October 2017
Sunday Morning Services
~ 7:30 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite I Spoken
8:45 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite With Contemporary Music
11:00 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite II With Traditional Music
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EYC Meals EYC Calendar Annual Fall Festival
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Crop Walk Wednesday’s at Christ Church
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Letter from Rev. Paul Canady Stewardship Talks Dates to Remember
Issue 16 |
Christ Episcopal Church, New Bern
EYC Meals
EYC Fall Schedule October 8th
Regular EYC October 15th
Selling Pumpkins during MumFest from 4-6 pm October 22nd
Just Middle School EYC October 29th- Fall Festival 3-6 pm November 5th
We would not be able to do the wonderful programming that we do without the help of those that cook meals for EYC. If you would like to cook a meal for EYC, please sign up in the reception area or use the following link to sign up:
November 12th
Regular EYC November 19th
Regular EYC November 26th
Thanksgiving Weekend (No EYC) December 3rd
December 10th
Parent’s Night Out
December 17th
End of Year EYC Event
CROP Walk 2017 We had 30 walkers and raised close to $4,000. Our team had 10 new CROP Walk participants, the youngest was Henry Jutras at 5 years old! Thank you to all who participated!
News ECW Fall Dinner - October 17th Join us on Tuesday, October 17th at the Harrison Center - the speaker is Cannon Sonny Browne, Canon for Diocesan Life for the Diocese of East Carolina. Fellowship begins at 5:15 and a buffet style dinner with choices of stuffed chicken and beef-tips will be served at 6:00. The cost is $20 each and all women of the parish and their spouses are invited to come. Contact Suzanne at 252-633-2109 to reserve your spot or sign up in the reception area.
Foyers Food, fun, fellowship – that is what Foyers is all about. It is a wonderful opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners beyond coffee hour. Groups of 6 – 8 get together once a month to share a meal either in a home, have a picnic or go Dutch treat in a restaurant. Normally the “host” will pick time and place as well as provide a main dish while others will bring appetizer, salad, and dessert to round out the meal. There are no set rules as this is intended to be all about sharing time and especially fellowship.There will be signup sheets in the reception area so we can put groups together before our 1st gathering. We will
have a “kick off” on October 22 from 5PM – 7PM at the home of Martha Ross @216 Johnson St where you will meet the others in your group and arrange your first get together. Bring an appetizer to share, beverages will be provided. For more information contact Jane Broaddus @ 252.772.8156 or We hope many of you will participate in this very special ministry.
Wednesday’s At Christ Church Join us for an exciting new venture in Christian Formation as we begin a mid-week program called “Wednesday’s at Christ Church” - building on last winter’s “Following the Jesus Movement” series. We set to begin looking at how we can dive into hard questions and seek the answers in the gifts God has given us al around. 5:15 - Dinner in the Harrison Center 6:00 - Lego
My Bible - By using Legos to build Bible stories, Kids will get to know those
stories and people in them better! (K-5) When the Answer is on TV - Each week, young people will gather and watch an Episode of a popular TV show that focuses on a different toping ranging from church, to family, to friends, and beyond. All episodes will focus on a topic in society that our young people are exposed to and will challenge them to look at it from a different perspective and how that effects the way they live their faith. (6th– 126th) What Kind of Good News - The adults will explore each of the four Gospels, led by different clergy and lay leaders at Christ Church. The first week will be an overview of the genre of Gospel writing. 7:00 Go in peace! Dinner begins at 5:15pm. Programs will begin promptly at 6:00pm and end promptly at 7:00pm. Childcare can be provided for those under 5 years of age. Please let the church office know you need this service. 3
What to Expect when your Priest is Expecting...
Dear Church, Friends, we’ve nearly made it to the end. Sometime soon, Baby Gilmore will make his or her appearance. I want to thank you for the support and joy that Jim and I have received throughout this pregnancy. A few logistics: When baby is born, I will begin my 12 week maternity leave. We’ll be sure that the announcement makes it into The Messenger and other church communications. During those 12 weeks, please know that you’ll still be in my daily prayers and I hope I will be in yours. In the time I’m away, Paul and I have scheduled a handful of guest preachers to help share the liturgical load on Sundays. We’ve also found some volunteers and other church professionals who will help cover my pastoral care duties. You will likely meet the Rev. Barbara Bornemann, a friend and neighbor of mine who is also an ELCA pastor.
I know this is a generous church and many of you might be interested in helping me out through meals and visits. If that’s you, please talk to Paul. I will be in communication with him about how much help I can handle and he can advise you on the best way to support me. Thanks in advance for your grace and patience as Jim and I navigate this big life transition. We know that as first time parents, no amount of diligent preparing will keep us from being surprised and challenged daily. I already look forward to returning to work and introducing our baby to this community and our way of loving Jesus. If the baby is born on the due date (November 23), then I’ll be back in time for the beginning of Lent. But obviously babies come when they come and rarely fit into our carefully laid plans. This will surely be an adventure for all of us! God’s peace,
Worship serving large Lutheran churches as part of a team ministry in a variety of settings -- Minneapolis, MN; North Hollywood, CA; and Frederick, MD. While in Frederick, MD, she was honored to participate in the start-up of Trinity School of Frederick – an Episcopal/Lutheran Christian day school (K-8) cosponsored by All Saints Episcopal Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church. In addition to working in congregational settings, Barbara served as an Assistant to the Bishop in Los Angeles for the Southwest CA Synod of the ELCA. Prior to moving to New Bern, NC in 2013, Barbara completed a one year clinical pastoral residency as a hospital chaplain at The Rev. Barbara Bornemann the VA Medical Center in Lexington, KY. For the past four years, The Rev. Barbara Bornemann will be assisting me Barbara has been active in the Stephen Ministry with pastoral care and Sunday liturgies while the Rev. Cortney Dale is on maternity leave. Barbara is Training program that involves five New Bern congregations, including Christ Church. In her current ordained in the Evangelical role as a Continuum Hospice chaplain, Barbara facilLutheran Church of America (ELCA) and itates many bereavement and caregiver support currently serves as a hospice chaplain for groups and provides spiritual care resources to indiContinuum Home Health & Hospice in New Bern. The Episcopal Church and the ELCA share in what is viduals and families in grief. Barbara assisted with the grief groups that met at Christ Church in the fall called a Concordat of Agreement, part of which alof 2016, so she may be a familiar face to several peolows for Lutheran clergy to serve in Episcopal ple at Christ Church. Cortney’s due date Churches and vise-versa. is November 23rd; Barbara will begin her time with After graduating from California Lutheran us shortly after the baby’s arrival and continue for University with a BA in sociology, Barbara earned her Master of Divinity from Pacific Lutheran Theo- the 12 weeks of Cortney’s maternity leave Barbara logical Seminary in CA and was ordained a Minister and her husband, Perry Bosmajian, live in the historic downtown area of New Bern. They enjoy gardenof Word and Sacrament in 1982. In 1997, she coming, antiquing, and cooking together. Barbara has an pleted a two year program with the Academy of Spiritual Formation through Upper Room Ministries adult son, Matthew, who lives in Seattle. in Nashville, TN. Barbara’s background has been in
Fall/Winter Dates to Remember October 7 Arrival of the Pumpkins for Pumpkin Patch.
November 19th Visit by the Rt. Rev. Robert Skirving for an afternoon Eucharist (Time TBD)
October 15 Mumfest Weekend No Sunday School classes 11:00 am service will be at St. Cyprian’s Church
November 26th Thanksgiving Weekend One Service (10am) The Rev. Lloyd Griffith is our preacher
on Johnson Street
McCotter Stewardship Talk
I am Ken McCotter. My wife is Pat. Today I’d like to tell you about us and our life of faith at Christ Church. Our story begins many years ago. I was born to Charles Kennedy McCotter and Lucy Guion Dunn McCotter. My mother was a cradle Episcopalian who was a lifelong member of Christ Church. My father was a country boy from Pamlico County, and a Free Will Baptist who became an Episcopalian. I was baptized in Christ Church when I was a small child by Rev. Charles Williams. I attended kindergarten at Christ Church. I was an acolyte. Bishop Thomas Wright confirmed me in Christ Church. I studied for the God and Country award under the Rev. Ed Sharp. Pat was born in Durham to Thomas Campbell Byrum, Jr. and Virginia Moore Byrum while her father was completing his undergraduate degree at Carolina. Pat grew up in Edenton and was a Southern Baptist. Pat was baptized at the Edenton Baptist Church where she attended Sunday School and Church. Pat and I were married in the Edenton Baptist Church in 1968. Pat was confirmed at the Chapel of the Cross in Chapel Hill when I was in law school at UNC. Peter Lee was the rector, before he became Bishop, and baptized our daughter Ginny at Chapel of the Cross. Pat, Ginny and I
moved back to New Bern in 1972. We began attending Christ Church. The Rev. Ed Sharp baptized our daughter Trish here. Our children attended Sunday School and Church, and Pat and I became EYC advisors. We chaperoned the youth on several wonderful ski trips. Our daughters were married in Christ Church and our grandchildren, Thomas, Tucker, Chase, and Sarah, were baptized in here. Our dear friend Bishop Clay Matthews participated in Trish’s baptism and wedding and the baptisms of our four grandchildren. The people of Christ Church have accepted and loved Pat and me and our family, through Jesus Christ. The people of Christ Church have been there for us in times of joy and celebration and in times of difficulty and sadness. Christ Church has been an important part of our lives. Every year we support Christ Church’s annual campaign because we are grateful for Christ Church giving us a loving and caring community in which to raise our family. The impact we have felt on our lives is but part of the larger picture of our parish’s ministry in our community and beyond. Christ Church provides teaching, preaching, music, worship, fellowship, and pastoral care for our parishioners and others. Christ Church provides outreach through support of Religious Community Services, Merci Clinic, Interfaith Refugee Ministries, Farmworkers, and Prison Ministry and other ministries. Christ Church leads by example. Christ Church welcomes all as a diverse, caring and compassionate church community through the love and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us in giving to our annual budget. Your pledge supports our programs and makes sure that Christ Church continues to touch lives through its mission and ministry. It is also a visual expression of our gratitude both to God and to this parish for its impact on our life of faith. Give because you want to give. Give because you enjoy giving. Join us in giving this year to Christ Church’s campaign and ThanksLiving into a new spirit of gratitude. Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17 6
Jutras Family Stewardship Talk
the same for me (if I played my cards right). I did. In 2008 I proposed to Betsy in the courtyard outside the front doors of Christ Church knowing this was where we would begin our lives together. We were married at Christ Church in 2009 and both of our boys, Henry who is 5 and Parker who is 2 were baptized at the baptismal font right here. Betsy This year, we are supporting Christ Church’s annual campaign because we are grateful for the impact that Christ Church has had on our lives and our community, and, we are supporting Christ Church’s annual campaign because we want this church to have as much to offer our children as it has the rest of our family. In order to provide the opportunities and programs necessary to keep the children and youth actively involved in the life of the church we ALL need to contribute to Christ Church’s annual campaign.
Rob This community of faith has not only changed my life, but has changed many lives. There is a cost associated with being here. There is also an opportunity to show our gratitude by giving an annual gift. As our Senior Betsy Warden, Joe Mansfield, shared at the Stewardship Good morning! I am Betsy Emory Jutras and this is my Dinner, we are hoping for a 6% increase in pledging husband Rob Jutras. I am, as they say, a cradle units this year. If you have never made a pledge, be a Episcopalian from right here in Christ Episcopal Church. part of that 6%. If you are already a pledging unit, In 1979 I was baptized at this baptismal font (when it consider increasing your pledge. Allow your gift to the was over there) and confirmed on these steps in 1990. church to be transformative to your life. From birth Christ Church has been a second home for me. I was actively involved in the youth choir, Sunday Betsy School, Bible School, EYC, Acolyting, diocesan youth Your pledge supports our programs and makes sure that events, New Beginnings, Happening, Camp Trinity, the Christ Church continues to touch lives through its list goes on and on. My best friends, many of whom are mission and ministry. It is also a visual expression of still my best friends today, were right there beside me. our gratitude both to God and to this parish for its impact Christ Church was home. on our life of faith. It is easy in the midst of daily life to forget to say thanks for what we’ve received. Join us; in Rob giving this year to Christ Church’s campaign and Betsy and the Emory family came into my life when Betsy was freshly out of college and beginning her post- ThanksLiving into a new spirit of gratitude. college, professional life in Wilmington. It didn’t take me long to figure out that Christ Church was and is a cornerstone of the Emory family and I knew it would be
Loving God, You love all creation and call us to follow the first and greatest commandment. God, in your abundance, you provided all that we need not only to survive, but to thrive. You call us to live as generous stewards in response to God’s abundance and sustenance. Living into our call to be stewards who depend on God’s gracious giving and character. May we commit ourselves to depend on your abundant provisions to sustain us in our daily walks individually and to have an attitude of gratitude together. AMEN
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