What is euthanasia

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Euthanasia Target: What is Euthanasia? L/O You will know how the Church responds to the issue of Euthanasia

Starter YouTube - Euthanasia Presentation  http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=KpS6Z9z4T38 

Activation The Sanctity of Life ď Ź

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The Sanctity of Life is the Christian belief that life is sacred and created by God. This belief affects the way Christians think about life and death issues.

What is Euthanasia?  

A Greek word meaning “Easy death” There are two types of euthanasia: Passive and Active. Active euthanasia is illegal in the U.K but legal in the Netherlands. EXIT have campaigned for voluntary euthanasia to be made legal in Britain from 1935.

Voluntary and Involuntary There is also 

“Voluntary” euthanasia (Diane Pretty)

“Non voluntary” euthanasia (Tony Bland)

Double Effect – This is when by taking drugs to ease your pain there is a risk of premature death

The View of the Church  

All Christians believe life is sacred Hospices should be able to care for the terminally ill Life is a gift from God

Roman Catholic 

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Refuses to accept Active Euthanasia. The Catholic Church view this as murder Accepts Double Effect as spiritually acceptable Life is a gift from God. Only he should take it away. “I chose you before you were born” “Thou shall not kill”

Church of England Is not comfortable with active euthanasia. ď Ź Many Christians worry about the legalisation of euthanasia. There is much disagreement amongst all Christian faith groups. There is no general consensus. ď Ź

The Hospice Movement 

“Terminal care should become so good that no one ever need ask for voluntary euthanasia” The Hospice Movement “Patients must be supported by the community” (Methodist Conference 1974)

Demonstration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Explain what is meant by the sanctity of life. What is meant by euthanasia? What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary euthanasia? Write about two people you could refer to in a discussion about voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. What is meant be “double effect�? Why is double effect accepted by Catholics? What is strange about this? What is the position of the Christian Church concerning euthanasia? Why is this the case? Write about two movements a Christian could join who was opposed to euthanasia.

Plenary 

http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=KywVViI0YDc&feature=fvsr

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