ANIMALS Proverbs, idioms, sayings
GROUP MEMBERS Vasiliki, Vaia, Vasilis, Marilena, Antonia, Theodora GR Katrin, Kristian, Lambry, Lora - BG Francesca & Pietro ITKarolina, Zuzia, Emilka- Poland Lucie, Arnaud, Corinne, Lucas.Z - FRANCE
1. As awkward as a cow on roller skatesvery awkward PL-nieudolny, niezgrabny.
2. In the doghousein disgrace or disfavor, in trouble PL-w niełasce.
3. In
two shakes of lamb’s tail-
very quickly PL-bardzo szybko.
4. Like a bat out of hellwith great speed and force PL-bardzo szybko.
5. Like lambs to the slaughterquietly and without complaining about dangers that may lie ahead PL-jak owce na rzeĹş.
6. Lion’s sharethe biggest part or share of something PL-lwia część.
7. Rat on someoneto report someone’s bad behaviour to someone PL-skarżyć na kogoś.
8. A cat napa short sleep taken during the day PL-kr贸tka drzemka.
9. A copycatsomeone who copies another person’s work PL-plagiator.
10. When pigs flysomething is not likely to happen, never PL-sytuacja niemoĹźliwa,nieprawdopodobna.
Made by Emilka Jońca from Poland. Based on:
FRENCH TEAM Lucie, Arnaud, Corinne, Lucas.Z
You’re really stubborn like a donkey (= FR-Tu es vraiment têtu comme un âne) = EN-You’re really stubborn as an ass It means that you’re really stubborn.
To have a cat in the throat (=FR-Avoir un chat dans la gorge) =EN-To have a frog in one’s throat It means that you have a hoarse or a sore throat.
Support and wait (=FR- Supporte et attends ) =EN- Bear and forbear It means that you have to endure things and wait for them to change.
To take the bull by the horns (=FR- Prendre le taureau par les cornes ) =EN- To take the bull by the horns It means that you decide to do something difficult without wait more and without thinking of the problems that could occur.
Bad foal can make good horse. (=FR-Mauvais poulain peut faire un bon cheval) =EN- A ragged colt may make a good horse. It means that people can change when they grow up.
Curiosity is a bad thing (=FR-La curiositĂŠ est un vilain dĂŠfaut) =EN- Curiosity killed the cat It means that being curious is a bad fault. You can be curious, but not too much.
Don’t put the plough before the beef (=FR- Il ne faut pas mettre la charrue avant les boeufs) =EN- Don’t put the cart before the horse It means that you have to start by the beginning and to do things by the rignt order.
Who looks alike assembles (=-Qui se ressemble s’assemble) =EN-Birds of a feather flock together It means that if you look like a person you will be friends or more with him or her.
One take is better than two you will have. (=FR-Un tient vaut mieux que deux tu l’auras.) =EN-A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. It means that a real thing, something that you have, is better than a thing that somebody is saying he will give it you later (because maybe he will never give it to you).
Who wants to walnut his dog accuses him of having rabies (=FR-Qui veut noyer son chien l’accuse d’avoir la rage) =EN-Give a dog a bad name and hang him It means that you find a pretext to reach.
Let the cat out of the bag to reveal the secret (Пусни котката извън торбата) Изплюй камъчето
One swallow doesn’t make a summer One instance of an event doesn’t necessarily indicate a trend (Една лястовица не прави лято) Една лястовица пролет не прави
An early bird catches the worm One who arrives first has the best chance for success (Ранна птица хваща червея) Ранно пиле,рано пее
Kill two birds with one stone (Да убиеш две птици с един камък) solve two problems at one time with a single action ---
--- С един куршум, два заека.
A leopard cannot change its spots --- you cannot change someone”s basic human nature or bad qualities --- Вълкът козината си мени, но нрава не. ( Леопарда не може да промени петната си.)
As awkward as a cow on a roller skates. (странно като крава на ролери) - да си смешен и неопитен в първите си стъпки в някакво ново начинание.
As blind as bat (ślepy jak kret)- blind.
More fun than a barrel of monkeys (zabawniejszy niż baryłka małp)
- very funny
Change a fly into an elephant (robić z igły widły) to undertake an impossible task.
Put one's head in the lion's mouth (Umieścić głowę w paszczy lwa) -to put one self in a dangerous
curiosity killed the cat (ciekawosc zabiła kota) - being too nosy or curious may get a person into trouble
Rain cats and dogs ( deszcz kot贸w i ps贸w) -to rain very hard
Made by Karolina Dabrowska and Zuzia Dziegielewska (Poland)
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.
Песец март идва като лъв и си отива като лама. В началото на март времето е бурно и лошо, а в края на март е спокойно и топло.
Ants in one's pants Unable to sit still or remain calm out of nervousness or excitement
Hai le formiche nei pantaloni! Difficile stare calmi!
(the) Birds and the bees Sex education
Educazione sessuale.
Copy cat A person who does the same thing as someone else Fare le stesse cose che fa qualcun’altro!
Dropping like flies Dying/giving up quickly
Arrendersi facilmente!
Hold your horses Wait and be patient
Aspetta e stai calmo!
Holy cow! Wow, I'm surprised!
Essere sorpresi!
Nest egg Money saved for the future
Soldi conservati per il futuro!
Raining cats and dogs Raining heavily
Sta piovendo a catinelle!
Kill two birds with one stone Get two things done at once Prendere due piccioni con una fava! Uccidere due uccelli con una pietra!
Dog days Very hot days
Giorno molto caldo!
More idioms about animals by the Greek team
Cat nap = a short sleep
dog days = very hot days
hold your horses=wait and be patient
it’s raining cats and dogs=it’s raining heavily
BODY Proverbs, saying, idioms
Team: Valentin, Vanina, Vanya, Gergana - BG Simona, Iarik, Ludovica V. - IT Marilena, Antonina, Antonia, Theofania GR Corentin, Clotilde, Capucine FR Marta, Emilka - PL
Give/lend somebody a helping hand -to help someone to do something, not necessarily with the hands - давам рамо
-to be out of touch with the everyday world and to be unrealistic, to live in a fantasy (world)
Have someone's head in the clouds витая в облаците
Head over heels -
to be deeply in love
влюбен до уши
It cost an arm and a leg ● ● ●
to be very expensive струва ръка и крак струва майка си и баща си
cold feet ● ● ●
nervous just before a big event студени стъпала свил ми се e стомахът
Keep your chin up ● ● ●
remain cheerful in a difficult situation дръж брадичката си нагоре горе главата
To have an egg on your face To feel embarrassed or stupid for doing something wrong Да имаш яйце на лицето си. Като ударен с мокър парцал
Your heart isn’t in it You are doing something that you actually don’t want to do. Сърцето ти не е в него. Насила хубост не става.
Caught red-handed If someone is caught red-handed, they are caught doing something they’re not allowed to do/ something wrong. Хванаха го с червени ръце. Хванаха го по бели гащи.
Your hands are tied You can’t do something that you want to; you’re prevented from doing something which you can usually do С вързани ръце съм.
Keep your nose clean If you keep your nose clean, you make sure that you aren’t getting into trouble because you’re not doing anything wrond. Пази си носа чист. Очите и ушите - отворени, устата - затворена Дръж си устата затворена.
get something off my chest ● ● ●
tell someone your problems Махам нещо от гърдите си. Изливам си душата.
keep an eye on ●
take care of, watch in order to protect
държа окото си включено
Хвърлям око.
All ears ●
fully listening
Всички уши.
Целият съм в слух.
A little body does often harbour a great soul The body is not important, the soul and the mind are the most essential
D’un petit homme, souvent grand ombre
To a little man, often a big shadow
If I were in your shoes This idiom is used when somebody give advice Si j’étais à ta place
If I were in your seat if I were in your shoes
To save one’s neck To survive when you have a problem Sauver sa peau
To save one’s skin
He has a finger in every pie To survive when you have a problem Il met son nez partout He puts his nose everywhere
I don’t you dare lay a finger on him This idiom means not to pester Ne touche pas à un cheveu de sa tête
Do not touch a hair of his head
To scratch someone’s back This idiom is is used to congrulate somebody Brosser quelqu’un dans le sens du poil Brush someone in the right way
Stick one’s foot in one’s mouth This idiom is used when you said something and you regrette it Dire quelque chose que l’on va regretter
Say something that we will regret
Blood is thicker than water This idiom means that family is more important than everything La famille avant tout
The family before everything
Butterflies in one's stomach This idiom means that we are stressed Avoir l’estomac noué
To have a knot in one’s stomach
Leg-up on the competition This idiom is used in a competition like a tournament when you have a lenght ahead Avoir une longueur d’avance
Have one’s length ahead
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush it is better to keep what you have than to risk losing it by trying to get something better
Hit the nail on the head to do exactly the right thing in the most effective and efficient way
Do something behind someone’s backs to do something without someone's knowledge; in secret
Grin from ear to ear to smile a very wide, beaming smile
A slap in the face an action that insults or upsets someone
Keep a stiff upper lip not showing any emotions
A lump in your throat the feeling of something in one's throat caused by emotion - as if one was going to cry
A slip of the tongue
something that you say by accident when you intended to say something else
JUMP OUT OF THE SKIN Have a big fright
A person who listens to everything
the Greek Team
Keep an eye on
Take care of, watch in order to protect
Learn by heart, know by heart
Let one’s hair down
Relax have fun
Lips are sealed
Promise to keep a secret
COLOURS Proverbs, sayings, idioms
Iliyan, Yoana, Kamen, Aleksandrina - BG Arianna, Gabriele, Antonino - IT Marilena, Antonia, Theodora, Vaia, Theofania GR Lucas, Noemie, Jade, Thomas. - FR
To have a green thumb.
Being very good at gardening. To have the ability to make any plant to grow. Да си много добър в градинарството. Да имаш способността да накараш всяко растение да поникне. Да имаш зелен палец.
Brown as a berry. Strong black. Силно почернял. Кафяв като зрънце.
To roll out the red carpet. Treat someone like a prince or princess. Третирам някого като принц или принцеса Да разстилам червения килим.
Yellow-bellied. Crowardly. Жълто-издут Страхлив.
As white as a ghost Deathly pale with fear/ disease/ shock.Смъртно блед от страх/ болест/ шок. Бял като призрак.
See pink elephants Фантазирам, въобразявам си Fantasizing, imagine. Виждам розови слонове.
Black as night(black as coal/pitch)
: totally black; very dark черен като нощта черен като въглен, черен като дявола
See red to become very angry; to get enraged виждам червено пада ми пердето
Purple prose
writing that is more complicated and formal than necessary; also used to refer to large exaggerations and lies
лилава проза
високопарна реч
Wave the white flag
to give up; weaken; yield развявам бялото знаме
Proverbs about colours--- French Team Grass is always greener on the other side. = L’herbe est toujours plus verte chez le voisin. This idiom means that it’s always better at the neighbor’s.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team French
To be green. = Être un bleu. This proverbs means : “to be a beginner”.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team A red-letter day. =Un jour à marquer d’une croix blanche.
It means that it’s a very important day.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To be caught red-handed. = ĂŠtre pris la main dans le sac. It means that you are caught doing something bad.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To feel blue. = Avoir le cafard. This idiom means that you feel depressed.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team
Once in a blue moon. = Une fois tous les 36 du mois. It means that it’s extremely rare.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To be the black sheep (of your family). = Etre le petit canard noir ( de sa famille). It means that you are isolated and different.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To black out. = Tomber dans les pommes. This proverbs means that a person faints.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To see pink elephants. = Voir des ĂŠlĂŠphants roses. This idiom means that you have hallucinations.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To have a green thumb. = Avoir la main verte. It means that you are a great gardener.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team A golden opportunity. = Une opportunitÊ en or. This proverbs means that it’s a great opportunity.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team To get the green light. = Avoir le feu vert. It means that you have the permission.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team A black eye. = Un oeil au beurre noir. This proverb means that your eye is hurt.
Proverbs about colours--- French Team
All cats are grey in the dark. = La nuit, tous les chats sont gris. It means that the night everybody looks alike.
Colour idioms by Wojciech Janicki black and blue- bruised and beaten-posiniaczony, poobijany
black sheep-a bad or odd member of a group-ktos odstajacy od reszty
Tickled pink-very appreciative-zarumienic sie z radosci
Green with envy-to be very jealous-byc bardzo zazdrosnym
as black as coal-very black-bardzo czarne
black out-to lose conciousness-stracic przytomnosc
in the red-in debt-в червено
see red-be very angry-виждам червено-много съм ядосан
Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth Nato con un cucchiaio d’argento in bocca - born into a rich family € - nascere in una ricca famiglia
Golden opportunity: Oppotunità d’oro The perfect chance: La chance perfetta
White lie
An innocent lie to protect another person’s feelings
Blind men can judge no colours You shouldn’t judge it if you cannot see it
Having blue blood
the Greek students
FEELINGS Idioms, proverbs, sayings
Denitsa Dimitar, Ivaylo,Iveta - BG Alessandra & Valentina - IT Marilena, Antonia, Antonina, Vasilis GR Julia, Nour et Manon. FR
to be glad to see the back of somebody -to be happy when a person leaves
● translation: Доволен съм да видя нечий гръб ● Показвам вратата на някого
Method in my madness - an assertion that, despite one’s approach seeming random, there actually is structure to it ● Правя се на луд; Правя се на три и половина
To be happy camper - to be satisfied with what happens in your life щастлив лагерник ● каквото такова, доволен съм на тая хава ●
To have a sinking feeling - a feeling that something bad is going to happen ● имам потъващо чувство ● Имам лошо предчувствие, потънали са ми гемиите
happy-go-lucky - always cheerful and carefree person ● вятър го вее на бял кон; шапка на тояга
“Never apologize for showing your feelings. When you do, you are apologizing for the truth.”
Translation: Ne sois jamais désolé de montrer tes ” sentiments. Quand tu le fais, tu demandes pardon pour la vérité.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart” ― Helen Keller
.Translation: Les meilleures et les plus belles choses du monde ne peuvent pas être vues ou touchées. Elles se ressentent seulement avec le coeur.
“Sometimes loneliness makes the loudest noise.�
Translation: Parfois la solitude fait le plus grand bruit.
A person who truly loves you will never let you go or give up on you, no matter how hard the situation is.
Translation: Une personne qui t’aime vraiment ne te laissera jamais partir ou ne t’abandonnera pas, peu importe la difficulté de la situation.
Lis-le avec chagrin, et tu ressentiras de la “Read it with sorrow and you will feel hate. haine. Lis-le avec de la colère et tu ressentiras le Read it with anger and you will feel vengeance. vengeful. Lis-le avec paranoïa et tu ressentiras de la Read it with paranoia and you will feel confusion. confusion. Lis-le avec empathie et tu ressentiras de la Read it with empathy and you will feel compassion. compassion. Lis-le avec amour et tu seras flatté. Read it with love and you will feel flattery. Read it with hope and you will feel positive. Lis-le avec espérance et tu seras positif. Lis-le avec humour et tu ressentiras de la Read it with humor and you will feel joy. Read it with God and you will feel the truth. joie. Lis-le avec cro et tu trouveras le vérité. Read it without bias and you will feel Lis-le sans préjugés et tu seras en paix. peace. Ne le lis pas du tout et tu ne ressentiras Don't read it at all and you will not feel a rien. thing.”
“Friendship is far more tragic than love. It lasts longer.” -Oscar Wilde Translation: L’amitié est bien plus tragique que l’amour. Elle dure plus longtemps.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Translation: C’est dans le besoin qu’on reconnait ses vrais amis.
Love laughs at locksmiths Translation: L’amour n’a pas de limites.
All’s fair in love and war Translation: En amour comme à la guerre, tout est permis.
There is no joy without alloy Translation: Il n’y a pas de joie sans mélange.
Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.
Translation: N’importe l’endroit où tu va, va-y avec tout ton coeur.
When anger rises, think about the consequences Translation: Quand la colère monte,pense à ses conséquences.
Forgiveness is the best revenge. Translation: Pardonner est la meilleure des revanches.
Happiness is when what you think, when what you say and what you do, are in harmony.
Le bonheur est: quand ce que tu penses, ce que tu dis et ce que tu fais, sont en harmonie.
Happy as a flea in a doghouse. -Meaning: a very happy person. -Bulgarian translations: 1.Щастлив като бълха в кучешка колиба. 2.На седмото небе.
Bored to tears. Meaning: extremely bored to the point of distraction and frustration. Bulgarian translations: 1.Скучаещ до сълзи. 2.Скука до полуда
Proud as a peacock. Meaning: to be really proud of yourself. Bulgarian translations: 1.Горд като паун. 2.Надут пуяк
Once bitten, twice shy. Meaning: when you had an unpleasant experience and after it you try to avoid similar situations. Bulgarian translations: 1.Веднъж ухапан, два пъти срамежлив. 2.Парен каша духа.
To feel blue. Meaning: to be sad, upset. Bulgarian translations: 1.Да се чувстваш син. 2.Налегна ме тъга.
yellow bellied-A person who is yellow-bellied is cowardly, or not at all brave.
Il primo amore non si scorda mai... .
The first love won’t be never forgotten...
In amore e in guerra vince chi fugge!
In love and in war will win who escapes!
Quando si ama anche i sassi diventano stelle...
When you love even stones become stars...
Al cuor non si comanda. The heart can’t be controlled.
u s e c n i v re
o m a L’ . o t t tu
Love wins everything.
Amor con amor si paga..
You must pay love with love..
I’ve got the blues=I don’t feel good
Idioms about feelings
FOOD Idioms, proverbs, sayings
Team Aylin, Alberta, Bogomil, Georgi - BG Federica, Ersilia, Antonio - IT Vaia, Marilena, Antonia, Antonina, VasilikiGR Lysa, Martin, CĂŠlia - FR
"Cry over spilt milk� - To cry or complain about something that has already happened - Piangere sul latte versato
"A bad egg" -
A bad person, to be avoided
- Uomo cattivo o con un brutto carattere
To not give a fig for something - To not care about something or someone - Non mi interessa un fico secco
To drink like a fish - Used to describe who drink alcohol in large quantities - Bere come un pesce
“Bread and butter” -Basic needs of life - Fonte di guadagno
“To have bigger fish to fry� -To have more important things to do - Avere di meglio da fare
"To know your onions” -To have good practical skills and knowledge in a particular activity or subject - Conoscere i propri polli
“I’m going bananas” - I’m going mad - Je deviens dingue (I’m going mad)
“It was duck soup” - It was very easy - C’était un jeu d’enfant (It was a child game)
“You have egg on your face” - You are ridiculous - Vous êtes couvert de ridicule (You are coverred of ridiculous)
“ The icing on the cake”- Something nice that is added to something else that is already good - La cerise sur le gâteau (The cherry on the cake)
“Hello old fruit� - Hello dude - Salut vieille branche (Hello old plugged)
“To be like chalk and cheese� - To be the opposite of someone - Etre comme chien et chat (To be like dogs and cats)
“To butter someone up”- To flatter someone to try to get their favor or friendship Lécher les bottes de quelqu’un (To lick someone’s shoes)
“To be cool as cucumber�- To remain calm under pressure - Garder son sang froid (To keep their blood cold)
“To have bigger fish to fry” - To have more important things to do - Avoir d’autres chats à fouetter (To have others cats to whip)
“To spill the beans� - To tell something confidential - Cracher le morceau (To spit the piece)
IDIOMS To have a finger in every pie.- “На всяка манджа мерудия.”
One men’s meat is another man’s poison.-”За едни майка , за други мащеха.”
Don’t count your chikens before they hatch.-”Пилците се броят на есен.”
To eat one’s word.-”Взимам си думите обратно.”
The apple of one’s eye.-”Да го пазиш като зеницата на окото си.”
= use your brain Meaning: użyj mózgu, pomyśl. Use your noodle before you do or say something.
= simply Meaning: po prostu. In a nutshell, I don’t feel good.
= the best Meaning: najlepszy. If they have hired you, you must be cream of the crop.
= a very intelligent person Meaning: mÄ…dra, inteligentna osoba. He has such good grades, he must be one smart cookie.
= very important person (VIP) Meaning: bardzo waĹźna osoba. When I was doing shopping yesterday, I met big cheese.
= very calm. Meaning: spokojny, opanowany. Some people say I’m restless, nut in my opinion I’m as cool as a cucumber.
=person with ginger hair. Meaning: osoba, która ma rude włosy. Ed Sheeran, a famous singer, is carrot top.
= to earn your family’s living Meaning: zarabiać na chleb, utrzymywać rodzinę Recently, I have been working hard to bring home the bacon.
= feeling energetic. Meaning: osoba nie mogąca usiedzieć zbyt długow jednym miejscu. Jane is always full of beans. She can’t sit at one place for more than 5 minutes.
= in trouble, in a mess. Meaning: mieć kłopoty. After this accident, we were in a pickle.
= to be not thought about or studied carefully Meaning: niedouczony. I haven’t gone through training so I’m half baked.
= not important. Meaning: mało ważny. This book is a small potato. You don’t have to read it!
= to give a bad performance of something Meaning: dać plamę. During the interview, celebrity laid an egg.
FINGER IN EVERY PIE = involved in many activities and have a lot of influence or power Meaning: osoba zaangażowana w wiele rzeczy, wpływowa. He's very controlling - he has a finger in every pie.
TOP BANANA = leader. Meaning: lider, przewodziczÄ…cy. Chris is the top banana in our group.
HAVE A LOT ON ONE'S PLATE = very busy Meaning: mieć dużo na głowie. In my new job I always have a lot on my plate.
BRING HOME THE BACON. to earn a living for the family “He felt it was his responsibility to bring home the bacon.”
to choose only the best people or things in a way that is not fair Grammar schools often get accused of cherry-picking the best pupils.
WHAT’S COOKING? Meaning: What’s happening? A: Hey guys, what’s cooking? B: Nothing much. Same old, same old.
Piece of cake
Very easy
Cup of joe
Cup of coffee
Full of beans
Have a lot of energy
Hot potato
A controversial or difficult subject
Carrot top
Person with red or orange hair
MONEY Idioms, proverbs, sayings
The team:
Steliyan Stoychev,Ralitsa Doycheva, Stoyan Chobanov -BG; Ludovica C, Laura, Giorgia - IT, Mikołaj & Mateusz-Poland Theofania, Theodora, GR Paul Thomas, Constance Mantovani, Sarah-Li Uzan, Louis Friteyre
Proverbs A little steal you go to jail, to steal so do career. - A rubar poco si va in galera, a rubar tanto si fa carriera.
The dreams of the poor remain in the pillow. - I sogni del povero restano nel cuscino.
Everything is smoke and wind except the gold and silver. - Tutto è fumo e vento, fuorchè l’oro e l’argento.
Money is like manure, if crowded, it stinks. - Il denaro è come il letame, se ammucchiato, puzza.
Those who believe that with money you can do anything is undoubtedly ready to do evetything for money. Chi crede che con il denaro si possa fare di tutto è indubbiamente pronto a fare di tutto per il denaro.
Idioms A licence to print money = = Авантата чиста печалба
лиценз за печатане на пари
if a company or activity is a licence to print money, it causes people to become very rich without having to make any effort
A fool and his money are soon parted = = За пет пари акъл нямам
Безумният и парите скоро се разделят
Something we say which means that stupid people spend money without thinking about it enough.
Money doesn't grow on trees = = Парите не растат по дърветата
Парите не растат по дърветата
Money isn't that easy to come by.
Throw money around = Пръскам пари на вятъра
Хвърляй пари навсякъде
To spend money, especially in an obvious and careless way, on things that are not necessary.
Spend money like water = = Не знае сметката на парите си
Харчи пари като вода
To spend too much
A cash cow = = Дойна крава Дойна крава
A business or a part of a business that always makes a lot of profit.
Rob Peter to pay Paul = = Премествам пари от едия джоб в другия
Ограби Петър , за да платиш на Пол
To borrow money from one person to pay back money you borrowed from someone else.
Spend a penny
Похарчи пени
To go to the toilet.
Idioms Time is money
Time is valuable, so don’t waste it
Времето е пари
Smart money
Money belonging to smart or clever people
Умни пари
Come into (some) money
To get some money, unexpectedly, usually by inheritance
Marry into money To become wealthy or financially secure by marrying someone who is wealthy or has a wealthy family
Женя се за богат човек
1. Idioms A good bargain is a pick-purse. Le bon deal dÊtrousse le passant. If you’re a good trader, you will win at every deal.
2. Idioms Let someone whistle for his money. Payer en monnaie de singe. Pay in monkey’s money.
3. Idioms Live high in the hog. Mettre du beurre dans les ĂŠpinards. Put butter in spinach.
4. Idioms To be stinking rich. Avoir du foin dans ses bottes. Have hay in this boots.
5. Idioms Throw money down the drain. Jeter l’argent par les fenêtres. Throw money down the window.
6. Idioms You cannot have your cake and eat it. On ne peut pas avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre. We cannot have the butter and the money of the butter.
7. Idioms Put a price on someone’s head. Mettre à prix la tête de quelqu’un. Give a price on someone’s head.
8. Idioms Beggars can’t be choosers. Ne choisit pas qui emprunte.
9. Idioms All that glitters is not gold. Tout ce qui brille n’est pas or.
10. Idioms Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. Il ne faut pas vendre la peau de l’ours avant de l’avoir tué. Don’t sale the bear’s skin before you kill it.
11. Idioms He who pays the piper calls the tune. Qui paye a bien le droit de choisir. Who pays can choose.
1. Buy someone off to pay someone to do or not to do certain thing PL przekupić kogoś
2. Cash in on to make money from an opportunity PL zarobić na czymś
3. Spend money hand over first to spend money fast and in large amounts PL szastać pieniędzmi
4. See the color of someone’s money to make sure that someone has enough money for something PL upewnić się, że ktoś ma wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy
5. Salt money away to save money PL oszczędzać
6. Rolling in money to have a lot of money PL spać na kasie
7. Quick buck some money earned quickly and easily Ĺ‚atwy zysk
8. Put the bite on someone to try to get some money from someone PL şebrać
9. Pinch pennies to be careful with money, to be thrifty PL być oszczędnym.
10. Pay a king’s ransom to pay a great deal for something PL zapłacić wysoką cenę.
Prepared by Mikołaj Jońca from Poland. Hope U enjoyed:) Based on
Idioms “as sound as a dollar” - very secure and dependable
Idioms “born with a silver spoon in one`s mouth� - to be born to wealth and comfort, to be born rich
Idioms “go Dutch” - to share in the cost of a meal or some other event
the Greek Team
NUMBERS Proverbs, idioms, sayings
Hristina, Yana, Aleksandra - BG; Leonardo, Paolo, Stefano - IT Antonina, Marilena GR Audrey, Baolan, MaĂŤl, ThĂŠo- FR Franek Swiergiel, Krzysztof Bujalski - Polska/Poland
All in one breath -spoken rapidly while someone is very excited. Example: I told my friend about the accident all in one breath.
на един дъх
“Two heads are better than one.” When you need to make a choice, it’s better to have many pieces of advice, because there are all different, and it will help you. Deux avis valent mieux qu’un.
“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Don’t take too many risks Il ne faut pas mettre tous ses oeufs dans le même panier.
“First come, first served.” If you come the first, you will have the choice Premier arrivé, premier servi.
“One bee makes no swarm.” __________________________________________ Don’t panic for nothing Une abeille n’est pas un essaim. __________________________________________
“To put two and two together.� To make the link Mettre deux et deux ensemble.
“To talk to the dozen.” To speak very quickly Être un moulin à parole. (English Translation = To be a wordmill (To be a chatterbox.).)
“To put one’s foot in one’s mouth.” To make a mistake Mettre les pieds dans le plat. (English Translation = To put feet in the food.)
“We all have two lives, the second begins when we realize we only have one.” Our point of view is changing, when we see that we only have one life Citation de Confucius : “ Nous avons tous deux vies, et la seconde commence lorsque nous réalisons que nous n’en avons qu’une. “
“Have one over the eight.” If a person had “One over the eight”, she is slightly drunk (the expression “One too many” means the exactly same thing) Être saoûl. (English Translation = To be drunk.)
“To be dressed up to nines.” To describe someone as “dressed up to nines” means that they are wearing very smart or glamorous clothes. Se mettre sur son 31. (English translation = To be on his Thirty-First. (To talk about the Thirty-One of December.))
“To be on cloud nine.” A person who is on cloud nine is very happy because something wonderful happens (The expression “in seventh heaven” means the exactly same thing) Être sur un petit nuage. (English Translation = To be on a little cloud.)
“To bite off more that one can chew.” When you help yourself too much food and you don’t finish Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre. (English translation = To have the eyes bigger than the stomach.)
Behind the eight ball Situation that is hard to avoid
Catch 22 Idiom referencing a paradox in which the attempt to escape makes escape impossible (Mission Impossible reference there) → (Oh, and also book that the paradox itself originates from) →
Fifth column Some form of infiltration or falsification
Some Polish idioms with numbers 1.Gdzie kucharek szesc, tam nie ma co jesc Translation : Where there are six dinner ladies, there’s nothing to eat. Meaning:If too many people work, they have too many problems and their work isn’t effective.
2.Gdzie dwóch sie bije, tam trzeci korzysta Translation :Where two people fight themselves another person benefits. Meaning:When some people have an argument, another one can take the advantage of their row
3.Kazdy kij ma dwa konce Translation :Every stick has its two ends Meaning: Every situation has its good and bad sides
Divide (something) fifty-fifty To divide something into two equal parts деля по братски
Every once in a while Occasionally, infrequently от дъжд на вятър
At the eleventh hour When it’s almost too late в единадесетия час
Two peas in a pod Two people who are very similar in appearance две грахчета в шушулка като две капки вода
Be in seventh heaven Extremely happy на седмото небе
the Greek Team
GR : Vasiliki, Antonina, Marilena, Antonia
IT : Ludovica D. Ludovica M., Alessandro
WEATHER Proverbs, idioms, sayings
BG : Margarita, Miroslav, Nikolay, Plamen
PL: Kamila, Madzia, Julia
FR : Soline, Kylian, AurĂŠlien, Jihane
Rosso di sera bel tempo si spera.
Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.
Arcobaleno porta il sereno.
Rainbow in the morning gives you fair warning.
Nuvole sulla brina, acqua vicina.
Clouds on frost, neighbour water.
Chiaro orizzonte a nord, sole calante, promessa di buon tempo al navigante.
Clear horizon to the north , setting sun, promise of good weather to the seafaring .
Se c’è
bufera e tira vento, nell’inverno siamo dentro.
If there is storm and wind, we are in winter.
Stellato cielo, mattinata di gelo.
Starry sky, the morning frost .
Quando la rana canta il tempo cambia.
When the frog sings the weather changes.
It's raining cats and dogs Валят котки и кучета Вали като из ведро
See which way the wind blows Да видиш на къде духа вятърът
Every cloud has a silver lining Всеки облак има сребърни очертания Всяко зло за добро
One cloud is enough to eclipse the whole sun. Един облак може да закрие цялото слънце.
Out of a clear sky. Като гръм от ясно небе.
As welcome as a storm. Добре дошъл като буря.
As welcome as snow in harvest. Нежелан като сняг по време на беридба.
It’s monkeys outside! Навън дърво и камък се пукат от студ. No, there aren’t any monkeys outside. It’s just as cold as in the South Pole.
to weather the storm издържам на буря You are strong enough to survive a storm.
Coming home wringing wet, after walking in the rain. мокър до кости to be really wet after walking in a ‘heavy weather’
“Z małej chmury duży deszcz” Downpour from a little cloud Things we underestimate astonish us most.
“Święty Walenty odmrozi ci pięty” Saint Valentine will frost-bite your heels It’s about the weather in February- usually it is rather cold in Poland.
“Robić burzę w szklance wody” Similar to: to make a meal of sth [exaggerate] To make a storm in a glass of water
“Z deszczu pod rynnę” From rain and under the gutter To be in a situation worse than the previous one.
“W marcu jak w garncu� In March like in a pot The weather in March is very changeable
“Pogoda pod psem” Under-the-dog weather The bad, ugly weather
“Kwiecień plecień, co przeplata, trochę zimy, trochę zimy, troche lata” April-tangler, cause he tangles bits of winter and bits of summer
“Po burzy zawsze slońce przychodzi” After every sad moment comes a happy one
It means that we try to do something that we will never achieve or obtain.
Be deluded with illusions.
They mean that it is always possible to get something positive out of a situation, no matter how unpleasant, difficult or even painful it might seem.
After the rain, the weather clear.
A person who is on cloud nine is very happy because something wonderful has happened.
Be on a little cloud
The twilight zone is an ambiguous area between two different states, ways of life, conditions, etc.
Intermediate zone.
If people exaggerate the seriousness of a situation or problem, they are making a tempest in a teapot.
Make a whole dish about it.
If you reach for the moon, you are very ambitious and try to achieve something even if it is difficult.
Try to reach for the moon.
If you are in a fog, you are confused, dazed or unaware.
To be in gas.
Once in a blue moon ... If something occurs once in a blue moon, it happens very rarely.
Une fois tous les 36 du mois ... Once all the 36 of the mounth.
A very cold weather.
Be freezing
Under a cloud … If someone is suspected of having done something wrong, they are under a cloud.
Être dans le collimateur de quelqu’un… To be on sights of someone.
Face like thunder … If someone has a face like thunder, they are clearly very angry or upset about something.
Avoir l’air d’un tueur ... To have a murderer look.
Made in the shade ... One has an easy time in life or in a given situation. Finding things working to one's benefit.
Fait en catimini ... Done on the sly.
Under the weather
To feel ill
It is raining cats and dogs
There is a heavy downpour
As right as rain
To feel fine and healthy
Be snowed under
To have so much to do that you are having trouble doing it all