own lives.” someone’s karma. This amazes me because if we prevent an assault While being polite is certainly a trait to be admired, on someone, we have done an act of kindness and prevented the giving one’s power away to someone who may have less knowledge perpetrator from creating more bad karma for himself. and integrity than you, is just not smart. Some have accused me of interfering with a person’s Have chosen to address these issues because of the many karma by doing dowsing work to bring about better health. comments received from good people over the years. There are Maybe so, then I probably interfered with an older, frightened many good and capable people in the dowsing community who woman’s karma who had a flat tire on the Interstate by stopping to don’t use their abilities because of doubting their own abilities or offer help. Somehow, the karma thing doesn’t seem to apply to the for fear someone else may disagree with them. complaining folks when they have a problem. Maybe this is a case For example, a group of good people asked me to of their dogma getting run over by their karma. help them improve the quality of life in the schools where their When teaching folks to check the integrity of anyone children attended. A year later they hadn’t done anything. Their wanting to sell them something or get them to join their cause, reason was that their work would interfere with other children in the question comes up, “Isn’t that invading their privacy?” the school and they didn’t think they had the right to do this. Maybe, but they are trying to invade your pocket and influence Of course it would interfere with the other children and your life. You have a right to know if you are dealing with an honteachers, that was the point of doing the work!!! est person or a thief. When my kid, April, started to school at 14, the first Another thought is that there are many possible futures, thing I did was to clear the school of all the non-beneficial enerwe can use dowsing to attract the best possible future to us. But gies that could be thought of. On our first visit to the school, a again, the question has come up, “Aren’t we depriving ourselves of teacher was informed of the plan and told there was nothing learning experiences?” anyone could do about it and hoped the faculty liked the results. My answer is, “Some learn by reading, some by listening, As a result, there were no problems during the four years some by watching---and some have to pee on the electric fence. of high school. One teacher commented about how peaceful, calm If we use dowsing to attract more positive events in our lives, we and FUN things were, since April attended the school. have spared ourselves the misery of bad decisions. See Grace, p. 14


San Antonio Area Edition


Ask Kathy: About Vitamin D Kathleen Jackson, RPh, Traditional Naturopath

Q: I hear a lot about Vitamin D. How much should I be taking? Glen S., Dallas, Tx. A: The short answer is : Take enough to keep your blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D between 50 and 65 ng/ml. This is a simple blood test that you can ask your physician about. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin which means that you could potentially reach toxic levels in your body if you took too much orally. That is one reason that we want to be sure that the amount you take will be SAFE as well as EFFECTIVE. I think that the best information on Vitamin D continues to be the study reviews by John Cannell MD. His website is www.vitamindcouncil.org. According to his research, “Vitamin D deficiency plays a role in causing seventeen varieties of cancer, as well as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects and periodontal disease.” Vitamin D is measured in units. After going in the sun for 20 minutes, we make around 20,000 units of Vitamin D which is more than 100 times what the government tells us we need each day. Dr. Cannell’s research shows that we need to supplement about 4,000 units of Vitamin D per day if we are totally avoiding the sun. He also has shown us that there is no way

To submit questions for “Ask Kathy”, send e-mail to: askkathy@gmail.com or call 281-705-2679. Include Question (approx. 20 words) , your name, city and state. to know exactly the dose that we need to take without monitoring it in the blood. The three ways to affect this level are exposure to sunlight, exposure to artificial sunlight, or by taking a supplement of Vitamin D. Dr. Cannell believes that if you need to take greater than 2000 iu daily, you should be under a Dr.’s supervision and taking prescription doses of the vitamin. Some folks actually need a prescription strength Vitamin D of 50,000 units. For many of them, a once monthly dose is enough to maintain a sufficient blood level of the vitamin. If you have or have had cancer, be sure and read Dr. Cannell’s website. Talk to your oncologist about measuring the level and using the vitamin even if you are currently taking chemotherapy or radiation. There is absolutely no one dose fits all for this vitamin and any recommendation would only be useful if it was preceded by a blood test. Kathy Jackson is a consulting compounding pharmacist and naturopath specializing in integrative natural medicine. Kathy consults with numerous clients around the state, and around the country, on many different health issues. To set up an individual consultation, call 281-705-2679 or e-mail Kathy at askkathy@gmail.com.

Grace, from p. 13 Which do you think is the most intelligent choice? A question that always amazes me is, after explaining some of the many uses of dowsing, a person will raise their hand and ask if they can use it to make money. There has been some idea that spirituality and prosperity cannot co-exist. This has been an effective way of controlling people for a long time. My question is, “Has poverty ever solved any problems for you? I encourage everyone attending class to use what they learn to get their money back for the class---at least 10 times over. Let me encourage you dowsing folk to do whatever you can to make living conditions better for yourselves, your family, friends and community. One friend used dowsing to clear the dis-agreeable people from her neighborhood. Another lady who was not a dowser used one of our DVDs to accomplish the same thing. Sure they interfered with the lives of others by their actions, but are living in a better neighborhood because of it. Apparently the criminal element and those of low consciousness cannot tolerate high energy areas. Now you have a choice, you can be ‘’politically correct’’ and tolerate assaults upon your family, country and way of life or you can use your mind and dowsing and do something about it. One thing seems certain, if you don’t do it, probably no one else will. This is why I wrote this article.


July/August 2008

What if you fear opposition?? Well, don’t tell anyone. The good thing about dowsing is that you don’t leave any tracks. Oh sure, someone may suspect you did something but they can’t prove it. Now for you bolder dowsers, and for you timid ones who want to be bolder: When you go to a restaurant be sure to whip out your pendulum and raise the vibrations of the food and energize the water. The .45 caliber bullet pendulum I carry is especially good for this. This act will not only change the energy of the food, it may even help in converting some onlookers to the world of dowsing. Lacking that, it will leave more vacant chairs around you so you may dine in peace. Last week I was coming out of the grocery store and stopped by a fellow asking me to sign a petition so someone could get on the ballot for U.S. Senate. Pulled my .45 bullet pendulum from my pocket and said, “Lets see what her integrity is.” No, he didn’t ask about dowsing, he commended me for wearing a gun to the grocery store. Told him I was just setting a good example and signed his petition. My websites are: www.RaymonGraceprojects.com www.RaymonGraceFoundation.org www.RaymonGrace.com To receive a free quarterly newsletter write to: news@raymongraceprojects.com

The Movie Mystic

Stephen Simon, Guest Columnist

Many years ago (1976), my first job in the film industry was as the assistant to a legendary film producer named Ray Stark. Ray produced such classics as FUNNY GIRL, THE WAY WE WERE, and THE GOODBYE GIRL. Even though I went out on my own in 1980 to produce SOMEWHERE IN TIME, Ray and I stayed in touch and, from time to time, he would invite me to his home to watch films with him in his projection room. One night, in 1984, he invited me over to see a new film called SPLASH. Ray was particularly interested in SPLASH because, for years, he had been developing a remake to a dramatic film from the 1940’s entitled MR. PEABODY AND THE MERMAID, in which a man found a mermaid, put her in a pond near him, and fell in love with her. When we had finished watching SPLASH, Ray turned to me and said. “Well, that’s the end of developing PEABODY. There are some issues that audiences just respond better to when they’re presented in comedies than when drama is involved. An audience will give you a lot more leeway in a comedy with their willingness to suspend disbelief than they will in a drama.” My dear friend Bruce Joel Rubin, the genius writer of GHOST, told me that the whole notion of the Whoopi Goldberg character in the film being comedic was a major key to making the overall film work as it did. Audiences love to laugh and it just makes the story more easily digestible when laughter is present. Wise men. Wise words. Some of the great films in Spiritual Cinema are comedies because they indeed give us that chance as an audience to look more comfortably at certain subject matter that could otherwise be very daunting if presented in drama; moreover, these films allow us to look at ourselves in very human, but humorous ways. GROUNDHOG DAY presents a brilliant metaphor for how we evolve from lifetime to lifetime. DEFENDING YOUR LIFE looks at how we examine our lives after we transition and become aware of the issues that we chose to deal with in life. HEAVEN CAN WAIT shows us how destiny and love can combine to completely alter who we are and how we see ourselves. (All of those films are available on DVD and I highly recommend them.)

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Oh God: Say It with Laughter

Another perfect case in point to look at in more depth is the wonderful 1977 film OH, GOD, in which God appears in the form of George Burns to deliver some important messages to the world via a meek grocery clerk played with innocent sweetness by John Denver. By actually believing that he is indeed talking to God,Denver loses his job, and also becomes an object of derision until God actually makes a dramatic courtroom appearance on Denver’s behalf. In a drama, I don’t believe that audiences would have been receptive to such a premise but, in this charming, witty, and gentle film, some beautiful and empowering messages about our humanity were slipped in between the laughter and the fun of the plot: “Even non-believers want what you have here to work. I set the world up so it can work.” “Religion is easy. I’m talking about faith.” “Men and women’s existence means what you think it means. Nothing more, nothing less.” “I’m God only for the big picture. I don’t get into details. I gave you a world and everything in it. It’s all up to you.” “You have free will. All the choices are yours.” “Young people can’t fall from my grace. They’re my best things.” “You want a miracle? You make a fish from scratch. You can’t. And when the last one’s gone, eighty-six on the fishes, goodbye sky, so long world. It’s over.” “Sure, I make mistakes. Tobacco. Ostriches, silly-looking things. Avocadoes, made the pit too big. But, hey, you try.” In the courtroom scene at the end of the film, Burns delivers one of the most poignant lines of the film: “If you find it hard to believe in me, know that I believe in you.” Laughter and tears of joy and recognition. Now THAT’S Spiritual Cinema. Stephen Simon co-founded www.spiritualcinemacircle.com. He also produced such films as SOMEWHERE IN TIME and WHAT DREAMS MAY COME. And both directed and produced INDIGO and CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD.

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San Antonio Area Edition


Finding Our Spiritual Nature Aaron Hoopes, Guest Columnist


veryone has had moments in life when everything became bright, clear and alive – everything was perfect. There was a glimpse of pure awareness, when past and future no longer existed and total attention was focused on the moment. At that one point in time you were aware of your spiritual nature. Your aches and pains vanished. Your worries and problems faded away. All of your wants, needs, and desires disappeared. For that moment you weren’t just experiencing life – you were the experience. Your body and mind were in perfect coordination, and you were completely open to your spiritual essence. It is easy to define the body. It is your physical presence. You can see it when you look in the mirror. The mind is not as tangible but it is also ever present. It is the conscious essence in your head that defines who you are in the physical world. The spirit, however, is more elusive. It is not easy to put your finger on because it is much more than the in-the-world entity you define yourself as. Your spirit is connected to the infinite essence of the universe, and trying to restrict it and define it is as futile as trying to grasp water. However, by concentrating on the parts of ourselves we are able to discuss we can allow the spirit to arise of its own accord. A healthy, happy and energized body and a calm, clear, quiet mind offer fertile ground for the spirit to grow and flourish. By combining body awareness (through conscious breathing) with mind awareness (through meditation), we can cultivate a state of being that is in the highest degree receptive to the spirit and capable of experiencing the ultimate fullness of existence Concentration is at the heart of all breathing and meditation exercises and is the pathway to putting your mind in tune with your body. Body and mind reflect each other. As one calms, the other relaxes and vice versa. There are three essential keys to concentration. These keys identify qualities of conscious breathing and mental clarity that provide a framework connecting to your spiritual nature. They work in two ways. First, by bringing an awareness to the breath and making it important, we cause the body to relax and enhance the effectiveness of breathing. Second, focusing on the keys helps calm the mind and brings your thoughts into harmony with your breath. Deep and Long Deep and long breathing draws the air fully and completely into and within the body - not in the sense of inhaling to the maximum and tensing up the muscles, but in the sense of actually feeling the breath reach all of the deepest recesses within. Keeping the chest and surrounding muscles relaxed allows the breath to fill the lungs to their ideal capacity. Lengthening your inhaling and exhaling allows your body time to adapt to the deep expansion within. The longer and deeper the breath, the more in tune you become with the natural world around you. Silent and Slow Silent and slow allows even more relaxation. The silent breath is felt with the whole body instead of being heard. We become aware of the sensation of breathing. We begin to feel the


July/August 2008

Aaron Hoopes lungs expanding and contracting and the breath flowing through us. Slowing the breath relaxes the entire breathing process and extends the length of the breath to a point where it reaches a calm and natural state. Soft, Even and Continuous Soft, even and continuous breathing brings completeness to the breath. Soft breath loosens the mind’s control over the breath allowing it to reach a more spiritual level. Keeping the breath even brings the mind into a meditative state where thoughts flow with the breath. Continuous breath is like a circle. Inhalation creates exhalation which in turn creates inhalation. As we move toward awareness of our spiritual selves, the coordination of body and mind is essential. It may seem impossible at first. The body is tangible. It has shape. The mind has no shape. How can we bring these two opposites together? The answer is that they are already together. It is our natural state to have body and mind functioning in harmony. But the rigors of daily living fracture our attention and disrupt our awareness. Our mind is scattered and our breathing is shallow. Our spiritual nature is blocked and remains unable to develop because body and mind are not coordinated. Coordination and harmony can be brought about through the principles of dynamic breathing combined with the essence of meditation and the serenity of mind that results. In doing this we break down the barriers between body and mind and allow them to unite again and form our Spirit. By coordinating the body and the mind we lay the fertile ground for our spiritual nature to grow and develop. Each of us has the potential for spiritual self realization, but without the connection between body and mind it is very difficult to get a clear sense of out spirit. In the end your spiritual nature is unique and it is up to you to discover it on your own. Getting the body breathing and the mind calm gives you the opportunity to explore that. I offer you blessings on your journey. Aaron Hoopes is the founder of Zen Yoga and the author of Breathe Smart: The Secret to Happiness, Health and Long Life, Perfecting Ourselves: Coordinating Body, Mind and Spirit as well as a DVD series and a deep relaxation CD program. His new book Zen Yoga: A Path to Enlightenment through Breathing Movement and Meditation is available at Amazon.com and fine bookstores everywhere. Questions & comments welcome: breathe@artofzenyoga.com For more information please visit the Zen Yoga website: www.artofzenyoga.com.

Journaling to Find Forgiveness Laura Wright, Guest Columnist


e have all been wronged. No one is exempt from the mindless, unskillful, or even malicious transgressions of others. It hurts. Sometimes these hurts run deep, and the pain seems unending. Unpleasant emotions such as anger, resentment, despair, and confusion might overshadow our day-to-day lives even if the event is long past. In our journey to wholeness, some of our greatest work is to forgive others for what they have done, mostly because forgiving others alleviates our own suffering. Forgiving others requires courage. Mahatma Gandhi said, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” To truly forgive, sometimes a formal process is necessary. What follows is a powerful and empowering process for healing. It involves working with reflection, journaling, and meditation. If you are ready to forgive, consider the following. First, we must ascertain if the wrongdoing was intentional or unintentional. It is also important to recognize if you feel vindictive or are holding a grudge. Journaling is a great way to do this, especially since we can never change another, only ourselves. Write about the physical, mental, and emotional parts of the experience. Write down your story again and again if need be. Second, after recognizing the details of our situation, we must accept it. To help you do this, write again about the emotions, pause and be with the physical sensations of the emotions. Accepting means that we admit to the inappropriateness of the situation and admit that, yes, it did happen to us. Accepting our emotions means we feel them and let them move through us as best we can without interference. Letting emotions move through us doesn’t mean we act from them, we simply give the play of mental and physical phenomena full permission to do its dance. Third, set intentions for your future actions. What needs to be done? Would the other person be open to hearing about how you feel? If talking with this person is not appropriate, consider gently, tactfully, and sincerely writing something? Or perhaps the right action is no action. Simply making the conscious decision to take no action can constitute right intention. There is no one right answer; you must do what is right for you. Journaling will help you discover the right course. Fourth, after spending time recognizing, accepting, and setting intentions for possible action or nonaction, invite in forgiveness. Forgive this person for intentionally or unintentionally, consciously or unconsciously, knowingly or unknowingly acting in a manner that was hurtful to you. Throughout your journaling and the meditation exercises that follow, know that forgiveness doesn’t mean that you have to become a doormat. It is possible to forgive and completely retain your dignity. Forgiving others is profoundly healing and strengthening on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. A consequence of forgiving another is that you empower yourself, and sometimes even those around you. When we truly understand

the ignorance that led another to some unskillful behavior, our aversion dissolves into the restorative power of compassion. We see that as members of the human race we also have spoken and acted blindly from ignorance. The compassion generated from forgiveness melts away layers and layers of pain, and this constitutes significant personal and spiritual work. Reflective journaling quiets the mind and from here you might find it easy to meditate. To deepen your understanding of the difficulty, consider the following meditation. Meditation on Forgiveness Give this 20 to 60 minutes. Set a timer so you won’t be concerned with time. Use the phrases below in synchronicity with the breath. Place the person you are forgiving in the blanks. • •

(In-breath) ______ is a learner in life. (Out-breath) ______ is allowed to make mistakes.

• •

(In-breath) May I change what I can (Out-breath) and let go of what I can’t.

• •

(In-breath) My intentions are good. (Out-breath) I forgive ______.

Letting go of highly charged negative events can take time, lots of time. Genuine forgiveness can take hours, days, weeks, or longer, depending on the trauma behind the event. Rest in your resolve to understand and forgive and remember that it is an attribute of the strong. Laura Wright is the author of Quiet Mind, Open Heart, Finding Inner Peace through Reflection, Journaling, and Meditation. Her book has more on forgiveness as well as other life enhancing topics. It is available through all major bookstores. Learn more at www. lwrightnm.com.

Counseling Works Joan B. Wells, L.P.C. General Counseling Specializing in: Abusive Relationships/Rape & Incest Survivors Parent/Child Relationships Telephone: (210) 681-9153 Pager: (210) 203-2057

San Antonio Area Edition



San Antonio Parks Foundation & City of San Antonio present The July Fourth Celebration & H-E-B Fireworks at Woodlawn Lake Park, Friday, July 4th 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Schedule of activities: Salute to the Red, White, & Blue Children’s Parade. Pre-Parade activities begin 10 a.m. at the Woodlawn Gym; Parade begins at 11:30 a.m. Hecho en Mexico 3-4:30 p.m.; 5 Star Band 5:30-7 p.m. USAF Band of the West’s Top Flight at 7:30 p.m. H-E-B Fireworks Extravaganza 9 p.m. Family Fun all day in the Rio San Antonio Cruises Kid’s Zone. FREE. Information (210) 212-8423 www.saparksfoundation.org.

Tuesday, August 12

Open Reiki Circle. Everyone is welcome… learn about Reiki, practice Reiki or simply enjoy a free treatment. 7-9 p.m., 6323 Sovereign, Suite 186, FREE. Briana Brooks/ Lori Garrett 210-365-1400; www.brianabrooks.net

Saturday, August 23

Muscle-Testing Part II. Join us for some intermediate techniques in Muscle-Testing, including how to test yourself. Lots of practice time too! $65. 10 - 3:30. (Part I is pre-requisite). Contact Beverly Meyer at (210) 826-0034 or on the web at: www.dietandhealthcenter.info.

Tuesday, August 26

Tuesday, July 8

Open Reiki Circle. Everyone is welcome … learn about Reiki, practice Reiki or simply enjoy a free treatment. 7-9 p.m., 6323 Sovereign, Suite 186, FREE. Briana Brooks/ Lori Garrett 210-365-1400; www.brianabrooks.net

Tuesday, July 22

Open Reiki Circle. Everyone is welcome… learn about Reiki, practice Reiki or simply enjoy a free treatment. 7-9 p.m., 6323 Sovereign, Suite 186, FREE. Briana Brooks/ Lori Garrett 210-365-1400; www.brianabrooks.net

Thursday, July 31

Alamo Dowsers. Chapter meeting, American Society of Dowsers, Broadway Central Market Community Room, near Hildebrandt, 7pm. For info: 210-860-1176.

Saturday, August 9

Muscle-Testing Part I. Learn the Basics of Muscle-Testing in this great hands-on class. Enroll a friend to test with! $65. 10 - 3:30. Beverly Meyer and the Diet & Health Center. (210) 826-0034 or visit us at www.dietandhealthcenter.info.

Open Reiki Circle. Everyone is welcome… learn about Reiki, practice Reiki or simply enjoy a free treatment. 7-9 p.m., 6323 Sovereign, Suite 186, FREE. Briana Brooks/ Lori Garrett 210-365-1400; www.brianabrooks.net

Thursday, August 28

Alamo Dowsers. Chapter meeting, American Society of Dowsers, Broadway Central Market Community Room, near Hildebrandt, 7pm. For info: 210-860-1176.

ONgoing EVENTS BELLYDANCE with Little Egypt for Fitness & Grace. visit: www.BLittleEgypt.com Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays, 8:00 a.m. Locations throughout Austin. Outdoor stroller fitness class open to all caregivers/children 6 weeks/up. The first class is always FREE; we’re running some great specials! www.momsandtotsfitness.com. 512-461-6823.

Nia—I love what it does for me! Carver Cultural Center, 1165 Angelina St. www. ci.austin.tx.us/carver. Mondays and Sat.-Sun., August 9 & 10 Wednesdays, 10:15–11:15 a.m. Mondays, METAPHYSICAL FAIR 4:00–5:00 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sat 10-6 Sun 11-6, Radisson Austin North 6000 Middle Fiskvile Rd, Austin, TX 78752 12:00–1:00 p.m. Saturdays, 1:00–2:00 p.m. FIRST CLASS FREE. 512-413-4791


July/August 2008

Developmentally appropriate support groups/individual counseling: children/ youth with parent with cancer/serious illness, or seriously ill children/young adults. Free services; Spanish/English. Wonders & Worries, 923 Westbank Drive, Suite C. Meredith Cooper, 512-329-5757. Web: www.wondersandworries.org. The Crossings is seeking volunteers to assist with our day-to-day operations. Please call 512-258-7243 or view our Web site at www. thecrossingsaustin.com for more information on our Volunteer Service Program. Footworks in Southwest Austin: One-time FREE rental use of 14,500 s.f. facility to nonprofits for events or fund-raising activities! Cleaning/staffing fees still apply. 7010 W HWY 71, #120, in Oak Hill. 512-288-9577 for details.


Celebration Circle – A Creative Approach to Spirituality. Sunday, 11:00 a.m., JumpStart Theatre, Blue Star Arts Space. Weekly meditations, artful events, retreats combining various faith traditions. Nonprofit Circle: where art/spirituality intersect. Rudi Harst or Zet Baer. www.celebrationcircle.org 210-533-6767. San Antonio ECKANKAR Center, 1603 W. Lullwood, 210-737-6863. English and Spanish Worship services, Sundays, 11:00 a.m., Literature, Study Materials, and classes. Learn how Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel can help you find God. Free Book—1-800-LOVE-GOD. http://www.eckankar.org. Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life! San Antonio Center for Spiritual Living (Religious Science Church). Dr. Cindy Flor, minister. 2101 Lockhill-Selma, Suite 200. Sunday services 11:00 a.m. 210-342-7897. Prayer Line, 210-342-7897, Option 2. Bookstore, classes, workshops. PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT FORUM: Whole approach to health/abundance by using your inner potentials. All attainable when we know how. Time-Tested principles: logical, practical, workable! FREE! 1st/3rd Sundays, 2:00–4:00 p.m. Contact Roger, 210-698-2572.

Discussion group, “The Coping Corner.” Free; meets 2nd Sundays monthly, Genuine Joe’s Coffeehouse, Anderson Lane, across from Lack’s Furniture, Austin. Sunday, 4:00–5:30 p.m. Focus: Life Transitions. Susanne Slay-Westbrook L.P.C., L.M.F.T. www.aworldofrespect.com. ZIKR, CHANTING IN THE SUFI TRADITION, reading, practices. 5:00–6:00 p.m. Free. Beginners welcome. Sufi Order of Austin, 8400 Flagstone Drive. Jan Stoddard-Smith, 512-206-0227, jstoddardsmith@austin.rr.com, or Xvarnah D’Obrenovic, 512-280-0584, parvati1199@yahoo.com, towardtheone.com. Call before coming. BHAKTI YOGA DEVOTIONAL OFFERING, VEGETARIAN DINNER, AND MEDITATION. 6:00–9:00 p.m. No charge. Reservations required by 3:00 p.m. Meditation includes a lecture on Bhakti Yoga. Austin Meditation Center, 2307 Rio Grande, 512-472-YOGA, www.austinmeditation.org.


5:30–6:30 p.m. Chanted Prayers (Puja) at Chittamani Buddhist Center, 2919 Manchaca Road #102A. 512-916-4444. www.meditationinaustin.org. Open to all—FREE.


Parkinson’s Young Onset Support Groups: Discuss patient/caregiver issues. 2nd Mondays, 1:00 p.m. Sunset Ridge Church of Christ, 95 Brees Boulevard, San Antonio. Contact: Dianne Johnson, 210-567-6688, or e-mail diannejohnsonrn@aol.com. PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT FORUM: Whole approach to health/abundance by using your inner potentials. All attainable when we know how. These TimeTested principles: logical, practical, workable! FREE! 2nd/4th Mondays, 7:00–9:00 p.m. Contact Ann H, 210-690-4144. Healing Hartwork – Alternative Cancer Support Group. Meets 3rd Monday in Whole Foods training room at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call Michelle Hart, 210-493-1160.


Séances, Akashic Record Journeys, Free Reiki, Labyrinth Walks and more

Tuesdays, Brooks/Garrett Community Classroom, Briana Brooks 210-365- 1400, Lori Garrett 210-269-7986, www.brianabrooks.net

5101 Medical Drive, San Antonio, Dianne Johnson, 210-567-6688, 210-651-9835, or e-mail diannejohnsonrn@aol.com

PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT FORUM: Whole approach to health/abundance by using your inner potentials. All attainable when we know how. Time-Tested principles: logical, practical, workable! FREE! Every Tuesday, 7:00–9:00 p.m. Contact Bill, 210-826-7864.

Reiki classes each month. Briana Brooks/ Lori Garrett, 210-365-1400.

New Spirituality Study Group: Humanity’s Team. Meets Every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Based around principles from Conversations With God (written by Neale Donald Walsch). All are welcome. E-mail humanitysteamsa@hotmail.com for details. 210-240-9000.

Parkinson’s Young Onset Support Groups: Discuss patient/caregiver issues. 2nd Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. New Forest Estates Retirement Community, 5034 New Forest Drive, San Antonio. Cayce Kovacs, cddkovacs@ hctc.net, 830-329-3976. DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) Support Group. Location changes; contact Sandy Farris, sandyfar@omniglobal.net.

Fibromyalgia/Arthritis/Chronic Pain: Support Group, 2nd Tuesdays, 6:30–8:30 p.m. NeuroMuscular Associates, 4319 Medical, Suite 210A, 210-615-0270. Everyone welcome.


Free Tai Chi Sessions are continuing in Boerne at the Omega Retreat Center, 216 West Highland, 830-816-8470. Open for participants 55+ from 10:00–11:00 a.m., taught by Joslyn Crews. Call Mary Anderson for details. PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT FORUM: Whole approach to health/abundance by using your inner potentials. All attainable when we know how. Time-Tested principles: logical, practical, workable! FREE! 2nd Wednesday, 7:00–9:00 p.m. Contact Ann V., 210-681-0673, or Jim, 210-698-3636.


Yoga for Diabetes: 2:30–4:00 p.m. Jogi Bhagat from Yoga Solutions presents this workshop through a combination of Yogic postures, breathing exercises/techniques of deep relaxation. Reservation required. Free. 10008 Mount Rainier Drive. yogasolutions@gmail.com. 512-963-8364.



FALUN DAFA/FALUN GONG WORKSHOP with Hongyi Pan. Every Saturday, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.Free. 210-286-0511 (c), 210-614-6158 (h).

“Livewires Support Group” for DBS (Deep Brain Stimulatin) patients meets the 4th Saturday of the month. For more information, call 210-567-6688.

GET NOTICED! ADVERTISE in this CALENDAR for as little as $15/month!

Visit our updated web site for breaking news, event and calendar information. Now also with Food, Lawn & Garden and Lifestyle receipes, tips and advice, all updated weekly from the Editors at Family Features. Current and archival copies of Enjoy Whole Health, too. Check it out! www.enjoywholehealth.com

Parkinson’s Caregivers Only Support Group. 3rd Friday, 1:00 p.m. Warm Springs Rehabilitation Facility, room 132 Resource Center,

San Antonio Area Edition


Book Reviews: by Kate Faris

Perfect Together by Alice Loffredo STERLING HOUSE, 2007, $18.95

If you don’t have freedom of choice over your own healthcare, guess who does?

Alice Loffredo, who has studied astrology for over 25 years. It is written as a resource to help the reader gain insight into their own life purpose and to move toward actualizing it. It is very easy to read and contains many stories, some of which are taken from actual client experiences. The book explains the life purpose based on the position in the zodiac of the Nodes of the Moon, including the North Node and the South Node at the time of birth. In the book’s explanation, the North Node represents your life purpose, your challenge, where you are headed and what you are here to develop and contribute. If you are looking for information that can help you access your life purpose and strategy for moving in that direction, then this book will be a valuable resource.

Daily OM by Madisyn Taylor HAY HOUSE, 2008, $15.95

Protect Your Freedom of Choice. It’s Your Health.

A companion to the popular DailyOM Website, this book is a valuable guide that will enable you to find balance and wellness through conscious awareness. The gentle and affirming wisdom contained within these pages is intended to make each of your days a little happier, less stressful, and more satisfying. Taylor introduces you to elements of Mother Nature’s majesty that you may never have noticed before, and guides you as you discover the inward peace you’ve longed for, and inspire you to embrace change in every corner of your existence. Well-written and insightful, Daily OM should be a part of your daily life.

Gems of Wisdom, Gems of Power by Teresa Kennedy DA CAPO PRESS, 2007, $22.95

210-372-0557 www.texashealthfreedom.com


July/August 2008

Teresa Kennedy’s indispensable guide is the first to offer a new twist on an ancient art, uniting science with the sacred in an exciting new exploration of how crystal energy can be used by anyone, in every area of life. Crystal energy can be subtle or dramatic, healing or enlightening. It can help draw needed resources into your life; it can serve to attract the lover of your dreams; or it can work to effect a complete transformation of your outlook. No matter what your personal reasons are for coming to crystal work-whether your needs are physical, emotional, spiritual or material-exploring these energies will enhance every aspect of your life. Gems of Wisdom, Gems of Power presents easy-to-understand and practical explanations of the powerful energies of minerals, gems, and crystals and how to use them. These great books and other books, films & music of interest are available directly through the EWH bookstore at www.enjoywholehealth.com.

DIRECTORY Of RESOURCEs This directory consists of listings that describe a service, product, or training. If a listing interests you, don’t hesitate to contact the advertiser to learn more about what they are offering. Ask about their credentials and experience, and how their service or product might benefit you. The wonderful folks who list here are always happy to talk with you about what they do and why.

How to Advertise in the Resource Directory Resource Directory listings are easy to write and area great value. Write as you would speak to a friend about your work or product. We will size your photo and/or graphic. The first 70 words are $79.00 for a one time insertion. That’s two months of advertising - or only $39.50 a month, and includes photo and/or graphic. Each word is $.89 thereafter with a max of 85 words. There is a one-time setup charge of $15.00 for graphics preparation. Price also includes free listing on Enjoy Whole Health website and hot link to your site. You can pay even less per issue by signing an annual contract and by bundling other services. Call for more information Austin: 512-788-9127; San Antonio: 210-272-0731 or toll-free 866-490-3662, or you can always send your e-mail to: info@enjoywholehealth.com. The submission deadline for the September/October issue is July 22.

Animal Communication Val Heart

AnimalTalk: Improve Your Pet Life! Are you: Having difficulty with your animal friends, their behavior, training, health or performance? Struggling with your own health issues? If you answered “Yes!” to any of these questions, you’ve come to the right place. I specialize in helping people get ‘unstuck’ and move forward -- with their animals and in their own lives. I help animals but I also help YOU regain your balance and sanity! Val Heart, Relationship Coach for People & Animals Group Coaching Calls, Free Happy Pet Tips & e-Newsletter. Call 210-863-7928, or on the web: www.valheart.com

Coaching & Counseling

Kate Bares-Johnson

Soul Integration Therapy - Awaken your Soul…transform your life! Intuitive Guidance, Counseling, Spiritual/Life Coaching, Soul Integration Therapy®, Past Life/Childhood Regression Therapy, Codependency Recovery and more. Private Sessions, On-going Classes, and Retreat Intensives for individuals and couples. Phone sessions available. For more information contact Kate Bares-Johnson at The Center for Well-Being, 512-249-5683 or on the web: kate@thecenterforwellbeing.com or www.thecenterforwellbeing.com

Chiropractic Precision Sport & Spine is a cutting edge sports therapy clinic specializing in Chiropractic Care, Spinal Decompression and Nutrition. We offer safer alternatives to drugs and surgery. Among the John Coppola, benefits our patients experience are pain relief, increased energy, increased performance in sports D.C. and in everyday living. Live your life to its fullest by rebuilding your body and restoring your health through cutting edge sports therapy, nutrition and exercise. Located at 11306 Sir Winston Drive, San Antonio, TX, 78216. Call 210-693-0291. E-mail: info@bodiesrebuilt.com or on the web: www.bodiesrebuilt.com

San Antonio Area Edition


Dentistry John C. Guidry, D.D.S

John Charles Guidry, DDS, MS 210-692-9140 General Holistic Dentist. Services include: Composite (white) fillings, crowns, bridges, implant supported crowns and bridges, dentures, partials (removable bridges) gum therapy and TMJ appliances. Address: The Vistas, 4242 Medical Drive, Suite 7325, San Antonio, Texas 78229 See our web page: www.drguidry.com

Feng Shui Alison Shockner

Feng Shui Works. I believe that Feng Shui must come from within the individual. All my workshops and consultations are founded on the principle of listening to your own internal compass, and not to a set of arbitrary rules. Having facilitated workshops for 25 years, I specialize in creating tailor-made classes or consultations which are both instructive and fun. I provide home and business consultations, also space clearing and geomancy. Alison Shockner. Call 210-732-7439, or send your e-mail to: www.fengshuiworks.com.

Healing & Bodywork Kathleen McBride, CERTIFIED ROLFER. Feel yourself whole, healthful and dynamically in tune with forces that modern day life and/or trauma too often ask us to swim against. Experience Kathleen McBride improvements in Posture, Alignment, Aches, Pains, Flexibility, Athletic Performance, Stress and Emotional Health that may be due to stress, strains, traumatic injury or simple everyday life. Contact Kathleen at: rolfinginthehillcountry@gmail.com or Call 210-317-4242.

Hypnosis Ed Benjamin

Briana Brooks

HYPNOSIS WORKS! Ed Benjamin, Certified Hypnotist. Smoking, Weight, Past Lives, Study Skills, Meditation, Prosperity, Golf, Stress Management, and more. 210-824-3535. Ed Benjamin, Certified Hypnotist, 1747 Citadel Plaza, San Antonio, Texas 78209. www.edbenjaminhypnosis.com.

Briana Brooks is a noted holistic practitioner in the San Antonio area. She is a certified hypnotist, Reiki master practitioner and gifted angel psychic and medium. Get the help you want and the answers you need. Call Briana Brooks at (210) 365-1400 or visit www.brianabrooks.com

Learning Centers Unlimited Thought Life Enrichment Center


Unlimited Thought Life Enrichment Center is a full service specialty bookstore and learning center. We offer classes daily, Body-Mind-Spirit Fairs monthly, intuitive counseling (readings), massage therapy, and energy work. We stock the Southwest’s largest assortment of books, CDs, and DVDs on spirituality and metaphysics, plus crystals, candles, oils, incense, music CDs, cards, and gifts. 5525 Blanco at Oblate. 210-525-0693. www.unlimited-thought.com

July/August 2008

Nutrition Beverly Meyer

Beverly Meyer and the Diet & Health Center provide a naturopathic approach to health, specializing in customized diets, and professional grade vitamins, herbs and homeopathics for people and pets. In practice since 1988, Beverly offers classes on nutrition, the body-mind connection, muscle-response testing, animal health and more. Watch for our new location opening in August! The Diet & Health Center, 210-826-0034 or www.dietandhealthcenter.info

Psychology, Counseling & Growth Joan Wells, LPC

Joan Wells, L.P.C.. Specializing in counseling for abusive relationships, rape and incest survivors, crime victims. 210-203-2057 `

Reiki Briana Brooks

Briana Brooks is a noted holistic practitioner in the San Antonio area. She is a certified hypnotist, Reiki master practitioner and gifted angel psychic and medium. Get the help you want and the answers you need. Call Briana Brooks at (210) 365-1400 or visit www.brianabrooks.com

Spiritual Practices & Intuitive Arts

Sasha White

Psychic/Medical & Mediumship/Past Lives Private Sessions. Profound Psychic and Medical Channeled Readings including Alignments to the back and many instant healings with Sasha. In person/phone. All questions answered. When Sasha puts people on the table, she has a profound way of going right to the pain as healing takes place through the Sound Current with angels in her body. Sasha is also a Prophet, Medium, and Teacher of the Light. She teaches metaphysicians to channel and receive the Crown so they can hear their own Voice within. Ascension classes. 512-278-0559. www.sashawhite.com. sasha@sashawhite.com.

Schools, Classes & Workshops HYPNOSIS TRAINING. Moore Inspirations Professional Hypnosis Certification Program. Register Today! Fifteen day full certification and five-day short course for medical professionals now available. For details, contact Kathy Moore at 210-735-6766 or see www.mooreinspire.com. Video classes also available. SAWC’s Learning Addition is OPEN!! Offering holistic wellness on-going classes, weekend workshops, and support groups. Wide variety of topics, including: achieving financial freedom, finding your dream career, support for weight loss, divorce, dance, Reiki, drumming, EFT, meditation, manifesting abundance and much more.

How to Advertise in the Resource Directory Resource Directory listings are easy to write and area great value. Write as you would speak to a friend about your work or product. We will size your photo and/or graphic. The first 70 words are $79.00 for a one time insertion. That’s two months of advertising - or only $39.50 a month, and includes photo and/or graphic. Each word is $.89 thereafter with a max of 85 words. There is a one-time setup charge of $15.00 for graphics preparation. Price also includes free listing on Enjoy Whole Health website and hot link to your site. You can pay even less per issue by signing an annual contract and by bundling other services. Call for more information Austin: 512-788-9127; San Antonio: 210-272-0731 or toll-free 866-490-3662, or you can always send your e-mail to: info@enjoywholehealth.com. The submission deadline for the September/October issue is July 22.

San Antonio Area Edition


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