Private Pilots Licence The Helicopter Private Pilots Licence otherwise know as the PPL H is the basic licence that allows a person to fly helicopters for his or her own pleasure without receiving pay or reward. It is also the first step to becoming a commercial helicopter pilot if this is your long term goal and have a career in aviation. We have compiled these notes to give you some informal guidance about the PPL (H).
The Course The PPL course is set out by the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) as a minimum training course to which all training schools must adhere. This is now becoming the same licence throughout Europe so you may use it equally in other countries. The requirements are: Minimum age of 17 to log hours 45 hours flight instruction of which :o 10 must be solo o 5 must be instrument flying o a navigation of 100 nautical miles with two landings 7 written examination all multiple choice A class 2 medical A flight test with a CAA examiner
We’ll go into more detail and break the list up but basically what we are trying to achieve in the course is that during the course you will receive training and help, to enable you to pass all the exams and tests to gain your licence, and provide you with the basic skills and knowledge to allow you to develop as a safe and competent helicopter pilot. We’re not looking in the PPL to make you the best pilot in the world but to make you safe for your follow on flying.
Learning to fly helicopters will be one of the most rewarding and satisfying things you do. It will become addictive, rewarding, challenging and fun. It is not difficult, but it does take some getting used to as you will be learning a new skill like learning to ride a bike. You will probably feel frustrated at some point in the course. At other times you will be on cloud nine with what you have achieved. You will almost certainly enjoy the flying most, but do not neglect the ground school which is there to give you essential knowledge.