STXscene #6

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Entertainment Resource Guide Issue #6 • Aug. 17-30, 2013 Bi-Weekly

More and more people are turning to dating sites to find love. Does it actually work? And is it worth your time?


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Chris Carrabba’s name may sound familiar to some, but his band, Dashboard Confessional, is probably more recognizable. He’s been active in that band for more than a decade but has since set them aside at the moment for a new musical endeavour. Right now, he’s focused on his new band, Twin Forks, which is a musical departure for the singer/ songwriter, to say the least. Twin Forks is an Americana/folk rock band he started up with Suzie Zeldin (The Narrative) on mandolin, music producer Jonathan Clark on bass and Ben Homola (Bad Books) on drums. Carrabba’s songwriting style and skill are still intact, though the music is very much country/folk tinged. It is an entirely different direction, musically, from his former emo bands, Dashboard Confessional and Further Seems Forever, but that in no way is a bad thing. It’s refreshing to hear a different side of Carrabba as he completely envelopes himself in the twangy, manic picking that accompanies some of his songs. And in true Carrabba form, his lyrics are as lovelorn and sweet, albeit at times a bit darker, as ever. On one of the two band’s original tracks featured on a free EP released a few months ago is “Back to You.” “Put a posy in your


brings back the heartache, this time with a country twang hair/pretend you couldn’t give a care/whistle past the graveyard/even the dead deserve a song” he sings with a voice rising and falling and nearly cracking like an old country crooner with newlypolished vocal pipes.

the verse “I don’t have no ring, but I can steal one on the way/I’ll be making good on all the promises I made/I never had much money, but I got a little saved/Baby, leave the light on; I’ll be coming over late.”

It’s a great introduction to his new sound as it mixes 3/4 folk with 1/4 Dashboard. Fans of the latter will have no problem adjusting to his newest incarnation.

The thing that is most surprising about the songs are the ease with which Carrabba seems to slip into them with nary a bat of an eye. It’s as if he always had the music in “Scraping Up the him and finally decided to Pieces” on the other hand let it out. is Twin Forks hosting a The band as a whole barnyard jamboree with is solid, tight and verges square dancing hipsters on frenetic when they’re instead of redneck hillbil- on the move yet caring lies. and thoughtful when they On that track, Carrabba take a breather – like on pines after a girl who you the Gillian Welch cover of can almost see wearing “Hard Times.” a checkered dress, slowly walking down a southern dirt road as he trails behind, spouting a lover’s lament and trying to win her heart.

Every track on the foursong EP evokes imagery of sunsets over beaten and worn barnscapes and farmhouses sprinkled among wheat fields.

The track opens with

The only problem with

Twin Forks is that they may be too late to the party. With folk/country/rock bands like The Lumineers and Mumford & Sons leading a movement into the mainstream and taking over the airwaves, can there be room for another act with twangy, picking guitars, mandolins and banjo-twinged, eloquentlywritten songs? Only time will tell as Twin Forks embarks on their fall U.S. tour and releases another EP Sept. 17 with a full album dropping later this year. Sadly, the closest they will come to South Texas is Dallas on Oct. 28 and Houston on Oct. 29, but that may not stop many of his southern fans. To get a copy of the EP, simply email and request it. In a few minutes, you’ll get the fourtrack EP. You can also follow the band at facebook. com/TwinForksMusic.

AUGUST 17-30, 2013

Goliad to go with the (beer)flow Say Goliad, and obviously most people will think of the mission or the Presidio. But soon, beer will be added to that list. Or, at least, that is the goal of one San Antonio man who plans to open a brewery north of town. San Antonian John Wilkerson bought about 50 acres in the county with plans to put a brewery there. That’s right. A brewery. “We’re trying to get all our ducks in a row,” Wilkerson said. “We want to do something very tastefully. We want to be involved in the community.” And when Wilkerson says he’s starting a brewery, he isn’t kidding. He currently has $400,000 worth beermaking equipment on order. When he first thought about Goliad as a location he looked at the old Goliad Advance-Guard building but realized it would be too small. He

later found a location north of town. Wilkerson’s Goliad Brewing Co. is looking to begin operations come January 2014. Wilkerson isn’t a stranger to the area, either. He’s very familiar with the county and even has family that lives there. “I hunt in Goliad every year. I have spent weekends there and gone to football games there.” He also has a plan to try and minimize waste. “We’ll be recycling most of our wastewater. We’re a very green company.” The brewery will likely start off with two employees at first, but he’s already looking towards the future of the beer company. “That will start growing fairly quickly. We’ll be bringing a brewer and his family down. That will also start leading into assistant brewers, helpers and positions like that.”


Summer Fest 2013 has officially wrapped up, and with the enormous crowds that poured into the Bee County Expo Center this weekend, it was clearly a success. Elida y Avante opened the event on Friday night,

P. 3 followed by crowd favorites Siggno with Los Palominos closing out the live music for the night. The audience surged to more than 1,700 fans, which was way up from last year’s Winterfest’s Tejano night number of 1,200. The rodeo arena erupted with cheers and hollers all night long as each band went through their library of hits, both new and old. At noon on Saturday, the Bee Auto Specialty 6th annual Car Show

drew an impressive crowd, Kevin Fowler stepped on even though the morning stage, sending the audibrought heavy showers. ence into a flurry. And the puddles were Even though the numbarely visible by the time ber of attendees was down the gates opened for the from Winterfest’s country country show that night. night of 2,200 to 1,900, James Lann warmed up no could tell as the arena the stage before Bart Crow was packed with screambrought his mix of country ing fans who danced and and rock that filled the sang the night away. arena as crowds rushed in Summer Fest 2013 was through the gates. an enormous event this Kyle Park also rocked year that can only get bigthe already huge crowd for ger. Next year, it’s likely to more than an hour, tear- be more exciting and funing through his hits before filled than the last.

Sean Penn gives brilliant performance in little seen indie gem The movie is gorgeous. The camera work is masterful, and every shot seems carefully thought out and perfectly executed. There are some slow motion shots sprinkled in to let you soak up the scene, and they are never used pretentiously. It’s a pretty stunning looking film for it being a drama about a guy searching for himself. The score is minimal – consisting of haunting guitars – and really punches up the emotion to certain scenes. There are a few songs throughout and a guest appearance by David Byrne, who plays himself as one of Cheyenne’s

parts of the rural U.S. He arrives too late but and begins living a life he learns that his father thought he never could. was on a mission to track The scenes of him mindown a Nazi soldier that gling with simple town had humiliated him at a folks are pretty hilarious concentration camp dur- and often endearing, as ing the Holocaust. So, in Cheyenne is a kind soul, order to honor his father, makes friends everyhe continues his search where he goes and helps for the ex-Nazi soldier. people in the most sincere He travels to various ways.

former bandmates. He performs a song in the film, too. Getting to see a Byrne performance is always nice, and he’s not that bad of an actor. But I think a lot of the praise belongs to Italian director Paolo Sorrentino. “This Must Be the Place” is his English language debut, and it’s a shame it wasn’t a hit because he’s one awesome director. Sure, Penn knocks it out of the park, but without Sorrentino at the helm, it could’ve been a weird, confusing film. I’m extremely eager to see Sorrentino’s other films and ensure myself that this wasn’t a fluke. The story does linger

before he goes.

BEFORE going to

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Sean Penn is one of the greatest living actors today – that’s a given. So when he stars in a movie, and it gets little to no attention and a very limited release in the U.S., one begins to question the entire Hollywood system. Especially when the film is this good. “This Must Be the Place” is a 2011 film that basically shows off Penn’s enormous talent as an actor. He plays Cheyenne, a former goth rock star from the ’80s who’s living in Dublin off his royalties and just floats through life. He seems disconnected and disinterested in everything the world has to offer. He wears all black, pale makeup, red lipstick and huge dark sunglasses. Oh, and he has a huge mop of messy hair sitting up top. It’s really hard to tell that it’s Penn and not Robert Smith and Edward Scissorhands’ love child. Cheyenne’s Jewish father, to whom he hasn’t spoken in 30 years, is dying, and he finally decides to travel to New York to pay him a visit

a bit too long in some spots, and the narrative isn’t as tight as it could’ve been, but it barely affects the movie as a whole. All the supporting actors are great, and this should’ve been some sort of breakout film for them if only someone would’ve seen it. “This Must Be the Place” is an exquisite piece of cinema and cements Penn’s place as one of finest actors to have ever graced the movie screens. Let’s hope the movie finds its audience on home video and Netflix because it’s definitely a film to experience. “This Must Be the Place” is available for streaming on

AFTER going to

P. 4

an love really be just a few clicks away? When the idea of searching for the answer to that question came up, it seemed easy enough of an assignment. Get online, log into some dating sites and find a diverse group of people and ask them. But then it quickly got complicated. Questions became conversations. The daters became sort-of friends. After it was all over, the urge to message some of them was still there, just to chat and see how things are going. But these are dating sites. Those seemingly vile places where perverts send you pictures of their “junk”, and every-

AUGUST 17-30, 2013

“I am a single mother who has primary physical custody of her child 98 percent of the time. I know I am not old by no means at 33, but I know I will not meet someone appropriate in a bar, club or Starbucks.”


While some of that last statement is true, it’s not John_ 78130 the whole story. Dating age: 26 sites have become social sex: male orientation: straight networking sites. An intirace: white mate version of Facebook where like-minded people with similar interests “I just moved to New can mingle and chat, and Braunfels from Houston. if they find a real connec- I work 50-70 hours a tion, it can go from there. week, and I’m done pickAll the questions start- ing up women in bars. ed the same, but not all “This site gives me of them ended in the access to women (beautisame way. ful women who are looking to get into a seriStrangers in a ous relationship) that I’d strange digital land more than likely never While most of the peo- have a chance to meet.” ple I messaged lived in bigger cities filled with Ariel_78401 single people, it seems a age: 33 sex: female lot easier to just go out orientation: straight and find your match. race: hispanic Not so much.

The good, the bad and the weird

sushi bar, and she was about half an hour late. Then she got comfortable. She started making really racist jokes in a horrible Chinese accent. “We were sitting in front of two very cool Asian sushi chefs and were right next to all the Asian waitresses. “I ate; I tipped; I bailed. And haven’t spoken to her since.”

Horror stories exist on and off dating sites. How many times has someone set you up on a blind date, and it went horribly wrong? People seem to think that, if something goes wrong on a Sara_78222 age: 25 date from a website, it’s sex: female the Internet’s fault. Only orientation: straight creeps and crazies hang race: hispanic out online. But sometimes the “My worst date was crazy can be somewhat with a boy (I refuse to entertaining. For the use the term man) who Colin_ 78201 readers at least. blatantly misrepresented age: 24 what he looked like. He sex: male was about 100 lbs. over orientation: bi race: white the weight he made himself appear to be. I often wonder if the pictures “I’ve met some people were even of him.” who have issues with Not just for dating being in the closet to Ariel_ 78401: “I went The more I began talktheir families. I’ve gotten out with a guy, and we ing to the daters the more advice and ended up giving others some later on. went to a bar, and right I realized that, while on after talking to him I John_ 78130: “I have knew personality-wise it their quest for love, they met up with a few girls, was not a good match. have made meaningful but, in all honesty, they I was so thankful when friendships with people were about twice as big he took me home. I used they would probably as any of their pictures. my kiddo as an excuse to have never met in person Sure that sounds like a not allow him to invite and possibly never met at all without the help of d*** thing to say, but I himself up. dating sites. have standards. “He attacked me with Colin_78201: I actuhis tongue and then had ally am from a small the audacity the next day town and joined because Beth_78667 to say he didn’t think we I didn’t know any other age: 23 meshed well. He felt no gay guys like me. sex: female chemistry. orientation: gay “And since then, I’ve race: unspecified “I then texted him developed good friendback: ‘Was that before or ships with guys where we “Lesbian dating in after I said you couldn’t both help each other and the real world is nearly come up?’ are there to be underimpossible. Lesbians my John_ 78130: “We met standing as we come out age tend to hang out in for sushi. I sat at the or figure things out. For the most part, it seems people on dating sites simply don’t have time to go out and meet people in person. Some just don’t like the bar/ club scene.

one’s trying to “hook up” with everyone. Right?

either bars (not my cup of tea) or at home with their cats and Netflix. “I’ve been horribly unsuccessful in the real world and more successful online.”

P. 5

“And it’s not restricted to my location. I’ve made friends with people in College Station, Austin, Nacogdoches and even Dublin. “And while, yeah, it can be used to date or even hook up, that’s not all there is.”

Ted_ 78413 age: 27 sex: male orientation: bi race: unspecified

“I searched free dating websites to connect with people who seemed a lot more like me. My mission is to start fresh with a social circle that is more parallel to my voice and to the life I want and am comfortable with.”

Searching far and wide

But in the end, everyone is still out there looking for something. It is a dating site after all.

Colin_78201: “Eh.. online and apps are responsible for like 90% of my dating life. And friends. I’m not super optimistic, but it’s something interesting right now.” John_ 78130: “When I first got on here, I thought that there would be more meet ups and that I would have had a woman by now. Well, since neither of these have happened the way I assumed they would, I’ve more or less been using this site as a

way to learn how to talk to women better. Like practice for real life.” Ted_78413: “I want a better, more fruitful life – one that’s best for me. I have been raised in a culture and a world where a male is supposed to be masculine, heterosexual and conservative, and I fluctuate between all of those things. “Who cares if I am attracted to all walks of life; love is better than violence, which is something that we as a society venerate. Thus, I want to connect with more people here that are similar to me. That way we can maneuver through this crazy reality that is life.”

Trying it out For anyone looking to try dating online, the daters have a ton of advice to help you navigate the online dating world, which can be a bit intimidating.

Colin_78201: Don’t take it too seriously, but that you might end up with a pleasant surprise and meet someone awesome or a good friend. Ariel_ 78401: I guess to those who doubt it, don’t knock it until you

try it.

profile, thinking it was John_ 78130: I’d say, funny but never mestake the time to write a saged him and eventurough draft of your main ally forgot about it. profile section. Stacy recalled, “A couple weeks later I get a Tell the truth, be conmessage from someone fident and be patient. saying he liked my proDon’t be persistent with file, and it had his phone one girl, and try multiple number attached. I realapproaches until you find ized it was the “guy” a good groove. with the funny profile. Also, attempt correct Without contemplating, grammar and complete I called pretending to be sentences. a debt collector, which A match made in didn’t work because I started laughing.” digital heaven Even though the two What about the ones were from different citthat have logged off? The ones who have met their ies, they began talking every day on the phone. one true love? “It was like having a Stacy and Mark met in 2011 on a dating site. high school boyfriend She had noticed his all over again,” Stacy

gushed. Eventually, the couple moved in together, and one day Mark got down on one knee and proposed. “At first, I was ashamed to tell people we met online, but it’s made me the happiest woman ever to have met my prince charming, and I truly feel blessed.” The couple will wed in June 2014. All interviews were conducted on various dating sites and those interviewed were chosen based on sex, age and sexual orientation. All names were changed to protect the identities of the people involved. Please, date responsibly and safely.

P. 6

AUGUST 17-30, 2013



Artie’s Cafe 417 N. Washington St. (361) 358-1467 Beeville Diner 2503 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 362-9724 Burger Depot 515 E. Houston St. (361) 362-2400 Chili’s Grill & Bar 400 E. FM 351 (361) 354-5600 Church’s Chicken 611 N. Washington St. (361) 358-9256 Dog & Bee Pub 119 N. Washington St. (361) 354-5871 Domino’s Pizza 414 N. Washington St. (361) 358-6871 El Charro Restaurant 601 E. Houston St. (361) 542-4572 El Jardin Restaurant 806 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 358-2922 Gasthaus Berliner Bear 2510 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 354-5444 Golden Chick 2305 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-5525 Hensley’s Cafe 307 N. Washington St. (361) 358-8414 Hong Kong Palace

1805 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 354-5945 Taqueria Guadalajara 622 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 358-1971 Taqueria Jalisco 2020 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 354-5803 Taqueria Vallarta 1611 S. Washington St. (361) 358-5948 Whataburger 1710 N. Washington St. (361) 358-8454 301 S. FM 351 (361) 358-2861 Jalisco Mexico Taqueria 1401 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 362-0841 K-Bob’s Steakhouse 1912 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 362-9577 KFC 200 E. Houston St. (361) 358-7222 Little Caesars Pizza 420 E. FM 351 (361) 358-9555 Shorty’s Place 702 S. Washington St. (361) 358-7302 McDonald’s (Walmart) 502 E. FM 351 (361) 358-9255 2301 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 354-5215 Mi Familia Restaurant 2017 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-9255 New China Super Buffet 2003 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-8889 Norma’s BBQ and Catering 2301 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 254-1075

O’Daddy’s 901 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 358-5945 Pantry Stores 3803 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-4965 911 S. Washington St. (361) 358-8477 1720 E. Houston St. (361) 358-8602 Pizza Hut 1103 N. Washington St. (361) 358-2970 Sammy’s Burgers & Brew 2144 Ellis Road (361) 358-1067 Scores Sports Bar & Grill 1502 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-5055 Stars Restaurant 2403 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-0020 Stone Creek Grill 4402 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 354-5189 Subway 710 E. Houston St. (361) 358-6200 1700 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-6000 Taqueria Chapala


Agave Jalisco Restaurant 403 Nueces St. (361) 449-8899 Burger King 4059 W. Hwy 59 (361) 449-3014 Church’s Chicken Highway 281 at Burleson (361) 449-1864 Dairy Queen 1350 U.S. 281 (361) 449-1822 Nueces Street Grill 206 Nueces St. (361) 449-2030 Pizzarriffic 407 Nueces St. (361) 449-1900 Sonic Drive-In 805 Nueces St. (361) 449-2614


224 S. Commercial St. (361) 645-1600 Dairy Queen 243 E. Pearl St. (361) 645-3274 Hanging Tree Restaurant 144 N. Courthouse Sq. (361) 645-8955 La Bahia Restaurant 1877 US 183 (361) 645-3900 Subway 420 E. Pearl St. (361) 645-3709 Whataburger 348 E. Pearl (361) 645-8800


Becky’s Cafe 201 W Calvert Ave. (830) 780-4339 Big Daddy’s Tarbender’s 426 CR 298 (830) 780-3202 Dairy Queen Texas 80 (830) 780-2712 El Mariachi Jalisco Restaurant 118 Texas 123 (830) 780-3350 The Market Sat. & Sun. only 208 E. Calvert Ave. (830) 780-3841 Partner’s BBQ 204 S. Hwy. 123 (830) 780-5121 Polak’s Sawsage Farm

Restaurant 2835 U.S. 181 (830) 583-2113 Taqueria Vallarta 202 Texas 123 (830) 780-2465


Barth’s Restaurant 445 N. Sunset Strip St. (830) 583-2468 Church’s Chicken 110 N Sunset Strip St. (830) 583-9030 Jerry B’s 4531 U.S. 181 (830) 583-2500 Lucita’s Mexican Restaurant 500 W. Main St. (830) 583-9455 Pizza Hut 106 N Sunset Strip St. (830) 583-9864 R J’s Hamburgers 420 W Main St. (830) 583-2344 Rodriquez’s Tacos 205 Texas 72 (830) 583-9800


Agave Jalisco Mexican Restaurant 400 S Harborth Ave. (361) 786-2020 Bar @ 3 Rivers Bar & Grill 201 N. Harborth Ave. (361) 786-2020 Beckett’s Dugout 800 N Harborth Ave. (361) 786-3600

Life’s full of decisions Blue Quail Deli





2301 W. Corpus Christi St. Faye- 9pm Davis Mon -Norma Sat 10am Beeville, TX 78102 Cell 615-347-8941 Sun 11am - 4pm

Choose wisely


1603 N. St. Marys St. • Beeville • (361) 362-0471

P. 7

Fri. Aug. 16

Coastal Bend. Doors open at noon and the show begins at 1:00. Tickets go on sale August 19 and are available at 1 Bayfront Park in Corpus Christi.

• The Damn Quails at The Texas Grand: Music by Texas Country artist the Damn Quails. There’s a $10 cover charge and the doors open at 7 p.m. 2461 Highway 59 E. in Beeville.

Sat. Sept. 7

Sat. Aug. 17 • Ex-Boyfriends & Spanish Red at Hard Rock Club: Music by Ex-Boyfriends, Spanish Reds, Obliterates and One Dollar Bob. The doors open at 7 p.m. 6327 McArdle Rd. in Corpus Christi.

Sat. Aug. 17 • After Dark Revue Tribute to Nick Cave at The House of Rock: Music by Hobo, $2.50 beers and FREE hot dogs while supplies last. Bring your bibs, it starts at 9 p.m. 511 Starr St. in Corpus Christi.

Sun. Aug. 18

• Lightning in a Jug at Vick’s Place:

Restaurant Brush Country BBQ U.S. 281 (361) 786-4335 El Tapatio 405 N. Harborth Ave. (361) 786-3949 Pepe Boudreaux’s 3145 Texas 72 (361) 786-4938 Ranch House 100 S Harborth Ave. (361) 786-2196 Sowell’s BBQ 114 W Thornton St. (361) 786-3333 Staghorn Restaurant 1019 N Harborth Ave. (361) 786-3545 Subway S Harborth Ave. (361) 786-3308

The South Texas music documentary featuring Tyler McCumber, Pake Rossi, Ty Dietz and Dan Brodhag will be filming all performances. The public is welcome to come out and enjoy all the sights and sounds. The show starts at 2 p.m. 7136 FM 666 in Mathis.

Fri. Aug. 23

• Gene Watson at Schroeder Hall: The 2010 Country Legend of the Year Gene Watson & the Farewell Party Band will be playing

all the hits. Tickets are $25 advance and $30 at the door. A special $50 VIP ticket will be offered online only @www. Doors open at 8 p.m. and the music starts at 9 p.m. 12516 FM 622 in Goliad.

your best Wayne and Garth impressions. We want you to be loud! The bar opens at 8 p.m. along with games and contests. The show starts at 9:15 p.m. 1902 N. Shoreline in Corpus Christi.

Sat. Aug. 24

• Hobo & Hotdogs at Schroeder Hall: Want to see some hotties struttin’ their stuff to the music of Nick Cave? Of course who doesn’t?! It all begins at 7 p.m. 511 Starr St. in Corpus Christi.

• Corpus Christi Ride-In Theater Presents: Wayne’s World Quote-Along at the Watergardens: The It’s their first-ever QUOTE-ALONG. Bring your reading glasses and

Wed. Aug. 28

Fri. Aug. 30

• My361 Live Local Music showcase & Bar-B.Q. Weekend at Zeros Hard Rock Club: 20 local bands jamming over 2 days. Music starts at 8 p.m. and there’s an $8 cover for those over 21 and $10 for minors. 6327 McArdle Rd. in Corpus Christi.

Sat. Aug. 31

• CC7D 2013 - Film Screening at The Harbor Playhouse: Come check out a ton of short films all created in 7 days all over the

• Cowboys from Hellpaso at The House of Rock: Cowboys from Hellpaso (Pantera tribute) tear it up with Poetry & Prose (Primus tribute) and RPG. The hellraising starts at 8 p.m. 511 Starr St. in Corpus Christi.

Fri. Sept. 20

• Lonesome Dove Fest Kick-Off at Panna Maria Hall: Gary P. Nunn hits the stage Saturday for the 2013 Lonesome Dove Fest. 302 S. Panna Maria Ave. in Karnes City. Need your awesome event listed? Drop us a line at Info@stxscene. com with all the details, and we’ll be glad to gently place it on this page.

and bar guide continued Church’s Chicken 110 N. Sunset Strip St. (830) 583-9030 Jerry B’s 4531 U.S. 181 (830) 583-2500 Lucita’s Mexican Restaurant 500 W. Main St. (830) 583-9455 Pizza Hut 106 N. Sunset Strip St. (830) 583-9864 R J’s Hamburgers 420 W. Main St. (830) 583-2344 Rodriquez’s Tacos 205 Texas 72 (830) 583-9800


19th Hole Patio Cantina 3601 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-2837 B.O.B.W.E. 1308 S. St. Mary’s St. (361) 542-4551 Chili’s Grill & Bar 400 E. FM 351 (361) 354-5600 Club 59 1610 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 362-0591 Dog & Bee Pub 119 N. Washington St. (361) 354-5871 The Grand Dancehall 2461 U.S. Hwy 59

(361) 358-1185 Papi’s Place 1517 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 358-7160 Roadside Tavern

2503 S. Washington St. (361) 362-1720 Scores Sports Bar & Grill 1502 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-5055


Stone Creek Grill 4402 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 354-5189



P. 8

AUGUST 17-30, 2013

Kyle Park


Summer Fest 2013 - Beeville

Summer Fest 2013 - Beeville

Riverbend Luau

Riverbend Sports Bar - Beeville

Riverbend Luau

Riverbend Sports Bar - Beeville

Bart Crow

Summer Fest 2013 - Beeville

Los Palominos

Summer Fest 2013 - Beeville

Kevin Fowler

Summer Fest 2013 - Beeville

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