COLOURS Proverbs, sayings, idioms
Iliyan, Yoana, Kamen, Aleksandrina - BG Arianna, Gabriele, Antonino - IT Marilena, Antonia, Theodora, Vaia, Theofania GR Lucas, Noemie, Jade, Thomas. - FR
To have a green thumb.
Being very good at gardening. To have the ability to make any plant to grow. Да си много добър в градинарството. Да имаш способността да накараш всяко растение да поникне. Да имаш зелен палец.
Brown as a berry. Strong black. Силно почернял. Кафяв като зрънце.
To roll out the red carpet. Treat someone like a prince or princess. Третирам някого като принц или принцеса Да разстилам червения килим.
Yellow-bellied. Crowardly. Жълто-издут Страхлив.
As white as a ghost Deathly pale with fear/ disease/ shock.Смъртно блед от страх/ болест/ шок. Бял като призрак.
See pink elephants Фантазирам, въобразявам си Fantasizing, imagine. Виждам розови слонове.
Black as night(black as coal/pitch)
: totally black; very dark черен като нощта черен като въглен, черен като дявола
See red to become very angry; to get enraged виждам червено пада ми пердето
Purple prose
writing that is more complicated and formal than necessary; also used to refer to large exaggerations and lies
лилава проза
високопарна реч
Wave the white flag
to give up; weaken; yield развявам бялото знаме
Proverbs about colours--- French Team Grass is always greener on the other side. = L’herbe est toujours plus verte chez le voisin. This idiom means that it’s always better at the neighbor’s.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team French
To be green. = Être un bleu. This proverbs means : “to be a beginner”.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team A red-letter day. =Un jour à marquer d’une croix blanche.
It means that it’s a very important day.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To be caught red-handed. = ĂŠtre pris la main dans le sac. It means that you are caught doing something bad.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To feel blue. = Avoir le cafard. This idiom means that you feel depressed.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team
Once in a blue moon. = Une fois tous les 36 du mois. It means that it’s extremely rare.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To be the black sheep (of your family). = Etre le petit canard noir ( de sa famille). It means that you are isolated and different.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To black out. = Tomber dans les pommes. This proverbs means that a person faints.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To see pink elephants. = Voir des ĂŠlĂŠphants roses. This idiom means that you have hallucinations.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To have a green thumb. = Avoir la main verte. It means that you are a great gardener.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team A golden opportunity. = Une opportunitÊ en or. This proverbs means that it’s a great opportunity.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To get the green light. = Avoir le feu vert. It means that you have the permission.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team A black eye. = Un oeil au beurre noir. This proverb means that your eye is hurt.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team
All cats are grey in the dark. = La nuit, tous les chats sont gris. It means that the night everybody looks alike.
Colour idioms by Wojciech Janicki black and blue- bruised and beaten-posiniaczony, poobijany
black sheep-a bad or odd member of a group-ktos odstajacy od reszty
Tickled pink-very appreciative-zarumienic sie z radosci
Green with envy-to be very jealous-byc bardzo zazdrosnym
as black as coal-very black-bardzo czarne
black out-to lose conciousness-stracic przytomnosc
in the red-in debt-в червено
see red-be very angry-виждам червено-много съм ядосан
Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth Nato con un cucchiaio d’argento in bocca - born into a rich family € - nascere in una ricca famiglia
Golden opportunity: Oppotunità d’oro The perfect chance: La chance perfetta
White lie
An innocent lie to protect another person’s feelings
Blind men can judge no colours You shouldn’t judge it if you cannot see it
Having blue blood
the Greek students