Church priority areas

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Our Priorities for 2015

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Care for the needy



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Mobilize Resources

Evangelize Disciple Care for the needy Administrative Mobilize Resources

Knowing Christ and Making Him known

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Organize 2 mission Trips Support 1 Church Plant Organize 1 Community Clean up Arrange 2 Community outreaches Organize ministry partner’s month Engage in partners through preaching Win 200 souls to the Lord

Interventions • Partnership with Gulu Baptist Church • Partnerships with university mission teams to evangelize our community • Cancer outreach with palliative care unit • Engage Compassion International, Hope Alive and Dorcus widows • Youth Gospel Lounge night • Build a bridge in Naguru

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Disciple 50 people in Navigators 1, 2, 3 and 4 Send 2 members to Bible school Disciple 15 in Bible Curriculum Begin 3 new Cell groups Organize 1 month for teaching and emphasizing discipleship Disciple 100 children in the partners program Baptize 50 people Counsel and wed 5 couples

Interventions • Develop core team • Weekly Sunday Bible studies • Prepare weekly cell agenda materials • Training of leaders • Regular reviews • Weekly home groups

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Conduct 4 trainings on starting and running a business Create team to survey needs and coordinate support for the needy Support 500 Children thriugh Church partners Feed 50 widows families Empower 10 disabled people in various skills Train 20 youth in vocational skills Network with organizations to support and disciple special needs children

Interventions • Advance the special needs children support program • Empower deacons to identify needs and visit members in their homes • Identify individuals interested in business and people to train them • Feed widows and orphans

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Complete Church campus master plan Celebrate 25 years in existence, launch vision 2020 Recruit 1 Associate pastor Attain marriage license and conduct mass wedding Audit church finances Renovate church offices

Interventions • Acquiring land title • Establish structural review team • Completing building and development plans

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Create resource mobilization department Write 3 grant proposals Rent out church facilities Begin business arm to plan and execute business Network with 3 Churches abroad Start 1 business for the church

Interventions • Develop team to oversee church business separate from elders’ board • Identify organizations to write grants to • Intentionally identify churches to partner with Lugogo

We exist to know Christ and to make him known

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