Glory Ridge - Youth Mission Project
Group from Christ Church working on the roof of Mr. Willy in Mars Hill NC.
August - Rite II Liturgy During August, our Rite II liturgies come from two sources outside the Book of Common Prayer, one Episcopal and one ecumenical. The Prayers of the People are taken from Intercessions for Christian People, a resource written in collaboration with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Episcopal Church. The prayers are in sync with what we hear in the lectionary readings for that particular Sunday and are intended to help us see the world through the lens of Scripture. Our Eucharistic Prayer come from Enriching Our Worship ( enrichingourworship1). EOW was first published in 2000 as a supplement to the Book of Common Prayer. We have used prayers from EOW on previous occasions at Christ Church, Advent and Christmas to name a couple. I hope that you find your sense of worship broadened and experience God in new ways through these two enhancements to our liturgy.
Thank you - Paul
In peace we pray to you, Lord God For our ill and recovering parishioners:
Art Vance, Muriel Latham, Barbara Willis, Edna Bearnes, Dottie Parker, Gary Derck, Janet Stevens, Jackie Barney, Linda Lore, Mike Pridgen, Sonja Doran, Sue Hartley, Barbara Schmalhofer, Jim, Mary Hasell, Catherine Bender, Betty Jane Bonapartian, Bob and Joan Burnett, Audrey St. John, Fair Leonard, Champ Mitchell, Janet Anderson, Margi, Bradley, Joe Freemon, Ray Stark, Bob Kohn, Gretchen Gibson, Linda Howell, David Hancock, Janice Millns, Nicholas Pridgen, Jane Czernik, Betty Paramore, Susan Rivenbark, Mary Kay Farnham, Warren Meadows, Janet Corcoran, Rex Willis III, Hilda Weaver, John Reichenbach, Hal Cameron, Linda Foster, Anne Lutton, Charlie Mitchell, Pat McCotter, Robert Lane, Barbara Odderstol, Thom Wilson, Ralph Cowan
For our families and friends:
Bella, Natalie, Natalie, Richard, Nancy, Connor, Miles, Andrew, Everett, Michael, Edward, Jay, Roy, Gracie, Colt, Ken, Monty, Charles, Brett, Deanna, Cindy, Don, LaBinda, Barry, Rusty, Owen, Bobby, Anne, Brenda & Family, Liesel, Tate, Audra, Sally, Ruth, Kathy, Nancy, Denise, Tony, Barbara, Charlie, Bob, Ann, Mathias, Katherine, Alex, Linda, Ginny, Dennis, Mary Dunn, Jim, Dorothy, Teresa, Bill, Robert, Michael, Dorothy, Julia, Harold, Ian, Lee, Jessica, Michael, Dan, Steve, Andy, Beth
For our deployed military:
Capt. Jason White, Cpl. Jason Church, Sgt. Bill Jarvis, Capt. Paul Truog, LCPL Ross Drury, Andrew Konzen, Capt. Delbert R. Patton, SSG Andrea D. Eubanks, CW02 Justin Harshner, Army Spec. Devin Clarke, Capt. John Jones
For those who mourn:
Sunday, 8/20 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am
Eucharist I1 Fun and Games Eucharist II Contemporary Music
Monday, 8/21 9:00am 10:00am 10:45am 11:30am 2:30pm 7:00pm
Christ Church Cooks Home Place McCarthy Court Small Wonders NA ECW Board Meeting Vestry Meeting
Tuesday, 8/22 8:00am 2:00pm 6:30pm
Holy Eucharist OSL Small Wonders NA
Wednesday, 8/23 10:00am Holy Eucharist/ Healing Service 6:15pm AA meeting (open)
Thursday, 8/24 4:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm
Evangelism Ministry Glory Ridge Dinner Small Wonders NA
Friday, 8/25 Saturday, 8/26 Sunday 8/27
The family and friends of Fred Latham
8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:00am
For all refugee families especially: Leonardo, Viviana and Mariann
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Holy Trinity , Fayetteville St. Andrew’s, Columbia
CALLING ALL ACOLYTES AND THOSE WHO WISH TO BE A training and refresher session will be held Sunday Aug. 27th after the 10am service (approx. 11;25am). It is important for all acolytes to attend, as several procedural changes will be introduced. The session is also open to anyone at least 8 years of age who wishes to become an acolyte. We will also re-size all acolytes to insure that proper vestments are being worn. Please contact Bill Dorn at 252-638-3933 with questions. 2
Eucharist I Food and Friends Blessing of the Backpacks Eucharist II
The flowers on the altar are given to the Glory of God and for the marriage of Sterling Cline and Bryson Pryor and in loving memory of Robert Stanley Messner and Bill Joe Hartsell.
St. Frances ECW
All women of Christ Church are Episcopal Church Women, and we invite and welcome you all to join us for the first meeting of our 2017-2018 year. Mark your calendar!
of the
Thursday, September 7th at 2pm at the Parrish House.
Sunday, August 27th During the 10am service All preschoolers, students of all ages, teachers, school faculty - Bring your backpack, briefcase, etc.!
The Maine Lobsters are Coming! St. Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church, Swansboro,
Saturday, September 16th, 2017 Noon- 3:00 p.m. Live $18 or Cooked $21 (subject to change) Please sign the list in the church lobby with your name, phone number and the amount of lobsters you want. Lobsters will be picked up and brought to Christ Church on September 16th.
Lobsters will be sold by advance orders ONLY. Deadline to order is SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER, 10TH! 3
The Annual Family Picnic at the Carteret Correctional Center in Newport gives inmates an opportunity for a fun time with children and family. Cooked vegetable dishes and casseroles are needed for this event, such as corn, collards, cabbage, and macaroni and cheese. If you can help, please contact C. B. Evans at 252-638-1343
This is a new and exciting “food ministry” at Christ Church. We will be gathering once a month in the Harrison Center to prepare meals that will be frozen and made available for anyone in NEED. By need we mean someone or a family that is experiencing a lifestyle change, such as a new baby, an illness, a death, etc. The food will be kept in the freezer over at the Harrison Center, and we hope to have a few in our parish house freezer as well. There will be a check out sheet that will include the name of the person taking the food item as well as the name to whom you are taking the food and the date. It is vital that you put this info on this sheet. We ar e just beginning this new ministry and we are so excited but as with all new things, please be patient with us. If you have any questions please contact Judi Dorn or Ellen Chance and of course if you would like to help in any way please join us on Monday, August 21st or August 28th, 9am in the Harrison Center as we begin this new journey.
FOOD - N - STUFF FOR RCS Food: Ramen Noodles Stuff: Disposable Razors Please drop items in the bins provided in the church reception area.
The sign up sheets are now available for September and October for all services. Your assistance is greatly needed and appreciated. Please go to the following link to sign up. Thank you so much.
ESL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Although Interfaith Refugee Ministry has not had any new arrivals lately, we are still serving those refugees who are here. One of our needs is for ESL tutors. We provide training and materials. If you or someone you know is interested in finding out more, please give Susan Husson a call at 633-9009. Thanks and God bless!
REMEMBER - WE GO TO THREE SERVICES ON SEPTEMBER 10TH ! 7:30am, 8:45am, & 11:00am
CHURCH VAN DRIVERS NEEDED Christ Church has many members who are unable to drive themselves to church on Sunday. We also now have a van that could bring many of these people to and from church. All we need are drivers and coordinators to spend some time on Sunday morning transporting these members. If you might be called to minister in this way, please contact the Rev. Cortney Dale. 252) 633-1209 ext. 107
Youth Ministry News EYC EVENT We hope that your Middle & High School Students will join us for the following event: August 27th -
Boy’s Day at the Wood Ducks game - Meet at the van at noon.
WE NEED SUNDAY SCHOOL MINISTERS Before you know it, Labor Day will be here and Sunday School will be back in full swing. We are looking for Sunday School Ministers that would be interested in teaching either our Kindergarten & 1st Grade Class, 2nd & 3rd Grade class, or our “Kickstarter” 4th & 5th Grade class. If you are interested, please contact Ashley Simpson.
Ashley Simpson - - (252) 633-2109 ext. 150 4