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doXtop Web 2.0 Document Publishing Platform doXtop is a powerful document and multimedia publishing platform offering leading document-to-Web transformation and cross platform deployment services. With doXtop anyone can be an author and write, collect, prepare and distribute publications across any system and media for free or a charge.

More Infos on doXtop here (best open on new window or Tab) First view on the next release ("Public 1"): The Best of doXtop: You can get infos about doXtop by simply typing doXtop into the search field - or just klick here: View this publication and use its links in Hypertext display format!

Author:Paul Caspers Last Modified Dec. 27h 2007

Mail: Version 0.29

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doXtop Whitepaper

Table of Contents 1.

Notes for the readers ............................................................................................... 3


Version history ........................................................................................................ 4


Documents and the Web .......................................................................................... 5


doXtop mission ........................................................................................................ 6


doXtop features ....................................................................................................... 7 5.1

Content ........................................................................................................... 7


Content store ................................................................................................... 7


Content classification ................................................................................. 8


Transformation ................................................................................................. 8


Content presentation......................................................................................... 9


Magazines (formely Multimedia Journals) ................................................... 10


Groups........................................................................................................... 10


More features ................................................................................................. 11


Users & applications............................................................................................... 12


System USP's & benefits ......................................................................................... 13


doXtop architecture ............................................................................................... 14


About doXtop ........................................................................................................ 17

10. Availability ............................................................................................................ 18 11. Further information ................................................................................................ 19


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1. Notes for the readers doXtop is now in a limited beta phase. If you want to publish documents, please register under doXtop uses powerful content transformation services, which have been developed in the last decade by Coextant and which have been proven worldwide in many mission critical applications at leading customers. These services create properly structured data out of documents that can be used in nearly any application and context. If you want to contact the president of doXtop and the author of this document, please eMail We will appreciate your inputs and try to answer any questions. If you already use doXtop please keep in mind that it is in its beta phase and some areas are not yet fully developed. Bugs are a normal aspect in any beta phase. We update our code almost every day. doXtop was developed by an international team of professional software developers located around the world from South America, over Europe to India. The headquarters and core team are located in Germany. Our next big step will be, beside working on a very long list of details, the implementation of a intuitive user interface, advanced magazines, better document management features and f.e improved integration into search engines. We hope that we will be able to go public in April 2008. Stay with us.



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2. Version history Version 0.27

Date Sep 06 2007

Changes Notes for readers added Version History added Info added to Magazines (formely Multimedia Journals Info added to More features Spell errors corrected and small layout changes


Sep 21 2007

Language improvements mainly Further info added


Dec 27 2007

Few updates and links to realted materials


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3. Documents and the Web While you can maintain diaries on the Web, listen to music or sha share re videos and even produce your own podcast or TV show, show somehow the Web seems to not be very open for standard documents1. But they are the medium where most information of today's and tomorrow's world is stored, maintained and developed: developed An n ocean of corporate, public and private source documents. Documents Documents created with mainstream standard products like MS Office or Open Office etc. And unlike videos and pictures - document content can be very well analyzed and intelligently processed by a computer. But despite all this and instead of just being able to automatically transform document documentrelated elated information into consumer adequate formats for the Web and other media, usually people and companies all over the world use specific proprietary redundant technologies to create or design this content. Along with expensive systems that cause ause a lot of additional processes and manual work.

But this isn't right. It isn't efficient. The The good news is - it isn't necessary as well. Suppose you could maintain your Web Site just by writing your content with you yourr preferred standard word ord processor? Suppose an international enterprise or organization could just manage standard documents - and with computer based services transform its content in a controlled and automated way into always up-to-date up date and optimized Web Web content along with content for any other media - like print or mobile? If you think this isn't possible - look at this Web Site --> Every content in here - and this includes text, pictures, links, navigation, renditions like PDF, RTF, tables and more ore is created from Switzerland to China by normal people and from usual documents by a powerful Web service. doX Xtop is based on the same even more enhanced powerful content conten transformation service. service It allows you to manage, transform, deploy and consume any type of document document-related information. It offers an outstanding set of transformation features to create media optimized consumer oriented publications and well structured and nicely presented information collections of various kinds. The services will include such powerful features as langua language translation anslation,, conversion to hypertext and audio or deployment of well structured ready to use XML output to any registered subscriber. subscriber. doX Xtop has the potential to revolutionize the Internet by eliminating the gap gap between documents and the Web. Through Th its unique features it empowers people to create simple and compound publications and journals of any type and to deploy them to friends, specific groups or the open global community through the doXtop do platform itself or along with the integrated APIs through any other platform and application of one's choice. Everyone could be an author with doXtop. top. Every one could create his/her his own publish publishing ing company with doXtop. do Everyone can create consumer optimized online journals of valuable ble topic oriented content with doXtop. do And everyone can use the syndication services of doX Xtop to get optimally prepared content for his/her his/her own systems and media.

Publishing was never easier!

Paul Caspers - President doXtop top GmbH - September 2007


OK - one can post them, attach and download them. But if one wants to transform information in to real Web content - its getting difficult. That's why companies and people usually for this purpose apply special applications, like WCMS, bloggers etc.


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4. doXtop mission doXtop's mission is to provide the world's leading content transformation and deployment services and best publishing platform for document-related content.


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5. doXtop features The doXtop paradigm2 for managing and deploying document-related content is the following: 1. Content is created and maintained with standard Office applications like MS Office, Open Office or any other standard authoring system. 2. Content is managed in content storage systems. This could be a normal file system, but in a more advanced environment also a document management system - such as MS SharePoint services or many others. 3. Content is usually made for consumption through other people on other media. For this reason content has to be transformed into user and media adequate formats and deployed to the systems and platforms needed. 4. The "ready to use" content has to be provided in an open general form in a standard database - easily accessible through standard software and applications. 5. And last not least media and applications must be able to present content in a way which is optimized for the specific purpose, medium and user group. This is what doXtop is about and what doXtop does. Of course users will not notice anything from all these complex processes. The whole system and its logic is hidden and runs seamlessly in the background.

Users simply just upload their documents - that's it! All other work is done by doXtop. The figure below shows the paradigm in picture from - and in the following chapters we describe the most important functions of doXtop.

5.1 Content Content can be created with any standard Office application. doXtop supports a variety of

file formats - .vsd .vss .doc .docx .ppt .pptx .xls .xlsx .bmp .gif .ief .jpg .jpe .jpeg .png .html .htm .pdf .rtf and many more. And based on its open architecture - we can add nearly any other format - if needed.

5.2 Content store doXtop uses, behind the scene, a complete set of document management services. doXtop allows document versioning, maintaining meta information and much more. An important point for users and the syndication of content with other applications is the persistent URL that doXtop creates for multimedia journals, publications and even topics. This URL stays intact even after a source document has been replaced with another version and all published data have been updated by the system.


doXtop is in private beta at the moment and will go public in autumn 2007. The described features are mostly available and partly under development. You can apply for access to doXtop under .


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5.2.1 Content classification Optionally, doXtop allows you, at the time of upload or after the upload to qualify the document by a set of meta information, such as authors, categories, tags and more. The classification system is very powerful, multihierarchical and cross lingual. For a start doXtop supports in these taxonomies German, English and Spanish. Further languages can be easily integrated. The taxonomy for content is very similar to the book classification system of Amazon. Individual taxonomies for special purposes could be easily adapted. doXtop will offer an individual taxonom for each multimedia journal. This allows users to create their own classification and navigation system.

5.3 Transformation doXtop offers the leading content transformation and deployment services - the most important ones are shown in the graphic below.

Unlike other systems doXtop transforms document content into well structured vendor independent data - that could be simultaneously used and reused for various purposes. During the transformation process sources are intelligently parsed - and lots of data like


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hyperlinks, meta information of all kind are detected, generated and attached as data to the transformed content. On the input side beside single and bulk upload doXtop offers an open standard SOAP/XML interface - which could be used by any application such as document managers or the Windows SharePoint services. On the output side doXtop can send, synchronize/transport data to the receiving systems or users. More, doXtop can write data into standard databases - such as MS SQL server or IBM DB/2. Along with open standard APIs (Java, .NET, JavaScript) and Web services access that data can be accessed and used by any standard Web system in the market. Needless to say the leading part in the process is always the original source document. If the source is changed - all transformed and published data are automatically updated in all the places where they might be used. Among the very powerful doXtop transformation features we'd like to mention a few highlights here separately: 1. doXtop can be combined with language translation services that allows your source files to be translated into other languages, managed as separate new instances of files and subsequently published and deployed . All this happens by simply checking in one lead document in one language. 2. doXtop allows you to create true hypertext publications including hyperlinks, table of content, index views and more. Hypertext publications - and not just simple HTML or PDF renditions - is what you really need to use document-related content in the Web. 3. doXtop allows you to not just build simple source file collections, but also to create topic specific Web Sites with directly readable published content that can be navigated through by individual categories and other meta data. These publication sites or multimedia journals can be for free or combined with a charge, for friends, groups or the public. The publications sites as a whole again can also be embedded and deployed and support all modern Web 2.0 community features. 4. doXtop allows you to leverage all its features as remote transformation services and to integrate the results into your own Web site or business processes. The complete output of a transformation including Hypertext, HTML, PDF, TOC, metadata, CSS, XSLTs is packed into a well structured XML object and can be used for syndication. At each update of the source file the XML object is automatically updated and resent. 5. doXtop offers mail&link services. So instead of mailing whole files to various users one uploads files - and only sends a link to the publication. This saves a lot of work and eliminates redundancies and inconsistencies. 6. doXtop splits text documents into topics and generates open XML per topic. This way it can support solutions, which create new content out of those available topics. 7. doXtop will soon be able to process speach and presentation data in a way, that video, audio and slides/text are presented in an adequate logical way. We also plan to offer related service for the creation of professional videos.

5.4 Content presentation doXtop presents the content in an easy user friendly standard interface. It offers a MySpace area for the individual, private user and a Group Space for members of groups. It supports all general Web 2.0 community functions around documents, publications and journals. Members can use a rich set of exploring features for searching content via authors, date, categories, contributors and much more. doXtop supports full text and field based search and provides agents for alerts. doXtop is also very good at detecting and presenting relations - as it splits and parses documents. So it shows, for example, related content from 27.12.2007

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same authors, contributors, categories, tags and more. It can find related content at places like Amazon or even help to find plagiats. Last but certainly not not least, users can build their own GUIs for their own applications based on the available APIs of doXtop. It will as well support a My Home GUI - where users can define their own interface.

5.4.1 Magazines (formely Multimedia Journals) doXtop will allow individuals and groups to create complete web sites with published and categorized content from defined collections of documents. We call those sites publications sites or multimedia magazines. A multimedia magazine will present content for a specific subject in a user friendly, Web site or magazine like form - and not just as a klickable set of single documents in a list. And multimedia magazines will provide intelligently combined video, audio and document data. doXtop will come with an individual taxonomy/navigation system for each specific magazine. At a later time we plan to also offer customizable authoring templates and publication schemes for magazines. A journal will also come with all relevant reader functions like bookmarking, printing, searching and more. Journals can be limited to groups or can be offered publicly for free or for a fee. Magazines are implemented as independent applications and providers can run them on their own servers. The picture below gives you an idea of a magazine on black holes.

There are a lot of nice magazines available already .., see here:

5.5 Groups doXtop supports groups. Groups are teams of people who author, maintaine, store and publish documents around a certain subject. Groups have moderators, can be closed or open, free or for a charge. Groups can publish journals for group members and / or for the public. 27.12.2007

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Samples for groups are * Astronomy Club * Aerobics Teachers * Art/music Societies * European Students * School Forum * Healthy Living * Free Books Store * to just mention a few. Groups also allow for quick and easi set up extranets for temporary commmercial or non commercial projects. Friends can gather in a group and share documents. See ou groups here ...

5.6 More features doXtop will allow users to charge for their publications or journals and in this way earn money. doXtop will offer services for printing publications and journals. doXtop will support mobile devices. doXtop will provide features for combined video/slides/text presentations. doXtop will offer services for the generation of compound publications with a table of content, sequential page numbering and more. doXtop services can be accessed from 3rd party applications such as XING, studiVZ and others to integrate documents and publications. The good thing is - nearly all of the functions we describe here and throughout this document are already available. We are just working on integrating them in a very user friendly way.


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6. Users & applications doXtop is for everyone and every content. POTENTIAL USERS Private individuals Groups (commercial, non-commercial) Authors, writers (professionals, scientists, hobbyists) Journalists Companies Associations / organizations (profit/non-profit) Publishers Editors Schools, universities, colleges Pupils, students POTENTIAL CONTENT Documents, documentations Presentations Books Scientific articles Specifications Manuals Forms Sample text files, boiler plates Reports Lists Planning sheets and templates Pictures BENEFITS AND


Worldwide publishing of content Consumer adequate presentation of content Efficient building of complete publication sites / multimedia journals Providing knowhow Earning money with publications Quickly setup extranets for content of work groups Knowledge management for groups, organizations Sending URLs that point to one publication instead of sending redundant files to many users Out-of-the-box virtual publishing company High quality publications/journals - easy to embed/syndicate with any Web application Advertising Auto conversion and deployment of content into nearly any required format Building advanced publications sites for any required specific topic Content integration services for any Web system that deals with documents


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7. System USP's & benefits From a system's point of view doXtop comes along with the following highlights: Easy to use single and bulk upload Integrated document management system Any other DMS adaptable Standard interface for content integration (SOAP/XML) Flexible cross lingual taxonomy management Powerful transformation engine Integrated language translation services for source files Cross platform content deployment and syndication Personalization features Multilingual GUI Open access to transformed neutral data via standard APIs (.NET, Java, JavaScript)


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8. doXtop architecture doXtop is based on an open architecture. With the available APIs it can be used as content integration, transformation and deployment service in every standard IT environment. doXtop comes with a multi language user interface. For a start the GUI supports German, English and Spanish. Further languages can easily be built in. Beyond this - with the integrated taxonomy manager - doXtop supports consistent cross language classification of content. This is important when people browse classified content written in 2 or more languages. There is a public version of doXtop. doXtop will allow secured extranets and groups. doXtop will support journals and publication sites as seperate applications, which use doXtop just as a publishing service. And doXtop can be licensed and customized for any individual usage within a company or organization. doXtop is hosted at a professional data center in Germany which provides high bandwidth and speed, security, availability and backup services. The following picture, depicts in a very concise way how doXtop is architected. The database is Microsoft SQL Server 2005 where all ins and outs are performed through stored procedures. Two MS.NET API libraries, one for doXtop the other standard Hyper.Net 5.0 Framework SDK pull all the data from the data store. A series of web services divided by tasks, are in charge to bring information from the database, and to send information in and out from WSS 3.0. The web Application is a full ASP.NET 2.0 Web application theme based, with security and profiles in it, localizable and using friendly URLs for better SEO. The application heavily makes use of the doXtop API for better performance. The doXtop web services are used mostly for AJAX support.


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From the hardware organization we have: 1. Today’s Alpha / Beta organization

2. Future deployment organization


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9. About doXtop Have you ever thought about creating consumer optimized publications or journals out of your documents and make them available in the Internet? Or for print, mobile and other media? For free or for a fee? Public or within groups? Something YouTube does with videos and Flickr with photos is now available for the basis of all digital information - for documents! More - unlike other systems - it seamlessly transforms source content from documents into consumer and media optimized formats, which can be directly consumed and used in any application. doXtop is here! It empowers users to create valuable publications out of any document and deploy it in the Internet resulting in well presented publications to be shared with friends, online communities, groups, companies or be available to the general public. doXtop offers all necessary services to bring any content from local computers into the Web. doXtop offers a wide variety of powerful content transformation and deployment services to get content everywhere one wants to have it. And doXtop will allow users to earn money with their knowhow. Through the embed and syndication features of doXtop - transformed document content can easily be integrated into any Web sites, blogs and spaces. doXtop is based on a powerful content transformation service, which has been developed for the last 10 years and has proven successful in numerous companies all around the world, and now is available for use of online communities for free! Unlike Wikipedia with its way of creating content, excluding an enormous amount of users who know very well how to create a document, doXtop just lets you take your new or existing documents and turn them into online publications. Unlike blogging, where you just can submit posts with a limited number of formatting styles, with a limited editor, doXtop lets you use the power of professional office tools and share multiple document formats like presentations, excel sheets, drawings, pictures, and many more! We welcome you to doXtop the best document publishing and content transformation services platform on the internet.

Publish Your Documents!


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10. Availability 08/2007 Private Alpha 12/2007 Limited Beta (authors must register) 4/2008 Public Release 1 10/2008 Public Release 2 Visit us under


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11. Further information doXtop Slides Content Transformation Service Redbook Content intensive Web Portals Zukunft der Informationsverarbeitung (German) First view on the next release ("Public 1"): The Best of doXtop

Search You can get infos about doXtop by simply typing doXtop into the search field - or just klick here:


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Index .NET .............................................. 9, 13 APIs ................................ 5, 9, 10, 13, 14 architecture ........................................ 14 benefits .........................................12, 13 classification ................................... 8, 14 compound publications .......................... 5 Content classification ............................. 8 content deployment ............................ 13 content storage systems ........................ 7 Content store........................................ 7 content transformation service ......... 5, 17 deployment services .......... 1, 8, 14, 17 document management system ........ 7, 13 document versioning ............................. 7 document-related content .............. 6, 7, 9 doXtop paradigm ................................. 7 extranets ....................................... 12, 14 file formats ........................................... 7 groups ................. 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17 hardware organization ......................... 16 hypertext ......................................... 5, 9 IBM DB/2 ............................................. 9 Java ............................................... 9, 13 JavaScript....................................... 9, 13 journals .............................................. 10 language translation .............................. 5 languages....................................8, 9, 14


magazine ............................................ 10 mail&link services .................................. 9 mobile devices .................................... 11 multi language .................................... 14 Office applications ................................. 7 open architecture ............................ 7, 14 optimized Web content .......................... 5 persistent URL ...................................... 7 Potential users .................................... 12 publication sites .............................. 9, 12 publications ........... 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 17 publications sites ........................... 10, 12 publishing company ............................... 5 publishing platform ....................... 1, 6 SharePoint ........................................ 7, 9 SOAP/XML ...................................... 9, 13 SQL server ............................................ 9 syndication ........................ 5, 7, 9, 13, 17 syndication of content............................ 7 syndication services ............................... 5 taxonomies ........................................... 8 taxonomy manager ............................. 14 transformation ... 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17 translation services .......................... 9, 13 Web 2.0 community features .................. 9 Web 2.0 community functions ................ 9 Web services ........................................ 9

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doXtop GmbH Sandgrubenweg 2 D- 73262 Reichenbach doXtop and the doXtop logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of doXtop GmbH in Germany, other countries, or both. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Š Copyright doXtop GmbH 2007 All Rights Reserved


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