Abortion - The Law And Opposing Attitudes

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Objectives: To understand the reasons used by religious believers for and against abortion, To consider the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice arguments and pressure groups To understand the Law and abortion, including the 1967 and 1990 Acts

27 October 2011

What is the current debate? (Starter)  Activation. Before 1967, abortion was illegal in the UK. Under the 1967 Abortion Act and the 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, abortion is permitted if two doctors agree the one of the following conditions apply:  The woman might die unless the pregnancy is ended.  There is substantial risk of the baby being born severely physically or mentally disabled.  There is a risk to the mother’s physical or mental health.  There is a risk to the physical or mental health of her existing children. The 1967 Act allowed abortions up to 28 weeks into a pregnancy. However, with new medical techniques very premature babies can be kept alive. The 1990 Act therefore changed the time limit to 24 weeks. Some people think the time limit should be reduced even more, to as low as 12 weeks. What do you think? 

27 October 2011

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Most abortions are carried out early on the grounds of risk to the mother’s mental health Some abortions are carried out to reduce the number of foetuses in multiple births where the woman has received fertility treatment. This is to reduce the risk to the healthy development of the remaining babies. The law does not consider the rights of the father, only those of the foetus, the mother and her existing children. Doctors and nurses who disagree with abortion do not have to help carry them out. Each year around 185,000 abortions take place. Fewer than 200 a year take place after 24 weeks.

27 October 2011

Pro –Choice


-People in favour of abortion use the expression “a woman’s right to choose” -Life does not really start until a child is born or at the earliest when the foetus is viable. -The risk to the mother’s health outweighs the rights of the baby -The woman’s circumstances should be considered (rape, age, quality of life etc) -If the law changes to forbid abortion, dangerous illegal abortions will return -It is cruel to bring a severely handicapped child into the world -The world has too many people, why bring unwanted children into it.

-Medical evidence supports views that the unborn child is a separate human being with feelings and intelligence from conception, therefore abortion is murder. -Depression and guilt may follow an abortion -Disabled people can enjoy a happy, fulfilled life -Unwanted children can be adopted by those unable to have children -UN Declaration for the Rights of the Child states that children need protection both before and after birth -Each person is unique and has something to offer in their life. -Abortion is selfish, particularly when used as contraception or for social reasons

27 October 2011

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Demonstration What is the meaning of the term abortion and what is the current legal position in Britain. In pairs, come up with an argument for and against this statement. “It is too easy to get an abortion”

27 October 2011

Lesson 2 – The Abortion Debate….

Title How do groups (religious and non religious) approach abortion?  When does life begin?  

Key Words

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Debate Pro Choice Pro Life

Abortion Rights (Pro-Choice)

Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (Pro-life)

http://www.abortionrights.org.uk/conten t/view/39/97/


1. Choose what you believe to be the strongest argument and explain why you think they are convincing 2. Should the abortion law be changed to make it easier or more difficult to obtain an abortion? Consider the time limits, the circumstances in which it is allowed and whether the two doctors are needed. Explain your opinions

27 October 2011

Use the right/wrong activity sheet….

From the quotes sheets pick two statements, one you agree with and one you disagree with. Copy them in the your book and explain your opinion on them

27 October 2011

When does life start?

Does life start here?

Or here? Where the organs including the brain are forming?

Does life start here when the heart starts beating?

Or here at 10 weeks where the baby looks more like a human?

Or here at 26 weeks when the baby is fully formed?

Or here when the baby is able to breathe and feed to sustain itself?

Scientists do not know when life starts.

What they do know is……. that life is precious and decisions like abortion need to be taken carefully.

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Draw the Life Cycle into your book Indicate where you believe life begins.

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Research either a pro-life or pro-choice pressure group for next lesson List 10 facts about them Include: What they do Why they do it What they aim to achieve

27 October 2011

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