Discussion Questions for Anna Mei, Escape Artist
Now you can put yourself in Anna Mei Anderson’s shoes... what would you do in the situations from the book? Answer these questions to find out! Copyright Pauline Books & Media and Daughters of St. Paul 2011
Remember When? 1. Why is Anna Mei so excited to receive her yearbook? 2. Why was it surprising to see Anna Mei in a picture with Zoey, Rachel, and Amber?
3. Have you ever looked at your parents’ old yearbooks or photo albums? How do your parents react when they see something from when they were younger? 4. Think about your life a year ago. What has changed? What has remained the same? What have you learned about yourself? Copyright Pauline Books & Media and Daughters of St. Paul 2011
Summer Plans 1. What would Danny’s ideal summer break be like? 2. How is it different from Anna Mei’s? How is it the same?
3. What would your ideal summer break be like? What was the best summer you ever had? What made it the best?
Copyright Pauline Books & Media and Daughters of St. Paul 2011
Copyright Pauline Books & Media and Daughters of St. Paul 2011
Priorities 1. Anna Mei casually cancels plans with her mom several times. Does she have good reasons when she does this? 2. How does Anna Mei’s mom feel when this happens?
3. Has anyone canceled plans with you before? How did that make you feel? 4. How do you show friends and family that you care about them?
Copyright Pauline Books & Media and Daughters of St. Paul 2011
Not Quite Right 1. What events and habits make Anna Mei suspect that something is going on with Danny’s family? 2. How does Anna Mei bring up her suspicions to Danny? 3. What would have been a better way for Anna Mei to tell Danny what was bothering her? 4. Have you ever been suspicious of someone’s behavior? How did you deal with your suspicions?
Copyright Pauline Books & Media and Daughters of St. Paul 2011
Family Life 1. How is Zandra’s home different from Anna Mei’s? 2. Which one is more like your home? How so? 3. Have you ever spent the night at a friend’s house? How was it similar to your house? How was it different?
4. Can you remember a time when you felt good just to be home? Copyright Pauline Books & Media and Daughters of St. Paul 2011
Detective Work 1. There are several clues throughout the book that hint at what is going on with Danny’s family. What are these clues? 2. Why do you think Anna Mei doesn’t notice them? 3. Is there a difference between lying and keeping silent about the truth? Explain your reasoning. 4. Do you think Danny was wrong to keep the truth from Anna Mei? Why or why not?
Copyright Pauline Books & Media and Daughters of St. Paul 2011
Real Friendship 1. What is Anna Mei’s definition of real friendship in Chapter Nineteen? 2. Why does this definition cause her to question her friendship with Danny? 3. How does her definition change by the end of the book?
4. How would you define real friendship? 5. How do you try to live up to that definition with your friends? Copyright Pauline Books & Media and Daughters of St. Paul 2011
Thoughtless 1. Anna Mei is so caught up in her own feelings that she isn’t able to imagine Danny’s perspective. What misunderstandings does she have about the situation? 2. Why does she believe these things?
3. Why is it important to try to understand other perspectives? 4. What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with someone? Copyright Pauline Books & Media and Daughters of St. Paul 2011
Being There 1. How did Anna Mei, without even knowing it, help Danny deal with his mother’s illness? 2. What does the term “escape artist” mean? 3. How is Danny an escape artist? How is Anna Mei an escape artist? 4. Why is trying to escape from problems not the best solution? 5. What are some ways to be a good friend to someone who is having a difficult time?
Check out book three to follow Anna Mei’s adventures!
Copyright Pauline Books & Media and Daughters of St. Paul 2011