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Paul Burns
Born in upstate new York raised in the great USA have been on my own since the age of 16 and have lived or have briefly visited many states in this country. I have spent a good part of my youth looking for me and now im spending a good part of my older years putting the pieces together and try to find the missing Ones. I have been blessed with 3 beautiful children and 2beautiful grand children. Wow who would think . I work in sales and relations and do a damn good job I have a beautiful wife,children,home and some beautiful cars. Oh and I'm completely addicted to tattoos with more to come. I am married for the second time. My wife Linda is very beautiful and my best friend, and i thank god every day for her, everyday.I believe that she has made me the man i am today. That without her and my son i would have never achieved what I have,for that i am and will always be grateful.