A report on the costs of online shopping

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UNIT 6: A REPORT In this unit students have learned to write a report using formal English to show that they know how to analyze findings and draw conclusions from statistical data. The main key points to a successful report are: â—? Beginning with the purpose of your report. â—? Using the statistics to provide an objective summary of the result. â—? Using a clear layout with a title and paragraph headings. And last, but not least, reports must be totally objective and impersonal. Students can include their own comments or evaluation in the conclusion paragraph. Here are the reports students have written on the statistics below. I do think their job has been great! Judge for yourselves!

THE COST OF ONLINE SHOPPING Introduction The main aim of this study is to analyze the consumerism habits of the European citizens last year. The bar graph clearly represents the reasons consumers have for not buying over the internet. Obtained data It is the loyalty to shops, the habit and the security of seeing the goods that guide most consumers to shop in person. One out of four expressed concern about security paying over internet, whilst a little bit lower number of consumers, one out of five, suggest that it is the lack of skills that prevent them from buying online. Besides, concerns about receiving/returning goods, complaints and payment cards are the main reasons expressed by approximately 25% of the ones polled. However, it shows that the delivery of goods seems not to be a problem for most of the survey respondents. The survey indicates that there is a percentage of the population, probably that with a relatively high average age, that are not used to buying over internet. The loyalty to the stores and the need to see the product together with the lack of skills prevent them from buying online. It is simplification and easy access to the websites that must be increased in order to get this consumers confident with online purchases. Conclusions Online purchase has been growing up in the last decade. However, it is security paying, problems with receiving/returning goods, lack of IT skills and complaints and payment cards that are the main reasons for citizens to buy in regular shops.

MAIN REASONS TO BUY DIRECTLY IN STORES INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to examine the results of a survey conducted during the12 months prior to 2017, where costumers were asked about their preferences to buy goods directly in stores instead of buying online. STATISTICS DATA Six factors were included in the survey to obtain the results. However, as it can be clearly seen on the chart, almost 70% of the reasons for not buying over the Internet were related to the preference to making purchases in person, to see the product, store loyalty or habit. The second and third reasons were, respectively, security or privacy concerns, which represented 25%, and, approximately, 20% indicated the lack of knowledge to use purchases over the Internet. At the other end of the scale, we can see that the concerns about receiving, returning and claims were around 15%, which were more relevant than the 10% that did not have an online payment card. Finally, the percentage related with the delivery of goods is around 5%. CONCLUSIONS What the survey did was reveal that loyalty and reliability to the local store are the most important factors valued by the customers. In the light of the results, my recommendations are as follows:

REASONS SOME EUROPEANS WERE NOT SHOPPING ONLINE IN 2017 The bar chart illustrates the percentages of the main reasons why people did not buy goods or services from the internet in the European Union during the previous 12 months of the survey in 2017. What can be clearly seen is that almost 70% of the surveyed agreed that the main reason, by a large margin, was they preferred to shop in person. They liked to see the product. Besides, there’s the fact that they are loyal to their regular shops and bound to their own force of habit. During the same period we can also see 25% of consumers worried about payment security, almost 20% lacked skills or knowledge and around 16% of the people surveyed were concerned about difficulties receiving or returning goods or the ability to complain in case something went wrong. Besides, 12% did not have a payment card compatible with internet payments. What the end of the chart shows was that the less likely reason was having concerns about the delivery of the goods. The first bar of this report outlines how important it is for some users to, for instance, try clothes on before shopping them, to be able to have the product in their hands and also the preference to buy from local shops, improving the local economy of the place where they have been shopping routinely for years. Likewise, there seems to be a quite substantial concern on cyber criminals stealing your credit card information or any other kind of private data. In general terms, the measures I suggest would be to allow customers to pay in cash on delivery and make it free and easy to return products when they do not satisfy customers’ expectations, ticking off several concerns displayed in the chart.

UNSUCCESSFUL SHOPPING ONLINE The purpose of this report is to examine the results of a survey in which individuals were asked about the reasons for not buying over the internet. So, the information below summarizes statistics compiled by Eurostat in the European Union in 2017. As it can be clearly seen, by far the largest number of those surveyed responded that they prefer to shop in person, which proves that, among customers, being able to see the products and loyalty to shops were preferred to shopping online. Furthermore, about one quarter of those questioned expressed no interest in paying online, which indicates that concerns about payment security or privacy appeal. During the same period, nineteen per cent of respondents expressed lack of skills or knowledge, which shows that previous computer skills for shopping over the internet are required. What is more, a significant percentage of those who responded expressed not having a payment card allowing them to pay on the internet. Those facts imply that the average person was not really familiar with new technologies. Finally, a small minority of those questioned thought that the delivery of goods was a problem. In the same way, sixteen per cent of the people questioned expressed their concerns about receiving/returning goods or complaint/redress. Those facts indicate that companies have a big challenge on how to improve transport service and get a better feedback by their online customers. The results of this survey reveal that face to face shopping is the preferable option and most of the issues are related to the feeling of insecurity. I would recommend, therefore, that the efforts focus on increasing internet security.

THE COSTS OF ONLINE SHOPPING Introduction The principal aim of this report is to present the results of a survey about the different reasons for not buying over the internet. The data included were obtained from people who did not buy products in the previous twelve months in 2017. Data facts Firstly, the preference to buy in person, the possibility of seeing the products or the loyalty in shops were considerably the most outstanding factors that made people prefer not to purchase online. In addition, we can see other reasons such as payment security, privacy concerns, the lack of knowledge or the impossibility of having a payment card to pay over the internet. Nonetheless, they appeared with a percentage under twenty-five per cent. Speculation In general terms, most consumers prefer to shop in traditional stores instead of online ones, which is illustrated in the highest percentage. There is a great distrust for the veracity of some products that can only be seen in photo. On the other hand, fraud or phishing are problems that concern buyers enormously when purchasing online. This fact suggests that there is a great ignorance of the existence of secure methods of payment. Measures to be taken On the basis of the findings, it would seem that consumer confidence plays an important role in online shopping. Taking all the points into account, our recommendation is a campaign to inform of how you can buy safely online, how you can return goods or complain about a service. Moreover, what we should do is create a different method to see the products apart from picture display.

THE COSTS OF ONLINE SHOPPING IN EU INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to evaluate the results of a survey in which the citizens of the 28 member countries of the EU were asked about their reluctance to buy using the internet. What the chart does is summarize the information compiled in 2017 and show the percentage of individuals who did not buy or order goods or services over the internet for private use in the previous twelve months. ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS Almost 70% of the respondents prefer to buy in person by visiting the shop and looking at the product, adding their loyalty to shops and force of habit, which implies that seeing, touching and trying on, if necessary, the goods they are going to buy are the main reasons that motivate their refusal to use the internet. The second argument, as shown by 25%, is related to payment security or privacy concerns. It can be clearly seen that many citizens still mistrust the internet and fear the possibility that their personal or banking data can be used for criminal purposes. A lower percentage, by around 20 percent of the population questioned, stated to lack skills and knowledge, which illustrates that more and more Europeans have access to technology. Concerns regarding receiving and returning goods, complaints or redress were answered by 15% of respondents, which proves that companies try to solve this type of problems in order to satisfy the customer. Around 12 pointed the fact that they did not have a payment card that allows them to pay over the internet, which shows that many citizens still prefer to pay in cash. Likewise, today the delivery of goods is a minor problem which is demonstrated by the fact that only a little more than five percent of the people surveyed claimed this reason. CONCLUSION To sum up, it is evident that our citizens still prefer to go to the shop, to see, to touch and feel the product, so it is necessary to build up customer loyalty by offering more quality and a better service.

THE COST OF ONLINE SHOPPING The aim of this report is examining the reasons given by those reluctant to purchasing goods or hiring services over the internet for private use, gathered in the bar chart data provided by a 2017-Eurostat survey. The figures shown in the graph illustrate quite well what kind of concerns those potential customers have regarding online shopping. The chart clearly shows that a vast majority of those questioned preferred, among other reasons, purchasing products in person and experiencing them before buying. The second main reason not to order goods over the internet is the worries related to security and privacy, which only represents 25%. That was a bit shocking piece of information as we expected this to be the main cause together with the concerns about returning goods, avoiding scams and lodging complaints, which was only claimed by around 15% of respondents. There is also a significant number of the population studied, almost 20%, who claimed lack of skills or knowledge; this percentage probably represents the number of senior purchasers, less prone to be acquainted with new technology. Another 13% do not have the means to make a payment over the internet, presumably representing those badly off having problems with maintaining a bank account. Finally, we have a mere 6% where the problem was the delivery of the goods. In conclusion, we can see that, nowadays, the main hindrance to increase ecommerce seems to be the inertia and force of habits on traditional shopping rather than technology itself. Nonetheless, what we suggest is working on the payment methods reliability and on the policies regarding shipping and returning goods, as we believe that there is still room for improvement in those areas and since it would be more cost-effective in short term.

THE COST OF ONLINE SHOPPING INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to evaluate the problems of online shopping. It outlines the results of a survey that took place in 2017 with the aim to find the main reasons why people don’t buy over the internet. People who had not purchased anything in the previous twelve months where asked for their reasons. ANALYZING THE FACTS The striking feature of the chart is that 70 per cent of the peopled questioned declared that they preferred to shop in person and that they liked to see the product. Loyalty to shops and consumption habits were also mentioned in first place. A significant percentage, 25%, replied that payment security and privacy concerns are their big fears regarding internet purchases. 19% declared that it is their lack of skills or knowledge that prevents them from e-commerce. Besides, many people are afraid of being dissatisfied with the product, which is proved by the fact that 16% of the people questioned declared they were concerned about returning goods and complaints. Surprisingly enough, only 12% confessed that they didn’t have a payment card that allowed them to pay over the internet. At the end of the scale, a small proportion of people surveyed replied that the delivery of goods was a problem. CONCLUSION In the light of the results of the survey, it is evident that most of the customers were reluctant to buy over the internet because they preferred to see the physical product and to have someone to ask. In this sense, we should remark the loyalty they have towards their regular shops. Methods of payment and privacy should also be taken into account in order to increase their activity on the web. To sum up, it is evident that actions should be taken. I would suggest opening a physical shop where our customers could see and try the products we offer. They are very concerned about security on the internet. Therefore, secure methods of payment should also be implemented. An efficient delivery system is required by our potential clients. That is why a punctual shipping company is essential. In addition, an online help service and a 24-hour telephone assistance should also be costless supplied.

HOW TO INCREASE ONLINE SHOPPERS This report outlines the results of a survey carried out to discover the causes that deter European Union citizens from online shopping. The results immediately highlight a huge reluctance to change traditional shopping habits. The most striking feature of the bar chart is that seven out of ten of the people questioned place the necessity of seeing the product in advance, plus the personal contact with the shop-assistant, as the core reasons for avoiding online shopping. Other concerns related to the process, such as payment methods or delivering and returning procedures are clearly situated at the bottom of the scale of worries. It is also remarkable that only a percentage slightly superior to 10% endorse the lack of an online payment system as the reason to avoid online shopping, while almost 20% of the inquired attribute it to shortcomings in their IT skills using the Internet. From all this data we may confer that it is not distrust on the Internet which dissuades customers from using it for regular shopping. Conversely, it seems more likely that it is in the goods they will receive where they place the lack of confidence. The survey clearly shows that there is still room to improve and to expand the online market. Introducing incentives such as significant price reductions for online shopping could encourage people to overcome their reluctance. Others may revolve around the introduction of loyalty cards linked to credit cards, in order to simplify the payment process for regular customers. As a final recommendation, a most attractive and intuitive interface of the company’s website could also help to reach this final goal.

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