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The National Franchise Conference fuelled discussion, change and growth for franchisors and franchisees
The 2023 National Franchise Conference had an international feel this year, with speakers and delegates from the USA and Australia connecting with the local franchise fraternity to share ideas, experiences, trends and stories from all over the franchise world.
Over 200 people attended the three-day event held at Te Pae in Christchurch, which included some spectacular events and settings (see photos on page 54). A racing theme led by faux supercar driver MC Magnum Throughline set a high octane buzz and, as always, the friendly atmosphere and the combination of presentations, panels and networking sessions meant that new franchisors could meet and learn from established ones, and advisors were happy to share their expertise.
A thoughtful opening address from the Honourable Dr Duncan Webb, Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, revealed an understanding of franchising and had some useful suggestions on the topic of dispute resolution. The Minister spent much of the morning with delegates, offering a valuable chance to engage.
US speakers included Peter Holt, who spoke about using culture to develop your franchise system, and how the very structure of franchising creates staff engagement, while Bill Edwards outlined the international opportunities and trends for New Zealand franchises. Local franchisors detailed their own experiences with case studies, with the level of information shared surprising and delighting newcomers.
‘The Conference was once again the place for franchise people to learn, get new insights and be inspired,’ says FANZ CEO Robyn Pickerill. ‘The 2024 Conference will be held in Tauranga from 28-30 July. Put it in your diary now!’
Who’s on the Board?
The Franchise Association also held its AGM just before the Conference, with the Chair’s report identifying advocacy and legislation as a critical component of the Association’s work over the past year. Dawn Engelbrecht outlined some of the franchise-specific issues arising from recent legislation, and encouraged franchisors to work together and support FANZ in its efforts to address them with MBIE and Government.
Following the annual election, the FANZ Board remains unchanged. Dawn has stood down as Chair after a two-year stint, and was warmly thanked for her leadership over a challenging two years when Covid made the business environment and event planning so difficult. The seven-person Board is:
Brad Jacobs (Chair) has spent his entire working life in franchising, having started with McDonald’s in 1994 and joining The Coffee Club as a part-time kitchen hand in 1997. He is Co-Director and Property Manager of The Coffee Club in New Zealand, a multi-award-winning brand which has over 60 cafés around the country.
Callum Floyd (Vice Chair) is managing director of Franchize Consultants and has over 20 years’ experience in franchising, having worked with many of New Zealand’s best-known franchise brands and new start-ups. He is one of the few people in the country to have a PhD in franchise system structure and development.
Dawn Engelbrecht (Immediate Past Chair) started her franchise career as an independent accountant for a chain of franchised restaurants in South Africa. After moving to New Zealand, she joined and then developed the sKids out-of-school care franchise system for over 20 years, taking it international under the Sherpa Kids brand.
Darryl King leads Jackson Russell’s franchise law team in Auckland, and is passionate about helping the wider franchise community. He has been a member of FANZ’s regulatory and government liaison committees for a number of years, helping to inform government and ministry officials as well as educating franchisors about the impact of law changes.
Scott Jenyns has over 20 years’ experience in franchising in both New Zealand and Australia through previous roles with Aramex (formerly Fastway Couriers). Fastway was an early adopter of the franchise model in New Zealand (see page 49) and one of the first home-grown franchises to expand overseas, giving him a wide understanding of the issues franchisors face.
Greg Paget’s journey into franchising started when he purchased the Auckland regional master franchise for Cleantastic Commercial Cleaning in 2005, and saw him taking full control of Cleantastic NZ in 2019. Along the way, he has developed huge understanding and respect for the franchise industry, and for the opportunities it creates for individuals.
Michelle van Gaalen has over 14 years’ experience in franchising as well as high-level corporate experience. She is now CEO of Belron NZ, which is the franchisor for Laser Plumbing & Electrical and Exceed, as well as owning the Smith&Smith auto glass business. This gives her great insight into the different issues faced by franchisors and franchisees.
New members
The latest members to join are:
Kauri Business Sales
NZ Proud Property Improvements
Op Central
PCI Projects
Sladen Legal
The Local Guys
FANZ members are clearly marked in the Directory starting on page 68.
New strategic partner
FANZ is delighted to welcome Op Central as a new Strategic Partner. Op Central is an AI powered global software platform, helping businesses manage every aspect of their daily operations. Their software specialises in managing standard operating procedures (SOPs), training, audits, communications and incidents for franchises and multi-site organisations.
Events Calendar
The event calendar is regularly updated, so for the latest details of what’s on around the country, please visit the Franchise Association website at www.franchiseassociation.org.nz email contact@franchise.org.nz or phone 0-9-274 2901