Address: Ifigeneias 23, Limassol 3036 Website: www.gingarden.com Telephone: 00357 96 108877
With each issue of GC we meet to discuss the running order, along with ideas for future editions, and to generally shoot the sh*t with each other. Most brands like to do what many marketing bores term as ‘blue sky thinking’, where you are encouraged to say anything, as chair of the meeting happily announces there are no boundaries with all the zeal of the second in command at a cult. Based on the majority of our past experiences, there are many boundaries often laid down, and the blue skies are often full of grey soggy clouds stained by the lost souls who were previously incumbent in your chair. How many of you have been on the end of the dead eyed smile from the Head of Marketing, whose passive aggressive compliments you can actively use as a barometer for your future employment prospects. At GC we have found that the best way to generate new ideas, is to add a little wetness to the blue clouds with the helping hand of alcohol. After all, most great ideas have been scien-