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Revision Sheet – Hinduism Year 8 – Unit 1


Dharma is the path of righteousness and living one's life according to the codes of conduct as described by the Hindu scriptures. Bad karma is often the consequence of poor decision making.

The Story of Rama and Sita

Love is the meaning of everything to do with Rama. He was an avatar of Vishnu and he was full of mischief. However, his love is the love that everyone feels from their God. It is unconditional. Rama's name even means love. Even a Christian believes in that type of love. For Hindus, this story shows how good will always triumph over evil in the same way as a little oil lamp will destroy total darkness.

Karma and Reincarnation

Karma is the consequence of good or bad deeds. They impact on the quality of life of your next life! For example, if you cause suffering to any living thing, you yourself will suffer in your next life until you learn the valuable lesson of empathy.

The Caste System The caste system is where people are divided into different groups. Below are some arguments for and against the system.

Arguments supporting the Caste System

Arguments Opposing the Caste System

The older caste system was partial and beneficial to higher castes, the lower castes were kept away from social rights.

The caste system leads to segregation. It keeps away lower castes from social rights.

The Caste system is helpful for administration of a country, especially one as large as becomes easy within caste systems to give required benefits to desired people.

Caste system divides the society which is harmful for nation, it is observed that people of same case hate the people from other caste and leads to violence and murder against for example the untouchables.

Marriages are more successful within caste systems. It is easy for a bride to adjust in new family and balance could be maintained.

The caste system leads to arranged marriages where brides and grooms may be married to someone they do not love.

Mastery in profession was achieved

The Caste system decides ones

easily, and people use to follow the culture as per their profession, For example, fathers handed down their profession to their children

profession by his birth, it does not give a choice to individual for his like and dislikes.

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