SAILING WEST TO GO EAST While the Portuguese were exploring the African coast, the Spanish were busy fighting Muslims. The armies of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella drove the last Muslim invaders out of Spain in 1492. When Christopher Columbus came to them asking for help, the time was right. The Spanish were ready to think about an overseas empire. COLUMBUS AND THE SPANISH MONARCHS Columbus’ plan was to sail west to go east. He believed that he could reach Asia and the East Indies by sailing west. For many centuries, common people believed the earth was flat. If a ship sailed too fair, it would fall off the edge. By the 1400s, educated people knew that this was not true. However, they could only estimate the true size of the earth. They did not know how far west the East Indies were located. For years of Portugal and then Spain to finance his plan, when he tried again in 1492, Queen Isabella agreed. He persuaded her by telling her of the richness that would come to Spain. Perhaps more important to her, however, were the nonEuropeans that could be converted to Catholicism. Columbus and 90 sailors set sail in three caravels on August 3, 1492. They found land slightly more than two months later, on October 12. However, the land they found was not Asia; it was the island of Hispaniola and Cuba. Columbus returned three more times to the Caribbean looking for the Asian mainland. Because he thought he had reached the East Indies, he called the people he met Indios, or Indians. It did not take long for Spain and other nations to realize Columbus’ mistake. He had not found Asia. He had found two unknown continents that Europeans called the New World. The Spanish and the Portuguese, who had discovered what is now Brazil, decided that the wealth and people of these continents belonged to them. To prevent disputes between the two nations, Pope Alexander VI divided the New World in 1494. The Treaty of Tordesillas established the Line of Demarcation at 38° west longitude. It separated Spanish lands from Portuguese lands. Everything west of the line belonged to Spain; everything east of the line belonged to Portugal.