Contents Introduction Reseach & Mission Statement
Case Studies
6 — 7
Logo Drafts
8 — 9
Graphic Standard Type, Colors, & Patterns
12 — 13
Business System
15 — 17
18 — 19
22 — 23
Creative Brief
Mission Statement
Silkworms are small worms that spin their own silk
Here at Mori Way, our goal is to create a new dessert
cocoons. They are native to China, but have been
experience. The name Mori Way comes from the
introduced throughout the world. For thousands of
silkworm’s scientific name, Bombyx Mori. Our white
years, they have been raised to produce fabric and
chocolate covered silkworms are as delicious as they
have undergone complete domestication. Due to their
are nutritious. Silkworms are nutrient rich foods high in
domestication, moths have lost their ability to fly and
protein, and low in fats and carbohydrates. We encourage
can no longer be found in the wild. Females can lay
people to be adventurous with their food palettes, and
300–500 eggs, and they hatch between 7–14 days when
always welcome them to take their first step here!
kept at 75–85 degrees fahrenheit. Newly hatched larvae are approximately 2–3 millimeters and have voracious appetites. Their growing period lasts around 45 days and their maximum length is 75 millimeters. Silkworms begin as larvae with three distinctive body parts. After time in the cocoon, they morph into four-winged moths with scaly textures. Once they hatch from their eggs, silkworms molt four time before spinning their cocoons. Adult silkworms have thick, bristly bodies with wingspans of 40–50 millimeters (2 inches). Females typically grow to be larger than males. Their diets consist of mulberry tree leaves, osage orange foilane, or lettuce, but they can also survive on an artificial diet.
Initial Logo Drafts During the first phase of brainstorming for the company name and logo design, I came up with the names “The Silky Way,” “Silk Duds,” and “Got Silk.” After receiving feedback from my peers, I decided to go with “The Silky Way.” I knew that I wanted a simple logo design and experimented with mixing fonts, shapes, and styles.
Digital Logo Variations
For my digital logo variations, I played around
After critiques, the company name was
with the name, switching in between “The
changed to “Mori Way” to distinguish it from
Silky Way” and “Silky Way.” I experimented
“Milky Way.” See final logo design on page 14
with fonts, colors, and the patterns I created for my biomimicry case studies.
Colors Montserrat Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
Green RGB: 33. 76. 76 CMYK: 86. 52. 59. 39 #214C4C
Montserrat Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
Pink RGB: 212. 181. 179 CMYK: 16. 29. 23. 0 #D4B5B2
White RGB: 255. 255. 255 CMYK: 0. 0. 0. 0 #FFFFFF
Montserrat Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
The official typeface for Mori Way is Montserrat.
The primary colors featured in Mori Way are green,
The logo features “Mori” in bold, and “Way” in
pink, and white. The logo can often be seen in
light. A combination of the font family is used
both colors on a background of the opposite color.
throughout Mori Way branding.
White is used as a constant in the business system to improve legibility.
Patterns These patterns are inteneded to emulate silkworm fibers and were designed to add detail to the backgrounds of varying materials. The green pattern is to be used against a darker, green background, and the pink against a white background. The pink one can also be lightened to be used against a pink background.
Logos Primary
The Mori Way primary logo is done
forms of marketing. It should only
The secondary logo is used on the
The Mori Way icon features the
in Montserrat. “Mori” is in Montserrat
be used in these two colors, with the
business card and intented for other
primary logo in the pink pattern and
Bold, and “Way” is in Montserrat
exception of black and white. The
marketing purposes. It should not
is meant for marketing purposes.
Light. The contrasting font weights
primary logo should not be seen
be seen in any other colors, with
It should not be seen in any other
match the varying strokes of the
in any other colors, stretched, or
the exception of black and white, or
colors, with the exception of black
manipulated in any other way.
manipulated in another way.
and white, or manipulated in another way.
The primary logo is used in the
Dimensions seen here are: 5.32 x
Dimensions seen here are: 2.78 x 1.67
icon, business system, and for many
0.63 inches
Dimensions seen here are: 3 x 3 in.
Business Card Design The standard Mori Way business card is 2 x 3.5 inches. The front of the business card features the green pattern on a darker, green background with the master logo in pink. The back of the business card uses the secondary logo in pink and presents information on the person it belongs to. The business card is meant to communicate information in a clear and concise way.
Letterhead Design The standard Mori Way letterhead is 8.5 x 11 inches. The design utilizes the pattern and the primary logo as the graphic element. The back of the letter is a full bleed of the pink pattern. On the front of the letter, the receiver’s information and date are on the left of the page, and the sender’s information is at the bottom of the page. All text is in our green color.
Envelope Design The standard Mori Way envelope is 9 x 4.13 inches. The design features the pink pattern on the left with the return address in the middle, aligned with the receiver’s address. The receiver’s information is in green, with the name in Montserrat Bold and the address in Montserrat Light. The front and inside of the envelope are standard white as the back of the letter is a full bleed of the pink pattern.
Marketing Apparel
Marketing Posters
Initial Packaging Sketches
During the initial phases of sketching Mori Way packaging, I tried different styles, including round tins and bags. I wanted the packaging to be a multi-purposeful— the tin being a convenient carry size, the bags being able to sit and hang on shelves. I decided to add a window on the front so consumers would have no hesitation about what they are purchasing and receiving.
Final Packaging Design
Mori Way packaging features a clear circular window on the front to show the contents inside, handles at the top so it can both hang and sit on a shelf, and a hook closure at the back to open and close the package. Inside the fiber paper based package, the silkworms are stored in a recycleable plastic bag so they can be kept fresh longer. The packaging is designed to be a convenient size so customers can bring it with them anywhere.
The idea of eating insects can seem
Our design team aspires to create new
There are currently a few chocolate covered
Mori Way’s target demographic is young
unconventional and intimidating to many.
packaging with inviting colors, and encourage
silkworms on the market. One comes in
adults aged between 18—40, although the
It doesn’t help that the packaging for edible
consumers to buy our product by stating
a suspicious, small, flat box with outdated
product is suitable for all people willing to
insects is often outdated and unattractive,
simple, straightforward facts about the health
graphics, another comes in a can with a plain
try or already enjoy eating edible insects. The
making it even less appealing. Mori Way
benefits of silkworms. The packaging will be
design and a photograph of silkworms on
packaging and high quality of ingredients
hopes to make eating edible insects an
a small bag with a flat bottom— additionally,
the front, and the last one comes in a white,
result in a higher market price compared to
enjoyable experience by coating silkworms in
it will have a circular window on the front,
resealable bag with images of silkworms on
that of other edible insects. The estimated
a layer of rich, creamy white chocolate made
small handles at the top, and a tab in the back
the front. Overall, the packaging is either too
price for a bag of Mori Way is $8 and it will
with all natural ingredients. Here at Mori Way,
to close it. The bag will be made out of fiber
small, colorful, or plain. Using images of the
most likely be distributed in specialty grocery
we put a spin on both insects and chocolate.
paper to emulate the pattern of silkworm
insect can prevent consumers from picking
stores such as Whole Foods, Lassens, and Cost
cocoons and will be able to sit on shelves
up the product to learn more.
Plus World Market.
and hang on hooks— the window allows consumers to see the product, and the tab The goal of Mori Way’s packaging is to entice
helps to keep the product fresher for longer.
consumers with its aesthetics, encouraging
Inside the bag, the silkworms will be stored
them to try the product by using appetizing
in a thin, compostable paper bag to preserve
words and colors. The packaging should not
the quality of the snack. Each bag will contain
only attract consumers from up close, but also
2—3 servings, making the bag a convenient
from a distance.
size to carry around.
Contact Pattie Chen Founder 500 Clover Street Los Angeles, CA 90005 310.559.2667