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Integra 4-pipe system
Perfect climate control by FläktGroup Ireland
Modern mixed-use buildings, shopping centres, large business centres, hotels, swimming pools and wellness centres are characterised by increasingly complex comfort requirements. System designers are faced with many challenges but, thanks to its extensive experience in these applications, Climaveneta has developed its own purpose- designed solution in the form of the Integra 4-pipe system. FläktGroup distributes the full range in Ireland, in addition to providing comprehensive design support and model selection guidance.
Integra multi-use products are the most evolved solution for 4-pipe systems and include air and water source units with scroll, screw and inverter screw compressors for simultaneous hot and cold water production. Capacities range from 33kW to 1125kW and they are regarded as the “zero-compromise” solution in terms of comfort and system efficiency. The construction approach that characterises Climaveneta multi-use units has been designed to maximise their effectiveness. Maximum efficiency of the system is reached with simultaneous loads, while the energy produced is used to satisfy the hot and cold demands of the total system. In modern buildings with opposite overlapping thermal loads, the Integra units are the greenest and most efficient solution.
In a single building there are areas dedicated to different functions with variable heat loads. Combined with a large percentage of glass surfaces, the simultaneous demand for heating and cooling during the year has become commonplace. The need to provide ideal temperature, humidity and air quality conditions to meet the comfort requirements of individual building users has never been greater.
Thanks to their advanced control logic, Integra multi-use units can always respond to building climate control requirements, especially if overlapping loads occur. The unit can independently produce heating and cooling simultaneously, and according to the actual needs of the building.
This eliminates the need for separate heating and cooling resources and significantly simplifies the system. Plant areas are reduced, hydronic circuits are simplified, maintenance is reduced by half and control is rationalised. This means substantial savings in terms of time and cost for the client.
Climaveneta has introduced a new efficiency index called Total Efficiency Ratio (TER). In all cases in which Intregra simultaneously produces hot and cold water, the real efficiency of the unit is the sum of the performance in hot and cold water production. Considered today as the most effective way of representing the real efficiency of the unit, the TER reaches its maximum value when the loads are completely balanced.
Using traditional ratings such as EER and COP to measure the efficiency of 4-pipe units would be limiting. The TER is calculated as the ratio between the sum of the delivered heating and cooling power and electrical power input.
For chillers the energy efficiency ratio is EER and for heat pumps COP. Basically, TER is the combination of the COP and EER in one single index. In the case of the simultaneous, balanced demand of heating and cooling, these units can achieve efficiency outputs corresponding to TER values of between 7 and 8. The superior efficiency is evident considering that 3.2 is the EER for Class A chillers.
Innovative concepts and a systematic quest for excellence push technology and materials to the limit in order to guarantee excellent usability of the building and strong visual characterisation, as well as zerocompromise on the aesthetic front. With the Integra 4-pipe solution Climaveneta has achieved that.
Contact: Gavin Power, FläktGroup Ireland. T: 01 – 463 4600; M: 086 – 826 3058; E: gavin.power@flaktgroup.com