August 2017
Sunday Morning Services ~ 7:30 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite I Spoken
September 10th 2017
Holy Eucharist: Rite With Contemporary Music
11:00 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite II With Traditional Music
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Sunday School EYC Kickoff yOUThREACH
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Christ Church Cooks
Christ Episcopal Church, New Bern
Fall Services Begins
8:45 AM
Issue 15 |
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Letter from Rev. Paul Canady New Mission Statements
EDUCATION Sunday School Registration is now LIVE! If you would like to sign up your children for Sunday School, Please use the link below. We are excited to have Godly Play for our preschoolers, Kindergarten & 1st Grade, 2nd & 3rd Grad, and 45h & 5th Grade classes are available. Our middle and High school students will continue to meet across the street in the Youth Building for Sunday School. We hope that you will join us! Please visit:
EYC Kick-Off September 10th, our middle and high school students will be going ot AirU Trampoline Park in Greenville NC to kick-off this year’s EYC activities If your middle or high cchool student would like to attend, pleas contact Ashley Simpson.
(252) 633-2109 ext. 150
"yOUThREACH The Diocesan Event yOUThREACH is being hosted here at Christ Church on September 16th. It is a one day event open to Middle and High School students. Last year, we worked with Interfaith Refugee Ministries and this year we will be working with Sound Rivers to do local outreach in Craven County. Registration forms are available and need to be back to Ashley Simpson by September 10th!
(252) 633-2109 ext. 150
Pumpkins Arrive Saturday, October 7 2017 at 8am
th ,
We need everyone’s help! Unloading and Sales Booth set-up begins at 8am. Sales staff needed by 10am. Our 14th annual Pumpkin Patch kicks off with the arrival of a humongous truck with a FULL load of pumpkins on Saturday, October 7th. We need all hands on deck to unload pumpkins and transform our churchyard into a festive fall wonderland. Dress grubby. Bring wheelbarrows, wagons, work gloves and a joyful spirit. Plenty of liquid and other nourishments will be on hand to fuel all workers.
Help Wanted 10AM-6PM, October 7 -31! (Sundays 12N -6PM) Sign Up Sheets in reception beginning Sunday, September 10th. You can sign-up to Work the Patch selling pumpkins and baked goods. Bake yummy goodies – especially in demand on weekends. Assist at Story Time, held twice weekly. Man Mumfest Pumpkin Café. MUMFEST begins Oct. 14, 2017 Because everyone helped, we were able to donate $8,000 to various local non-profits in 2016 We are counting on you to help make Christ Church’s outreach contribution to our community larger this year. Come and join the FUN. And … When a call comes from a good friend or new church acquaintance asking for your help, just say YES. help!
News Christ Church Cooks Q.) What is this new ministry called ‘Christ Church Cooks’? A.) The Christ Church Cooks ministry is a way to help people and families in situations where preparing their own meals may be difficult. Examples of situations include death of a loved one, illness, birth of a new baby, or moving into a new house. The cooks prepare meals (typically casseroles) that are frozen and ready to be thawed and heated when they reach their final destination. Q.) Who can receive a meal? A.) Obviously, any member of Christ Church can receive a meal. In addition, if a friend or neighbor could benefit from this ministry, they are welcome to receive one. Q.) Where are the meals kept? A.) The meals will be kept in the large freezer in the Harrison Center. For easier access, we will also keep a handful of meals in the freezer in the kitchen off the parish house. Q.) How do I get a meal to myself or someone else? A.) There are two ways to get a casserole delivered. The first is simply to pick it up and deliver it yourself. Please fill out the forms found in the white binders by each of the freezers. If you’re unable to deliver the meal yourself, we have a form that will send responses to the Christ Church Cooks and they will deliver the meal for you. That form can be found here: Q.) How can I be a part of this ministry? A.) The Christ Church Cooks meeting is on the third Monday of every month at 9:00am in the Harrison Center to prepare meals. Please contact Judi Dorn if you’d like to join them.
Judi Dorn- (252) 638-3933 Ellen Chance- (252) 638-2650 The Rev. Cortney Dale- (252) 633-2109
The Reverend H. Paul Canady
A new year is upon us in the life of Christ Church. We return to our regular schedule on Sunday, September 10th. As we move back into that familiar routine, you may notice a few changes, especially at the 8:45 service. The quest to give the 8:45 service a unique identity has been going on as long that service has been in existence, according to some long-time members of Christ Church. Last year, we made sure the Prayers of the People and the Eucharistic Prayer was different than what we used at the 11:00 service. We often drew from other Episcopal liturgies found outside of the Book of Common Prayer. We will continue that practice this year, and add to it. You’ll see the Stallings Altar at the top of the Chancel Steps (where it is for our children’s liturgies), bringing the liturgy closer to the worshippers. You will also notice the Eucharistic Ministers coming up from the congregation to read the Scripture lessons, lead the Prayers of the People, and serve the chalice. The clergy and acolytes will still sit on the chancel
and vest, though you may see the acolytes sitting in a slightly different place than before. Another change you may notice will be in the preaching schedule. The Rev. Deacon Lisa Kirby has asked to preach only once a month instead of being in a three-week rotation with Cortney and I. Lisa will preach on the third Sunday of each month. The adult education committee has worked diligently this summer on plans for a new venture called “Wednesdays at Christ Church.” With dinner and fellowship and formation opportunities for all ages, we hope this will bring all generations of Christ Church together. We will launch on Wednesday, September 20th at 5:30pm. More details are elsewhere in the Crown. Finally, you may have noticed (or heard) that the Rev. Cortney Dale and Jim Gilmore are expecting a baby! S/He is due November 23rd. Cortney will take 12 weeks of maternity leave once the baby arrives. During that time, we will take advantage of pastoral care coverage from several well trained parishioners as well as other local clergy who have offered their services. This will also give us the chance to welcome other voices to our pulpit as well. We are all very excited for Cortney and Jim, and looking forward to welcoming this awesome baby! I am excited for another great year at Christ Church and all the opportunities for us to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus in our community. I’m glad you’re here for the journey, too! 4
Vestry Adopts New Vision & Mission Statements At it’s June meeting, the Vestry of Christ Church adopted a new vision and mission statements to help guide what we do to minister in Gods Name. As we approach the Fall, you will see these statements in many places, both subtle and not-so subtle. More importantly, you will see a refined focus on the ministries of Christ Church to reflect how they are living in these statements. Many thanks to John Harper, Barbara Richardson, Bill Rivenbank, and Janet Peregoy for their work on this project. 6
Newcomers Donald & Marjorie Ramsey: Don and Marj reside in Carolina Pines after moving here from Richardson, Texas outside of Dallas. They were very active at Church of the Epiphany in Richardson, Don is a retired marine, who was stationed in East Carolina in the 1980’s. After his military retirement, he went to work for the FBI and then federal government performing polygraph testing. He has been active in the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Marj has been active in the Daughters of the Kin and hopes to continue with that group here in New Bern. She also likes to decorate for
Robert (Bob) & Mary (Kay) Caldwell: Bob and Kay recently moved to Newbern from Oriental, NC. Leaving the Roman Catholic Church, they converted to Kenneth Burroughs: Kenneth was brought up in Fuquay Episcopalian and became active members of St. Thomas Church in -Varina, NC, and his family tree Oriental in 2010. Bob was active in traces back to the late 1600’s in evangelism and as a Eucharistic North Carolina. He is currently minister. They are currently living in Merritt, NC, and comsettling in their new home, but muting to Christ Church on Sundays, where he enjoys the tradition- hope to become active in Christ al feel of the 11:00AM service. He Church. Bob would like to share his ideas on evangelism and help has a passion for history and is out with outreach, and disaster interested in the history of Christ preparedness. Church. special events and arrange flowers. Don and Marj have a daughter in Atlanta and a son in Midlothian, Texas.
On Exhibit
Important Dates in Fall September 10 Fall Kick-Off & Bring a Friend to Church Sunday Sunday School classes for children, youth, and adults begin. Adult Class “Preview” in the Parish House. Learn a little bit about each of the three Sunday School classes for adults from those leading the classes.
September 17 Annual Giving Kick-Off Dinner 5:00-6:30 Visit to register
September 20 Launch of Wednesdays at Christ Church
October 7 Arrival of the Pumpkins for Pumpkin Patch.
October 15 Mumfest Weekend No Sunday School classes 11:00 am service will be at St. Cyprian’s Church on Johnson Street 7
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Come by boat, canoe, jet ski, kayak, paddle board, bike or car. Bring your life jacket, towel and chair and come Coffee will be available in the Parish House ready for fun. The Young Adult/Young Family Group will service after drinks. and chips, dogs,8am hot the provide ice cream.
Register: To RSVP through the following link Please RSVP: ( or directly to Betsy Jutras at or 910-520-7877
Please join fellow parishioners and welcome guests to a chat and Batts Hill Towne (17 after Oldlemonade Point Where: The 10 theRoad) cupinof refreshing providers Hosts and goodie serviceSeptember amWhen: 4th from 4-6 are needed. Sign-up sheets in the Who: All are welcome! reception area.
10AM service in After the Family Group the courtyard
June 4 Begins us for a Church-wide joinSunday, Please Calling all parishioners! on the River hosted by Afternoon the Young Adult/Young