Catalogue Nothern Area Show and Sale (Stirling)n 2012

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247 SUFFOLK RAM LAMBS Northern Area Show & Sale Stirling Agricultural Centre

Thursday & Friday 26th & 27th July 2012

1st Prize Ram Lamb and Overal Champion from D. Tynan sold for 7,000gns .

UnitedAuctions Since 1858

Stirling Agricultural Centre Tel: +44 (0) 1786 473055


Fax: +44 (0) 1786 450393 website:

Carrs Billington

Please bring this catalogue to the sale




Sheep penned by 10.30 am Society & veterinary inspection 10.30 Am Judging 1 pm

Friday 27th July Sale – 11 am

UnitedAuctions Since 1858

STIRLING, FK9 4RN Telephone 01786 473055 Fax 01786 450393 Email


This sale is held under the Society’s Sale Regulations as printed in volume 124 of the Flock Book. Purchasers shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Scotland and prorogate the non-exclusive jurisdiction of Glasgow Sheriff Court.

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.


7. 8. 9.


The Sheep will be exposed in lots according to the numbers in the following Catalogue. The Auctioneers reserve the right to refuse any bid without assigning any reason. The highest offer on each lot will be preferred to the purchase (subject to Article 3). No liability whatever is undertaken by the Auctioneers for the statements appearing in the Catalogue or made at the Sale. The exposer who supplies such statements is alone responsible for any error or misstatement. Animals affected with any disease of an infectious nature or animals out of an infected flock are strictly prohibited from being brought to the premises occupied or used by the Auctioneers at the time and should any such be brought, The Owner of Consignor will be held responsible for all damage or loss occasioned thereby. The Exposers reserve the right to fix a reserve price and to announce same before the bidding begins or during the time of the bidding or at the conclusion thereof. The right to bid by or on behalf of the seller in terms of the Sale of Goods Act 1893, is expressly reserved. Immediately after each purchase is declared, the risk of the animal shall be exclusively with the Buyer, and it is declared that until a settlement shall be made in terms of these Conditions the delivery of the animal shall be suspended. The right of the property shall not pass until the price is paid. Immediately after the Sale all lots must be paid for in cash to the Auctioneers. The price being paid, each lot shall be taken away the Buyer’s expense within one day after the sale thereof. Lots shall only be removable from the Auctioneers’ possession on a written order from their clerk, and any lot removed in contravention of this condition may be recovered brevi manu by the Auctioneers. If any buyers fail to pay for and remove his purchase in compliance with the above conditions, the Auctioneers in their opinion may either (a) sue the Buyer for the price and interest thereon at the current Bank Rate and for the keep of, and any other expense incurred by them in connection with such purchase, or (b) re-sell the Lot either publicly or privately and recover from the defaulting Buyer the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale and interest thereon as aforesaid together with the keep and other expenses. In either case the Auctioneers shall have the right to sue at their own instance without the consent of the Owner or Consignor, and no defence whatever in such action shall be competent to the Buyer who shall have recourse against the owner or Consignor alone. No undertaking of the Auctioneers or their servants to take charge of any animal after the sale or to forward it to its destination shall be held to impose upon the Auctioneers any legal obligation or vitiate any of the foregoing conditions. The Auctioneer is appointed Judge of the Sale, to whom are hereby submitted all disputes and difference of any kind which may arise at and in relation to the Auction, either between Exposers and Offerers or among Offerers themselves; his decision shall be final and binding on all parties. INTEREST CHARGEABLE FROM DATE OF PURCHASE AT 8% OVER BANK OF SCOTLAND BASE RATE. Purchases shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Scotland and the non-exclusive jurisdiction of Glasgow Sheriff Court is prorogated to this contract. NB – MINIMUM SELLING PRICE: 300gns Any sheep failing to reach the minimum price in its category will be passed out unsold. These figures have been adopted as Minimum Sale Prices in the Ring. UNITED AUCTIONS Stirling Agricultural Centre, STIRLING, FK9 4RN


RAM FERTILITY GUARANTEE (BYE LAW 17) 17 RAM FERTILITY GUARANTEE 17.1 All rams and ram lambs sold at a Society sale are warranted by the seller to be capable of natural and effective service by 90 days from date of sale (“the Male Guarantee Period”) provided always that: 17.1.1 any animal which is not so capable and where the incapacity is caused or contributed to by injury or illness howsoever caused, suffered or contracted after the sale is not covered by the warranty; and 17.1.2 any animal which has not been conclusively determined as incapable of natural and effective service in accordance with the procedure set out hereinafter and which dies of natural causes during the Male Guarantee Period is not covered by the warranty. 17.2 An animal shall be deemed incapable of natural and effective service if: 17.2.1 It fails to make at least one ewe pregnant during the Male Guarantee Period under natural breeding conditions; and 17.2.2 it is certified as being so incapable by a veterinary surgeon in accordance with clauses 17.4 and 17.5 below. “Natural breeding conditions” means when a ram is run with ewes in normal breeding condition, cycling without artificial interference. Ewes which have been sponged and/or treated with hormones to induce or synchronise ovulation are deemed not to be in normal breeding condition. 17.3 The buyer shall throughout the Male Guarantee Period give the animal full and sufficient opportunity to prove that he is capable of natural and effective service and maintain him in a fit condition. 17.4 If the buyer highlights that the ram or ram lamb has failed to prove capable of natural and effective service by 76 days from sale date of the year of sale, the buyer shall then: 17.4.1 Notify the seller in writing that the animal is to be tested; and 17.4.2 Have the animal subjected to a semen test by the artificial vagina method by a veterinary surgeon attached to a breeding company authorised by the society; and 17.4.3 Obtain from the veterinary surgeon a duly completed Soundness for Breeding report; and 17.4.4 (If the veterinary surgeon certifies that the animal is incapable of natural and effective service) lodge a copy of the Report with the seller. 17.5 The seller shall be entitled to have a second test carried out by the same or a different veterinary surgeon attached to a breeding company authorised by the Society who shall issue a Soundness for Breeding report by 14 days after notification by the purchaser and such Report shall conclusively determine whether or not the animal is capable of natural and effective service. The seller shall deliver to the buyer a copy of this second Report. The buyer shall at the expense of the seller do all acts, deeds and things necessary to enable the second test to be carried out. If the animal shall be deemed fertile the buyer shall on demand repay the seller the veterinary surgeon fees of the second test and Report. 17.6 If the ram is deemed incapable of natural and effective service during the Male Guarantee Period, the buyer may by 31st October of the year of the Sale return the animal to the seller and thereupon the seller shall repay to the buyer the whole of the purchase price and the cost of transport of the animal from the buyer’s premises to the seller’s premises and the veterinary surgeon testing fees incurred by the buyer. 17.7 The seller shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss howsoever sustained by a buyer. 17.8 As to clauses 17.4 and 17.5 and 17.6 time is of the essence. 17.9 The seller and the buyer may vary the provisions of clauses 17.4, 17.5, 17.6, 17.7 and/or 17.8 if but only if and insofar as the variation is set out in writing and signed by each of the parties. 17.10 The terms of any statutory enactment or custom or trade which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Bye-law 17 are hereby excluded. 17.11 Failure to comply with any of Bye Law 17 will allow the Society, at its discretion, to cancel Society membership. 17.12 Society Bye Laws do not exempt a breeder from the Sale and Supply of Goods Act.


Stirling Agricultural Centre

Stirling FK9 4RN Telephone 01786 473055 Fax 01786 450393 Email

Accommodation information available at:


SUFFOLK SHEEP SOCIETY (NORTHERN AREA BRANCH) Kindly sponsored by Carrs Billington, QMS and United Auctions PRIZE LIST Class 1. Ram Lamb (QMS Recorded)

1ST £50

2ND £30

3RD £20

4TH £15

5th £10

6th £5

2. Open Ram Lamb 3. Pen of 3 Ram Lambs 4. Elite Commercial Ram Lamb

£50 £50 £50

£30 £30 £30

£20 £20 £20

£15 £15 £15

£10 £10 £10

£5 £5 £5

5. Young Handlers Class








Sponsored by United Auctions - No prizewinners from any of the previous classes will be permitted to enter this class



SPECIAL PRIZES 1. Ram Lamb Championship (open) The “Bosomworth” Trophy presented by Wm Bosomworth & Sons Ltd for annual competition for the Best Ram Lamb in the Show, open to exhibitors from any area. 2. Silver Cup presented by The Suffolk Sheep Society for the Best Ram Lamb bred in the Northern Area. 3. The “Oliver” Rose Bowl presented by Oliver & Son Ltd for annual competition for the Best Pen of Ram Lambs. 4. Breed Championship. The Swan Challenge Cup, presented by John Swan Limited for annual competition for the Best Animal in the Show. 5. Commercial Elite Ram Lamb. The Horsburgh Salver, represented in 2011 6. Shepherd’s Prize. Silver Cup presented for annual competition by Mrs Crudace in memory of her late husband, to the Shepherd of the Champion Animal in the Show. 7. McGregor Trophy awarded to the Pen of 3 Ram Lambs and Single Ram Lamb recording highest average price. 8. Duncan Gill Memorial Trophy presented to the Champion Young Handler. JUDGES Classes 1, 2, 3 & 5 – Jim Jeffrey, The Bungalow, Ahanesk, Midleton, Co Cork. Class 4 – James Pate, Marvingston, Gifford, EH41 4JP










1. RAM LAMB (Open) The Bosomworth Trophy

Lot No Reserve:

Lot No

2. BEST RAM LAMB (bred in Northern Area) Society Silver Cup Lot No


Lot No

3. BEST PEN OF 3 RAM LAMBS The Oliver Rose Bowl

Lot No

Lot No

Lot No


Lot No

Lot No

Lot No

4. BREED CHAMPIONSHIP The Swan Challenge Cup

Lot No

Reserve: Lot No

5. COMMERCIAL ELITE RAM LAMB The Horsburgh Salver Lot No

Reserve: Lot No



Judith Barbour, Rosefield, ANNAN, DG12 6QX William Fleming, Hallhill, Crossford, Carluke, ML8 5QH


STRUTHERS & SCOTT, 70 Main Street, DOUNE, FK16 6BW Telephone 01786 841304


Melvin Stuart (Chief Steward), Milton of Birness, ELLON, AB41 8EJ David Gilmour, Broomknowes, Maybole, KA19 8HF Paula Reid, Calfpark, Mouswald, Dumfries, DG1 4QB


1. Overseas buyers and their agents are strongly advised to enquire from their respective official veterinary departments as to the requirements necessary for exportation before making a bid for sheep offered at this sale and to make sure the vendor is prepared to sell his sheep subject to veterinary tests required for export. 2. All sheep to be sold must be kept on premises overnight and the sale yard will be cleared each evening at 10pm. 3. SPECIAL – to ensure the correct despatch of all stock, it is necessary that buyers give their instructions as to forwarding to the cashier when getting their delivery orders and unless such is done in writing, the Company cannot be responsible should any mistakes occur. 4. Shepherds must remain in charge of their respective lots, assist in marketing the stock and also give delivery. 5. The Company in all cases reserves the power of altering arrangements where mutual interests seem likely to be benefited by such. 6. The stock after sale is at buyers’ exclusive risk and must be removed immediately with all faults and error of description. 7. No stock may be removed without a pass.


Extraordinary General Meeting to update its Memorandum and Articles of Association. All members are invited on Thursday 26th July at 4pm (or immediately after judging) Followed by NORTHERN AREA BRANCH

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING at 4.30 pm approx –9–

Luckpenny - Policy Summary

This policy summary does not contain the full terms and conditions of the insurance policy, which can be found in the policy document. A copy of the policy document is available on request. The insurance policy is underwritten by The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (NFU Mutual). If you are the Policyholder you must, under Financial Services Authority Regulations, provide a copy of the Policy Summary to all purchasers of your sheep who have been provided with Luckpenny insurance. We may need to disclose the Sale Schedule details to the purchasers. Copies of the Policy Summary can be obtained from your Local Agent.

Questions and answers about the policy What are the key features of the policy? Key Features


Pay market value of an animal for death or slaughter on humane grounds during the period of insurance following an accident or illness, including the pregnancy and parturition risk for females.

Sum insured (This is the price paid for the animal)

Cover applies for 3 months from ‘fall of hammer’ on the date of the sale, shown in the policy schedule, at which the animal was purchased.

What are the key exclusions or limitations of the policy? Key exclusions or limitations The maximum amount payable for any one animal insured under a Luckpenny policy is £150,000. Claims involving any injury sustained or illness or disease first appearing before the start of cover will be excluded Slaughter for economic reasons or because the animal is incapable of performing the function for which it is kept is excluded – 10 –

Please refer to the policy. If you would like a copy policy document please contact NFU Mutual.

Key exclusions or limitations Slaughter under statute or the rules of an eradication scheme is excluded Theft, straying and mysterious disappearance are not covered Claim payments will be reduced by the value of semen or ova in store for AI or ET

Please refer to the policy. If you would like a copy policy document please contact NFU Mutual.

The relevant Breed Society will be notified if a claim payment is made Can I change my mind? This insurance has been arranged for the benefit of the purchasers of animals sold by or on behalf of the policyholder. In agreeing to do this the policyholder has accepted the policy including its terms and conditions, and may not cancel. How can I contact NFU Mutual to make a claim? To report an incident that may give rise to a claim on your policy, please contact your insurance advisor. What do I do if I want to complain? NFU Mutual strives to provide its customers with the highest level of service. If you wish to make comments of any kind about our service please contact the Regional Office or Call Centre that issued your policy. If you are not satisfied with the way in which we have dealt with your complaint, please write to: The Customer Services Director, NFU Mutual, Tiddington Road, Stratford upon Avon CV37 7BJ. In the unlikely event that you remain dissatisfied, the Financial Ombudsman Service may be prepared to review your complaint. You can find out more at or by calling 0845 080 1800. Am I entitled to compensation? We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which means that you may be entitled to compensation from the Scheme if we cannot meet our obligations. This depends on the type of policy you have and the circumstances of the claim. You can find out more at or by calling 0207 892 7300.

Information in addition to your Policy Summary The Law You and NFU Mutual are entitled to choose the law applicable to the insurance policy. NFU Mutual proposes to choose English Law as the law applicable to the insurance policy.

– 11 –

The contract and the relationship between NFU Mutual and you shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, English Law. The contract shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Statutory Status You can check our statutory status on the Financial Services Authority’s Register at or by contacting the FSA on 0845 606 1234. Our FSA registration number is 117664. Language The contract and other documents are drawn up in the English language. We will communicate with you in English throughout the duration of the policy. Claims Handling Process If anything happens that may give rise to a claim, 1. if you are the policyholder, you must tell us as soon as possible, giving your name and policy number. If a claim is being made against you: • do not respond to any writ, letter, claim or other documentation • send any writ, letter, claim or other documentation to us without delay • do not admit, repudiate or negotiate any claim. 2. if you are the purchaser of an animal insured you must immediately: i) obtain veterinary assistance ii) inform the NFU Mutual, by contacting your local office, quoting a) the date and place of purchase b) the vendors name (and policy number if you know it) c) the lot number. To obtain the telephone number for your local office, please call 0800 975 0600

NFU Mutual is The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No. 111982). Registered in England. Registered Office: Tiddington Road, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire CV37 7BJ. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. A member of the Association of British Insurers. For security and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded and monitored.

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01463 811 804

For further information contact Rod McKenzie, the Scottish Sheep Strategy Manager on

It makes sense to use EBVs as part of your breeding decisions

• Give better maternal performance with the next generation

• Increase the milkiness of ewes

• Reduce the losses from lambing to wearing

• Reduce the number of days to slaughter

• Reduce the number of lambs not hitting carcase specification

What Estimated Breeding Values can do for your business


Breed Benchmark for 2012 for Suffolk

Mature size

Eight week weight








































Breed Average 3.30

















































Analysed on Terminal Sire Index

Litter size 2.55 0.63 1.55 0.35

Muscle depth

Scan weight

Maternal ability

Litter size

Mature size

Breeding value predicting yield of lean meat in the carcase (EBV only produced for breeds involved in CT scanning).

Negative values indicate animals with lower fat content which will produce leaner carcases or which can be taken to higher weights without becoming over-fat.

Choosing animals with high muscle depth EBVs will increase lamb muscularity and hence the lean meat content of the carcase.

The breeding potential for lamb growth rates to 21 weeks (age at scanning). The selection of breeding stock with high scan weight EBVs will result in animals with heavier carcases at a constant fat class or leaner carcases at a constant age.

This is the maternal component of the 8-week measurement. The higher this figure the better a ram's ewe lambs will perform as mothers (i.e. milking ability).

Selection on high EBVs will increase the prolificacy of female replacements.

Choosing animals with high figures for this trait will increase mature size.

Top 1%

Maternal ability -0.23 0.99 -0.45


Fat depth

Breeding value predicting yield of fat in the carcase (EBV only produced for breeds involved in CT scanning).

Top 5%

Scan weight 0.98 1.83 0.41

Lean weight

Breeding value highlighting animals with superior breeding potential for gigot shape (EBV only produced for breeds involved in CT scanning).

Top 10%

Muscle depth 0.72 -0.63 0.73

Top 25%

Fat depth 2.22 0.46

Bottom 25%

Lean weight -1.07 0.53

Bottom 10%

Fat weight 0.65

Bottom 5%

Gigot 0.09

Bottom 1%



Terminal Sire Index

Fat weight

The breeding potential for lamb growth rates from birth to 8 weeks of age.

A brief explanation...


Highlights superior breeding stock for a specific breeding objective.

Breeding potential for worm resistance, a negative number being preferable(EBV only produced for breeds involved in FEC sampling).

EBV Eight week weight


Information produced by Signet Breeding Services - Tel: 02476 478830 Email:


Sheep\sheepbreedbenchmarks - nats .rpt



Consigner L & D Aiken Tom & Jeff Bailey I & J Barbour G C Beacom Eric Bell Ronald H Black Ashley Bothwell Scott & Gavin Brown Messrs J & M Buchanan S J Buckley J H C Campbell & Sons Mr GJ Christie Messrs J H Christie & Son County Turf Ltd (Farm) Mrs Alison G Dalgarno Rodger K Denby J G Douglas David J Duncan S J Duncan Myfyr A Evans James Fleming D R Fotheringham A R Gault John A Gibb David W M Gilmour Antony Glaves Pat Greaney Ronald M Greig W & M Haining John A. Henderson J Hepburn & Co W & A Hutchon Darren Jones Stewart Lathangie Lilburn Estates Farming Partnership


– 15 –

Prefix Newwells Baileys Solwaybank Lakeview Glenhill Collessie Smithston Capielaw Buchood Sitlow Thrunton Balquhain Westcarse Hazeltree Cairnorrie Carnforth Cairness Endova Pennan Rhaeadr Hallhill Oldmill Forkins Cairnton Broomknowes Brompton Claddagh Tillydesk Highdrum Dalbeathie Northhouse Greatness Thurston Pyeston Roseden

Lot Numbers 244-245 93-95 99-104 114-121 174-175 48-51 246-247 70-72 130-131 235-239 41-45 143-145 125-129 38-40 107-108 217-218 152-163 172-173 189-191 192-201 146-151 8-9 80-81 219-223 176-179 240-243 85 34-37 46-47 55-56 231-234 224-226 76-79 211-212 4-7

John Lundy P Machray Gordon A Mackie K & L Mair Mrs Nan Moir A J & W M Norrie C A Proctor & Co Paula & David Reid G L Riby Alfred J & Norman A J Robinson Messrs R E & R F Scott Messrs W H Sinnett & Sons G & J Soulsby George L Stuart Messrs Henry Stuart & Sons D & G Summers Messrs S & W Tait P D W Taylor Mrs J J Tooze W G Troup Ltd Mr Dan Tynan Niall Walsh Bruce Watson Marc L J Wilkinson Angus O Wilson Robert H Wilson James Young

Lundazi Middlemuir Drimmie Deveronside Strathbeg Slackadale Conveth Conchar Stonehills Benrafton Drumpark Stockton Williamsgill Birness Davishill Easthouse Burnview Ballynacanon Spittal Whitestone Ardlea Garryhinch Gaval Inchkeith Glenhead Strathisla Muirton


105-106 122-124 65-69 227-230 141-142 73-75 182-188 52-54 1-3 180-181 57-59 17-23 82-84 164-171 24-29 13-16 86-92 30-33 10-12 213-216 109-113 96-98 60-63 64 205-210 132-140 202-204

The Suffolk Sheep Society accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of contributed articles or statements appearing in this catalogue and any views or opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Suffolk Sheep Society, save where otherwise indicated. No responsibility for loss or distress occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the authors, contributors, editor or publishers. The editor reserves the right to make publishing decisions on any advertisement or editorial article submitted to this catalogue and to refuse publication or to edit any editorial material as seems appropriate to the editor. The Suffolk Sheep Society does not endorse any goods or services advertised, nor any claims or representations made in any advertisement in this catalogue. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the Suffolk Sheep Society and publisher, application for which should be made to the Society office.

Ram Lambs

1 2 3

G L Riby Low Stonehills Farm, Fraisthorpe, Bridlington, East Yorkshire, YO15 3QR Reg. Flock Code FZL Stonehills FZL:12:007 Twin Born: 19/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: FZL:L11 by RHAEADR FLYING HIGH (93065) G.Dam: FZL:H28 by PERRINPIT BANKER (88546) FZL:12:002 Twin Born: 17/12/2011 Sire: BEAUFORT BUTTON (95648) Dam: FZL:H33 by PERRINPIT BANKER (88546) G.Dam: FZL:Z2 by WESTCARSE WALLACE (79393) FZL:12:088 Twin Born: 22/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: FZL:L39 by RHAEADR FLYING HIGH (93065) G.Dam: FZL:J2 by CONVETH NO GOING BACK (91325)

4 5 6

Lilburn Estates Farming Partnership North Middleton House, Wooler, Northumberland, NE71 6QY Reg. Flock Code G34 Roseden G34:12:152 Triplet Born: 12/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FIGO (95595) Dam: G34:J16 by HADDO DOUBLE DIAMOND (90465) G.Dam: G34:W30 by CAIRNESS THE KING (ET) (80739) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 5.78 2.21 0.26 Index 1.80 Actual: 75.00 kgs 37.10 mm 5.87 mm Age 153 days G34:12:032 Twin Born: 12/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FIGO (95595) Dam: G34:J9 by THURSTON HAKA (92442) G.Dam: G34:D79 by GLENHO ATLAS (87353) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 6.15 0.81 0.44 Index 0.85 Actual: 76.00 kgs 35.30 mm 4.57 mm Age 153 days G34:12:141 Twin Born: 12/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FIGO (95595) Dam: G34:L47 by BAILEYS JETSET (92751) G.Dam: G34:J105 by CASTLEWELLAN DURBAN (89553) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 5.83 1.36 0.26 Index 1.26 Actual: 72.00 kgs 35.90 mm 4.13 mm Age 153 days – 17 –

7 G34:12:082 Single Born: 12/01/2012 Sire: DEVERONSIDE PALLMALL (95964) Dam: G34:K37 by TILLYDESK FAREWELL (92443) G.Dam: G34:D78 by FLODDEN ADVENTURE (87354) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 7.31 1.08 0.32 Index 1.93 Actual: 76.00 kgs 33.30 mm 6.10 mm Age 153 days Reference to sires: Forkins Figo – sired by Cairness Kanine, looking very promising in his first year. Deveronside Pall-mall – purchased Stirling 2011, sired by Strathisla Sea Bird. Breeding to expectations. 8 9

D R Fotheringham Oldmill, Strichen, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 6RY Reg. Flock Code FOS Oldmill WITHDRAWN FOS:12:012 Twin Born: 28/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) Dam: FOS:K10 by BAILEYS GOLDEN STAR (92619) G.Dam: FOS:D10 by CAIRNESS STAR KINGDOM (88372)

Mrs J J Tooze Old Medwyn Mill, Spittal, Carnwath, Lanarkshire, ML11 8LY Reg. Flock Code DYX Spittal 10 DYX:12:007 Single Born: 07/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DAVISHILL DECISION (94100) Dam: DYX:H5 by PLASLLEWELYN POLARIS (89880) G.Dam: DYX:A9 by BRIJON BRAVADO (85504) Notes: A big lamb with great power. Dam massive show ewe, winner of numerous championships. 11 DYX:12:018 Twin Born: 21/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MIDDLEMUIR MERLIN (95871) Dam: DYX:N11 by PLASLLEWELYN PANACHE (91599) G.Dam: DYX:C11 by BRIJON BRAVADO (85504) Notes: A lamb with great head, muscle and skin, out of one of the best families in flock. Ggdam Glenisla ewe.

– 18 –


DYX:12:029 Twin Born: 27/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MIDDLEMUIR MERLIN (95871) Dam: LOD:K90 by MONKTON MAXIMUS (92735) G.Dam: LOD:H17 by STOCKTON SLEDGEHAMMER (90975) Notes: A smart lamb with great skin. Maternal brother sold Shrewsbury 2011. Dam purchased at Plasllewelyn dispersal.

Reference to sires: Davishill Decision – sired by 9,000gns Strathisla Showstopper, champion National Sale 2007. Breeding exceptionally well, leaving lambs with great skin, muscle and carcase. Sire of reserve female champion Yorkshire Show 2011. Middlemuir Merlin – purchased Stirling 2011, grown into a massive tup. Breeding exceptionally well, leaving lambs with great heads, bodies and skins. 13 14 15 16

D & G Summers Easthouse, Toab, Orkney, KW17 2QU Reg. Flock Code HBW Easthouse HBW:12:016 Twin Born: 02/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CONVETH CREATOR (95919) Dam: HBW:K30 by CASTLEWELLAN COMMANDO (92690) G.Dam: HBW:C14 by MUIRESK ALMIGHTY QUEST (86972) HBW:12:026 Twin Born: 03/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CONVETH CREATOR (95919) Dam: HBW:J15 by DEVERONSIDE THE MESSIAH (89650) G.Dam: HBW:D20 by MUIRESK ALMIGHTY QUEST (86972) HBW:12:027 Twin Born: 03/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CONVETH CREATOR (95919) Dam: HBW:J15 by DEVERONSIDE THE MESSIAH (89650) G.Dam: HBW:D20 by MUIRESK ALMIGHTY QUEST (86972) HBW:12:008 Single Born: 06/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CONVETH CREATOR (95919) Dam: HBW:N27 by EASTHOUSE ENDLESS QUEST (93468) G.Dam: HBW:J18 by DEVERONSIDE THE MESSIAH (89650)

– 19 –

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Messrs W H Sinnett & Sons Stockton Court, StocktononTeme, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR6 6UT Reg. Flock Code 72H Stockton 72H:12:1613 Triplet Born: 29/12/2011 Sire: STOCKTON PERCY.T (95616) Dam: 72H:L43 by STRATHISLA SCOOBY (91595) G.Dam: 72H:J20 by STOCKTON GOLD INGOT (91501) 72H:12:1731 Twin Born: 10/01/2012 Sire: CONCHAR PR (95615) Dam: 72H:N175 by MORRIS LES (93905) G.Dam: 72H:K134 by STOCKTON JACKPOT (93169) 72H:12:1646 Twin Born: 04/01/2012 Sire: CONCHAR PR (95615) Dam: 72H:F44 by STOCKTON GOLD BULLION (90434) G.Dam: 72H:A109 by STOCKTON SAKHEE (87144) 72H:12:1700 Triplet Born: 05/01/2012 Sire: CONCHAR PR (95615) Dam: 72H:L34 by MORRIS LES (93905) G.Dam: HRZ:F11 by STOCKTON SIMPLY THE BEST (80725) 72H:12:1702 Triplet Born: 06/01/2012 Sire: STOCKTON PERCY.T (95616) Dam: 72H:N182 by STOCKTON LAD THE SECOND (94294) G.Dam: 72H:K42 by STOCKTON JACKPOT (93169) 72H:12:1717 Single Born: 07/01/2012 Sire: CONCHAR PR (95615) Dam: 72H:L75 by MORRIS LES (93905) G.Dam: 72H:H23 by CAIRNESS IMPACT (90433) 72H:12:1705 Twin Born: 06/01/2012 Sire: CONCHAR PR (95615) Dam: 72H:N75 by RHAEADR RADAR (93904) G.Dam: 72H:H78 by STRATHISLA SCORPION (90624)

24 25

Messrs Henry Stuart & Sons Davishill, Udny, Aberdeenshire, AB41 6QQ Reg. Flock Code 244 Davishill 244:12:047 Single Born: 08/01/2012 Sire: MEIKLESON 5 STAR (94209) Dam: 244:N2 by DAVISHILL ACE OF DIAMONDS (93457) G.Dam: 244:J107 by SOLWAYBANK GOLDEN WONDER (89850) 244:12:018 Twin Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DISCOVERY (94861) Dam: 244:K3 by CONVETH HIGH FLIER (90729) G.Dam: 244:C78 by PERRINPIT JUST THE JOB (88191) – 20 –

26 27 28 29

244:12:009 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Sire: MEIKLESON 5 STAR (94209) Dam: 244:N55 by STRATHISLA 118 118 (94210) G.Dam: 244:H39 by ALLOAKS DEAD LUCKY (90731) 244:12:005 Triplet Born: 02/01/2012 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DISCOVERY (94861) Dam: 244:K1 by CONVETH HIGH FLIER (90729) G.Dam: 244:D35 by STOCKTON SHOWMASTER (88700) 244:12:038 Single Born: 05/01/2012 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DISCOVERY (94861) Dam: 244:J1 by HARPERCROFT BARGAIN HUNT (90730) G.Dam: 244:D54 by PERRINPIT JUST THE JOB (88191) 244:12:008 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Sire: BURNVIEW TORNADO (95598) Dam: 244:K15 by CONVETH HIGH FLIER (90729) G.Dam: 244:D16 by PERRINPIT JUST THE JOB (88191)

30 31 32 33

P D W Taylor 56 Cashel Road, Macosquin, Coleraine, Co Londonderry, BT51 4NU Reg. Flock Code KKW Ballynacanon KKW:12:044 Embryo Born: 14/01/2012 Sire: LIMESTONE TOTAL (94831) Dam: KKW:N43 by LAKEVIEW LEEROY (93400) G.Dam: 84:Z67 by BRIDGESTONE CANNON (83760) KKW:12:033 Single Born: 11/01/2012 Sire: LIMESTONE TOTAL (94831) Dam: JFF:L151 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: FNV:F13 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) KKW:12:034 Embryo Born: 11/01/2012 Sire: LIMESTONE TOTAL (94831) Dam: KKW:H18 by LAKEVIEW LORD LEE (90327) G.Dam: KKW:D31 by CELTIC STARBOY (89329) KKW:12:028 Embryo Born: 10/01/2012 Sire: LIMESTONE TOTAL (94831) Dam: KKW:H18 by LAKEVIEW LORD LEE (90327) G.Dam: KKW:D31 by CELTIC STARBOY (89329)

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Ronald M Greig South Tillydesk, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 8SY Reg. Flock Code 71Z Tillydesk 71Z:12:089 Single Born: 07/02/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: SITLOW SEE THE STARS (94950) Dam: 71Z:N73 by CASTLEWELLAN CLANCY (93316) G.Dam: 244:J13 by TEMPLAND TREBLE STAR (89869) 71Z:12:035 Twin Born: 13/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: NAJ:N15 by GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHOENIX (94180) G.Dam: JTO:H28 by CAIRNESS KINGDOM (87916) 71Z:12:032 Twin Born: 13/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: Sitlow See The Stars (94950) Dam: 71Z:N5 by Drumpark Double Choice (93405) G. Dam: 71Z:J32 by Laurelbank Lord of Rings (88735) 71Z:12:024 Single Born: 10/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: SITLOW SEE THE STARS (94950) Dam: 71Z:J10 by CAIRNESS CAIRN (89870) G.Dam: 71Z:A17 by ANNAKISHA ALMIGHTY (84364)


County Turf Ltd (Farm) Low Santon Farm, Appleby, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 0DF Reg. Flock Code LOZ Hazeltree LOZ:12:026 Single Born: 08/01/2012 Sire: HALLHILL PERFECTION (95540) Dam: LOZ:N3 by SOLWAYBANK SOVEREIGN (93074) G.Dam: LOZ:F2 by CAIRNESS U’LL DO (82982) Notes: 4th prize ram lamb at RHS. Sire Signet winning lamb at Stirling sale 2011. LOZ:12:022 Embryo Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: GLENHEAD INFUSION (93352) Dam: LOZ:L6 by CAIRNESS DOUBLE TOP TWO (93104) G.Dam: LOZ:H2 by CAIRNESS DESTINY (89546) LOZ:12:009 Single Born: 24/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS DESTINY (89546) Dam: LOZ:L3 by CAIRNESS DOUBLE TOP TWO (93104) G.Dam: LOZ:J12 by LANDALE LOGIC (92161)

39 40

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41 42 43 44 45

J H C Campbell & Sons Rosebrough, Chathill, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE67 5HJ Reg. Flock Code 76L Thrunton 76L:12:007 Twin Born: 02/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENISLA IVANHOE (81323) Dam: FNC:K2 by GLENHEAD GLENLIVET (92271) G.Dam: FNC:F57 by GLENHO GENEREUX (ET) (86587) Notes: Is prize ram lamb and reserve male champion Northumberland County Show. His sire cost 20,000gns. 76L:12:005 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: WILLIAMSGILL SPITFIRE (95225) Dam: 76L:J17 by LANGSIDE LEADER (92270) G.Dam: 76L:F28 by LAKEVIEW LANCELOT (90284) 76L:12:001 Single Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD INFUSION (93352) Dam: 76L:N1 by BIRNESS KAUTO STAR (93798) G.Dam: 76L:H56 by ALS’NOW VIKING (88668) 76L:12:012 Twin Born: 05/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CONVETH CROSSFIRE (95227) Dam: FNC:L11 by GLENHEAD INFUSION (93352) G.Dam: FNC:A18 by GLENHEAD GALILEO (87105) 76L:12:034 Single Born: 22/02/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: WILLIAMSGILL SPITFIRE (95225) Dam: FNC:L12 by GLENHEAD INFUSION (93352) G.Dam: FNC:J72 by GLENHEAD GLENLIVET (92271)

46 47

W & M Haining High Drum, Dunscore, Dumfries, DG2 0UF Reg. Flock Code LPH Highdrum LPH:12:003 Single Born: 16/12/2011 Sire: RHAEADR DOUBLE ROYAL (95071) Dam: LPH:L9 by BURNVIEW APPOLLO (93299) G.Dam: LPH:H15 by GLENHO BRUISER (88738) LPH:12:015 Single Born: 19/12/2011 Sire: RHAEADR DOUBLE ROYAL (95071) Dam: LPH:N6 by SOLWAYBANK SPECIAL (89050) G.Dam: LPH:H12 by TILLYDESK X FACTOR (90960) – 23 –

48 49 50 51

Ronald H Black Newton of Collessie, Ladybank, Fife, KY7 7RG Reg. Flock Code 416 Collessie 416:12:044 Single Born: 04/01/2012 Sire: ARDLEA CHAMPION (95715) Dam: 416:N79 by STOCKTON FURY (94334) G.Dam: 416:D16 by CAIRNESS KAIKOURA (87519) 416:12:015 Twin Born: 02/01/2012 Sire: RHAEADR GIGGSY (95814) Dam: 416:N41 by STOCKTON FURY (94334) G.Dam: 416:H59 by CONVETH ICEMAN (90077) 416:12:046 Twin Born: 04/01/2012 Sire: RHAEADR GIGGSY (95814) Dam: 416:N91 by CASTLEWELLAN KLONDYKE (94335) G.Dam: 416:K20 by ESPLEY LOOSE CANNON (88890) 416:12:029 Twin Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: ARDLEA CHAMPION (95715) Dam: 416:L39 by STRATHISLA OBAMA (93455) G.Dam: 416:J39 by GLENHO MR TOM (90711)

Paula & David Reid Calfpark, Mouswald, Dumfries and Galloway, DG1 4QB Reg. Flock Code JDX Conchar 52 JDX:12:020 Twin Born: 28/12/2011 Sire: RHAEADR ROBERTO (95231) Dam: JDX:J26 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) G.Dam: J53:Z91 by CROSEMANOR COMMANDEUR (82136) 53 JDX:12:057 Single Born: 30/01/2012 Sire: FLODDEN MAGICIAN (94530) Dam: JDX:K43 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) G.Dam: JDX:F25 by CROSEMANOR JUBILEE KING (ET) (87327) Notes: Ist prize ram lamb Cumberland show. 54 JDX:12:047 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Sire: FLODDEN MAGICIAN (94530) Dam: JDX:L54 by CROSEMANOR COSTA (85837) G.Dam: JDX:J44 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) Notes: 2nd prize ram lamb at West and Central Club show. Reference to sires: Flodden Magician sons breeding well in Stockton, Hallhill and West Carse flocks.

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John A. Henderson West Teuchan, Crudenbay, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 0PN Reg. Flock Code PNJ Dalbeathie 55 PNJ:12:017 Triplet Born: 31/12/2011 Sire: RHAEADR GIGGSY (95814) Dam: FZJ:J39 by BAWNOGUE BLAZING STAR (90697) G.Dam: FZJ:D66 by GLENISLA OPTIMISTIC (87216) 56 PNJ:12:018 Triplet Born: 31/12/2011 Sire: RHAEADR GIGGSY (95814) Dam: FZJ:J39 by BAWNOGUE BLAZING STAR (90697) G.Dam: FZJ:D66 by GLENISLA OPTIMISTIC (87216) Reference to sires: Rhaeadr Giggsy – sire Baileys Brigadier the Second who was purchased Stirling 2011 for 8000gns by Milltown of Birness, he is leaving stylish lambs with great carcase and tight skins. Kindly loaned by George and Melvin Stuart, Birness flock. Messrs R E & R F Scott Ashvale Cottage, Drums of Park, Cornhill, Banffshire, AB45 2BT Reg. Flock Code CCC Drumpark 57 CCC:12:405 Single Born: 16/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS XFACTOR (95711) Dam: CCC:L16 by BURNVIEW OLYMPIC GOLD (93385) G.Dam: LVR:F86 by SOLWAYBANK INSIGNIA (87398) 58 CCC:12:422 Twin Born: 20/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS XFACTOR (95711) Dam: CCC:N15 by FLODDEN GLADIATOR (94254) G.Dam: CCC:K508 by CAIRNESS STARGAZER (92325) 59 CCC:12:423 Single Born: 23/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS XFACTOR (95711) Dam: CCC:N16 by FLODDEN GLADIATOR (94254) G.Dam: CCC:K508 by CAIRNESS STARGAZER (92325) Reference to sires: Cairness X Factor – a late born Liam son out of the ‘best’ gimmer at Cairness. He was bought privately for his correctness and tremendous skin and has passed on his attributes to both males and females. 60

Bruce Watson Gaval, Mintlaw, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB4 8LT Reg. Flock Code 370 Gaval 370:12:010 Twin Born: 30/12/2011 Sire: MIDDLEMUIR HIT ‘N’ RUN (94923) Dam: 370:H36 by CAIRNESS CRUSO (91078) G.Dam: 370:D20 by BRIDGESTONE ZAK (87166) – 25 –

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370:12:048 Single Born: 07/01/2012 Sire: MIDDLEMUIR HIT ‘N’ RUN (94923) Dam: 370:K55 by KINGS ROMEO (87786) G.Dam: 370:Z36 by FORDAFOURIE MICHAEL (85905) 370:12:034 Twin Born: 04/01/2012 Sire: MIDDLEMUIR HIT ‘N’ RUN (94923) Dam: 370:N31 by KINGS ROMEO (87786) G.Dam: 370:D22 by BRIDGESTONE ZAK (87166) 370:12:011 Twin Born: 30/12/2011 Sire: MIDDLEMUIR HIT ‘N’ RUN (94923) Dam: 370:H36 by CAIRNESS CRUSO (91078) G.Dam: 370:D20 by BRIDGESTONE ZAK (87166)


Marc L J Wilkinson Lyndal, Inchkeith Farm, Lauder, Berwickshire, TD2 6PQ Reg. Flock Code PWC Inchkeith PWC:12:001 Single Born: 15/01/2012 Sire: ROUNDACRE ROCKSTAR (94122) Dam: FNV:L110 by STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) G.Dam: FNV:D70 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830)

65 66 67 68 69

Gordon A Mackie Drimmie Farm, Rescobie, By Forfar, Angus, DD8 2TD Reg. Flock Code 583 Drimmie 583:12:054 Embryo Born: 02/01/2012 Sire: CASTLEISLE ZICO (96121) Dam: 583:D33 by GLENHO LEPRECHAUN (88253) G.Dam: 583:Z99 by CAIRNESS KOHINOOR (79313) 583:12:007 Single Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS KANINE (93354) Dam: 583:L14 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) G.Dam: 583:F74 by PERRINPIT JOINT VENTURE (89469) 583:12:060 Single Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: LIMESTONE TOTAL (94831) Dam: 583:L79 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) G.Dam: 583:D52 by PERRINPIT JOINT VENTURE (89469) 583:12:050 Twin Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: Cairness New Approach (93355) Dam: 583:L24 by Cairness Just The Best (92622) G. Dam: 583:D22 by Perrinpit Joint Venture (89469 583:12:052 Twin Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS KANINE (93354) Dam: 583:K30 by CAIRNESS STAR BUY (93204) G.Dam: 583:D3 by PERRINPIT JOINT VENTURE (89469) – 26 –

Scott & Gavin Brown Woodhead Farm, Dewarton, Gorebridge, Midlothian, EH23 4NY Reg. Flock Code JTO Capielaw 70 JTO:12:005 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Sire: PENNAN FINALE (94126) Dam: JTO:L1 by ROSEDEN KIWI (92753) G.Dam: JTO:U1 by LAIRHILL LEROY (79651) Notes: Dam, JTO:L1 is half sister to Capielaw Crackpot, sold for £2000 at Kelso Ram Sales. 71 JTO:12:001 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Sire: PENNAN FINALE (94126) Dam: JTO:K28 by ROSEDEN KIWI (92753) G.Dam: JTO:X3 by MUIRESK CHAMPION (80755) Notes: Full brother sold to Pexhill flock at Kelso last year. 72 JTO:12:009 Single Born: 04/01/2012 Sire: PENNAN FINALE (94126) Dam: JTO:N23 by MUIRTON KICKOFF (93821) G.Dam: JTO:K18 by HOWEBURN LAST LAUGH (91800) Notes: 009 dam is this years show ewe. His gdam was 2nd ewe lamb at RHS and champion at Dalkeith and Peebles Show Reference to sires: Sire, Pennan Finale, 2nd prize shearling RHS 2010, reserve champion Haddington & Dalkeith show 2011. A J & W M Norrie Wrae Farm, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 4RB Reg. Flock Code 16U Slackadale 73 16U:12:003 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DAVISHILL DANCING BRAVE (95228) Dam: 16U:N14 by CAIRNORRIE CAPTAIN (93605) G.Dam: 16U:K31 by DAVISHILL DIABOLO (89731) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 6.88 0.89 0.74 Index 1.55 Actual: 82.60 kgs 40.00 mm 8.00 mm Age 154 days 74 16U:12:005 Single Born: 06/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: SLACKADALE SERGEANT MAJOR (95156) Dam: 16U:N27 by CAIRNESS CORNICHE (92776) G.Dam: 16U:J6 by DAVISHILL DREAM MACHINE (90964) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 7.47 1.60 0.66 Index 1.91 Actual: 89.80 kgs 44.50 mm 9.30 mm Age 150 days – 27 –


16U:12:006 Single Born: 07/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: SLACKADALE SERGEANT MAJOR (95156) Dam: 16U:N37 by CAIRNESS CORNICHE (92776) G.Dam: 16U:J37 by DAVISHILL DREAM MACHINE (90964) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 8.93 1.55 0.07 Index 2.44 Actual: 89.40 kgs 44.10 mm 6.57 mm Age 149 days


Darren Jones Ashcroft, Thurston Field, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA5 6HD Reg. Flock Code LHH Thurston LHH:12:015 Embryo Born: 31/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) Dam: 33H:K50 by MUIRESK KING OF DIAMONDS (77713) G.Dam: 33H:A11 by CAIRNESS CELLNET (85093)


A R Gault 37 Carntall Road, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim, BT36 5SQ Reg. Flock Code AOR Forkins AOR:12:027 Single Born: 01/01/2012 Sire: ARDLEA ALONSO (95893) Dam: AOR:F32 by CAIRNESS SCHOLES (89552) G.Dam: AOR:W24 by KILLAIRE SOVEREIGN (81001) Notes: Sire, Alonso, is an Achievement son. One of the best lambs in Ardlea 2011. Retained as stock ram. Dam from same family as Ferrari, Favourite, Bold Lad. She is dam of gimmer sold ?1700 to Teeshan Flock 2011. AOR:12:006 Embryo Born: 28/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS NEW APPROACH (93355) Dam: AOR:F28 by CAIRNESS SCHOLES (89552) G.Dam: AOR:W24 by KILLAIRE SOVEREIGN (81001) Notes: Dam ET sister to dam of previous lot. His ET sister was 1st ewe lamb and member of interbreed group of three Balmoral 2012.


G & J Soulsby Williamsgill, Temple Sowerby, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 1SW Reg. Flock Code FAJ Williamsgill 82 FAJ:12:003 Single Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: STRATHISLA BLACK GOLD (93536) Dam: FAJ:N44 by GLENHEAD DIAMOND (94293) G.Dam: FAJ:H14 by STRATHISLA REDBULL (90702)

– 28 –

83 FAJ:12:006 Twin Born: 04/01/2012 Sire: STRATHISLA BLACK GOLD (93536) Dam: FAJ:N32 by STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) G.Dam: FNV:H71 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) 84 FAJ:12:020 Twin Born: 07/01/2012 Sire: STRATHISLA THE STIG (95055) Dam: FAJ:L60 by WILLIAMSGILL PRINCE HARRY (93783) G.Dam: FNV:D151 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) Reference to sires: Strathisla Black Gold (93536) consistent breeder of both males and females – great colours and bodies. 85

Pat Greaney 37 Carntall Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, BT36 5SQ Reg. Flock Code SAL Claddagh SAL:12:040 Single Born: 20/01/2012 Sire: ARDLEA ARKLE (95584) Dam: 33H:N13 by CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) G.Dam: LHH:H20 by CAIRNESS DESTINY (89546) Notes: Dam purchased from Cairness flock. Sire is twin brother to the record priced Ardlea Action sold for 90,000 to Rhaeadr flock.


Messrs S & W Tait 37 Lisnaharney Road, Eskradooey, Lislap, Co Tyrone, BT79 7UF Reg. Flock Code T86 Burnview T86:12:056 Single Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) Dam: T86:K9 by BAILEYS INVINCIBLE (92607) G.Dam: T86:F35 by KINGS HIGH AND MIGHTY (89280) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 5.45 1.08 -0.16 Index 1.31 Actual: 81.70 kgs 37.00 mm 6.67 mm Age 160 days Notes: 2nd prize ram lamb at RUAS and 1st and reserve male champion at Ballymena. Dam bred females selling to 1,700gns. She is full embryo sister to £2,000 and £3,000 females and to K18, the dame of 7,000gns Top Flight breeding well at Bawnogue.

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87 88 89


T86:12:066 Embryo Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: SHANNAGH RESOLVE (95757) Dam: T86:K27 by BAILEYS INVINCIBLE (92607) G.Dam: T86:F35 by KINGS HIGH AND MIGHTY (89280) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 9.59 1.69 0.41 Index 2.63 Actual: 85.30 kgs 38.00 mm 7.33 mm Age 160 days Notes: Dam is full sister to ram lambs selling at 4000gns, 2500gns, 2000gns and 2,500gns. From same family as previous lot number. T86:12:030 Twin Born: 02/01/2012 Sire: ERRIGAL SIMPLY THE BEST (95430) Dam: T86:H79 by CAIRNESS GOLDEN TOUCH (90316) G.Dam: T86:A90 by CAIRNESS ROYAL COURT (83268) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 8.40 1.01 -0.11 Index 1.99 Actual: 88.00 kgs 38.00 mm 6.67 mm Age 161 days Notes: Dam is one of our top ewes. Gdam A90 is twin to A89 dam of 32,000gns Beamer Edinburgh champion 2005. Sister bred ewe lambs selling to 1,000gns. T86:12:060 Embryo Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) Dam: T86:L77 by CASTLEISLE IMPACT (93504) G.Dam: T86:H46 by BURNVIEW BEAMER (91294) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 11.74 1.83 0.11 Index 3.28 Actual: 90.70 kgs 39.00 mm 6.00 mm Age 160 days Notes: ET brother to reserve female champion and interbreed champion ewe lambs at Ballymoney show and to one of our top scanning ram lambs in Shrewsbury pen. Dam was a very successful show female and is full ET sister to 3000gns Performer (sons sold to 7000gns) and maternal sister to ram lambs selling at 6,000gns, 3,200gns, 2,800gns and 2,400gns. T86:12:078 Embryo Born: 04/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FERRARI II (95118) Dam: T86:N45 by BURNVIEW PERFORMER (94563) G.Dam: T86:K134 by BAILEYS INVINCIBLE (92607) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 9.24 1.72 0.42 Index 2.53 Actual: 81.70 kgs 37.00 mm 7.67 mm Age 159 days Notes: Twin reared. Dam was member of Sainsbury Cup wining pen of ewe lambs.

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T86:12:024 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Sire: SHANNAGH RESOLVE (95757) Dam: T86:N24 by STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) G.Dam: T86:K142 by CASTLEWELLAN KLASSIK (93166) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 5.73 1.84 0.46 Index 1.62 Actual: 62.60 kgs 36.00 mm 6.33 mm Age 162 days Notes: Twin born and reared. Dam was in the Sainsbury Cup winning pen ofewe lambs and was in oru show team. She is maternal sister to our lead lamb at National Sale. 92 T86:12:088 Single Born: 04/01/2012 Sire: BURNVIEW TOP FLIGHT (95566) Dam: T86:F23 by CASTLEWELLAN TOMAHAWK (89290) G.Dam: T86:A15 by CAIRNESS ROYAL COURT (83268) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 7.69 1.16 0.47 Index 1.98 Actual: 81.70 kgs 37.00 mm 7.33 mm Age 159 days Notes: Maternal sister bred 2800gns ewe lamb. Dam bred 1200gns ram lamb. Reference to sires: Burnview Top Flight – our top lamb last year. Used by kind permission of Herbest Stanley (Bawnogue) who purchased him for 7,000gns at Stirling 2011. Breeding exceptionally well. Shannagh Resolve – cost €11,000 at Roscrea where he was reserve champion and top priced ram lamb. 1st prize shearling at Royal Ulster, Ballymena and Ballymoney shows. Reserve champion at Ballymena and one of the interbreed winning group at Royal Ulster. Cairness Liam – current Sire of the Year with sons selling for a record 90,000gns. Forkins Ferrari II – champion at Ballymena sale and purchased for 4,000gns. Bred ram lambs selling to 3,200gns and ewe lambs to 2,800gns (5 ram lambs sold to average £2,200). Male champion at RUAS, reserve champion at Ballymoney and reserve at Ballymena this year. Errigle Simply the Best – grown into a massive shearling ram and was national Irish champion as a lamb. 93

Tom & Jeff Bailey Culcommon, Batterstown, Dunboyne, Co Meath, EIRE Reg. Flock Code HJW Baileys HJW:12:030 Single Born: 24/02/2012 Sire: RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) Dam: HJW:N1 by CAIRNESS NEW APPROACH (93355) G.Dam: HJW:J19 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772)

– 31 –

94 95

HJW:12:031 Twin Born: 25/02/2012 Sire: WHITESTONE FOOTPRINT (95582) Dam: HJW:J19 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: DDY:F103 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) HJW:12:032 Twin Born: 25/02/2012 Sire: WHITESTONE FOOTPRINT (95582) Dam: HJW:J19 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: DDY:F103 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548)

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Niall Walsh Castlegrogan, Errill, Portlaoise, Co Laois, EIRE Reg. Flock Code HSJ Garryhinch HSJ:12:001 Single Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: STRATHISLA THUNDER STRUCK (94511) Dam: HSJ:L52 by GARRYHINCH SLEM A STAR (93160) G.Dam: HSJ:H12 by GLENHO GARRY (91280) HSJ:12:023 Twin Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS CUSTOM MADE (95894) Dam: HSJ:K39 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) G.Dam: HSJ:Z10 by MUIRESK THE MENACE (82332) HSJ:12:046 Single Born: 26/01/2012 Sire: STRATHISLA THUNDER STRUCK (94511) Dam: HSJ:N57 by BIRNESS FIRST CHOICE (92328) G.Dam: CTX:K87 by GLEBEPARK JESSIE (88380)


I & J Barbour Rosefield Farm, Annan, Dumfriesshire, DG12 6QX Reg. Flock Code FHT Solwaybank FHT:12:069 Twin Born: 17/12/2011 Sire: RHAEADR RASTAFARI (95109) Dam: FHT:N85 by CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) G.Dam: FHT:H81 by GLENHEAD GRANDMASTER (90700) Notes: From the same family as Solwaybank Special One, this lamb is full of character. A top son of the 12000gns Rhaeadr Rastafari. 100 FHT:12:029 Twin Born: 15/12/2011 Sire: RHAEADR RASTAFARI (95109) Dam: FHT:N45 by CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) G.Dam: FHT:J8 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) Notes: A stylish son from a top Castello gimmer. From the same family as my unbeaten show ewe FHT:Z29.

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JOD:12:094 Single Born: 19/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: JOD:L146 by SOLWAYBANK SANTANA (93645) G.Dam: JOD:C11 by CAIRNESS CARISMA (87313) Notes: 3rd prize ram lambs at this year’s Highland show. He is the best son that we have had from the 62000gns Cairness Castello. 102 JOD:12:066 Twin Born: 17/12/2011 Sire: RHAEADR RASTAFARI (95109) Dam: JOD:N30 by CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) G.Dam: JOD:K16 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) Notes: Dam was 1st prize gimmer at the 2011 RHS. Ggdam is Judith’s famous show ewe JOD:F16 who won the Royal show and was supreme interbreed champion at the Great Yorkshire show. 103 FHT:12:044 Twin Born: 15/12/2011 Sire: EWEBANK CARTIER (95159) Dam: FHT:L51 by SOLWAYBANK SPECIAL ONE (93378) G.Dam: HJW:J17 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) Notes: A great bodied lamb with a pedigree to match. His sire is a Castello son out of the Cairness Carisma show ewe JOD:C11. 104 FHT:12:097 Embryo Born: 06/01/2012 Sire: RHAEADR RASTAFARI (95109) Dam: FFH:J35 by GLENHEAD PURELY THE BEST (84371) G.Dam: FFH:D17 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) Notes: A very flashy lamb from an outstanding Northtyne daughter. Full of breeding. John Lundy Mid Upper Priestside, Cummertrees, Annan, Dumfries and Galloway, DG12 5PX Reg. Flock Code NFH Lundazi 105 NFH:12:004 Twin Born: 26/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS MASTERPIECE (95087) Dam: NFH:J6 by STRATHISLA SCORPION (90624) G.Dam: 72H:D57 by CROSEMANOR JUBILEE KING (ET) (87327) 106 NFH:12:006 Triplet Born: 26/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS MASTERPIECE (95087) Dam: NFH:N5 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) G.Dam: 33H:K64 by MUIRESK KING OF DIAMONDS (77713) Reference to sires: Cairness Masterpiece – purchased at Edinburgh 2010 and was in Cairness 1st prize pen of three ram lambs. He was sired by the 20000gns Cairness See The Stars.

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Mrs Alison G Dalgarno Beechlea Farm House, Cairnorrie, Methlick, Aberdeenshire, AB41 0JJ Reg. Flock Code JPP Cairnorrie 107 JPP:12:004 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: NEWWELLS NIMROD (95547) Dam: JPP:L14 by STRATHISLA SHOW STOPPER (92903) G.Dam: JPP:H11 by TEMPLAND TREBLE STAR (89869) 108 JPP:12:010 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: NEWWELLS NIMROD (95547) Dam: JPP:L2 by CONVETH HIGH FLIER (90729) G.Dam: 244:F36 by HALLHILL JIM BOY (88701) Reference to sires: Newwells Nimrod - purchased Stirling 2011 3800gns. Sire Cairness Kanine is breeding lambs with great style and good carcasses. 109 110

Mr Dan Tynan Beechill Farm, Doon, Mountrath, Co. Laois, EIRE Reg. Flock Code PNS Ardlea PNS:12:024 Single Born: 10/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS CUSTOM MADE (95894) Dam: 33H:L2 by CAIRNESS COLD PLAY (93375) G.Dam: 33H:H71 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) Notes: Half brother to Ardlea Action, sold to Carragh flock last year. PNS:12:021 Twin Born: 07/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS CUSTOM MADE (95894) Dam: 33H:L27 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: 33H:J108 by LANGSIDE LIGHTENING (91812) Notes: Gdam is ET sister to Cairness Just the Best and maternal sister to Save the Day. 111 PNS:12:009 Single Born: 06/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS CUSTOM MADE (95894) Dam: R15:L69 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) G.Dam: HJW:J51 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) Notes: Dam purchase from A O’Keefe is one of the best lines in the Baileys flock. 112 PNS:12:012 Embryo Born: 08/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS CUSTOM MADE (95894) Dam: 33H:L53 by WHITESTONE WARRIOR (92628) G.Dam: 33H:H32 by CAIRNESS CREATION II (90699) Notes: Maternal brother to one of our best gimmers, dam is a very good ewe.

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PNS:12:034 Twin Born: 20/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS CUSTOM MADE (95894) Dam: 33H:L46 by CAIRNESS ALMIGHTY THE SECOND (93356) G.Dam: 33H:H87 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) Notes: Young lamb, dam is half sister to Cairness New Approach, sire of Baileys BMW, stock ram at Rhaeadr.

G C Beacom Lakeview Farm, 97 Ballagh Road, Fivemiletown, Co Fermanagh, BT75 0LD Reg. Flock Code JFF Lakeview 114 JFF:12:140 Single Born: 10/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) Dam: JFF:L92 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: JFF:J51 by BAILEYS BARRACUDA (91690) Notes: Male and reserve supreme at Lurgan show 2012. Maternal sister ewe lambs sold to Cairness last year at Lakeview Production. Dam is a tremendous ewe. 115 JFF:12:065 Embryo Born: 10/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) Dam: LAS:K33 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) G.Dam: LAS:F55 by MUIRESK ADRENALINE (88448) Notes: Maternal sister 1700gns ewe lambs sold Lakeview Production Sale 2010 to Errigal glock. 2 ET brothers sold at national sale, dam was supreme champion at Royal Show 2008. 116 JFF:12:100 Embryo Born: 10/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS COURT (77444) Dam: JFF:L41 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: DDY:F54 by FORDAFOURIE ELITE (83996) Notes: Maternal brother to 9000gns Lakeview Ambition and ?3500 Lakeview Freddie. Dam is ET sister to dam of our top lamb for national. 117 JFF:12:195 Single Born: 30/01/2012 Sire: THREEWAYS TYCOON (95509) Dam: CFJ:K75 by STRATHISLA DYLAN THOMAS (92528) G.Dam: CFJ:F16 by KINGS THEATRE (90375) Notes: Dam was purchased for 3800gns at Castlewellan dispersal. Very powerful lamb born end January. 118 JFF:12:172 Single Born: 25/01/2012 Sire: THREEWAYS TYCOON (95509) Dam: JFF:J111 by CAIRNESS CREATION II (90699) G.Dam: DDY:F54 by FORDAFOURIE ELITE (83996) Notes: Gdam purchased from Baileys for 4000gns. Same family line as JFF12:100, 9000gns Lakeview Ambition and supreme champion at RUAS 2011. – 35 –

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JFF:12:047 Embryo Born: 10/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) Dam: JFF:L54 by SHANNAGH SHERGAR (92745) G.Dam: FNV:F13 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) Notes: Artificially reared. Dam is ET sister to 15000gns Lakeview Leeroy. JFF:12:184 Twin Born: 14/02/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) Dam: FSC:N14 by CAIRNESS ENCHANTMENT (88231) G.Dam: FNV:C28 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) Notes: Dam was purchased privately from Oakbridge flock. Young February born lamb with a lot of potential. 121 JFF:12:079 Embryo Born: 10/01/2012 Sire: THREEWAYS TYCOON (95509) Dam: CFJ:K51 by STRATHISLA DYLAN THOMAS (92528) G.Dam: CFJ:H78 by KINGS THEATRE (90375) Notes: Dam purchased for 4500gns. ET brother sold privately to Belgium in Spring 2012. Reference to sires: Lakeview flock overall Northern Ireland champion flock 2012. Cairness Cyclone – national champion 2010 – 26000gns. Cairness Court – Edinburgh 1994 – 26000gns. Threeways Tycoon – a young February lambs when purchased last year at Northern Ireland premier sale.


PATRICK & RORY Machray Bilboa, Daviot, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 0JA Reg. Flock Code AAZ Middlemuir AAZ:12:020 Single Born: 30/12/2011 Sire: MIDDLEMUIR MESSI (95593) Dam: FNV:K25 by STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) G.Dam: FNV:H41 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: K25 was purchased at the Strathisla reduction sale 2009 for 2,000gns. Lamb has the Messi stamp with a great power of head. 123 AAZ:12:001 Embryo Born: 23/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FIGO (95595) Dam: AAZ:L13 by SHANNAGH O SULLIVAN (93459) G.Dam: AAZ:H21 by GLENHO DIAMOND (90156) Notes: Embryo lamb, dam is sister to mother of Middlemuir Messi. Stylish lamb with great colours.

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AAZ:12:019 Embryo Born: 30/12/2011 Sire: MIDDLEMUIR MESSI (95593) Dam: AAZ:J21 by COLLESSIE CUT ABOVE (88374) G.Dam: AAZ:C14 by CAIRNESS MUSKATEER (87573) Notes: Embryo lamb, dam was also dam of Middlemuir Hit ‘n’ Run (5,000gns to Gaval and Cairness). Lamb has tremendous bone. Reference to sires: Middlemuir Messi - a much admired ram with shares sold privately to Cairness and Whitestone flocks. Breeding well in his first year for all flocks, leaving lambs with great colours, heads and confirmation. Forkins Figo - purchased jointly with Strathisla and Lilburn flocks for 13,000gns.Figo was the sire of the second price ram lamb at the Highland Show 2012. Messrs J H Christie & Son West Carse Farm, Stirling, Stirlingshire, FK8 3AE Reg. Flock Code 47D Westcarse 125 47D:12:225 Twin Born: 08/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FAVOURITE (95945) Dam: 47D:L92 by RHAEADR SPECTACULAR (92893) G.Dam: 47D:D8 by CAIRNESS CONSERVATOR (89052) 126 47D:12:216 Twin Born: 06/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FAVOURITE (95945) Dam: 47D:N48 by CAIRNTON COMRADE (94048) G.Dam: 47D:F45 by GLENHO LEGEND (88878) 127 47D:12:241 Twin Born: 08/01/2012 Sire: ARDLEA ACHIEVEMENT (95877) Dam: 47D:L21 by CAIRNESS ALMIGHTY THE SECOND (93356) G.Dam: 47D:J48 by WESTCARSE AWESOME (92144) 128 47D:12:266 Twin Born: 16/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FAVOURITE (95945) Dam: 47D:L41 by CAIRNESS ALMIGHTY THE SECOND (93356) G.Dam: 47D:H30 by CAIRNESS CONSERVATOR (89052) 129 47D:12:224 Twin Born: 08/01/2012 Sire: WESTCARSE TOTAL ECLIPSE (95878) Dam: 47D:N72 by RHAEADR SPECTACULAR (92893) G.Dam: 47D:J11 by BENTLEY BOND (91892) 130

Messrs J & M Buchanan Prettsmill Farm, Sandilands, Lanark, Lanarkshire, ML11 9TN Reg. Flock Code 46N Buchood 46N:12:028 Single Born: 05/01/2012 Sire: CONVETH BLACK DIAMOND (95144) Dam: 46N:H40 by CONVETH PRINCE CHARLIE (89695) G.Dam: 46N:C33 by HALLHILL COMMAND (87762) – 37 –


46N:12:038 Single Born: 09/01/2012 Sire: CONVETH BLACK DIAMOND (95144) Dam: 46N:K16 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: 46N:F44 by HARPERCROFT HAGRID (89162)


Robert H Wilson North Dorlaithers, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 8AL Reg. Flock Code FNV Strathisla FNV:12:090 Embryo Born: 07/01/2012 Sire: ROOKERY ROONEY (95596) Dam: FNV:L23 by LAKEVIEW LEEROY (93400) G.Dam: FNV:H48 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Hi dam’s twin brother sold for 7000gns and sister for 6000gns. His gdam is sister to Schumacher 14000gns. FNV:12:112 Embryo Born: 08/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FIGO (95595) Dam: FNV:L60 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: FNV:C92 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) Notes: His dam is best ewe in the flock. She is ET sister to Dylan Thomas, sold for 48,000gns. FNV:12:136 Embryo Born: 10/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FIGO (95595) Dam: JFF:L56 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: DDY:H4 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) Notes: Dam is outstanding Lakeview gimmer bought for 7200gns 2010. Her dam was bought for 11000gns from Baileys. FNV:12:105 Embryo Born: 08/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FIGO (95595) Dam: FNV:L60 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: FNV:C92 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) Notes: ET brother to FNV12:0112. FNV:12:119 Single Born: 06/01/2012 Sire: ROOKERY ROONEY (95596) Dam: FNV:N89 by GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHOENIX (94180) G.Dam: FNV:H48 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: His dam is a very good daughter of Glenhead Golden Phoenix (12,000gns). She is a sister of Rockafella 8,000gns.

133 134 135 136

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FNV:12:049 Embryo Born: 06/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FIGO (95595) Dam: FNV:L38 by STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) G.Dam: FNV:H153 by BAWNOGUE BLAZING STAR (90697) Notes: Dam is twin sister to Obama 10,000gns. Gdam is twin sister to Glenisla Grimaldi. 138 FNV:12:062 Embryo Born: 06/01/2012 Sire: ROOKERY ROONEY (95596) Dam: FNV:L143 by LAKEVIEW LEEROY (93400) G.Dam: FNV:D127 by GLENHO GADAFFI (ET) (88503) Notes: His dam is ET sister to Leader, 12000gns. 139 FNV:12:044 Single Born: 05/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FIGO (95595) Dam: FNV:N59 by STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) G.Dam: FNV:H71 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: His dam is ET sister to Robby Rascal, 18,000gns. 140 FNV:12:095 Embryo Born: 07/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FIGO (95595) Dam: JFF:L56 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: DDY:H4 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) Notes: ET brother to FNV12:0136. Male champion and 2nd reserve overall at Northern Ireland championships. Gdam sold to Whitestone last year. Reference to sires: Forkins Figo - cost 13000gns Stirling last year. His dam was top price at Castlewellan dispersal, sold for 4800gns. Figo was the sire of the second prize ram lamb at the Highland Show 2012. Rookery Rooney - top price Shrewsbury 2011, bought for 23000gns. Flock Competition 2011 – the Strathisla flock won the Bristol Gold Cup for the 5th time. We also won the Howard Peel Cup, best stud rams and the Sainsbury Cup for the best ewe lambs. 141 142

Mrs Nan Moir The Rectory, Cairness Lonmay, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 8SL Reg. Flock Code CBK Strathbeg CBK:12:020 Single Born: 06/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNTON EYECATCHER (95692) Dam: CBK:N16 by CAIRNESS LEGEND (94627) G.Dam: CBK:H22 by STRATHBEG THE MONARCH (91205) CBK:12:008 Single Born: 03/01/2012 Sire: THURSTON GRAND DIAMOND (95721) Dam: CBK:J2 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) G.Dam: CBK:D23 by MUIRESK MOMENTO (88510)

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Mr GJ Christie Newton of Balquhain, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 5HD Reg. Flock Code PDN Balquhain 143 PDN:12:003 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: PDN:N5 by GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHOENIX (94180) G.Dam: PDN:K30 by STRATHISLA DUBSIE (93880) Notes: 6th prize at RHS 2012. 144 PDN:12:092 Twin Born: 08/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: PDN:N71 by GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHOENIX (94180) G.Dam: SAE:H26 by Notes: 5th prize at RHS 2012. 145 PDN:12:002 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA ROCKEFELLER (94777) Dam: PDN:L80 by STRATHISLA DUBSIE (93880) G.Dam: SAE:J33 by Reference to sires: Strathisla Rockefeller - purchased Shrewsbury 2010 for 8000gns. He has grown into a massive ram keeping his great style and presence, his first son selling here last year for 2000gns to John Elliot, Roxburgh Mains, Kelso. Also selling at Kelso for £1400. Strathisla Seabird – Edinburgh champion 2009. His first sons have sold to 18000gns, 6000gns and 2200gns. Also selling many top price females. 146

James Fleming Hallhill, Crossford, Carluke, Lanarkshire, ML8 5QH Reg. Flock Code 35N Hallhill 35N:12:002 Single Born: 01/01/2012 Sire: ARDLEA ACHIEVEMENT (95877) Dam: 35N:L12 by CAIRNESS SECOND GLANCE (93808) G.Dam: 35N:C68 by ROSEDEN THE PRINCE (83984) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 5.42 1.22 0.06 Index 1.52 Actual: 81.50 kgs 40.30 mm 7.10 mm Age 159 days

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35N:12:030 Single Born: 04/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FAVOURITE (95945) Dam: 35N:C15 by CAIRNESS DIRECT LINE (87153) G.Dam: 35N:W97 by BURNVIEW BLAST (83479) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 8.95 2.10 0.12 Index 2.43 Actual: 88.00 kgs 42.60 mm 6.97 mm Age 156 days 35N:12:038 Twin Born: 05/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FAVOURITE (95945) Dam: 35N:K72 by CARNFORTH CAPSTAN (93134) G.Dam: 35N:H47 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 7.80 2.46 0.48 Index 1.63 Actual: 73.50 kgs 41.50 mm 3.80 mm Age 155 days 35N:12:054 Single Born: 06/01/2012 Sire: ARDLEA ACHIEVEMENT (95877) Dam: 35N:N86 by ROSEDEN IMPRESSION (94457) G.Dam: 35N:K24 by CARNFORTH CAPSTAN (93134) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 5.11 0.10 0.47 Index 1.11 Actual: 78.00 kgs 35.40 mm 8.47 mm Age 154 days 35N:12:005 Twin Born: 02/01/2012 Sire: FORKINS FAVOURITE (95945) Dam: 35N:J11 by HILLEND HOWARD (91359) G.Dam: 35N:A83 by HALLHILL THOROUGHBRED (87154) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 8.34 0.56 0.66 Index 1.89 Actual: 84.50 kgs 37.00 mm 8.87 mm Age 158 days 35N:12:094 Single Born: 18/01/2012 Sire: BANKEND BILL’S EYE (94898) Dam: 35N:J79 by CAIRNESS CONDUCTOR (92113) G.Dam: 35N:Z18 by ROSEDEN THE PRINCE (83984) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 11.30 0.64 0.72 Index 2.66 Actual: 86.50 kgs 36.80 mm 6.87 mm Age 142 days

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J G Douglas Woodhead of Cairness, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 5XD Reg. Flock Code 33H Cairness 152 33H:12:021 Single Born: 31/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) Dam: L25:N1 by WHITESTONE WARRIOR (92628) G.Dam: L25:F1 by GLENHO COWBOY (89260) Notes: Dam L25:N1 the 4,000gns Whitestone gimmer bought at November 2011 female sale 153 33H:12:050 Twin Born: 31/12/2011 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: WHITESTONE FOOTPRINT (95582) Dam: 33H:L71 by CAIRNESS ALMIGHTY THE SECOND (93356) G.Dam: 33H:Z91 by MUIRESK RAINBOW QUEST (85141) Notes: Dam 33H:L71 dam of ram lamb Robbie Scott bought last year. 154 33H:12:059 Twin Born: 30/12/2011 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: RHAEADR ROGER RAM JET (95735) Dam: 33H:N61 by CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) G.Dam: 33H:H58 by GLENHEAD GRANDMASTER (90700) Notes: Dam 33H:N61 a big lengthy gimmer with a lot of power. Her dam was a top breeding ewe. 155 33H:12:048 Single Born: 31/12/2011 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: WHITESTONE FOOTPRINT (95582) Dam: 33H:N11 by CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) G.Dam: 33H:J60 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) Notes: Dam 33H:N11 one of the top Achievement gimmers. 156 33H:12:054 Twin Born: 29/12/2011 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: RHAEADR ROGER RAM JET (95735) Dam: 33H:N46 by CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) G.Dam: J53:Z52 by CROSEMANOR COMMANDEUR (82136) Notes: Gdam J53:Z52 one of the best and biggest Suffolk ewes ever seen. 157 33H:12:061 Twin Born: 30/12/2011 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) Dam: 33H:L69 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) G.Dam: L25:C44 by MUIRESK ZIDANE (86281) Notes: Dam 33H:L69 a powerful Cairness Just the Best ewe.

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33H:12:025 Single Born: 30/12/2011 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) Dam: C52:K42 by CAIRNESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL (92118) G.Dam: C52:H7 by CAIRNESS DESTINY (89546) Notes: Dam C52:K42 top priced ewe lamb at Annie and Wullie Hutchon’s dispersal sale, 1150gns. 159 33H:12:051 Triplet Born: 20/12/2011 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MIDDLEMUIR MESSI (95593) Dam: 33H:N48 by CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) G.Dam: C52:F33 by BALMAUD MCCOY (87836) Notes: Gdam C52:F33 same family as 33H:12:025, lot in front. 160 33H:12:069 Twin Born: 30/12/2011 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) Dam: 33H:L72 by CAIRNESS COLD PLAY (93375) G.Dam: 157A:H72 by CAIRNESS SCHOLES (89552) Notes: Gdam a top Laurelbank gimmer. 161 33H:12:065 Twin Born: 31/12/2011 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: Rhaeadr Roger Ram Jet (95735) Dam: 33H:N24 by Cairness Achievement (94170) G. Dam: 33H:H56 by Whitestone Washington (90471) Notes: Ggdam the 11,500gns Laurelbank gimmer, twin sister sold for 13,000gns. 162 33H:12:132 Single Born: 21/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS YOSHI (95130) Dam: NTS:N10 by CAIRNESS BONDI (91309) G.Dam: NTS:J3 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646) Notes: Dam one of the top gimmers bought from Steven Barron, Findowrie. 163 33H:12:131 Twin Born: 16/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS YOSHI (95130) Dam: NTS:L7 by CAIRNESS BONDI (91309) G.Dam: JLX:Z17 by MUIRESK LANDLORD (83788) Notes: Dam one of the same lot of ewes bought from Steven. Reference to sires: Cairness Cyclone 94939 – Champion at nationa sale 2010 sold for 26,000gns to Garry Beacom, Lakeview flock. Sire the 20,000gns national champion 2009 sold to Charlie and Kevin Proctor, Conveth flock, Cairness Achievement. Whitestone Footprint 95582 – bought for 10,000gns to Conveth and Cairness flocks. Sire the sire of the year 2011, 2012, Cairness Liam. Rhaeadr Roger Ram – sire Baileys BMW bought by the Mair family, Deveronside – 43 –

flock. I would like to says thanks to them that I got some gimmers AI’d to him. I am retaining a son by him to use in the Cairness flock. He is one of the top lambs I have bred; dam 33H:N34 by the 9000gns Fyvie Classic, bred by Sam Forrest, the only Classic ewe in the country. Middlemuir Messi (95593) – sire Sitlow Top Gun, one of the top lambs about last year. Lucky to get a share of him. Cairness Yoshi (95130) – sire Cairness Achievement, sire of the year 2010, 2011. Gdam J53:Z29, dam of top breeding ram Cairness Kanine. Dam of lambs 33H12:131 and 132 flock ewes bought from Steven Barron, Findowrie. 164 165 166 167 168 169

George L Stuart Milltown of Birness, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 8EJ Reg. Flock Code 1W Birness 1W:12:044 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: RHAEADR GIGGSY (95814) Dam: 1W:N39 by RHAEADR FLASH HARRY (94310) G.Dam: 1W:K31 by STRATHISLA SEGA (92974) 1W:12:049 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: ARDLEA CHAMPION (95715) Dam: 1W:N63 by MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) G.Dam: 1W:K9 by CASTLEWELLAN EYECATCHER (92975) 1W:12:078 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) Dam: 1W:L120 by CASTLEWELLAN CRACKSHOT (91308) G.Dam: 1W:J6 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646) 1W:12:039 Single Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: LAKEVIEW IRISH CREAM (95813) Dam: 1W:J88 by CAIRNESS BONDI (91309) G.Dam: 1W:F38 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646) 1W:12:073 Twin Born: 09/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: RHAEADR GIGGSY (95814) Dam: 1W:K8 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) G.Dam: 1W:D43 by DIDCOT BIG BROTHER (88712) 1W:12:113 Twin Born: 21/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) Dam: 1W:K48 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) G.Dam: 1W:H3 by CAIRNESS BONDI (91309) – 44 –

170 1W:12:046 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: ARDLEA CHAMPION (95715) Dam: 1W:N24 by MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) G.Dam: 1W:H69 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646) 171 1W:12:018 Single Born: 30/12/2011 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: ARDLEA CHAMPION (95715) Dam: 1W:N18 by RHAEADR FLASH HARRY (94310) G.Dam: 1W:J32 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646) Reference to sires: Rhaeadr Giggsy (ARR/ARR) – sire Baileys Brigadier the Second, purchased Edinburgh 2011 for 8,000gns where he was a much admired ram for his tremendous carcass and colours. Ardlea Champion (ARR/ARR) – sire Penhill Real Lucky, Northern Area sale champion 2011 purchased by Messrs Black, Collessie for 7000gns and kindly loaned to us on AI day. Lakeview Irish Cream (ARR/ARR) – sire Garryhinch Empire 3rd prize ram lamb at RHS leaving lambs with great scale and power. Meiklson Square Up (ARR/ARR) – sire Lakeview Leeroy purchased Edinburgh 2009 for 5000gns, a ram much admired by all and has bred sons selling to 2,800gns. 172 173

David J Duncan 6 Cherryvalley Road, Crumlin, Co. Antrim, BT29 4QN Reg. Flock Code PLF Endova PLF:12:013 Embryo Born: 01/01/2012 Sire: WHITESTONE WARRIOR (92628) Dam: DDY:F60 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) G.Dam: DDY:Z37 by STOCKTON ALMIGHTY (83500) PLF:12:006 Embryo Born: 02/01/2012 Sire: WHITESTONE WARRIOR (92628) Dam: DDY:F60 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) G.Dam: DDY:Z37 by STOCKTON ALMIGHTY (83500)

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Eric Bell Newton of Broomhill, Drumblade, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 6AE Reg. Flock Code KTJ Glenhill KTJ:12:012 Twin Born: 20/01/2012 Sire: STOCKTON SIBELIUS (95980) Dam: KTJ:L8 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: KTJ:J10 by DRIMMIE APPOLLO (91258) KTJ:12:014 Twin Born: 25/01/2012 Sire: STOCKTON SIBELIUS (95980) Dam: KTJ:J9 by GLENHO ROYAL EDITION (91964) G.Dam: KTJ:D7 by STOCKTON VICEROY (88492) – 45 –

David W M Gilmour

Broomknowes, Maybole, Ayrshire, KA19 8HF Reg. Flock Code V18 Broomknowes 176 V18:12:055 Single Born: 12/01/2012 Sire: ERRIGAL EVEREST (95414) Dam: CFJ:J86 by HADDO HUSTLER (90374) G.Dam: CFJ:D55 by KINGS HIGH AND MIGHTY (89280) 177 V18:12:036 Single Born: 09/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS NOBEL (95217) Dam: V18:K90 by BIRNESS JASPER (93002) G.Dam: V18:H4 by CAIRNESS FANTASTIC (91143) 178 V18:12:020 Twin Born: 04/01/2012 Sire: RHAEADR ROCK (96012) Dam: V18:L82 by BROOMKNOWES JACKO (93563) G.Dam: V18:J16 by CAIRNESS FANTASTIC (91143) 179 V18:12:050 Single Born: 11/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS NOBEL (95217) Dam: V18:F124 by BIRNESS DEMOCRAT (90199) G.Dam: V18:C29 by MUIRESK ATTABOY (ET) (88368) Reference to sires: Cairness Nobel – sire Cairness Achievement sire 1st prize ram lamb elite class 2011. Sold for 5,000gns. Rhaeadr Rock – sire Limestone To-tal purchased jointly with Mrs RH Goldie 2011 for 6,000gns. Errigal Everest – sire Cairness Just the Best purchased Stirling 2011 for 2,200gns. 180

Alfred J & Norman A J Robinson Summerhill House, Ballyrolly, Downpatrick, Co Down, BT30 8HQ Reg. Flock Code 73A Benrafton 73A:12:061 Embryo Born: 07/01/2012 Sire: JUBILEE JETHRO (94632) Dam: 73A:L54 by STRATHISLA STONER (92716) G.Dam: FNV:D38 by GLENHO GADAFFI (ET) (88503) Notes: Dam 73A:L54 reserve supreme champion at the RUAS Balmoral 2012. Gdam FNV:038 was a very good ewe, purchased from Strathisla. 181 73A:12:079 Embryo Born: 08/01/2012 Sire: JUBILEE JETHRO (94632) Dam: 33H:L49 by GLENAGH GREGAN (93353) G.Dam: 33H:F101 by MULLANBOY MOHAMMED (89551) Notes: Dam 33H:L49 purchased from Cairness as a ewe lamb, grown into a great ewe. Breeding extremely well within the flock. Reference to sires: Jubilee Jethro – purchased Kelso 2009 for £5500. Current Northern Ireland sire of the year 2011. Breeding exceptionally well, both male and females. Sired the supreme champion Northern Ireland Premier sale 2011. – 46 –

182 183 184 185 186 187

C A Proctor & Co Mains of Tollo, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 7HH Reg. Flock Code DYH Conveth DYH:12:060 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CASTLEWOOD CHAMPION (95583) Dam: DYH:N20 by CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) G.Dam: DYH:D32 by ALS’NOW ARISTOCRAT (89320) Notes: Maternal brother sold last year for 1,800gns. Gdam D32 was maternal sister to 4,000gns Conveth Concord. DYH:12:078 Twin Born: 03/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: ARDLEA ARKLE (95584) Dam: DYH:L107 by DEVERONSIDE WHISTLEBLOWER (92758) G.Dam: DYH:J94 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) Notes: From sam family as Conveth High Flyer. DYH:12:014 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) Dam: DYH:H24 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) G.Dam: DYH:C35 by GLENHEAD GOLD (85059) Notes: From a good female line. DYH:12:071 Twin Born: 03/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: ARDLEA ARKLE (95584) Dam: DYH:N44 by CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) G.Dam: DYH:D27 by ROSEDEN ROCK STAR (89321) Notes: Gdam D27 was maternal sister to €1,800 Kelso ram. DYH:12:061 Single Born: 02/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) Dam: DYH:J171 by TILLYDESK X FACTOR (90960) G.Dam: DYH:C29 by GLENHEAD GOLD (85059) Notes: Gdam C29 was maternal sister to 10,000gns Conveth Gold Bar. DYH:12:003 Single Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: ARDLEA ARKLE (95584) Dam: DYH:L52 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: DYH:H28 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) Notes: A descendant of N136 purchased at Greyhill dispersal for 1,800gns.

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DYH:12:053 Triplet Born: 02/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) Dam: DYH:L108 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: DYH:C44 by MEIKLESON MONARCH (87363) Notes: Dam L108 is maternal sister to dam of 2000gns ram sold Stirling last year. Reference to sires: Ardlea Arkle – sire Cairness Liam purchased jointly at Roscrea with Cairness for €10,000. He is twin to 90,000gns Ardlea Arbennig. Castlewood Champion – sire Cairness New Approach purchased jointly at Roscrea with Cairness for €5,000. He was 1st prize shearling at RHS. Cairness See the Stars – sold for 20,000gns, good breeding ram, kindly loaned by J Douglas. 189

S J Duncan The Cottage, Jacobshall, Gamrie Banff, AB45 3JL Reg. Flock Code JYB Pennan JYB:12:021 Twin Born: 05/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNTON EYECATCHER (95692) Dam: JYB:J16 by MONKLEIGH HIGH NOON (92083) G.Dam: JYB:F7 by KINGS ROMEO (87786) Notes: Dam J16 one of the best ewes in the flock bred lamb to Belgium 2010. Monkleigh High Noon was same way bred as King’s sheep and male champion at Royal Bath & Best 2006. 190 JYB:12:005 Twin Born: 04/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNTON EYECATCHER (95692) Dam: JYB:L7 by DEVERONSIDE SPEEDWAY (93466) G.Dam: JYB:D15 by KINGS ROMEO (87786) Notes: Dam L7 by Speedway whose sire and dam were both Highland champions. 191 JYB:12:012 Twin Born: 04/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: Thurston Grand Diamond (95721) Dam: JYB:L12 by Cairness Stockbroker (93458) G. Dam: JYB:D1 by Kings Romeo (87786) Notes: Dam L12 a good stockbroker ewe Reference to sires: Cairnton Eyecatcher by Cairness Carbon, a lamb kept by J Gibb and kindly loaned for AI. Thurston Grand Diamond, shared top bought 2011 for 2800gns, sire Cairness See the Stars. – 48 –

192 193 194 195 196

Myfyr A Evans Tanyraccar, Llanrhaeadr, Denbigh, Denbighshire, LL16 4PH Reg. Flock Code A12 Rhaeadr A12:12:096 Single Born: 03/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS B.M.W (94597) Dam: A12:N105 by BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) G.Dam: A12:F38 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) Notes: From a very good family. Dam twin sister sold for 4,000gns. Maternal brother in first prize pen of three, Edinburgh 2008 selling for 5,000gns. A12:12:058 Single Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS B.M.W (94597) Dam: A12:L42 by BAILEYS BLOCKBUSTER (92618) G.Dam: A12:D65 by CONVETH GOLD BAR (89049) Notes: Dam was our show ewe lamb and as a gimmer her sire was purchased for €40,000. He was a son of the 70,000gns Rhaeadr Rossi. Gdam was female champion at the RWAS 2005. Ggdam bred sons to 4,200gns. A12:12:075 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS B.M.W (94597) Dam: A12:N59 by BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) G.Dam: A12:K95 by THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Notes: Dam was female champion RWAS 2010 and reserve breed champion (as ewe lamb). Three very good sisters in the flock. A12:12:068 Single Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS B.M.W (94597) Dam: A12:N91 by BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) G.Dam: A12:F30 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) Notes: This lamb had a very poor start in life. Dam twin brother sold to Robert Redpath where he is breeding well. Gdam bred sons to 2,400gns. A12:12:028 Twin Born: 30/12/2011 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:L128 by CAIRNESS NEW APPROACH (93355) G.Dam: HJW:J56 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) Notes: Full brother sold to Birness 2011 for 8,000gns. Gdam purchased for 4,000gns. Dam L29 twin was sold for 4,000gns. She always breeds lambs with good carcass.

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A12:12:071 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: DDY:F74 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) G.Dam: DDY:Z72 by STOCKTON SENATOR (86125) Notes: Dam was purchased for 5000gns. She has bred very good females in the flock. Her grandsons have sold to 2500gns. 198 A12:12:067 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS B.M.W (94597) Dam: A12:N87 by BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) G.Dam: A12:H36 by CASTLEWELLAN CRUZ (91096) Notes: Dam a very good Brigadier daughter. 199 A12:12:092 Triplet Born: 03/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:J59 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) G.Dam: A12:Z135 by CAIRNESS STORMER (83213) Notes: Dam was breed champion at the RWAS 2008. Her maternal sister was 2nd prize gimmer RHAS 2006. Gdam was maternal sister to lamb sold Edinburgh 1996 for 10000gns. 092 has two very good sisters. 200 A12:12:055 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Dam: DDY:H10 by WHITESTONE WASHINGTON (90471) G.Dam: DDY:X11 by STOCKTON ALMIGHTY (83500) Notes: Dam was purchased for 4000euros. She has bred sons to 8,000gns, 5,000gns including Rhaeadr Nadal sold to Hazel Martindale. Dam twin sister H11 purchased same sale for 5,500euros. She is gdam of lamb sold 2011 to Barclay Mair for 8,000gns. 201 A12:12:109 Twin Born: 17/02/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARQ (Private) Sire: ARDLEA ARBENNIG (96027) Dam: A12:N16 by BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) G.Dam: A12:H100 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) Notes: This very growthy lamb was born 17 February. Dam and gdam two very big, long ewes. Gdam’s sire Cruz was purchased Edinburgh 2005 for 7000gns. He was breed champion RWAS 2006. His sons sold to 5,000gns, 3,500gns, 3,000gns and many more four figures. His Ggdam 33H:U94 bred many good females and males sold to regular flocks. Her sire was Stockton Storm which was sold for 54,000gns. Reference to sires: Baileys BMW – was purchased Edinburgh 2009 for 8,000gns. He was breed champion and reserve interbreed champion at the RHAs 2010. Also breed – 50 –

champion RWAS 2010 only time shown. His sons have sold up to 14000gns. Top four averaged 10762gns. He has bred some outstanding females in the flock. Baileys Brigadier II – was purchased Edinburgh 2009 for 7,500gns. Another ram which has done a good job for us. His sons have sold to 8,000gns and daughters to 4,000gns. Thurston Calzaghe – was purchased 2007 for 1600gns. A very powerful ram. His sons have sold up to 11,000gns and grandsons to 23,000gns. Ardlea Arbennig – purchased 2011 for the record price of 90,000gns. We are very pleased with the young lambs we have by him. James Young Muirton, Alford, Aberdeenshire, AB33 8JN Reg. Flock Code K14 Muirton 202 K14:12:014 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Sire: HAZELTREE HALLMARK (95869) Dam: K14:K45 by MUIRTON MASTER STROKE (91835) G.Dam: 244:C36 by PERRINPIT JUST THE JOB (88191) 203 K14:12:035 Twin Born: 09/01/2012 Sire: HAZELTREE HALLMARK (95869) Dam: K14:L81 by CONVETH SIR CHARLES (93601) G.Dam: K14:J47 by MUIRTON MASTER STROKE (91835) 204 K14:12:009 Twin Born: 31/12/2011 Sire: HAZELTREE HALLMARK (95869) Dam: K14:L53 by DEVERONSIDE MOUNTROYAL (93600) G.Dam: K14:J87 by MUIRTON MASTER STROKE (91835) Reference to sires : Hazeltree Hallmark sire – Cairness Just Lucky purchased Edinburgh 2011. He is breeding lambs with good skins and colours suitable for pedigree and commercial breeding. 205 206 207

Angus O Wilson Bowden Moor Farm, Melrose, Roxburghshire, TD6 9HT Reg. Flock Code DHD Glenhead DHD:12:045 Twin Born: 08/01/2012 Sire: GLENHEAD WARHORSE (96122) Dam: DHD:N54 by GREYHILL GRUNDY (68769) G.Dam: DHD:K29 by CAIRNESS EXPRESSION (82341) DHD:12:072 Twin Born: 11/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) Dam: DHD:N19 by GLENHEAD BLACK DIAMOND (93856) G.Dam: DHD:K58 by CAIRNESS NINTY NINE (93032) DHD:12:069 Twin Born: 10/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) – 51 –

208 209 210

Dam: DHD:N6 by GLENHEAD BLACK DIAMOND (93856) G.Dam: DHD:F35 by GLENHEAD GLARAMARA (89886) DHD:12:027 Twin Born: 07/01/2012 Sire: GLENHEAD WARHORSE (96122) Dam: DHD:D17 by ROSEDEN ROCK STAR (89321) G.Dam: DHD:W11 by CAIRNESS EXPRESSION (82341) DHD:12:040 Twin Born: 08/01/2012 Sire: GLENHEAD WARHORSE (96122) Dam: DHD:K10 by CAIRNESS NINTY NINE (93032) G.Dam: DHD:D63 by ROSEDEN ROCK STAR (89321) DHD:12:062 Twin Born: 09/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) Dam: DHD:N68 by GLENHEAD BLACK DIAMOND (93856) G.Dam: DHD:J36 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694)

Stewart Lathangie Pyeston Farm, Star, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 6LN Reg. Flock Code LVL Pyeston 211 LVL:12:004 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Sire: SITLOW SAMURAI (95548) Dam: LVL:N5 by LIMESTONE HABANA (93991) G.Dam: LVL:H4 by CONVETH ICEMAN (90077) 212 LVL:12:018 Twin Born: 01/01/2012 Sire: SITLOW SAMURAI (95548) Dam: LVL:N7 by LIMESTONE HABANA (93991) G.Dam: L67:K22 by COLLESSIE DEAD LUCKY (93031) Reference to sires: Sitlow Samurai was purchased last year at Stirling for 1500gns. He is a smart son of Cairness Carbon and has bred well in his first season. 213 214

W G Troup Ltd Shaggart Farm, Sauchen, Aberdeenshire, AB51 7LL Reg. Flock Code L25 Whitestone L25:12:030 Single Born: 01/01/2012 Sire: MIDDLEMUIR MESSI (95593) Dam: FZF:F40 by CAIRNESS CAPUCHO (88536) G.Dam: FZF:A43 by MUIRESK BOJANGLES (ET) (87157) L25:12:029 Embryo Born: 15/01/2012 Sire: MIDDLEMUIR MESSI (95593) Dam: L25:K75 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) G.Dam: L25:C43 by CAIRNESS FOREVER (88365).

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215 L25:12:123 Embryo Born: 15/01/2012 Sire: ARDLEA ARKLE (95584) Dam: L25:K89 by BAILEYS HARVEY (91752) G.Dam: BCX:C30 by ADEN SUPREME (86830) 216 L25:12:130 Embryo Born: 14/01/2012 Sire: WHITESTONE FOOTPRINT (95582) Dam: L25:C1 by CAIRNESS FOREVER (88365) G.Dam: CFJ:W48 by BRIDGESTONE TOUCH OF THE BLUES (80770) 217 218

Rodger K Denby Riddings Hill, Moat, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 5PJ Reg. Flock Code A58 Carnforth A58:12:005 Twin Born: 28/12/2011 Sire: SMITHSTON STERLING (94958) Dam: A58:J32 by MONKTON STRONGBOW (92123) G.Dam: A58:A1 by GLENHEAD GALILEO (87105) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 2.31 1.05 0.68 Index 0.37 Actual: 65.80 kgs 34.90 mm 4.10 mm Age 169 days A58:12:017 Twin Born: 09/01/2012 Sire: SMITHSTON STERLING (94958) Dam: A58:K2 by WESTCARSE PREMIER (93034) G.Dam: A58:H21 by CARNFORTH MAGNET (91145) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 7.48 2.23 0.52 Index 2.13 Actual: 72.60 kgs 38.00 mm 7.43 mm Age 157 days

John A Gibb Cairnton, East Cowbog, New Pitsligo, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 6QN Reg. Flock Code KLR Cairnton 219 KLR:12:027 Twin Born: 06/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNTON EYECATCHER (95692) Dam: KLR:L71 by DEVERONSIDE SPEEDWAY (93466) G.Dam: KLR:J55 by CAIRNESS WARRIOR (92405) 220 KLR:12:014 Embryo Born: 04/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: Thurston Grand Diamond (95721) Dam: KLR:H13 by Cairness Creation II (90699) G.Dam: KLR:Z20 by Cairness Scot (86029)

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221 KLR:12:047 Twin Born: 08/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: THURSTON GRAND DIAMOND (95721) Dam: KLR:N51 by ROUNDACRE ROCKSTAR (94122) G.Dam: KLR:K21 by CAIRNESS NINTY NINE (93032) 222 KLR:12:046 Single Born: 07/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNTON EYECATCHER (95692) Dam: KLR:L68 by DEVERONSIDE SPEEDWAY (93466) G.Dam: KLR:J9 by CAIRNESS GOLD GLINT (92406) 223 KLR:12:052 Single Born: 09/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: THURSTON GRAND DIAMOND (95721) Dam: KLR:L62 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) G.Dam: KLR:H77 by CAIRNESS DESTINY (89546) Reference to sires: Cairnton Eyecatcher – sired by Cairness Carbon, dam KLR:L94. Cairness Stockbroker breeding lambs with good power and colour. Thurston Grand Diamond – joint purchases last year 2,800gns. Grown into a massive ram breeding well in first year. 224

W & A Hutchon

Maulscastle Farm, Norwood, Lockerbie, Dumfries, DG11 2QU Reg. Flock Code PWP Greatness

PWP:12:001 Single Born: 25/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) Dam: 33H:N5 by CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) G.Dam: 33H:K62 by CAIRNESS RENOVATOR (92627) Notes: This lamb was Suffolk champion at Ayr Show out of Cairness Liam, sire of the year. A very correct lamb. 225 PWP:12:005 Twin Born: 30/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) Dam: L25:N26 by MUIRESK THE MAN (85203) G.Dam: L25:K19 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) Notes: A very powerful Cairness Liam lamb. 226 PWP:12:004 Twin Born: 30/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) Dam: L25:N26 by MUIRESK THE MAN (85203) G.Dam: L25:K19 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) Notes: Twin to above.

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K & L Mair Kinnermit, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 4HB Reg. Flock Code NAJ Deveronside NAJ:12:070 Single Born: 14/01/2012 Sire: RHAEADR ROGER RAM JET (95735) Dam: NAJ:L6 by STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) G.Dam: NAJ:H17 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Ggdam was excellent foundation ewe S46:U46 who has had a huge influence on the flock. Decendants include 1st prize ewe lambs RHS 2012. 228 NAJ:12:055 Twin Born: 09/01/2012 Sire: RHAEADR ROGER RAM JET (95735) Dam: NAJ:L23 by STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) G.Dam: NAJ:H17 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Same Gdam as previous lot, maternal brother of our first lamb sold Stirling 2011, L23, huge ewe with great style. 229 NAJ:12:065 Twin Born: 10/01/2012 Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: NAJ:N49 by GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHOENIX (94180) G.Dam: JTO:H28 by CAIRNESS KINGDOM (87916) Notes: Dam’s full sister reserve female champion RHS 2012. Gdam great show ewe that was four times 1st RHS and twice champion. 230 NAJ:12:077 Twin Born: 05/01/2012 Sire: RHAEADR ROGER RAM JET (95735) Dam: NAJ:N51 by STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) G.Dam: JTO:H28 by CAIRNESS KINGDOM (87916) Notes: Gdam, the great H28 (see previous lot). Reference to sires: Rheaedr Roger Ramjet – young lamb purchased 2011 for 8,000gns because of his tremendous conformation and breeding. Strathisla Seabird – Edinburgh champion, sons sold to 18,000gns. A huge ram with a great carcass. 231

J Hepburn & Co Northhouse, Hawick, Scottish Borders, TD9 0LE Reg. Flock Code FOV Northhouse FOV:12:068 Single Born: 11/01/2012 Sire: BALQUHAIN BOMBER (94991) Dam: FOV:N22 by CONVETH CORNET (94266) G.Dam: FOV:K13 by BIRNESS CORNET (91657) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 10.33 3.08 0.19 Index 3.34 Actual: 71.00 kgs 39.00 mm 2.43 mm Age 154 days

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232 FOV:12:066 Triplet Born: 11/01/2012 Sire: BIRNESS BARRACUDA (95865) Dam: FOV:F52 by SLACKADALE CALLANT (89632) G.Dam: FOV:C15 by STRATHISLA HURRICANE (87038) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 8.71 4.17 0.52 Index 2.84 Actual: 66.60 kgs 39.00 mm 3.73 mm Age 154 days 233 FOV:12:062 Single Born: 10/01/2012 Sire: BIRNESS BARRACUDA (95865) Dam: FOV:K28 by BIRNESS CORNET (91657) G.Dam: FOV:C25 by ROSEDEN ACTION MAN (87751) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 8.87 1.70 0.13 Index 2.49 Actual: 69.40 kgs 33.70 mm 2.97 mm Age 155 days 234 FOV:12:072 Twin Born: 22/01/2012 Sire: BALQUHAIN BOMBER (94991) Dam: FOV:L4 by HEADLIND HOY (93346) G.Dam: FOV:J60 by BIRNESS CORNET (91657) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 10.27 3.41 0.86 Index 3.04 Actual: 63.20 kgs 36.90 mm 4.30 mm Age 143 days Reference to sires: Birness Barracuda – 1st prize ram lambs (reserve champion) Stirling 2011. Balquhain Bomber – leaving great skins and really clean hair. 235 236

S J Buckley Sittinglow Farm, Dove Holes, Nr Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 8DA Reg. Flock Code 45Z Sitlow 45Z:12:033 Twin Born: 04/01/2012 Sire: SAFADDAN NAVARA (95007) Dam: 45Z:N55 by CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) G.Dam: 45Z:K18 by PERRINPIT HIGH PEAK (88525) 45Z:12:039 Twin Born: 04/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: 45Z:L20 by PERRINPIT HIGH PEAK (88525) G.Dam: 45Z:F51 by STRATHISLA SINATRA (87633) Notes: Dam bred ram sold Stirling 2011 and is full sister to Sitlow Centurion, national champion 2008. 45Z:F51 bred the 20000gns reserve champion at Edinburgh 2010 and her full sister bred 7000gns Stilow Sensation.

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45Z:12:011 Triplet Born: 02/01/2012 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: 45Z:L54 by SITLOW CENTURION (93278) G.Dam: 45Z:H81 by PENNAN FORMULA ONE (90576) Notes: L54 bred ram sold at National last year for 1,050gns. Sitlow Centurion was the 8,000 national champion 2008. 238 45Z:12:070 Single Born: 06/01/2012 Sire: MUIRESK MCKELVEY (79268) Dam: 45Z:N89 by CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) G.Dam: 45Z:K63 by BAILEYS IRISH NATIONAL (92529) 239 WITHDRAWN Reference to sires: Cairness Carbon – bred 1st prize single, 2nd prize group and 20,000gns reserve champion Edinburgh 2010. Muiresk McKelvey – a massive ram. Sons sold to 10,000gns and daughters to 4,000gns. Antony Glaves 33 Cayley Lane, Brompton by Sawdon, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO13 9DL Reg. Flock Code M17 Brompton 240 M17:12:034 Twin Born: 16/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: M17:L28 by STRATHISLA HIGHLANDER (93037) G.Dam: M17:J17 by STRATHISLA SHIROCCO (90828) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 6.92 1.29 1.58 Index 1.00 Actual: 84.00 kgs 37.50 mm 11.43 mm Age 171 days Notes: Dam with tremendous backend and power. 241 M17:12:002 Single Born: 16/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: 45Z:L118 by TOMCROFT FUSION (93255) G.Dam: 45Z:C71 by STRATHISLA SINATRA (87633) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 6.01 1.23 0.32 Index 1.76 Actual: 77.00 kgs 34.10 mm 8.60 mm Age 171 days Notes: Dam, Sitlow best blood lines. 242 M17:12:011 Triplet Born: 16/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: M17:L51 by STRATHISLA SON OF THE GREATEST (93038) G.Dam: M17:J25 by KINGS HIGH AND MIGHTY (89280) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 6.09 0.23 -0.84 Index 0.17 Actual: 80.00 kgs 36.30 mm 6.30 mm Age 171 days – 57 –


M17:12:003 Single Born: 16/12/2011 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: M17:N49 by STRATHISLA GOLDBAR (94196) G.Dam: M17:J2 by STRATHISLA SHIROCCO (90828) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV’s: 6.46 0.08 0.72 Index 1.23 Actual: 79.00 kgs 32.00 mm 10.43 mm Age 171 days Notes: Cairness Carbon, fantastic job, top 3 sons averaged £10700.


L & D Aiken 93 Katesbridge Road, Dromara, Dromore, Co Down, BT25 2PA Reg. Flock Code PAO Newwells PAO:12:001 Embryo Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: PAO:K1 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: DDY:H59 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) Notes: 1st prize ram lamb, reserve male champion at RUAS. K7 best breeding ewe in our flock breeding last year’s 1st prize and male champion ram lamb at RUAS. Sold at this sale last year for 3800gns to Cairnorrie flock. K7 also bred this year’s 1st and 3rd prize ram lambs at RUAS. 245 PAO:12:002 Embryo Born: 01/01/2012 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: PAO:K1 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: DDY:H59 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) Notes: 3rd prize ram lambs at RUAS. ET brother to PAO12:001. Reference to sires: Cairness Achievement – sire of the year 2010. Sons selling to 26,000gns for Cyclone and Real Lucky for 13,500gns. 246 247

Ashley Bothwell Smithston Farm, Patna, Ayr, Ayrshire, KA6 7EZ Reg. Flock Code LXX Smithston LXX:12:009 Single Born: 08/01/2012 Sire: LAKEVIEW AMBITION (96034) Dam: LXX:N19 by GLENHEAD INFUSION (93352) G.Dam: FFH:K3 by ALS’NOW IDEAL (92851) LXX:12:006 Single Born: 07/01/2012 Sire: THREEWAYS TYCOON (95509) Dam: JFF:K98 by MEIKLESON MEDALLION (92222) G.Dam: FNV:F159 by DEVERONSIDE THE MESSIAH (89650)

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Dinner and Presentation of Prizes THURSDAY 26th JULY AT 6.30 pm STIRLING AGRICULTURAL CENTRE



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