Photos and texts: Patricia Valentini Photo "Sidhe in the garden": Jean-Marc Pouchelon
All rights of translation, adaptation or reproduction reserved for all countries.
Patricia Valentini
May Beauty be the Path.
Acknowledgments I thank the Spirits of Nature to allow me to see or discover them. I thank the Human Beings who have allowed me to confirm that I am not alone.
The Guide
Great Spirit of the place, your answer guides me. The image and a poem. Image and verb to honor you.
Blue-mauve Fairy
Blue-mauve Fairy disguised as a Wisteria flower, you perfume the place, you color the space. I honor you with the image and word.
Dragon - Wolf
Fire's Wolf, your eyes shine, you give your light, you burn yourself to give us warmth. Brave Dragon-Wolf, metamorphosis of the Vegetable Kingdom into the Spirit of Fire.
Spirit of the Forest, you embrace the space, Empty and Full. Natural Mandala, you protect the void and you share it.
Dancing Spirits
Dance, Dance Spirit of Fire, The Joy of winter animates you. Dance, Dance.
Messages from Winter
Winter poetry, plants sheltered from the cold, they let see their Soul on the window. They dance their Blue music.
Guardian of the Little Forest
You look, and you protect the water. The brook sings winter and spring. The Fairies of the waterfall dance under your gaze.
Spirit of the Rock
Asleep on the Rock, you are the center of the circle. Surrounded by flowers and perfumes, you breathe the calm facing the snow-capped peaks.
Fairy's Island
I found one of their islands. Happiness in my heart, I'm honored, they allowed me to see them. Thankfulness.
Beach's Guardian
One could think you are lonely, but you're surrounded by Life. The Sea, the Birds, the Rocks... and some humans who greet you.
Indigo's Fairy
She appears from the Indigo lac, I didn't know. She was born from the magic of color.
Spirits of Nature in the Boston Ivy
Sometimes we see them, sometimes we perceive them, but I know, They always visit us.
Fairies and lanterns
Lights in the parc, playing in between flowers and leaves, Faeries are singing the love of light!
Sidhe in the garden
Sidhe: "the oldest known name for the faery races of Ireland, it means the people of peace." ("The Sidhe", John Matthews)
Honor them once again. We give to the circle the hollow trunk with the little candle. They danced their presence when my Love greeted the new day.
Like an Angel, you arrived late at night. I found you hidden in the Fairy Circle swimming with the Undines. Welcome.
Mineral hair
A Lady born thousands of years ago, you look at the sea with the gaze of wisdom.
Looking to the horizon
You look at the Sea, you look at the Horizon. Waiting for the arrival of your friends the waves? They sing for you and for us their turquoise song of the North Coast.
Fairies in the winter garden
In the winter garden, Fairies disguised as flowers make me dream of spring. Still hidden colors in the seeds, they see the seasons pass and they wait.
Your turn now! Look around you, discover the Spirits of Nature, and the Subtle Worlds that accompany us. Thank you.
First edition March 2019 France ISBN 978-2-9536828-6-1
Patricia Valentini: painter and textile artist, writer and photographer, deeply inspired by nature and subtle worlds, she lives in France where she has her art studio.