Strategic plan q1 update

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Success Plan 2016-2018 Mission Area



Perinatal Research Registry



Objectives with Progress through 2017 Q1 Medical Steering Team identified Steering Team identified.

Resource Requirement with update through 2017 Q1 $80,500 $471.18

Finalization of dataset, policies and procedures Dataset complete. Policies and procedures complete IRB approval IRB application in process Creation of website URL secured Website created Database creation Database will be created after IRB approval Survey created in Survey Monkey Marketing plan creation and implementation Initial plan created. Marketing materials created Will implement once IRB approval obtained


Collection of records for 500 pregnancies Awaiting IRB approval IRB renewal N/A for 2017


Collection of records for 1000 pregnancies Awaiting IRB approval 2018

Abstraction of 1000 records Collection of records for 1000 pregnancies


IRB renewal Abstraction of 1000 records Distribution of data to first researchers STARS Study


Publication of 2 papers related to registry Presentation of STARS data at professional conference STARS data presented at ISA/ISPID conference in Uraguay in Sept 2016

$16,000 $6,275

Creation of policies and procedures for data access P/P created and distributed to STARS team



Health Professional Retreats and Support

2018 2016

Publication of three papers Paper on fetal movement written J. Warland and A. Heazell – submitted to BJOG Presentation of STARS data at professional conference STARS data to be presented at Stillbirth Summit by J. Warland Review of policies and procedures for data access Publication of two papers Paper on fetal movement submitted to BMC Preg/Childbirth by Warland & Heazell Publication of one paper Provide family support items to 5 hospitals Provided support items to Waconia, Maple Grove, and Methodist hospitals in MN Provided supplies for North Shore Hospital and Westchester Hospital in NY Provided supplies for Sanford Health in Fargo, ND hospital Provided supplies for Mary Immaculate Hospital in Richmond, VA Creation of inventory system to track use of materials Complete Dec 2016 Host 3 health professional retreats for Minnesota hospitals Retreat for Waconia Hospital held in May 2016


$11,000 $43,000 $7,854



Allina/United Hospital retreat scheduled for Sept 2016 – postponed due to nursing strike effective 9/5/16; rescheduled for May 2017 Maple Grove Hospital retreat scheduled for Oct 2016 NY chapter discussing retreats with local hospitals Retreat for VA hospital held in Sept 2016 Retreat for Duluth, MN hospital held Nov 2016 and a second retreat being discussed for spring 2017

Positive feedback received on surveys Very positive feedback from all retreats Provide family support items to 7 hospitals Family support items to Regions Hospital, Fairview Riverside, Ridges, Regional West Medical Center, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Maple Grove Hospital, Corpus Christi, TX; Grand Rapids, MI

$56,500 $22,465.68

Host health professional retreats for 3 Minnesota hospitals and 2 facilities outside of Minnesota Retreat for Waconia Hospital in Waconia, MN in Feb 2017 Same day retreat held for Regions Hospital in St. Paul, MN in March 2017 Retreat for United Hospital in St. Paul, MN scheduled for May 2017 Retreat for Essentia St. Luke’s Hospital in Duluth, MN scheduled for May 2017 Same day retreat scheduled for St. Ann’s Hospital in Columbus, OH scheduled for May 2017 Half-day session scheduled for Douglas County Hospital, Alexandria, MN for May 2017 Retreat for North Shore Hospital in NY (Long Island) being scheduled for Fall 2017


Positive feedback received on participant surveys Positive feedback to date Provide family support items to 10 hospitals


Host health professional retreats for 6 facilities across the country Online Education


Positive feedback received on participant surveys Selection and set-up of learning management system complete Creation and launch of 2 courses memory making course created


Participation in courses by 25 health professionals memory making course attended by 80 nurses in Honduras (taught by Sue Steen) 2017

Positive responses on course evaluations Review and revise 2016 courses offered


Creation and launch of 3 additional courses Participation in all courses by 50 health professionals Positive responses on course evaluations Review and revise 2017 courses offered


Creation and launch of 3 additional courses Participation in all courses by 100 health professionals Pod Cast


Positive responses on course evaluations Creation of policies and procedures


Blogtalk subscription secured and features designed Complete guest scheduling for first 6 months (monthly) Implement marketing plan Air first three programs Average of 20 live listeners each program 2017

Implement and review evaluation surveys of participants program initiated in 2017. Will implement 2016 goals for 2017. Procedures created Utilizing iTunes instead of Blogtalk First podcast published April 2017 iTunes approval for podcast completed 216 people listened to first blog to date Air monthly programs for 12 episodes/year

$16,400 $150.00

Average of 30 listeners each program and 100 ‘hits’ to recorded programs 2018 See Me Feel Me/ Parenting in Pregnancy



2018 Stillbirth Evaluation


Implement and review evaluation surveys of participants Air monthly programs for 12 episodes/year Average of 30 listeners each program and 150 ‘hits’ to recorded programs Use of materials by 20 organizations Materials in use by 10 organizations Supply depleted Copy revised and reviewed by Medical Steering Team. Renamed Parenting Through Pregnancy. With graphic designer for reformatting. Revision completed Revision completed Feb 2017 Use of materials by 25 organizations Materials being used by Loss Doulas International, NILMDTS Positive feedback from users Use of materials by 30 organizations Positive feedback from users Conduct literature review complete

$16,400 $11,000

$15,000 Included in above patient education expense $14,500 $59,000

Project IMPROVE curriculum obtained and adapted for US Waiting on PSANZ to finish revising their curriculum for US Patient education materials developed and approved complete Project IMPROVE faculty selected and trained Dr. Ruth Fretts and Dr. Robert Silver involved Additional faculty being identified First Project IMPROVE course scheduled Improve scheduled for June 2017 in conjunction with Stillbirth Summit


Continuing education credits obtained CE application in process Literature Review published

$34,500 Education materials

Patient education materials distributed and in use by 25 health organizations Materials being used by Waconia Hospital, Loss Doulas International

included in expenses above

Host Project IMPROVE course in US Scheduled for June 2017 9 participants confirmed to date 2018

Positive feedback from participant evaluations Patient education materials reviewed


Increase use of patient education materials by 25 health organizations Host 3 Project IMPROVE courses in US Stillbirth Summit


Positive feedback from participant evaluations Dates/locations secured Dates June 21-23, 2017 Location: Embassy Suites, Bloomington, MN

$19,000 $1,322.40

Planning process created and implemented Created and in process Sponsorship program created Program completed and published Theme determined and abstracts collected Theme: Partnering for Stillbirth Prevention Abstracts collected in Fall 2016 Agenda determined Agenda finalized Feb 2017 Marketing plan created and implemented Marketing plan created; save the date posted on social media Save the Date cards printed for distribution at fall events Social media efforts to begin in January Mailings to health professionals in spring 2017

Planning process completed complete

$125,000 $12,690.31

Event hosted for 250 attendees current registrations at 62 individuals Action plan created during final day of event Positive feedback from participant surveys 2018

Date and location identified for 2019 event Publication of 2017 event proceedings


Secure venue for 2019 event Planning process identified Sponsorship program created Marketing plan created and implemented Theme determined and abstracts collected Journal of Perinatal Loss

2016 2017 2018

Agenda determined N/A N/A Application process complete, journal approval by BMC Journal year one sponsorship/funding secured

N/A N/A $51,000 or $126,000 depending on structure used

Editorial Board positions filled & first meeting held Initial call for authors released Awareness

Awareness Campaign


Deadline for first journal submissions established Creation of awareness campaign and plan Miss America 2011 Teresa Scanlan completed awareness video on parenting your baby before birth, monitoring fetal movement Videos/stories collected from families at New York Champion events (2) and Fargo, Houston Champion events Stories collected from Maple Grove nurses in July 2016 Videos will be edited and become part of new website

$13,000 $4,091


2017 Champions program

2018 2016

October Awareness efforts around theme of “Partnering for Stillbirth Prevention� in Oct 2016 on social media

Hits/views/ materials to 10,000 people Miss America video with 17,902 views to date Hits/views/ materials to 15,000 people 780 blog subscribers Hits/views/ materials to 10,000 Support 12 Champion events 15 events held

$6,500 $6,500 Administrative support, fundraising expenses within each event

3,500 attendees at Champion events 3,422 attendees


Create awareness program for Champion events Signage with awareness messages created for use at events Support 14 Champion events 1 event held to date 13 additional events being planned

Administrative support, fundraising expenses within each event

4,000 attendees at Champion events 123 attendees to date Revise awareness program for Champion events 2018

Support 16 Champion events 5,000 attendees at Champion events


Focus Groups



Revise awareness program for Champion events Complete literature review Literature review complete Host focus groups IRB application finalized & submitted to University of Michigan IRB Pilot study focus groups conducted in August 2016 Focus groups being scheduled pending IRB approval Enrollment for groups will begin after IRB approval Create draft of recommendations document IRB approval obtained April 2017

Administrative support, fundraising expenses within each event $21,500 $536


Finalization of recommendations document Endorsement of document by 25 health professionals, organizations, agencies 2018

Publication of literature review Publication of document and process in scholarly journal


Use of document by 100 health professionals, organizations, agencies

Advocacy Initiatives



Endorsement of document by 15 health organizations/agencies/ individuals in one other state OR planning for replication of process for one other state Report to MN Maternal Child Health Task Force includes Star Legacy Foundation recommendations Work group recommendations submitted to the task force in Dec Passage of MN bill to allow one-time tax credit for stillbirth families Passed Meeting held to provide information for individuals in other states interested in introducing similar legislation in their states. 35 people from 25 states were represented. Continued discussions with teams in NY, CT, and WI Passage of MN bill to require insurance companies to cover the cost of stillbirth evaluation On hold pending more research

$9,000 $1,525


Passage of stillbirth legislation in other states North Dakota passed tax credit Passage of additional stillbirth legislation in MN Family Support

Family Support Initiatives

2018 2016

Peer Companion Training for 6 individuals NY Metro training held in Nov 2016 – 14 individuals trained Peer companion support provided for 30 families Supported 42 families Sympathy cards sent to all perinatal loss families in MN Complete Support groups established for perinatal loss, subsequent pregnancy, and extended

$9,000 $25,700 $6,506

families of perinatal loss Support groups for perinatal loss and subsequent pregnancy were implemented in April 2016. Extended family group began in August 2016. These groups all being held in Edina, MN Support groups being discussed for NY Metro for subsequent pregnancy and Spanish-speaking perinatal loss groups MN support groups changed to live, online groups available throughout the country. Improved attendance and reach. Positive feedback.


Participants will rate the program as beneficial or highly beneficial Positive feedback from online support group participants Peer Companion Training for 6 individuals Training scheduled for MN in May 2017

$30,200 $1,949.20

Peer companion support provided for 30 families 17 families supported to date Sympathy cards sent to all families in MN Complete through March 2017 Support groups established for persons of color or minority cultures Support groups for perinatal loss, subsequent pregnancy, and extended families of perinatal loss increase attendance by 10% over 2016 attendance. Participants will rate the program as beneficial or highly beneficial


Analysis of need/feasibility of offering support groups or peer companion services through existing Star Legacy Foundation chapters Peer companion training for 6 individuals Peer companion support provided for 30 families Sympathy cards sent to perinatal loss families in MN Support groups for perinatal loss, subsequent pregnancy, extended families of perinatal loss, and families of color or minority cultures increase attendance by 10% over 2017 attendance Establish support groups for fathers


Participants will rate the program as beneficial or highly beneficial

Support Line


Establish support groups or peer companion services in designated areas as appropriate based on results of needs analysis and feasibility study Policies and procedures developed P/P developed with Shannon


Identification and contracting with counsellors Shannon initial counsellor, will F/U and consider additional counselors as needed Launch marketing plan Marketing plan developed and launched on social media and in newsletter Distributing information about support line to hospitals Process 50 calls 6 calls YTD 2017

Positive feedback in evaluation survey of individuals served Review policies and procedures


Identify and contract with additional counsellors as needed Process 100 calls 2018

Positive feedback in evaluation survey of individuals served Identify and contract with additional counsellors as needed


Process 150 calls Organizational Growth



Positive feedback in evaluation survey of individuals served Branding plan identified and implementation plan created Steering team selected Elevation, board approved expense Work began in July 2016 New logo selected Sept 2016 Create and implement new website template that is mobile friendly Work began in July 2016, expected launch Jan 2017 Top 5 organizations listed when searched using keywords of stillbirth, stillbirth research,

$20,000 $3,109

and stillbirth education #85 (stillbirth) #8 (stillbirth research) #1 (stillbirth education)



Chapter Development



Designation as Great Non Profit Designation achieved Top 3 organizations listed when searched using keywords of stillbirth, stillbirth research, and stillbirth education > 100 (stillbirth) #7 (stillbirth research) #1 (stillbirth education) Designation as Great Non Profit Designation achieved Top organization listed when searched using keywords of stillbirth, stillbirth research, and stillbirth education Designation as Great Non Profit NY Metro Chapter will have 30 members 35 members Two new chapters created New chapters in San Diego, CA and Ohio NY Metro Chapter increase membership by 10%

$10,000 $12,136.00


Administrative support

Administrative support

2016 Chapters increase membership by 10%

2018 Fundraising


Two new chapters created Chapter applications from Massachusetts and Western Michigan Established chapters increase membership by 10% Two new chapters created Increase gross receipts by 15% over previous year 2016 gross receipts = $513,096.64, 214% of 2015 total

Administrative support Administrative support Contract with grant writers as appropriate Fundraising expenses within individual events


Increase gross receipts by 10% over previous year 2017 YTD gross receipts = $84,510.39, 16.5% of 2016 total

Administrative support Contract with grant writers as appropriate


Increase gross receipts by 10% over previous year

Fundraising expenses within individual events Administrative support Contract with grant writers as appropriate



Establish working relationship with 3 new organizations Created working relationship with Faith’s Lodge, Cribs for Kids, #HonorAllMoms, DoulaSpot, MN ACOG, Wisconsin Guild of Midwives, Grieve Out Loud, MN Perinatal Loss Network

Fundraising expenses within individual events Administrative support

Present information about Star Legacy and programs at 3 events Presence at Allina Health Perinatal Bereavement Conference and Beyond the Baby Blues Conference Presented at Wisconsin Guild of Midwives quarterly meeting Scheduled to have a display at the Minnesota Perinatal Association annual meeting Sponsoring PLIDA Conference in Phoenix, AZ in Sept 2016 with exhibit table Sponsored Perinatal Loss – an African American Perspective – presented by Kemet Circle; See Me Feel Me materials provided for participants Attended ISA/ISPID conference and STARS study data will be presented Applied to sponsor/attend MN ACOG Annual Meeting Increase social media presence by 20% YTD facebook following is 6318, +0.01% YTD twitter following is 1909, +18.2% YTD Instagram following is 208, +100%


Increase newsletter subscriptions by 10% YTD newsletter followers is 8926, +36.2% Establish working relationship with 3 new organizations Established relationship with Brighter Days, Fairview Health System

Administrative support

Present information about Star Legacy and programs at 5 events Increase social media presence by 15% YTD facebook following is 3786, -40% YTD twitter following is 1946, +1.9% YTD Instagram following is 240, +1.0%


Increase newsletter subscriptions by 7% YTD newsletter followers is 9507, +6.5% 18% open rate Special Summit newsletter went to 18,046 Establish working relationship with 3 new organizations

Administrative support

Present information about Star Legacy and programs at 8 events Increase social media presence by 10% Maintain 501(c)(3) status


Leadership Development

2017 2018 2016

Increase newsletter subscriptions by 5% Remain in good standing as 501(c)(3) organization with IRS Charity registration filed with State of Minnesota 990 filed August 2016 Remain in good standing as 501(c)(3) organization with IRS Remain in good standing as 501(c)(3) organization with IRS Executive Director with appropriate credentials and experience identified and hired Lindsey Wimmer started 1.4.16 All Board members offered orientation at beginning of term or upon request Amy Kent oriented April 22, 2016 Tyler Hughes oriented June 27, 2016 100% compliance by Board members of expectations Evaluation to be conducted in July/August 2016 100% of Board members will report good or excellent understanding of organizational mission met 80% of Board members will report good or excellent understanding of projects met

Administrative support Administrative support Administrative support Administrative support Board of Directors support Contract board development consultants as needed Salary for Executive Director as determined to be appropriate by the BOD Compensation committee Salaries for additional

Host annual board retreat and training activities Board retreat held April 22-24, 2016

staff members appropriate for job description

Annual review of Board composition and development of plan to address gaps Analysis of Board completed at board retreat Board membership process revised and approved at July 2016 BOD meeting Board of Directors Compensation committee will conduct annual review of Executive Director Scheduled for April 2017 Quarterly meetings being held with compensation committee and executive director


Annual review of bylaws completed met All Board members offered orientation at beginning of term or upon request 100% compliance by Board members of expectations 80% of members attended Q1 meeting 100% of Board members will report good or excellent understanding of organizational mission

Administrative support Board of Directors support Contract board development consultants as needed

80% of Board members will report good or excellent understanding of projects Host annual board retreat and training activities Scheduled for April 2017 Annual review of Board composition and development of plan to address gaps Board of Directors Compensation committee will conduct annual review of Executive Director


Salary for Executive Director as determined to be appropriate by the BOD Compensation committee

Annual review of bylaws completed

Salaries for additional staff members appropriate for job description

Executive Director will identify and hire needed personnel including annual review of any staff members Amy Kent contracted for Champion Coordinator, started March 2017 All Board members offered orientation at beginning of term or upon request

Administrative support

100% compliance by Board members of expectations 100% of Board members will report good or excellent understanding of organizational mission 80% of Board members will report good or excellent understanding of projects Host annual board retreat and training activities Annual review of Board composition and development of plan to address gaps Board of Directors Compensation committee will conduct annual review of Executive Director Annual review of bylaws completed Executive Director will identify and hire needed personnel including annual review of any staff members

Board of Directors support Contract board development consultants as needed Salary for Executive Director as determined to be appropriate by the BOD Compensation committee Salaries for additional staff members appropriate for job description

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