Survey Overview

The survey was designed to get insights into peoples` habits in booking hotels and understand existing pain points when using hotel booking websites or applications.
The summary of the results presented below:
• 21 responses were received. Majority of the respondents were 25-34 year old.
• 52% of respondents visited hotel website or app more than 4 weeks ago.
• Equal number of respondents visited the hotel app/website because they wanted to book a room or compare rooms and rates to other hotels. Small number of participants were looking at current offers.
• Majority of the respondents were able to complete their task successfully.
• Majority of the respondents used to book a hotel .
• Majority of the respondents used website to book a hotel instead of app.
• Most common reason for booking a hotel is holiday and visiting friends and family.
• Price and location were top priorities when booking a hotel room, following reviews, cleanliness and appearance.
• When asked what would changes would respondents make to the hotel booking website/app many answers focused on making it easier to compare rooms/ hotels as well as providing realistic photographs of the room.
• Many respondents mentioned that many times when they booked a hotel room online in reality it did not meet their expectations, it looked better in the photographs.
QUESTION 1: Please choose your age group.

QUESTION 2: When was the last time you visited a hotel website or app?

Q3 Q4

QUESTION 3: Why did you visit the hotel website or app that day? What were you trying to do?

QUESTION 4: Were you able to complete your task that day?website or app?
If not, tell us why
• ``Waiting to book flights``
• ``Nothing caught my eye``
Q5 Q6

Accor Hotel 1
QUESTION 5: Remember the last time you booked a hotel room, what website/application did you use to make a booking?
One responded noted booking via was cheaper than via hotel website
QUESTION 6: Did you use an app or website to complete the booking?
Accor HotelAirbnbHotels.comTravelodge website
QUESTION 7: What was the reason for your hotel stay?
QUESTION 8: Tell us your 3 main priorities when choosing a hotel?

Diagramos pavadinimas

QUESTION 9: What would you change about that website or app that you used to make a booking? Please specify what improvements would you make to it?
• `more photographs, more realistic photographs too`
• `It’d be good to see all the dates properties are available for flexible trips`
• `I would make it easier to compare both price and location at the same time- the map feature does not always show prices`
• `Provide clearer map to show hotel locations within the city`
• `Option to sort by best reviews`
• `Cleaner interface.`
• `More straightforward to compare various offers side by side.`
• `more filters`
• `Include/display pictures of the exact room im booking`
• `Faster to navigate back and forward between hotels. Ability to shortlist potential options.`
• `Less clics to book.`
• `Website is clunky - Opens new tab for every hotel you click on. You cannot filter proximity to city centres as far as I am aware etc`
• `The website isn’t very mobile phone-friendly, when you open a box at the top, it covers other parts of the page that you need to use`
QUESTION 10: Have you ever had a bad experience when booking a hotel stay?

If yes, tell us what was it
• ``Hotel didn’t meet my expectations on arrival.``
• ``Problems with the buying or changing price while I was booking``
• ``Booked two weeks before the travel, went to the hotel and realised no booking was made.``
• ``Hotel usually more dated/lower quality than photographs suggest.``
• ``Booked a private room on booking last minute and they charged us extra money on arrival, and it just just a private room in their family flat with 3cats``
• ``quite a lot of fuss``
• ``Room wasnt very clean, some furniture items broken/chipped and very small shower room``