A letter of interest

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WHAT’S A LETTER OF INTEREST? A letter of interest is sent to companies that may be hiring, but haven't listed a specific job opening to apply for. You can use a letter of interest to see if the company has any job openings that would be a good fit for you. You might also use a letter of interest to arrange an informational interview with someone at the company. A letter of interest is a great way to get your foot in the door with a company you are interested in.

WHAT’S IN A LETTER OF INTEREST? Your letter of interest should contain information on why the company interests you and why your skills and experience would be an asset to the company. Use the letter to sell yourself, explaining how you would add value to the company. Conclude your letter by explaining that you would like to meet with the employer to explore possible career opportunities. In the conclusion, also provide information on how you can be contacted if the company is interested in following up with you.

SAMPLE LETTER You always keep your letter short and to the point because you want to get it across quickly and clearly, without taking up too much of the employer’s time. Have a look at this sample letter: Joseph Q. Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 Francisco Muñoz 2018 PR, Human Resources Popular Party Headquarters Genova Street Madrid Dear Mr. Muñoz, I recently read an article about your party’s new approach to digital advertising campaigns in Perfect Politics Magazine Online, and I am writing to inquire whether you have any marketing positions open. The PP has been highly recognized as one of the best parties to work for in the country. You have deliberately set out to create this image. I have five years of experience working as a Marketing Strategist for one of our local parties in the Andalusia province. During my time in this role, I increased the number of website page views by 120 percent and reduced the cost of voters’ acquisition by 20 percent. In addition, our popularity increased by 50 percent during that time. This is so because of my IT experience. It gives me a unique ability to apply technology, in all its forms, to political advertising campaigns. My resume is enclosed with this letter so you can review my education, work experience, and achievements. I would appreciate an opportunity to talk with you or a member of the marketing team to see how my experience and skills could benefit your party. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you in the near future. Yours sincerely, Joseph Q. Applicant (signature for a hard copy letter)

USEFUL EXPRESSIONS Opening: I recently had the opportunity to interact with a few members of your customer support team…/ It is clear that … is an integral part of your company’s core values / It is for this reason that I am writing to you / I feel my own personal values and talents might benefit you / While reading through one of my professional trade publications last week I came across an article outlining why your company has been recognized as one of the best places to work in the country for tech professionals / For this reason, I am sending you my resume in the hopes that I might be able to join your team / I read about Company X's … program and I would like to inquire about the possibility of openings / I am very interested in a career in … and think your program is a perfect match for both my skills and my experiences / I am a recent graduate from the University of … with a degree in …. I have over five years of experience as both a … as well as a… Main body: I believe very strongly in … / I have always made sure to represent both my employer and myself in a professional and ethical manner / I strive to ensure that I am always paying close attention to detail /. If I were to be hired by your company, I would be dedicated to … / I am a hard-working, driven individual and am both a motivated self-starter as well as an enthusiastic team player / I have worked exclusively within the … field for the past five years, and in that time, have worked in a wide variety of positions that I feel might benefit your company / I am experienced in accounting including finance and budgeting / I was also responsible for / I am actively looking for opportunities with companies that would allow me to continue that practice / I firmly believe in the integrity and professionalism of my work and strive to ensure that every aspect of what I do also upholds the company core values. Closing: In the hopes of scheduling an interview with you or answering any questions you might have about me, this letter or my resume, I will call you October 3rd / Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at any time at (555) 555-5555 or e-mail, Iamawesome@hireme.com / I will call you on April 16th to answer any questions about this letter or my resume in the hope of scheduling an interview / If you prefer, please contact me by phone (555) 555-5555 or e-mail, Iamawesome@hireme.com / Thank you for your time in considering my qualifications /I have included my resume which contains additional information on my experience and skills / I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the training program with you and to provide further information on my candidacy / I can be reached anytime via my cell phone, 555-555-5555 or by email at Iamawesome@hireme.co / I look forward to speaking with you about this exciting opportunity.

UNIT 3 WRITING ASSIGNMENT BRITISH CITIZENS SHOULD GET INVOLVED IN POLITICS, BECAUSE, BELIEVE OR NOT, THEY CAN HELP SHAPE BRITAIN’S POLITICAL LANDSCAPE It may be too late to complain when you are struggling to make a living, so forming even just a basic relationship with politics may serve you well for life. We’ve heard it all before: British citizens today are not engaged or interested with politics, and who can blame them? The distance between an ordinary passer-by and those in power might even seem gigantic. But we shouldn’t feel put-off politics because, ultimately, it will affect us all throughout our lives. Adapted from The Independent UK

Councils “at breaking point” A vast majority of local councils in Britain are making their employees redundant and some local authorities may be forced to close down some of their departments in the next two years, as councils struggle to weather their workers pressure caused by budget cuts and growing demand for job satisfaction and opportunities for promotion. A survey of councils in England led by the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) found that three-quarters had little or no confidence in the sustainability of local government workforce. They are failing to meet their employees’ expectations. Adapted from The Guardian UK

You have read these two articles above on the web and have become aware of the fact that getting involved in politics is the best way to make the world move forward. So, you have decided to write a local council in Britain a letter showing your interest to help their community and your willingness to make your own contributions working with them. Besides, it will also be a great opportunity for you to live an amazing experience abroad and improve your English!

Write between 170-220 words.

Belén García 7, Michelena Street Pontevedra 36001 canonpobelen@yahoo.es 650496786 Mr. Michael May HR Resources Lambeth Council South Lambeth Road London December 27th, 2018

Dear Mr. May, I hope you do not mind the direct approach. I recently came across an article outlining the pressures on your council and I am writing to enquire about any volunteering opportunities. I am interested in supporting immigrants in their day to day challenges in the UK, and believe my skill set could be of interest to your department. I have five-year accounting experience working for various small businesses and a keen eye for detail. In addition, I can act as a translator for Spanish speaking families or individuals who struggle with the language and tax system. I am actively looking for opportunities that would allow me to interact with UK nationals and, therefore, improve my English. I would relish the opportunity to work for a council such as yours and help make a difference. I enclose my resume so you can review my education and experience to date. I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss further with you or a member of your HR team. I can be reached on 0034650496786, or on the above email address. I look forward to hearing back from you on this exciting opportunity

Yours sincerely, Belén García

Valeria Oliveira Rua do Corvo, 75 36999 Melide valeria@valeria.net +34 684 587 48 December 2018 Amanda Clark Human Resources Blackburn Local Council Rosemary Avenue, 155 Blackburn, UK Dear Mrs. Clark, My name is Valeria Oliveira and I am a Professor at the University of Lugo. I have a degree in political science and I have a specific interest in studying the interaction between small communities and their local governments. My latest researches have led me to recent surveys alerting about the delicate situation local councils are going through in Britain. I strongly believe that Blackburn has the potential to become a modern and vibrant city plenty of economic possibilities. I have large experience in promoting political participation and finding economic resources focused on local innovation. I have been working as a resource manager in several city councils all around my country for more than a decade. I sincerely consider that I could contribute to a renewal of your city, finding the necessary boost which could move it to a more successful future. Working abroad and putting my English into practice would suppose an amazing challenge for me as well. I have included my CV and all the information I consider you could find interesting. Please do not hesitate to ask for any other information you could require. I would be glad to attend an online interview at any time convenient to you. Yours sincerely, Valeria Oliveira

Ana Salorio Echegaray 5, 5ยบD Pontevedra; 36002 anasalorio@gmail.com 678-617-036 Hugh Smith January 10, 2019 Human resources department Somerley Council, PO20 7HZ, Sussex United Kingdom Dear Mr. Smith, I have been reading about your budget cuts and their consequences in your city hall. Recently, I have had the opportunity to interact with members of other local government as a doctorate in international political relations. This is the reason why I am writing to you. In the last two years I have been working in a stay in the European Parliament in Brussels. This is one of the best places to learn and I understand how important it is that citizens get involved in politics to make the world move forward. I would be willing to help your community to bring the citizenship closer to politics and politicians to acquire a commitment with the community. This would prevent layoffs, closures of departments and would increase confidence in a common project run by politicians. I firmly believe in the integrity and professionalism of my work. I am a hard worker, enthusiastic and with enough experience to deal with a team. It would be a great opportunity to put my language skills into practice and create new personal bonds. In the hopes of scheduling an interview with you, I enclose my resume in this letter, so you can check my education, work experience and my breaking points to take part of this project. Thank you for your time in advance. I can be reached anytime via cell phone or email and we would be able to share points of view about this exciting opportunity. Yours sincerely, Ana Salorio

Xulia Gil MiguĂŠns C/Loureiro Crespo 123 36001 Pontevedra xuliagil@gmail.com 660539210 January 6, 2019 PR, Human Resources London Local Council Genova Street London Dear Sir or Madam, I recently came across an article in The Guardian UK outlining how British councils are struggling with budget cuts and how some of them may be forced to close down. This inconvenience affects the employees who are starting to feel put-off of politics, but this matter will affect us throughout our lives. For these reasons, I am sending you my resume in the hopes that I might be able to join your team. I believe very strongly in the power of words, but more so on how to use them. I became interested in politics when I first joined a debate club, as the spokeswoman, 10 years ago. As a team, we participate in many debate competitions that have taught me the importance of being articulate, analytical and committed in order to approach the audience. After that period of time, I have worked exclusively within the political field for another five years, and at that time, have worked in a wide variety of positions, which I feel, might benefit the council. I am conscious of the obstacles that your council is dealing with, and I consider that a young face could help divulge political awareness to the young, which is the next generation of politics. Besides, it will also be a great opportunity for me to experience working abroad. In the hopes of scheduling an interview with you or answering any questions you might have about me, this letter or my resume, please do not hesitate to contact me any time. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this opportunity. Yours faithfully, Xulia Gil MiguĂŠns

Pilar Moledo c/ Mayor nº 5 - 1º Pontevedra pmoledo@gmail.com 333-333-333 Elizabeth Huxley Human Resources Councilor Bristol Council 12W 15PH Bristol England December 21, 2018 Dear Mrs. Huxley, I am a recent graduate from the University of Santiago with a degree in Politics and I am very interested in a career involved in this area. I strongly believe in the idea that politics moves the world and politicians should work to make citizens’ lives easier. Local politics is the closest way to help and contribute to make the world fairer. I have worked as an intern in the local council of my city, so I know perfectly well how to treat people in a friendly manner and work under pressure. I am hard-working, driven individual and both a motivated self-started as well as an enthusiastic team player and have good organisational skills. I would like to work for your local council as this opportunity would let me live an incredible experience in your city, meet colleagues from other cultures and improve my English. I know your problems caused by budget cuts and your employees´ dissatisfaction but I am sure I can help to solve these conflicts. My resume is enclosed with this letter so you can review my education, work experience and achievements. I would appreciate an opportunity to talk with you or a member of the human resources department to see how my experience and skills could benefit your council. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you in the near future. Yours sincerely, Pilar Moledo

Dear Sir or Madam, I recently read a couple of articles about the fact that British citizens are not engaged in politics, and, for this reason, I am writing to Alton Council to show you my interest to support your community. Getting involved in politics is a good way to make the world move forward, above all,l when a Council has such an interesting educational programme as yours. I strongly believe that my experience as a teacher and my own personal values and talents might be a benefit for you. I have over five years of experience as a teacher, and in that time, have worked in a wide variety of positions that I feel might benefit your Council. Besides, I am hard-working and a motivated team player, as well as a good organizer. Nowadays, I am actively looking for opportunities that would allow me to continue that practice, but also to live an amazing experience abroad and improve my English. I have included my resume, which contains additional information on my experience and skills. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any question at any time at sandra@gmail.com. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you in the near future. Yours faithfully, Sandra Vรกzquez

Martín Fernández 60, Magister Street Scarborough, CA 67140 123@gmail.com 555-555-6912

John Doe December 28, 2018 PR, Human Resources Scarborough Local Council BlaBla Street Scarborough Dear Mr. Doe, I recently read an article in The Guardian about the different problems the vast majority of Local Councils in Britain are facing, and it is for this reason that I am writing to inquire if I can contribute in helping Scarborough’s local council stay afloat. I have worked abroad for three years with different charity organizations including Cáritas, Médecins Sans Frontières and Amnesty International, doing both volunteering and administrative work. I believe in the importance that local councils have in the maintenance of our cities and I want to help this one with my experience in the administrative field. Attached to this letter you can find my resume and preferences, do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email. I am also available at any time for an interview. I hope you consider this letter as I think my skills and experience will be useful in helping this council.

Yours Sincerely, Martín Fernández

Patricia Penela 6, Main Street Madrid 12345 patricia@email.com 652-315-246 Daniel Yates Brighton Council Labour Party Bartholomeun Rd Brighton December,21 2028 Dear Mr Yates, I recently read two articles on the digital edition of The Independent and The Guardian about why citizens should get involved in politics to improve our society. For this reason, I am sending you my resume, in the hopes that I might be able to join your team. I believe very strongly in the possibility of a better society if citizens work together to improve it. I have become aware of the fact that being part of the local government is a good start to change the world. I have over seven years of the experience as a social assistant and during my time in this role, I participated in the development of several projects. Besides, I am hard working and I have a lot of ideas that can contribute enormously to your party and help you to improve our community. Moreover, it will also be a great opportunity for me because I could live an incredible experience and practise my English. I have included my resume, which contains my qualifications, skills and some information on my experience. Please, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at any time. I look forward to speaking with you in the near future. Yours sincerely,

Patricia Panela Cheli Silva 47, Pe da Porta Street Pontevedra 36993 Chelisilva@gmail.com 606128989 Peggy Okeefe Human Resources Paignton Local Council Winner Street, 95 Paignton,UK Dear Mrs Okeefe, My name is Cheli Silva and I recently came across an article about Paignton outlining that the local government is going through a very difficult situation, both political and economic. For this reason, I feel my own personal values and talents might benefit you as I have a degree in marketing and political science. In fact, I am experienced in both fields since I have worked for my local council for the past seven years. During that time, I have worked in a wide variety of positions, which was a great opportunity to show my strong management skill. In addition, I consider myself an enthusiastic and dedicated professional with excellent analytical skills as well as being quick to grasp new ideas and concepts. I firmly believe that I could contribute to great improvements in your city and another thing worth mentioning is the chance to put my English into practice. My resume is included in this letter so you will be able to review my education, work experience and achievements. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at any time, I would be pleased to give you further information. I look forward to speaking with you in the future.

Yours sincerely, Cheli Silva

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