The Messenger
A Weekly Digest of Useful Information about Events and Opportunities in and around Christ Church, New Bern, North Carolina Put a magnet here and place on your refrigerator. January 29 – February 5, 2017
First Annual Christ Church Chili Cook-Off Grand Success! The first annual Chili Cook-Off fundraiser was held this past Saturday. Funds raised will be used to help with expenses for our youth to travel to Washington, DC, in February. A total of $823.00 was raised. Thanks to everyone that donated chili (16), cornbread, and the volunteers that helped with set up and clean up as well as all the tasters. Winners were as follows: People’s Choice Award: Liz Witten Youth Choice Award: Jason Thuringer Clergy Choice Award: Jen Leahey Again, thanks for everyone’s support of our youth!
New Addition to our Church Family In late December, the Vestry approved the purchase of a slightly used Ford 15 passenger van. It has been the dream of this parish for many years to have our own form of transportation for various events and it has finally happened. The main use will be to transport our “Growing in Grace” students from school to our facilities and finally home, but additional ideas for its use are welcome. If you have some ideas or wish to possibly use it for a church function, please contact our Operations Manager, Nancy Przybylko, in the church office for details.
For more information, please contact: C.B. Evans, 223.225 East Front Street, New Bern, NC 28560 252-638-1343 -
Women of Christ Church: You are invited to learn more about Daughters of the King on Monday evening, February 6, 2017, at 7:00pm in the Parish House. Established in 1885, The Order of the Daughters of the King is a community of women bound together by love and a common vow to live a life of prayer and service. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the vision as Daughter of the King is to know Jesus Christ, to make Him known to others, and to become reflections of God’s love throughout the world-through prayer, service, and evangelism. Bylaws of DOK prohibit raising funds. Part of the Rule of Prayer is to pray daily for the unity of Christ’s Church; for the spread of Christ’s Kingdom, especially among women and girls; for God’s blessing upon the members of the Order; for the spiritual growth of the parish and for the clergy of the parish; for the grace to follow our Rule; and for our own needs. The Rule of Service focuses on daily seeking of God’s will; to take part in the worship, study, and work of the Church; and to render aid to the clergy. If you feel called by God to investigate this Order, please join us on February 6, 2017, at 7:00pm
Funeral Reception Volunteers
History Information Wanted
Volunteers urgently needed to help with funeral receptions. We need people that can set up, serve, and clean up. If interested, please sign up on the sheet located in the reception area or contact Joann Payne at 434-249-9051 or Nancy Freemon at 252-637-3679 for more information.
The History Committee desires to learn more about the life of Minnie Leary, a missionary from Christ Church to Puerto Rico. If you have such information or know of someone who does, please contact Ken McCotter at 6362354 (email at or David Skaggs at 6372968 (email at
Valentine Cabaret A Valentine’s Day Cabaret dinner will be held in the Harrison Center on February 14, 2017, from 6:00 pm to 9:00pm. Music will be performed by Grenoldo Frazier, a renowned pianist and vocalist from Wilmington, North Carolina. Chef Tad Whitaker will prepare the gourmet dinner for the second year. The cost is $40.00 per person, which includes dinner, beverage, and entertainment. You may arrange your own table of 8 or we will place you with other people. All are welcome. This is a church sponsored fundraiser to benefit Backpack Blessings. Reservations may be purchased by contacting Betty Clarke at 637-7657, Charles Adams at 910-232-6063, or Christ Church at 6332109. Checks should be made out to Christ Church with Backpack Blessings in the Memo area. Please note that tickets are going fast. If you plan on attending, please get your tickets soon.
Volunteers Needed for Valentine Cabaret Volunteer help is need for the Backpack Blessings Valentine’s Day Dinner to be held on Tuesday, February 14, 2017, in the Harrison Center. Bartenders, servers, and kitchen help are needed from 5:00pm to 9:00 pm. Sign-up sheets are available in the reception area. Please note that those volunteering will be served dinner. Please sign up to help this worthy cause. For more information, call Betty Clarke at 637-7657.
Called to Serve - C-TV 10 (Channel 10) Stephanie Hawkins will share her faith journey that has led her to be in charge of the Nursery at Christ Church. She has a passion for working with children and this position offers her a chance to share her love of the Lord with the youngest in our midst. Sunday at 6:30pm – Thursday at 7:00pm Online at or
2017 Empty Bowls Volunteers Needed Christ Church will again be participating in the Empty Bowls fundraiser on Thursday, February 23, 2017, from 11:00am to 2:00pm at Temple Baptist Church. If you are interested in helping with this event to raise money for Religious Community Services and the Craven County Arts Council, you may contact Alice Underhill at 633-2270 or 514-5326 for further information. This year we will prepare Heartland Chili made with turkey, which is very delicious, healthy, and easy. Thank You!
Religious Community Services Needs Items Needed for January: Food: Peanut butter Stuff: Socks
134th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina The 134th convention will be held this coming week, February 2-4, in New Bern. Two events of note are as follows: an Evensong will be held at 5:30pm on Thursday, February 2, at St. Cyprians Episcopal Church, 604 Johnson Street, New Bern, and the convention Eucharist will be held at Christ Church on Friday, February 3, at 5:00pm.
Youth Ministry News DC Trip Meeting
EYC Meal Sign-up
All youth that are traveling to Washington, DC, in February, along with their parents, are required to be at the Pre-Pilgrimage Meeting TODAY at 3:45pm in the Youth Building. There, we will be discussing details of the trip including travel, what to bring, and signing paperwork. If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Simpson.
We are looking for people to provide meals for EYC each Sunday or to provide the funds for a meal. You can sign up in the reception area or via the link below:
Sunday, 1/29
In peace we pray to you, Lord God For our ill and recovering parishioners: Art and Diane Vance, Fred and Muriel Latham, Barbara Willis, Norma Doane, Edna Bearnes, Dottie Parker, Elliott Hudgins, Gary Derck, Pat Chandler, Janet Stevens, Jackie Barney, Linda Lore, Mike Pridgen, Sonja Doran, Sue Hartley, Barbara Schmalhofer, Jim, Mary Whitford, Mary Hasell, Catherine Bender, Betty Jane Bonapartian, Jim Ross, Bob and Joan Burnett, Audrey St. John, Fair Leonard, Glenna Davis, Champ Mitchell, Janet Anderson, Margi, Bradley, Joe Freemon, Jane Coogan, Ray Stark, Bob Kohn, Gretchen Gibson, Nan Baughman, Linda Howell, David Hancock, Janice Millns, Nicholas Pridgen, Jane Czernik, Betty Paramore, Bruce Meyers, Susan Rivenbark, Mary Kay Farnham, Warren Meadows, Jerry Ocorr, Martha Schell, Janet Corcoran, Janet MacLaren, Rex Willis III, Hilda Weaver, John Reichenbach, Hal Cameron, Rae Cowan, Mike Liberty For our families and friends: Bella, Natalie, Natalie, Kay, Pepper, Richard, Nancy, Connor, Mary, Beth, Miles, Jenny, Philip, Josh, Bedford, Andrew, Susan, Carol, Grace, Sue, Chris, George, Everett, Sonny, Derek, Michael, Bishop Jack Spong, Phoebe, Edward, Jay, Roy, Elizabeth, Gracie, Colt, Ken, Grace, Joan, Bernie, Monty, Charles, Brett, Deanna, Susan, Cindy, Don, LaBinda, Barry, Rusty, Owen, Chris, Bobby, Anne, Brenda & Family, Liesel, Tate, Audra, Sally For parishioners in boarding school and college: Amanda Buffa, Ashley Buffa, Davis Cook, Anna Louise Flanagan, Campbell Huddle, Jack Huddle, Jay King, William Little, Dana McLaughlin, Alex Norwood, Carlee Peele, Htoo Soe, John Thomas, Zack Thuringer, Eli Turner, Erik Turner, Ian Turner, Dequan Williams For our deployed military: Capt. Jason White, Cpl. Jason Church, Sgt. Bill Jarvis, Capt. Paul Truog, LCPL Ross Drury, Andrew Konzen, Capt. Delbert R. Patton, SSG Andrea D. Eubanks, CW02 Justin Harshner, LTC. Bryan Babich, Army Spec. Devin Clarke For those who mourn: the family and friends of Walter Paramore For all refugee families, especially: Viviana and Mariann Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Chaplains of the Armed Forces and Holy Cross, Carolina Beach
7:30am 8:45am 10:00am 11:00am 3:45pm 5:00pm
Holy Eucharist: Rite I Holy Eucharist: Rite II Sunday School for All Ages Holy Eucharist: Rite II DC Trip Meeting for Parents EYC Diocesan Convention Outreach
Monday, 1/30 11:00am “Small Wonders” NA 12:00pm Contemplative Prayer Group 6:00pm Men's Bible Study
Tuesday, 1/31 8:00am 10:00am 2:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm
Holy Eucharist Women's Bible Study Order of Saint Luke Following the Jesus Movement “Small Wonders” NA
Wednesday, 2/1 10:00am 11:00am 6:00pm 6:15pm 7:00pm
Holy Eucharist Healing Service Rector's Bible Study EfM “Came to Believe” AA Parish Choir
Thursday, 2/2 Diocese of East Carolina Convention 12:30pm Compassionate Listening 2:00pm St. Francis ECW 6:30pm “Small Wonders” NA
Friday, 2/3 Diocese of East Carolina Convention 5:00pm Diocesan Eucharist Service
Saturday, 2/4 Diocese of East Carolina Convention
Sunday, 2/5 The flowers behind the altar are given to the Glory of God in memory of Walter Paramore by Michael Monette of Michael's Florist.
Birthday & Anniversary Sunday 7:30am Holy Eucharist: Rite I 8:45am Holy Eucharist: Rite II 10:00am Sunday School for All Ages 11:00am Holy Eucharist: Rite II 5:00pm EYC- Super Bowl