A Survey Report: Mass Media Consumption Habits in the UK

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MASS MEDIA CONSUMPTION HABITS IN THE UK INTRODUCTION The aim of this report is to examine the circumstances of mass media consumption in the UK between 2013 and 2016. SOURCES OF NEWS According to the article, four different types of mass media are represented, which have some similarities but also differences regarding the number of users. Around 2000 people were questioned about their preferences and the results show that both, online and social media alike, have been clearly modified by the behaviour and the use of citizens. RESULTS What is shown in the line graph is that both TV and Online media remained stable throughout the studied period with a slight and progressive fall in the number of users with an average of 75% of the data studied. In 2013, print media was used by around 60% of the interviewees whereas social one only by 20%. Since that year both sources showed opposite results until 2015 when they reached 38% and remained the same line until 2016. FUTURE OUTLOOK Despite the fact that online media will be used more and more by citizens in the future, since we are living in a technological society, only TV will keep a regular audience, perhaps due to the airing of programs aimed at a group rather than an individual, such as multi-events. However, print media will prevail for nostalgic ones and family environments.

MASS MEDIA CONSUMPTION HABITS IN THE UK Introduction The main objective of this report is to know what kind of news source UK citizens will use in the near future according to the above line graph and a second aim is to show the outcomes of those habits. Predictions from the mentioned research Taking in mind that the graphic ends with the figures of 2016, actual data could currently be different. A boom in the use of new technologies has driven to a fall of the common Print press. At the same time, the use of TV as a source of information is going to barely change due to its easy accessibility. Social press, based on gossips and rumours, will be reduced to a circle of regular customers but preserving its low rate of readers. Outcomes of present habits. The prevalence of Online press means a deep social change. Companies from the Print press sector have reduced their benefits at the same pace they have reduced their workforce. An evolution seems advisable, so, all of them are setting up a free online section. Recommendations Nobody can ignore the crucial role that Online press is playing in our society. On the ground of this trendy movement, companies are advisable to develop this line of work, with a short but free open section and another one, a low-cost full edition.

The future of the media Introduction The purpose of this report is to evaluate the results of a survey in which UK citizens were asked about their mass media consumption habits. The final section makes recommendations as to how the situation of print media could be improved. Consumption habits According to the survey there has been a considerable fall in the consumption of print media. Nevertheless, the trend of social media has increased gradually. Meanwhile, TV and online media remain stable. However, the tendency of TV has decreased and the one from online media has increased during the last year. Possible tendencies in the future The trend of online and social media is sharply rising, so it would be necessary to work on new solutions to increase the use of print media too. Recommendations Clearly, more could be done to improve the consumption of print media. I would make the following recommendations: â—? Reduce the cost of print newspapers â—? Make an offer that could only be found in print media, like a free magazine â—? Make a collaboration with some franchises for them to sell the newspaper in exchange for some money Should these recommendations be considered, the gap between traditional and new media outlets would be narrowed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Introduction​: The principal aims of this report are to provide an overview of mass media consumption habits and to identify factors which deter people from using them. I will use the results presented by Reuters Institute in the line graph above. Consumption Habits​: Media consumption habits changed dramatically in the UK between 2013 and 2016. Considering the information in the line graph, you will notice how the use of Social Media has peaked from 20% to almost the double. In contrast to this, Print Media heavily declined from 60% in 2013 to less than 40% in 2016. This is something we must closely analyze. As soon as we find the reasons why this has happened we can look for a solution. Regarding TV and Online Media, although they decreased about 10 % during the same period of time, with 70% of usage they are the most consumed media. We can use them as an example to solve Print Media troubles. Conclusions​: Considering the evidence we conclude that, as Print Media is the less used, the best solution would be to focus on attracting readers again without letting our guard down in the rest of the media. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Introduction: The aim of this report is to provide a description of general media consumption habits in the UK between 2012 and 2016. Furthermore, I would like to make speculations about the future preferences drawing information from the line graph. Description: As you can see, it is undeniable that the first thing which catches our attention in this graph is the fact that it shows an undoubted fall (around 20%) of interest in printed newspapers, which in 2015 had a weak rise but not enough to reverse that downward trend. The second important data is an evident growth of about 18% in social nets, which curiously describes an absolutely opposite increasing tendency remaining stable from 2015. As far as TV is concerned, we can say that it slightly dropped to about 5%. It had a moderate increase in 2015 and that was the inflection point, reaching 10% in 2016. Finally, online sources remained stable during the period and, in the second semester of 2015, they had overcome TV sources. Future preferences: It seems that the trend cannot hide the fact that online media will be the main source of news in the future. To sum up, throughout most of this time period, online sources outnumbered the rest of the figures, maintaining the same level, and social nets rose remarkably. Consequently, we can think that both types of news sources are here to stay!


Mass media consumption habits​. Introduction​. The principal objective of this report is to provide a description of mass media consumption habits in the UK for a certain period of time from 2013 to 2016. This includes the sources and platforms used at that time. Data facts​. This report outlines the results of a survey carried out to determine the sources of news in the UK. What this line graph does is illustrate that TV and online were the main sources. Moreover, there was a considerable fall in print sources well over 30%. Finally, the least popular was social sources, but part of them were included in online sources General mass media consumption habits​. According to the survey, television was the most widely used source of news but it was overtaken by online sources in 2016. That change may be due to the possibility of accessing the same information instantly instead of having to wait for scheduled programs. Furthermore, for the same reason the reach of printed newspapers declined rapidly and social media became much more important. Speculations about the future​. The future seems to be clear regarding the technological use for news research. Technology is bound to be the future in the world of journalism, being able to supersede other media, such as television or printed press, as sources of news.

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