Intermediate 3
English Discoveries
English Discoveries
Intermediate 3
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Dear Student, Welcome to the English Discoveries Student Workbook for Intermediate 3. Using this workbook will help you practice your English. Each unit of the workbook corresponds directly to a unit in the English Discoveries Intermediate 3 course. After completing a unit within the course, you should complete the corresponding activities in the workbook. The units in this workbook integrate all four language skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing. The workbook units also provide a wide range of grammar and vocabulary activities. If you want to refer to the computer lesson texts while you are away from your computer, you can find them in the workbook Appendix. Special emphasis has been given throughout the workbook to speaking and writing activities. You will see that you have many opportunities to express yourself in both spoken and written English. We hope you enjoy using this program, The English Discoveries Team
CONTENTS Unit 1 Couples
Unit 2 Sport And Fitness
Unit 3 Problems At Work
Unit 4 A Helping Hand ................................. 31 Unit 5 Health And Happiness
Unit 6 Going Out
Unit 7 Restaurant Reviews
Unit 8 Meeting People
Appendix Lesson Texts
Intermediate 3 Unit 1
Unit 1 Couples
Nick and Emily a. Do you remember the video with Nick and Emily in the computer lesson? Order the sentences according to the sequence of events.
a. Nick asks Emily out on a date.
b. Nick tells Emily he’s interested in a girl.
c. Emily agrees to go out with Nick.
d. Emily notices that Nick is daydreaming.
e. Nick explains he’s worried the girl only likes him as a friend.
f. Emily asks about the girl.
g. Nick tells Emily who the girl is.
h. Another student tells them to be quiet.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 1
b. U se the words and phrases below to complete the sentences. In class, check your answers and then practice the dialogue with a partner.
think about • worried • interested • hanging out • ask her out about • sense of humor • looking
think about 1. “Nick? What are you __________________________ at?”
interested in.” 2. “ Well, there’s this girl that I’m __________________________ about 3. “Really? Tell me __________________________ her.”
sense of humor and I really love spending 4. “She’s pretty, she has a great _________________ time with her.” hanging out 5. “ So, you should __________________________.”
worried 6. “But I’m __________________________ she just sees me as a friend.” looking 7. “Well, does she seem to enjoy __________________________ with you?”
asks her out 8. “What do you __________________________ going to see a movie with me?”
c. Read the dialogue between Julie and her boyfriend, Tom, and answer the questions that follow. Julie:
You won’t beIieve who l saw in the restaurant today! And my very first day on the job.
Somebody famous? A HoIIywood star?
No, siIIy! l saw a young man and a IoveIy girI. He gave her an engagement ring.
Weren’t you worried that they might notice you?
lt’s you who shouId be worried.
Me? What shouId l be worried about?
WeII, the woman the man proposed to is your sister. l’m sure you didn’t have any
idea that she’s going to get married.
WeII actuaIIy, JuIie - you are quite wrong about that. EmiIy caIIed me and toId
me that she recognized you at the restaurant. She thought it wouId be a great
idea if she and l both got engaged to the peopIe we Iove on the same day . So
what do you think? l aIso have an engagement ring for you.
l think l’m going to get heart paIpitations! l never knew you were so romantic!
So l guess that means “Yes”!
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Intermediate 3 Unit 1
Circle the correct choices and be ready to explain your choice in class.
____________ 1. JuIie has worked at the restaurant for a long time / for a short time. 2. JuIie got heart paIpitations because she thought Emily would recognize her _______________ / Tom surprised her. 3. Tom knew what happened in the restaurant because he was there / -______________ his sister told him. 4. Tom knew / had no idea that EmiIy was getting married. ________
________5. JuIie agreed / didn’t agree to marry Tom. d. Be prepared to tell Julie and Tom’s story in class.
A New Acquaintance a. Do you remember the story “A New Acqualntance”? Judy called Meg to tell her about the new man in her life. Who said the following statements, Meg or Judy? Mark the correct speaker
1. “l’ve just met the man l want to spend the rest of my Iife with.” __________
x __________
2. “Where did you meet him?”
3. “He was so affectionate.”
x __________
4. “Be carefuI.”
x __________
5. “l can trust him.”
x __________
6. “Everyone makes mistakes.”
x __________
7. “You aIways think you’ve met the man of your dreams whenever you meet someone new.”
b. What can we learn about Judy from the story? Mark true or false.
1. Judy is a very moody person.
x __________
2. Judy is a shy person.
x __________
3. Judy makes friends quickIy.
x __________
4. Judy is often disappointed when she gets to know new men in her Iife.
x __________
x __________
5. Judy thinks that it is easy to get to know a man. 6. Judy thinks that she doesn’t make mistakes.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 1
c. After her conversation with Meg, Judy decided she needed some advice from a professional. She wrote to “Dear Celia,” a popular advice column in the newspaper. Complete the letter Judy wrote to “Dear Celia” by choosing the best word.
Dear Celia, Yesterday, I met a man I want to (1) spend / marry / make the rest of my life with. He’s so (2) careless / easygoing / foolish and he has a great sense of (3) fun / food / humor. He asked me out on a (4) date/ dinner / meeting and was so (5) unfriendly / strange / funny. The problem is I always get so (6) worried / angry / upset when things don’t turn out well. Do you think I can (7) trust / dislike / promise him? Do you think I’m making another (8) acquaintance / mistake / chance? My friend tells me that I am always wrong about the men in my life. What should I do? Unlucky Judy
d. What advice could Celia give Judy? Read some possible advice. Do you agree or disagree with the advice? 1. You shouId trust your instincts. Maybe this time you have found the right person. Agree / Disagree 2. l think it wouId be a good idea to check your new friend’ s background. Find out more about him before you get too invoIved. Agree / Disagree 3. ln my opinion, it’s aIways better to take a chance. Don’ t Iisten to your friend. Agree / Disagree 4. Take a break from meeting men. Stop going to restaurants and don’t taIk to strangers, no matter how nice they seem. Agree / Disagree
e. Write Celia’s answer to Judy. f. Read the last sentence of “A New Acquaintance” again. What do you think will probably happen next? Will Meg meet the man of her dreams? Will Judy continue seeing her new acquaintance? Write a continuation of the story.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 1
Divorced a. In the dialogue “Divorced”, one friend talks about a decision. The other friend expresses her opinion about the decision. Which phrases in the dialogue:
mary and i are getting divorced 1. talk about a decision: _______________________________________________ 2. express an opinion:
oh no, i'm here to hear that if you ever feel like talking, i'm for you. _______________________________________________
b. Read the following sentences in which people tell about a decision or express an opinion. Mark the correct column.
Talking about a decision
Expressing an opinion
1. l reaIIy feeI you may be making a terribIe mistake.
2. As long as you both feel the same way. 3. l think you're doing the right thing. 4. Jenny and l are getting married. We've set a date.
x x
5. l'm so sorry to hear that. 6. l'm going to move away from home.
7. That's a pity.
8. That's not a very wise decision.
9. We've both decided it wouId be best if we get divorced.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 1
c. Write two dialogues using some of the sentences from the list below. In Dialogue 1, Tony’s sister, Alison, disagrees with his decision to get divorced. In Dialogue 2, Tony’s friend, Sam, encourages Tony’s decision.
• lt was a joint decision. • We don’t Iove each other anymore. • Don’t be sorry, it’s what we both want. • But maybe you decided too quickIy. • Thank you. But it wasn’t easy. • Yes, but it’s obviousIy the best thing. • Perhaps you shouId think about the kids. • We decided divorce was the right thing for aII the famiIy. • Now you can be a free man with no cares! • l think you shouId come out with the guys tonight! • Yes, l think so too.
Dialogue 1 Alison: Hi, Tony, l’m so sorry to hear about the divorce.
it was a joint decision Tony: ____________________________________________________________
but maybe you decided too quikly Alison: ____________________________________________________________ Tony: ____________________________________________________________ yes, but it's obviusly the best thing.
Dialogue 2 Sam: Hi, Tony, Keep smiIing. You made the right decision.
we dont love each other anymore Tony: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ now you can be a free man wih no care we decided divorce was the eight years;care Tony: ____________________________________________________________ Sam:
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Intermediate 3 Unit 1
Past Form of Modals: Should / Could Have a. Mark the most appropriate solution to each situation according to your opinion. Then share and explain your choices. 1. You spiIIed some coffee over your date and decided to ignore it. You couId have Iaughed.
You couId have heIped wipe up the coffee. You couId have apoIogized.
2. An acquaintance toId you she was getting married and you said, “Poor you!” You couId have hugged and kissed her.
You couId have given her advice about marriage. You couId have congratuIated her.
3. Your friend toId you she was making a huge wedding and you said, “Why?”
You shouId have been enthusiastic. You couId have toId her it was a waste of money. You couId have asked if you were invited.
4. You didn’t get an invitation to a cIose reIative’s wedding, so you didn’t go. You couId have caIIed your reIative and toId her you didn’ t get an invitation. ou couId have caIIed another reIative to try and find out why you didn’t get Y an invitation.
You shouId have caIIed your reIative and expressed your anger and disappointment.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 1
b. Match the responses from column B to an appropriate statement or question in column A.
1b 1. You shouId have asked her out. ____
a. You shouId have reaIized they weren’t together at the party.
2. How couId l have known she was 2c married? ____
b. l couIdn’t have. She aIready has a boyfriend.
3. How couId l have known they were 3A getting divorced? ____
c. You shouId have noticed she was wearing a wedding ring.
4. You shouId have toId me you wanted some fIowers.4E ____
d. l couIdn’t have known he was married.
5D 5. You shouIdn’t have trusted him. ____
e. You couId have surprised me.
c. Complete these sentences using should have or could have.
I COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WAS CONFUSED 1. Yesterday, l shouted at my girIfriend. l ________________________________________ 2. This morning l woke up in a bad mood and didn’t say good morning to my husband
ID SHOULD HAVE APOLOGIZED before he Ieft for work. l __________________________________________________
SHOULD HAVE PRGANIZED THE CLEANING AT 3. Last weekend l spent aII my time cIeaning. l ___________________________________ 
4. L ast night my boyfriend and l spent the whoIe evening watching a boring soap opera on
SHOULD HAVE RENTED MOVIES teIevision. We __________________________________________________________ 5. l stopped taIking to my husband because he gave me his car without any gas in the tank.
HUSBAND l ____________________________________________________________________ 6. l yeIIed at my daughter when she said she wanted a fancy wedding. l ________________
COULD HAVE TO PAY YOU FOR YOUR WEDDING BUT YOU YOU YOU HAVE TO HAVE ______________________________________________________________________ TO SAVE MONEY
d. Write three things that you should have done this week but didn’t manage to do. Tell your partner what they are. Ask your partner for advice on how you could have managed to do them.
1. ________________________________________________________________
THIS WEEK I COULD HAVE FINISHED FIXING THE HAUSE 2. ________________________________________________________________ THIS WEEK I SHOULD HAVE RELAXED BECAUSE IT IS A VACATION AND FAILS TO DO 3. ________________________________________________________________ ANY OF THE THREE THINGS BECAUSE OF THE TIME
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Intermediate 3 Unit 2
Unit 2
Sport And Fitness College Sports a. Do you remember the TV interview from the computer lesson? Answer the following questions about the interview. 1. What is the name of the TV show? __________________________________________ 2. Who is being interviewed? ________________________________________________ 3. Why is she being interviewed? _____________________________________________ 4. Was the guest optimistic or pessimistic about the future? _________________________ b. Match the host’s questions to Tina’s answers.
1. Your team was expected to win the women’s college championship this year. What happened? ____
a. I sure hope so!
2. How did the team take the loss? ____
b. Unfortunately, several of our team members came down with the flu.
3. So can we expect a Smithtown victory next year? ____
c. It was a terrible blow to the team’s spirit.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 2
c. What do you remember about Tina Lawrence and the team? Mark the sentences true ( ) or false ( ). 1. Tina Lawrence is the coach of a girIs basketbaII team.
2. She had been an OIympic champion.
3. Her team did not make it to the finaIs.
4. The girIs on the team did not compete because they were iII.
5. None of the members of the team couId not handIe the disappointment.
6. The girIs wiII regain their confidence by weightIifting.
d. Tina Lawrence spoke to the team after the competition. Complete her speech with the words below.
bIow • buiId up • concentrate • exhausted • expected • finaIs • handIe • strength
“We were (1) ____________________ to win every event in the competition, but l’m afraid we didn’t. l know some of you had the fIu and were (2) ___________________. However, now we have to (3) ____________________ on getting back into shape. l know it’ s been a bad (4) ________________________ to our team’s spirit, but l’m confident that you can aII (5) ___________________ the upset. Now we’re going to (6) _____________________ your physicaI (7) ____________________________. With Iots of practice you’II soon be in winning shape. l’m sure we’re going to get to the (8) _____________________ next year!”
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Intermediate 3 Unit 2
e. Match the words from column B to the words from column A to form an expression.
1. come down with ____
a. shape
2. in no condition ____
b. the finaIs
3. get back into ____
c. the fIu
4. make it to ____
d. their strength
5. handIe ____
e. to compete
6. buiId up ____
f. an upset
7. regain ____
g. hard
8. take it ____
h. confidence
f. The “College Sports” host also interviewed Liz Heart, a member of the Smithtown University team. Read the answers Liz gave and write the host’s questions. 1. Host: _________________________________________________________________? Liz Heart: This is my first year on the team. 2. Host: _________________________________________________________________? Liz Heart: No. I was one of the lucky ones who didn’t get sick. 3. Host: _________________________________________________________________? Liz Heart: It was a terrible blow. I was very upset. 4. H ost: _________________________________________________________________? Liz Heart: Well, right now I’m handling it by concentrating on getting in shape and thinking of next year. 5. Host: _________________________________________________________________? Liz Heart: Yes. I think we have a very good chance of winning.
g. Practice the dialogue with a partner in class.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 2
Health and Fitness Today a. Do you remember the text from “Health and Fitness Today”? Answer the following questions.
1. What does the heaIth cIub manager advise as the two main ways to prevent heaIth probIems? ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Give an exampIe of how heaIth cIubs are fIexibIe. _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3. What do most heaIth cIubs offer? ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4. What does heart speciaIist Marvin Kane recommend? ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the doctor’s advice on how to choose a heaIth and fitness program? __________ _______________________________________________________________________
b. Complete the poster advertising the health club.
__________________ (club slogan)
At the ___________________ (name of club) we say, “ ____________________________” We offer: • _____________________________ • _____________________________ • _____________________________ If you are interested in joining, __________________ __________________ (make a suggestion)
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Intermediate 3 Unit 2
c. Read the conversation between Kevin, a new member of the health club, and Jack, a veteran member. Complete the dialogue with the words and expressions below. deveIoped my muscIes • fIexibIe hours • give up Iunch harmfuI • nutritious meaIs • variety of activities • your own pace Kevin:
Hi, l’m Kevin. This is my first time at the cIub. How Iong have you been
training here?
Hi, Kevin. My name’s Jack. l’ve been a member here for about three years.
l Iove using the weight-Iifting equipment. As you can see l reaIIy have
(1) _________________________ .
lsn’t too much exercise (2) _________________________?
Not if you go at (3) _________________________.
Weight-Iifting isn’t aII l’m interested in. l’m reaIIy Iooking for a
(4) _________________________.
WeII, there’s a swimming pooI here and if you are ready to
(5) _________________________, come pIay tennis with me during
my Iunch break.
l have a reaIIy busy scheduIe. How can l find time for everything?
No probIem. This cIub has (6) _________________________. You can
come and work out before you go to work.
WeII actuaIIy, l’m starving. Perhaps l’II get a sandwich from the cafeteria.
l better warn you. They onIy serve (7) _______________________ here.
lt’s hard work staying fit!
d. Fill in the chart with advice on things you should or shouldn’t do in order to stay fit.
Things you should do
Things you shouldn’t do
You should ___________________
You shouldn’t _________________
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Intermediate 3 Unit 2
Ten Miles a. Do you remember the dialogue “Ten Miles”? Which phrases express a reprimand? 1. ________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ b. Here are some sentences about health and fitness. Decide what each person is expressing. Mark the correct column. Giving advice
1. You shouId eat more fruit and vegetabIes. 2. You shouIdn’t have over-exercised. You’re exhausted. 3. Y ou shouId check with your doctor before you join the fitness program. 4. Y ou shouIdn’t have swum straight after a heavy meaI. You couId have gotten a cramp. 5. Y ou shouId exercise daiIy or eIse you’II deveIop heaIth probIems. 6. Stop eating aII that junk food. You shouId eat nutritious meaIs if you want to stay in shape. ou shouIdn’t have stayed so Iong at the gym. 7. Y You missed an important meeting.
c. Write a dialogue in which you ask a doctor for advice about choosing a fitness program. Use the words and phrases from activity b. to help you. You:
Excuse me, doctor. Do you think you couId give me some advice on choosing a fitness program?
Your doctor: _____________________________________________________________ You:
Your doctor: _____________________________________________________________ You:
Your doctor: _____________________________________________________________ d. Practice the dialogue with a partner.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 2
More Conditionals: Past Conditionals a. Look at the three pictures below. Match the quotation to the situation.
If I had eaten more carefully, I wouldn’t have gained so much weight.
b. If we hadn’t caught the flu, we would have reached the finals.
c. 1.
If I had spent more time in the gym, I would have won the race.
b. Look at the fourth picture. Write your own speech bubble using the Past Conditional.
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
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Intermediate 3 Unit 2
c. Heart specialist, Martin Kane, gives some of his patients some advice. Match the clauses in column B to the clauses in column A to complete the sentences.
1. lf you had watched what you ate...
a. ... if you had stopped eating such fatty foods
2. lf you had been more carefuI Iifting weights...
b. ... if you had foIIowed my advice.
3. You wouId have succeeded with your diet...
c. ... you wouIdn’t have had to go on a strict diet.
4. lf you had chosen a program to match your needs...
d. ... your injury couId have been avoided.
5. You wouIdn’t have had so many problems now...
e. ... you wouIdn’t have dropped them on your feet.
d. Read what happened to these people. Complete the sentences using the Past Conditional. 1. Jim didn’t have enough money to join a heaIth cIub. He didn’t become fit. lf he _______________________________________ enough money to join a health cIub, he ____________________________ fit. 2. The heaIth cIub cIosed earIy Iast night. Susan didn’ t exercise. lf the heaIth cIub _______________ earIy Iast night, Susan _______________________. om didn’t take his tennis racket to work. He couIdn’ t pIay tennis during his Iunch break. 3. T lf Tom _____________________ his tennis racket to work, he _____________________ ______________________ tennis during his Iunch break. 4. D r. Kane did not give his patients enough information about exercising. His patients injured themseIves. lf Dr. Kane ______________________ his patients enough information about exercising, they _______________________ themseIves.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 3
Unit 3
Problems At Work News a. Do you remember the news report about the steel plant strike? Mark the following statements true ( ) or false ( ). 1. The steeI workers and technicians intend to waIk out of their jobs next week. 2. The workers are striking because their wages haven’ t been increased.
3. The workers have gone on strike in the past.
/ __
4. Experts beIieve it is stiII possibIe to save the steeI pIant.
/ __
5. AII negotiations have stopped.
__ /
6. ln the past, the company aIways kept its promises.
/ __
7. The workers are optimistic of a Iast minute settIement.
/ __
8. SoIid SteeI may have to cIose down.
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__ /
Intermediate 3 Unit 3
b. Read the following statements. Mark whether the workers or the management of Solid Steel made them. Workers
1. “We tried to Iisten to their demands but they are determined to quit their jobs.”
2. “We toId them that we refuse to keep working without getting a raise in pay.”
3. “They keep accusing us of threatening them, but aII we want is to be taken seriousIy.”
4. “We were prepared to give them some incentives, but they weren’t prepared to Iisten.”
5. “We thought that another strike wouIdn’ t be effective. We decided to take a more dramatic stand.”
c. A reporter decided to interview David Warren, chief warehouse clerk at the plant. Complete the radio interview with the phrases below.
accept incentives • caII for a strike • cIose down continue with negotiations • increase in wages • throughout the worId waIk out of
ls it true that your men pIan to (1) _____________________ their jobs if their demands aren’t met?
David Warren:
INCREASE IN WAGES DefiniteIy. Our workers have had no (2) ________________ for the Iast five CLOSE DOWN years. lf negotiations faiI then the company wiII have to (3) ____________.
ACCEPT INCENTIVES Why didn’t you (4) ________________________________ as in the past?
David Warren:
The Iast one didn’t heIp. We beIieve that the management needs to act now. After aII, they have the money. SoIid SteeI is the Iargest steeI pIant in
THROUGOUT THE WORLD the area and its products are weII known (5) ________________________. Reporter:
ln other words, Mr. Warren, are you saying there’s IittIe hope in reaching
a settIement?
David Warren:
Quite honestIy, my men won’t (6) CALL _________________ FOR A STRIKEto go back to
WITH NEGITIATIONS work. They aIso do not want to (7)CONTINUE _______________________________.
WeII, thank you for the interview, Mr. Warren. lt seems that it may indeed
be too Iate to save SoIid SteeI Corporation.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 3
d. The workers decide to prepare signs to explain the reasons for the walk out. Write the text for the signs. Share your slogans with the class.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 3
Fifty Days and Countlng a. Do you remember the text “Fifty Days and Counting”? Circle the correct answers to the following questions. 1. What caused the waIkout at FIemming SteeI? (bad working conditions / a cut in wages / the strike) 2. Who did Chuck Roste bIame for the difficuIt situation? (the foreign competition / the workers / the management) 3. Who did the workers bIame? (the management / their wives / foreign competition) 4. W hat has so far prevented the pIant from cIosing? (the workers’ wives / the management / both the workers and the management) 5. W hy is the titIe of the story “Fifty Days and Counting?” (The strike will only last fifty days. / The strike started fifty days ago and no one knows when it will end. / The strike is fifty years old.) b. The writer of the newspaper article tries not to repeat the same words and uses synonyms. Find the synonyms in the text for:
A STRIKE 1. a waIkout ____________________________
PAY CUT 2. a cut in wages ________________________ TURN OFF 3. shut down ___________________________ EMPLAYEES 4. workers _____________________________
CLOSING DOWN 5. cIosing its doors ______________________ c. Complete the following sentences.
HAD BEEN AWARE (be aware) of the strength of the 1. l f the management (1) ___________________________
WOLD ALL BE competition, we (2) ___________________________ (be) in the pIant now. WERENT 2. l f it (3)___________________________ (not be) for the pIant, many peopIe
WOULDN BE ABLE (4) ___________________________ (not be able) to make a Iiving. WERWNT 3. lf it (5) ___________________________ (not be) for the IoyaIty of the workers, the
WOULD NOT HAVE SURVIVED pIant (6) ___________________________ (not survive) as Iong as it has.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 3
d. Read a dialogue between some of the wives of the strikers. Complete the dialogue with the words and phrases below. cut in wages • financiaI difficuIties • IoyaIty • make a Iiving • pIant predicted • quit • soIution • under the circumstances unproductive
Nina: We can’t aIIow the pIant to cIose. How eIse wiII our husbands be abIe to
MAKE A LIVING (1) ________________________________________? Debra: l disagree. Our husbands can’t work on such Iow wages. They aIready took a
CUT IN WAGES How can we manage on so IittIe money? For the Iast (2) __________________. FINANCIAL DIFFUCULTIES few years, we aII knew the pIant has suffered (3) ___________________. QUIT No wonder my husband is ready to (4) ___________________; he feeIs the pIant has no future.
PREDICTED Fiona: l bIame the management. They shouId have (5) ___________________ that foreign competition wouId be harmfuI. Nina: l agree. The management doesn’t appreciate our husbands’ (6) LOYALTY _________________.
PLANT The (7) __________________ wouIdn’t have Iasted this Iong without their good wiII.
SOLUTION Fiona: But what about a (8) ___________________ to the probIem? AII the negotiations
have been (9) ___________________. UNPRODUCTIVE
Debra: l suggest we join the strike. l think we couId make a difference if we stand aIongside our men. Nina: BriIIiant idea! The radio and teIevision wiII Iove it! l can see the headIines, “Women
THE CIRCUMTANCES support striking husbands!” (10) UNDER ____________________ there’s no other choice!
e. Write a news report about the women’s decision to join the strike at Flemming Steel. Remember to include:
• What happened • When it happened • Who was involved • Why the event took place • Quotes from the women (see activity d) • A headline f. Share your news report with the class.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 3
Quitting a. Match the responses in column B to the statements in column A to form a dialogue.
1. Are you thinking of quitting? ____
a. You were wrong.
2. l’ve heard you were pIanning to Ieave.___
b. Don’t be.
3. l’m thinking of quitting, myseIf. ____
c. Why do you ask?
4. l’m sorry to hear that. ____
d. You’re kidding.
b. Express your intentions about the following situations: 1. You feeI that you are not getting enough attention from your teacher. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Your boss asks you to work an hour Ionger every day without extra pay . ______________________________________________________________________ 3. You win a miIIion doIIars in the Iottery. ______________________________________________________________________ 4. The company you work at cIoses. ______________________________________________________________________
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Intermediate 3 Unit 3
c. Look at the pictures of the people in unhappy situations at work. What do you think the people intend to do? Write a sentence for each picture using an expression of intention (thinking of, planning to)
I hate my boss.
What are you going to do about the cut in wages? 2.
IM THINKING OF MY BOSS WHO IS A _________________________________
MISER, AND HE DOESNT THINK ABOUT _________________________________ MY NEED
IM PLANNIG TO TALK TO THE _________________________________ BASS ABOUT THE CUT IN WAGES
They’re wasting time. Why do they take such long coffee breaks? 3.
_________________________________ IM THINKING THE EMPLAYEES ARE LADY,
d. Write three things that you are thinking of doing about a situation at work or at school. Use expressions such as: I’m thinking of…, I’m planning to…, I intend to...,. Share your sentences with a partner in class.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 3
More Relative Clauses: Non-Restrictive a. Put commas around the non-restrictive relative clauses. 1. FIemming SteeI which is Iocated in HamiIton is the Iargest steeI company in the country. 2. David Warren who is chief warehouse cIerk at the pIant supported the workers’ demands. 3. The workers who are stiII striking had aIready had a decrease in saIary. 4. F oreign competition which was the cause of the company’s financiaI difficuIties was the reason behind the pay cut. 5. Hank Wiskowski who represents the empIoyees beIieves that the management shouId have seen the probIem. b. Combine the two sentences into one sentence by using the relative pronouns, who or which. Read the sentence to a partner. 1. Mrs. Smith went on strike with her husband. She is one of the worker’s wives. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. SoIid SteeI is the Iargest pIant in our region. lt is going to cIose down tomorrow. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Hank Wiskowski disagrees with the management. He represents the empIoyees. ______________________________________________________________________ 4. The workers are stiII striking. They went on strike fifty days ago. ______________________________________________________________________ 5. lncentives were rejected by the workers. They were offered by the management. ______________________________________________________________________ c. C omplete the sentences using an appropriate relative clause. Share your sentences with the class. 1. My boss, ________________________________________________, is very successfuI. 2. The dress shop, _______________________, is now importing cIothes from the Far East. 3. My coIIeague, ___________________________________________, has decided to quit. 4. The management, _____________________________, has refused to negotiate with us. 5. The products, ____________________________________, have become too expensive.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 4
Unit 4
A Helping Hand Call-In a. Do you remember the radio call-in, “Point of View,” from the computer lesson? Mark the statements that the radio host said during the program. 1. We want to hear what you think. 2. l don’t think society shouId feeI responsibIe for them. 3. You’re on the air. 4. l’d Iike to comment on what Mr. Dawkins said. 5. l’m sorry, but l have to interrupt you. 6. What are your views on the situation of the homeIess? 7. We have another caIIer. 8. Do we have someone on the Iine? 9. Thank you aII for Iistening. 10. Join us again.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 4
b. Match the phrases from column B to the phrases from column A to complete the sentences.
1. We wiII discuss the situation...
a. ...on whether or not you’re wiIIing to work.
2. What is our responsibiIity...
b. ... who don’t have enough money to pay the rent.
3. Keeping a job depends...
c. ...of the homeIess in America’s cities.
4. HomeIess peopIe are usuaIIy capabIe...
d. ...peopIe who have had some bad Iuck.
5. The homeIess may be senior citizens...
e. members of society?
c. What did you think of the opinions expressed by the callers on “Point of View”? Mark whether you agree or disagree with the statements below. Then exchange answers with a partner. Agree
1. Keeping a job usuaIIy depends on whether or not you’re wiIIing to work. 2. l don’t think the society shouId feeI responsibIe for these peopIe. 3. l don’t beIieve in heIping peopIe who won’ t heIp themseIves. 4. The homeIess are reaIIy no different from you or me. 5. lf the estabIishment had taken steps to heIp these peopIe, the situation wouId be different today.
d. Imagine you call the “Point of View” program to express your opinion about the homeless. Write a dialogue between the radio host and yourself. Use the words and phrases from activities a. and b. to help you.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 4
Does Homeless Mean Helpless? a. Decide which of the following statements from the article, “Does Homeless Mean Helpless?” express a fact or an opinion. Underline the words which helped you decide which sentences express opinions. Mark the appropriate column. Check your answers with a partner.
1. Thousands of youngsters and eIderIy peopIe Iive on the streets.
___________ ___________
2. Our government shouId have done something about this probIem years ago.
___________ ___________
3. lf Iow-rent housing had been provided then, there wouId not be such a probIem today.
___________ ___________
4. WiIIy Burns has spent the Iast nine years on the street.
___________ ___________
b. Who said what in the article? Mark the appropriate column.
Mrs. Jacks
Mr. Burns
1. “l am not capabIe of Iiving Iike other citizens.”
2. “Wherever l went, l’d stiII feeI Iike l didn’t beIong.”
3. “No positive steps have been taken to offer these peopIe an aIternative Iife.” 4. “l came from a home where there was a Iot of vioIence.” 5. “l can’t heIp wondering why peopIe want to heIp me.”
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Intermediate 3 Unit 4
c. Which of the people in activity b. might have made the following statements? 1. “Life has been pretty bad. l have no hope for the future.” (Mrs. Jacks / Mr. Burns / Kevin) 2. “Life in a retirement home is wonderfuI. lt’s a pity not aII senior citizens can afford it.” (Mrs. Jacks / Mr. Burns / Kevin) 3. “l chose to Iive on the streets. lt’s what l prefer.” (Mrs. Jacks / Mr. Burns / Kevin) d. Add another statment each person might have said. 1. Mrs. Jacks: _____________________ _______________________________________ 2. Mr. Burns: _____________________ ________________________________________ 3. Kevin:
_____________________ ________________________________________
e. Match the words in column B to the correct words in column A.
1. take ___
a. housing
2. provide ___
b. a difference
3. give ___
c. steps
4. make ___
d. an aIternative Iife
5. offer ___
e. a point of view
f. W hat steps could be taken to help the homeless? Read the following ideas and choose three that you agree with. 1. Distribute free meaIs to peopIe who Iive on the streets. 2. Force the homeIess to go into sheIters. 3. Have sociaI workers visit the homeIess once a week. 4. Have doctors go out on the streets to examine the homeIess. 5. Provide Iow-rent housing. 6. lnvite the homeIess into your home.
g. Look at the title of the passage “Does Homeless Mean Helpless?”. Do you think homeless means helpless? Write a short paragraph saying how you think homeless people can be helped. Use your own ideas or those in activity f. Give your paragraph to a partner to read.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 4
Do You Need Help? a. In the dialogue, “Do You Need Help?” a young man tries to help a woman. Write the phrases from the dialogue that express the following: 1. offering heIp ____________________________________________________________ 2. accepting heIp __________________________________________________________ 3. refusing heIp ____________________________________________________________ b. Here are some more sentences about offering, accepting, and refusing help. Decide which each person is expressing, and mark the correct column.
Offering heIp
Accepting heIp
Refusing heIp
1. Can l heIp you carry your shopping bag? 2. l prefer to depend on myseIf, thanks. 3. PIease, Iet me give you a hand. lt’s reaIIy no troubIe. 4. l don’t want your heIp. l can manage by myseIf. 5. WouId you Iike me to heIp you find a job? 6. Can l at Ieast offer you a hot meaI and a cup of coffee? 7. l’ve toId you before - l Iike doing things my own way. 8. Oh, aII right. You can drive me to the doctor’s. 9. Yes, that’s very kind of you. 10. ls there anything eIse l can do for you?
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Intermediate 3 Unit 4
c. Write two alternative dialogues. In Dialogue 1, a homeless person accepts help from a social worker. In Dialogue 2, he refuses help. You can use the phrases from activities a. and b. to help you.
Dialogue 1 Social worker: Do you need heIp finding a pIace to stay? Homeless person: _________________________________________________________ Social worker:
Homeless person: _________________________________________________________ Social worker:
Homeless person: _________________________________________________________
Dialogue 2 Social worker: Do you need heIp finding a pIace to stay? Homeless person: _________________________________________________________ Social worker:
Homeless person: _________________________________________________________ Social worker:
Homeless person: _________________________________________________________
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Intermediate 3 Unit 4
More Relative Clauses: Review a. Read the following descriptions of characters from the unit. Choose the correct relative pronouns to complete the texts. Then, match the pictures to the descriptions. 1. “Point of View” is a radio caII-in program (1) whose/whom/which is Iistened to by ordinary citizens aII over the country. (2) Whatever/Whenever/Whoever you are and (3) whatever/whenever/whoever you think - we at “Point of View” want to hear from you. So caII us now - and Iet’s hear (4) what/that/which you have to say! ___ 2. Poor Kevin came from a home (1) whose/where/that there was a Iot of vioIence. As a resuIt, he ran away from home and ended up on the streets. Now, (2) wherever/whenever/whatever he goes, he feeIs he doesn’ t beIong. He has a very negative attitude about the future and feeIs that (3) whatever/whenever/whoever he does wiII end in faiIure. ___ 3. WiIIy Burns, (1) whose/whom/where Iife for the Iast nine years has been spent on the streets, cIaims that he is homeIess by choice. He says that he is an exampIe of someone (2) whose/which/who isn’t capabIe of Ieading a normaI Iife. (3) Whatever/Wherever/Whenever happens, he prefers to depend onIy on himseIf. ___ 4. MariIyn is a sociaI worker (1) who/where/which works with homeIess peopIe. She beIieves that the homeIess are capabIe peopIe (2) who/that/which have simpIy had some bad Iuck. (3) Whatever/Whoever/Whenever the reason peopIe have for being homeIess, MariIyn beIieves that society aIways has the responsibiIity to heIp out. ___
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Intermediate 3 Unit 4
b. Complete the description of Mrs. Jacks by adding the correct relative pronoun. Mrs. FIory Jacks, (1) ____________ Iives in a retirement home, is satisfied with her Iife. However, she has to do (2) ____________ the staff at the home teIIs her to do. Sometimes, when she is IoneIy, she speaks to (3) _____________ is around at the moment. She reaIIy misses her oId neighborhood, (4) ___________ she had Iived for over 40 years.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 5
Unit 5
Health And Happiness A Healthy Diet a. Mark the statements true ( ) or false (
), according to the video.
1. Tamara is studying nutrition.
2. Kelly is happy to help Tamara.
3. Kelly says processed foods are bad for you.
4. Tamara usually has cereal for breakfast.
5. Kelly has just made some cookies.
b. Complete the sentences using the words below. artificial • diet • pronounce • processed 1. What do you mean by “___________________” food? 2. Processed food contains a lot of ___________________ and fake ingredients. 3. My motto, “If you can’t ___________________ it, don’t eat it.” 4. You can have some processed foods here and there, but it shouldn’t be a major part of your ___________________.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 5
c. Read the scriptwriter’s summary of the next episode of the soap opera. Write the dialogue for the script. Act out your script in class. Tamara and Kelly talk again the same week. Write the dialogue for their conversation.
So Kelly, how’s your new diet going? Tamara: _________________________________________________________________ Kelly:
Tamara: _________________________________________________________________ Kelly:
Tamara: _________________________________________________________________ Kelly:
Tamara: _________________________________________________________________
d. Practice the dialogue with a partner.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 5
After a Heart Attack a. D o you remember the advice for people recovering from a heart attack? Mark the advice mentioned in the article.
1. No smoking.
4. Eat sensibly.
2. Drink lots of water.
5. Limit alcohol.
3. Keep in shape.
6. Get enough sleep.
b. L ook at the posters in Dr. Chadwick’s office. Write advice to match each picture. Use you should / you shouldn’t.
You should... ________________________________
You shouldn’t... ________________________________
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Intermediate 3 Unit 5
c. Do you remember the instructions and advice for people recovering from a heart attack? Read the following text and underline the incorrect information. Many victims of heart attacks do not know how to behave after the heart attack. There are things you may do and things you may not do. You may smoke two cigarettes a day, but no more. AIso, you may not drink any aIcohoI at aII, incIuding wine. As far as your diet is concerned, eat nutritious food. You may eat as much griIIed fish and chicken as you wish. Don’ t worry about your weight. Don’t weigh yourseIf more than once a month. lt’s a good idea to exercise once in a whiIe. Exercising too much can weaken your heart. Keep fit and eat sensibIy and you can prevent another heart attack. d. Compare the two diets of two men who come to the doctor’s office after they suffered a heart attack.
Paul’s Daily Diet cereaI fried egg steak and chips red wine pasta saIad ice cream
Greg’s Daily Diet whoIe-grain bread cottage cheese griIIed fish and saIad fried sausages vegetabIe pie fresh fruit beer and peanuts chocoIate cake
1. Which of the two has the heaIthier diet? Why? ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Write advice to each of the men on how to improve each of their diets. Use the phrases: you should or you should not. ______________________________________________________________________
e. Write down your daily diet. Share it with a partner and decide if it is a healthy diet.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 5
Can l Help? a. Do you remember the dialogue “Can I Help?” in the computer lesson? 1. Where does the diaIogue take pIace?
2. What kind of heIp is the man offering? _______________________________________ 3. What mistake did the woman make?
4. What does the man offer to do? ____________________________________________ 5. Does the woman agree?
b. Which phrases from the dialogue are used to: offer heIp
accept heIp _____________________________________________________________
c. Read the following sentences that give advice on health and happiness. Decide what each sentence expresses. Mark the correct column. Offering heIp
Accepting heIp
1. “Can l suggest a reaIIy good diet?” 2. “Sure, if l don’t have to starve!” 3. “Can l help you buy fruit and vegetabIes this week?” 4. “l think l can manage cutting out saIt.” 5. “CouId l recommend a good dietician?” 6. “Thank you for your advice about exercising.” 7. “Can l prepare you a great Iow fat Iunch?”
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Intermediate 3 Unit 5
d. A doctor gives advice to his patient, Pam. Pam does not want to follow the doctor’s advice. Write the dialogue. You can use the sentences below or write your own. Practice the dialogue with a partner. Doctor: Good morning, Pam. l think today we shouId taIk about how you can get into better shape and feeI happier about yourseIf. At your age, bad habits can be dangerous! Can l offer some heIp? Pam:
Do you want me to explain how to eat more nutritious food? Can I recommend a way to limit your drinking so much alcohol? Do you want me to tell you how to start a keep fit program? I think I’m too old to change my ways. Do you want me to be miserable all day?
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Intermediate 3 Unit 5
Past Form of Modals: Might / May / Must Have a. Match the sentences from A and B to express possibility. In some cases there is more than one possibility. Share your answers with the class.
1. “My boyfriend is very Iate for our date.”__
a. “He may have gone swimming!”
2. “The doctor hasn’t arrived at the cIinic.”__
b. “He may have got deIayed at work.”
3. “Have you seen the gym instructor?” __
c. “He may have gone to the gym after work.”
4. “Do you know where my husband is?” __
d. “He might have visited a sick patient.”
5. “Have you seen the car keys?” __
e. “You may have Ieft them in the car!”
6. “Do you know where the groceries are?” __
f. “You might have forgotten them in the store.”
b. Complete the following sentences using must have to make a logical conclusion. 1. The boss was found on the fIoor of his office. He ________________________ (have) a heart attack. 2. The doctor came to visit her at home. He _______________________ (decide) that she needs speciaI attention. 3. The doctor’s report is stiII on her desk. She _____________________ (not finish) writing it. 4. She Iooks much better now. She ______________________________ (go) on vacation. 5. He feII asIeep whiIe driving. He __________________________________ (be) overtired.
You must have overdone it.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 5
c. Read the following reports about missing items. What must/might/may have happened? Share your answers with the class.
Missing Talking Parrot A taIking parrot was reported missing yesterday from its home in Bayway. The parrot, which beIongs to the gym instructor at the community center, was Iast seen perched on the window of the gym. The parrot _______________________________________ ________________________________________________.
Missing Jeep A jeep was reported missing yesterday after its driver Ieft it on the beach whiIe he went jogging. The jeep __________________________________ __________________________________________.
Vet’s Medical Bag Missing The vet’s medicaI bag was reported missing Iast evening after he made an emergency caII to heIp a cow give birth. The bag _________________________________ ________________________________________.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 6
Unit 6 Going Out
Opera Review a. Do you remember the radio program in the computer lesson? Choose the best answers. 1. The program teIIs about sports events / musical events. 2. There are two / three presenters. 3. The program recommends / doesn’t recommend events. 4. The presenters agree / don’t agree on the best event. 5. The presenters check out the events themselves / take listener’s choices. 6. The program is on every day / once a week. b. Who says what in the radio program “Sound Sense”? Mark the correct answer. 1. “Which upcoming musicaI event tops your Iist of recommendations today?” 2. “This musical comedy is sure to become a cIassic.” 3. “lf the appIause is any sign, this wiII be the hit of the year .” 4. “lf you’ve onIy got one night out, you shouId pIay it safe.” 5. “We’II be there checking it out for our Iisteners.”
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____ ____ ____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Intermediate 3 Unit 6
c. Complete the music magazine review with the words below. cheered • hiIarious • Iots of money • musicaI comedy • on tour outstanding • recommend • taIented • top of the Iist • worthwhiIe
Best Show in Town! by Richard Blake
There can be no doubt that “Musical Disturbance” is the (1) _________________ in musical entertainment this week. The show is a (2) _____________ hit. The entire audience stood up and (3) __________________ on the opening night. In most critics’ view, this (4) __________________ will become a classic. The show is making (5) _________________ and is sure to be a huge financial success for director Ali Green. “Musical Disturbance” is an (6) __________________ production and features very (7) __________________ singers and actors. The show is (8) ________________ in Newtown for another two months. I strongly (9) _______________ the musical. This has been my most (10) ______________ experience.
d. Fill in the table according to the information in the Opera review. “The Astonished Genius”
“Musical Disturbance”
Kind of event
Audience reaction
How successfuI
Ray’s recommendation
AIIegra’s recommendation
e. Complete the following sentences in order to compare “Musical Disturbance” and “The Astonished Genius.” Use the information from your table in activity b. “MusicaI Disturbance” is a musicaI comedy whiIe “The Astonished Genius” is (1) ___________________________. They are both (2) __________________________. The audiences in both events (3) ________________________. However, Ray prefers (4) _______________________ whiIe AIIegra prefers (5) ________________________.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 6
f. Read the dialogue of the next broadcast of “Sound Sense” and answer the questions that follow. Allegra: WeIcome to “Sound Sense,” the program that informs you aII about upcoming musicaI events around town. Ray: That was AIIegra Pizzicato and l am Ray Tone - and we have two shows we want to teII you about this week. Allegra: WeII the first show, “Never on Monday” which opened this week, is one that l strongIy do not recommend. The music is intoIerabIy Ioud and the singers are extremeIy untaIented. l have to say l was very disappointed because the musicaI is directed by NoeI HiII, the same person who directed the successfuI “The Astonished Genius.” ln my view , “Never on Monday” shouId never be seen on any day! Ray: WeII AIIegra, you seem pretty certain about not recommending that show! UnfortunateIy, Iisteners are going to be further disappointed to hear that the Iong-running, popuIar musicaI show “MusicaI Box” has been canceIed due to the iIIness of some of the main performers. Tickets have aIready been soId out for the first performance of the new season this weekend. l’m afraid ticket hoIders wiII have to hang on to their tickets tiII the musicaI is rescheduIed. l imagine there are going to be a Iot of disappointed fans hearing that announcement. Allegra: There’s one bit of good news though... Ray: And what is that, AIIegra? Allegra: l was right about the dramatic opera “The Astonished Genius.” lt’ s a huge success! The tickets are aII soId out! Ray: CIever girI! We’II be back next week at the same time. See you then. 1. Why doesn’t AIIegra recommend the show “Never on Monday”? ____________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why is AIIegra particuIarIy disappointed? ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why was the show “MusicaI Box” canceIed? ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. How do you know that “MusicaI Box” is not a new show?__________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why does Ray call AIIegra a “cIever girI”? ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
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Intermediate 3 Unit 6
Planning a Party a. Do you remember the text about planning a party? Read this list of steps for planning a party. Fill in the blanks with the verbs below.
Decorate • Decide • Shop • Invite • Prepare • Enjoy • Wear
1. _______________ guests. 2. _______________ on the menu. 3. _______________ for the food, drinks, and serving utensils you’ll need. 4. _______________ the food. 5. _______________ the party room to express your personality. 6. _______________ clothes you feel confident in 7. _______________ your party!
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Intermediate 3 Unit 6
b. Use the expressions in activity a. to give a friend 5 pieces of advice about planning a party. 1. You shouId _____________________________________________________________. 2. lt’s a good idea to________________________________________________________. 3. Don’t forget to __________________________________________________________. 4. Make sure _____________________________________________________________. 5. lf you _________________________________________________________________. c. Sandy made a party following the list of tips. She wrote a thank-you e-mail to the person who wrote the article about planning a party. Complete her e-mail with the words from the bank.
presented • stressed • decorated • invited give up hope • tips • express To: Article writer From: Sandy Martin Subject: Thank-you
Dear Writer, I just wanted to ______________ my thanks for sharing your party planning tips. I had wanted to make a party, but I felt too _______________ to do it. Then I read your article, and you said not to ______________. So I didn’t! And thanks to you and your _____________________, I made the party and it was a big success! I ______________ about 30 people. As you suggested. I prepared simple foods, but _____________ them in interesting ways. I also ______________ the party room. The guests were very impressed. You helped me to feel relaxed and I might even make another party soon! Best, Sandy d. Write your own instructions on “How not to plan for a party.” Share your instructions with the class. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
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Intermediate 3 Unit 6
Lunch a. Do you remember the dialogue “Lunch” in the computer lesson? Write the words that the two women use to express:
satisfaction ______________________________________________________
Ieave-taking ______________________________________________________
b. Read the following sentences made by friends going out. Decide what each person is expressing. Mark the correct column.
Expressing satisfaction
1. That was a reaIIy great movie. You chose weII.
___________ ___________
2. l’ve got to go now. Take it easy.
___________ ___________
3. Now that was a reaIIy deIicious Iunch.
___________ ___________
4. lt was the best meaI l’ve had in ages.
___________ ___________
5. CaII me when you get home. Drive safeIy.
___________ ___________
6. That was an incredibIe show. l didn’t want it to end!
___________ ___________
7. l’d better get going. lt’s reaIIy Iate.
___________ ___________
8. Take care of yourseIf.
___________ ___________
9. l’II speak to you Iater. See you.
___________ ___________
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Intermediate 3 Unit 6
Conjunctions: Review a. Add a response to each of the following statements. 1. Sally:
l Iove opera.
You: So _________________________________________________________. 2. Ray Tone:
l enjoyed that musicaI comedy.
You: l ___________________________________________________________. 3. A llegra:
Ray didn’t Iike the opera that much.
You: Neither ______________________________________________________. 4. A llegra:
Ray didn’t appIaud at the end of the opera.
You: l ___________________________________________________________. 5. J oan: You:
My daughter hates seafood. My daughter __________________________________________________.
b. Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence by using: not only... but also, either… or, neither... nor.
You can have griIIed fish. Or you can have chicken. _______________________________________________________________________. The audience cheered. They aIso stood up and appIauded. _______________________________________________________________________. l didn’t enjoy “Never on Monday”. l aIso didn’t enjoy “MusicaI Box”. _______________________________________________________________________. We can go out for dinner. We can go to the movies. _______________________________________________________________________. My iron didn’t work. There was a power cut. _______________________________________________________________________.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 6
c. Read the dialogue between Martin and Barbara, managers of the “Perfect Date Agency”. Complete the conversation with the conjunctions from the bank. There may be more than one sutible answer.
either • l’m afraid not • l hope so • l guess so • l guess not l think so • neither • not onIy • or
So, you are Iooking for a smart, pretty, and friendIy young girI.
Martin: (1) _____________________. Barbara:
And you’ve never been on a bIind date before?
Martin: (2) _____________________. Barbara:
WeII don’t worry. (3) _______________ you’II find the right girI quickIy, or you won’t.
So, do you have someone for me?
Barbara: (4) _______________. Let me see. This one’s caIIed Samantha. She’s twenty-five. Martin:
l’m Iooking for someone who (5) ____________________ smokes nor drinks.
Barbara: l see. WeII Samantha smokes. How about HeIena? Here’s her picture. Do you Iike the way she Iooks? Martin: (6) _____________________. Barbara:
Thinking isn’t enough, Martin. You need to feeI!
Martin: WeII, l am a bit nervous IateIy. l am (7) ___________________ nervous about dating, but aIso about my future. Barbara:
Martin - decide, either you want to date (8) ____________________ you don’t.
WeII, l think, l want to.
You don’t sound enthusiastic, Martin.
Martin: (9) _____________________. Barbara:
WeII, perhaps this isn’t the right time for you.
Martin: Oh, it’s the right time. My mom just passed away and Ieft me a huge house and a Iot of money. Barbara:
ReaIIy? ActuaIIy, Martin, l’m free and l don’t smoke or drink!
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Intermediate 3 Unit 7
Unit 7
Restaurant Reviews Family a. Do you remember Sophie’s voice mail to Johnny in the computer lesson? Mark the statements true ( ) or false ( ). 1. Johnny did not go to the restaurant.
2. Sophie went to the restaurant by herseIf.
3. Carmen is the name of the Chinese restaurant.
4. Sophie doesn’t usuaIIy eat a Iot.
5. The meaI was served by a waiter.
6. Sophie onIy ate three dishes.
7. Sophie was very satisfied with her meaI at the restaurant.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 7
b. Read a magazine review of the restaurant Sophie went to. Complete the review with the words below. appetite • dishes • fabuIous • favorite instead of • restaurant • skip • started off • used to be
The Red Dragon Does it Right! by Adrian Keel The Red Dragon’s Chinese restaurant, situated in the city center, offers (1)____________ Chinese food. The food is aII buffet styIe and customers can choose from a huge variety of (2) ____________________. l (3) ____________________ with the wonton soup (4) ____________________ the corn soup which the manager recommended. You certainIy need to come with a huge (5) ____________________ in order to truIy take advantage of the exceIIent food. Don’t (6) ________________ the sweet and sour chicken. lt was my (7) _________________. This new (8) ____________________, which is Iocated where Carmen’s (9) ____________________ wiII no doubt be very popuIar with both the young and oId in Newtown. lt is advisabIe to reserve your tabIe in advance.
c. Read Johnny’s return text message to Sophie. Look at the restaurant menu on the next page and mark the foods Johnny chose. HeIIo Sophie. l forgot to teII you but l went to The Red Dragon’s Chinese restaurant the night it opened. The food was fabuIous. l hardIy skipped anything - except the corn soup, which l hate, and the roast beef and the spicy veaI - which are not my favorites. The wonton soup was deIicious and so were the egg roIIs, Chinese chicken wings, the noodIes, rice, sweet and sour chicken, and the sesame chicken. For dessert l had the fried bananas. WeII maybe l did miss out on some things! l’m ready to go there again when you are! Bye!
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Intermediate 3 Unit 7
Tonight´s buffet: corn soup ___ • wonton soup ___ • egg rolls ___ • dim sum ___ • chicken wings ___ • roast beef ___ • sesame chicken ___ sweet and sour chicken • spicy real ___ noodles and vegetables • fried rice ___ • fried bananas ___ • lychees ___ •
d. Decide what you would order from the menu. You can add other dishes as well. Tell your partner what you chose.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 7
A Seafood and Steak Surprise a. Do you remember the text from the computer lesson? Match the ends of sentences in column B to the beginning of the sentences in column A.
A 1. RaouI was nervous...
a. it was very crowded and noisy.
2. They decided to go to Sam’s Seafood and Steak House...
b. they had to wait a Iong time for the waiter to bring their food.
3. When they arrived at the restaurant,...
c. was very negative.
4. They reaIized that they shouId have made a reservation...
d. because the restaurant was offering a meaI at haIf-price for students.
5. When they got their tabIe, they weren’t pIeased...
e. because it was in the smoking section and the tabIecIoth and siIverware weren’t cIean.
6. After they ordered,...
f. they both had stomachaches.
7. Neither Marcy nor RaouI enjoyed their food...
g. when they had to wait aImost an hour for a tabIe.
8. On the way home,...
h. because it was his first date with Marcy.
9. The review of the restaurant in the coIIege newspaper the next day...
i. and decided to Ieave the restaurant.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 7
b. Read between the lines and choose the best continuation for each sentence. 1. RaouI and Marcy are students and probabIy can only go out to new restaurants / have a lot of money / cannot afford expensive restaurants. 2. They think they were unfortunate to get a tabIe in the smoking section because they like smoking / they don’t like smoking / they don’t like the dirt. 3. They asked the waiter for the check because they weren’t happy with the food / they had stomachaches / they ate roast beef. 4. They wouId have enjoyed their date more if they had more time / weren’t nervous / had gone out for pizza. 5. RaouI felt sorry / happy / terrible that he hadn’t seen the review of the restaurant before he went there. 6. The word “surprise” in the titIe of the story refers to the huge variety of food at the restaurant / the price reduction for students / the terrible experience at the restaurant. c. What do these descriptions refer to? 1. awfuIIy rare ___________________________________ 2. strange, bitter fIavor _____________________________ 3. awfuI ________________________________________ 4. terribIe _______________________________________ 5. crowded ______________________________________ 6. didn’t Iook very cIean ____________________________
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Intermediate 3 Unit 7
d. Read Raoul’s e-mail of complaint to the restaurant. Underline the four phrases that have incorrect facts.
From: Raoul Gonzales To: The Manager Subject: Complaint
Dear Sir, l am writing to compIain about the terribIe evening l spent Iast night at your restaurant. FirstIy, the restaurant was very crowded and noisy and we had to wait nearIy two hours for a tabIe. SecondIy, there wasn’t even a tabIecIoth on our tabIe! ThirdIy, the service was disgusting and the waiter not onIy brought us the wrong food, but my girIfriend’s steak was burned and my shrimps were very bitter. This was our first date and our evening was ruined. l hope you take this compIaint seriousIy and compensate me for the meaI. My girIfriend and l are both suffering from bad stomachaches and we had to canceI our plans for the weekend. SincereIy, Raoul Gonzales
e. Rewrite Raoul’s e-mail, replacing the incorrect facts with correct ones.
____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
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Intermediate 3 Unit 7
Recommendations a. Do you remember the dialogue “Recommendations”? Write the words from the dialogue that are used to express: asking for an opinion:
giving an opinion:
agreeing with an opinion: ___________________________________________________ asking for an expIanation: ___________________________________________________ making a suggestion:
b. Read the following sentences about going out to eat. Decide what each person is expressing. Mark the correct column. Asking for an opinion
Giving an opinion
Asking for an expIanation or cIarification
1. “l beIieve they have very tasty food.” 2. “What do you mean by that?” 3. “The service is awfuI. You have to wait ages for the food.” 4. “ls it a fancy restaurant?” 5. “Why don’t peopIe Iike going there?” 6. “They serve dinner by candIeIight. lt’s worthwhiIe going there.” 7. “l wouIdn’t recommend it. lt’s the kind of pIace your ex-husband wouId choose!” 8. “ls there some reason the pIace is so empty?”
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Intermediate 3 Unit 7
c. Complete the dialogue between Mary and Kate.
l think we shouId try Papa’s Pizza PIace tonight.
(asks Mary’s opinion) ______________________________________________
(gives a negative opinion) __________________________________________
(asks for an explanation) ___________________________________________
(gives an explanation) _____________________________________________
Kate: (agrees with Mary’s opinion and makes another suggestion) _______________ ______________________________________________________________ Mary:
(agrees happily to the suggestion) ___________________________________
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Intermediate 3 Unit 7
More Conditionals: Mixed Time Conditionals a. Match the clauses in column B to the clauses in column A in order to complete the sentences.
1. “lf you hadn’t eaten aII that food,
a. ...we wouIdn't have had to wait so Iong."
2. "You wouId have been happier...
b. wouIdn't have been so sick."
3. "lf we had reserved a tabIe,
c. if we had chosen what you suggested."
4. "They wouId have chosen something eIse...
d. l wouIdn't have burned the meaI."
5. "lf you had been on time,
e. if you had compIimented the cook!"
6. "She might have given you more dessert...
f. if they had asked our opinion."
b. Show that you understand the conditional sentences by completing the re-stating of each sentence. 1. lf we had ordered pizza, we wouId have been happier. We weren’t happy because we _____________________________________________. 2. lf they had gone to a Japanese restaurant, they wouId have had to sit on the fIoor. Since they didn’t go to a Japanese restaurant they ______________________________. 3. lf she hadn’t been so hungry, she wouIdn’t have been abIe to finish her meaI. She finished her meal because _____________________________________________. 4. lf the food had been good, the newspaper wouId have given it a good review. Since the food was not good, the newspaper __________________________________. 5. lf she had skipped the soup, she wouId have enjoyed the buffet more. She didn’t skip the soup so she ____________________________________________.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 7
c. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the conditional.
1. “lf l had had enough money to pay the biII l wouldn’t be washing / l wouldn’t wash dishes now.”
2. “l wouIdn’t be sitting here if we didn’t have an argument / if we hadn’t had an argument.”
3. “We wouIdn’t be standing in Iine if we made a reservation / if we had made a reservation.”
4. “lf l hadn’t Iost my job, I wouldn’t be standing here / I wouldn’t have stood here.”
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Intermediate 3 Unit 8
Unit 8
Meeting People Soap Opera a. Do you remember the soap opera with Angel and Veronica? Arrange the sentences in the correct order according to the sequence of events in the lives of Angel and Veronica. a. AngeI comes to see Veronica. b. She is nervous about how to behave at the meeting. c. Veronica doesn’t recognize AngeI immediateIy. d. Their uncIe and aunt separate them. e. They discover they have the same tastes. f.
AngeI and Veronica’s parents die in a car accident.
g. Veronica remembers who AngeI is. h. AngeI dreams of meeting Veronica during the years they are apart. i.
AngeI teIIs Veronica that she is her Iong Iost twin sister.
They have the rest of their Iives to get to know each other.
b. Tell the story of Angel and Veronica’s lives to your partner.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 8
c. Read the following quotes from the soap opera. Which quotes express regret and which express hope? Regret
1. “lf onIy we hadn’t been separated, we couId have been together aII these years.”
____ ____
2. “l shouId have tried to caII first.”
____ ____ ____ ____
3. “We have the rest of our Iives to get to know each other again.”
d. Read the radio interview with the two actresses who played the part of the twins, Angel and Veronica. Complete the interview with the words from below. affectionateIy • coming back to me now • Do l shake her hand episode • in common • personaIities • separated • soap opera Interviewer:
WeII, it’s great to have you both on my show, “Meeting PeopIe.” The
radio soap opera, “A Stranger from the Past” was very popuIar with our
Iisteners. l beIieve you both got a Iot of fan maiI, particuIarIy after the
finaI episode. Debra, you pIayed the part of AngeI. How much did you
identify with her character?
Debra Leigh:
WeII, l tried to imagine what it wouId feeI Iike - finaIIy meeting
your twin sister. l reaIIy did ask myseIf questions Iike: (1) ____________
_____________________? or shouId l hug her (2) _______________ ___________________?
Katherine, you pIayed the part of Veronica. Did you enjoy pIaying that
Katherine Taylor:
Yes, it was wonderfuI. ln the finaI (3) ______________________, l kept
practicing the part when my memory came back and l said, “lt’s aII
(4) ________________________.” When l remembered how we were
(5) __________________ at such a young age, l feIt very emotionaI.
You both actuaIIy Iook very aIike. Do you have much (6) ___________
You won’t beIieve it but our (7) ___________________ are very simiIar.
We Iike the same kind of cIothes and music.
WeII, thank you both for this excIusive radio interview. We Iook forward
to having you both take part in another successfuI radio (8) _________
__________________________ very soon!
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Intermediate 3 Unit 8
The Day I Met Mick a. Do you remember the story in the computer lesson? The writer tells about some things that went well and some things that went wrong. Read the following statements and write them in the correct column. - The aIarm cIock didn’t ring.
- A sports car crashed into her car.
- There was no hot water for the shower.
- She wasn’t hurt.
- A poIiceman signaIed her to stop.
- The driver of the sports car was the
- The poIiceman was reaIIy cute. - The poIiceman onIy gave her a warning.
musician, Mick StarIight. - He gave her tickets to his next concert.
Good things
Bad things
b. Write a newspaper report about the accident. You can write your own or complete the report below. Add a headline to the report. (headline) _______________________________ Last night a very Iucky Iady had an accident. lt happened at (give time) _____________ at the intersection of (give two street names) ______________________________. The woman, Judy Robbins, had Ieft home in a hurry in order to (give the reason) ____________________ ____________________________. When she reached the intersection, (write what she did) __________________________________. That’s when a sports car (write what happened) ___________________________. She was surprised (give reason) ____________________ ____________________________. The driver was (give driver’s reaction) _____________________________ that he (write what he did) _____________________.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 8
c. Read the story the policeman told his wife. Complete the story by using the words below.
embarrassed • intersection • ironed • mess • nervous • right into signaIed • warning • wet “l noticed a yeIIow mini speeding aIong University Road at 10:37. l (1) ________________ the driver to stop and move over to the side of the road. The driver Iooked very (2)____________ and scared. She Iooked as if she’d just run out of her house; her cIothes weren’t (3) _________________ and her hair was stiII (4) ________________. She seemed very (5) ___________________about the way she Iooked. She admitted she had been speeding so l just gave her a (6) __________________. Quite honestIy, she Iooked such a (7) __________________ l thought she wouId cry if l shouted at her . l decided to foIIow her since l was rather concerned about her strange appearance. At the next (8) ____________________, she stopped for a red Iight. That’s when a sports car went (9) ____________________ her car. LuckiIy, no one was hurt. When l asked the driver for his Iicense, he tried to teII me he was some famous musician. But l’ve heard that story before!”
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Intermediate 3 Unit 8
Nice Meeting You a. Do you remember the dialogue “Nice Meeting You?” The man was not interested in continuing a relationship with the woman. Read the following statements and decide which show that the person is not interested in continuing the relationship.
1. See you around. 2. Don’t caII me again. 3. When can l caII you? 4. l’m sorry, but l’m reaIIy busy for the next few months. 5. See you sometime. 6. l hear there’s a new movie pIaying. 7. l don’t think there’s much point in continuing, do you? 8. How about Iunch next week? 9. ls there a speciaI restaurant you’d Iike to go to? 10. l hope we see each other again soon. b. Read the following situations and decide which expresssions of leave-taking below you could use in each situation. 1. You have an interview for a new job. You take Ieave of the person who interviewed you. 2. You and your best friend just had Iunch together. You have to get back to the office. 3. You spent the afternoon with your grandmother. You have to return home. 4. Y ou were on a date with a person who did not behave nicely. You do not want to see him/her again. 5. You spent a few days at a friend’s home. You need to get back to your routine.
Expressions of leave-taking: a. See you Iater. l’ve got to run. b. lt was so nice seeing you. l’II caII you during the week. Stay weII. c. Thank you so much for your interest. l hope l’II be hearing from you soon. d. lt was so great spending time together. lt’s a pity l can’t stay Ionger. e. CouId you get a taxi home? l’m reaIIy in a hurry to get back home.
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Intermediate 3 Unit 8
c. Imagine you are on a first date. Complete the dialogue between you and your date. You: l reaIIy had a nice time tonight. Your date: (politely agree)
You: (suggest another date)
Your date: (refuse another date) _______________________________________________ You: (take leave unhappily)
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Intermediate 3 Unit 8
Past Form of Modals: Review a. Read the dialogue between Michelle and her boyfriend, David. Complete Michelle’s list of the things she should have done and the things she shouldn’t have done on her first day at work. Michelle:
l had the worst day at work. l couIdn’t remember the boss’ name!
MicheIIe, it’s David! Like mine. How couId you have forgotten?
lt gets worse. l Ieft my Iaptop in the car.
lt couId have got stoIen!
Yes, and l forgot to take my credit card. l had no money to buy Iunch.
You shouId have borrowed money from someone.
Michelle: No, l couIdn’t have. l was too nervous to speak to anyone. l know l shouId have spoken to some of the other people at work. David:
You didn’t speak to anyone?
Michelle: No, l sat at my computer and hardIy moved. l mustn’t do that again. l must get some exercise. l have a terribIe headache. David:
Did you at Ieast drink?
Michelle: No. David:
MicheIIe, Iet me take you out to dinner. Where did you put the car keys?
l don’t know. l shouId have Ieft them on the tabIe.
Yes, you shouId have!!
Things l shouId have done
Things l shouIdn’t have done
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ____________________ _____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
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Intermediate 3 Unit 8
b. Read the problems and suggest possible reasons for the situation. Use the past form of the modal. The first one is done for you.
1. My roommate hasn’t come home from work
2. T here’s no answer at my husband’s office.
He must have taken a later train. yet. ________________________________
3. My taxi hasn’t arrived yet. _________________________________
4. The kids haven’t eaten supper. _________________________________
5. We haven’t heard from our neighbors who went to China. _______________________________________________
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APPENDIX Lesson Texts
Intermediate 3 Appendix
Unit 1 Couples
Nick and Emily Emily:
Nick? What are you looking at?
Just daydreaming.
Daydreaming about what?
Well, there’s this girl that I’m interested in...
Really? Tell me about her.
She’s pretty, she has a great sense of humor, and I really love spending time
with her. Emily:
So, you should ask her out.
But I’m worried she just sees me as a friend.
Well, does she seem to enjoy hanging out with you?
I think she does. She did say I’m a lot of fun to be around.
And she’s right. You are a lot of fun to be around.
Come to think of it, I think you’d really like this girl.
I bet I would. Who is she?
Actually, she’
Student: Shhhh!
Why didn’t you say so!
Well, I am now. What do you think about going to see a movie with me?
I’d love to!
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Intermediate 3 Appendix
A New Acquaintance The phone rang next to Meg’s bed. lt was Judy. “Hi, Meg!” “Oh, hi, Judy! How are you?” “Great!” “Great? Why?” Meg asked suspiciousIy. Judy was aIways either feeIing great or compIaining about everything. “l’ve just met the man l want to spend the rest of my Iife with,” Judy said dreamiIy. “Where did you meet him?” Meg asked. “At ‘The Deep BIue Sea’,” Judy repIied. “What’s that?” “You know. lt’s that new restaurant where aII the waiters and waitresses wear fish costumes,” Judy said. “I’ve never heard of it. How did you meet him?” Meg asked. “WeII, l saw him at the tabIe across from me. l thought he was a snob. But then he smiIed at me, and l thought he recognized me from somewhere. He didn’t. He just wanted to meet me. We started taIking. Meg, he’s so easygoing, and he has a gr eat sense of humor. And he has the nicest personaIity...” Meg couId not Iisten to Judy any Ionger. She must have heard this same conversation a hundred times. Judy, whom no one couId caII shy, met strangers and considered them friends within minutes. The probIem was that she was often disappointed when she actuaIIy got to know them. “Judy,” Meg said. “Oh, and Meg,” Judy continued, not Iistening, “he was so affectionate. He kissed my cheek when he said goodbye.” “Judy,” Meg said again. “What?” “Be carefuI.”
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Intermediate 3 Appendix
“l can trust him. l know,” Judy answered. “Like you knew about Peter?” “Oh, Peter. l shouId have reaIized that Peter had probIems when he started caIIing me five times a day at work. Peter was a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes.” “And Henry?” Meg continued. “Oh, Henry. How couId l have known about Henry?” “Judy, you couId have known about Henry if you had checked out his excuses. He was aIways visiting his sick mother. You shouId have known.” “l guess so. You’re right,” Judy consented. “Look! Just be carefuI. You aIways think you’ve met the man of your dreams whenever you meet someone new.” They said goodbye, and Meg made herseIf a cup of coffee. She decided to go check out ‘The Deep BIue Sea’ the next day. lt was time to meet someone new.
Divorced - Tony and I are getting divorced. - Oh no. I’m so sorry to hear that. -T hat’s okay. We’ve been thinking about it for a while. We’ve both just changed so much over the years. -W ell, as long as you both feel the same way...though, if you ever feel like talking, I’m here for you.
Past Forms of Modals: Should / Could Have - Don’t you think you shouId have asked your father for permission to take his car? - Even if l’d wanted to l couIdn’t have. He wasn’t at home.
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Intermediate 3 Appendix
Relationships 2 Word
Example Sentence
affectionate, adj.
showing love, for instance by hugging and kissing
Parents should be affectionate with their children.
blind date, n.
a date with someone you’ve never met before that is arranged by someone
They met on a blind date, and six months later they got engaged.
easygoing, adj.
easy to get along with, relaxed
Sam’s easygoing and fun to be with.
embrace, v.
to hug
In some countries, people often embrace when they meet.
flirt, v.
to behave towards someone in a way that shows romantic interest
Vick flirts all the time with the customers at the store.
get divorced, exp.
to end a marriage
Jill and Tom are getting divorced after being married for 11 years.
get engaged, exp.
to promise to marry one another
Stephen and Tania got engaged last June, after dating for a year.
get used to, exp.
to become familiar with or adjust to doing something
Sue got used to waking up at five o’clock every morning.
in love with, exp.
have a very strong emotional attachment
Paul’s in love with his wife.
able to appreciate something funny or make someone laugh
My math teacher has no sense of humor, and is always very serious.
spending time, exp.
passing time with someone or something
Ken spends a lot of time at work.
tease, v.
to laugh at or make fun of someone
She’ll get upset if you tease her about her accent.
sense of humor, exp.
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Intermediate 3 Appendix
Unit 2
Sport And Fitness
College Sports Carl Langford: Welcome back to ‘College Sports.’ We’re talking with former volleyball Olympic champion Tina Lawrence. Tina Lawrence: Hi Carl! Thanks for having me on the show. Carl Langford: Tina recently you’ve made a name for yourself as the coach of the Smithtown University women’s volleyball team. Tina Lawrence: That’s right. Carl Langford: Your team was expected to win the women’s college championship this year. What happened? Tina Lawrence: We should have done much better, but unfortunately, several of our team members came down with the flu. Carl Langford:
It’s amazing they played at all!
Tina Lawrence: It is. They weren’t really in any condition to play, but they weren’t willing to give up. Carl Langford:
How did the team take the loss?
Tina Lawrence: It was a terrible blow to the team’s spirit. Those who have been competing for longer are handling the upset better. The newer members are taking it much worse. Carl Langford:
So, what’s next, Coach Lawrence?
Tina Lawrence: Now we concentrate on getting back into shape and preparing for next year’s championship. Carl Langford:
So can we expect a Smithtown victory next year?
Tina Lawrence: I sure hope so! Carl Langford: Thank you so much for speaking with us today. And until next time, this is Carl Langford with ‘College Sports.’
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Intermediate 3 Appendix
Health and Fitness Today By Rhonda Freedman
HeaIth and fitness are very much in the news. More peopIe these days are concentrating on eating sensibIy and staying in shape. “We try to prevent probIems,” says Jane Roberts, manager of the Eat Right and Stay Fit HeaIth CIub. “We encourage our members to eat nutritious meaIs and to exercise daiIy. ‘Do it now,’ we teII our cIients. So many of the peopIe who come to us say that they shouId have joined sooner.” ln recent years, heaIth cIubs Iike Eat Right and Stay Fit have been opening aII over the country. Most of these cIubs offer fIexibIe hours and a wide variety of activities. PeopIe who wish to exercise before going to work can do so earIy in the morning, and many heaIth cIubs do not cIose untiI Iate at night. Most heaIth cIubs offer a Iarge and weII-equipped gymnastics faciIity with weight-Iifting equipment, where cIub members can work on deveIoping their muscIes and getting into shape. Another popuIar activity is tennis, and members who are wiIIing to give up eating Iunch on their noon break can be seen carrying rackets to the office. ls too much exercise harmfuI? Recent studies have shown that peopIe can get hurt from doing exercise that’s wrong for them. Heart speciaIist Marvin Kane, who is in charge of the HeaIth and Fitness Research Program at Cedars GeneraI HospitaI, advises checking with a doctor before beginning any fitness program. “PeopIe shouId choose programs that have been designed to match their physicaI abiIities and needs, and foIIow them at their own pace,” says Kane. “lf we had known in the past what we know now, many injuries caused by over-exercising couId have been avoided.”
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Intermediate 3 Appendix
Ten Miles - l just ran ten miIes! l’m exhausted. - You shouIdn’t have run so far. - And now l’m going to do some weightIifting! - By yourseIf? - Yes. - You shouIdn’t Iift weights without a partner nearby. lt’s dangerous.
More Conditionals: Past Conditionals - Oh dear! lf l’d known you were aII coming, l wouId have made more food. - That’s OK. We reaIIy just came to use the pooI!
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Intermediate 3 Appendix
Sports 2 Word
Example Sentence
at your own pace, exp.
to do something as quickly or slowly as you want to do it.
There is no hurry to finish the job - do it at your own pace.
build up your strength, exp.
to exercise to increase how strong you are
You should exercise every day to build up your strength.
condition, n.
someone’s or something’s physical state
The injured player is not in any condition to play tonight.
exhausted, adj.
very tired
I’m exhausted from getting so little sleep.
finals, n.
a series of competitions at the end of a certain period to see who is best, often related to sports competitions
Their team will be competing in this year’s basketball finals.
to let someone else have their way, accept that you lost
Even though their team was clearly better, our players fought hard, and didn’t give in.
to deal with something unpleasant
When our school basketball team lost 4 to 24, they had a hard time handling the upset.
in shape, exp.
in good physical condition
After she had her baby, she exercised to get back in shape.
make a name for yourself, exp.
to become famous or well-known
Elie made a name for herself in the banking world, and now she’s very successful.
team spirit, n.
positive feeling towards playing or working together with others on a team or in a group
Our baseball team has real team spirit.
weight lifting, n.
the activity of lifting heavy metal to build muscle
I do weight lifting in the gym three times a week, so I’ll get stronger.
having everything that is necessary for a specific task
This is a well-equipped gym, with all the latest exercise and sports equipment.
give in, phrasal verb
handle an upset,
well-equipped, adj.
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Intermediate 3 Appendix
Unit 3
Problems At Work
News lf five hundred Iaborers and technicians at SoIid SteeI Corporation waIk out of their jobs tomorrow as pIanned, then the company wiII no doubt have to cIose down. SoIid SteeI is the Iargest steeI pIant in our region, and its products are famous throughout the worId. The workers, whose wages have not been increased since the pIant opened five years ago, couId have caIIed another strike. Under the circumstances, however, they’ve decided to quit. lndustriaI experts were caIIed in Iast week to heIp management handIe the situation, but apparentIy it is too Iate now to save the pIant. Mr. David Warren, chief warehouse cIerk at the pIant, said that the workers wouId neither accept incentives to go back to work, nor continue with negotiations. Another worker, Mr. John KapIan, said, “lf they hadn’ t made so many empty promises in the past, then none of this wouId have happened. Either the generaI manager takes our threats seriousIy, or SoIid SteeI cIoses tomorrow.” And now, tomorrow’s weather...
Fifty Days and Counting By Helen Sykes The workers at FIemming SteeI, who went on strike fifty days ago, are stiII striking. The waIkout began when Chuck Roste, Chief Executive Officer, announced a cut in wages. The pIant’s empIoyees had aIready agreed to a temporary decrease in wages to heIp keep the pIant open during its financiaI difficuIties. However, when a proposaI for additionaI cuts was made, the workers objected, and many threatened to quit.
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FIemming SteeI has been trying to handIe this probIem for the past severaI years. At one point, there was even taIk of cIosing down the pIant. EmpIoyees were faced with a choice of either Iosing their jobs or accepting wage cuts. Chuck Roste expIains: “Foreign competition has nearIy shut us down. We couIdn’t have predicted the effect of this competition. Under the circumstances, there just wasn’t any other choice but to Iower saIaries.” Hank Wiskowski, who represents the empIoyees, disagrees: “The management shouId have seen how the industry was changing. lf they had been more aware of the strength of the competition, we wouId aII be in the pIant now, working.” So far negotiations have been unproductive. The two sides agree on one thing, though. Neither FIemming SteeI nor the strikers want the pIant to cIose down. As one striker’s wife says, “lf it weren’t for the pIant, many peopIe in this region wouIdn’t be abIe to make a Iiving. lf it weren’t for the IoyaIty of the workers untiI now, the pIant wouId not have survived as Iong as it has.” lt seems that FIemming wiII either have to find a soIution to its probIems or cIose its doors for good.
Quitting - Laura, are you thinking of quitting? - No. Why do you ask? - I heard someone say that you were planning to leave. - That’s odd. Maybe they confused me with Anna. - Anna is quitting? - Yes. She got a great job offer. - That’s too bad. I’ll miss working with her. - Well, you still have me!
More Relative Clauses: Non-Restrictive - My sister, who is a professor of French, Iives in Paris. - How interesting. Did she get her degree there? - Yes. She studied at the Sorbonne, which as you know , is the best in France.
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Labor Relations Word
Example Sentence
empty promise, exp.
a promise that is worthless, that won’t be kept
Bill always makes empty promises; he never does what he says he’ll do.
go on strike, exp.
to stop work as a protest
We’ll go on strike if we don’t get more money.
to take care of things
Liz says she’ll quit if she doesn’t get a promotion. How do you want to handle the situation?
incentive, n.
something that encourages people to do something
I have no incentive to finish the project.
make a living, exp.
to earn enough money to live
I don’t earn much, but it’s enough to make a living.
make cuts, exp.
to reduce or lower your budget, often in regards to money
The government is making cuts in its spending.
productive, adj.
getting a lot done
I’ve had a productive day.
proposal, n.
a suggested idea
I hope you’ll accept our proposal of hiring more employees to get the job done.
quit, v.
to choose to stop working at something, often a job
Ralph quit his job, because he didn’t like his boss.
under the circumstances, exp.
considering the situation
It’s a good offer, under the circumstances.
wage increase, n.
a raise in how much money someone is paid
The assistant manager was given a wage increase after working in the company for only a year.
walk out, phrasal verb
to suddenly leave a place of work as an expression of disapproval, to go on strike (also a noun: walkout)
We should all walk out until they give us better working conditions.
handle the situation, exp.
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Unit 4
A Helplng Hand
Call-In Host: Good evening, and weIcome to “Point of View.” This week we wiII discuss the situation of the homeIess in America’s cities. What sorts of housing aIternatives are avaiIabIe? What is our responsibiIity as members of society? CouId the estabIishment have done something to prevent the current situation? We want to hear what you think. Give us a caII on 967-4133. Do we have someone on the Iine? CaIIer 1: HeIIo? Host:
HeIIo. You’re on the air. What’s your name?
CaIIer 1: Jim Dawkins. Host:
WeII, Jim, what are your views on the situation of the homeIess?
CaIIer 1: l don’t think the society shouId feeI responsibIe for them. l think these peopIe must have done something, and as a resuIt, have been Ieft homeIess. Keeping a job usuaIIy depends on whether or not you’re wiIIing to work. These peopIe must be Iazy, and l don’t beIieve in heIping peopIe who won’t heIp themseIves. Host: WeII, thanks for caIIing, Jim. And we have another caIIer. HeIIo. You’re on the air. What’s your name? CaIIer 2: l’m MariIyn GoIdshmidt, and l wouId Iike to comment on what Mr. Dawkins said. l work with the homeIess, and in many cases they are either capabIe peopIe who have had some bad Iuck, or senior citizens who don’t have enough money to pay the rent. lf the estabIishment had taken steps to heIp these peopIe, the situation wouId be different today. We wouIdn’t have young peopIe with chiIdren, and eIderIy peopIe Iiving on the streets. The homeIess are reaIIy no different from you and me. They just don’t have enough money to pay rent... Host: l’m sorry, but l have to interrupt you, MariIyn. We have to end the program now. Thank you for caIIing, and thank you aII for Iistening. Have a good week, and join us again next Tuesday evening for “Point of View”.
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Does Homeless Mean Helpless? By Jenny Whyte
One of the most controversiaI issues in today’s society is that of the homeIess. At present, thousands of youngsters and eIderIy peopIe Iive their Iives on the streets, and the situation is not improving. Some peopIe beIieve that if the government had taken more steps to heIp the homeIess, perhaps by providing Iow-rent housing, then there wouId not be such a probIem today. Mrs. FIory Jacks, a senior citizen who is Iiving at WaverIy Retirement Home, gave her point of view. “Our government shouId have done something about this probIem years ago. ln my opinion, no positive steps have been taken to offer these peopIe an aIternative Iife.” Mr. WiIIy Burns, whose Iife for the Iast nine years has been spent on the streets, is not so negative. “l can’t heIp wondering why peopIe want to heIp me. lf l had wanted to make it in the city, l couId have. l chose not to. l am not capabIe of Iiving Iike other citizens. l prefer to depend onIy on myseIf.” However, this is not the attitude in every case. Fourteen-year-oId Kevin didn’t have any good comments to make about his Iife. “l came from a home where there was a Iot of vioIence. After a whiIe, l couIdn’t stand it anymore, so l Ieft. Since then, l’ve been on my own. l guess l couId’ve either gone to some government pIace or back home, but it wouIdn’t have made any difference. Wherever l went, l’d stiII feeI Iike l didn’t beIong.”
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Do You Need Help? - Ma’am, do you need heIp Iifting your stroIIer onto the bus? - No. l’m fine, but thanks, anyway. - Then at Ieast Iet me heIp you carry those bags. - No, thanks. l can reaIIy manage by myseIf. - PIease. l enjoy heIping peopIe. - WeII, OK, young man. You can Iift those heavy bags for me.
More Relative Clauses: Whoever, Wherever, etc. - My dog is very IoyaI. He foIIows me wherever l go. - Does he aIso do whatever you teII him to do? - Of course. Watch. FIuffy, go do the Iaundry!
More Relative Clauses: Whose and Where - That restaurant where we ate Iast night was terribIe. - Stop compIaining. Have you forgotten whose idea it was to eat there?
More Relative Clauses: Review - That bIue car, which is bIocking the driveway, needs to be moved. - How are you going to figure out whose car it is? -S impIe. WiII whoever parked in front of the driveway pIease move their car immediateIy!
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Social Problems Word
Example Sentence
capable of, adj.
able to, has the ability
Henry’s not capable of fixing the car himself.
controversial issues, exp.
subjects people don’t agree on
Let’s not discuss controversial issues at the dinner table.
depend on, v.
rely on
If you ever need any help, you can depend on me.
establishment, n.
an informal group that makes decisions and holds power
The political establishment was against changing the election rules.
homeless, n.
a person without a place to live (also an adjective)
We must find housing for the homeless.
housing alternatives, n.
different kinds of places to live
If they can’t rent apartments, we need to find housing alternatives.
make a difference,
to change things
If you want to make a difference in your country, you need to vote.
manage by yourself, exp.
to be able to do things without help
That looks heavy; can you manage by yourself?
on the streets, idiom
without a home, living outside
Surviving on the streets is difficult.
pay the rent, exp.
to make a monthly payment so you can live in an apartment or house which belongs to someone else
We pay the rent on the first of the month.
senior citizen, n.
a person around 65 years of age and up
You can buy a ticket for senior citizens if you are over age 65.
take steps, exp.
to do something about a certain issue
The company took steps to please the workers.
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Unit 5
Health And Happiness
A Healthy Diet Tamara: Hey Kelly. Kelly: Yeah? Tamara: You’re studying to be a nutritionist; can you give me some advice about my diet? Kelly:
Sure. What would you like to know?
Tamara: I really want to eat healthier, but I don’t know where to start. Kelly:
Well, you can start by not eating any more of that cereal.
Tamara: But it’s just cereal. What’s unhealthy about that? Kelly:
Do you have any idea how much sugar is in a bowl of cereal?
Tamara: OK. So what should I eat for breakfast? Kelly: Try plain yogurt with fruit, or whole-grain toast with a healthy spread.
Look, the most important thing is that you avoid processed foods.
Tamara: What do you mean by “processed” food? Kelly: I mean, food that’s packaged. You know, comes in a box. Processed food contains a lot of artificial and fake ingredients. My motto, “If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it.” Tamara: OK so that’s breakfast - what should I do for the rest of the day? Kelly: Just focus on eating fresh foods. Try chicken, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains. Tamara: I don’t think I can give up my cereal or cookies. Kelly:
Look, you don’t have to give up everything all at once.
Tamara: That’s good! Kelly: You can have some processed foods here and there, but it shouldn’t be a major part of your diet. Tamara: OK, you’ve inspired me. I’m going to take your advice... right after I finish this cookie.
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After a Heart Attack 1. AbsoIuteIy no smoking! 2. Drink onIy smaII quantities of aIcohoI and Iimit it to wine. 3. Eat sensibIy. Try to eat nutritious food which is neither fatty nor saIty . Stay away from fried food. Concentrate on eating fresh fruit and vegetabIes, and whoIe-grain bread. Eat just a smaII amount of either griIIed fish or chicken. 4. Weigh yourseIf weekIy. Remember: being overweight may have caused your condition. 5. Try to keep in shape. Exercise three or four times a week. Keeping fit wiII strengthen your heart. This wiII heIp prevent another attack.
Can I Help? - Can l give you some heIp? - Sure, if it’s no troubIe. - How many pounds are you Iifting? - l’m trying to Iift a hundred pounds. - But you’ve onIy got eighty pounds. - Oh! l must have made a mistake. - Do you want me to put the other weights on the bar for you? - Yes, pIease, if you wouIdn’t mind.
Past Form of Modals: Might / May / Must Have - ls Mr. Tanaka stiII at work? - l don’t see him. He must have Ieft. - Aha... He’s usuaIIy home by now. -W eII, his car was giving him some troubIe. lt may have broken down or he might have taken it to a garage.
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Health 2
Example Sentence
concentrate on, v.
to focus on
Right now I’m just concentrating on getting well.
eat sensibly, exp.
eat food that is good for the body, eat healthily
You should eat sensibly and exercise three times a week.
heart attack, n.
when your heart suddenly stops working
Ingrid is in the hospital, recovering from a heart attack.
heart condition, n.
a disease that affects your heart, when your heart doesn’t work as well as it should
Bill takes pills every day because of his heart condition.
limit, v.
to not let something, such as an amount or number, go past a certain point, restrict (also a noun)
You should limit the amount of pasta and bread you eat, if you want to stay thin.
nutritious, adj.
provides things that your body needs, such as vitamins
You should eat broccoli, because it’s very nutritious.
overweight, adj.
weighing more than you should
I am overweight, and need to lose 20 pounds.
palpitations, n.
beating of the heart that is stronger and quicker than normal
Cory gets heart palpitations when she drinks coffee.
small quantities, exp.
small amounts, a little bit
Small quantities of this medicine won’t harm you.
sweat, v.
when liquid comes out of your skin, usually when it is hot or you are nervous
He’s always sweating, even in cold weather.
weigh yourself, exp.
to stand on a scale to find out how heavy you are
I weigh myself once a week at the gym.
whole-grain, adj.
made from grains, such as wheat, that have not had any part removed
Please buy a loaf of whole-grain bread.
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Unit 6
Going Out
Opera Review AIIegra: WeIcome to “Sound Sense,” the program that teIIs you what’s worthwhiIe Iistening to around town. l’m AIIegra Pizzicato. Ray:
And l’m Ray Tone.
AIIegra: OK, Ray. Which upcoming musicaI event tops your Iist of recommendations today? Ray: WeII, AIIegra, l’d say it wouId have to be the hiIarious hit, “MusicaI Disturbance,” which is here on tour from January 7th. You shouId have been there opening night! There was actuaIIy cheering in the theater. This musicaI comedy is sure to become a cIassic. And not onIy that, but it’s aIso making Iots of money. l’d say you must see it. AIIegra: WeII, l don’t agree with you, Ray. lf there is onIy one show that you can see, it has to be the dramatic opera, “The Astonished Genius,” an outstanding production, featuring very taIented singers. lf the appIause is any sign, this wiII be the hit of the year . Ray: WeII, l’ve never even heard of the singers in that show, and l think if you’ve onIy got one night out, you shouId pIay it safe. AIIegra: WeII, there you have our choices. Remember, whenever there’s a musicaI event, “Sound Sense” wiII be there checking it out for our Iisteners. We’II be back next week at the same time. See you then.
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Planning a Party Do you want to have a party, but don’t know where to start? Don’t give up hope, here are some tips to help you. 1. Decide on the reason for your party. Is it for good friends to get together? Is it for strangers to meet each other? 2. Choose the date, time, and place of the party. Give yourself enough time to plan without feeling stressed. 3. Make the guest list and invite guests. 4. Decide on the menu. You can make easy dishes and present them in interesting ways. 5. Shop for the food, drinks, and serving utensils you’ll need. Pretzels and popcorn are classics. 6. Prepare the food. If there are foods you can freeze, make them first. Cut fruits and vegetables last. 7. Make sure the party room is clean. Decorate it to express your personality. Set the table. 8. Wear clothes you feel confident in. 9. One last thing to remember - enjoy your party!
Lunch - Wow! That Iunch was deIicious. - Yes. it was. l’m fuII. - WeII, l’ve got to get back to work. - Me, too. - l’II speak to you soon. Take it easy! - Thanks. Take care of yourseIf. - Bye. - See you.
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Conjunctions: Pairs - My cousin Tom is in town. Do you want to meet him? - lt depends. TeII me about him. - Not onIy is he cute, but he’s aIso smart. - ln that case, l’m free either Friday or Saturday night!
Conjunctions: In Short Answers - l Iove seafood! - l do too. But it’s so expensive. - Don’t worry. l’m paying. - l hope so. l’m broke.
Conjunctions: Review - JuIie, l’m buying this dress. lt’s not onIy beautifuI, it’s aIso cheap. l reaIIy Iike it. - l do too. But why is it so cheap? - Hmm. Either they marked it wrong, or the materiaI isn’t very good.
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Entertainment 4 Word
Example Sentence
applause, n.
the sound of the clapping of hands
The applause went on and on after the concert ended.
around town, exp.
in the neighborhood, in the city
I see him around town, once in a while.
cheer, v.
to shout in approval of someone or something (also a noun)
There was cheering when the team won.
classic, n.
something considered good for many years, not only for a short time (also an adjective)
something considered good for many years, not only for a short time.
hilarious, adj.
very funny
Jacob is hilarious; I can’t stop laughing when I’m around him.
on tour, exp.
when entertainers travel from place to place giving performances
The band is on tour this month.
opening night, n.
the first night of a play, movie, or other performance
The newspaper reporters saw the play on opening night.
outstanding production, exp.
an excellent performance
That was an outstanding production of Hamlet.
play it safe, exp.
to choose a more certain choice
Let’s play it safe and go to a restaurant we know is good.
a suggestion that says a particular thing is good
I need a recommendation for a good doctor.
top the list, exp.
to be the best of its kind
Tony’s Pizza tops the list of best restaurants in Chicago.
worthwhile, adj.
valuable, worth one’s time, money, or effort
This is a worthwhile project that can help lots of people.
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Unit 7
Restaurant Reviews
Family HeIIo, Johnny. lt’s Sophie. You reaIIy shouId have come with us Iast night. We went to that Chinese restaurant where Carmen’s used to be. The food was fabuIous; l never knew l had such a big appetite. lt was a buffet and we ate as much as we wanted. To start off with, l had a bowI of corn soup, aIthough l probabIy couId have skipped it. lnstead of having just one main dish, l tried everything. My favorites were the Chinese roast beef, shrimp with vegetabIes, and sweet and sour chicken. Everything was deIicious. You must come with us next time.
A Seafood and Steak Surprise Are you sure l Iook OK?” asked RaouI hesitantIy. “You Iook fine, RaouI!” said Steve, RaouI’s roommate. “You shouId have Ieft aIready. You don’t want to be Iate for your first date with Marcy!” “l’m Ieaving, l’m Ieaving! See you Iater,” said RaouI. “Hope you have a good time.” “l hope so, too,” answered RaouI nervousIy. They’d decided to go out for dinner. The restaurant they were going to was caIIed Sam’s Seafood and Steak House and was one of a chain of new restaurants. AIthough neither RaouI nor Marcy had ever been there before, they’d heard that the restaurant was having a haIf-price student speciaI. “l hope you have an appetite tonight,” RaouI toId Marcy in the car. “l’ve heard that this restaurant has a huge seafood buffet and an AII-You-Can-Eat Shrimp SpeciaI.”
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“Sounds great!” said Marcy. “l’m starving!” When they arrived at the restaurant, it was crowded and very noisy. “l guess we shouId have made a reservation,” said RaouI. After waiting aImost an hour, they finaIIy got a tabIe. UnfortunateIy, it was in the smoking section. Not onIy that, but the tabIecIoth and siIverware didn’t Iook very cIean. FinaIIy, the waiter came to take their order. “l’II have the roast beef, weII done, and corn on the cob,” said Marcy. “And l’II have the AII-You-Can-Eat Shrimp SpeciaI,” said RaouI. “Something to drink?” asked the waiter. “Two mineraI waters,” said RaouI. After a very Iong wait, their dinner arrived. “The roast beef is awfuIIy rare,” said Marcy. “And these shrimp have a strange, bitter fIavor,” compIained RaouI. “Let’s ask the waiter for our check.” On the way home, both RaouI and Marcy had stomachaches. “lt must have been that roast beef,” said Marcy. “And those awfuI shrimp!” cried RaouI. “lf we had just gone out for a pizza, we wouId have enjoyed ourseIves so much more!” The next day, RaouI saw a review of Sam’s Seafood and Steak House in the coIIege newspaper. lt said, “We do not have a singIe compIiment for this terribIe restaurant! Whatever you do, don’t go to Sam’s Seafood and Steak House!” “Now they teII us!” cried RaouI, hoIding his stomach.
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Recommendations - ls the food good here? - l beIieve so. Betsy and PauI eat here aII the time. - ln that case, l’m certain the food is horribIe. - What do you mean? - Have you forgotten? Their recommendations are aIways terribIe. - l suppose you’re right. We’d better go somewhere eIse.
More Conditionals: Mixed Time Conditionals - l’m sorry, Mrs. Fraser. l don’t know the answer. - WeII, if you had been Iistening earIier, John, you wouId know the answer now.
More Conditionals: Review - lf l hadn’t spent aII that money on dinner Iast night, l wouId be abIe to buy that tablet for us now . -O h! lf l had known you were trying to save money, l wouId have made a nice dinner at home.”
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Restaurants 2 Word
Example Sentence
appetite, n.
a desire or strong wish for food
Gavin always has a big appetite by dinnertime.
buffet, n.
a table with different foods for people to take
Are there any good salads in the buffet?
chain of restaurants, exp.
similar restaurants with the same name
This is one of a chain of restaurants.
compliment, n.
a comment that says something nice about someone (also a verb)
The bride received so many compliments on her wedding dress.
to tell a restaurant that you want to eat there at a particular time
Please make a reservation for two at the restaurant.
rare, adj.
meat that is cooked for a short time, so that it is still red or pink
Waiter, this steak is rare; please cook it longer.
silverware, n.
forks, knives, and spoons
Please take the silverware out of the drawer and set the table.
skip a meal, exp.
to not eat one of the meals of the day (breakfast, lunch, or dinner)
Tom will often skip a meal when he’s busy at work.
starving, adj.
extremely hungry
I haven’t eaten all day, and I’m starving!
tablecloth, n.
material used to cover a table
Jen put the fancy blue tablecloth on the dining room table.
take care of the check, exp.
to pay for a restaurant bill
My father took care of the check, so I didn’t have to pay for dinner.
well done, adj.
cooked for a long time, very well cooked
Do you want your hamburger well done?
make a reservation, exp.
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Unit 8
Meeting People Soap Opera Narrator: And now, for the finaI episode of “A Stranger from the Past.” AngeI: l shouId never have come! Perhaps l shouId have tried to caII first. Maybe it’s not a convenient time. What shouId l say? How shouId l act? Do l shake her hand? Kiss her on the cheek? Embrace her affectionateIy? Do l . . . Veronica: HeIIo, who are you? You Iook awfuIIy famiIiar, but . . . no, it can’t be possibIe. AngeI: Oh, Veronica! Don’t you recognize me? lt’s me, AngeI, your Iong Iost twin sister! We were separated when we were kids. We were onIy five years oId. Try! Try to remember! Veronica: Wait. Yes! Yes! lt’s aII coming back to me now! l remember how our parents died in the accident. Then mother’s Aunt AIice and UncIe HaroId, who didn’t want to take care of us, separated us. They sent me to Boston, and they toId me you were Iost forever! Oh, AngeI, how couId l have trusted them? AngeI: Veronica, l have been dreaming of this moment for so many years! Just Iooking at you, l can teII we have so much in common. Our taste in cIothes and music, why even our personaIities are probabIy simiIar. Who is your favorite musician? l Iike Mick StarIight! Veronica: l do, too! l’m crazy about him! Oh, AngeI, if onIy we hadn’t been separated, we couId have been together aII these years! AngeI: At Ieast now we’II have the rest of our Iives to get to know each other again. Veronica: Oh, yes. We have so much to catch up on! Narrator: And that was the finaI episode of “A Stranger from the Past.”
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The Day I Met Mick I’ll never forget the day l met Mick StarIight. lt began Iike a nightmare; everything went wrong. First, my aIarm cIock didn’t ring. l must have forgotten to pIug it in. l woke up Iate, and l can’t stand being Iate! Then l took a shower and of course, there was no hot water! l quickIy got dressed, and ran out of the house without breakfast, stiII wanting to make it in time for cIass. On my way to the university, l must have been driving too fast. A poIiceman signaIed to me to stop. l was nervous, but when he came over, he smiIed. He was reaIIy cute! Then l reaIized that l must have Iooked a mess. Not onIy hadn’t l had time to put on any makeup, but l aIso hadn’t ironed my shirt or dried my hair. l couId have died of embarrassment. However, l smiIed back at him, anyway. “Was l driving too fast, officer?” l asked. “l’m afraid so,” he answered. l didn’t know what to do then, so l just toId him l was sorry. Luckily, he was very nice, and onIy gave me a warning. l soon reached the intersection where l had to turn. Looking up, l saw a beautifuI sports car coming up behind me. As l got to the corner, the Iight turned red. l stopped, but the sports car didn’t, and went right into me! l couIdn’t beIieve it! How couId he have been so stupid, whoever he was?! FortunateIy, l was fine, but my car wasn’t. l stepped out of the car and was preparing to shout, when l saw the driver of the sports car. lt was Mick StarIight! He feIt so bad about my car that he not onIy paid for the repairs, but he aIso gave me tickets to his next concert! And of course, l never did make it to cIass.
Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved
Intermediate 3 Appendix
Nice Meeting You - l have to go. l have a meeting. - Bye, Dan. lt was nice to have met you. - lt was nice meeting you, too. Take it easy. - l hope we see each other again soon. - Me, too. By the way, l wonder if you couId take care of the check. - Wait! Dan! Just a minute.
Past Forms of Modals: Review - l’m worried. Jack shouId have been on that train. - He must have taken a Iater train. - WeII, he couId have caIIed! - He may have Ieft a message. Let me check my phone.
Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved
Intermediate 3 Appendix
Meeting People Word
Example Sentence
can’t stand, exp.
dislike very much
They can’t stand classical music, so they didn’t come with us to the symphony.
catch up on, exp.
to find out what has happened since the last time you got information
The two friends caught up on the last few years of their lives.
to be extremely ashamed or embarrassed
If Heather makes a mistake in front of all those people, she’ll die of embarrassment.
feel bad, exp.
to feel guilty or upset about something
You shouldn’t feel bad about breaking the vase; I never liked it anyhow!
give up hope, exp.
to stop believing that something will be okay
Even though things can get very difficult, never give up hope.
like a scary or unpleasant dream; a bad experience
My stay in the hospital was like a nightmare.
long-lost, adj.
lost for a long time, not in touch for a long time
I just found out that I have a long-lost relative living in France.
look a mess, exp.
when someone or something does not look neat or clean
After spending the day cleaning out the garage, I must look a mess!
look familiar, exp.
to seem like a person or place you already know
I wonder if I’ve ever been here before, because this place looks familiar.
separation, n.
not being together
The sisters found each other after a separation of twenty years.
take it easy, exp.
an expression used when saying good-bye
It was great seeing you. Take it easy.
trust, n.
to believe or rely on someone (also a noun)
I trust my brother to look out for me.
die of embarrassment, exp.
like a nightmare, exp.
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