Paul Clarke: EireExit For A United Ireland And Life Equality

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PAUL CLARKE United Ireland + EireExit + Life Equality

Paul Clarke: Life Equality LIFE EQUALIT Y AN D THE 8 TH AM E N D M E NT Under the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013, abortion is already available for crisis pregnancies throughout the Republic of Ireland that was legislated after the tragic death of Savita Halappanavar. The investigation of the sequence of events that led up to Savita’s death established the actual cause of her death was infection with a virulent anti-biotic resistant strain of E Coli compounded by a series of systems failures that delayed the realisation by the medical team of the gravity of the risk to her life, and the timely implementation of the appropriate responses to it.

and the right to life of the unborn child with the equal right to life of the mother. This will remove life equality permitting horrific and inhumane acts including partial birth abortions like in the UK and Iceland where 90% of babies with Down Syndrome are aborted. Ireland’s top quality prenatal services, adoption and foster care services must not be left to neglect and instead should be prioritized as all women and babies deserve better than abortion. Our education campaign highlights very serious questions for gathering statistics that urgently needs to be raised such as:

Contraceptive medication is already widely available in all Pharmacies and provided in hospital emergency rooms for females who suffered rape and sexual abuse. Proabortionists now seek to introduce abortion on demand without term limits right up until the moment of birth by repealing the 8th Amendment of the Irish Constitution

How many women have died from abortion? How many babies died after abortion? How many women commit suicide after an abortion? The 8th Amendment of the Irish Constitution protects life equality, the equal right to life between the mother and the child. Join our campaign to Save the 8th and stop discrimination against the unborn.

“ Th e n atio n is a n atu r a l d ivis io n . As n atu r a l as t h e fa m ti es my t h ica l a n d s p i r i tu a l . Th e n atio n is t

EireExit: A United Ireland

United Ireland + Life Equality The EU parliament in Brussels with a small group of undemocratically unelected commissioners are deciding on the laws and rules that govern our lives. Ireland’s membership in the European Union is no longer sustainable and the continuation of multi-million euro fines [of taxpayers money] by the European Courts of Justice for not meeting EU standards for example on water charges is clearly in contrast to the constitution of the first Dáil, 1919 and the Irish Proclamation of Independence, 1916 which was written to promote the prosperity of the nation. As Pádraic H. Pearse said in 1916 “National independence involves national sovereignty.” and in 2019 we the people will have the opportunity to elect Paul Clarke as your EireExit councillor passionately working towards the enhancement of a united Ireland and the call for an EireExit referendum to promote free and fair trade with other nations. As we remember the men and women of the 1916 Easter Rising who gave the ultimate sacrifice for a sovereign nation of Ireland in the fight against imperialism, we as Irish citizens have a responsibility to refine Ireland’s sovereignty by voting for EireExit candidates working solely towards a real republic without the vested interests of party politics. The essential source of Ireland’s economic growth is American capitol and trade with the United Kingdom. This fragile Atlantic and Continental relationship is extremely important culturally, psychologically and diplomatically. Eurocrats in Brussels are working to damage this relationship and punish the UK over a democratic decision British citizens have made on leaving the single market. In 2008 Irish people voted on the Lisbon Treaty, this result was again overturned by EU governmental interests [as in 2001, during the

NICE treaty referendum] forcing Irish people to vote for the second time in 2009. As a direct result the EU Constitution was ratified, legally binding Irish citizens to pay the foreign bank debts of a small group of individuals officially known only as “the bondholders”. This lead to major cutbacks throughout Europe and food shortages in Countries like Greece while generating record high homelessness levels in Ireland not seen since the Irish Holocaust in 1845. In 2010, Iceland held a referendum on bank bailouts and voted against austerity leading to the arrest of several bankers and politicians. In this spirit of sovereignty the Icelandic people vowed never to join the European Union. Ireland’s trade relationship must be protected against the Eurocrats in Brussels and should not be allowed to be taken advantage of or be used as an economic bargaining chip in a strategy for punishment against another nation for voting to reclaim their sovereignty from Brussels as the reprocusions will be disastrous economically as Ireland is the UK’s closest trading partner. Therefore Ireland must begin to reclaim its own independence and economic sovereignty to negotiate a free and fair trade deals with the UK and be exempt from paying millions of euros in EU trade charges and carbon stealth taxes as well as multi-million euro fines by the European Courts of Justice over giving tax breaks to companies in any attempt to stimiulate the Irish economy and create Irish jobs. This EireExit economic strategy will give Irish farmers including dairy farmers the ability to produce food exports without regulation restrictions or EU fines. Regaining full control over our Irish waters and the Irish fish industry will revolutionise Ireland’s industrialisation creating thousands of jobs as Ireland moves closer to a UNITED IRELAND AND A REAL REPUBLIC.

a m ily, a n d as i n evi ta b le. . . k n i t to g et h e r by n atu r a l ti es , s t h e fa m ily i n l a r g e.” ~ Pá d r a ic H . Pe a r s e

PAUL CLARKE Campaign Newsletter + Updates

A real republic exists when people are Constitutionally empowered to restructure bureaucracy towards mutual assured prosperity.

Paul Clarke: As your councillor I will provide you with a system to check-up on the performance of council services and decide on council budgets as well as other policies through popular consultation. Let us rise to support the empowerment of people and not the vested interests of political parties. People With Disabilities: People with disabilities should be given a choice to be supported in Independent Living and not forced to live a life sentence in a care home if they do not wish to live in a care home. It is their fundamental human right to have their voices heard and to make the choice about how they wish to live their lives. Children And Families: Develop and invest in youth services, facilities and youth clubs. Encourage young people to have a voice through empowerment schemes such as youth councils. Energise the voluntary sector: devolve budgets to local communities. A community which owns its assets is one that will support and look after them, often through the use of volunteers at a cost saving that can not be achieved by the State, it is however important that budgets are devolved for looking after the asset, not just the costs of running the asset.

Alternative Cancer Research: Enough of our loved ones lives have been claimed by Cancer. It’s time for a new look - independent of big pharma corporations and drug companies. Do it like Iceland: Only vote for candidates who support a referendum on bank bailouts to stop government from borrowing and use the assets from these failed private banks.

Culture And Heritage: Preserve our public libraries and develop a local buildings listings programme to allow communities to protect buildings of local importance. Safer Communities: Support the Garda Síochána to keep real Gardaí on the street to protect people from crime. Fight the scrapping of front line Gardaí jobs which will help to create a zero tolerance approach to all crimes. Homelessness Crisis: There are many cases of unemployed people who were living at home, who have endured the deaths of their parents before having their homes repossessed and rendering them homeless as a direct result. The time has come to combat the cause and end this dark age of needless suffering. The Peoples Choice: Through online technology higher levels of involvement have many positive aspects, including the possibility of improving government efficiency - thereby saving our money. Visit and be the change you want to see.

W h e r e t h e PEO PLE D ete r m i n e Po licy!

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