An opinion article

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UNIT 8: An opinion article In this unit students are going to write an opinion article to show that they know how to express conclusions from statistical data. The main key points to a strong opinion piece are: ● An eye-catching title which attracts the reader’s attention ● ● ● ● ●

and suggests the theme of the article. Articles can also have subheadings before each paragraph. An introduction which clearly defines the topic to be covered and keeps the reader’s attention. The main body of two to five well-connected paragraphs in which the topic is further developed in detail. The conclusion summarising the topic, the final opinion or a comment. Linking words or expressions and a variety of vocabulary.

And last, but not least, articles must not use over-personal or over-emotional language or simplistic vocabulary. Avoid writing about yourself because you are writing for a specific readership.

THE NEWS SERVICE PROVIDERS WE UTILISE How is current society informed? According to the American Press Association survey, an overwhelming majority finds out about the news not only on traditional media, but also online, on their electronic devices. Half of the ones pulled consider that nowadays it is easier to be informed than it was five years ago. Besides, what a significant majority prefers is local media or TV, as much as newspapers. However, most of them read the news online. Additionally, a little bit more than a half of the survey respondents listen to the news on a radio station. It is the 21st century that we are living in, where many bulletin providers are utilised to know about our local news. So, speculating about the future is highly hazardous since the last years evolution is not indicated, neither age groups. Nevertheless, in my view, local media will increasingly continue providing broadsheets just on a digital format. On the other hand, I am absolutely certain that radio stations will increase their consumer rate, because people are interested in local news, but, above all, due to the fact that it is the only way for media multitasking to prevail. To sum up, the way we consume local media today is bound not to change regarding radio stations. As for the rest of the news service providers, there will be an evolution into the latest digital bulletins, where news are always up-to date.

THE MEDIA´S OUTLOOK The infographic published by the American Press Association shows us how, nowadays, American media consumers are getting informed. It is immediately apparent that on a typical day most Americans prefer being updated through multiple platforms to using a single media platform. What the data report is that the largest number of those surveyed responded positively to the statement of Keeping informed through several sources. In addition, the responses of the questionnaires claim that just over a half of American citizens consider it easier to keep up with news currently that it was five years ago. Meanwhile, a quarter of those questioned claim there is no difference between now and five years ago, and only 18% of them find harder to stay informed, which indicates that American media consumers are becoming more objective than years ago due to the wide range of platforms they browse on a daily basis. Surprisingly enough, reading the news in a national newspaper is almost not taken into account by media consumers, who prefer local newspapers. However, watching the news on national or local TV and reading the news online are the most demanded. In the light of the results, local media are broadly well-positioned, which proves they appeal. However, local media should focus their efforts on online platforms in the near future because new generations, such as Millennials or Generation Z, are not only on the verge of being media consumers but also highly exposed to the internet and mobile phones.

NEWS CONSUMPTION IN THE 21st CENTURY How does an average American citizen consume news nowadays? A last year survey carried out by The American Press Association throws some light on this issue, as follows. Firstly, the figures reveal that more than one-half of adults claimed that, currently, it is easier to access information than 5 years ago. This optimistic belief is certainly underpinned by the incorporation of traditional mass media to the internet, the boom of the so-called “citizen journalism� and social media. The news offer has never been so numerous as these days. Secondly, only an insignificant minority of Americans declared to use a single media platform to be informed, in contrast with the 50% who answered using between 4 and 6 different platforms for the same purpose. With the increasing in popularity of the internet as a means of access to media content, either audiovisual or written, one would expect a reduction in the use of traditional platforms like TV or radio. Nevertheless, they still seem to be a solid choice since over two-third of the enquired watch the news through either a local or national TV stations. The next platforms in popularity are the internet (through computers and tablets), the radio, and reading the news in local newspapers; all of them with more than 50% of support. On the bottom of the list, it is the national broadsheets with 17% of preference, while smartphones are in-between with 11 points over the latter. In conclusion, for the time being, local media (especially on TV) have prevailed over the irruption of the usage of new online platforms. It is the first choice regarding audiovisual content and written alike, with no signs of this changing in the near future.

NEWS CONSUMPTION In our current society, a modern media consumer uses diverse platforms to get informed, such as traditional media outlets and social sites. This can be clearly seen in this infographic, which shows this fact by taking the Americans as an example. On a typical day, 78% out of 92% American citizens watch the news on a local TV station, as it delivers closer information. In comparison with that percentage, 73% prefer a national TV channel that gives general news. In addition, 61% read online newspapers and magazines in order to be aware of what is happening around them and worldwide. Likewise, 54% listen to the radio when they are at home or driving, which is proved by the fact that this media only stimulates the ear, allowing you to do other tasks. Furthermore, half of the Americans read local newspapers and 17% get informed with national ones. Finally, 26% take advantage of their cell phones, which is illustrated by the fact that smartphones can be more convenient and immediate than, for instance, printed media. To conclude, this infographic confirms that both national and local media companies coexist perfectly in this global world of ours and, in a long term, this situation will remain almost the same. However, local media will have to adapt to new digital formats.

HOW DO WE OBTAIN THE INFORMATION WE CONSUME? Introduction The graph illustrates the figures of the main platforms that citizens use every day to obtain the information they consume. As we advance in the forecasts shown, most of us prefer to check the news in more than two channels. Statistics Data Figures will surprise very few. As we can imagine, TV is the first platform chosen before others. More than 70% of adults have preferred this channel as the first option to be informed. In this case, the difference between those who prefer a local or national channel is irrelevant. At the other end of the scale we find that mobile phones are selected to read the news, which represents 26%, or the national press, with their poor figures of 17%. Finally, in the middle of the scale are media outlets. Surprisingly, a significant number of interviewees said they preferred to read the news online, more than 60%. There was an exceptional upward trend with this platform as never seen before. Conclusions Without a doubt, the method to be informed has been transforming rapidly in the last decades. Different platforms must adapt to these changes if they want to continue being in the market. Consumers want to be up to date everywhere and at all time. The future of communication is to have flexible platforms where everyone can select the information that interests them and the simplicity of their use.

WHO IS THE MODERN MEDIA CONSUMER? The American Press Association has published the results of a survey conducted among American citizens in order to speculate about what the media future will be like. According to the infographic elaborated with the data, 92 % of the American respondents utilise multiple platforms to be informed and, among them, almost half -46%- watch or read between four and six media every day. What these figures prove is the importance that our citizens place on contrasting news, which is illustrated by the fact that only 7% prefer to use a single media platform. Surprisingly, there is a significant eight percent of the population who do not worry about what is happening in the world. With reference to the different platforms, the highest level of those surveyed -78%- choose a local TV station to watch news, followed very closely, with 73%, by those who prefer a national TV station, whereas 61% state to read news on the internet. A lower percentage, by around 54 , claims to listen to news on a radio station at home or when they commute. Exactly half of the respondents get informed from a local newspaper and, at the other end of the scale, 26% use their phones, whereas only 17% read a national newspaper. Likewise, 55% of the adults questioned attest that it is easier to provide news and information nowadays than it was five years ago, whilst a quarter does not find a difference. Interestingly, 18% express the opposite, which may be due to the amount of media within our reach. To sum up, it is clear to me that these results imply that traditional ways of communication still play an important role in our society and, especially, local media. From my point of view, the survey seems to indicate that even though we live in a fast-paced world, we want to know what is happening in our closest environment; that is, the issues which affect us most directly, which states the fact that local media will not disappear in the near future.

NEWS CONSUMPTION IN THE 21ST CENTURY Nowadays there are plenty of different types of platforms which can be used to get informed on what is happening just straight away. For instance, the infographic shows that 92% of Americans use multiple platforms whereas 46% of them get news from 4-6, which is in contrast to the 7% of them who use a single one. On the one hand, 55% of adults consider that keeping up with news and information is much easier today than it was five years ago. But, on the other hand, 25% of adults say that there has been no difference in the last five years and 18 % think that it is harder. It can also be clearly seen in the graphic that 78% of the individuals keep on watching the news on a local TV station and 73% on a national one, while 54% continue listening to a radio station at home or in the car as a way of getting information about what is happening in the world. Other points worth mentioning are that 61% read the news online, 50% use a local newspaper and 17% a national one.Even so, there is a 26% who use their mobile phones to keep up to date. Taking everything into consideration, it is my belief that some of the platforms being used today are bound to disappear. The future of local media is changing at a great speed as the new generations do not usually read the newspaper, listen to the radio or watch TV due to new technologies.

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