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Business Spotlight
Business spotliGht
Do you have Pandemic Fatigue? Are you just DONE? Here’s your CURE!
Live life is gearing up from zero to 60! There is cautious optimism due to the vaccines and cases lowering, in the TriState that live events are returning, quickly. Entertainment and events will have a different look and feel. Don’t worry, this is a good thing! We have all had time to learn how to do business different but better. Covid-19 abruptly upended our lives, last year and separated us from our routine and the daily events that normally runs our lives! Every part of our life-work, school, dates, social gatherings, holidays, ceremonies travel, and events we plan for and look forward to, was taken from us.
The pandemic also devastated the sports, entertainment and event business. Business owners wondered how to stay relevant and work in this new world. As an event company owner, I can tell you what businesses have learned about you… We have learned that toilet paper is priceless. We have learned the true meaning of essential. We have learned how to zoom in our yoga pants and boxers. We have learned that you really miss dancing!
Its time to take off the yoga pants and put that party dress you didn’t get to wear last year and learn to walk in the tall heels again. Have a funky Tea Party w your crew, rent the limo for a night of Romeo & Julieta smokes and swirl your Woodford Reserve, served in the best Glencairn
Glass, with your boys. Go to that non-profit fundraiser that needs your support to help your fellow human. Get your party on. Party like it’s 2021.
Your CURE is being a part of your community.
TC Sferra Decadence Productions #makeeverydayanevent