Acolyte instructions august 2016

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Christ Church Acolyte Procedures Revised: August, 2016

Christ Church – New Bern, NC Acolyte Instructions (Abridged version)

Acolytes are to arrive and be vested at least 20 minutes prior to the service. Get the cross and torches and meet in the reception area with the verger and clergy. Crucifer, make sure the candles are lit, including the Paschal candle, if in use. Ask the clergy if there is anything special about this service you need to know. When instructed, move to the back of the church into the Narthex. When instructed, line up at the back entrance of the church. Crucifer and then the Torch Bearers If there is only one Torch Bearer, line up directly behind the crucifer. Begin processing when the singing of the 1 st verse starts. Process to the communion rail, then immediately turn and place the cross and the torches in their places. Once the Eucharistic Ministers and clergy have reverenced the cross, move to the Altar rail, reverence the cross and take your seat at the altar; Crucifer on the left and one Torch Bearer on the left side and one Torch Bearer on the right side. After the lessons are read, get ready for the Gospel procession. Torch Bearers get the torches, and the Crucifer gets the Gospel Book. Meet at the communion rail, facing the altar. When the deacon (or priest) goes to the altar, then turn and process down the center aisle to the middle of the church. There is a piece of tape the end of a pew on the right hand side that indicates where to stop. The Crucifer then turns and faces the altar. The Torch Bearers turn and face each other. When the Gospel has been read, the deacon (or priest) will step aside so the crucifer and torchbearers can process back. Put the Gospel Book and torches back in their place. Meet at the communion rail, facing the altar, bow and then take your seats. After the announcements, the crucifer will move to the Gospel (right) side. The crucifer will first give the bread to the priest, bowing each time elements are exchanged. Then the wine and water are given to the priest. First the wine and then the water, always with the right hand, moving the cruets from left to right hand. If you are unable to hold the cruets with one hand, one at a time is OK. After the offertory plates are brought up by the ushers, wash the priest’s hands with water in the lavabo. Place the small towel over your wrist before washing. When the ushers are ready to bring the plates to the altar, the Torch Bearer will get the alms basin and go the opening in the communion rail in front of the altar and get the plates from the ushers. Turn and give the plates to the priest. Then return to your position by the Altar. After the priest gives the blessing, get the cross and the torches, then proceed to the top step. Turn and face the Altar. When the priest approaches the communion rail, turns and nods, then turn and begin to process towards the back of the church.

After the dismissal, the Crucifer extinguishes the candles. Return the cross and torches to their proper storage place. After the 8:45am service, return them to the vesting room. After the 11am (or 10am) service, return them to the Cross cabinet in the Library and lock the cross cabinet. The key to the Cross cabinet hangs in the very first closet on your right as you enter the vesting room. Carefully hang up your vestments. Whenever you pass in front of the altar, remember to acknowledge the cross with a bow, unless you have the cross in your hands. Order in which candles are lit: 8

4 7 6 5

1 2 3



Order in which candles are extinguished: 3

7 4 5 6

10 9 8



Of special note: When processing or recessing, Torch Bearers are to process behind the Cruficer, not to the side. When a new Torch Bearer is serving for the first time, be as helpful as possible. Acolytes participate in all parts of the service. Pay attention to the clergy for instructions and cues.

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