Revision questions elderley answer sheet

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Revision Questions – Death and the elderly 1) What is meant by “ageism”? (1) Ageism is the practice of discrimination against people because of their age.

2) “Families should be responsible for looking after elderly relatives” – Do you agree? Ensure you refer to religious teachings in your answer. (5) Yes Christian teachings “Honour thy father and mother” – One of the Ten Commandments calls for children to honour their parents and show them love. Islam – He who dishonours his parents, dishonours the faith” – Again, a practicing Muslim would care deeply about his/her parents and take care of them No There is a divide between East and West – Eastern faiths and cultures have high rates of extended families where three generations of families live with one another – e.g., India. There may be some illnesses that families cannot cope with – medical issues that impact on the family – Elder relatives may require 24hour care

3) What is meant by voluntary and involuntary euthanasia? (2) Voluntary – When a person requests the right to die Involuntary – When a person is not in a position to ask – e.g., coma – the decision is made for them.

4) “Euthanasia is murder”. Do you agree? Refer to religious arguments in your answer. (4) “Thou shalt not kill” – “God gave, only God taketh away” “He who murders one, murder the world” – Explain meanings behind quotes. One could argue that “I put you in charge” suggests that we have the right to choose what happens to us. Those against euthanasia could argue that suffering has a purpose – e.g, Simon Western – Jesus crucifixion/all people go through pain. An elderly person may be talked into in by family members – Manipulated. “Obey state authorities” – Euthanasia is illegal, therefore cannot be justified.

5) What is meant by “double effect”? Which religious group supports it? (2) When a person takes drugs that may lead to their death – Catholic Church

6) Explain why religious groups support the idea of hospice care. (3) Sheep and goats “He who helps the sick, helps me” – Parable of Good Samaritan – Never walk past someone in need. A religious person can offer spiritual guidance about death and comfort those who are terminally ill

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