Discover Pattaya July 2022

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PSUZ GPVS ZFBST BGUFS IBWJOH IFS ÙSTU OVNCFS POF TJOHMF XJUI n8VUIFSJOH )FJHIUTo ,BUF #VTI IBT SFUVSOFE UP UIF UPQ TQPU JO UIF 6, DIBSUT XJUI n3VOOJOH VQ UIBU )JMMo B TPOH PSJHJOBMMZ SFDPSEFE BOE SFMFBTFE JO 5IF OFX found popularity of the song has been inspired by its appearance on the soundtrack of the popular TV show n4USBOHFS 5IJOHTo XIJDI JT JOUP JUT GPVSUI TFSJFT BOE FOKPZT NBTTJWF FYQPTVSF PO /FUÚJY 8JOPOB 3ZEFS UIF BDUPS XIP IBT POF PG UIF MFBEJOH SPMFT JO UIF TIPX IBT CFFO B NBKPS ,BUF #VTI GBO TJODF TIF XBT young and apparently has been dropping hints for years to try to get her music featured on the soundtrack. The wearing PG B ,BUF #VTI U TIJSU GPS WJSUVBMMZ FWFSZ EBZT TIPPUJOH PG UIJT GPVSUI TFSJFT TFFNT UP IBWF EPOF UIF USJDL *mN B CJH GBO PG ,BUF NZTFMG IBWJOH CFFO UVSOFE POUP IFS CZ NZ UIFO GVUVSF XJGF TPNFXIFSF JO UIF MBUF mT 4IF JT DFSUBJOMZ POF PG UIF NPTU UBMFOUFE BOE JOOPWBUJWF TPOHXSJUFST UP DPNF GSPN UIF 6, TJODF UIF mT BOE JUmT HSFBU UP TFF a new generation of fans enjoying her music. " GFX SFDPSET IBWF CFFO CSPLFO CZ UIF TPOH SFBDIJOH UIF OVNCFS POF TMPU JO UIF 6, *UmT ZFBST TJODF IFS ÙSTU OVNCFS POF JO CFBUJOH 5PN +POFT BU ZFBST GPS UIF MPOHFTU HBQ CFUXFFO DIBSU UPQQFST 4IF IBT SFQMBDFE $IFS BT UIF oldest female singer ever to top the charts, and the song now has the record for taking the longest time ever to reach OVNCFS POF TPNF ZFBST BGUFS JUT SFMFBTF *UmT BMTP IFS ÙSTU UPQ ÙWF IJU JO UIF 64" Always a very private individual, Kate has nonetheless said in recent interviews that she is delighted that the TV series has brought her music to the attention of a new, younger audience, and with more tracks from her to be featured as the series moves on, there could be more success to follow. Sounds good to me. ,BUF T SFBDUJPO XIFO JOUFSWJFXFE CZ UIF ##$ XBT "It's just extraordinary. I mean it's such a great series, I thought the track would get some attention, but never imagined that it would be anything like this. It's so exciting and what's wonderful is that this is a whole new audience who in a lot of cases haven't heard of me and I love that"



Issue 235/24 |YU L J2 0

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