you spend your time, your talent and your money and join in feeding Christ Church. Deborah: I could spend the next few minutes telling you how much the people here at Christ Church mean to me and my family. Or, I could share with you some highlights of how the children's Sunday School and youth programs provided a solid spiritual foundation for my, now, adult children. Though I am eternally grateful for the people and programs at Christ Church, those are not the reasons that I continue to participate in monthly giving. The reason I continue to increase my giving each year to Christ Church is Jesus. We are called to feed the hungry, cloth the needy, visit the sick, take care of widows, visit the people in prison, do justice, welcome strangers, teach the children and mentor other adults in the ways and name of Jesus. I don't know about you, but I know if all that were left up to me - most of that would never happen. However, I don't have to do it all! I fulfill Jesus' call to participate in all of those things by giving generously to the annual budget at Christ church. We we have ministries in place with teams of people who answer Jesus' calls both within ours church walls, in the community and the world. In church we have Programs such as Stephen ministers, prison ministry, Sunday school for all! I am especially grateful for clergy visits to people in the hospital. Definitely not one of my strengths! God gives us all different gifts and abilities. As active, giving members of Christ church, I take great comfort in knowing that many people's needs are met through the individual and collective efforts of our parishioners. I am continually amazed at Christ Church and her people's involvement in the many ministries and non-profit organizations in this little big town - New Bern. We support RCS, Merci Clinic, Farm workers, refugee ministry and Craven Literacy just to name a few. By supporting Christ Church financially, our outreach in the community and the world meets countless needs and improves the lives of so many people. Jesus calls us to action by commanding us to love our neighbors and to love God with all our hearts, minds and strength. Christ Church and the Episcopal church at large does that by welcoming and loving ALL of Gods children regardless of our differences of color, ethnicity, race, gender, age, sexual preference and even religion. And for that I am very grateful. I invite you to express your gratitude by sharing in the annual giving campaign this year and every year. Try it for the first time or challenge yourself to do a bit more. Giving financially to Christ Church is a small sacrifice compared to the sacrifice Jesus made for me. I am humbled by the privilege of sharing my God given resources in a such meaningful way.
David and Deborah Cook Stewardship Talk
David: If you have attended a Cursillo weekend, you will remember the first talk of that weekend is on Ideals. In that talk it is asked of you, what is your passion and how to find it. Where you spend your time, talent and money is where you will find your passion. Christ Church helped me find my passion, feeding others. I once asked Christ Church if I could form a cooking team, sure I was told, how can we help? Kathleen Rice and I asked Christ Church if we could start up a coffee hour after the 8:45 and serve good favorable coffee, sure you can we were told, how can we help? I wanted to do a Sunday School class on some Rob Bell CD’s, so I asked if I could, Chris Church said sure you can, what room do you want to use? A group of us found out RCS had no meal to be served on Sunday’s, so we asked Christ Church if they had an issue with us doing it and saying we are from Christ Church, not only was there no issue, Nancy even figured out a way to make it open for any parishioners to make a donation to help us. That was one Sunday a month, now all four Sundays are filled - with Christ Church members filling two of those teams. Christ Church donation of time and money give out about 250 meals each month! Christ Church helped me find my passion, outreach, be it our won people or people I have never met and our outreach affects hundreds and hundreds of people as you all know. Christ church helped me learn to feed but Christ Church also needs to be fed. Tinker Bell is not waving her magic want to clean the pews your sitting in, she is not going to pay our staff, repairs on the outdoor chapel, nope, she’s not helping there either. One of the things you learn on the Vestry (along with survival) is this beautiful place also has a business side to things and all the wonderful we have and do have a cost associated with it. Deborah and I help feed Christ Church and its ministries and we are very thankful we can. I hope you will consider where 1
In peace we pray to you, Lord God For our ill and recovering parishioners: Art Vance, Muriel Latham, Barbara Willis, Dottie Parker, Gary
Derck, Janet Stevens, Jackie Barney, Linda Lore, Mike Pridgen, Sonja Doran, Sue Hartley, Barbara Schmalhofer, Jim, Mary Hasell, Catherine Bender, Betty Jane Bonapartian, Bob and Joan Burnett, Audrey St. John, Champ Mitchell, Janet Anderson, Margi, Bradley, Joe Freemon, Ray Stark, Bob Kohn, Linda Howell, David Hancock, Janice Millns, Nicholas Pridgen, Betty Paramore, Susan Rivenbark, Mary Kay Farnham, Warren Meadows, Janet Corcoran, Rex Willis III, John Reichenbach, Hal Cameron, Linda Foster, Anne Lutton, Charlie Mitchell, Robert Lane, Barbara Odderstol, Thom Wilson, Evelyn Hunter, LaVonne Reamer, Ed Czernik, Bill Wilson, Pat Polk
Calendar Sunday, October 8 7:30am 8:45am 10:00am 11:00am
Monday, October 9 10:00am 11:30am 12:00pm
For our families and friends:
8:00am 10:00am Noon 2:00pm 6:30pm
For our deployed military:
10:00am 11:00am
For our parishioners in boarding school and college: Amanda Buffa, Ashley Buffa, Davis Cook, Anna Louise Flanagan, Campbell Huddle, Jack Huddle, William Little, Alex Norwood, Carlee Peele, Htoo Soe, Kiaishia Squires, John Thomas, Zack Thuringer, Dequan Williams
For all refugee families especially: Leonardo, Viviana and Mariann
St. Elizabeth ECW Small Wonders NA Contemplative Group
Tuesday, October 10
Bella, Natalie, Natalie, Richard, Nancy, Connor, Miles, Andrew, Everett, Michael, Edward, Jay, Roy, Gracie, Colt, Ken, Monty, Charles, Brett, Deanna, Cindy, Don, LaBinda, Barry, Rusty, Owen, Bobby, Anne, Brenda & Family, Liesel, Tate, Audra, Sally, Ruth, Kathy, Nancy, Denise, Tony, Barbara, Charlie, Bob, Ann, Mathias, Katherine, Alex, Linda, Ginny, Dennis, Mary Dunn, Jim, Dorothy, Teresa, Bill, Robert, Michael, Dorothy, Julia, Harold, Ian, Lee, Jessica, Michael, Dan, Steve, Andy, Beth, Tish, Matthew Capt. Jason White, Cpl. Jason Church, Sgt. Bill Jarvis, Capt. Paul Truog, LCPL Ross Drury, Andrew Konzen, Capt. Delbert R. Patton, SSG Andrea D. Eubanks, CW02 Justin Harshner, Army Spec. Devin Clarke, Capt. John Jones
Eucharist I Eucharist II Contemporary Music Sunday School for all ages Eucharist II Traditional Music
Holy Eucharist Women’s Book Study Rector’s Luncheon OSL Small Wonders NA
Wednesday, October 11
4:30pm 5:15pm
6:00pm 6:15pm 7:00pm
Holy Eucharist /Healing Service Rector’s Bible Study - Gospel of St. Luke Music & Movement for children Wednesday Night Adult Ed. (In the Parish House this week) EfM AA meeting (open) Parish Choir
Thursday, October 12 6:30 pm
Small Wonders
Friday, October 13
In Thanksgiving for the birth of:
Boland “Bo” Harris Clayton , son of Maureen & Stephen Clayton
Saturday, October 14
For those who mourn:
The family and friends of Robert Emory Sr. , father of Bob Emory and grandfather of Betsy Jutras.
Mumfest SOS
Sunday, October 15
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
Chaplains and All Non-Parochial Clergy
7:30am 8:45am 10:00am 11:00am The flowers on the altar are given to the Glory of God and In loving memory of my son John Gellasch, by Lois Gellasch, in memory of my husband Tom on his birthday by Barb Odderstol, in memory of my husband Micky Corcoran by Janet Corcoran and family and in thanksgiving for Wayne Rowe on his birthday with much love by his sisters, Ferne, Debbie, Leigh & Sheridan. 2
Mumfest Eucharist I Eucharist II Contemporary Music Sunday School for all ages Eucharist II Traditional Music at St. Cyprian’s
Children & Youth Ministry News
EYC Fall Schedule October 8th Regular EYC October 15th Selling Pumpkins during MumFest from 4-6 pm October 22nd Just Middle School EYC
November 19th Regular EYC November 26th Thanksgiving Weekend (No EYC)
October 29tt Fall Festival 3-6 pm November 5th P.O.D. November 12th Regular EYC
December 3rd P.O.D.
Pumpkin Patch Cafe The Pumpkin Patch Café will be in action again at this Year’s Mumfest, October 14th. We have wonderful volunteers that will be grillin’ the chicken and “Christ Church Cooks” will be preparing the sides on Friday, Oct. 13th in the Harrison Center, 9 am. We hope you might help us out and bake a few of your favorite “Fall Desserts” to have available for the Café on Saturday. There will be a sign-up sheet in the reception area beside the Pumpkin Patch sign-up sheets. We could also use your help on Saturday, helping set up, clean up, serving the food, keeping food on the table takes many hands! Hope to see you there!
December 10th
Parent’s Night Out December 17th End of Year EYC Event
Christ Church Classifieds Foyers
Food, fun, fellowship – that is what Foyers is all about. It is a wonderful opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners beyond coffee hour. Groups of 6 – 8 get together once a month to share a meal either in a home, have a picnic or go Dutch treat in a restaurant. Normally the “host” will pick time and place as well as provide a main dish while others will bring appetizer, salad, and dessert to round out the meal. There are no set rules as this is intended to be all about sharing time and especially fellowship. There will be signup sheets in the reception area so we can put groups together before our 1st gathering. We will have a “kick off” on October 22 from 5PM – 7PM at the home of Martha Ross @216 Johnson St where you will meet the others in your group and arrange your first get together. Bring an appetizer to share, beverages will be provided. For more information contact Jane Broaddus @ 252.772.8156 or We hope many of you will participate in this very special ministry.
The fall ECW (Episcopal Church Women) dinner will be held on Tuesday, October 17th at the Harrison Center. The speaker will be Canon Sonny Browne, Canon for Diocesan Life for the Diocese of East Carolina. Come and hear about his new ministry as he works with and ministers to the 77 churches in our Diocese. Fellowship will begin at 5:15pm with dinner served at 6 o’clock. Please call Suzanne at 633-2109 to reserve your place or sign up in the Reception area. The dinner will be served buffet style with entree choices of stuffed chicken breast and beef-tips. The cost is $20.00 which includes service charges. Please mail your check to the church or give it to the receptionist made out to ECW with fall dinner on the memo line. All women and men of the parish are welcome to come attend. Deadline for reservations is Friday, October 13th. Join us for a delicious dinner, and informative evening and an opportunity to meet/see old and new friends.
Please join us Monday October 9th at 10:00am in the parish house. Guest speaker will be Vestry Senior Warden Joe Mansfield. All are welcome.
Please join us Sunday October 22, 2017 from 4:005:00pm in the Parish House. Invitations have been sent to newcomers that have arrived within the past year. Hopefully we did not miss anyone but all newcomers are welcome. Childcare will be provided for preschool children by reservation only. Please RSVP to Betty Clarke 637-7657 or Harry Gormley at
11:00 am service NEXT SUNDAY at St. Cyprian’s!
Surviving the Holidays A Grief Support Seminar at Christ Church When: Saturday November 18, 10am-2pm, lunch included Where: Chr ist Chur ch Par ish House Who: facilitated by the Rev. Cor tney Dale and the Rev. Bar bar a Bor nemann, open to anyone who's grief might be troubling them this holiday season. (open beyond Christ Church parishioners- please share this event with friends and family.) Cost: No charge, donations accepted to cover cost of lunch and materials. Registration: Please register by calling the church - (252)633-2109, or by emailing