3 minute read

the 23-27th of July 2021 Source: CFRS

(b) Isochrones and polygons of fire potential.

Figure 25. Image of the isochrones (grey and coloured), perimeter, and potential impact (green polygons) of the vegetation fire of the 2021 Santa Coloma de Queralt Fire (Catalonia, Spain) during 24-27th of July, 2021 (b) obtained using on-field and aerial photographs and videos, direct observations and crew positioning and reporting (a). The analysis of the increase of the fire during the 24th (second day) indicated 370ha had grown since 2:00h (part of the perimeter indicated in colour). It also showed that from 20:00h to 21:30h 180 ha had burned during the formation and fall of the pyrocumulus, with a run of 3.3 km/h. The graph was also useful to observe that the average speed of the 23rd day (first day) had been 1500 m/h approx., that of the 24th day (second day) was 600 m/h approx. and that the fire reached a total surface area of 1426 ha. Source: CFRS


Figure 26. Image of the 2021 Santa Coloma de Queralt Fire (Catalonia, Spain) from the 23-27th of July 2021 in which perimeter (purple) is delimited using crews positioning (yellow, red and blue rectangles). Green dotted line shows potential fire polygons and arrows (red: high probability, orange: medium probability) indicate the linkages between polygons and the numbers in white squares indicate the order in which they fire could spread. Source: CFRS



1. To Identify best suited ways to access fire perimeter to deploy resources on time (both on land and aerial) considering viability and safety.

2. To Identify and map opportunities for action/work/response according to BEH and POS including the definition of ‘when’ and ‘where’ proceed (position).

3. To propose type of manoeuvres according to the BEH and opportunities for action/work/response.

4. To Plan a set of manoeuvres according to BEH (fire suppression capacity limit) and to the deployment of the organisation (capacity).

5. To monitor key manoeuvres with direct impact on safety or on the achievement of tactical objectives.


1. To Identify opportunity windows (operational windows) according to BEH and fire suppression capacity in each sector of the fire.

2. To propose tactical objectives (TO) that fit the strategy.

3. To propose priorities (according to polygons of potentiality, values, safety)

4. To sort objectives (according to window of opportunity)

5. To propose tactical architecture (according to deployment of the organisation, safety, and indicators) (Figure 27).

6. Monitoring the achievement of tactical objectives (TO).

6.1 On-field/direct observation.

6.2 Set of indicators.

7. To propose the balance of effort for each tactical objective.

8. To Anticipate and plan new tactical objectives (TO) if existing ones expire, do not work as expected or the situation changes.


1. Setting the scenario. This implies situational awareness (Figure 28).

2. To adjust potential polygons of fire to the actual working capacities during the fire and response constrains. This is to map forecasted fire impact, linking potential fire polygons with their values and response constraints (Figure 30,

Figure 29).

3. To propose the strategy (Figure 28, Figure 31):

3.1 To describe a range of strategical scenarios using fire polygons and tactical objectives potential achievement, integrating known risks.

3.2 To identify the set of possible final strategic scenarios, including short-, medium- and long-term risks and uncertainties, and its consequences (desired, avoided…) for decision-making.

3.3 To propose a final strategical scenario using fire polygons diagram, integrating known risks and uncertainties and transfer probabilities between polygons (common goods and avoiding collapse).

4. To Monitor the selected scenario and if it changes then adjust the strategy.

4.1 On-field/direct observation.

4.2 Indicators (e.g. numerical).

Example 1: numerical

Example 2: signs, people behaviour, human factor, that indicate that things are moving different from expected.

5. To Detect key sources of uncertainty (Figure 32).

6. To anticipate likely new scenarios.

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