Boven Water | Bridges

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Strategic advice report

BRIDGES Joycelin van Duinen 2189732

Patrick Bartels 2223917

Eva Koppelman 2222604

Wesly van de Rijdt 2194261

Management summary In this report we display our research and give our strategic advice to a question from Waterschap Brabantse Delta: “How can we create new ways for our marketing and make people aware of our tasks for the inhabitants of the region Central and West Brabant?” Waterschap Brabantse Delta is a governmental organization that is in charge of taking care of the safety of dikes and quays and also guards the quality of the surface water. Our initial research revealed that the organization is relatively unknown, except for during the election time. There is an especially low awareness and knowledge with the water boards among youth. As we found in our research, young adults with an age between 18 and 28 are aware that the climate is changing. However, just 30% is really concerned with the impact climate change can make. According to these young people, companies and the government have the responsibility to take action to combat climate change. They do not see a minor role for themselves. We will give a face to the organisation by using ‘Rich Media’, which is interactive or video content. Rich Media also ensures the easy transition of information, therefore giving the opportunity to improve the knowledge of the target audience about Waterschap Brabantse Delta without pressure. This resulted in our concept: ‘Boven Water’. We will lay the Waterschap Brabantse Delta bare to the public. As until now, they have remained under water, meaning that they are unknown. By using advergaming, storytelling and VR we will teach the target audience about the maintenance of dykes and the water level. Also, we will show them what happens when they cease to do their duty and a flood happens. It shows them the immediate importance of the Waterschap Brabantse Delta, it increases their ‘Brand Recall’. Brand Recall is best explained as the manner in which an individual can recall the brand when exposed to the category it belongs in. This report ends with our strategic advice in which we describe what steps to take to realize the goal that was set: Making Waterschap Brabantse Delta more known among young adults. Through our concept the Waterschap Brabantse Delta will communicate in a new, modern way. Increasing the reach they have with their communication as well as creating a new, more positive image of themselves. Enjoy reading, Bridges.

Introduction During the special week four students at the Fontys Academy for Creative Industries were given the opportunity to form a fictional consultancy company as a group and solve a problem given by the Waterschap Brabantse Delta. By using profound analysis and creative thinking we have created a solution for the Waterschap Brabantse Delta under our company name: Bridges. The group consists out of Patrick Bartels, Eva Koppelman, Joycelin van Duinen and Wesly van de Rijdt. As Bridges we got the opportunity to write a strategic advice for the Waterschap Brabantse Delta. In this document you will find the reason why we organized and carried out this research, how we’ve done it and what our solution is to the problem that became clear through the briefing and further questions that we asked our client. Bridges is proud of the strategic advice we have delivered. We hope you enjoy the read and find it useful.

Reading guide


1. Meet Bridges 1.1 Corporate identity 1.2 The team

4 4 5

2. Meet Waterschap Brabantse Delta 2.1 Organization 2.2 Mission 2.3 Vision 2.4 Core activities 2.5 Difference between the waterboards and water purification companies

6 6 6 6 7 7

3. Theoretical framework 3.1 Problem analysis 3.2 Research methods 3.3 Research goal

8 8 8 8

4. Analysis 4.1 Conclusions individual analysis 4.2 Target audience 4.3 Virtual Reality 4.4 Advergaming 4.5 Conclusion analyses

9 9 10 13 16 18

5. Concept


6. Financial framework


7. Advice


8. Resources


1. Meet Bridges 1.1 Corporate identity Bridges is a consultancy company set up by four students from different studies at the Fontys Academy for Creative Industries in Tilburg. We create ‘bridges’ to everyday problems in a modern and refreshing way. We strongly believe in our three main core values; Driven, Dynamic and Connection. Driven, because we strive for the best possible outcome of our ideas and final product. Dynamic, because we have lots of ideas and tons of energy to finish each task. Connection, because of the bridge we make between a problem and a solution. The goal is to work as close and personal as possible with our clients, because this is how we can create the best possible results. We are a start-up company with a dedicated team; we promise the personal attention we believe that everyone is entitled to. Our company logo consists out of two colours, blue and white. Blue stands for our trustworthy team and white for awakening openness and creativity. The font we use will be Cambria because it is easy to read and clear. The members of Bridges are specialists in the field of communication and commercial economics. The team captain communicates with the client and the mentor of school. This person also participates actively with the other team members to come up with a strategy for the case of Waterschap Brabantse Delta.



1.2 The Team The members of Bridges are specialists in the field of communication and commercial economics. The team captain communicates with the client and the mentor of school. This person also participates actively with the other team members to come up with a strategy for the case of Waterschap Brabantse Delta. We will work together with our roles in mind, but have overlap to keep our work dynamic. This makes sure that we have the best results for our strategic advice for our client.

Our team captain is Joycelin van Duinen, a 23-year-old Communications student whose qualities are being emphatic, creative writing and creative problem solving. Our researcher is Wesly van de Rijdt, a 23-year-old Communications student whose qualities are being decisive, problem solving and patient. Our planner is Eva Koppelman, a 21-year-old Commercial Economy student whose qualities are hardworking, straightforward and helpful. Our designer is Patrick Bartels, a 23-year-old Communications student whose qualities are being helpful, communicative and a perfectionist.


2. Meet Waterschap Brabantse Delta 2.1 Organization Waterschap Brabantse Delta is one of the 26 water boards in the Netherlands. It is situated in the western part of the province Noord-Brabant. They are responsible for the following region: From the line Waalwijk/Baarle-Nassau and south of the Holland’s Diep, Amer and Bergsche Maas to the coast near Bergen op Zoom. This region has 800.000 residents. The Waterschap Brabantse Delta manages 568 kilometres of dikes and quays, 17 locks, 227 water-pumping stations, 8.115 kilometres of existing ditches, streams and rivers and 1.752 dams. Waterschap Brabantse Delta uses a method that includes sustainability, innovation, climate control, cooperation and cost control. These are elements that always go together. It is important that there is a balance within their interests. The company is a governmental organization that is in charge to keep water clean and organises the quantity of water in rivers, canals and ditches. The Waterschap Brabantse Delta makes sure that there is not too much, but also not too little water. They take care of the safety of dikes and quays and also guard the quality of the surface water (Waterschap Brabantse Delta, 2017).

2.2 Mission Waterschap Brabantse Delta wants to be the water board that will integrally ensures sufficient good quality surface water and flood safety. In the realization of this mission people play a central role (Waterschap Brabantse Delta, n.d.).

2.3 Vision

Waterschap Brabantse Delta stands for an efficient implementation, now and in the future, of the key tasks: dry feet and sufficient and clean water. The company contributes to safe living, working and enjoying water in Central and West Brabant. Sustainability, innovation, climate resilience, collaboration and cost go hand in hand in their method of work. Finding the balance between the interests of society, environment and economy is key.

The Waterschap Brabantse Delta knows what’s going on in society and works with residents, farmers, governments, businesses, educational institutions, owners and other nature organizations. It is important that everyone is aware what living with near and with water means (Waterschap Brabantse Delta, n.d.). Their employees perform their duties efficiently and effectively, while developing themselves and their talents and being flexible. They are also prepared for the future by constantly searching for innovative solutions for water purification and management at the lowest possible cost.


2.4 Core activities

Waterschap Brabantse Delta ensures the safety of dikes and quads, purifies sewage water, improves and guards the quality of the surface water and arranges the height of the water in central and west Brabant to ensure the future safety of the inhabitants the Brabantse Delta controls over 400 kilometres of embankment, there where it’s needed they also give space back to the water. Also, they purify the sewage water of 800.000 people through the use of 17 wastewater purification facilities to make sure that clean water floats back into nature. The Waterschap Brabantse Delta arranges the water stance all year. Making sure we don’t have too much or have too little in the right places. Besides that, try to avert future risks by preparing themselves for disasters and keep a close eye on risks (Waterschap Brabantse Delta, 2017).

2.5 Difference between the waterboards and water purification companies Water boards

People often get confused when they hear about the water boards. They assume that the water boards are responsible for your drinking water, while this is far from the truth. The water boards make sure that areas are safe from water and they control the water height. It’s their job that are no floods and no one gets wet feet. Next to that, they also clean the water. This is what people get confused about, the water cleaning. The fact is that the water boards clean the water just enough so it can go back into the rivers and streams. They don’t clean it so we can drink it, this is something a water purification company does (Vewin, 2017).


Some tasks of a waterboard are: - Take care of the dykes - Maintain the water level - Guarantee quality water - Take care of the waterways (ProDemos, 2017)

Water purification company

Instead of pouring the water back into the rivers and streams, the water purification company cleans its water for drinking purposes. The Netherlands has 10 water purification companies in total and these make sure that the people in their area have the cleanest drinking water. A big difference between a water purification company and the water boards, is that the water purification companies only clean ground water and nothing else. The water boards on the other hand clean sewage water, which later on makes its way back into nature. Some tasks of a water purification company are: - Maintain drink water quality - Guarantee a continuous water supply 24/7 - Has to check for pollution in its water network by law (Drinkwater Installaties, 2017)

3. Theoretical framework 3.1 Problem analysis The Waterschap Brabantse Delta wants to discover new ways for their marketing and make people aware of their tasks for the inhabitants of their region.


Research methods

Several methods are used for this advice. that are used for the individual analysis model, S.W.O.T. and the value proposition extra analyzes about the target audience,

The marketing and communication models/tools are the empathy map, Porter five forces canvas. Besides this research, we also made VR gaming and advergaming.

The empathy map will help bring the user to life and give you deeper insights into what the user would want from your company or your product (SolutionsIQ, 2016). Porter five forces model helps you understand the strength of your current position and the position you’re considering moving to (Mindtools, 2017). A SWOT analysis is used to find out what factors can be of influence in future developments, give insights into the possibilities to differentiate and the success factors (Swung, 2017). The value proposition canvas is a simple way to understand your customers’ needs, and design products and services they want (Strategyzer, 2017). These models will give insights where to start with the analysis.


Research goal

We are going to give our professional advice and suggestions of how our client can communicate their activities to their target group. We will focus on the expediency, efficiency and financial responsibility that Waterschap Brabantse Delta has.


4. Analysis 4.1 Conclusions individual analysis

Conclusion S.W.O.T.

A social media campaign can combine the findings we retrieved from the SWOT analysis the best. Through combining the trends flawsome, rich media, and mobile moments we can set up a new way of communication related to the Waterschap Brabantse Delta. The communication will be about the important tasks that the company does as well as what would happen when the Waterschap Brabantse Delta would cease to perform these tasks. This can be done through rich media, including videos or even a VR experience (Edita Kowal, 2017) (NHTV, 2015) (Miller, 2017) (Johnsson, 2015). We will call it ‘Water control’, making rich media content surrounding the tasks that the Waterschap Brabantse Delta performs. In this content we will show what to do to keep the water in order, and what happens if they don’t. There would be a flood. (Als de dijken breken, is a program we could have a look at.)

Conclusion empathy map

- Pain: Dutch people are not scared for the safety of our drinking water, but in contrast they do have fears for the future of our country in relation to the rising sea level due to global warming. However, climate change and water safety are barely open to discussion (Ons Water, 2016).


- Gain: Citizens are willing to participate in activities around water projects. The amount of active participants in water projects is greater among residents of evacuation areas than among the general public (Ons Water, 2016). The water board is relatively unknown, except for during the election time. Waterschap Brabantse Delta could play a big role in providing information and make citizens a aware of how they should react during a flood.

Conclusion Porter five forces model

The Brabantse Delta has a very strong position in its market, but according to their briefing they are not communicating well. This might be because they don’t feel any pressure from serious competitors. This model will make clear to them that since there are no serious competitors, they could communicate in a different way. Inhabitants and businesses are obligated to work with Waterschap Brabantse Delta, they have no choice. The organization could choose for a more personal way of communicating, maybe even through video marketing. This way no one will feel like a number anymore and they can actually put a face to the company they pay to. (One 4 Marketing, 2014)

Conclusion value proposition canvas

To create the gain, the product or service has to be easy without too much pressure. It has to increase the knowledge of the customers about the company. To relieve the pains, it has to be easy and create focus about the world. The people have to get the opportunity to improve their knowledge without pressure. They have to feel they are part of the company and that they can add something to society. The product or service is going to make the customers aware of the main business of Waterschap Brabantse Delta through our creative product or service. By doing so, we want the people to enjoy life more and feel important to their society.

Conclusion out of individual conclusions

Similar points have been made throughout the conclusions, mainly that people need to be informed about the Waterschap Brabantse Delta. We will be doing this through one of the researched trends. ‘Rich Media’, best explained as interactive or video content, will give a face to the organization they’re paying money to. Rich media also ensures the easy transition of information, therefore giving the opportunity to improve their knowledge about Waterschap Brabantse Delta without pressure. This media content can contain instructional videos about what the people can do themselves to improve, as well as giving a look through the eyes of an employee and what the Waterschap Brabantse Delta does. Interestingly, the empathy map revealed that people do care about the rising sea level and have a fear of floods. Through the rich media content we could generate content about floods and what to do when this occurs.

4.2 Target audience West-Brabant has approximately 700.000 inhabitants with a total of circa 73.500 young adults. For this case the target audience are young adults from 18 – 28 years. The numbers are specified as followed:


Young adults and their daily routines

A survey, taken in 2012, reveals that children and young people have more and more devices with which they can participate on the internet. Think about smartphones, tablets, laptops, game consoles, televisions, servers and so on. All these devices enable children and young people to communicate intensively and making full use of various media. The mutual communication has been given a huge boost by the arrival of applications like Twitter and WhatsApp (Qrius, 2011). 99% of the young adults from 13 to 24 Dutchman is online for fourteen hours between 18 and 24 years old spend the hours a week. That is 3,3 hours a day

years are using the internet. The average a week, that is two hours a day. Young adults most time online. They use internet for 23,1 (Donkers, 2015).

Children and young people had a combined net income of over 31 billion euros in 2009. It is obvious that less money is spent on entertainment. Also, the percentage of young people who spend money on music is decreasing. More money is spent on mobile phones and different kinds of things like digital credits, upgrades to online platforms and apps (Qrius, 2011). Young people continue to live longer at home by their parents compared to previous years. There are several underlying issues. They often study in the nearby area and they can go anywhere with their OV card. Good and cheap accommodation is often hard to find. Meanwhile, we indicate that more and more young people are going to live back at their parents’ place. When they have completed their studies or if they have a broken relationship. Research shows that 20% of the oldest respondents (25 t/m 29 years old) are living in their parents’ house. This is decreasing by age, but under 29 year olds it is still over 10% (Qrius, 2011). Young people are waiting for social leaders who have positive energy, which can be enhanced by making use of the digital developments, to answer the social issues that currently need to be answered (Qrius, 2011).

Young adults and climate

The climate scenarios by KNMI show that the Netherlands is getting warmer. Between 1901 and 2013, the average temperature in De Bilt increased by 1.8 degrees. The main part of this increase, which is 1.4 degrees, has been over the past fifty years. Until 2050, this can rise to 2.3 degrees, and to 3.7 degrees in 2085. This will result in extreme rain and hail, but also in prolonged periods of drought during summer (Achmea, 2016).


This image shows the effects of climate change through the eyes of young adults. Young people from 18-25 years are aware that the climate is changing. The majority (87%) expect that our society will change greatly by climate change in the future. Just 67% sees it as a threat. Only 30% of the group 18-25 years are really concerned with the impact of climate change. Therefore, the majority is well aware of it, but does not take action (Achmea, 2016).

This image shows that 77% of the young adults think that they can’t do anything to prevent the climate change. According to young people, companies and the government have to take action to combat climate change. They do not see a minor role for themselves. They say: “As an individual, you cannot do much,”. The things you can do, are located in and around the household. Such as: energy efficient devices, LED lighting, green power, take their bicycles more often and reusing products (Achmea, 2016).



Virtual Reality What is VR?

According to Britta O’Boyle from Pocket-lint, VR is the experience of a world that doesn’t really exist. These virtual worlds are created by computers which allow you to interact with lifelike 3D objects. They way you “enter” these worlds are by putting on a head mounted display which has this thing called input tracking. Usually this headset comes with stereo audio. When this is combined with the other features, the VR headset will allow you to explore the virtual world like it’s the real deal. The thing which makes VR so incredible is that VR will make you feel like you’re not only mentally there, but also physically. When you turn your head while wearing the headset, the world turns with you. All of this creates a lifelike experience (O’Boyle, 2016).

Why VR?

A majority of people associate VR with gaming, but it’s much more than that. It’s not just a toy anymore these days, it’s a medium. Something that was meant for gaming already made its way to video content, art and much more. Imagine a 360-degree video in HD and you are the center of it all. This and more is possible with VR nowadays (Ferron, 2016). Imagine creating a rendering from a certain area, add some special effects and let people experience the place they are in a different way. The possibilities with VR are endless. Normally people read about things, watch videos or listen to someone speak and they have to use their imagination to get a clear image of it. Now with virtual reality, as a brand, you can place your audience in practically any scenario. Instead of just speaking about it, people can experience it for themselves.


A good example given by Ariel Shimoni from Tech Crunch is a new way of promoting basketball sneakers. Instead of just writing about it or shooting a video, use VR and put the user in the actual shoes of the best basketball player in the world during a game in Madison Square Garden. This sensation, this real lifelike experience, can only be produced in VR (Shimoni, 2016). So why VR? Every brand is about creating experiences nowadays, but the consumers need more. They need to feel like they are there or really use a certain service or device. People need and want a lifelike experience and this can only be produced in VR.

Examples of VR?

New York Times – Displaced The New York Times wrote an article in their magazine about people being separated from their homes by war and persecution. Half of these people are children and the New York Times covered the stories of three of them. It was a very emotionally written article with some very touching stories and photographs about children living in the ruins of their former homes (Silverstein, 2015). The New York Times also detailed their tragic and touching stories through a VR documentary that you could watch using a mobile app and a Google Cardboard. They handed out these Google Cardboards for free to over a million New York Times subscribers. Even though this wasn’t a marketing campaign, they generated some serious media attention (MBryonic, 2016). Instead of just reading about the way these children have to live, you could now actually be there in virtual reality. This allowed the users to experience the way these children had to live. VR created way more emotion than a piece of paper ever could, because now they were there standing next to the child living in ruins.

TOMS – The Virtual Giving Trip TOMS is far from any ordinary shoe company. They want to make the world a better place by literally doing something about it. Through purchasing from TOMS, customers help provide shoes, sight, water, safe birth and bullying prevention to those in need (TOMS, 2017). Just as every other company, TOMS writes about what they do and provide pictures with it to create an image. People can read and see the work they do, but they don’t experience the way those people live and the joy they feel when they receive a TOMS package. TOMS noticed this and decided to do something about it. This resulted in ‘The Virtual Giving Trip’. Users could watch and experience this VR video and imagine living there (TOMS, 2015). TOMS used their flagship store in Venice California for their VR experience. There’s a “virtual reality chair”, next to the shoe collection which guests are invited to try. Once you sit down and put on the headset, VR takes you to a remote village in Peru where you sit in a car driving into the village. You now experience how incredibly happy everyone is because of their gifts. This experience is emotional, memorable and it really makes everyone understand the impact of TOMS’ mission (Greenwald, 2016).


Marriott – VR Honeymoon

The Marriott has over 500 hotels and resorts in more than 50 countries around the world and is transforming itself for mobile and global travelers who blend work and play. The hotel group is known for their award winning Marriott Rewards frequent travel program. This program allows members to earn so called “hotel points” or air miles for every dollar they spent each day. Safe to say that the Marriott is setting new standards when it comes to hotels (Bethesda, 2015). For their new campaign they focused on newlyweds and when they say newlyweds, they mean 5 minutes into marriage. The Marriott had set up a “VR teleporter” right in front of New York’s city hall. When they left the city hall building, they walked right into the “VR teleporter”. This involved stepping into a booth and putting on a VR headset (Carson, 2015). The VR headset first brought them to the beautiful beaches of Hawaii, one of the more popular honeymoon destinations. They got to experience what it was like to be there and see first hand how beautiful those beaches really are. Next they quickly got teleported to a Marriott hotel room on the island of Hawaii. This to give them a taste of how it would be like spending the night there. After that the “VR teleporter” took them to the top of a skyscraper in London. They were now, in just a matter of seconds, on the other side of the world. Also after experiencing the view of the magnificent London skyline, they got to see a room from the Marriott (Carson, 2015). Three minutes later, when the newlyweds exited the booth, the Marriott was betting they would be thinking about spending their actual honeymoon in one of those places. After all the couples experienced their “honeymoon” already (Carson, 2015). The Marriot could have chosen for a more “normal” approach and handed out flyers with pictures and stories about the venues. Only thing is that no newlyweds, just exiting the city hall, want someone doing a sales pitch on their big day. Instead the Marriott created an experience which made their big day even more fun.




Games as a marketing tool

The use of video games in advertising purposes and a promotional strategy is called advergaming. Many firms have successfully used the interactive medium to promote its products, organization, or (corporate) viewpoints. For advertisers it is becoming increasingly difficult to reach their target audience. Games can reach more people, much more than radio and television. In addition, there is direct contact and it can be measured. By involving people in your game, they will appreciate your brand (te Brake, 2012). You must create emotions in your audience and have a clear goal. As a brand you can have a game for 50,000 euros, but besides the game you will also have to prepare a thorough marketing plan (Van der Meer van Witam, 2012). Advergames offer a dynamic, engaging, and social form of rapid increase of numbers that cannot be offered easily by other media. There are several advantages for using games for promotional purposes:

1. The entertainment value of games makes them a particularly sticky and engaging form of advertising, resulting in high levels of brand awareness and brand engagement; 2. Due to their digital and standalone nature, advergames can easily be shared by people and thus have the power to go viral and spread with no additional cost; 3. Video games often have communities of enthusiast players that last long after a game’s initial release. Advergames can thus create strong brand communities of loyal consumers; 4. Games offer the ability to collect rich and detailed data about players, either at the time of registration (basic demographics such as gender, age, and location), or by tracking player behavior with various objects (e.g. customization of in-game products) (Rietveld, 2015). Although no one can guarantee results, games have been shown to generate great marketing results and provide a fun, exciting way for consumers to engage and interact with a brand. Games are a unique piece of marketing content, mostly because they’re not seen as marketing. Getting your marketing message into a game format can provide your audience with some fun and stimulate interest in your brand message, getting them to want to find out more about your company or promotion.

Multiplatform Online games are multiplatform, they can be viewed and played on desktop, mobile, and tablet. Games can be shared and played from anywhere without the time and expense of creating and distributing games through app downloads or platform-specific formats. An online game can be shared on social media networks. This is valuable as a high percentage of users are accessing social media on their mobile devices and online in general. A game that is able to combine fun play on the move with social sharing can help share your marketing message to your audience and their friends (Halliwel, 2015).


Educational games by the water boards The water boards in the Netherlands use different games to educate children with the ages 12-18 about their activities, responsibilities and the consequences for the areas around the water if something might happen. Erik the Duck Erik the Duck is a game designed for children from the ages 10-12. The purpose of the game is to give insight in the tasks the dike reeve (dijkgraaf) must fulfil. In the game the child has to pump water out of the polder as rain floods them. When there is too much rain, the dikes get damaged and the child has to put down sand sacks to make sure the polder doesn’t flood with water from the stream. They also include an option where the child has to catch muskrat, which destroy dikes by digging holes. The last option is to educate the child what waste is and isn’t allowed into the water purification system (Waterschap Zuiderzeeland, n.d.).

The Water Manager Water Manager is a game for the first stage of secondary education. In the game the child is the water manager and tries to find solutions to water issues (Unie van Waterschappen, n.d.). Most of the game is in quiz format. The child has to answer questions like: - What countries does the Maas or the Rijn flow through? - Where is this picture taken? (The child is shown a map with water flowing)


Ali the Eel Ali the Eel is a game for children in elementary school. Ali P is an eel character in the game. Together with lots of other eels she makes a long journey from the Sargasso Sea to the Dutch rivers and back again, this is a journey full of dangers and obstacles. The child helps the eels on their way to give them a safe journey (Waterschap Hunze en Aa’s, n.d.). Eels are animals that want to live in fresh waters that are around the Netherlands, but since the Netherlands are surrounded by pumping stations and floodgates they can’t make their way through. The child has to navigate the eels through the floodgates at the exact moment when they are open.

The Water Table The water table is a large touchscreen, which playfully educates children about the water board. The table has three games: - A purification game (clean the water as quick as possible); - A water level game (playing with water levels and prevent flooding); - A quiz (who knows the correct answer fastest wins). The goal of the game is to create awareness and insight into the work of and working with the water board. The children learn how the water board keeps the water level up to standard, ensures good quality of the surface water and the role that the water board has in a potential water crisis (De Jongens van Boven, 2017). The water table is lent to secondary schools so they can use this game during lessons.


Conclusion analyses

Children and young adults have more devices and spend more time on the internet than other age categories. They are excited to see social leaders who have positive energy to answer to social issues by using digital development. Instead of reading, watching videos or listening to someone speak and using their own imagination, virtual reality gives brands the opportunity to place their audience into almost any scenario. With virtual reality they create a lifelike experience people will remember. Advergames make sure that you have direct contact with your target audience, they are involved in the game which in the end will result in appreciation in your brand.


5. Concept Vision

It’s important that businesses, even the government, makes sure that their users or consumers know what they do and what they stand for. In order to do so, they’ll have to communicate in a way their audience understands it. This will result in using specific media or marketing tools for each target group. Every organization has a unique story that needs to be uncovered.

Boven Water

The Waterschap Brabantse Delta needs to be ‘Boven Water’, translating to ‘above water’, this concept will lay the Waterschap Brabantse Delta bare to the public. As until now, they have remained under water, meaning that they are unknown. To make the target audience more knowledgeable about the duty of the Waterschap Brabantse Delta we will use ‘Rich Media’. Using advergaming, storytelling and VR it’ll teach the target audience about the maintenance of dykes and the water level. It’ll show them what happens when they cease to do their duty which could result in a flood. For example, it’ll show the public what happens when you are in a major city and have to watch the flood come in. This will not only get a reaction out of people, but it will also let them see the immediate importance of the Waterschap Brabantse Delta. All of these tools will be used to increase the ‘Brand Recall’ with the target audience. Brand recall is best explained as the manner in which an individual can recall the brand when exposed to the category it belongs to. For instance if you think about cleaning, what products do you think of? The ones that immediately come to mind have a high brand recall. A high brand recall is what this concept will create for the Waterschap Brabantse Delta to make sure people are informed about what the organization does to keep us safe. This will be done as followed: With the VR experience, certain places in major cities in West-Brabant will get a 3d rendering. This is a 3D model of an existing place which you can alter with special effects. The special effect will be used to simulate a flood and create a lifelike experience. After that young promoters are at the VR experience to get people excited and inform everyone what’s going on. As mentioned before, the VR experience consists of a flood. We expect there will be an enormous impact on people when they truly experience a flood in a city they know and love. Informing others about their your experience and the effects of a flood will be the topic of the day, ensuring an increase of interest in the duties of the Waterschap Brabantse Delta. In addition to the VR experience, ther will also be a green screen photobooth. With this green screen people can take a photo in which they will be placed in a setting of the flood they saw earlier through their VR headset. These photos can be found on the website of the Waterschap Brabantse Delta. The photos have a watermark of the Waterschap Brabantse Delta, so when they get shared, the Waterschap Brabantse Delta gets more exposure.


Advergaming is used through a telltale experience. Instead of telling people what to do and what not to do, the information will be given through a telletale game. For example the Walking Dead telltale game. You make decisions by yourself and experience the effects of those decisions first handed. So when used by Waterschap Brabantse Delta, instead of telling someone it’s wrong to feed the ducks, you can see the pond turning green and the rivers overflowing. Slightly exaggerated, but highly effective. This will be far more likely to be kept in mind for future reference. Storytelling is used throughout the whole campaign, adding a story to the information the Waterschap Brabantse Delta wants to share with the public. Research found this is a highly effective manner to share information, far more likely to keep a top of mind position. Influencing brand recall, engagement and the bonding to the company. This concludes our concept for the campaign Boven Water, combining these factors will not only increase the ways of communication and reach the target audience in a whole new way. It will also influence the view that people have of Waterschap Brabantse Delta, the organization will be viewed as modern, highly important and skilled storytellers.


7. Advise To get the Waterschap Brabantse Delta ‘boven water’, Bridges has come up with an advise that will guide you through the proces given earlier in chapter 6. For each idea Bridges tells you which steps would be best in order to get as much scope as possible. Through our concept, the Waterschap Brabantse Delta will communicate in a new, modern way. Increasing the scope they have with their communication as well as creating a new, more positive image of themselves. The campaign will be set up in a major city. The campaign will take place during a workday and a Saturday afternoon for a duration of four weeks, when the number of people in the city is at its peak. Firstly, the telltale game for the website has to be designed. The first step is to get in touch with a game developer, for example Make sure the game is designed using the organization branding and hand in some examples you like. After that you need to get it uploaded to the website of Waterschap Brabantse Delta. The awareness spread for the website will be done through a VR campaign. In order to set up the VR experiece you’d have to get the VR material first. Therefore you can contact, this company will make the VR rendering as well as adding in the special effects. The scene for this VR Experience is a flood. The flood, will come from all sides of from the visitors’ point of view. Keeping this VR Experience short, think about 30 seconds, will not only reduce programming costs but also make the experience short and effective. It doesn’t have to be longer, make sure they enjoy the thrill. After you get the VR Experience and it’s up to your expectations, the time has come to put this material to work. To complete this step you have to get a permit from the city council. This can be done by simply calling the city hall and fill in an appliccation form. The next step will be hiring the VR headsets and all the equipment that comes with it. These materials can all be arranged through To ensure that people get excited about the VR Experience and also to answer further questions and reference to the website while the event is held in a major city. It Is wise to get a promotional team within the target audience. There are enthusiastic promoters to be found at Lastly, the green screen photobooth is arranged via the website on this green screen people that experienced the VR flood can get their photo taken. These photos will be posted on the website of Waterschap Brabantse Delta, making sure they visit the website at least once where they will find the telltale game. This way, the visitors are sure to visit the website, share the photo and experience the importance of the Waterschap Brabantse Delta in virtual reality. By offering this unique experience, the target audience will be sure to remember the Waterschap Brabantse Delta, share their experience through photos and stories and the unique campaign might get some media attention.


6. Financial Framework Costs per unit Total VR rental

€ 750,- per unit/per day

€ 18.000,-


3D rendering + special effects

€ 50.000,-


Game development

€ 12.000,-



€ 240,- per permit/per day






Greenscreen photobooth



€ 625,- per unit/per day


1 2 3 4 5 6

€ 87.240,-

According to (personal communication, February 22, 2017) For a duration of 8 days with 3 units per day. According to (personal communication, February 22, 2017) According to Essenburg Multimedia (personal communication, February 22, 2017) According to Breda city hall (personal communication, February 22, 2017) For a duration of 8 days for which you need 8 permits. According to Auxilium (personal communication, February 22, 2017) The quotation can be found in the appendix. According to Lach je Lens (personal communication, February 22, 2017) For a duration of 8 days with 1 unit per day.


8. Resources Achmea (2016). Jongeren weten zich geen raad met het klimaat. Retrieved on 21 February, 2017. Atlas Leefomgeving. (2015, April 22). Overstromingsgevaar. Retrieved from: http://www. Bethesda, Md. (2015). Marriott Hotels introduces the first ever in-room virtual reality travel experience. Retrieved on February 22, 2017. From Marriott International: http:// Bland, D. (2016, April 21). What is an empathy map? Retrieved on February 10, 2017. From: an-empathy-map/ Blauuboer, R (2014). Ontwerp de perfecte waardepropositie: ontwikkel producten die je klanten echt willen. Obtained at 12-02-2017. Retrieved from Brabantse Delta, (2017). Algemeen, Bestuur en Organisatie, Missie en Visie. Retrieved from: Carson, E. (2015). Marriott Hotels uses VR to connect consumers with tech and travel innovation. Retrieved on February 22, 2017. From TechRepublic: http://www.techrepublic. com/article/marriott-hotels-use-vr-to-connect-consumers-with-tech-and-travel-innovation/ CBS (2016). Bevolking; geslacht, leeftijd, burgerlijke staat en regio, 1 januari. Retrieved on 22 February, 2017. From CBS:,G2&STB=T,G1&VW=T De Jongens van Boven. (2017). SERIOUS GAMING - SPELEN, LEREN & ONTDEKKEN. Retrieved on February 21, 2017 From: De Valk, E. (2015, March 19). ‘Opkomst waterschapsverkiezingen bijna verdubbeld’ - CDA en VVD scoren goed. Retrieved on February 10, 2017. From NRC: cda-en- vvd-lijkengoed-te- scoren-a1483790 Donkers (2015). Alles over het mediagebruik van jongeren. Retrieved on 22 February, 2017. From: Drinkwater Installaties (2017). Drinkwaterbedrijven. Retrieved on February 20, 2017. From Drinkwater Installaties:


Ferron, E. (2016). Why VR? The top 6 reasons to embrace virtual reality. Retrieved on February 21, 2017. From New Atlas: Fontys (2017), 20170205 Special Weeks_Assignment_Sem2_P3. Obtained at 11-02-2017. Retrieved from Franssen, C. (2017). Waterschap Brabantse Delta (Briefing Waterschap Brabantse Delta). Retrieved on February 10, 2017. From Fontys: studies/praktijkweken/specialweeks/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=/instituten/ aci/studies/praktijkweken/specialweeks/Documents/Special%20Weeks%203/20170202%20Waterschap%20Brabantse%20Delta%20is%20one%20of%20the%2026%20waterschappen%20in%20the%20Netherlands.pdf&action=default Frey, E. (2017, February 05). Special Weeks Assignment. Retrieved on February 10, 2017. From: Documents/Special%20Weeks%203/20170205%20Special%20Weeks_Assignment_Sem2_P3.pdf&action=default Google (2017), What is rich media?, Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Google: Greenwald, M (2016). 6 Of the best marketing uses of virtual reality. Retrieved on February 21, 2017. From Forbes: Haijkens, M. (2015, August 27). Het onbekende waterschap. Groninger krant, p.1. Retrieved on February 11, 2017. From Groninger Krant: http://www.groningerkrant. nl/2015/08/het-onbekende-waterschap/ Halliwel, D. (2015, November 03). Seven Benefits Of Using Games In Your Marketing Strategy. Retrieved on February 21, 2017. From: articles/2015/10/13/seven-benefits-of-using-games-in-your-marketing-strategy.html#gs.6Kq8Tjc Herskovitz and Crystal (2017), The essential brand persona: storytelling and branding, Retrieved February 22, 2017. From Guillaumenicaise: wp-content/uploads/2013/10/herskovitz_essential_brand_persona.pdf Hydrotense Europe (2017), UV-c waterzuivering. Retrieved on February 11, 2017. From Hydrotense Europe: Johnson, S (2017), New Research Sheds Light on Daily Ad Exposures, Retrieved February 11, 2017. From Sjinsights:


KNW (2017). Over KNW. Retrieved on February 16, 2017. From KNW: Kowal, E. (2017), Top 7 Communications Trends To Follow in 2017, Retrieved February 11, 2017,from Prowly: Lenntech (2017). Waterzuivering. Retrieved on February 11, 2017. From Lenntech: MBryonic (2016). 10 Best uses of virtual reality in marketing. Retrieved on February 21, 2017 From MBryonic: Miller, D. (2015). Why Marketers Should Care About Rich Media Content. Retrieved February 20, 2017. From Entrepreneur: Mindtools (2017). Porter’s Five Forces. Retrieved on February 11, 2017. From Mindtools: NHTV (2015), Trends & Ontwikkelingen, Retrieved February 10, 2017, from NHTVECEM: NPO. (n.d.). Als de dijken breken, wat dan? Retrieved from dijken-breken O’Boyle, B. (2016), What is VR? Virtual reality explained. Retrieved on February 21, 2017. From Pocket-lint: One 4 Marketing (2014). 5 tips om video in te zetten als marketinginstrument. Retrieved on February 16, 2017. From One 4 Marketing: blog/5-tips-om-video-in-te-zetten-als-marketinginstrument Ons Water. (2016). Ons Water onderzoeksresultaten peiling. Retrieved on Febuary 21, 2017. From ons-water- onderzoeksresultaten-waterpeilsamenvattingv2/16082-ons-water-onderzoeksresultaten-waterpeilv9.ashx?la=nl-nl Pan, Cheok, Yang, Zhu and Shi (2017), Virtual reality and mixed reality for virtual learning environments. Retrieved on February 22, 2017. From Computers & Graphics, Elsevier: Pausch, Snoddy, Taylor, Watson and Haseltine (2017), Disney’s Aladdin: First steps towards storytelling in virtual reality, Retrieved February 22, 2017. From University of Virginia and Walt Disney Imagineering: Polanski, T. (2012), Dr. Robert Cialdini and 6 principles of persuasion, Retrieved February 20, 2017. From Influenceatwork:


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“Every organization has a unique story that needs to be uncovered.�


Appendix 1

Product B - Individual Analysis PATRICK BARTELS | PORTER’S FIVE FORCES 2223917

THE CLIENT AND THE ASSIGNMENT Waterschap Brabantse Delta is one of the 26 Dutch water boards. The water boards manages 568 km dikes and quays, 17 locks, 227 “ gemalen”, 8.115 kilometre of existing ditches, streams and rivers and 1.752 dams. The water boards also each have their own share in the waist water flow. (Waterschap Brabantse Delta, 2017) The Brabantse Delta manages and maintains over 400 kilometre of these dikes so they can keep the Dutch people safe. Besides that they also purify waste water in their 17 sewage treatment plants. This way they clean the water from all kinds of waste so it can go back in the rivers and such. In order to guarantee the best quality of water, the Brabant Delta works closely with sewer administrators, waterworks, local businesses, inhabitants and the city council. (Waterschap Brabantse Delta, 2017) What’s also important to know, is that there’s often a confusion between the Brabantse Delta and a drinking water company named Brabant water. The big difference is that the Brabantse Delta oversees the quality of the water and makes sure that there is neither too much or too less water in the rivers, canals, etc. As a matter of fact, the Brabantse Delta actually is a government organization. (Waterschap Brabantse Delta, 2017) Now the Brabantse Delta is wondering how they can improve their marketing and make people aware of their tasks for the inhabitants of their region. In other words, they need an upgrade in the way they communicate. (Waterschap Brabantse Delta, 2017)

EXPLANATION OF THE MODEL In order to know how to communicate, you first need to understand what your business position is and where power lies in a business situation. This is where Porter’s Five Forces tool comes in handy. The tool helps you understand the strength of your current position and the position you’re considering moving to. (Mindtools,2017) Porter states that there are five important forces that determine competitive power in a business situation:

1. Supplier Power Here you look into the how easy it is for suppliers to drive up their prices. It’s all about supply and demand. When there are fewer supplier choices and you need more supplier help, the more powerful the suppliers become.

2. Buyer Power Here you have a closer look on how easy it is for buyers to drive the price down. This time also it’s all about supply and demand. When you have to deal with a few, but powerful buyers, they often will be able to dictate terms to you.

3. Competitive Rivalry Here it’s all about the number of your competitors. When you have many competitors, but you all offer an equally product or service, then you’ll have little power in the situation. Now the thing is, that when you deliver something unique only you can get your hands on, you will have a lot more power then you competitors.

4. Threat of Substitution People will always look for a better and/or cheaper way to do something. This could lead to customers switching to a substitute product or service.

5. Threat of New Entry Another thing that affects your power is the ability for new people to enter your market. If it costs little money or time to enter your market, your power in said market will be a lot less. (Mindtools,2017)

WHY THIS MODEL? Figuring out how to communicate as a government company can be quite difficult. There could be some independent companies who do the same as you do. For this reason you need to map out the entire market and find out if there are some serious competitors. The Five Forces Model by Porter is by far the best model that could be used for this problem. This model is a tool that will help you find a better way to communicate or create an entire new strategy. Since the Brabantse Delta says they want to change the way they communicate, I think by using Porter’s model, they will get a clear image of how the market is organized and how to change the way they operate. Next to that, the Five Forces model has already been used by the Dutch Royal Water Network. This is the only independent water network in the Netherlands. They have over 5000 professionals from all kinds of businesses considering water. The Dutch Royal Water Network hosts around 30 meetings a year where all the professionals can share their ideas, thoughts and experience with each other. (KNW, 2017) In their research they looked into the possibility of creating CO2 at the sewage treatment plants. Thanks to the Five Forces by Porter they got a clear insight into the market and if they had to change their current strategy. (Water Matters, 2015)

MODEL APPLIED ON THE ASSIGNMENT 1. Supplier Power In this situation the Waterschap Brabantse Delta is the supplier. They are the ones supplying the clean water for the west of Brabant. The water boards are the only ones who work with sewage treatment plants. In total they have around 400 sewage treatment plants of which 17 are handled by Waterschap Brabantse Delta. (RIONED, 2017) Since they are they only supplier, they have a great advantage on their buyers. This concludes in a strong position in this business situation. 2. Buyer Power The buyers are the big companies, local businesses, city councils and the inhabitants who need to get rid of their waste. All businesses, big or small, who wish to dump their waste in the sewage or open water have to apply for a permit. This way the Brabantse Delta knows who is dumping waste and how much waste needs to be processed. (Waterschap Brabantse Delta, 2017) Next to the businesses, the inhabitants also use the sewage system. Since the water boards need to maintain the sewage treatment plants, the inhabitants also have to pay for the usage of the sewage system. Therefore every household has to pay around â‚Ź150,- a year for this service. (RIONED, 2017)

The buyer has little to no power in this situation. The Waterschap Brabantse Delta is the only one providing this service and the buyer has to pay for the sewage system. Since the buyer doesn’t have a choice and depends on the Brabantse delta, the water board has a strong and powerful position. 3. Competitive Rivalry The water boards are a government organization and therefore have no competitors. It’s not possible for a normal company to buy or build a sewage treatment plant and compete with the government. All of this makes the Brabantse Delta even more powerful in its business position. (RIONED, 2017) 4. Threat of Substitution Normally there are multiple options for services and products, but this isn’t one of them. The only substitute would be to dump your waste illegally. Since that’s not an legal option, there are and won’t be any substitutes when it comes to sewage treatment plants. Water purifying on the other hand has substitutes. Technology nowadays offers multiple options to purify your water by yourself, for example UV-disinfection (Lenntech, 2017). This way businesses can re-use their waste water and therefore don’t need a sewage treatment plant. The downside to these technologies is that they are quite pricy. It would really be long term investment. (Hydrotense Europe, 2017) The Brabantse Delta still has a strong position in this business situation. The substitute available won’t do the same work near as good as they do. Next to that, the substitute would only help out with purifying the water. Inhabitants and big companies would still need the sewage system for their daily waste such as toilets. 5. Threat of New Entry This is something the Brabantse Delta doesn’t have to worry about. The sewage treatment plants are all in control by the water boards. Every district has their own water board and they are the only ones allowed to operate there. Since the water boards are government organizations, inhabitants pay taxes in order to maintain the sewage systems. It’s not possible for taxes to go to an independent business. The barrier to enter is to powerful, which means no small business or big company can enter this market.

CONCLUSION The Brabantse Delta has a very strong position in its market, but according to their briefing they are not communicating well. This might be because they don’t feel any pressure from serious competitors. This model will make clear to them that since there are no serious competitors, they could communicate in a different way. Inhabitants and businesses are obligated to work with the Brabantse Delta, they have no choice. The Brabantse Delta could choose for a more personal way of communicating, maybe even through video marketing. This way everyone won’t feel like a number anymore and can put a face to the company they pay for. (One 4 Marketing, 2014)

SOURCES Hydrotense Europe (2017), UV-c waterzuivering. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Hydrotense Europe: KNW (2017), Over KNW. Retrieved February 16, 2017, from KNW: Lenntech (2017), Waterzuivering. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Lenntech: Mindtools (2017), Porter’s Five Forces. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Mindtools: One 4 Marketing (2014), 5 tips om video in te zetten als marketinginstrument. Retrieved February 16, 2017, from One 4 Marketing: RIONED (2017), Rioolwaterzuivering. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Stichting RIONED: Waterschappen (2017), Zoek waterschap. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Waterschappen: Waterschap Brabantse Delta (2017), Kerntaken. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Waterschap Brabantse Delta: Waterschap Brabantse Delta (2017), Schoon water. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Waterschap Brabantse Delta:

Water Matters (2015), Wordt de rioolwaterzuivering producent van CO2? Retrieved February 16, 2017, from Water Matters:

Special Week period 3 Individual analysis (Product B) Joycelin van Duinen 2189732

For this special week each group member chooses a marketing or communication theory or model to show how we would approach the assignment. We use this marketing or communication theory model to make a personal analysis for our client.

Before the physical Special Week we will discuss our findings as a group from all the different theories and models to gain more insight from different perspectives. This insight will be used later in the Special Week, when we are going to create a fitting marketing and communication advice for Waterschap Brabantse Delta (Fontys, 2017). Introduction of the client

Waterschap Brabantse Delta is one of the 26 water boards in the Netherlands. It is situated in the western part of the province Noord-Brabant. They are responsible for the following region: From the line Waalwijk/ Baarle-Nassau and south of the Holland’s Diep, Amer and Bergsche Maas to the coast near Bergen op Zoom. This region has 800.000 residents. The company is a governmental organization that is in charge to keep water clean and organises the quantity of water in rivers, canals and ditches. The Waterschappen Brabantse Delta makes sure that there is not too much, but also not too little water. They take care of the safety of dikes and quays and also guard the quality of the surface water - Mission Waterschap Brabantse Delta wants to be the water board that will integrally ensures sufficient good quality surface water and flood safety. In the realization of this mission people play a central role. - Vision Waterschap Brabantse Delta stands for an efficient implementation, now and in the future, of the key tasks: dry feet and sufficient and clean water. The company contributes to safe living, working and enjoying water in Central and West Brabant. Sustainability, innovation, climate resilience, collaboration and cost go hand in hand in their method of work. Finding the balance between the interests of society, environment and economy is key. The Waterschap Brabantse Delta knows what's going on in society and works with residents,

farmers, governments, businesses, educational institutions, owners and other nature organizations. It is important that everyone is aware what living with near and with water means. Their employees perform their duties efficiently and effectively, while developing themselves and their talents and being flexible. They are also prepared for the future by constantly searching for innovative solutions for water purification and management at the lowest possible cost (Waterschap Brabante Delta, 2017).

Introduction of the assignment

Waterschap Brabantse Delta asked us, as future professionals, how they can improve their marketing and make people aware of their tasks for the inhabitants of their region. In other words, they need an upgrade in the way they communicate. Model: Empathy map

An empathy map is a tool people can use to gain a deeper insight into customers. The map has user characteristics in the middle and asks the following questions:      

What would the user be thinking & feeling? What are some of their worries and aspirations? What would their friends, colleagues, and boss be likely to say while the user is using our product? What would the user hear in these scenarios? What would the user see while using our product in their environment? What might the user be saying and/or doing while using our product? How would that change in a public or private setting? What are some of the user’s pain points or fears when using our product? What gains might the user experience when using our product?

The answers to these questions will be placed in the empathy map and will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in a user’s environment. It will help bring the user to life and give you deeper insights into what the user would want from your company or your product (SolutionsIQ, 2016).

Why I have chosen this model Since I personally didn’t know a lot about Waterschap Brabantse Delta, I could imagine that there would be a lot of other people that would have the same. The target group for the assignment for Waterschap Brabantse Delta is quite big. To create a professional advice report you need to know who your target group is, and how to approach them. To get better insight to the target group, I chose to use the empathy map model. The outcomes will give us good insights to use during the physical Special Week.

Target group The target group for Waterschap Brabantse Delta are the inhabitants of Central and West Brabant, which are about 800.000 people.

Applying the empathy map to Waterschap Brabantse Delta Think & Feel – They don’t know much about what Waterschap Brabantse Delta is and what they do, the water boards are the most unknown level of government (Groningse Krant, 2015). Even though Waterschap Brabantse Delta wants people to be involved, the residents don’t know that they could be any help in the activities of the company. Since the sea level is rising, people might be worried about having floods in the future (Atlas Leefomgeving, 2015). Dutch people would want Waterschap Brabantse Delta to make sure that our dikes are of good quality and will protect us. Hear – Apart from informative messages that are being sent out by Waterschap Brabantse Delta the target group gets information from the elections in the Netherlands. These are held every four years and do get a lot of promotions. See – The target group sees campaigns during the elections, these include the message that people should be involved in making sure we have good quality water which is viable for living creatures (Water Natuurlijk, 2015). There was a Dutch TV programme created by NPO called “Als de dijken breken” about what would happen to the Netherlands if there were to be a flood at this time (NPO, 2016). The programme had a lot of viewers, this might have consequences to how Dutch people see the built of our country.

Say & Do – The turn up for voting for the elections is getting better. In 2015 the amount has almost doubled to 44% from 22,6% in 2008 (NRC, 2015). This means that people do care about the current state and future of our country. - Pain Dutch people are not scared for the safety of our drinking water, but in contrast they do have fears for the future of our country in relation to the rising sea level due to global warming. However, climate change and water safety are barely open to discussion (Ons Water, 2016). - Gain Citizens are willing to participate in activities around water projects. The amount of active participants in water projects is greater among residents of evacuation areas than among the general public (Ons Water, 2016).

Conclusion The water board is relatively unknown, except for during the election time. Waterschap Brabantse Delta could play a big role in providing information and make citizens a aware of how they could react during a flood.


Atlas Leefomgeving. (2015, April 22). Overstromingsgevaar. Retrieved from Bland, D. (2016, April 21). What is an empathy map? Retrieved from De Valk, E. (2015, March 19). ‘Opkomst waterschapsverkiezingen bijna verdubbeld’ - CDA en VVD scoren goed. Retrieved from Franssen, C. (2017). Waterschap Brabantse Delta (Briefing Waterschap Brabantse Delta). Retrieved from e.aspx?sourcedoc=/instituten/aci/studies/praktijkweken/specialweeks/Documents/Special%20Week s%203/20170202%20Waterschap%20Brabantse%20Delta%20is%20one%20of%20the%2026%20wate rschappen%20in%20the%20Netherlands.pdf&action=default Frey, E. (2017, February 05). Special Weeks Assignment. Retrieved from e.aspx?sourcedoc=/instituten/aci/studies/praktijkweken/specialweeks/Documents/Special%20Week s%203/20170205%20Special%20Weeks_Assignment_Sem2_P3.pdf&action=default Haijkens, M. (2015, August 27). Het onbekende waterschap. Groninger krant, p. 1. Retrieved from NPO. (n.d.). Als de dijken breken, wat dan? Retrieved from Ons Water. (2016). Ons Water onderzoeksresultaten peiling. Retrieved from Water Natuurlijk. (n.d.). Waterschapsverkiezingen. Retrieved from

Product B Individual Analysis

Waterschap Brabantse Delta #Watercontrole

Wesly van de Rijdt 2194261/266803 COAC4B

Table of contents Introduction:...................................................................................................................................... 14 Goal: .................................................................................................................................................. 14 Set up:................................................................................................................................................ 14 Choice of model:................................................................................................................................ 14 Research: ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Internal analysis................................................................................................................................. 15 External analysis: ............................................................................................................................... 15 SWOT analysis: .................................................................................................................................. 16 Concluding from analysis: ................................................................................................................. 17 Results: .............................................................................................................................................. 17 Sources: ............................................................................................................................................. 18

Introduction: The Waterschap Brabantse Delta gave students an assignment to provide them with an analysis concluding in an advice about new ways of marketing that could help the Waterschap Brabantse Delta in spreading awareness about their duties, communication with the people they work for and the company in general.

Goal: The goal for the analysis consists of an advice about how the Waterschap Brabantse Delta can improve their communication.

Set up: Therefore, we shall use the SWOT-model to get a clearer view of the external- and internal environment and the possibilities in those environments from which the Waterschap Brabantse Delta could benefit. First I’ll explain the choice of this model, then I’ll conduct the research and use my findings in the SWOT model. Concluding from the SWOT model will be an advice for the Waterschap Brabantse Delta on how to improve their communication.

Choice of model: Essential in this analysis is to find out what factors can be of influence in future developments, give insights into the possibilities to differentiate and the success factors. With this information I will sketch the strategic possibilities of the company and therefore provide the Waterschap Brabantse Delta with a good fundament for future developments. Therefore, even though there are many models out there, I think the SWOT analysis is best applicable. The chosen model for our analysis has become the SWOT model, in which you analyze the external and internal environment. From this model we can lay bare the opportunities and threats concerning the Waterschap Brabantse Delta which is essential to give a good oversight of the possibilities in improving the communication. (Schwung, 2017).

Research: Internal analysis The Waterschap Brabantse Delta has many tasks, for example they ensure the safety of dykes and quads and the purifying of sewage water. In the process of these tasks they work together with inhabitants, companies and many others. They also prepare for future developments. While ensuring the safety of the inhabitants of 21 communities, the problem is that not many people truly know what the Waterschap Brabantse Delta does for them. Ensuring that certain areas don’t get too wet or too dry is an important task in a water filled country like the Netherlands and therefore should not be underestimated. (Waterschappen 2017). (Waterschap Brabantse Delta, 2017). External analysis: For the external analysis certain trends have been researched concerning communication, you can read about these trends in the following text. Flawsome – based on the neurological principle ‘liking’ by Cialdini, it is proven that companies have to behave more like people then a company. This way you can build up relationships way easier with your customer. For instance, using social media to personally reach out to people that have problems you can deal with or give advice to. (Polanski, 2012). Mobile moments – multi tasking becomes hyper tasking, we tend to squeeze everything out of our mobile phones all day. The first thing most people do when they wake up is check their phone. Rich media – more rich media content, videos, interactive tools, gamification etc. people don’t want to look at writing anymore, they’ll scroll right past it. But a video or something interactive becomes highly more interesting. (Miller, 2017). Apostle – a company residing in Oss, the Netherlands. This company uses software to queue your social media posts, making sure that the social media updates happen regularly. VR – for brand storytelling there’s nothing like VR. While 2016 was the year or tech education, 2017 will become the year of tech application. Getting users to experience your brand through VR is not only exciting but the experience will be remembered. What they viewed during that experience as well. VR solves the problems marketers have with engagement and awareness. (Kowal, 2017). Media Competition –A person views an average of 5000 advertisement and brand exposures per day per person. On average only 12 of those adds make an impression, therefore it is essential to differentiatie yourself from the other adds out there. (Johnson, 2017).

SWOT analysis: SWOT-Analysis Internally


Positive Strenghts: + Important work + Work at location + Old organisation Opportunities: + Flawsome + Rich Media + VR + Mobile moments + Apostle

Negative Weaknesses: - Not widely known - Old organisation - Work is taken for granted Threats: - Media competition

Confrontation matrix: In a confrontation matrix the founding of the SWOT analysis will be paired to answer four questions: How can the strengths be used to fulfil opportunities? -


By focusing on the strength of ‘important work’ we can use the trends ‘Rich Media’, ‘VR’ and ‘Mobile moments’. We can use this strength through these trends to let people know that the work the Waterschap Brabantse Delta is doing is indeed of great importance. By visualising this strength we can spread awareness of the job the Waterschap is doing and how it affects the locals. By focusing on the strength ‘work at location’ we can use the opportunities of ‘Flawsome’ and ‘Rich Media’. The Waterschap can show what kind of people work at the Waterschap to give a more humane feel to the organisation, this will ensure that the public is more bound to the Waterschap. The trend ‘Rich Media’ applies here because of the content that can be generated in the field, so people can enjoy the places the Waterschap goes and lay emphasis on how the they go to work.

How can the strengths be used to counter the threats? -

This is where all the strengths need to be combined, the threat of ‘Media Competition’ is not one to be underestimated. Luckily, these strengths do have some potential in them for countering this. The importance of the work, combined with the different locations and the heritage of the organisation makes a lot to make quality content about. (Miller, 2015).

How can the weaknesses be enforced by the opportunities? -

With the opportunities ‘Rich Media’ ‘Mobile moments’ and ‘VR’ we counter the weakness ‘not widely known’ and ‘work is taken for granted’. By visualising this strength we can spread awareness of the job the Waterschap is doing and how it affects the locals.

How can the weaknesses be enforced to counter the threats? -

If we enforce the weaknesses ‘work is taken for granted’ and ‘old organisation’ we automatically solve the ‘not widely known’ threat. By making sure that people know about the rich heritage of the organisation and also the importance of- and how it continues to do their job.

Concluding from analysis: Concluding from the analysis we see that there are a number of strengths and opportunities that we can combine, also the weaknesses and threats can be overcome using certain trends that were found during the external analysis. All of it revolves around Rich Media, since it is the core solution for the problem that the Waterschap Brabantse Delta is currently facing. The importance of Rich Media is also stressed in the sources. A social media campaign can best combine the founding’s we retrieved from the SWOT analysis. Through combining the trends flawsome, rich media, and mobile moments we can set up a new way of communication concerning the Waterschap Brabantse Delta. The communication will be concerning the important tasks that the company does as well as what would happen when the Waterschap Brabantse Delta would seize to perform these tasks. This can be done through rich media, including videos or even a VR experience. (Edita Kowal, 2017). (NHTV, 2015). (Miller, 2017). (Johnsson, 2015).

Results: The social media campaign would be called ‘Watercontrole’ a plain and simple title that everyone will understand and can easily be applied in social media through the hashtag #Watercontrole. In this campaign videos will be send out envisioning what would happen if the Waterschap Brabantse Delta would seize their tasks and the water got out of control, as well as, showing the people what they do to control the water. For example, the video that would be send out takes you on a journey with one of the more charismatic employees doing field work, ensuring that the water is under control. This can be done in each region so that people will notice it is in their immediate region. However, the problem today with media is that there is too much of it. On average a person views 5000 adds a day and only 12 of those leave an impression. Therefore it can be wise to offer them something unique that they won’t forget and take in with those 11 other adds they will remember. The key word here is engagement, therefore another example is set. This example would be the VR experience in which you handle with a flood, emphasizing the importance of the work that is done by the Waterschap Brabantse Delta. Through an app made for mobile phones everyone can experience what it is like living through a flood, starting on top of a house surrounded by water you will have to ensure surviving through this experience. Also through the already set up website of ‘’ advice can be given on what you have to do in your region when this flood happens. These are just two examples of what is possible through this approach of communication through social media. Much more can be accomplished but I won’t go into further detail since this analysis is supposed to be short.

Sources: Edita Kowal (2017), Top 7 Communications Trends To Follow in 2017, Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Prowly: Derek Miller (2015), Why Marketers Should Care About Rich Media Content, Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Entrepreneur: Google (2017), What is rich media?, Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Google: NHTV (2015), Trends & Ontwikkelingen, Retrieved February 10, 2017, from NHTVECEM: Tom Polanski (2012), Dr. Robert Cialdini and 6 principles of persuasion, Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Influenceatwork: Sheree Johnson (2017), New Research Sheds Light on Daily Ad Exposures, Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Sjinsights: Waterschappen (2017), Zoek waterschap. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Waterschappen: Waterschap Brabantse Delta (2017), Kerntaken. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Waterschap Brabantse Delta:


INDIVIDUAL ANALYSIS Waterschap Brabantse Delta

Special week 3 2017

Introduction During the Special Week students of Fontys Academy for Creative Industries are given the chance to create a strategic advice for an organization as a consultancy company, using creative thinking and profound analysis. Each company will deliver a debriefing, project proposal, individual analyses based on communication and marketing models and the final idea, presented during an international meeting. In this document a profound analysis will be given to show how we will approach the assignment. The organization Waterschap Brabantse Delta and the assignment will also be explained. With all the different theories and models, we will gain more insight form different perspectives. These insights will be used later to create a fitting marketing and communication advice for Waterschap Brabantse Delta. (Fontys, 2017)

Waterschap Brabantse Delta Waterschap Brabantse Delta is one of the 26 water boards in the Netherlands. It is situated in the western part of the province Noord-Brabant. They are responsible for the following region: From the line Waalwijk/ Baarle-Nassau and south of the Holland’s Diep, Amer and Bergsche Maas to the coast near Bergen op Zoom. This region has 800.000 residents. The Waterschap Brabantse Delta manages 568 kilometres of dikes and quays, 17 locks, 227 water-pumping stations, 8.115 kilometres of existing ditches, streams and rivers and 1.752 dams. Waterschap Brabantse Delta uses a method that includes sustainability, innovation, climate control, cooperation and cost control. These are elements that always go together. It is important that there is a balance within their interests. The company is a governmental organization that is in charge to keep water clean and organises the quantity of water in rivers, canals and ditches. The Waterschappen Brabantse Delta makes sure that there is not too much, but also not too little water. They take care of the safety of dikes and quays and also guard the quality of the surface water Mission Waterschap Brabantse Delta wants to be the water board that will integrally ensures sufficient good quality surface water and flood safety. In the realization of this mission people play a central role. Vision Waterschap Brabantse Delta stands for an efficient implementation, now and in the future, of the key tasks: dry feet and sufficient and clean water. The company contributes to safe living, working and enjoying water in Central and West Brabant. Sustainability, innovation, climate resilience, collaboration and cost go hand in hand in their method of work. Finding the balance between the interests of society, environment and economy is key. The Waterschap Brabantse Delta knows what's going on in society and works with residents, farmers, governments, businesses, educational institutions, owners and other nature organizations. It is important that everyone is aware what living with near and with water means. Their employees perform their duties efficiently and effectively, while developing themselves and their talents and being flexible. They are also prepared for the future by constantly searching for innovative solutions for water purification and management at the lowest possible cost. (Waterschap Brabante Delta, 2017).

Assignment The Waterschap Brabantse Delta wants to discover new ways for their marketing and make people aware of their tasks for the inhabitants of their region. We are going to give our professional advice and suggestions of how our client can communicate their activities to their target group. We will focus on the expediency, efficiency and financial responsibility that Waterschap Brabantse Delta has. Since the Waterschap Brabantse Delta is the eldest democratic organization in the Netherlands, they have a very traditional way of communicating and reaching their target group. As a contemporary consultancy company we will give strategic advice that will make them fit the current way of marketing. (Waterschap Brabante Delta, 2017).

Value proposition canvas With the customer profile you chart the wishes and needs of a particular customer segment. Then the value map describes what value you want to create for the customer. If the customer profile and the value proposition connect together you achieve a fit. In the book Value Proposition Design, value proposition is defined as follows: "A value proposition describes the benefits that customers can expect of a collection of products and services." The value proposition canvas is useful for this case when the canvas will show the fit. At that moment the customer profile and the value proposition connect. At that moment we can test if our product fits to the customer in the case of Waterschap Brabantse Delta. (Blauuboer, 2014)

The customers are people from West- Brabant. It has approximately 800.000 inhabitants. The following cities are part of West- Brabant: Aalburg, Alphen-Chaam, Baarle-Nassau, Bergen op Zoom, Breda, Drimmelen, Etten-Leur, Geertruidenberg, Halderberge, Moerdijk, Oosterhout, Roosendaal, Rucphen, Steenbergen, Werkendam, Woensdrecht, Woudrichem, Zundert. (RWB, 2017) Despite a slightly flattened growth in recent years is the growth of the population in West Brabant in the period 1990-2009 (+ 12.1%) is still well above the growth in Zeeland (+ 7.0%) and nationwide (+ 10.7%). However, the growth rate will probably weaken. According to forecasts of the Province of Noord-Brabant, West Brabant will have approximately 685,000 inhabitants in 2025. The age structure of the population of West Brabant largely corresponds to that of the Netherlands. It is striking that the number of people up to 35 years in West Brabant are less numerous than rural. The difference is greatest in the number of 15- to 24-year olds. (SES, 2009)

West Brabant has a total of more than 290,000 households. Of these, almost 31% related to single-person households, 33% in multi-person households without children and over 36% in multi-person households with children. If the composition is compared with the national picture, we can see that West Brabant has fewer single person households and has more more person households (with and without children). (SES, 2009) In total, West Brabant has more than 48,000 branches which account for nearly 329,000 jobs. In terms of activity are business services (21.1%), retail trade (13.4%), construction (11.6%) and agriculture (8.9%) the largest sectors. In employment terms are the healthcare sector and industry at the top with 14.3% of total employment. (SES, 2009) The customers, inhabitants of West Brabant from 20- 65 years (60% of the population) (RWB, 2017) has different jobs to fill, they have a busy life and live in West Brabant. On their work they have to work hard and they have a family besides that. Besides their work and family, they have to maintain their social life. Other people expect that they have general knowledge about everything and about Brabant. The customer has also gains in life. They are searching for new challenges and want to be an important person who can add value to the community. Have a happy family life without worries. On the other hand, the customer has also pains. They see others life on social media etcetera, which look beautiful. The grass is always greener on the other side. Because of this they compare themselves to friends and other people. They feel social pressure and are a little bit depressed because of this. Due to their work and maintaining their social life they have lack of time. The product or service has to make the people of Brabant aware of what the main business of Waterschap Brabantse Delta is. It has to increase their knowledge about the company. To create the gain, the product or service has to be easy without too much pressure. It has to increase the knowledge of the customers about the company. To relieve the pains, it has to be easy and create focus about the world. The people have to get the opportunity to improve their knowledge without pressure. They have to feel they are part of the company and that they can add something to the society. The product or service is going to make the customers aware of the main business of Waterschap Brabantse Delta through our creative product or service. By doing so we want the people to enjoy live more and feel important to their society. With this model we can test if the prototype will fit in the fit gap. The real expectations of the customer have to be test with the information used in this model. Because a part of the information in this model is based on own understandings. The product/service has also to be tightened. After that you can see if you offer the perfect product/service what the customer expected.

Resources Blauuboer, R (2014). Ontwerp de perfecte waardepropositie: ontwikkel producten die je klanten echt willen. Obtained at 12-02-2017. Retrieved from waardepropositie-ontwikkel-producten-die-je-klanten-echt-willen/ Fontys (2017), 20170205 Special Weeks_Assignment_Sem2_P3. Obtained at 11-02-2017. Retrieved from layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=/instituten/aci/studies/praktijkweken/spe- cialweeks/Documents/Special%20Weeks%203/20170205%20Special%20Weeks_Assignment Franssen, C. (2017). Waterschap Brabantse Delta (Briefing Waterschap Brabantse Delta). Obtained at 11-02-2017. Retrieved from layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=/instituten/aci/studies/praktijkweken /specialweeks/Documents/Special%20Weeks%203/20170202%20Waterschap %20Brabantse%20Delta%20is%20one%20of%20the%2026%20waterschappe n%20in%20the%20Netherlands.pdf&action=default RWB (2017) Deelnemende gemeenten. Obtained at 11-02-2017. Retrieved from SES (2009). Regioprofiel West Brabant. Obtained at 11-02-2017. Retrieved from


Kostenindicatie Opdrachtgever

Waterschap Brabantse Delta

Contactpersoon opdrachtgever

Patrick Bartels

Contactpersoon Auxilium Promotie & Advies

Stefan Voorbij


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West Brabant







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Waterschap Brabantse Delta uses three modules to build their communication strategy. Module 1: Thinking and acting from outside inwards. ● Build a lasting relationship by: - Strengthening the relationship with stakeholders; - Showing cohesion; - More attention to personal communication and contact; - The water board being in close contact with stakeholders in projects and programs. ● Citizen participation and co-creation. ● Better visualization of stakeholders and their interests. ● Collaboration organized by: - Connecting and mobilizing existing networks; - Connecting to (existing and new) national, regional and local initiatives. Module 2: Obtain internal by tuning. ● Systematically communicate with the board. ● Coordinate all activities in the area. ● Being open to ideas and signals from the field. ● Offering overview of all the activities by the water board. Module 3: Profiling through assets. ● Profiling by: - Ambassadorship: personal, passionate and authentic; - Experience; - Thematic communication; - Showing that the water board is a governmental structure; - Stating the social value. ● Tone of voice and type of contact - Proactive thinking - Show courage - Clear and easy language and visualizing - Focus on the desired behaviour In 2014 the Waterschap Brabantse Delta changed their communications vision to focus on the experiences of stakeholders. Thinking and acting from outside inwards is leading. The wishes and needs of stakeholders determine the communication approach and the message. To create a strong and clear picture told from the water board it is important to ensure internal coordination with the government and between employees, teams, departments and sectors. To tell the story of the water board, they use ambassadorships. People​ ​stand central in this communication. Employees tell stories about their commitment to their passionate work. In addition, the water board wants transparency for their decision-making procedures. The communication allows the water board to show what their social value is, using experience and education as a way to bring attention to the tasks of the water board. They want real contact, to think proactively, show guts, use clear language and visualization. In influencing

attitudes and behaviour the emphasis is on desired behaviour (Waterschap Brabantse Delta, 2013). Traditional media – Website

Logic set-up, informative style. Might get information about visitor numbers later. Traditional media – Infographic flyer found on their website.

Used to explain what Waterschap Brabantse Delta is going to do in 2017.

Social media - Twitter

Followers: 3815 Tweets: 2699 Regular tweets mostly about vacancies and news about new collaborations or projects. They also work with customer service through Twitter, responding to people who have complaints. On average a tweet gets 1-3 retweets and 1-10 likes. Almost no responses to tweets, this is because they don’t have tweets with content that invite the reader to engage. Social media – Facebook

Likes: 1483 Regular Facebook posts, updated almost every day with news about the water level and other things they do to maintain the order of nature. They also give tips that the consumer can do to decrease their impact on the water and personal

stories about their employees. Almost no likes. Social media – YouTube

Subscribers: 27 Most views on a video: 1100 The videos are mostly about the jobs they do and the people that work there, also their history and projects. The videos are not well watched and the videos are on average 2 months apart.


FontysACI - Special Weeks P3 - 2017 Februay Team Evaluation Your name

Patrick Bartels

Student number







Waterschap Brabantse Delta

Grades (1-10) for your team members active participation and contribution to the project.

Names of your teammembers


Names of your teammembers


Joycelin van Duinen


click to enter text


Eva Koppelman


click to enter text


Wesly van de Rijdt


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Defining moments (please list a critical moment in the project and evaluate and reflect on how you coped and what you learned)

I don’t think we as a group had a difficult or challenging situation. Next to that did we have some problems with the briefing. It was quite hard to understand

What was the most difficult or challenging situation?

Personally, I didn’t do much about it. Afterwards I realized I should have done something, like consult with my coach. How did you cope with the situation? What did you do to overcome the problem? What did you learn from it? (e.g. what didn’t work, what worked well,?)

I did the best I could with the information given to me. This resulted in using a research tool that wasn’t very compatible with the assignment. I learned that in the future I need to work ahead of deadlines and don’t postpone them to last minute. This way I’ll have enough time to consult with my coach when something is not clear.

Your feedback to the organization and setup of this Special Program Week

TOP – what did you like best?

I liked the way we were free to brainstorm, because there were not many restrictions.

TIP – what should be improved most urgently?

The deadlines could be more reasonable, especially the deadlines before the actual special week.

FontysACI - Special Weeks P3 - 2017 Februay Team Evaluation Your name

Wesly van de Rijdt

Student number







Waterschap Brabantse Delta

Grades (1-10) for your team members active participation and contribution to the project.

Names of your teammembers


Names of your teammembers


Joycelin van Duinen


click to enter text


Patrick Bartels


click to enter text


Eva Koppelmans


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Defining moments (please list a critical moment in the project and evaluate and reflect on how you coped and what you learned)

What was the most difficult or challenging situation?

The Briefing

How did you cope with the situation?

It was to say the least, vague what the actual problem was and in what lines we had to work.

What did you do to overcome the problem? What did you learn from it? (e.g. what didn’t work, what worked well,?)

We asked our teachers and called our client. Don’t wait to ask questions, the earlier you get the briefing right the faster you can work on a solution.

Your feedback to the organization and setup of this Special Program Week

TOP – what did you like best? TIP – what should be improved most urgently?

The strategic advice that came out of our research on the Waterschap. The briefing, the English in it was horrible and it could be more specific next time.

FontysACI - Special Weeks P3 - 2017 Februay Team Evaluation

Your name

Joycelin van Duinen

Student number







Waterschap Brabantse Delta

Grades (1-10) for your team members active participation and contribution to the project.

Names of your teammembers


Names of your teammembers


Eva Koppelman


click to enter text


Patrick Bartels


click to enter text


Wesly van de Rijdt


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Defining moments (please list a critical moment in the project and evaluate and reflect on how you coped and what you learned) The kick-off was not very clear. We had taken some time to find the final set up of our group, and then we had some difficulties What was the most difficult or understanding the assignment. The briefing had quite bad English challenging situation? which caused some confusion. Once we had our final group we had close contact about what was How did you cope with the situation? expected from everyone.

What did you do to overcome the problem? What did you learn from it? (e.g. what didn’t work, what worked well,?)

We all tried and make sense of the briefing and doing research into Waterschap Brabantse Delta. Once the physical Special Week started everything finally made sense and became much more clear. We saw that the research we individually did had a lot of overlap and had een strong connection to the problem of Waterschap Brabantse Delta.

Your feedback to the organization and setup of this Special Program Week

TOP – what did you like best? TIP – what should be improved most urgently?

I liked that we had to work in a group with students we don’t know (well). I also like the fact that you have to complete an assignment in a week, it’s challenging and might represent future activities. I appreciated the check-ins and close contact with our mentors. The fact that all the exchange students dropped out of doing the Special Week was mostly due to the fact that one client didn’t feel comfortable to do the briefing in English, and our briefing was in really bad English. I think this is something to improve next Special Week.

FontysACI - Special Weeks P3 - 2017 Februay Team Evaluation Your name

Eva Koppelman

Student number







Waterschap Brabantse Delta

Grades (1-10) for your team members active participation and contribution to the project.

Names of your teammembers


Names of your teammembers


Joycelin van Duinen


click to enter text


Patrick Bartels


click to enter text


Wesly van de Rijdt


click to enter text


click to enter text


click to enter text


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Defining moments (please list a critical moment in the project and evaluate and reflect on how you coped and what you learned)

In the beginning the target audience was not clear. That is the reason the individual analyses were not based on the target audience.

What was the most difficult or challenging situation?

How did you cope with the situation? We asked the company to specify the target audience. What did you do to overcome the problem?

After the target audience was specified, we did more analyses and changed our analyse direction.

What did you learn from it? (e.g. what didn’t work, what worked well,?)

The next time we have to ask earlier and more information when a briefing is not clear at all.

Your feedback to the organization and setup of this Special Program Week

TOP – what did you like best?

TIP – what should be improved most urgently?

We were with a little group, what worked out well. The supervisors have given good feedback to finish the assignment. They took care of the groups. The first deadline, before the special week, doesn’t work well because you do not know your group members before this week. The briefing presentation was dissapointing, the same information was given on the portal.

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