The notion that physiotherapy exists to simply serve athletes is a lot like saying that you should only take your car for a service if it’s a Porsche, an Aston Martin or a Bentley. All cars require service and all bodies need physiotherapy. As annoying as this notion is, it’s perfectly reasonable that it exists. Why? Because common misconceptions are the result of misinformation and lack of proper, informed education on a specific subject matter. In the “Golden Era” of information, we’ve populated the web with so much information that we’ve made the truth hard to find. At Club Health, we don’t brag of knowing a lot, but we are confident in the few things that we know and one of those is physiotherapy. We specifically decided to kick off our blog with this subject, as one of our biggest goals in creating the Club, is changing the notions, beliefs and thinking around physiotherapy. Let’s dive into it.
Injuries Don’t Just Happen on The Pitch Physiotherapy is closely associated with injury recovery for athletes and this is where things start getting tricky. Athlete’s injuries usually happen due to the stress and duress their bodies are put through - from calves and strains and pulled hamstrings to ACL and Achilles tears, these injuries rank high on the pain and recovery threshold. Where the misconception was born, is when people started thinking that anything less than these injuries, is not considered an injury and therefore does not need the treatment or consultation of a medical professional. What we have ended up with is a belief that someone who is an accountant, or a stay-at-home mum, or does anything other than a professional sport, is not subject to injuries or physiotherapy. That couldn’t be furthest from the truth.
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