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You work at a school and have found the following call for grants to be funded by the European Commission through its Department of Education. Write a cover letter showing your interest on the project.

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Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to considerately request a fund for our School Leadership Development Project on behalf of the Colombo European School in Madrid and as its executive director. As the newest educational center in our autonomous community, we are particularly interested in developing leadership capacity in our classrooms. Our groups are made up of a large number of students from diverse nationalities and the center needs a technological investment, a renovation of some of our facilities and an increase in the number of teachers. However, our faculty is willing to teach and all the educational team is enthusiastic about our project and eager to prove how we can be the most culturally inclusive school. We consider that it is important for students to experience leadership opportunities during their schooling to learn to develop communication and other interpersonal skills. Thus, we want to carry out group activities in which the responsibility is shared among the members of the group to achieve the goals of a team and to develop positively as individuals. Thank you for your consideration of our proposal. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Patricia Penela. __________________________________________________________________

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you with reference to the request for evaluating education projects focused on the learning and development of children aged 12 to 18. Our school is a modern center equipped with new technologies and the best teaching methods. It covers all the A-level courses for children aged 12 to 18. At the same time it is important to highlight that it is highly recognized. Nevertheless, we have a few shortcomings in our school, such as the following: Our buildings are a little old and not functional, and, unfortunately, our location is too far from the City centre. However. all these little problems will hopefully be solved by next year, as we have in mind the purchase of a new building in the City centre. Our detailed proposal is attached below and here is a summary of its main points: Firstly, a complete A-level programme for children from disadvantaged backgrounds directed by special teachers and with a low budget, supported by a large number of school loans and grants. Secondly, a new system to monitor every pupil and his/her progression. Finally, a wide and well-known name and experience of our centers. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Ft ____________

From: helensmith@osl.com To: departmentofeducation@europeancomission.eu Subject: Application for grants to be funded by the EC

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing on behalf of the Official School of Languages in Pontevedra, a language school dependent on the local government which provides the community with the study of foreign languages year by year. We respectfully request the open grant funded by the European Commission through its Department of Education for the “The Job Challenge’ project. As one of the only schools in Galicia that specializes in teaching children aged 12 to 18, this year we have been leading a programme focused on professional development and leadership for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. We are conscious of the economic crisis and how it has destroyed the access to quality jobs, particularly for people with fewer opportunities. Because of this, ‘The Job Challenge’ involves youths, foreign languages and professional skills in a real work environment, so it also works as an internship. Currently, our project has reached many achievements but our funds are running out. With your grant not only can we expand the programme but also accept more students. Thank you for your consideration of our request. Meanwhile, should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully,

Helen Smith Director of the OSL in Pontevedra

To: dfe@gov.eu Subject: Education projects - European Commission

To whom it may concern, I am writing to you with reference to the education project funded by the European Commission through its Department of Education. My name is Aldara Palmeiro Pazos and I am the School Principal of Escuela Activa La realidad, in Sanlúcar de Barrameda. I have been working in our alternative education method for the last 8 years and the results of all the students are still outstanding. One of the most important assets of our school is that we do not believe in rote learning to teach a lesson because children do not learn to think: they are just memorizing concepts but not really catching on the idea. Working with argument techniques is a much better way to achieve that goal. Another important pillar of our system is emotional education, the eternal forgotten skill in schools. Learning how to deal with defeat, getting to know our partner’s feelings or being sensitive within the working group are high priority tasks in order to reinforce personal development. We should not forget that we are not only training future workers, but also citizens. Our main shortcoming is that we compete with traditional schools, whose efficiency is commonly accepted as the most appropriate one. Sometimes we find it difficult to try to convince parents that the results of our methods will be achieved in the long term.

I look forward to receiving your reply, Aldara Palmeiro Pazos

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you with reference to the call made by your department (DfE) focused on the learning and development of children aged 12 to 18. I would like to show my interest in this funding round because my experience in the field might contribute to the development of vulnerable children. I have been working as a community worker for more than ten years and as an educator for the last five years. In my current position I could realize how difficult it is working with children from disadvantaged backgrounds. For instance, some of them come from marginal communities, have criminal records or are addicted to drugs. Although the goals at the beginning were very unmanageable due to the lack of fundings, with my enthusiasm, engagement and hard work we could definitely convince the community and civil authorities to contribute to our project and to help us with some special activities, such as the implication of young children in community services, health projects and environmental campaigns. I am available for an interview at any time. Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours faithfully, Pablo Lorenzo

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you with reference to the announcement of the DFE. I have been working as a teacher for the last ten years and I have quite a vast experience working with children from all sort of backgrounds. From our school and the PTA we try to give everyone the same equality of opportunities. This is one of our main priorities with our very limited resources. However, we are a very close-knit community, which makes us hard-working and persistent. From my point of view, one of the most important problems is that we spend a lot of money on materials and resources (like books) that we only use once. I strongly believe that with a better organisation we can pay off every euro we spend. My project consists of a chain of loans on which every student must participate by returning at the end of the year the materials that the school gave him/her at the beginning of the course. This idea will encourage a good relationship between students and teachers and between students themselves. At this age it is very important to establish a good rapport with their classmates. Thank you for your consideration of my request. Yours faithfully, Laura GarcĂ­a de Arana

Pontevedra, 25th October 2019 Dear Ms Jackson, I am writing on behalf of the Valle Inclรกn High School, of which I have been head of studies for the last five years. We are a public school located in Pontevedra, where several children from impoverished neighborhoods try to acquire a proper education. They did very well these past years, until the education cuts started to take place, but now we are struggling to stretch our budget. Our main worry is to help the children acquire not only academic skills, but also the personal ones that can help them to be successful in life. That is why we have incorporated a program where our students can develop abilities such as leadership, team play or proactivity among others. Unfortunately, our program is at risk due to the lack of monetary resources. We would feel very lucky if you consider our candidature for this DfE grant. For any further information, please do not doubt to contact me by telephone +34 676866724 or through this email account. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Elena Salgado

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you on behalf of Saint James School and as its school director with reference to the call for grants to be funded by the European Commission through its Department of Education. The aim of this letter is to request a grant for a new sports programme , which I consider of great importance for both the school and the students. The centre has been suffering a great deal of budgets cuts in the last ten years due to the economic crisis and this has led us to work under harsh conditions, not to mention the fact that most of our students come from disadvantaged backgrounds. For this reason, I believe that if we had the chance to offer them the opportunity to practise different sports in a relaxing atmosphere, they would improve not only personally but also academically. In addition to this, carrying out this project will definitely encourage them to integrate better.Taking everything into account, it is my belief that all measures are absolutely essential since all of them are part of a solution. Thank you for your consideration of our request. I would be pleased to give you further information about our project, as well as to answer any questions you might have. Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at any time. Looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Chely Silva School Director

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