Writing Portfolio 3rd BACH 2012

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Authors: 3rd Bach students




Authors: 3rd


Editor: Ms Patricia Maceda

2012 3rd Bach

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As students we often read stories, articles, essays and a whole variety of texts. And from time to time, we are asked to produce some kind of written work which is painfully read by our teacher who is ready to dissect it in the search of mistakes, and only occasionally reluctantly read by some of our classmates as part of some kind of peer correction activity. And then, most of our production ends up being lost and forgotten in some dusty folder. It is as part of a desperate fight for the recovery of these pieces of work that this portfolio was thought. Therefore, you will find the very best work produced by senior 3 students at Institute San Cristobal this year in these pages. Throughout the present year students worked in the production of different pieces of writing in English as a foreign language. Here is a selection of the best pieces, which were not only selected but also improved and edited ad hoc in order to be included in this collection. The students have presented their work under a pen name, so the challenge for you as a reader is to recognize some writer by his or her style. In order to help you most of the students have included a short biography, although you should be aware of the fact that many biographies are not true to reality. As most of the work is fictional, any similarity with reality, we must say, is a mere coincidence. Besides, we do apologize for any information that may not be accurate, and we do hope you enjoy reading our work as much as we have enjoyed writing, editing and publishing it. Any comment that will help us improve on our future work will be most welcomed.

The editor

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CONTENTS 1. My Personal Description 2. True Love 3. The Routine of My Life 4. Love Story 5. Looking for a Job 6. Hi, Will You Marry Me? 7. Work Schedule 8. Perfect Modelling 9. The Crazy Relationship 10. The Labour Market 11. Love Story II 12. My Beautiful City 13. A Handball Player 14. Helena in the Dark: “I dead” 15. Routine Can Be Fun 16. My Life as a Model 17. I am Looking for a Job 18. My City 19. The South American Tennis Idol 20. The Most Beautiful Aspect of My Life 21. Female Football 22. Buenos Aires 23. Work Wanted 24. Born for Modelling 25. A Dancer 26. Charlott, the Doll Sweet and Fine 27. The Gardener of Nature

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1. My Personal


My name is Alberta, I am 16 years old. I am blonde and tall. I live in Parque Patricios. In my family we are four, one brother, my parents and a dog. I go to “San Cristobal” School in the afternoon and I also go to the gym in the morning. I usually watch “Graduados” on TV, I like it so much. I don’t watch “Sos Mi Hombre” because I don’t like it. My favourite number is 7. I like all kinds of music. My favourite colours are violet and green. I like going to the gym, it is funny because I get on well with my personal trainer and sometimes there are parties in the gym. I like horse riding. I like playing volleyball so much. My favourite foods are: milanesas with smashed potatoes or salad and entraña with fried potatoes. I love the sea and the swimming pool. I don’t like talking on the telephone. I like going to Villa Gesell with my friends and my family on summer holidays. Last summer I went there with my family and two friends, Iara and Sofia for one month but in winter I like going to the mountains. I love creams and perfumes, I have a lot of them. At weekends, I go dancing or to the cinema but sometimes I go to some friend’s house. ∞

My name is Sarah Lincoln and I am sixteen years old. I was born in Argentina where I presently live. My favourite hobbies are: reading, writing, playing the piano and swimming. Now I am studying at San Cristobal school. 2. True Love One day, two people were walking down the street when a car ran over a girl. The boy was frightened and began to cry because she was very special to him. Edward, the boy, called an ambulance to make her feel better. María was listening to the radio in the hospital, when she looked around and saw Edward crying. She said, “Edward, I´m fine! Don´t cry, please!”. Edward looked at her eyes, smiled and said, “I love you, María! I hate to see you sad.” When the doctor said that María was better, they went to their house. They said, “Our love will never separate us! I love you!”. And Edward said, “Will you marry me?”. María said, “Yes! I love you!” The lovers went to the square and they lived happily ever after. THE END.

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∞ I was born on June 28, 1997. I live with my family. My mom is teacher and my father is a doctor. I have three dogs and and a cat. I played with them a lot when I was a child. At three I began kinder and at seven, primary school. My family and are going on vacations every year to Entre Rios. I have a uncle who lives in Maria Grande, and we see him very often. 3. The Routine of my Life My name is Flory. As a routine I get up at 10 in the morning, I bathe and brush my teeth. At 11:30 I have lunch and I leave for school at 12:30. My favorite thing is the necklace I had as a baby. My mom gave it to me and it is very especial. My family is composed of my mother, grandmother, sister and little brother. My hobby is doing taekwondo and playing in the computer ,League of Legends. In the summer we always go with the family to Entre Rios to visit our family. I always miss them and it is a beautiful break in which I can have fun with them. ∞

Juan Manuel Jacques is a writer born in 1995 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Now he is 17 years old and he goes to Instituto San Cristobal. 4. Love Story It was a great party. Sebastian, a sixteen-year-old boy was dancing near the DJ, when he saw a beautiful girl. Inmediatly he went and talked with her. Her name was Lucia and was fifteen years old. Sebastian and Lucia started to talk, and after that they danced all night. One week later, Sebastian called Lucia and invited her to the cinema to see Titanic. After that Sebastian promised to call her soon. The next day they went to the park and 3rd Bach

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talked. Sebastian said, "Do you want to be my girldfiend?". "Yes, i want to," Lucia answered. "I love you", said Sebastian and Lucia replied, "Me too". Two years later they got married and stayed together for ever. My name is Virginia Loof. I’m 15 years old. I was born on March 18th in Buenos Aires. I’m studying in San Cristobal. 5. Looking For a Job Dear Sir/Madam I am writting in response to your advertisement in the “Caras Magazine” of 29th August. I am 25 years old and studying a modeling course at Leandro Rut models agency. I have blue eyes, long blond hair, and I am 1.70m tall. I would be able to star in two weeks time when I have finished my course. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yous Failtfully. Virginia Loof. ∞ Hello, my name is Julieta Caruso, I am 15 years old. I study in San Cristobal school in 3rd year. I was born on March 18, 1997 in the province of Buenos Aires. As a professional I would like to be an event planner. Well, I hope you like my story. Kisses 6. Hi, Will You Marry Me? Zac and Alex met at Patrick's birthday, their friend. That night they began to speak and became good friends. One afternoon Alex was at home when suddenly the telephone rang, Alex answered and said: Alex: Hello? Zac: Hi Alex, how are you?, I'm Zac, Patrick's friend. Alex: Oh,Zac! I'm fine, and you? Zac: Good, I'm calling to invite you to the cinema tonight. Alex: Yes, I would like to go with you! Zac: At 8 o'clock, shall I go to your house? Alex: Great ! I’ll wait for you They went to the cinema and then they went to a restourant. After one or two months, Zac married Alex. And they have been married for a long long time.

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My name is Roberta Warlets. I'm 15 years old. I was born on May 12, 1997 in Buenos Aires. My parents are Miguel and Natalia and I have a brother whose name is Gonzalo. I studied at Calasanz primary school, then I did my High School in San Cristóbal. I like sports, listening to music, swimming and being with my friends. 7. Work Schedule Dear Mr. Philip Fotheringham I am writing in response to your adverstisement in "La nacion" of 12th May. I am 21 years old and studying medicine at the University of New York. I love nature and I know about plants.I like flowers and cleaning at work. I worked as a gardener last year so I have expirence. I stand British climate and I would like to get this work. I am a specialist in tulips and I am strong. I have all my time free and availabities. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Your faithfully Roberta Warlet e-mail: warlet99@hotmail.com ∞ My name is Matt Smith. I am fifteen years old. I was born on 14th Febrery in 1997.I went to the San Cristobal Institute for my primary school , where I am still studying. I started playing football when I was eight years old at Parque Patricios club. Nowadays, I am playing as a goalkeeper in the eighth division in Huracan. 8. Perfect Modelling Dear Sir/ Madam I am writing in response to your advertisement in the viva Magazine of 23rdJuly. I am 24 years old and doing a modelling course at Moria Casan model agency. I will graduate in two years. I have light brown hair and brown eyes. I am 1,78 m. I am very pretty and I have beautiful eyes. I am very athletic and I love being a model. I would be able to start in two months when I finish my modelling course. I hope to start as soon as posible then. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours Faithfully Matt Smith. ∞

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9. The crazy Relationship. Rose is a letter of the France, she is 24 years old and she has got a black hair and blue eyed. She participate in the comedy “Gran Uncle” in the role of niece. She live in Manchester, she moved for work whit his family and she began writing to novels. Erica and Matt met at the disco. Soon they fancied each other. The next day they called and went out together. Immediately they fell in love. Then after six months he got engaged whit her and a year later they got married but the relation did not last. From time to time they argued and they split up. Eventually they stayed friend and had lunch on Saturday whit their friends and parent. But never were they together on their own. She met another boy and stayed whit him for two month. His name is Sam, she said “he was funny and cool” because Matt was boring for her but she wanted him as a friend.

∞ 10. The Labour Market I am writing in response to your adverstisement in the newspaper of 5th November. I’m 21 years old and I’m studying at Harvard. I would like to work in your marketing company, because I am a website designer. And like this profession because it is really beautiful. I´m looking for work with flexible conditions and competitive salary. I am responsible and I have always finished work on time. I can work under pressure but my problem is I haven’t got original ideas. This job is temporary for me. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Heather black.

E-MAIL: Yeennescobar@ucla.co.uk.

∞ My name is Katerina Petrova. I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I study at Institute San Cristobal and at the National Conservatory of Music. I live with my parents and my brother. I love dancing and Xining, and I also write.

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11. Love Story II Last Saturday my friend met Violetta. She is very beautiful and fun. They were at a disco. He was dancing and Violetta was singing. Violetta was nervious. My friend danced immediately when the song began. The next day my friend was eating in the park when Violetta was picking flowers. She got near to speak. He invited Violetta to eat. They fell in love immediately. In six months my friend married Violetta. They were very happy and excited that day. From time to time love never splits up. Violetta wrote one letter for him where she said she had always loved him.

∞ My name is alan remy. I am a policeman. Sometimes I feel free to write my own compositions in my free time after work. I live in Buenos Aires and I live with my family, my wife and my two daugthers. And they told me that I should publish my compositions some day. My family believes in me and they think that some day my compositions will succeed. 12.

My Beatiful City

Welcome to Buenos Aires city of tango, football and the world`s finest meat. In my city there are great touristic places, such as the Obelisc, Florida avenue and the largest space for the stadium of all Argentina. . . el monumental. The Florida avenue is a pedetrian street that has the most beatiful galeries and stores from all the city. El monumental is the football stadium that the nacional team uses for training and to play the oficial matches of the AFA. But the negative aspect`s of my city are more than the beatiful places, there are too many problems of insecurity and corrupcion in the goverment. Besides all of these problems my city continues to be one of the most beatiful of the world

∞ I am Ailen Ferreyea and was born in Paranà, Argentina. I am 16 years old. I was born on july 5, 1996. When I finish school I want to study to be a language teacher. 13. A Handball Player I am Candela Treise and was born in Recoleta, Argentina on 22th October. My parents have always supported me in the practice of this sport. I started practising when I was very small. I started competing with my classmates until one day a man saw me and told my parents that I had a great future. And from that day my parents began to take my talent more seriously. So I owe them my whole carreer. I remember my second competition that took me to the podium as the best player in the World. I have five gold medals and 3 silver ones as the best handball player, but the life of a handball player is very complicated and we have a strict diet and very hard workout. But fortunately I have my manager that supports and helps me a lot. 3rd Bach

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Lucy Rose was born on July 15, 1996 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since she was born, she has lived with her family, her father and mother, her grandmother and aunt. When she was three years old she went to the kidergarten of the Instituto Rosa Anchorena de Ibañez, where she also completed her primary educación. At the age of five Lucia went swimming, but then she left for seven years since the pool closed. At the age of 8 she began doing taekwondo, a martial art, but she left it two months ago. Then she went skating for two years. Currently Lucy studies at the Instituto San Cristobal, also takes English and acoustic guitar lessons

14. Helena in the dark: ‘’I dead’’ It was a dark rainy night in the streets. The people were at home but Helena was walking home, She was happy, She had got a beautiful family. She was listening to two men talking. ‘’Not important’’, She thought, “they are are persons who are friendly”. But they were thieves. The men saw the young Helena, one man said ‘’you are dead’’.Helena shouted, ‘’ What?! Why?!’’, and she ran for her life. Helena shouted, ‘’ HELP! HELP!’’. But nobody listened, she fell down and she felt she was getting tired, she was gorgoteen, no more, she slept on the floor, on the floor she wrote with blood ‘’I dead’’. The rain stopped.

∞ My name is Mia Hikaru. I am 17 years old and I am a small artist. I live in Buenos Aires, the capital city. I like reading. 15. Routine Can Be Fun. My name is Mia Hikaru, I´m a very shy and quiet person, who is sometimes a little crazy. I live in Argentina with my mom and my two little brothers. I like the Japanese culture. My hobbies are drawing, reading and watching anime and manga. As a routine I wake up at 9 o`clock, have breakfast, I clean my teeth, I have a shower, I get dressed, I get to school, I go home at 6 pm, do my homework, use the computer and listen to music. Rare for others, I have dinner at 9 pm, and I go to bed at midnight. In the summer I started to study Japanese again. ∞

My name is John Paul. I’m 16 years old and I was born in Buenos Aires. My favourite color is green and I study in ISC .

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16. My life as a Model

Dear sir/madam: I’m writing in response to your advertisement in Oh Lela magazine of 2nd September. I am 16 years old and I am a model at Valeria Mazza´s model agency, I´m currently in my final year and I hope to work in your magazine in the future. I have brown hair and a pretty smile and light brown eyes (see attached photo). I would like to travel around the world and be a model of your magazine. I am 1,70 mts tall and I would be able to start now or when you told me. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, John Paul

∞ I'm Emma Russo. I am 15 years old and I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I went to elementary school at Fernando Felix Bernasconi Institute, and now I'm at secondary school at San Cristobal Institute. In the future I would like to be a dentist. 17. I Am Looking for a Job I am writing in response to your advertisement in Diario Clarin of 3rd September. I am 18 years old and study at the University of New York, United States. I am currently working in a pharmacy, but in the future I would like to work as a designer of Internet sites. I am very creative, as regards design. I am willing to work the necessary hours. I am also willing to make hasty work, because I think I can do it, and accept all necessary rules. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully. Emma Russo E-mail: Emmarusso@hotmail.com

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18. My City My city’s name is Buenos Aires. Welcome to Buenos Aires- business capital of Argentina. Enjoy the word’s best asado restaurants and most modern shopping malls. Then, these’s Argentina’s traditional culture to discover: beautiful colonial houses, monasteries and gardens. But that’s anly half the story. In the city the are not any security. The streets are packed, there are tower combo and traffic jams, and the subway at rush hour is a nightmare Buenos Aires is dangerous and corrupted. There’s a lot of crime. Buenos Aires can be a lonely and alienating place.

My name is Alini. I was born in Capital Federal, Argentina, 4 June 1997. My first school was Nueva Esperanza. My best friend is Angie. I live with my mother and my sister. My father lives in the United States and works in an Arabian Restaurant. Now I am studying in San Cristobal secondary school. I am in third year. In the future I would like to study political sciences. ∞ 19. The South American Tennis Idol Matt Moj was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 27th June 1990. He tried a lot of different sports like football, tae kwon do, basketball and others. He’s 1.70 metres tall and weights 95 kilos, although he’s pretty dynamic when he has to run after the ball. Moj made his first appearance in the Open US tournament and he won the first prize being the youngest man in winning the tournament. According to the People magazine, he’s one of the best tennis players of South America. Recently he has won the Davis Cup 2012. Currently he lives in the United Kingdom and is a fan of the Ferrari cars. M.R. Castle M.R. Castle or also known as Matt Richard Castle is a sports journalist that currently lives in Germany. His life in sports journalism began in local newspapers in southern England in 1989. He has worked in more than 6 newspapesr and in 9 sports magazines in Europe. ∞ My name is Jasmine Romero. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 18th September 1996. I 3rd Bach

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went to the Bernasconi Institute to complete my primary school and I am studying secondary school at San Cristobal Institute. I live with my family in Parque Patricios. I don’t work. 20. The Most Beautiful Aspect of My Life I am Candela Fernandez and was born in Mar del Plata, Argentina on 9th July 1988. My mother Olga, always wanted me to be a famous singer, but I don’t like singing because I always wanted to play sports. I am 1.75 metres, 71 kilos and size 40 feet. I made my first appearance in a competition when I was 17 years old. I won my first gold medal at the 2008 Olympic Games. I have good popularity because a lot of people can watch me on TV every weekend. I have started to compete with tennis players from Europe and The United States. This year I was playing tennis with one of the most famous players in the world and he told me that I have a brilliant future. I am very happy with my profession. ∞ Lola Gómez was born in México, on October 21 1945. She is a very well-known writer and sport journalist. During her years of experience she has interviewed the most important athletes in the world. 21. Female Football My name is Mimi Thompson and I am the gold medal winner of the Female Football Championship. I have played football since I was six years old. People used to say that it’s a male sport and I should do something more feminine. My mother, Jane, sent me to a ballet school but I really hated it. When I saw my cousins play football, I knew that I wanted to do that for the rest of my life. So my mother finally let me play in the football team thinking that I would get bored and give up. But that never happened… Today I’m 27 years old, I have one child, Tommy, and he’s a great football player. The competition that defined my football career took place 14 years ago, and I won seven gold medals. A white-haired man, called Robert Debone, said to me “Mimi, can I represent you?” and there was my first and last manager. I don’t want to retire, I love football! ∞ 22. Buenos Aires Welcome to Argentina, land of tango and Maradona. Here you have many opportunities for work and business. You can visit the cultural centres and you can learn a little of Argentinian history! But you can also pay for an Argentinian movie at the cinema in the city centre. 3rd Bach

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But there are two sides in Buenos Aires. The subway at rush hour is a nightmare, the streets there are so noisy and the traffic is another nightmare, the streets are chaotic all the time. ∞ My name is Freddie Jones. I was born on October 6th, 1996. I am 16 years old. I was born in the Naval Hospital. My father is Ceasar and my mother is Mirtha. I have got two sisters. They are Lucy and Miryam. I like Boca Juniors team and I love football. I don’t like studying French. In the weekends I always go to the cinema or to the disco with my friends. 23. Work Wanted Dear sir/Madam I am writing to apply for the job as gardener, because I saw the newspaper advertising. I am 19 years old and I am studyng sport journalism at the University of Buenos Aires. So I need this job to pay for my education. I have black short hair, I am tall and thin. I finished my exams in winter. I will travel to London in the summer. So I would like to work with you. At the moment, I am working in the library at the University but it is a full time job so I am going to leave it. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully Frederick Jones. ∞ 24. Born For Modeling Dear Sir/Madam: I am writing in response to your advertisement in the Evening Standard of 5th September. I am 19 years old and studying biology at the University of California. I haven’t experience but I’m responsible. I have a lot of time because I don’t work. I am tall, skinny, blond and my eyes are green. At the moment, I’m looking for work in a different country because I love the possibility of travelling around the a World. I have never worked as a model befote but people tell me I have potencial. I’m prepared to work hard. I look forward to hearning from you soon. Yours faithfully. 3rd Bach

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Sara Lamber E-mail: saraa-Lamber93@ucla.co.us

I am Sara Lamber, I´m a young student, I´m sixteen years old and I would like to develop my brain skills to do what I want. In the future I will study and strive to fulfill my own dreams. I need to improve my abilities to reach my hapiness, I have to do that, and I will, I will be happy . ∞ I'm Katie Valz. I am 15 years old. I like quietness, so I'm not accustomed to the visits from my sisters, and making a mess when they come. My favorite band is One Direction, and my favorite artist is Shakira 25. A Dancer Danielle Peaze is a classical dancer who has participated in major events like the Olympic Games 2012, the Brit ceremony and more. Her ex boyfriend Liam Payn is a singer of a boy band called One Direction. She looks so delicate as any image esenario dancer takes his job very seriously and really makes it nice and always with a big smile despite everything, tried to ignore the criticism, but it is sometimes difficult and the middle environment of much criticism for her ex-boyfriend Liam and he was very good to her, but she ended the relationship. They miss, or maybe not. But it just goes to the tracks to leave everything he knows. ∞ 26. Charlott, The Doll Sweet and Fine I´m Princess Aurora. I am seventeen years old .I live in Neverland with my parents and pet. I love listening to music and writing poems.

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in response to your advertisement for a model. I am eight-teen years old and a student at secondary School in Los Angeles city. At moment, I´m looking for work to pay for my studies and help my mother. I have worked in different grafics advertising. I´m thin and tall woman. I have got green eyes and black hair. I know how to speak french and a bit of spanish. 3rd Bach

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I look forwerd to heoring from you soon. Yours faithfully. Charlott Amy Shadow. ∞ Melanie Free was born 9th October 1990. Melanie was brought up in Liverpool by his aunt Anne and his uncle George. She didn't like school very much and used to spend her time reading books about animals and flowers. 27. The Garden of Nature

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in response to your advertisement in the Gardener Press of 8th July. I am 21 years old and studying biology science at the University of California. I am my final year and I hope to work in Biology Studies in the future.

currently in

At the moment, I am looking for work in a different field. I've got experience in gardening, cleaning and tidying the council garden areas in Manchester City Centre. Furthermore, living this experience would help me a lot in college, as I would know how to live with the "flora and fauna". Honestly, I love nature, I find it interesting to work with all kinds of plants, thinking properly how to care for them. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Melanie Free.

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