2016 Annual Report

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Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan

2016 Gratitude Report



Fundraising Across Saskatchewan


Signature Events


Message from the Minister of Health


6 Extraordinary Things You Made Possible 10

Our Partnerships


Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan Update


Our Champion Calla Gross


Your Donations at Work


2016 At A Glance


Capital Campaign


Financial Highlights


Garth Brooks in SK


Digital Engagement


Staff and Board of Directors


MISSION STATEMENT The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan is dedicated to raising funds for the enhancement of maternal and children’s healthcare and the Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan. On the cover: Payton Sernick Photo courtesy: Nicole Gerhardt Photography

The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan | 2016


Message from the CEO & Chair The support from across Saskatchewan has been awe-inspiring. With the new Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan being built to help our province’s moms-to-be, babies, children and teens, the feeling is one of optimism. This is especially true to those who are witnessing this hospital come out of the ground and grace our prairie horizon. Do you remember when we spoke of how Saskatchewan was one of the last provinces in Canada, besides PEI, without a dedicated children’s hospital? It is thanks to your generous spirit that our new hospital will be opening in 2019 and will include all the necessary special enhancements to ensure families will be able to focus on their loved ones. In addition, because we cannot wait for the Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan to open, our Foundation provided over $1M for immediate maternal and pediatric needs this past year. You gave us the opportunity to purchase equipment, provide education, enhance patient care, and begin homegrown research projects that will assist in recruiting and retaining specialists to Saskatchewan. Babies, children, teens, and moms who require treatment today need us to fulfil those high priorities as well as outfit the new Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan. Two jobs with one purpose; together we are healing and helping Saskatchewan kids and families, today and in the future. Look through these pages to see what you have done to save lives with your undesignated dollars of support. We also tip our hat to Garth Brooks, who shared his talents by donating special performances in Saskatoon and Regina. The result is a new space within the children’s hospital for a Child Life program, uniquely commissioned by Mr. Brooks at no cost to us. You read this correctly; Garth Brooks travelled, entertained, and is providing his own architect to equip this space with NO expenses charged to our Foundation. Over and above, Mosaic came on board to support the programming for this healing therapy. A first in Canada! Our treasured donors, sponsors, and individuals; please accept our genuine thanks in allowing our Foundation to reach new heights in a year that has seen economic challenge. To our volunteers and community organizations, we extend our sincere appreciation for helping us reach others through events and socials you work so hard to coordinate. Each commitment makes a positive impact in the lives of Saskatchewan families. Your funds touch many lives. We simply could not have done this work without you. Thank you all.

Greg Yuel Chair of the Board

Brynn Boback-Lane President & CEO

Message from the Minister of Health

Message from the Saskatoon Health Region

On behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan and the Ministry of Health, I am pleased to recognize the work of the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan. Our government was proud to see construction of the main building of the children’s hospital begin last fall. This was the culmination of a lot of hard work by many, including the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan (CHFS) and its donors, who believe that the people of Saskatchewan deserve a state-of-­the art children’s hospital.

We have spent a year watching the Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan (CHS) rise out of the ground. What was once an empty space is now a massive structure that will one day help us keep the children, pregnant women, mothers and babies of this province healthy. It’s taken a lot of hard work to get this hospital to where it is today, and it will take even more to get it finished.

Thanks to the support of the people of Saskatchewan, as well as the contributions of our many generous corporate and individual donors, we will have a children’s hospital in this province. The Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan will enhance both quality of care and the care experience for children and their families, while assisting in the recruitment and retention of pediatric specialists of the highest caliber.

I want to thank the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan for its leadership, enthusiasm and belief in this project. Your commitment to fundraising $75 million will ensure that the children’s hospital is a special place for children and their families. Exceptional donations by Saskatchewan philanthropists will ensure that medical professionals have access to the best equipment, technology, and research.

This hospital would not be possible without the efforts of the Children’s Hospital Foundation staff and board. We are thankful to have such strong partners like the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan and the provincial government on this journey. The road until now has been a long one, and it has not been without its challenges. But we have faced these challenges together and our commitment to realizing a maternal and children’s hospital in Saskatchewan has never been stronger. We can’t wait either! Together, we will make it happen.

We are grateful for your commitment to this project and wish you continued success.

The Honourable Jim Reiter Minister of Health Government of Saskatchewan

Dan Florizone President and CEO Saskatoon Health Region


The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan | 2016

As of September 2016 the new Children’s Hospital was approximately 25 per cent complete, and is on track to open in 2019. Our Government, the Foundation, the Saskatoon Health Region, and other project partners have the same goal: to build an efficient modern hospital that exemplifies patientand-family-centered care and meets the health needs of mothers, babies, children and teens within Saskatchewan.

While the construction crews work on the ground, and Saskatoon Health Region physicians and staff prepare for operations in the new hospital when it opens in later 2019, the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan remains steadfast in its dedication and commitment to this new facility and is creating excitement for it across our province. Last year, the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan committed to raise additional funds for the new maternal and children’s hospital. And this year, staff, board members and generous donors have helped the Foundation get closer to reaching its $75 million capital campaign goal. From lemonade stands to birthday money donations to large corporate supporters, you are building this new facility and ensuring it has all the equipment and furnishing it needs to feel like home for Saskatchewan families, no matter where home may be. Given that, while the words seem inadequate, we aren’t sure what else to say but simply thank-you.


2016 AT A GLANCE 11,506 $29,126

Total # of donors total raised by Kids Helping Kids this year



1. Race/Run 2. BBQ 3. Lemonade stand 4. Birthday party 5. Casual day

SASKATCHEWAN COMMUNITIES WITH THE HIGHEST # OF DONATIONS 1. Saskatoon 2. Regina 3. Prince Albert 4. Estevan 5. Warman


total raised by Kids Club monthly donors

50 416 54,740

# of Tim Hortons Smile Cookies sold in Saskatoon to support Saskatchewan kids

were provided with flights through the Air Canada foundation hospital Transportation Program



kilometers travelled , by kids through the Air Canada foundation hospital Transportation Program Helping

17 families from 7 communities

6,000 students 850 participated in Jammin’4 Kids fundraisers this year

Over $300,000 in funding for Saskatchewan researchers

schools participated this year in JAMMIN’ 4 KIDS SCHOOL FUNDRAISING

20 communities

Kids across Saskatchewan Club participated in JAMMIN’ members across 4 KIDS SCHOOL FUNDRAISING Saskatchewan


# of urgently needed maternal + pediatric equipment pieces purchased this year 6 new research projects in Saskatchewan

Kids Kids

fundraisers this year


community fundraisers across SK this year

GARTH BROOKS IN SK Garth Brooks Champions “Child Life Zone” for new Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan. Patients at the new Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan will have a special space

The approximately 2,800 square foot space will join 11 other Child Life Zones

to play, learn, laugh, and relax thanks to the efforts of country music legend

across North America, including New York, Phoenix, and Dallas. Saskatchewan’s

Garth Brooks, his Teammates for Kids Foundation, The Mosaic Company, and the

new zone will be the first in Canada.

Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan. Brooks appeared at fundraising events in Saskatoon and Regina on August 26, 2015. Funds raised at the two

The Teammates for Kids Foundation and Garth Brooks covered the overhead

“Forever for the Kids” events will create a state-of-the-art therapeutic play area for

costs of both events, ensuring that 100% of the money raised goes directly to

pediatric patients and their families called the Child Life Zone. Mosaic generously

the Child Life Zone.

contributed $3 million to fund the long-term programming of the Zone.

FUNDRAISING ACROSS SASKATCHEWAN Just a small example of all the amazing contributors across the province! Visit our website at childrenshospitalsask.ca to find out how you can host your own event and support the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan. Every dollar helps!

Lemonade Stand In just 1.5 hours, three enterprising girls from the RM of Blucher raised $368 for the CHFS with a lemonade stand/bake sale plus donations!

Prairie Proud A Saskatchewan-grown company celebrates community on the prairies by donating a portion of the proceeds from every item sold in Saskatchewan to the CHFS. To date, Prairie Proud has raised $3,000.

Charity BBQ The Saskatoon Airport Firefighters 9th Annual Charity BBQ in support of the CHFS was a huge success, raising over $3,000!

Big Rig Show and Shine

Cucumber Sale

The 3rd Annual Big Rig Show and Shine in Moose Jaw put on by Favel Transportation and Trans-Canada Truck & Trailer brought together trucks from across the province and raised $4,000.

Mrs. Crawford’s grade 5/6 class at Caroline Robins School held a one-ofa-kind fundraiser selling cucumbers. They set up a stand in front of the school and sold them to friends, families, and neighbours, raising $78.80.

Valentine Bake Sale

Miles for Smiles!

Talk about some sweet fundraising! Seven-year-old Jade from Regina baked Valentine cookies and sold them, raising a whopping $273 with her bake sale.

The Student Medical Society of Saskatchewan held their 12th annual Miles for Smiles, a 2.5KM, 5KM or 10KM run/walk event for the whole family. It was a record breaking year, raising over $15,000!

Golf Tournament Superhero Day A superhero-themed family day in memory of Iron Will Rattray brought kids together for fun and super hero training. The second annual Regina event raised over $36,000 for the CHFS.

A mother-daughter trick riding team from Norquay, SK turned their passion into support for Saskatchewan kids at their last event where they raised over $2,000 for the CHFS.

Selecting the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan as one of their charities of choice, the staff at Ernst & Young LLP raised an incredible $10,426 with a bake sale, music bingo, a steak night and collected employee donations.

The team at Warman Home Centre held their 6th annual Car Show in support of the Foundation. With over 150 cars in the show, and a BBQ for families, they collected an incredible $11,529.40.

Jersey Auction Saskatchewan’s newest pro sports team is all about helping kids across the province! The Saskatchewan Rush held the first ever Children’s Hospital Game Night, raising $22,000 through a jersey auction and donation collection.


Charity of Choice

Car Show The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan | 2016

Trick Riding

Over 80 women from across Saskatchewan came together to raise funds for Saskatchewan kids and families at the annual Saskatchewan Cattlewomen’s Golf Tournament in Lanigan, SK. This amazing group raised $16,250 this year!


6 EXTRAORDINARY THINGS YOU MADE POSSIBLE THIS YEAR While we continue to work on bringing your new maternal and children’s hospital to life, we are also committed to providing hope and healing today by funding some of our most urgent needs and most promising research.

1 2

You helped care for kids with brain injuries A four-day Acquired Brain Injury Youth Camp brought together children with moderate to severe acquired brain injuries (ABI) from across Saskatchewan. Held at Camp Quest at Christopher Lake, the educational camp helped reduce barriers for ABI patients, and taught participants how to overcome challenges while also including fun activities like swimming, crafts, tubing, campfires, archery, pontoon rides, laser tag, wall climbing, and nature walks.

You kept sick kids closer to home Remote “doctor-in-a-box” technology is changing the face of pediatric acute care in the northern community of Pelican Narrows. The remote presence is providing extraordinary 24/7 access to provincial pediatric specialists, reducing the perilous ambulance drive on gravel roads for further assessment for many young patients.


You helped kids sleep better


You gave hope to kids with chronic pain

Breathing problems are the leading cause of chronic illness and hospitalization in children. New portable sleep study monitors for children as young as two ease the serious diagnostic challenges of obstructive sleep apnea, one of the most common breathing problems in kids. With sleep studies running 7 days per week and a 6-8 month wait list, the existing monitors will be used to reduce wait times and expand service to Prince Albert.

Kids with chronic pain will soon see new research into pain medicine, genetics, and psychology, thanks to the creation of the Chronic Pain Network. The national collaboration with internationally respected researchers will help improve pain management and build links between national and Saskatchewan-based researchers.


You brought new treatment to Saskatchewan


You reduced painful needle pokes for moms

Tissue Plasma Exchange is a new lifesaving therapy offered only through the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, thanks to last year’s purchase of a Pheresis Machine by the Foundation. This year, further team training and education is contributing to previously limited pediatric research in the area and is improving the vital service, allowing more children to be treated right here at home.

A new portable ultrasound machine in Maternal Services in Saskatoon is making intravenous (IV) access easier for pregnant women. The new machine is used when IV access is difficult, a common occurrence amongst pregnant women. Funded in partnership with Dakota Dunes Community Development Corporation.

Calla Champion meet

2016/ 2017


CHAMPION CHILD The Children’s Miracle Network Champions Program, presented by Walmart Canada, honours remarkable children who have triumphed despite severe medical challenges. Each champion acts as an ambassador for his or her Children’s Miracle Network member hospital.

Derek and Vicki only had a moment to touch their daughter’s hand through the isolette before she was rushed to NICU. What followed was a 2 month roller coaster ride of unknown equipment, terminology, and feeding difficulties before Calla was healthy enough to go home. Calla’s medical challenges continued, including a diagnosis of mild cerebral palsy, a seizure, ankle braces, physiotherapy, and multiple hospital trips for respiratory issues.


Fast forward twelve years, Calla Gross of Saskatoon is this year’s Saskatchewan Champion for the Champions Program presented by Walmart Canada. She is always looking to give back to the hospital that saved her life. Since she was 4, Calla has donated her allowance, birthday and piggy bank money to help kids like her lead healthier lives.

The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan | 2016

It’s the kind of news that strikes fear into the heart of any parent-to-be. Derek and Vicki Gross were no exception when, at 27 weeks into her pregnancy, Vicki was told she was going into labour. For five long days, medical staff did everything they could to delay labour, but Calla came 3 months early, weighing only 2 pounds.


we can’t wait”

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN With your support, $54 million has been raised to make your maternal and children’s hospital a special place for kids, moms-to-be, and families. We are committed to raising a total of $75 million to ensure all of the enhancements and family friendly pieces will be ready when the doors open in 2019. Capital Campaign Committee Co-Chairs Don Black Greystone Capital Management Inc. Grant Kook Golden Opportunities Fund Inc. E. Craig Lothian Keystone Royalty Corp.

Jim Yuel PIC Investment Group Inc.

Catriona Le May Doan Olympic Gold Medalist

Honourary Co-Chairs Kelly Chase Former NHL Player

Mike McCullough Grey Cup Champion W. Brett Wilson Philanthropist

The Mosaic Company With an extraordinary gift of $3 million to the Child Life Zone at Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan, The Mosaic Company will support the long-term programming for the

Joseph A. Remai Family A generous gift of $1 million means that children in Saskatchewan diagnosed with chronic kidney failure will have a specialized Pediatric Hemodialysis Room in the new Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan. Located on the second floor, this new space will be an inviting environment for young patients to receive renal replacement therapy multiple times per week.

therapeutic play area, which will be home to certified child life

Kelly Panteluk Construction Ltd.

specialists. The Zone will help

Young patients, parents, and their medical teams will have access to an innovative new space thanks to a generous donation of $450,000. The Multidisciplinary Assessment Room in Pediatric Outpatients will provide assessment space for children at risk for genetic disorders, neuro-motor disorders, metabolic disorders and many other chronic conditions.

Saskatchewan children cope with difficult medical challenges through play, education, and self-expression. These specialists will teach young patients about their illnesses and what to expect during treatment. They will also provide critical support before, during, and after procedures. Mosaic’s $3 million gift is in addition to its campaign kick-off donation equipment, research and patient care services for moms and families in the new provincial hospital. Mosaic’s support of the Child Life Zone takes the company’s total commitment to the children’s hospital to $7 million, making it the largest corporate contribution in the history of the Children’s Hospital

Kay and Dora Nasser & Family This generous gift will support a private patient room in the Maternal Care Centre of the new provincial hospital where, in most cases, mothers will labour, deliver, and stay for after-birth care. This 100% private room will be equipped with a comfortable space for a supportive partner to sleep, as well as a bassinette for baby.

Foundation of Saskatchewan.

Guenther Family

Ian and Barbara McNaughton & Family Children needing to stay overnight at the new maternal and children’s hospital received a welcome boost from the McNaughton Family which is supporting a new Pediatric Inpatient Room, which is one of 45 private rooms located on the second floor dedicated entirely to pediatric care.


A Warman couple with twins of their own has donated $250,000 to support a Twin Room in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the new maternal and children’s hospital. The space is one of five private Twin Rooms located on the fourth floor of the new facility.

The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan | 2016

of $4 million in 2011, which was designated to enhance maternal


Home of the Leslie & Irene Dubé Centre of Care for Children

BUILDING A HOSPITAL FOR THE FUTURE Thank you to all our 2015 capital campaign supporters. Every dollar helps! DONORS $2,500+ Capital Campaign Designated Leslie & Irene Dubé Foundation Inc. The Mosaic Company PIC Investment Group Inc. Kelly Panteluk Construction Ltd. David & Karen Holst Family Foundation Joseph Alfred Remai Family Foundation Inc. Elmer & Anne Guenther Family Redhead Equipment Ltd. Memory of Laura-Leah MacDougall Duane & Bev Smith

Clint & Carol Forster Little Bald Angels Charity Hornoi Leasing Ltd. Jayson & Janet McIntosh Brandt Group of Companies Barry and Bonnie Bridges G. Murray & Edna Forbes Foundation Wally & Colleen Mah Estate of Rudolph Wegerer Ian & Barbara McNaughton & Family Skate4Smiles The Piper Family Latrace Family Foundation Rural Municipality of Blucher No. 343

*Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list.

The Deloitte Foundation Dakota Dunes Community Development Corp. Mainline Automotive Group In Memory of Nixon Lawson Al & Marie Toews Estate of Aurora Terry Sharon Wiens All - Fab Building Components Inc. Loraas Disposal Anytime Fitness In Honour of Aidan Rea Martin Henry Remai Rose Jarman

CIBC Safeway Vic Huard James Flath & Dr. Annette Epp Susan Ashburner Evelyn Sawchuk Estate of John (Jack) Henry Creber In Memory of Benjamin Batters Teammates for Kids Foundation Anonymous Donors Children’s Hospital Radiothon Regina Donors Co-op “Game Day” Approved Products Federated Co-operatives Limited Sears Canada Charitable Foundation








JULY 12, 2016









SIGNATURE EVENTS Across the province and throughout the years; these events ensure the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan continues to help children and families. Children’s Hospital Radiothon Presented by CIBC Wood Gundy - Regina With a generous $100,000 match by Duane & Bev Smith of Swift Current, the 13th annual Children’s Hospital Radiothon in Regina raised over $517,000. The two day event in November 2015 was broadcast live across southern Saskatchewan with Harvard Broadcasting on 620 CKRM, MY92.1 and 104.9 The Wolf. Special guests included former Health Minister Dustin Duncan, country music artist Jess Moskaluke, and Steve Mazurak of the Saskatchewan Roughriders.

24 hours on air 58 event day volunteers 132 interviews + stories

over $3.9 million raised You funded:

3 private patient rooms in new Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan

Children’s Hospital Radiothon Presented by SaskEnergy Network Members Broadcast live on 600 CJWW, 92.9 The Bull, and 98COOL FM, the 14th annual Children’s Hospital Radiothon in Saskatoon raised over $604,000 in February 2016. Donations to the 3 day event were matched up to $100,000 by the Sandra Schmirler Foundation. Special guests included members of the Saskatchewan Rush Lacrosse team, Saskatchewan Roughrider Graig Newman, Mayor Don Atchison, and City Councillor Troy Davies.

35 hours on the air 91 event day volunteers 180 interviews + stories

over $4.7 million raised You funded:

Pediatric Ambulance (*purchased in partnership with the Synergy 8 Golf Tournament)

Gold-painted statues set the tone for the Jeans & Jewels Gala on April 22, 2016. Guests indulged in a delectable candy bar, champagne reception, and a gourmet three-course meal. Canadian Country Music Association Award nominee Codie Prevost filled the dance floor as the evening’s entertainment. Live auction items included a FFUN Motor Sports “Choose Your Own Adventure” package, a trip for four to Toronto to take in the Blue Jays on Canada Day, a trip for two to Tuscany, and an original Allen Sapp painting.

100 silent auction items


$240,000 net revenue Over 650 guests

The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan | 2016

Children’s Hospital Jeans & Jewels Gala Presented by Mosaic

You funded:

50 comfort kits delivered to all 3 pediatric wards in Saskatchewan


PARTNERSHIPS We are the proud Saskatchewan member of Children’s Miracle Network, a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds and awareness for children’s hospitals across North America, including 14 in Canada. Through Children’s Miracle Network, we partner with generous organizations across the province. Customers and employees of these partners have helped create countless miracles right here in Saskatchewan, many of them $1 at a time. Through the sale of Miracle Balloons, in-store donations, events, corporate matches, or donations for each completed transaction, each partner helps Saskatchewan children in their own incredible way. When a donation is made, it stays right here in our community, ensuring that every dollar helps local kids.

Gamers participated 264 remax in Extra Life 149 agents participate in the Costco miracle home program 2 warehouses since Air Canada Foundation located in

the Hospital 13 years launched Transportation Program Over $1.1 million raised by Children’s miracle network partners in Sk





DQ TD Branches stores raising funds in participated in Brickley sold Saskatchewan Miracle Treat Day Bears at The Brick We are very thankful for our Children’s Miracle Network partners and the amazing work they do to help sick and injured children in our community.






Meet Elara

TOTAL: $2,177,587 The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan distributed $2,177,587 for current maternal and pediatric needs including a patient care disbursement of $1,250,000 to Teammates For Kids’ Child Life Zone. In addition, $100,000 was designated for a Research Chair position in the Pediatric Department for exceptional emerging researchers and research needs.

Photo courtesy: Megan Alfrogge


Hometown: Saskatoon Condition: heart defect, vocal cord paralysis and chronic lung conditions


The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan | 2016



FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS As the Foundation embarked upon the mission for a provincial children’s hospital for Saskatchewan, the Canada Revenue Agency gave approval to designate and accumulate funds for this purpose. While capital is being raised to create a maternal and children’s hospital, the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan continues to respond to urgent maternal and pediatric funding needs on an annual basis.

Summarized Statement of Operations – year ended July 31, 2016 – (000’s) Revenue Individual & Corporate Donations Net Fundraising projects & events Interest & Investment Income Total Revenue Total Expenditures Excess of revenue over expenses before charitable distributions Total Charitable Distributions Excess of revenue over expenses Net Assets at the beginning of the year Net Assets at the end of the year



965 9,185 1,351 11,501

864 18,805 1,091 20,760

546 10,955

563 20,197

2,178 8,777

1,058 19,139

50,684 59,461

31,544 50,684

*excerpts from the audited financial statement by KPMG, LLP. For detailed financial information please visit www.cra.gc.ca/charities Important Note: As requested and designated by donors, the majority of CHFS funds are accumulated for the sole purpose of supporting the new Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan.

Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan Staff Brynn Boback-Lane President & CEO

Kristina Konchak Major Gifts Manager

Dorothy Bell Office Administrator

Jana Len Provincial Development Manager

Roz Bodrug Communications Administrator Sash Broda Provincial Engagement Manager Anna Burton Special Events Manager

Geri Meyer Chief Finance/ Operating Officer Lynn Redl-Huntington Communications & Stewardship Director

Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan Board of Directors Greg Yuel Chair of the Board President & CEO PIC Investment Group Inc.

Shelley Brown Saskatchewan Managing Partner Deloitte Kevin Punshon Branch Manager, First Vice-President & Investment Advisor, CIBC Wood Gundy

Brad DeLorey Director, Communications & Public Affairs Co-op Refinery Complex William Hood, Q.C. Managing Partner Stevenson Hood Thornton Beaubier LLP Dr. Tanya Holt Director of Pediatric Critical Care and Pediatric Inter-facility Transport Department of Pediatrics

Chief Tammy Cook-Searson Chief, Lac La Ronge Indian Band Dave Dutchak Health Consultant Medavie, M.D. Ambulance Care Ltd. Dr. June LeDrew Professor, University of Regina E. Craig Lothian CEO, Keystone Group & Lex Capital Management Inc. Mike McCullough Financial Advisor, Investors Group

Jackie Mann Vice-President Integrated Health Services Saskatoon Health Region Randall J. Ottenbreit Family Advisor Collin Schaan President & CEO Schaan Healthcare Products Inc. Joe Vidal President & CEO Bioriginal Food & Science Corp.


Robert Hawkins Past Chair of the Board Professor, University of Regina

Patricia Cook Vice-President of Corporate Affairs Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority

The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan | 2016

Lisa Guttormson Information Systems Manager

Allie McIlmoyl Executive Assistant



For more information, please contact: 1 - 345 3rd Ave. South, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 1M6 Toll Free: 1.888.808.5437 | childrenshospitalsask.ca Charitable Registration #13530 9342 RR0001

Meet Payton

Hometown: estevan Condition: lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma

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