Christians And Planet Earth

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What are the origins of life? What is a Christian view on pollution?

Thursday, 03 November 2011 L.O.’s 1. To understand what Christians believe about the origins of life. 2. To understand the responsibilities Christians believe humans have to the world when we pollute it. KEYWORD Stewardship – the idea that believers have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God.

Starter 1. Write three ultimate questions to which you would like to know the answers about this universe. (An ultimate question is one with no right or wrong answer, e.g., is there life after death?) 2. Swap pages with the person next to you, and try and answer each other’s questions. Use another colour pen or pencil, write in full sentences and write your name after your answer. 3. Look at your newspaper stories – Wha tdid you find? Compare with the story that your teacher has issued and discuss….

Activation/Demonstration – Watch the story of Creation and the flood – Fill in your Genesis Story table;

During the clip take notes on the 7 days. Complete with words AND pictures. Write 3 questions at the bottom about Creation.

Day/Stage 1

Day/Stage 4

Day/Stage 5

Day/Stage 2

Day/Stage 6

Day/Stage 3

Day/Stage 7

1. Mix and Match the key words on your sheet. 2. Explain these 7 Keywords

Challenge: Can you put all of them into one sentence? Awe Belief Creation Evolution Genesis Myth Stewardship

Awe -Wonder and respect for creation. Belief -Trust or confidence in God.

Creation -God’s act of bringing the universe into being. Evolution -A gradual development to a complex form. Genesis -The beginning or origin of anything.

Myth -An idea or explanation which is widely held, but untrue or unproven. Stewardship - In charge‌

Plenary - Pollution  KEY WORD – POLLUTION - the contamination of

something, especially the environment. 1. What is the worst type of pollution and why?

H/Work - Reflection on origins of life 1. “Religious creation stories are no longer relevant today” Do you agree? Show both sides of the answer. (Write at least 5 – 10 lines) 2. How do you think the world began? (There is no correct answer to this so be as imaginative as you like, examine different ideas and use pictures and write at least 10 lines)

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