Are you british enough

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ARE YOU BRITISH ENOUGH? Read the article below about a test for people who want to become British citizens. Fill in the gap with the right preposition. Then check your answers with the text on page 10 in your book. Good luck!! All the people who want (1)__________ become British citizens or apply (2) __________ permanent residence (3) __________ the UK must pass a British Citizenship Test. Some people say the test is too hard, others that it is impossible (4) __________ test “Britishness”. Here are some reactions: 1. I once read that the rock star Malcolm Mc Laren described being British (5) _________ “singing in karaoke bars, eating Chinese noodles, wearing Prada and Nike, holidaying (6) __________ Ibiza…”. Why do we need (7) __________ test that? 2. What is the point (8) ____________ the test if only one (9) ___________ seven Britons can answer? Surely to make this a real test more than half of Britons should be able to answer. (10) _______ my opinion, it´s totally unfair _ and a waste (11) __________ taxpayers’ money.

3. I don´t think anyone thinks (12) __________ themselves (13) __________ British. You ask people where they come (14) __________ and they say London, or Scotland or Kent. They never say Britain! If you ask me where I come (15) __________, I’ll say I´m a Londoner. If you ask me what nationality I am, I’m European.

4. I don´t think “Britishness” exists anymore. Figures (16) __________ Winston Churchill, bull dogs or Beefeaters are all irrelevant now. The only place you see them is (17) __________ postcards for tourists.

5. Why do we need a test? Most people that I know would fail it. Why don´t we welcome immigrants (18) _________ open arms?

6. My family is very proud (19) _________ be British. We came here (20) __________ Uganda (21) __________ the 1970s. (22) _________ those days, they didn´t have a test, but I think it is a good idea. People are always asking: What does this country do (23) __________ me? But a better question is: What can I do (24) __________ my country?

7. When I think (25) __________ Britain, I think (26) __________ the Royal family, cricket, warm beer, cheese and cucumber sandwiches and wet weather. Who cares (27) __________ these things? Why is the government wasting its time and money (28) __________ this? They should spend money (29) __________ making better schools and decent hospitals.

8. People often forget that Britain used (30) _________ be great. There was a time when we were proud (31) __________ wear the Union Jack. What happened (32) __________ all the good old-fashioned patriotism? It´s become a dirty word, but the true British qualities are still important. (33) ________ course we should test them.

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