Consultants’ Training Institute
Benchmark training and certification in the accounting and financial consulting profession’s hottest growth niches
Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog Master Analyst in Financial Forensics™ (MAFF™) begins page 1 Litigation Consulting begins page 2 Financial Forensics begins page 11 Expert Witness begins page 16
C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Consultants’ Training Institute™ Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog Benchmark Training and Certification in the Accounting and Financial Consulting Profession's Hottest Growth Niches
The Consultants’ Training InstituteTM (CTITM) is comprised of leading experts in the fields of business valuation, financial litigation, financial forensics and forensic accounting, mergers and acquisitions, healthcare valuation and consulting, and a variety of other related business consulting disciplines. As the most widely respected professional training organization, the CTI combines hundreds of years of practitioner experience with academic insights to produce benchmark training and certification programs in the accounting and financial consulting industry’s hottest growth niches. The CTI’s greatest contribution to the valuation and business consulting industries is our certification programs offered in conjunction with the National Association of Certified Valuators and AnalystsTM (NACVA®) and numerous partners. Financial Forensics and Litigation Consulting Fourteen years ago, the CTI introduced a certification program through its partner, the Financial Forensics InstituteTM (FFITM), called the Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) (formerly known as the Certified Forensic Financial AnalystTM [CFFATM]). This popular program over the years has been expanded to offer practitioners seven different specialization paths
to the MAFF designation: Economic Damages; Matrimonial Litigation; Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Restructuring; Business Valuation in Litigation; Business and Intellectual Property Damages; Forensic Accounting; and Fraud Risk. These paths have common underpinnings yet with their own unique set of dynamics, which sets the MAFF apart from financial forensics programs that are more generalized. The FFI also partners with the American Institute for Expert Witness Education (AIEWETM) to offer practitioners several expert witness skills development workshops, open to expert witnesses from all walks. Finally, NACVA is proud to have been chosen by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants® (AICPA®) to develop and deliver training for their Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF®) credential holders and candidates. These educational programs are presented by a team of nationally recognized financial forensic experts who are leaders in their respective fields.
Parnell Black, MBA, CPA, CVA Chief Executive Officer
National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts 5217 South State Street, Suite 400 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84107-4812
Table of Contents Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM):
Credential Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Workshops: Economic Damages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Matrimonial Litigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Restructuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Business Valuation in Litigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Business and Intellectual Property Damages . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Forensic Accounting AcademyTM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Self-Study: Fraud Risk Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Advanced Matrimonial Litigation Symposium . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Expert Witness Bootcamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Matrimonial Expert Witness Bootcamp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Cornerstones of Financial Forensics Workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Forensic Accounting ClinicTM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Consultants' Training Institute—Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog
Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts and the Financial Forensics InstituteTM You need look no further than Accounting Today’s annual Top 100 niche survey to know that the linchpin of professional and practice development is specialization: growth by niche development is cited year in and year out on the radar of the accounting and financial consulting industry titans. NACVA’s Financial Forensics InstituteTM (FFITM) was established over 12 years ago in partnership with some of the nation’s top minds and authorities in forensic accounting, law, economics, valuation theory, expert witnessing, and support fundamentals to offer practitioners unparalleled and highly comprehensive training and certification in all facets of forensic financial consulting which led to the Certified Forensic Financial AnalystTM (CFFATM) credential.
Master Analyst in Financial Forensics™ (MAFF™)
Most recently, and effective April 12, 2013, the Certified Forensic Financial Analyst (CFFA) was changed to Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM). The new MAFF name will elevate the perception of who and what our members stand for to a higher status than before, and the MAFF credential/designation makes the statement that when it comes to financial forensics, credential holders are the “Masters” of this field. Anyone who has taken the training and passed the exams surely knows this fact. This change will help designees set themselves apart from the competition as it does not conflict with any other certification or label connected to our industry. The MAFF designation offers practitioners seven different pathways to acquire specialized training and credibility necessary for practicing in the financial forensics profession. These areas have their own set of dynamics, including legal code sections, case law, and other variables, which set them apart from other areas of forensics and litigation. The educational programs are presented by leaders in their respective fields and offer an educational track leading to the MAFF credential.
Seven Specialty Tracks to Obtain the MAFF Credential 1. Economic Damages
5. Business and Intellectual Property Damages
This specialty program requires attending the five-day MAFF Workshop and its Economic Damages specialty training (see page 2). This specialty track of the MAFF curriculum focuses on the foundations and fundamentals of business damages measurement, including alternative approaches and methodologies, notable code sections and case law, foundational evidence and research sources, and reporting guidelines and strategies embraced by the most effective business damages experts.
2. Matrimonial Litigation
This specialty program requires attending the five-day MAFF Workshop and its Matrimonial Litigation specialty training (see page 4). Fundamentals cover the entire process of matrimonial litigation support, including determining support, valuing assets, and distribution of assets. Covered within this arena are valuation of marital assets, including closely held business and stock options, taxes for divorce and distribution, asset distribution, and practice management issues.
This specialty program requires attending the five-day Business and Intellectual Property Damages Workshop (see page 10). This Workshop is an intensive, five-day program focusing upon the legal foundations, methodology, best practices, and current trends in business damages and infringement of patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property.
6. Forensic Accounting
This specialty program requires attendance at the four-day Forensic Accounting AcademyTM (see page 11). Designed for both financial and non-financial professionals who require sophisticated investigative and analytical skills to stay abreast of increasing civil and criminal wrongdoer duplicity, the Academy defines the financial forensics/ forensic accounting profession. The content focuses on immediately useable and practical skills—not theory. Attendees will immediately deploy their skills upon return to their responsibilities.
3. Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Restructuring
7. Fraud Risk Management
This specialty program requires attending the five-day MAFF Workshop and its Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Restructuring specialty training (see page 6). This specialty track focuses on work that practitioners may be called upon to perform when working in bankruptcy, reorganization, and insolvency. It is structured to provide a solid introduction to the laws, regulations, and administrative aspects of corporate bankruptcy and then culminates with forensic financial analysis and the litigation environment relating to corporate bankruptcy, reorganization, and insolvency.
4. Business Valuation in Litigation
This specialty program requires attending the five-day MAFF Workshop and its Business Valuation in Litigation specialty training (see page 8). This specialty track focuses on the dynamics of business valuation conclusions and calculations in the context of litigation, controlling professional standards, notable case law, differing approaches to reporting in litigation, traditional and situation-specific standards of value, and other key issues impacting BV in litigation.
This specialty program will be available only in self-study format beginning in the Fall of 2013. The Fraud Risk Management track of the MAFF (see page 13) offers a comprehensive understanding of fraud risk management, from identification of an organization’s fraud risk to provision of practical tools to address them. The solutions offered are applicable to entities of any size and structure, from small, privately owned companies to multi-national publicly held organizations, as well as not-for-profit and governmental/regulatory enterprises.
Prerequisite Requirements All seven tracks with specializations have prerequisite requirements based on experience and training experience. For more information, visit www. or contact Member Services at (800) 677-2009. More information on the MAFF credential is located in The Association brochure. For additional details on these seven different areas of specialty, any of which can lead to earning the MAFF designation, please refer to the pages that follow or call Member Services: (800) 677-2009.
5217 South State Street, Suite 400 • Salt Lake City, UT 84107-4812 • Tel: (800) 677-2009 • Internet:
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C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Master Analyst in Financial Forensics™ (MAFF™) Certification
C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Economic Damages
Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts and the Financial Forensics InstituteTM
2013 Dates
Early Registration Discounts and Deadlines
October 28–November 2
Washington, DC
November 18–23
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
December 9–14
Las Vegas, NV
The MAFF proctored exam is given at all locations on the Saturday following the training. This course requires a laptop. In-house training is available with minimum attendance. Contact CTI's Education Director at (800) 677-2009 to inquire.
2013 Pricing (Before Early Registration Discount)
Five-day Workshop
Individual Days
First-Year NACVA Membership with Training and Exam
Program Description: Financial forensics experts are often typically called upon in these matters to review and analyze the underlying foundational evidence and measure the lost profits and other related damages. For an expert’s analysis and conclusions to survive the rigors of the litigation environment, the expert’s work must be within the realm of conventional damages theory and be based upon generally accepted approaches and methods of damages measurement. In addition, the calculation of lost profits and other recoverable business damages are typically governed by federal, state, or other jurisdictional code sections and case law. This Economic Damages track of the MAFF curriculum focuses upon the foundations and fundamentals of economic damages measurement, including alternative approaches and methodologies, notable code sections and case law, foundational evidence and research sources, reporting guidelines, and strategies embraced by the most effective economic damages experts. The common theme of the week’s activities will be a case study. Attendees will work in teams developing their expert analysis, preparing their expert reports and exhibits focusing on their selected specialty area while taking the matter through deposition and trial. The culmination of the program will be a live jury trial in which participants will work with seasoned trial attorneys and view jury deliberations via live video and audio feed. Proctored exams will be administered on the day following the jury trial.
Day 1: Legal Theory and Case Law This course will help explain the legal theories underlying various types of litigation, including the key statutes and case law that define the scope of damages. Instruction will also cover the Federal Rules of Evidence and report preparation under Federal Rule 26(a)(2)(B). This course will introduce a case study that will be used during the remainder of the week of training.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Implement and apply legal concepts protocol to financial expert engagements n Identify the responsibilities of an expert, from retention through resolution of the legal proceeding n Withstand motions to exclude expert testimony n Interface with counsel on substantive and strategic issues throughout the legal proceeding
n Identify key concepts and theories used by financial experts in the family law setting n Work within the legal framework and process of family law cases n Identify the unique legal and administrative issues impacting distressed businesses and those who must transact business with distressed businesses n Contrast various chapters of the bankruptcy code, primarily Chapter 11: Reorganization n Identify the participants and practitioners in the corporate bankruptcy, reorganization, and insolvency process
Day 2, 3, and 4 AM: Economic Damages Financial experts are retained, among other areas, to perform, review, or opine on damage calculations. Different legal theories allow for different measures of damages. This specialty module will explore the accepted approaches used for the various types of economic damages, as well as the accepted methodologies of damages calculations. Focus of the curriculum will be on lost profit calculations, lost business value versus lost profits, and accounting for different industry and loss scenarios. The instructors will examine models and cases used in the measurement and presentation of economic damages, including economic and industry data. They will also provide an understanding of the integration of statistical and economic concepts into the formation of damages models.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Apply the traditional methodologies used for economic damages n Explore and evaluate alternative approaches in the measurement of damages n Apply models used in the measurement and presentation of economic damages n Identify sources of information, economic, and industry data n Integrate the use of statistical and economic concepts into damages models n Discuss case law that impacts damages measurement
"Although I've been valuing economic damages for over 17 years, this was the first formal training I've had on the subject. It is an outstanding program. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. The jury trial was certainly the highlight of the week. Watching a live jury deliberation and seeing the jurors go from one extreme to the next was incredible." Susan Lanham, Ph.D., MAFF, Scott Depot, WV
For NASBA-related information on CPE, please refer to
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Consultants' Training Institute—Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog
Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts and the Financial Forensics InstituteTM
Day 4 PM: Deposition—Theory, Practice, Strategy, Witness Preparation, and Communication with Jurors This course will help the expert prepare and deliver the most effective testimony and maximize the value of the deposition. Mock depositions are conducted in which attendees serve as expert witnesses in their specialty areas and are examined by skilled litigation attorneys. Attendees will learn from the strategic guidance and critique provided by our faculty. The day’s activities will address the strategic and tactical approaches to trial preparation.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Deliver effective testimony n Identify and respond to alternative approaches to deposition examination n Utilize deposition transcripts productively n Prepare retaining counsel for the deposition of the opposing expert n Prepare for trial
Day 5: The Dynamics of Trial—Expert Testimony and Juror Perspectives The culmination of the Workshop’s activities will be a live jury trial in which attendees will serve as expert witnesses who will be presented and crossexamined by local trial lawyers. Upon conclusion of the testimony, jurors will conduct deliberations, which will be observed by the attendees via real-time video and audio feed. Once the jurors have reached their verdict, they will return to the courtroom/classroom where there will be an open discussion of the trial. The jurors will provide their perspectives on the testimony and credibility of the expert witnesses. This exchange allows for an open dialogue between the attendees, jurors, and program faculty.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Prepare for trial with retaining counsel n Prepare counsel with substance for effective cross-examination of the opposing expert n Deliver credible and persuasive effective trial testimony n Survive cross-examination n Communicate effectively with judges and jurors n Explain the process that judges and jurors employ in deliberations and arriving at their verdict
Who Should Attend: CPAs, valuation experts, economists, and other financial professionals who render services designed to assist in the resolution of legal disputes involving financial matters. The Workshop is designed to serve the educational needs of financial professionals rendering expert consulting services in connection with legal matters involving economic damages, disputes over business valuation, intellectual property, marital dissolution, accounting issues, fraud, and any matter where financial determinations are required. This training is geared towards the seasoned practitioner and utilizes state-of-the-art training techniques to maximize learning and retention. Less seasoned practitioners have much to gain also, because this training—challenging as it is—will broaden their perspectives and tune their skills for working effectively with legal professionals.
Faculty: The Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) Workshop: Economic Damages is led by Michael Kaplan, CPA/ABV, CVA, MAFF, who has created a strong team consisting of Rod Burkert, CPA, ABV, CVA; Jeffrey D. Diamond, JD; Karen Kaseno, CPA, ABV, CVA, CFE, MAFF, CFF; Randall Kessler, JD; Hubert Klein, CPA, ABV, CVA, CFE, CFF; Sharyn Maggio, CPA, ABV, CFF, PFS; Carlton Marcyan, CPA, CFP, Esq., CDFA, JD; Lari Masten, MSA, CPA, ABV, CFF, CVA, ABAR; Dermot O’Neill, CPA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, ABAR, CFF; Michael Pakter, CGMA, CVA, MAFF, CFF, CDBV, CIRA, CFE, CPA, CA; Francisco (Frank) Rosillo, CPA, ABV, CBA, CFE, BVAL, CVA, ABAR; Rebekah Smith, CPA, CVA, MAFF; and Howard Zandman, CPA, CFF, MAFF.
5217 South State Street, Suite 400 • Salt Lake City, UT 84107-4812 • Tel: (800) 677-2009 • Internet:
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C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Economic Damages (Continued)
C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Matrimonial Litigation
Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts and the Financial Forensics InstituteTM
2013 Dates
Early Registration Discounts and Deadlines
October 28–November 2
Washington, DC
November 18–23
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
December 9–14
Las Vegas, NV
The MAFF proctored exam is given at all locations on the Saturday following the training. This course requires a laptop. In-house training is available with minimum attendance. Contact CTI's Education Director at (800) 677-2009 to inquire.
2013 Pricing (Before Early Registration Discount)
Five-day Workshop
Individual Days
First-Year NACVA Membership with Training and Exam
Program Description: Divorce rates have been rising due to certain problems like incompatibility between couples, infidelity, lack of trust and understanding, and financial pressures. Financial consultants who want to branch into the area of matrimonial litigation need to understand and perform unique analyses specific to matrimonial disputes. The common theme of the week’s activities will be a case study. Attendees will work in teams developing their expert analysis, preparing their expert reports and exhibits focusing on their selected specialty area while taking the matter through deposition and trial. The culmination of the program will be a live jury trial in which participants will work with seasoned trial attorneys and will view jury deliberations via live video and audio feed. Proctored exams will be administered on the day following the jury trial.
Day 1: Legal Theory and Case Law This course will help explain the legal theories underlying various types of litigation, including the key statutes and case law that define the scope of damages. Instruction will also cover the Federal Rules of Evidence and report preparation under Federal Rule 26(a)(2)(B). This course will introduce a case study that will be used during the remainder of the week of training.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Implement and apply legal concepts protocol to financial expert engagements n Identify the responsibilities of an expert, from retention through resolution of the legal proceeding n Withstand motions to exclude expert testimony n Interface with counsel on substantive and strategic issues throughout the legal proceeding
Day 2, 3, and 4 AM: Matrimonial Litigation In this specialty module, attendees will learn valuation, tax, and forensic accounting issues that are unique to matrimonial engagements and how to get started including developing their work plan, documenting their analysis, and writing reports. Attendees will learn how to provide analysis related to income available for support/maintenance, lifestyle of the parties or children, underreported income, and financial issues in high net worth cases. Attendees will also be introduced to a number of tools and practical applications that can be used to ascertain income and assets. This two-day module will also cover the application of valuation concepts and tax considerations in family law matters; valuation issues common to divorce litigation including, valuation methods, standards of value, stock options, retirement assets, and goodwill; tax concepts germane to family law; and how to avoid common mistakes.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Identify and utilize data-gathering techniques n Interpret tax returns to determine economic income and identifiable assets n Investigate financial records to uncover hidden assets and unreported income n Perform an analysis of household spending n Compare and employ the appropriate standard of value n Identify appropriate valuation approaches and methods in family law matters n Identify and implement optimal property distribution strategies n Discuss tax consequences related to income, support, and property distribution For NASBA-related information on CPE, please refer to
Page 4
Consultants' Training Institute—Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog
Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts and the Financial Forensics InstituteTM
Day 4 PM: Deposition—Theory, Practice, Strategy, Witness Preparation, and Communication with Jurors
Day 5: The Dynamics of Trial—Direct and Cross Examination
This course will help the expert prepare and deliver the most effective testimony and maximize the value of the deposition. Mock depositions are conducted in which attendees serve as expert witnesses in their specialty areas and are examined by skilled litigation attorneys. Attendees will learn from the strategic guidance and critique provided by our faculty. The day’s activities will address the strategic and tactical approaches to trial preparation.
The culmination of the Workshop’s activities will be a live trial in which attendees will serve as expert witnesses who will be presented and crossexamined by local trial lawyers. Upon conclusion of the testimony, deliberations will be observed by the attendees via real-time video and audio feed. Once the deliberations have concluded, there will be an open discussion of the trial where perspectives on the testimony and credibility of the expert witnesses will be shared with the attendees. This exchange allows for an open dialogue between the attendees, trial lawyers, and program faculty.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Deliver effective testimony n Identify and respond to alternative approaches to deposition examination n Utilize deposition transcripts productively n Prepare retaining counsel for the deposition of the opposing expert n Prepare for trial
“Since I'm starting out in this field, I thought the instructor did a great job of explaining basics, discussing more complicated issues, and discussing real life examples.” Michelle Ellis, CPA, Fresno, CA
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Prepare retaining counsel n Prepare counsel with substance for effective cross-examination of the opposing expert n Deliver credible, effective, and persuasive testimony n Survive cross-examination n Communicate effectively with judges n Explain the process that judges employ in deliberations and arriving at their verdict
Who Should Attend: CPAs, valuation experts, economists, and other financial professionals who render services designed to assist in the resolution of legal disputes involving financial matters. The Workshop is designed to serve the educational needs of financial professionals rendering expert consulting services in connection with legal matters involving economic damages, disputes over business valuation, intellectual property, marital dissolution, accounting issues, fraud, and any matter where financial determinations are required. This training is geared towards the seasoned practitioner and utilizes state-of-the-art training techniques to maximize learning and retention. Less seasoned practitioners have much to gain also, because this training—challenging as it is—will broaden their perspectives and tune their skills for working effectively with legal professionals.
Faculty: The Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) Workshop: Matrimonial Litigation is led by Michael Kaplan, CPA/ABV, CVA, MAFF, who has created a strong team consisting of Rod Burkert, CPA, ABV, CVA; Jeffrey D. Diamond, JD; Karen Kaseno, CPA, ABV, CVA, CFE, MAFF, CFF; Randall Kessler, JD; Hubert Klein, CPA, ABV, CVA, CFE, CFF; Sharyn Maggio, CPA, ABV, CFF, PFS; Carlton Marcyan, CPA, CFP, Esq., CDFA, JD; Lari Masten, MSA, CPA, ABV, CFF, CVA, ABAR; Dermot O’Neill, CPA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, ABAR, CFF; Michael Pakter, CGMA, CVA, MAFF, CFF, CDBV, CIRA, CFE, CPA, CA; Francisco (Frank) Rosillo, CPA, ABV, CBA, CFE, BVAL, CVA, ABAR; Rebekah Smith, CPA, CVA, MAFF; and Howard Zandman, CPA, CFF, MAFF.
5217 South State Street, Suite 400 • Salt Lake City, UT 84107-4812 • Tel: (800) 677-2009 • Internet:
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C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Matrimonial Litigation (Continued)
C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Restructuring
Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts and the Financial Forensics InstituteTM
2013 Dates
Early Registration Discounts and Deadlines
Day 2, 3, and 4 AM: Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Restructuring
This specialty module analyzes the current economic environment and attempts to understand why some businesses thrive while others are distressed and/or fail. Attention is given to selected chapters of the Bankruptcy Code, especially Chapter 11: Reorganization. The program continues with financial reporting, accounting, auditing, and income tax issues for distressed businesses, including a study of “fresh start” accounting. It also covers the unique issues regarding valuing distressed businesses and how valuation standards, approaches, and methods influence the valuation of non-public companies. Attendees will study the work that practitioners may be called upon to perform when working in bankruptcy, reorganization, and insolvency. Specific attention is given to the plan of reorganization of a distressed business. Additional study is given to solvency and liquidation analyses and investigating avoidance actions, preferences, and fraudulent transfers. The path concludes by addressing the issues relating to expert witness testimony in the corporate bankruptcy arena.
October 28–November 2
Washington, DC
November 18–23
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
December 9–14
Las Vegas, NV
The MAFF proctored exam is given at all locations on the Saturday following the training. This course requires a laptop. In-house training is available with minimum attendance. Contact CTI's Education Director at (800) 677-2009 to inquire.
2013 Pricing (Before Early Registration Discount)
Five-day Workshop
Individual Days
First-Year NACVA Membership with Training and Exam
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to:
Program Description: Assisting lenders, companies, attorneys, trustees, and/or other stakeholders in the bankruptcy, restructuring, and insolvency environment requires an understanding of legal, administrative, business economics, and economic issues; financial reporting, accounting, auditing, and income tax issues; valuation issues; and financial forensics and litigation services. The Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Restructuring track of the MAFF curriculum focuses on work that practitioners may be called upon to perform when working in bankruptcy, reorganization, and insolvency. Specific attention is given to a distressed business’ plan of reorganization, solvency and liquidation analyses, and investigating avoidance actions, preferences, and fraudulent transfers. The common theme of the week’s activities will be a case study. Attendees will work in teams developing their expert analysis, preparing their expert reports and exhibits focusing on their selected specialty area while taking the matter through deposition and trial. The culmination of the program will be a live jury trial in which participants will work with seasoned trial attorneys and will view jury deliberations via live video and audio feed. Proctored exams will be administered on the day following the jury trial.
Day 1: Legal Theory and Case Law This course will help explain the legal theories underlying various types of litigation, including the key statutes and case law that define the scope of damages. Instruction will also cover the Federal Rules of Evidence and report preparation under Federal Rule 26(a)(2)(B). This course will introduce a case study that will be used during the remainder of the week of training.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Implement and apply legal concepts protocol to financial expert engagements n Identify the responsibilities of an expert, from retention through resolution of the legal proceeding n Withstand motions to exclude expert testimony n Interface with counsel on substantive and strategic issues throughout the legal proceeding
n Develop, implement, and examine the debtor’s reorganization plan n Assess the current economic climate and understand how it impacts healthy and distressed businesses n Discuss the business economics of distressed businesses and explain the causes and effects of economics on specific line items in a company’s balance sheet and income statement n Specify the financial and regulatory reporting issues regarding distressed businesses n Identify the accounting issues that arise before, during, and after reorganization including ‘fresh start’ accounting n Identify the unique accounting, auditing, tax, and operational issues for a company operating as a debtor-in-possession n Identify unique income tax issues relating to liquidating and reorganizing companies n Compare and contrast the specific valuation standards, approaches, methods, and issues relating to distressed and/or restructured businesses and related litigation n Apply financial forensics methods and techniques to companies in Chapter 11 proceedings n Use financial forensics to assist trial lawyers with avoidance actions, preferences, and fraudulent transfers
Day 4 PM: Deposition—Theory, Practice, Strategy, Witness Preparation, and Communication with Jurors This course will help the expert prepare and deliver the most effective testimony and maximize the value of the deposition. Mock depositions are conducted in which attendees serve as expert witnesses in their specialty areas and are examined by skilled litigation attorneys. Attendees will learn from the strategic guidance and critique provided by our faculty. The day’s activities will address the strategic and tactical approaches to trial preparation.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Deliver effective testimony n Identify and respond to alternative approaches to deposition examination n Utilize deposition transcripts productively n Prepare retaining counsel for the deposition of the opposing expert n Prepare for trial
For NASBA-related information on CPE, please refer to
Page 6
Consultants' Training Institute—Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog
Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts and the Financial Forensics InstituteTM
Day 5: The Dynamics of Trial—Expert Testimony and Juror Perspectives The culmination of the Workshop’s activities will be a live jury trial in which attendees will serve as expert witnesses who will be presented and crossexamined by local trial lawyers. Upon conclusion of the testimony, jurors will conduct deliberations, which will be observed by the attendees via real-time video and audio feed. Once the jurors have reached their verdict, they will return to the courtroom/classroom where there will be an open discussion of the trial. The jurors will provide their perspectives on the testimony and credibility of the expert witnesses. This exchange allows for an open dialogue between the attendees, jurors, and program faculty.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Prepare for trial with retaining counsel n Prepare counsel with substance for effective cross-examination of the opposing expert n Deliver credible and persuasive effective trial testimony n Survive cross-examination n Communicate effectively with judges and jurors n Explain the process that judges and jurors employ in deliberations and arriving at their verdict
Who Should Attend: CPAs, valuation experts, economists, and other financial professionals who render services designed to assist in the resolution of legal disputes involving financial matters. The Workshop is designed to serve the educational needs of financial professionals rendering expert consulting services in connection with legal matters involving economic damages, disputes over business valuation, intellectual property, marital dissolution, accounting issues, fraud, and any matter where financial determinations are required. This training is geared towards the seasoned practitioner and utilizes state-of-the-art training techniques to maximize learning and retention. Less seasoned practitioners have much to gain also, because this training—challenging as it is—will broaden their perspectives and tune their skills for working effectively with legal professionals.
Faculty: The Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) Workshop: Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Restructuring is led by Michael Kaplan, CPA/ABV, CVA, MAFF, who has created a strong team consisting of Rod Burkert, CPA, ABV, CVA; Jeffrey D. Diamond, JD; Karen Kaseno, CPA, ABV, CVA, CFE, MAFF, CFF; Randall Kessler, JD; Hubert Klein, CPA, ABV, CVA, CFE, CFF; Sharyn Maggio, CPA, ABV, CFF, PFS; Carlton Marcyan, CPA, CFP, Esq., CDFA, JD; Lari Masten, MSA, CPA, ABV, CFF, CVA, ABAR; Dermot O’Neill, CPA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, ABAR, CFF; Michael Pakter, CGMA, CVA, MAFF, CFF, CDBV, CIRA, CFE, CPA, CA; Francisco (Frank) Rosillo, CPA, ABV, CBA, CFE, BVAL, CVA, ABAR; Rebekah Smith, CPA, CVA, MAFF; and Howard Zandman, CPA, CFF, MAFF.
5217 South State Street, Suite 400 • Salt Lake City, UT 84107-4812 • Tel: (800) 677-2009 • Internet:
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C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Restructuring (Continued)
C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Business Valuation in Litigation
Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts and the Financial Forensics InstituteTM
2013 Dates
Early Registration Discounts and Deadlines
October 28–November 2
Washington, DC
November 18–23
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
December 9–14
Las Vegas, NV
The MAFF proctored exam is given at all locations on the Saturday following the training. This course requires a laptop. In-house training is available with minimum attendance. Contact CTI's Education Director at (800) 677-2009 to inquire.
2013 Pricing (Before Early Registration Discount)
Five-day Workshop
Individual Days
First-Year NACVA Membership with Training and Exam
Program Description: Business valuation professionals often find themselves drawn into disputes over the value of business interests. Minority and oppressed shareholder disputes, damage to business value, eminent domain, and failed business combinations are some of these situations calling for the expertise of the seasoned business valuation analyst. The Business Valuation in Litigation track of the MAFF curriculum focuses upon the dynamics of business valuation conclusions and calculations in the context of litigation, controlling professional standards, notable case law, differing approaches to reporting in litigation, traditional and situation specific standards of value, and other key issues impacting business valuation in litigation. The common theme of the week’s activities will be a case study. Attendees will work in teams developing their expert analysis, preparing their expert reports and exhibits focusing on their selected specialty area while taking the matter through deposition and trial. The culmination of the program will be a live jury trial in which participants will work with seasoned trial attorneys and will view jury deliberations via live video and audio feed. Proctored exams will be administered on the day following the jury trial.
Day 1: Legal Theory and Case Law This course will help explain the legal theories underlying various types of litigation, including the key statutes and case law that define the scope of damages. Instruction will also cover the Federal Rules of Evidence and report preparation under Federal Rule 26(a)(2)(B). This course will introduce a case study that will be used during the remainder of the week of training.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Implement and apply legal concepts protocol to financial expert engagements n Identify the responsibilities of an expert, from retention through resolution of the legal proceeding n Withstand motions to exclude expert testimony n Interface with counsel on substantive and strategic issues throughout the legal proceeding
Day 2, 3, and 4 AM: Business Valuation in Litigation In this specialty module, attendees will gain an understanding of the legal environment in which valuation experts practice and the practical application of business valuation in various types of legal disputes. Attendees will also expand their knowledge of professional standards and focus on developmental and reporting standards as they apply under court rules and procedures. The curriculum will also focus on the importance of site visits, tips and techniques to employ reviewing the opposing expert’s report, why a critique of the opposing expert may not be enough, and what to do when the opposing expert is bound by different standards. Discussion will also address how to assist counsel with document requests and how to resolve issues dealing with a counsel who doesn’t understand business valuation.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Identify standards of value and approaches peculiar to shareholder disputes and other related litigation-based valuations n Apply legal concepts relating to business valuation to their professional engagements n Explain professional standards governing business valuation experts in litigation engagements n Apply professional standards in the litigation environment n Write an effective valuation report applicable to litigation engagements n Identify the weaknesses of valuation reports in the litigation environment n List principles of effective communication in litigation n Apply litigation and communication skills in delivering deposition and trial testimony n Describe the dynamics of litigation in business valuation matters
“It was a wonderful learning experience among fellow peers. I can honestly say that this was the most demanding educational class that I've ever attended as a CPA and CVA. I also feel I was able to learn an immense amount of material, all in one week of time. Well done!” Suzanne Trimble, CPA, CVA, MAFF, Anchorage, AK
For NASBA-related information on CPE, please refer to
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Consultants' Training Institute—Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog
Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts and the Financial Forensics InstituteTM
Day 4 PM: Deposition—Theory, Practice, Strategy, Witness Preparation, and Communication with Jurors This course will help the expert prepare and deliver the most effective testimony and maximize the value of the deposition. Mock depositions are conducted in which attendees serve as expert witnesses in their specialty areas and are examined by skilled litigation attorneys. Attendees will learn from the strategic guidance and critique provided by our faculty. The day’s activities will address the strategic and tactical approaches to trial preparation.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Deliver effective testimony n Identify and respond to alternative approaches to deposition examination n Utilize deposition transcripts productively n Prepare retaining counsel for the deposition of the opposing expert n Prepare for trial
Day 5: The Dynamics of Trial—Expert Testimony and Juror Perspectives The culmination of the Workshop’s activities will be a live jury trial in which attendees will serve as expert witnesses who will be presented and crossexamined by local trial lawyers. Upon conclusion of the testimony, jurors will conduct deliberations, which will be observed by the attendees via real-time video and audio feed. Once the jurors have reached their verdict, they will return to the courtroom/classroom where there will be an open discussion of the trial. The jurors will provide their perspectives on the testimony and credibility of the expert witnesses. This exchange allows for an open dialogue between the attendees, jurors, and program faculty.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to:
n Deliver credible and persuasive effective trial testimony n Survive cross-examination n Communicate effectively with judges and jurors n Explain the process that judges and jurors employ in deliberations and arriving at their verdict
Who Should Attend: CPAs, valuation experts, economists, and other financial professionals who render services designed to assist in the resolution of legal disputes involving financial matters. The Workshop is designed to serve the educational needs of financial professionals rendering expert consulting services in connection with legal matters involving economic damages, disputes over business valuation, intellectual property, marital dissolution, accounting issues, fraud, and any matter where financial determinations are required. This training is geared towards the seasoned practitioner and utilizes state-of-the-art training techniques to maximize learning and retention. Less seasoned practitioners have much to gain also, because this training—challenging as it is—will broaden their perspectives and tune their skills for working effectively with legal professionals.
Faculty: The Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) Workshop: Business Valuation in Litigation is led by Michael Kaplan, CPA/ABV, CVA, MAFF, who has created a strong team consisting of Rod Burkert, CPA, ABV, CVA; Jeffrey D. Diamond, JD; Karen Kaseno, CPA, ABV, CVA, CFE, MAFF, CFF; Randall Kessler, JD; Hubert Klein, CPA, ABV, CVA, CFE, CFF; Sharyn Maggio, CPA, ABV, CFF, PFS; Carlton Marcyan, CPA, CFP, Esq., CDFA, JD; Lari Masten, MSA, CPA, ABV, CFF, CVA, ABAR; Dermot O’Neill, CPA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, ABAR, CFF; Michael Pakter, CGMA, CVA, MAFF, CFF, CDBV, CIRA, CFE, CPA, CA; Francisco (Frank) Rosillo, CPA, ABV, CBA, CFE, BVAL, CVA, ABAR; Rebekah Smith, CPA, CVA, MAFF; and Howard Zandman, CPA, CFF, MAFF.
n Prepare for trial with retaining counsel n Prepare counsel with substance for effective cross-examination of the opposing expert
5217 South State Street, Suite 400 • Salt Lake City, UT 84107-4812 • Tel: (800) 677-2009 • Internet:
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C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Business Valuation in Litigation (Continued)
C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Business and Intellectual Property Damages Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts and the Financial Forensics InstituteTM
2013 Dates November 18–22
Early Registration Discounts and Deadlines
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
The MAFF proctored examination is administered at the conclusion of Day 3 and Day 5. This course requires a laptop.
2013 Pricing (Before Early Registration Discount)
Complete Five-day Workshop
Days 1-3: Advanced Concepts in Business Damages (November 18-20)
Days 4-5: Intellectual Property Infringement Damages (November 21-22)
Individual Days
First-Year NACVA Membership with Training and Exam
Program Description: The Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFF TM) Workshop: Business and Intellectual Property Damages is an intensive five-day program focusing upon the legal foundations, methodology, best practices, and current trends in business damages and infringement of patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property. The Workshop is based on Nancy Fannon’s The Comprehensive Guide to Lost Profits Damages for Experts and Attorneys, the preeminent book in the industry on business damages, which is included in the cost of registration (a retail value of over $300). Through case analysis, attendees will have the opportunity to identify and apply the most appropriate methodology in the analysis and formulation of damages opinions from the perspectives of both plaintiff and defendant. Attendees will learn how to build their damages analysis in a manner that will withstand the most rigorous challenges.
Days 1, 2, and 3: Advanced Concepts in Business Damages The first three days of the Workshop are based on Nancy Fannon’s The Comprehensive Guide to Lost Profits Damages for Experts and Attorneys, with contributing author Rebekah Smith, the preeminent book in the industry on business damages (the book is included in the cost of registration). During the three days, the attendee will refresh themselves on basic economic damages concepts and then delve deeper into more advanced topics such as the differences between lost profits and loss of business value as well as understanding when it is appropriate to apply one or both methods. This class will also explore how legal theories, code sections, and case law govern business damages. Advanced concepts, such as how to conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses that will survive the court’s scrutiny; how revenue and profit projections can be impacted by risk; how business interruption insurance and damage claims collide; how to discount damage calculations, including the court’s view on discounting; how to prove new business damages; and how to identify other industry-specific issues that impact the damage calculation will be covered. Other topics and techniques will be discussed such as how motions can impact the financial expert and ways to protect oneself from Daubert challenges as well as other motions in limine. A case study will be used to identify and analyze the topics discussed clarifying subjects in question.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Apply quantitative methodologies in the measurement of damages n Apply damages methods and models appropriate to the facts and circumstances (and the governing law) n Apply advanced damages concepts in preparing a damage calculation that will withstand scrutiny n Explain industry specific issues that may impact damage claims n Evaluate business interruption insurance and damage claims
Days 4 and 5: Intellectual Property Infringement Damages This two-day portion of the Workshop is an overview of intellectual property and forms of intellectual property damages based on portions of Nancy J. Fannon’s The Comprehensive Guide to Lost Profits Damages for Experts and Attorneys, with contributing authors Richard Hoffman and Richard F. Bero (the book is included in the cost of registration). A portion of the time will be used to discuss topical Federal Circuit decisions, key legal cases, and factors based on the fundamental Panduit and Georgia-Pacific cases, as well as recent cases addressing current issues such as the Entire Market Value Rule (EMVR) and comparable license agreements, among others. Other topics will include patent damage concepts and how valuation concepts and patented technology have an influence on determining the appropriate form of patent damages. A variety of case studies will be used to expand these concepts as well as trademark and copyright damages issues.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Discuss forms of intellectual property damages n Explain the similarities and differences in utility patent, design patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secrets damages n List relevant cases addressing intellectual property damages n Apply valuation concepts to intellectual property damages n Identify the basic components to address in an intellectual property damages expert report n Describe and understand the recent history of the Entire Market Value Rule (EMVR) n Recognize the relevant considerations in whether or not license agreements are sufficiently comparable
Who Should Attend: Financial professionals, candidates for the Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) designation, damages experts, CPAs, and valuation experts.
Faculty: The Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) Workshop: Business and Intellectual Property Damages is taught by Richard Bero, CPA, CVA; Richard Hoffman, CPA, ABV; Rebekah Smith, CPA, CVA, MAFF, CFF; and Howard Zandman, CPA, MAFF, CFF.
For NASBA-related information on CPE, please refer to
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Consultants' Training Institute—Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog
Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, the Financial Forensics AcademyTM, and financialforensics®
2013 Dates
Early Registration Discounts and Deadlines
September 24–28
Boston, MA
November 19–23
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
December 10–14
Las Vegas, NV
March 11-15, 2014
Chicago, IL
The MAFF proctored exam is given at all locations on the Saturday following the training. This course requires a laptop. In-house training is available with minimum attendance. Contact CTI's Education Director at (800) 677-2009 to inquire.
2013 Pricing (Before Early Registration Discount)
Four-day Academy
Individual Days
First-Year NACVA Membership with Training and Exam
Program Description: Despite the chronic and compelling need for financial forensics and forensic accounting expertise, the accounting and financial professions have yet to embrace or even offer a cogent and comprehensive forensic accounting toolsbased methodology. That deficiency has plagued our economy…until now. The Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Forensic Accounting AcademyTM (Academy) is the most inclusive training in forensic accounting available to date. The four-day training Academy provides a one-stop source of more than 300 tools, techniques, methods, and methodologies applicable to virtually any large or small financial matter, whether civil, criminal, or dispute. The Academy content is designed for both financial and non-financial professionals who require sophisticated investigative and analytical skills to stay abreast of increasing civil and criminal wrongdoer duplicity. Advanced skills are essential as people and money resources diminish. Those who complete the Academy become qualified as Forensic Operators©…financial forensics-capable personnel who possess unique and specific skills, knowledge, experience, education, training, and integrity to function in the financial forensics discipline. Further, they can elect to meet other criteria to obtain the Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) credential. The Academy defines the financial forensics/forensic accounting profession: “The Art & Science of Investigating People & MoneyTM.” The Academy defines why: “If you understand financial forensics, you understand fraud, but not vice versa” by applying financial forensics to all aspects of the financial and non-financial communities for both civil and criminal purposes. The Academy content focuses on immediately useable and practical skills— NOT theory. Attendees will immediately deploy their skills upon return to their responsibilities. The skills comprise the 300+ tools, techniques, methods, and methodologies embedded within a proprietary Internet-based hyperlinked methodology, i.e. FA/IM© (Forensic Accounting/Investigation Methodology©). The 300+ financial forensics/forensic accounting tools, techniques, methods, and methodologies are offered nowhere else and in no other programs throughout the U.S. The tools, techniques, methods, and methodologies apply to all subject matters ranging from a one-chair beauty salon to a global Fortune 500 company. The tools include an introduction to (alphabetical): application of aberrant pattern
detection, behavior detection, CICO©, computer forensics, CRO (and its variants), delete windows, digital analysis (including live exercises deploying IDEA© software for Benford’s Law), document maps, entity(s) charts, event analysis, facial mapping, financial profiling, forensic financial analysis, forensic lexicology (quantifying words), full-and-false inclusion, funds velocity techniques, genograms, ICE/SCORE©, informant development, Internet sleuthing, invigilation, laboratory analysis, Likert scaling, link analysis/ root tracing MIMO, proxemics, QDE/FAB, Rules of Threes, stylometry, surveillance methods, TARTA/TITA/TDTA, undercover methods, and many others. The majority of techniques have been widely applied for decades, yet are virtually unknown to the financial community. FA/IM© is the only financial forensics/forensic accounting methodology published by the United States Department of Justice and the American Bar Association. Attendees receive the newly published Financial Forensics Body of Knowledge, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., which serves as the course curriculum. It contains 560 pages in addition to Internet-accessible forensic reports comprising about another 400 pages. In addition, attendees receive preliminary access to the Academy’s proprietary contextually sensitive Internetbased Forensic Accounting/Investigation Methodology© via a Process Map patent-in-process.
Day 1: Differentiate and Demonstrate Forensic Accounting Mind-Set This course sets the foundation for the skill set you will use to protect your clients as well as help you and your company expand your business footprint. The accounting profession’s legacy regarding forensic accounting will be discussed, creating a potential paradigm shift in how you look at forensic accounting and its impact on all the accounting areas you focus on in your business. Industry sources will be compared and contrasted so you will have information resources to fall back on. The FA/IM© software will be discussed as an outline that you will use to bring all the other information and tools together creating a framework that will help organize and simplify the processes you will use daily.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Identify technical reference sources n Differentiate forensic accounting from mere “fraud” analysis n Compare and contrast industry sources n Introduce and demonstrate methodologies used on a daily basis n Differentiate the four phases, 13 stages, and five actions per stage for FA/IM©
Day 2: Utilizing Forensic Tools This course exposes you further to the forensic accounting tools and techniques you will need. Your interviewing skills will be enhanced by viewing and practicing a variety of actions that you will be introduced to. Each tool and technique you are exposed to will move you up another level on the forensic accounting ladder.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Identify technical reference sources n Describe the techniques of the Behavior Detection/FACS n Detect when someone is lying to you
5217 South State Street, Suite 400 • Salt Lake City, UT 84107-4812 • Tel: (800) 677-2009 • Internet:
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C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Forensic Accounting Academy TM
C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Forensic Accounting Academy TM (Continued) Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, the Financial Forensics AcademyTM, and financialforensics®
Day 3: Intermediate and Advanced Techniques of Digital Analysis This course introduces you to IDEA© software and the benefits it will provide you while practicing the forensic techniques you have been studying. More tools and techniques will be introduced as well as known digital analysis styles including Benford’s Law, Stratification Percentage Comparison, Duplicate Numbers Test, etc., adding to your forensic accounting toolkit.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Discuss and use IDEA© software n Describe the difference between the different types of Digital Analysis n Apply 20-25 foundational techniques as the springboard to deploying the remaining 300 +/- techniques
Day 4: Executing Critical Forensic Techniques This course takes all you have learned in the past three days and builds on that foundation. New tools and techniques will be added to your toolkit, but you will also be sharpening what you have learned in the prior three days. Hypotheses, laws, theorems, and tests will be discussed and added to your toolkit. All you have learned using the FA/IM software as your outline and guide will be ready for you to use your first day back at the office.
Learning Objectives:
Kerri Spano, MAFF, CPA, San Bruno, CA
Who Should Attend: This primer is ideal for CPAs, law enforcement (federal, state, local), regulators, investigators, agents, attorneys, prosecutors, business advisors, bankers, fiduciaries, and business owners—in short, those who may not intend to focus a practice on financial forensics, yet want to understand the applicability of the discipline in their pursuits.
After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Train others in your organization with respect to the foundational techniques n Identify your professional responsibilities regardless of financial or nonfinancial responsibilities n Implement a continuous means of maintaining technical currency as new tools, techniques, methods, and methodologies are formalized
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“Hands-on teaching with software were truly beneficial. The instructor’s experience and explanation for the relevance of the topics discussed helped me understand its significance to forensic analysis.”
The Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) Workshop: Forensic Accounting Academy is taught by Darrell D. Dorrell, CPA/ABV, MBA, CVA, ASA, CMA, DABFA; Gregory A. Gadawski, CPA/ABV, CVA, CFE; Chris Hamilton, CPA, CVA, CFE, DABFA; and Jason Pierce, CPA, CMA, CFM, CVA, MAFF.
Consultants' Training Institute—Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog
Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Self-Study: Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts This specialty program will be available only in self-study format beginning in the Fall of 2013.
2013 Pricing
First-Year NACVA Membership with Training and Exam
Program Description: Fraud is pervasive, ever-present, and evolving, but so are the solutions to curb and prevent it. Recognizing the changes that are occurring in the world of fraud and knowing how to effectively analyze and apply that knowledge can make or break a fraud risk management program. The Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Self-Study: Fraud Risk Management offers a comprehensive understanding of fraud risk management, from identification of an organization’s fraud risk to provision of practical tools to address them. The solutions offered are applicable to entities of any size and structure, from small privately owned companies to multi-national publicly held organizations, as well as notfor-profit and governmental/regulatory enterprises. Through this self-study program, individuals will develop an in-depth understanding of an organization’s risk of financial loss and insight to practical solutions that will enable their organizations to manage these risks effectively and according to their risk appetites.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Define what fraud risk is n List benefits of managing fraud by engaging an entire organization n Discuss fraud schemes and the environments where they breed and proliferate n Develop fraud detection and deterrence techniques, including identifying and assessing fraud risk at work n Evaluate the resident fraud risk using a comprehensive fraud risk methodology n Develop tools to enable the organization to mitigate, share, or accept the fraud risks identified n Identify situations and conditions where fraud risk is present and needs to be managed n Evaluate existing internal controls and make relevant recommendations for value-added improvements n Differentiate roles and responsibilities for fraud deterrence and investigation among the board of directors, independent auditors, management, and consultants
Who Should Attend: Those who wish to protect their business or their clients’ businesses from existing or potential fraud.
The program provides a review of the current business environment, where fraud risk and profit opportunities collide. It provides a look into on- and off-book fraud schemes, including signs and symptoms of potential fraudulent events requiring a response, and an additional look at the controls that can be implemented to mitigate some of these risks. The program provides individuals with hands-on application of fraud risk assessment methodologies and techniques. For NASBA-related information on CPE, please refer to
5217 South State Street, Suite 400 • Salt Lake City, UT 84107-4812 • Tel: (800) 677-2009 • Internet:
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C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Fraud Risk Management
C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
2013 Advanced Matrimonial 2013 Dates December 13–14
Early Registration Discounts and Deadlines
Location Las Vegas, NV
2013 Pricing (Before Early Registration Discount) Two-day Symposium
7:00–8:30 a.m. 7:00–7:50 a.m. (1 Hr CPE)
Friday December 13, 2013
Ashok Abbot
10:30–12:15 p.m. (2 Hrs CPE) 12:15–1:30 p.m.
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest and Professional Ethics Violations in Matrimonial Business Valuation Litigation Gregory Reagan
Morning Break and Registration 25 Ways to Make Your Business Valuation Stand Up in Cross Examination
Identifying and Valuing Unique Marital Assets in Divorce Litigation
Karen Kaseno & Randall Kessler
Gregory Cowhey
Lunch on Own and Registration
Common and Unique 1:30–3:15 p.m. Attributes in Matrimonial Valuations Hubert Klein & Shannon Pratt 3:15–3:30 p.m.
No Session
Amanda Trigg
Seeking Alpha: Apportioning Active and Passive Appreciation in 8:30–10:15 a.m. Equitable Distribution (2 Hrs CPE) Actions in Divorce 10:15–10:30 a.m.
Saturday December 14, 2013
Registration and Continental Breakfast Trends in Family Law: A Survey of 2013 Case Law
Trends in Family Law: A Survey of 2013 Case Law (Amanda Trigg, Esq.)
The symposium is designed to stimulate a conversation about the shared space between valuation practitioners and family law attorneys relating to the theory, approaches, and practice of matrimonial litigation. TIME
Friday, December 13, 2013 Sessions
Allocating Goodwill: Learning to Trust the Multi-attribute Utility Model (MUM) Seth Webber & David Wood
Afternoon Break and Registration
3:30–4:30 p.m. (3 Hrs CPE)
Common and Unique Attributes in Matrimonial Valuations (continued)
Allocating Goodwill: Learning to Trust the Multi-attribute Utility Model (MUM) (continued)
4:30–5:15 p.m. (1 Hr CPE)
Talk to the Experts Panel
Round Tables
Cases that reflect changes and trends in family law in the United States will be summarized. Attendees will gain familiarity with the new legal standards that change the way we counsel families today. This presentation includes and goes beyond the impact of DOMA, to address developments and anticipated changes in the laws surrounding financial issues which concern economic advisors of those in divorce or similar situations.
Learning Objectives: After completing this session, attendees will be able to: n Identify legal issues within a client’s request for financial advisement n Assist a client, or his or her lawyer, with formulating strategies that advance the client’s economic interests n Structure financial advice to utilize the most advantageous legal developments for your clients
Seeking Alpha: Apportioning Active and Passive Appreciation in Equitable Distribution Actions in Divorce (Ashok Abbott, Ph.D.) Equitable distribution in divorces requires apportioning active and passive appreciation in marital estate value during the course of the marriage. This presentation analyzes the current practices and introduces a statistically rigorous measure (Jensen’s Alpha) that has been used in attribution of fund manager performance to financial analysis in divorce.
Learning Objectives: After completing this session, attendees will be able to: n Differentiate between environmental impact and managerial contribution to value n Identify the active and passive components of changes in value of the marital estate n Successfully sustain the apportionment of active and passive components
25 Ways to Make Your Business Valuation Stand Up in Cross Examination A lot of work goes into a business Karen Kaseno, CPA/ Randall Kessler, JD ABV/CFF, MAFF, appraisal. Too many times parties/ CFE, CVA attorneys/judges don›t understand or misinterpret the valuation. This presentation will explore the errors made by appraisers and the key areas that attorneys need to know to attack a business appraisal. Twenty-five tips will be provided to help attendees put together a better and more understandable appraisal that will stand up to cross examination or attacks from an opposing expert.
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Consultants' Training Institute—Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog
Learning Objectives: After completing this session, attendees will be able to: n Prepare a more understandable business appraisal n Identify the key areas of the appraisal that are subject to attack n Distinguish their reports as being ones that stand up to cross examination and are dependable by the court n Increase the ability to explain conclusions reached in a valuation in areas where there is a judgment call
Common and Unique Attributes in Matrimonial Valuations Mr. Klein and Mr. Pratt will discuss errors they have frequently encountered Hubert Klein Shannon P. Pratt, in matrimonial cases and how to recognize, CPA, ABV, CVA, CFA, ARM, ABAR, avoid, and expose them. Such errors CFE, CFF FASA, MCBA, CM&AA, CBA include confusing discount rates with capitalization rates; applying a rate to the incorrect benefit stream; extrapolating past history instead of projecting the future; using an inappropriate beta; discounting the terminal value for the wrong number of periods; performing an excess earnings valuation that results in an unrealistic cost of capital; errors in estimating the equity risk premium, the size premium, industry risk premium, and company risk premium; and many other errors and variations.
Learning Objectives: After completing this session, attendees will be able to: n Write bullet-proof valuation reports and prepare bullet-proof testimony acceptable in various family law jurisdictions n Analyze valuation reports by staff and/or opposing experts to identify and correct common errors n Present credible testimony n Present convincing rebuttal testimony that can destroy the opposition
Saturday, December 14, 2013 Sessions Avoiding Conflicts of Interest and Professional Ethics Violations in Matrimonial Business Valuation Litigation (Gregory Reagan, CPA, CFE, CVA, ABV, CFF) Knowing and adhering to professional ethics and performing professional services that are free from bias and conflicts of interest are critical to properly serving as an Expert Witness in Matrimonial Litigation. Failure to know and follow these constraints has disqualified or tarnished the opinions of many Expert Witnesses and interfered with the proper adjudication of litigation settlements. This presentation will provide “real-life” examples of how experts have gone astray to their detriment, thus providing the attendee the benefit of learning from other’s mistakes.
Learning Objectives: After completing this session, attendees will be able to: n Identify proper professional ethical conduct and recognize whether a CPA serving as an expert witness has a conflict of interest n List ethical and objectivity constraints in performing matrimonial litigation services
Identifying and Valuing Unique Marital Assets in Divorce Litigation (Gregory Cowhey, ASA, CBA) Many Americans have jobs that offer various forms of post-retirement benefits, including healthcare benefits or subsidies and access to other economic benefits. Senior and middle management executives frequently have employment agreements that include certain economic benefits if the employer is acquired or merges with another company—such benefits known as changein-control payments. Several states have addressed the valuable economic rights that were created during the marriage from such employment arrangements, with many allowing for specific valuation and division of the economic value in equitable distribution and community property division. This presentation will explore case law in USA on the topic and review techniques available to establish a value for such unique assets.
Learning Objectives: After completing this session, attendees will be able to: n Define economic rights that are often overlooked in matrimonial litigation n Discuss the legal framework for considering assets and the valuation framework for establishing a value for such assets n Create a framework to assist attendees working with counsel in structuring guidelines for dividing the economic value of assets, even in circumstances where they are not ordinarily divisible n List various forms of post-retirement benefits from a variety of employers, both public sector and private sector, as well as from governmental agencies, and not-for-profit organizations
Allocating Goodwill: Learning to Trust the Multi-attribute Utility Model (MUM) (Seth Webber, ASA, CBA, CVA and David Wood, CPA/ABV, CVA, MAFF) One of the biggest divorce issues facing valuation analysts is the allocation of goodwill. The issue is how to determine an allocation between these two types of goodwill in a systematic, defendable way. Mr. Webber and Mr. Wood will demonstrate the Multi-attribute Utility Model (MUM) as a practical, defendable approach to determining an allocation between professional and enterprise goodwill. Mr. Wood will discuss various definitions of goodwill and how those definitions impact our ability to allocate goodwill. He will also discuss MUMs underlying assumptions. Mr. Webber will then walk attendees through a case study, including testing the sensitivity of the analysis to determine the impact on the allocation.
Learning Objectives: After completing this session, attendees will be able to: n Explain the definitions and assumptions associated with the MUM framework n Recognize how to analyze the industry and subject company using the MUM framework n Determine an allocation of goodwill between professional and enterprise goodwill n Develop a defendable opinion of goodwill allocation using the MUM framework
5217 South State Street, Suite 400 • Salt Lake City, UT 84107-4812 • Tel: (800) 677-2009 • Internet:
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C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Litigation Symposium
C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Expert Witness Bootcamp Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, the Financial Forensics InstituteTM, and the American Institute for Expert Witness Education
2013 Dates
Early Registration Discounts and Deadlines
September 19–21
Atlanta, GA
October 24–26
San Diego, CA
January 30–February 1, 2014 Scottsdale, AZ
This course requires a laptop. In-house training is available with minimum attendance. Contact CTI's Education Director at (800) 677-2009 to inquire.
2013 Pricing (Before Early Registration Discount) Three-day Bootcamp
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But PersuasionTM Program Description: Each Expert Witness Bootcamp attendee will participate as a testifying and consulting expert in a trial involving financial testimony. Attendees will learn the art of delivering effective testimony and how to withstand grueling cross examination. As consulting experts, program attendees will learn how to dissect and critique the reports and opinions of the testifying experts and how to prepare counsel for the expert segments of trial. Each attendee will be coached and guided by members of our faculty of seasoned experts and trial attorneys. The Bootcamp culminates in a courtroom setting during which each program attendee, as a testifying expert, presents and defends his or her own expert opinions on the witness stand.
MAFF candidates can fulfill the Foundational Experience Prerequisite with attendance at this Bootcamp.
Day 1: The Dynamics of Expert Witnessing— Professional Standards, Expert Reports, and Strategic Planning Topics covered during the morning include the dynamics of serving as an expert, interfacing with counsel, professional standards for experts, expert reports, motions to exclude experts, understanding the difference between deposition testimony and trial testimony, strategies of counsel in deposition and trial, and strategies and tactics of effective expert witnesses. Afternoon topics include deposition preparation, depositions of program attendees, and critique of testimony.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Implement the legal and courtroom protocol for expert witnesses n Apply the rules of discovery and evidence as they relate to experts n Interface appropriately with retaining and opposing counsel n Deliver effective deposition testimony n Describe the tactics used by opposing counsel at deposition and respond effectively n Anticipate and respond to motions in limine to exclude expert testimony
Days 2 and 3: The Dynamics of Trial— Direct and Cross Examination Topics addressed include completion of depositions of attendees, trial preparation and testimony, and critique of testimony. In addition, the Day 2 and 3 courses include one-on-one coaching of attendees by instructors and guidance on further development of each attendee’s expert skills.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Present clear, persuasive, and effective direct testimony n Survive grueling cross-examination n Communicate effectively with judges and jurors n Paint a picture in the mind’s eye of the judge and jury n Respond to the opinions of the opposing expert n Avoid unnecessary “landmines” in the expert’s report and file n Avoid the mistakes of inexperienced experts
Who Should Attend: Professionals in all disciplines who serve as or plan to serve as expert witnesses. Financial experts, doctors, attorneys, insurance professionals, real estate brokers, valuation and appraisal experts, accountants, engineers, scientists, vocational experts, construction experts, educators, psychologists, and other experts who wish to hone their skills as expert witnesses will find this program to be a most valuable experience.
Faculty: The Expert Witness Bootcamp is taught by Michael Kaplan, CPA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, and Jeffrey D. Diamond, JD, as well as trial attorneys and seasoned financial experts. The combined experience of the Bootcamp faculty spans more than 300 trials.
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Consultants' Training Institute—Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog
Matrimonial Expert Witness Bootcamp
2013 Dates
Early Registration Discounts and Deadlines
September 19–21
Atlanta, GA
October 24–26
San Diego, CA
January 30–February 1, 2014 Scottsdale, AZ
This course requires a laptop. In-house training is available with minimum attendance. Contact CTI's Education Director at (800) 677-2009 to inquire.
2013 Pricing (Before Early Registration Discount) Three-day Bootcamp
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But PersuasionTM Program DESCRIPTION: Each attendee in the Matrimonial Expert Witness Bootcamp three-day program will participate as a testifying and consulting expert in a trial involving family law issues. Attendees will learn the art of delivering effective testimony and how to withstand grueling cross-examination. Attendees will learn how to dissect and critique the reports and opinions of opposing experts and how to prepare counsel for the expert segments of trial. Each attendee will be coached and guided by members of the faculty of seasoned experts and trial attorneys. The Bootcamp culminates in a courtroom setting during which each testifying expert presents and defends his or her own expert opinions on the witness stand.
Day 1: The Dynamics of Expert Witnessing— Professional Standards, Expert Reports, and Strategic Planning Topics covered during the morning include the dynamics of serving as an expert in matrimonial litigation matters, interfacing with counsel, professional standards for experts, expert reports, motions to exclude experts, understanding the difference between deposition testimony and trial testimony, strategies of counsel in deposition and trial, and strategies and tactics of effective expert witnesses. Afternoon topics include deposition preparation, depositions of program attendees, and critique of testimony.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Implement the legal and courtroom protocol for expert witnesses n Apply the rules of discovery and evidence as they relate to experts n Interface appropriately with retaining and opposing counsel n Deliver effective deposition testimony n Describe the tactics used by opposing counsel at deposition and respond effectively n Anticipate and respond to motions in limine to exclude expert testimony
Day 2 and 3: The Dynamics of Trial— Direct and Cross Examination Topics addressed include completion of depositions of attendees, trial preparation and testimony, and critique of testimony. In addition, the Day 2 and 3 courses include one-on-one coaching of attendees by instructors and guidance on further development of each attendee’s expert skills.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Present clear, persuasive, and effective direct testimony n Survive grueling cross-examination n Communicate effectively with family court judges (and juries where applicable) n Describe the differences in dynamics in family court vs. commercial court n Paint a picture in the mind’s eye of the judge (and jury where applicable) n Respond to the opinions of the opposing expert n Avoid unnecessary “landmines” in the expert’s report and file n Avoid the mistakes of inexperienced experts
Who Should Attend:
Professionals in all disciplines who serve as or plan to serve as expert witnesses. Financial experts, doctors, attorneys, insurance professionals, real estate brokers, valuation and appraisal experts, accountants, engineers, scientists, vocational experts, construction experts, educators, psychologists, and other experts who wish to hone their skills as expert witnesses will find this program to be a most valuable experience.
Faculty: The Matrimonial Expert Witness Bootcamp is taught by Michael Kaplan, CPA, ABV, CVA, MAFF; Jeffrey D. Diamond, JD; and Carlton Marcyan, CPA, CFP, CDFA, Esq., JD; as well as trial attorneys and seasoned financial experts. The combined experience of the Bootcamp faculty spans more than 300 trials.
5217 South State Street, Suite 400 • Salt Lake City, UT 84107-4812 • Tel: (800) 677-2009 • Internet:
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C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, the Financial Forensics InstituteTM, and the American Institute for Expert Witness Education
C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Cornerstones of Financial Forensics Workshop Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
2013 Dates
Early Registration Discounts and Deadlines
October 21–25
San Diego, CA
November 4–8
Houston, TX
Five-day Workshop
Individual Days
This course requires a laptop.
2013 Pricing (Before Early Registration Discount)
Program Description: NACVA’s five-day Cornerstones of Financial Forensics Workshop was built upon the Content Specification Outline (CSO) underlying the AICPA®’s Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF®) Body of Knowledge. Taught by a team of nationally recognized financial forensic experts, this Workshop was developed by the NACVA to be the AICPA’s “Preferred Provider” of this training for candidates seeking the CFF credential. “CPA Firms Need to Find New Ways to Build Revenue in Post-Recession World” is the headline of a March 21, 2013 Accounting Web article authored by Frank Byrt. Becoming an expert in forensic accounting to detect fraud, investigating financial losses, and providing litigation support services are options cited for CPA firms to build revenue. “Demand for forensic accounting services will remain strong over the next five years in the United States as a result of increased financial regulations and continued demand for investigative services in the wake of the recession,” reports Ken Tysiac in a September 2012 article for CPA Insider™.
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MAFF candidates can fulfill the Foundational Experience Prerequisite with attendance at this Workshop.
The intensive, five-day, forty-hour Workshop delivers an understanding of professional standards, the legal underpinnings of financial forensics, as well as a thorough overview of the following specialized areas of financial forensics practice: n Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Reorganization n Business Valuation n Computer Forensic Analysis n Economic Damages n Family Law n Financial Statement Misrepresentation n Forensic Accounting n Fraud Prevention, Detection, and Response In addition to instruction and materials, attendees will benefit from and take away a complete bibliography, practice aids, guides, checklists, and web links to direct them to additional study and education to help them to obtain the credential. Training and certification in this field will greatly assist CPAs to build their practice in this rapidly growing accounting niche. The AICPA has scheduled a CFF examination window between November 15 and December 20, 2013, with a registration deadline of October 15, 2013. The 2013 Cornerstones offerings are scheduled to prepare CFF candidates for this examination window.
“This isn’t just CPE, this is career changing!” Patricia Havard, CPA, CFF, Lancaster, TX
Consultants' Training Institute—Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog
Cornerstones of Financial Forensics Workshop (Continued) Day 1: Professional Responsibilities, Practice Management, and Fundamental Forensic Knowledge
investigation and corrective actions. Case studies are discussed that will give participants insight into the practical experience and application of financial statement misrepresentation and fraud abuses.
This course will include discussions on the basics of the legal system, professional standards, the role of the financial forensics analyst as a testifying and/or consulting expert, and an introduction to civil litigation. Engagement acceptance, planning and preparation, forensic procedures, and tools and techniques will also be covered.
Learning Objectives:
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Articulate the responsibilities of a CPA practicing in financial forensics n Apply the relevant legal principles to the application of financial forensics n Employ proven techniques of practice management applicable to the financial forensics practice
Day 2: Economic Damages Calculations This course will cover the conceptual types of lost profits, measures of loss, and methods to calculate lost profits. Discussions will also center around the approaches and methods to managing personal injury and wrongful death cases and intellectual property damages. Hands-on exercises are incorporated that will give participants practical experience in the application of damages calculations.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Build an effective and defensible lost profits and damages model in the context of litigation n Distinguish the differences in measurements for patent, copyright, and trademark damages n Relate the legal principles and parameters to the presentation of business damages
Day 3: Valuation and Family Law This course provides a distinction between financial forensics services for business valuation and family law by defining the standards and premise of the valuation, the valuation process and approaches, and issues surrounding financial statement analysis. Also discussed are the different types of specific forensic accounting assignments for divorce engagements and practice management issues.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Outline the fundamental principles underlying the valuation of business enterprises n Distinguish between appropriate valuation approaches for estate, gift, and transactional purposes and appropriate methodology for dispute resolution purposes n Apply valuation and forensic methodology to the resolution of financial issues in family law matters
Day 4: Financial Statement Misrepresentation and Fraud Prevention, Detection, and Response This course discusses the nature and motivations for financial misrepresentation, the types of fraudulent misstatements, and the role of the financial forensics analyst in the investigation, standard of care, and determination of damages. Also discussed are the elements of fraud risk assessment, identification, and
After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Apply proven methodology for the detection of financial statement misrepresentation n Employ generally accepted approaches to uncovering fraudulent transactions n Define the principles and procedures that may be employed to prevent fraud in the business environment
Day 5: Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Reorganization and Computer Forensic Analysis This course begins with a discussion of the scope of tasks involved in bankruptcy, insolvency, and reorganization engagements including analyzing operational problems, designing and implementing a turnaround strategy, an evaluation of the organization and management, developing a business plan, and actions to resolve financial problems. Issues related to solvency tests, legal precedents, tax considerations, and core proceedings are also covered. The course concludes with a discussion on computer forensic analysis including how computers store data; how to identify, analyze, preserve, and handle evidence; forensic vs. e-discovery; data recovery and restoration; and a structured methodology for investigation. The types of cybercrime and various forensic data tools and resources are also covered.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n List and apply the principles that define a company as insolvent n Recognize and document fraudulent transfers n Outline the conditions that give rise to breaches in computer systems and the forensic techniques designed to detect and remedy them
Who Should Attend: Attorneys, auditors, bankers, CEOs, CFOs, corporate counsel, CPAs, credit analysts, economists, expert witnesses, fiduciaries, financial analysts, insurance claims adjustors, investigators, investment bankers, investors, judges, law enforcement personnel, lenders, stock and market analysts, turnaround specialists, and others.
Faculty: The Cornerstones of Financial Forensics Workshop is taught by R. James Alerding, CPA/ABV, ASA, CVA, CFF; Marc Bello, CPA/ABV, CVA, MAFF, MST; Rick Bero, CPA/ABV, CVA, CLP, CFF; Tracy Coenen, CPA; Bruce Dubinsky, MST, CPA, CVA, CFE, CFF, MAFF; Jeffrey Diamond, JD; Joe Epps, CPA/CFF/ABV, CFE, CVA; Karl Epps; Michael Kaplan, CPA/ABV/ CFF, CVA, MAFF; Karen Kaseno, CPA/ABV/CFF, CVA, CFE, MAFF; Mark Kucik, CPA, CVA, CM&AA; James Martin, MS, CMA, CIA; Lari Masten, MSA, CPA/ABV, CFF, CVA, ABAR; Michael Pakter, CPA, CFE, CA, CIRA, CDBV, CFF, MAFF, CVA, CGMA; Rebekah Smith, CPA, CVA, MAFF; Tim Tribe, CPA, CFE, CFF; Mark Warshavsky, CPA/ABV/CFF, MBA, CVA, CBA, CFE, DABFA, MAFF; and Howard Zandman, CPA/CFF, MAFF.
For NASBA-related information on CPE, please refer to 5217 South State Street, Suite 400 • Salt Lake City, UT 84107-4812 • Tel: (800) 677-2009 • Internet:
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C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
C o n s u l t a n t s ' Tr a i n i n g I n s t i t u t e — F i n a n c i a l F o r e n s i c s , L i t i g a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g , a n d E x p e r t W i t n e s s C a t a l o g
Forensic Accounting Clinic
Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, the Financial Forensics AcademyTM, and financialforensics®
2013 Dates
Early Registration Discounts and Deadlines
September 17–18
Atlanta, GA
October 11–12
Chicago, IL
This course requires a laptop. In-house training is available with minimum attendance. Contact CTI's Education Director at (800) 677-2009 to inquire.
2013 Pricing (Before Early Registration Discount) Two-day clinic
Program Description: Co-Sponsored by the Financial Forensics AcademyTM, the Forensic Accounting ClinicTM (Clinic) is an abbreviated version of the Master Analyst in Financial ForensicsTM (MAFFTM) Workshop: Forensic Accounting AcademyTM (Academy). Its two-day format permits limited exposure to overall Academy content, yet enables attendees to leave with immediately useable tools and prepares them for the full Academy.
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Explain the criticality and deployment of the three major financial forensics methodologies n Differentiate the four phases, 13 stages, and five actions per stage for FA/ IM© n Apply 10-15 foundational techniques as the springboard to deploying the remaining 300 +/- techniques
Day 2: Commonly Applied Financial Forensic/Forensic Accounting Tools This course takes all the tools and techniques you learned in Day 1 to another level. You will continue to be exposed to new tools that can be used, but you will also be shown how to use these tools in a manner that will benefit your clients as well as your business. You will put together a plan that can be used every day with every client to protect them from fraud. And you will learn how to manipulate the information in such a way that you can pass this plan onto others at your company so they can also use it to protect their clients.
The Clinic content is designed for both financial and non-financial professionals who require an introduction to sophisticated investigative and analytical skills to stay aware of increasing civil and criminal wrongdoer duplicity. Advanced skills are essential as people and money resources diminish. Those who complete the Clinic are on the path to becoming qualified as Forensic Operators©…financial forensics-capable personnel who possess unique and specific skills, knowledge, experience, education, training, and integrity to function in the financial forensics discipline. Further, this Clinic can help meet the experience requirement to obtain the Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) credential.
Learning Objectives:
The Clinic defines the financial forensics/forensic accounting profession: “The Art & Science of Investigating People & MoneyTM.” It defines why: “If you understand financial forensics, you understand fraud, but not vice versa” by applying financial forensics to all aspects of the financial and non-financial communities for both civil and criminal purposes.
Who Should Attend:
The Clinic content focuses on immediately useable and practical skills—NOT theory. Attendees will immediately deploy their skills upon return to their responsibilities. The skills comprise some of the 300+ tools, techniques, methods and methodologies embedded within a proprietary Internet-based hyperlinked methodology, i.e. FA/IM© (Forensic Accounting/Investigation Methodology©). The 300+ financial forensics/forensic accounting tools, techniques, methods, and methodologies are offered nowhere else and in no other programs throughout the U.S.
MAFF candidates can fulfill the Foundational Experience Prerequisite with attendance at this Clinic.
After completing this course, attendees will be able to: n Train others in their organization with respect to the foundational techniques n Identify their professional responsibilities regardless of financial or non-financial responsibilities n Implement a continuous means of maintaining technical currency as new tools, techniques, methods and methodologies are formalized
Financial professionals, CPAs, and evaluation experts.
Faculty: The Forensic Accounting Clinic is taught by Darrell D. Dorrell, CPA/ABV, MBA, CVA, ASA, CMA, DABFA; Gregory A. Gadawski, CPA/ABV, CVA, CFE; Chris Hamilton, CPA, CVA, CFE, DABFA; and Jason Pierce, CPA, CMA, CFM, CVA, MAFF.
FA/IM© is the only financial forensics/forensic accounting methodology published by the United States Department of Justice and the American Bar Association. Attendees receive preliminary access to the Financial Forensics Academy’s proprietary contextually sensitive Internet-based Forensic Accounting/Investigation Methodology© via a Process Map patent-in-process.
Day 1: Financial Forensic/Forensic Accounting Tools, Techniques, and Methodologies This course provides an introduction to tools and techniques that will help you detect fraud that is impacting your clients. Often fraud is only found after it has become a major issue for the company, but these tools are a simple way for you to run numbers on a timely basis and determine if you and your client should be concerned and pursue further. Other tools discussed simplify the forensic process making solving the fraud puzzle easier. For NASBA-related information on CPE, please refer to
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Consultants' Training Institute—Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, and Expert Witness Catalog
Consultants’ Training Institute Order and Registration Form Consultants’ Training Institute Order and Registration Form Name:
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I Would Like to Register for the Following CTI Financial Forensics, Litigation Consulting, or Expert Witness Session(s): COURSE NAME
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Fax: (801) 486-7500
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Learn more about the Pacesetter Awards速 Program at or call Member Services at (800) 677-2009. Publication Date: September 2013