The Messenger
A Weekly Digest of Useful Information about Events and Opportunities in and around Christ Church, New Bern, North Carolina Put a magnet here and place on your refrigerator. February 5 – February 12, 2017
Pumpkin Patch/Cafés Funds Distributed
Pumpkin Patch and cafés fundraisers. Other charities receiving a distribution are Interfaith Refugee Ministry ($1500.00), Promise Place ($2,500.00) Episcopal Farmworkers ($1,500.00), Backpack Blessings ($1,000.00), and New Bern Police Department Citizen Volunteers ($1,000.00).
Christian Music: A Global History 4 weeks – Christ Episcopal Church 320 Pollock Street, downtown New Bern Registration fee $100 Minimum of 10 registrations required Class start date is February 20 at 6:00pm Instructor: David Leahey, Director of Music Liturgical music has altered significantly in form and style throughout the course of history. Throughout this course, taught by David Leahey, Director of Music, students will examine all eras, regions, and varieties of Christian music, from its Jewish origins to modern gospel and rock. Material will be presented and analyzed using a variety of mediums including lecture, audio excerpts, visual aids, class discussion, and written texts. Course content will be drawn from "Christian Music: A Global History," by Tim Dowley. Dowley holds a PhD in church history from the University of Manchester, and is a forerunner in the writing of modern resources on biblical studies. Consistent with the sacred nature of the topic, this course will be presented at the historic Christ Episcopal Church in downtown New Bern. David Leahey’s highly acclaimed career began as a chorister at Liverpool Cathedral, England in which he participated in services for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, HRH Princess Diana, and Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major. David also toured Spain and Japan alongside Paul McCartney, performing McCartney's Liverpool Oratorio. At age sixteen, he was appointed as Organ Scholar at Liverpool Cathedral under the tutelage of world renowned Professor Doctor Ian Tracey. David holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music as well as a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.
Volunteer Opportunity Religious Community Services We currently have an active RCS Sunday breakfast team for the 4th Sunday of the month. There is a need on the 2nd Sunday of the month for another team to serve breakfast at RCS. Donations made by many others pay for the meal or you can purchase food items like grits or juice and help defray what the church is billed. What you want to serve is your choice. Other teams change their menus around, so it’s flexible, as are the times you are there….some of us come in around 7:00am, others arrive at 7:45. So are you available from 7:00 to 9:30am every 2nd Sunday? We need team members that can serve and feed God’s children with a joyous heart. You receive a lot more than you give in this ministry! Please contact Kathleen Rice, 252-671-7570, or David Cook, 252-702-7811, if you have questions or are interested in serving.
Community Resource Council (C.R.C.) Carteret Correctional Center Newport, NC 28557 Christ Episcopal Church: Thank you so much for your generous donation of $355. Such kindness is a rare gift in our world today. Again, many thanks.
Women of Christ Church: You are invited to learn more about Daughters of the King on Monday evening, February 6, 2017, at 7:00pm in the Parish House. Established in 1885, The Order of the Daughters of the King is a community of women bound together by love and a common vow to live a life of prayer and service. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the vision as Daughter of the King is to know Jesus Christ, to make Him known to others, and to become reflections of God’s love throughout the world-through prayer, service, and evangelism. Bylaws of DOK prohibit raising funds. Part of the Rule of Prayer is to pray daily for the unity of Christ’s Church; for the spread of Christ’s Kingdom, especially among women and girls; for God’s blessing upon the members of the Order; for the spiritual growth of the parish and for the clergy of the parish; for the grace to follow our Rule; and for our own needs. The Rule of Service focuses on daily seeking of God’s will; to take part in the worship, study, and work of the Church; and to render aid to the clergy. If you feel called by God to investigate this Order, please join us on February 6, 2017, at 7:00pm
Funeral Reception Volunteers
History Information Wanted
Volunteers urgently needed to help with funeral receptions. We need people that can set up, serve, and clean up. If interested, please sign up on the sheet located in the reception area or contact Joann Payne at 434-249-9051 or Nancy Freemon at 252-637-3679 for more information.
The History Committee desires to learn more about the life of Minnie Leary, a missionary from Christ Church to Puerto Rico. If you have such information or know of someone who does, please contact Ken McCotter at 6362354 (email at or David Skaggs at 6372968 (email at
Buildings & Grounds Commission Meeting On Wednesday, February 8th at 6:30 pm there will be a “revival meeting “in the library. No preaching or singing at this revival, just an introduction to the role of the Commission in the life of the parish and how vital this Commission is to the stewardship of our facilities as part of our fulfillment of our mission and ministry in New Bern. Have time? Have talents? Please seriously consider becoming part of this Commission as part of your stewardship commitment and journey. Looking forward to seeing you, Kip Peregoy Junior Warden
Volunteers Needed for Valentine Cabaret Volunteer help is need for the Backpack Blessings Valentine’s Day Dinner to be held on Tuesday, February 14, 2017, in the Harrison Center. Bartenders, servers, and kitchen help are needed from 5:00pm to 9:00 pm. Sign-up sheets are available in the reception area. Please note that those volunteering will be served dinner. Please sign up to help this worthy cause. For more information, call Betty Clarke at 637-7657.
Called to Serve - C-TV 10 (Channel 10) Father Michael Schuetz, Parochial Vicar, St. Paul Catholic Church, will share his story about being called to the priesthood, and how he is adjusting to parochial life following his ordination to the priesthood. Sunday at 6:30pm – Thursday at 7:00pm Online at or
2017 Empty Bowls Volunteers Needed Christ Church will again be participating in the Empty Bowls fundraiser on Thursday, February 23, 2017, from 11:00am to 2:00pm at Temple Baptist Church. If you are interested in helping with this event to raise money for Religious Community Services and the Craven County Arts Council, you may contact Alice Underhill at 633-2270 or 514-5326 for further information. This year we will prepare Heartland Chili made with turkey, which is very delicious, healthy, and easy. Thank You!
Religious Community Services Needs Items Needed for February: Food: SpaghettiOs Stuff: Toothpaste
February Crown Deadline Please submit any articles and announcements for the February Crown no later than Wednesday, February 17.
Youth Ministry News Travel Toiletries & Sock Drive
EYC Super Bowl Sunday
To prepare for our trip to Washington, DC, our P.O.D. and EYC will be collecting travel toiletries and socks. We will carry these to DC with us and distribute them to those that attend Church of the Epiphany's Welcome Table Ministry that we will be serving. We will be collecting items through February 15.
Today we will be meeting at Stephen and Maureen Clayton's Home for the Super Bowl at 5:45pm and staying until half-time. If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Simpson.
In peace we pray to you, Lord God For our ill and recovering parishioners: Art and Diane Vance, Fred and Muriel Latham, Barbara Willis, Norma Doane, Edna Bearnes, Dottie Parker, Elliott Hudgins, Gary Derck, Pat Chandler, Janet Stevens, Jackie Barney, Linda Lore, Mike Pridgen, Sonja Doran, Sue Hartley, Barbara Schmalhofer, Jim, Mary Whitford, Mary Hasell, Catherine Bender, Betty Jane Bonapartian, Jim Ross, Bob and Joan Burnett, Audrey St. John, Fair Leonard, Glenna Davis, Champ Mitchell, Janet Anderson, Margi, Bradley, Joe Freemon, Jane Coogan, Ray Stark, Bob Kohn, Gretchen Gibson, Nan Baughman, Linda Howell, David Hancock, Janice Millns, Nicholas Pridgen, Jane Czernik, Betty Paramore, Bruce Meyers, Susan Rivenbark, Mary Kay Farnham, Warren Meadows, Jerry Ocorr, Janet Corcoran, Janet MacLaren, Rex Willis III, Hilda Weaver, John Reichenbach, Hal Cameron, Rae Cowan, Mike Liberty For our families and friends: Bella, Natalie, Natalie, Kay, Pepper, Richard, Nancy, Connor, Mary, Beth, Miles, Jenny, Philip, Josh, Bedford, Andrew, Susan, Carol, Grace, Sue, Chris, George, Everett, Sonny, Derek, Michael, Bishop Jack Spong, Phoebe, Edward, Jay, Roy, Elizabeth, Gracie, Colt, Ken, Grace, Joan, Bernie, Monty, Charles, Brett, Deanna, Susan, Cindy, Don, LaBinda, Barry, Rusty, Owen, Chris, Bobby, Anne, Brenda & Family, Liesel, Tate, Audra, Sally For parishioners in boarding school and college: Amanda Buffa, Ashley Buffa, Davis Cook, Anna Louise Flanagan, Campbell Huddle, Jack Huddle, Jay King, William Little, Dana McLaughlin, Alex Norwood, Carlee Peele, Htoo Soe, John Thomas, Zack Thuringer, Eli Turner, Erik Turner, Ian Turner, Dequan Williams For our deployed military: Capt. Jason White, Cpl. Jason Church, Sgt. Bill Jarvis, Capt. Paul Truog, LCPL Ross Drury, Andrew Konzen, Capt. Delbert R. Patton, SSG Andrea D. Eubanks, CW02 Justin Harshner, LTC. Bryan Babich, Army Spec. Devin Clarke For all refugee families, especially: Viviana and Mariann Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Phillip’s, Holly Ridge and the 134th Convention of the Diocese of East Carolina
Sunday, 2/5 Birthday & Anniversary Sunday 7:30am Holy Eucharist: Rite I 8:45am Holy Eucharist: Rite II 10:00am Sunday School for All Ages 11:00am Holy Eucharist: Rite II 5:45pm EYC- Super Bowl at the Clayton's
Monday, 2/6 11:00am 12:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm
“Small Wonders” NA Contemplative Prayer Group Eucharist Ministry Training Men's Bible Study Worship Committee Daughters of the King
Tuesday, 2/7 8:00am 10:00am 2:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm
Holy Eucharist Women's Bible Study Order of Saint Luke Following the Jesus Movement “Small Wonders” NA
Wednesday, 2/8 10:00am 11:00am 6:00pm 6:15pm 6:30pm 7:00pm
Holy Eucharist Healing Service Rector's Bible Study EfM “Came to Believe” AA Building and Grounds Committee Parish Choir
Thursday, 2/9 6:30pm “Small Wonders” NA
Saturday, 2/11 9:30am Stepping Out Singles (Off site)
Sunday, 2/12
The flowers behind the altar are given to the Glory of God .
7:30am 8:45am 10:00am 11:00am 5:00pm
Holy Eucharist: Rite I Holy Eucharist: Rite II Sunday School for All Ages Holy Eucharist: Rite II EYC P.O.D Outreach Project for D.C. Trip