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PAULINA ARLAUSKAITE Growth and Evolution Unit 4


Brief:My outcome for this project is to create a Exhibition/ Museum. My target audience is the age range between 16 – 50. This will consist of a runway and a space which interacts with the public. The theme that will run through the building is Growth and Evolution of people, nature and technology. The individuality of my Exhibition is that it will an interactive museum as most museums you cant touch. I will create a space that opens up different human senses such as feel, vision, sound and hear. Specification:The problem I’m trying to solve is how to create a space where different ages can interact, be placed in a space of the unknown and open up their curiosity of the art world. Detail:        

Interaction Floors/ Different sections Sound Light Organisation of time periods Work from other artists Diversity of art People, Nature and Technology Include rooms from my ideas

Location:I will create the exhibition in an empty warehouse or place in Peckham. I’ve chosen this location because of the crime and negative vibe surrounding its name.





Natural forms Animals Air Eco friendly Interaction Computers Programs Phones Internet Gadgets Age Culture Time zones Fashion Evolution Art Circle of life

• Open, inviting and friendly environment • Interaction between different sections as they interlink with each other • Learning space




Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviours, skills and values. We are constantly learning everyday of our lives whether it’s a massive lesson or a tiny, unnoticeable one. This is a process of life. One of the key outputs that learning provides is giving us motivation. What we choose to learn is up to us individually. The majority of the public eye see people involved in gangs as criminals and just mainly in a negative light of life. They tend to not even acknowledge that many people who have grew up in poor backgrounds are more open to learning compared to a person who has everything at their feet. Their motivation upon learning is in completely different context. A majority of males get pulled towards rapping. A rapper is a spoken or chanted rhyming lyricist. To do this one has to have a wide knowledge on the English language. This is a theme I want to integrate into my building. I want to create awareness to a huge population in Peckham about the cleverness behind such lyrical ability in young people. Rap is tracked back to its African roots.

"to strike, especially with a quick, smart, or light blow"

Location: Peckham, 60 Galleywall Rd This is an empty warehouse which I will work with and build on through research and development by model making, sketching and using sketchup. Thought this is a good location as it helped me solve the problem I’m trying to solve. The location is also very convenient as its just a walk away from South Bermondsay.


Royal Ontario Museum 100 Queens Park, Toronto, Canada This Museum caught my attention through the structure of its architectural form. It mixes urban with historical, brick building. This is a clever link between new and old history ironically that it’s a museum as well. Two themes run through this museum which is Nature and culture.

I linked this building to my research as it links with my previous model because of the triangular structure. This is something I want to include into my final project because of it’s blend of history and urban form. The entire ground level and interior planning creates a walking path of circulation.

Natural History Museum I took a visit to the Natural History Museum for this unit. This decision was made because it relates to the theme of growth and evolution as it’s a massive building dedicated to the history of evolution. The Natural History museum is my primary research to developing ideas and gain inspiration for my project.

These are rocks I have taken pictures of from the Natural History museum. Rocks are part of our history but we tend to over look the beauty and the story behind rocks. This caught my eye because of the form of this stone. The contrast between a hard, toughness of a stone that it is and the smoothness of the texture of it is so interesting. The inspiration I got from this stone was the different pieces of growing out from the middle. This represents clear growth.

My main focus I gathered from the stone is the different heights and sizes of its natural form.

These are more models showing the development of crunching the paper in various different structures. The function of these models is to be used as the exterior of my building. My models show depth and contrast through the crunched up paper creating strong shadows making it more innovative and interesting.

To add sense of scale to how the model works to a human body I have added a silhouette of people.


Here I have sketched using different techniques of my models to develop further ideas. For further ideas I picked out triangles from my sketches and models combined.



Shanghai, China



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