April 9 ~ April 16, 2017
The most holy week of the year Our observance of Palm Sunday begins the most holy week of the Christian year. We begin our worship today by walking into the church as a re-enactment of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. We are invited and encouraged to continue that walk this week through one of the many worship opportunities we have (listed below). Thursday, we remember Jesus’ commandment to wash each other’s feet, and we watch the church go dark as we strip the altar. There is no ending to the Maundy Thursday service; we simply pause until Friday at noon. On Good Friday, following the liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer, we will hear meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ, offered by members of the Christ Church community, both lay and ordained. Friday night, our parish choir lead a worshipful experience through Music at Passiontide, beginning at 7:00pm. The Stations of the Cross on Friday at 4:00pm and the Easter Vigil on Saturday at 5:00pm are liturgies especially appropriate for children and their families (though children of all ages are more than welcome to attend). If you want to follow the details of Jesus’ journey to Golgotha, take some time this week
Sunday, 4/9 Palm Sunday Monday, 4/10
Will be held at Christ Church Friday and Saturday April 21 & 22. Christ Church will be hosting Evening Prayer starting at 6:30pm at Outdoor Chapel located on Christ Church’s Original Footprint. The Rt. Rev. Robert Skirving, bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina, will preach and the Rev. Paul Canady, rector of Christ Church, New Bern, will celebrate. A light reception on the lawn, hosted by members of Christ Church, will follow the service. The event is free and open to the public. Since we are hosting a light reception on the lawn, we are asking parishioners to bring items for this event. Items requested are deviled eggs, finger sandwiches, veggie trays, fruit trays, cheese trays and cookies. We are trying to keep everything simple so that serving and cleaning will not be difficult. If you are able to supply any of these items, please go to the following link to sign up what you are able to bring. We will also need 5 or 6 persons to work the reception. If you would like to help with either bringing food or helping, please visit the link below.
Please join us on Saturday April 15, 2017 at 9:00am for the Easter decorating of the church. The more that show up the easier the task. The reception area and sanctuary doors will be open at 9:00am. It is a fun time and wonderful experience to see the church come alive for the Easter season.
8:00 am 10:00am 11:00am 6:00pm 7:00pm
Morning Prayer St. Elizabeth ECW NA Small Wonders Men’s Bible Study Vestry Meeting
8:00am 10:00am 2:00pm 6:30pm
Tuesday, 4/11 Holy Eucharist Women’s Bible Study Order of Saint Luke “Small Wonders” NA
Wednesday, 4/12 10:00am Holy Eucharist Healing Service 11:00am Rector’s Bible Study 6:00pm EfM 6:15pm “Came To Believe” AA 7:00pm Parish Choir 7:00pm Tenebrae Service (Chapel) 7:00pm Parish Choir Thursday, 4/13 8:00am Morning Prayer 5:30pm DOK Training 6:00pm “Small Wonders” 7:00pm Maundy Thursday Service 8:00pm Prayer Vigil Friday, 4/14 8:00am Prayer Vigil Noon Good Friday Service 4:00pm Children’s Stations of the Cross 7:00pm Passiontide Recital Saturday, 4/15 8:00am Men’s Breakfast 9:00am Decorating Church 9:00am Buildings & Grounds Work Day 5:00pm Easter Vigil Sunday 4/16 Easter 7:30am Holy Eucharist: Rite I 9:00am Holy Eucharist: Rite II 10:00am No Sunday School Today 10:15am Easter Egg Hunt 11:00am Holy Eucharist: Rite II
The greenery behind the altar are given to the Glory of God.
Youth Ministry News Registration for Vacation Bible School Open Registration opened this week for VBS 2017. Visit https://goo.gl/forms/NNMkqinqVeN5zgzl1 to register. Registration is open to members of Christ Church and children related to members of Christ Church until May 1st. Registration will be open to the public after this date. Dates for VBS is June 1923. Spots fill up fast, so don’t wait to register your children! Contact Ashley Simpson for more
Congratulations Congratulations to Kiaishia Squires! She was named New Bern High School Student of the Week this past week! We are so proud of her for all that she has accomplished in her school and in the community.
EYC EYC will meet today: Just our Middle and High School Students will be meeting in the Youth Building at 5pm. We will be having conversations on Holy Week. Spring Break will be here before we know it! Just like last year, we have an event planned for each day of Spring Break for our Middle and High School Students to take part in. This year, our Middle & High School students planned what they wanted to do! Alternative Spring Break Mon. April 17th- Spring Break Kick-Off Cook-Out 5 pm Location to be Announced Tues. April 18th- Geocache Adventure 11 am Meet in the Youth Building Lunch Provided Weds. April 19th- Rollerland Day Time to be Announced Thurs. April 20th- Board Game Palooza 11 am Meet in the Youth Building Lunch Provided Bring Board Games Fri. April 21st- Evening Prayer in the Outdoor Chapel We will be joining those celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Diocese of North Carolina
Christ Church Classifieds New Art Exhibit in Parish House
Christ Church Artisit, seventeen in all will grace the Parish House through June 2017. There will be a reception on May 21st after the 11:00 service to meet, great and thank the artist for sharing their lovely creative gifts
Faith Connection will be hosting a workshop to address the crises facing 300 million children around the world who are going barefoot. These children are at great risk of diseases that enter their bodies through cuts in their feet which can lead to loss of limbs, paralysis and even death. At the “Heeling Our World” workshop, you will be making shoes for barefoot children in Africa. Churches in Faith Connection have arranged to fund and to bring this program to the community as a service. Therefore participation will be free to those that attend, but signing up is required. The event will take place on Saturday, May 13, 2017 at Trinity United Methodist Church, located at 2311 Elizabeth St. (at the corner of Simmons St.). The workshop will run from 2:004:00 PM. The Heeling Our World program is also teaching mothers and caregivers in rural villages throughout Africa how to make shoes for their children. Please sign up and join in. Bring your children so they can learn about their role as global citizens. For more information please call Mitch Lewis, Executive Director, Arts To End Genocide @ 252-670-1339 or Rosemary Stark, Vice Chairman,
Religious Community Services Needs Items Needed for April Instant Mashed Potatoes, Hamburger/Tuna Helper, Stuffing Mix, Beef Stew, Spaghetti Sauce & Pasta
Prayer Vigil There will be a prayer vigil in the chapel following the Maundy Thursday service on April 13, 2017. Time slots are for 1/2 hou each and go from 8:00pm to Midnight on Thursday and 8:00am to Noon of Friday. Please look for the sign-up sheets in the
Got Bibles? Compassionate Listening is in need of Bibles, new or gently used, for the folks they are helping at Religious Community Services. We will have a BIBLE BUCKET in the reception area. They are also in need a a few additional volunteers. If you have an hour to spare and can volunteering for this important ministry, please contact Sheridan Holstein
April Crown Deadline Our next Crown will be published at the end of April. If you have anything that you would like included, please have it into the church office no later than Tuesday April 18, 2017.
Women’s Book Study Join the Women’s book study for their new book this week, using the Pilgrim Series to look at the Beautitudes. Readings are provided and no preparation is necessary. We meet Tuesdays at 10am in the Women’s Connection Room
Congratulations To Amanda Norwood forWinning the Christ Church bracket challenge. Her bracket named “Nothing but Netwood: picked UNC as the final winner as well as other good picks throughout the tournament. She has chosen NC Interfaith Power & Light as her charity for donation.
Young Adults & Young Families Please join us on April 12 at 7:00pm at the Brown Pelican for Trivia Night 4